View Full Version : Fucking Disgusting

09-30-2011, 12:24 AM
There are some truly pathetic pieces of shit people in this world who dont deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us...


09-30-2011, 12:29 AM
That is sick and sad! I can not believe what people have come to in this country!!!

Nicole Dupre
09-30-2011, 12:31 AM
If I'm still up to date on this story, the assholes on the jury were divided. Can you imagine, someone kills that poor baby and a bunch of shitbags on a jury can't decide right from wrong? How fucking DISGUSTING! They certainly do NOT deserve to breathe air. They're accomplices after-the-fact to murder.

09-30-2011, 12:36 AM
That is sick and sad! I can not believe what people have come to in this country!!!

This is sick and disgusting.. I agree 2 million percent. But I hate the notion of romanticizing that this is what the country has come too... America and human civilization as a whole have never been tolerant, and have always been violent. I mean from the church boiling people alive in oil, to american's cheering at public lynchings of blacks. The fact that america "once" was better I feel is anti-progressive. Thats how conservatives and the likes try to impose less freedoms and use topics such as this for large public attention so they can pass their agendas.. Just food for thought..

Ignorance and intolerance :(

Bobby Domino
09-30-2011, 12:40 AM
I read this story and I was appalled. There's a reckless disconnect/apathy with kids today; however, their parents are no better. Remember those people cheering for the Texas' death penalty #'s, a terminally-ill uninsured American, or repealing DADT during the GOP debates? The kids have to get it from somewhere. What we have to remember is that it is a few bad apples, not the majority, who feel this way.

09-30-2011, 12:41 AM
This is sick and disgusting.. I agree 2 million percent. But I hate the notion of romanticizing that this is what the country has come too... America and human civilization as a whole have never been tolerant, and have always been violent. I mean from the church boiling people alive in oil, to american's cheering at public lynchings of blacks. The fact that america "once" was better I feel is anti-progressive. Thats how conservatives and the likes try to impose less freedoms and use topics such as this for large public attention so they can pass their agendas.. Just food for thought..

Ignorance and intolerance :(

I agree its gone on a long time! Not saying its new its just sad we still doing this after the civil rights movement. Its just a new way of lynching these poor kids!

09-30-2011, 12:45 AM
I agree its gone on a long time! Not saying its new its just sad we still doing this after the civil rights movement. Its just a new way of lynching these poor kids!

Yup its a new way to lynch kids.. and the media LOVES bullying.. we are going into in my Social Problems course. But our education system is horrid right now.. so any thing about schools that diverts attention away from that the media will eat up.. Again not to say that this isnt a SERIOUS! issue.. of course.. But they will use this poor kids soul, to make school bullying the number one problem in the school system.. These young kids who cause these things need to get tried as adults like they do young blacks in the court systems. Shit would stop being funny real quick

09-30-2011, 04:59 AM
what about the bullying on here?

09-30-2011, 05:18 AM
I read this story and I was appalled. There's a reckless disconnect/apathy with kids today; however, their parents are no better. Remember those people cheering for the Texas' death penalty #'s, a terminally-ill uninsured American, or repealing DADT during the GOP debates? The kids have to get it from somewhere. What we have to remember is that it is a few bad apples, not the majority, who feel this way.

Nice try dude.....you should be appalled.....but were you as appalled and outraged at the parents of those black chicks who beat the fuck outta that cross dresser in McDonalds? I don't seem to recall that. Ignorance knows no bounds. Expressing your outrage is fine, but take the political bile over to the Political Boards.

Bobby Domino
09-30-2011, 05:30 AM
Nice try dude.....you should be appalled.....but were you as appalled and outraged at the parents of those black chicks who beat the fuck outta that cross dresser in McDonalds? I don't seem to recall that. Ignorance knows no bounds. Expressing your outrage is fine, but take the political bile over to the Political Boards.

Had I read about that, yes, appalled, outraged, disgusted, horrified, etc. The point I was making was that kids just don't conjure up this cruel hate. It's fostered somewhere, usually the home. I used the audience from the GOP debate because it mirrored the disconnect some of the public, adults in this case, have with reality. Wasn't trying to be political, just using examples from current media. I'll be more thoughtful next time:praying:

09-30-2011, 06:23 AM
I cried when I read about this. I still do. Bullying is abuse and we all understand that abuse destroys a human on many levels. It's sad that it takes an extreme circumstance such as this one for a nation to finally focus more on the issue. While the actions of the young boys are disgusting, my disgust always lies with school administration and parents. We are products of our environment, people can change with education, however without the support of institutions we cannot force people to educate on their own free will.

I was a student ambassador for my school's district and have spoken many times at my School Board addressing issues of bullying and education of sexual orientation and gender identity in the classroom. Steps need to be taken to minimize bullying and without them happening in the homes, they need to happen in the schools. I would also go into classrooms and educate high school students on the same issues above. I remember parents would get into debates at some of the board hearings we'd have, asking why we feel we need to push an education of things they don't see as moral for their kids, I would always reply "because it's a human right. Like your race, gender, sex, ability, class...everything about you is sacred and protected. what makes you think because you don't identify with it, it overrides the identity of others? oppression is oppression is oppression. No matter the direction of the hate, the way it makes someone feel is all the same."

Bullying is an epidemic like Cancer and is killing thousands of people all across the globe. Some movement since Jamey's death have been in development to bring a direct focus on bullying especially in schools. Lady Gaga as mentioned in the article not only dedicated a performance to him, but also met with President Obama to discuss an Anti-Bullying Campaign. All of her fans also created a group called "Paws Up Forever" which are some of Jamey's last written words, to bring awareness of bullying and suicide amongst teens.
We know that Queer and Trans youth are already at a higher risk of suicide, throw the torment of bullying in the mix and it's proven to be a deadly result.

Here's a beautiful version of Gaga's "Hair", which is the song she dedicated to Jamey Rodemeyer. It may be cliche to say at this point but she is truly inspiring. It's a rarity to witness someone use their talent and fame to bring change to the world.
*warning to all hormonally medicated people, this version may make you cry"


RIP JAMEY...."you are not a victim, you are a lesson to learn from"

Bobby Domino
09-30-2011, 06:36 AM
It's sad that it takes an extreme circumstance such as this one for a nation to finally focus more on the issue. While the actions of the young boys are disgusting, my disgust always lies with school administration and parents. We are products of our environment, people can change with education, however without the support of institutions we cannot force people to educate on their own free will.

:iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: and with everything you said below.
It's a noble thing what you're doing as well

09-30-2011, 06:49 AM
Had I read about that, yes, appalled, outraged, disgusted, horrified, etc. The point I was making was that kids just don't conjure up this cruel hate. It's fostered somewhere, usually the home. I used the audience from the GOP debate because it mirrored the disconnect some of the public, adults in this case, have with reality. Wasn't trying to be political, just using examples from current media. I'll be more thoughtful next time:praying:

Don't mind him, dude, you were totally right to make the connection. He doesn't care if people mention politics, he just doesn't like it if they reflect negatively on conservatives. Partisan thought police in full censorship mode.

09-30-2011, 08:08 AM
All bullying is 'fucking disgusting' not just bullying that happens to open homosexuals. I notice Ga Ga doesn't dole out money when a straight kid off themselves.But then Ga Ga's has a huge gay following doesn't she and this kid was a Ga Ga fan. How many straight kids off themselves due to bullying each year? adolescent girls are always doing it or trying to do it especially when they go to those posh girls schools. And it's only when some homo decides life is not worth living that it's worth talking to Obongo about? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2043480/Mitchell-Wilson-Disabled-boy-commits-suicide-bully-punched-pavement-iPhone.html

In general terms nothing will change because bullies are nasty little shits who target those who are different and weaker to themselves regardless of their sexuality. If they are bullied due to it this is because that person finds it hard to stick up for themselves. A strong confident homosexual would be left alone. The schools traditionally and to this day do not regard bullying as serious and some teachers even see it as character building .

Schools also have a zero tolerance regarding violence which can make things worse as the victim can end up in trouble,they often do. Donating money to charities will do fuk all, the whole system of schooling and rules regs even laws regarding bullying needs to be overhauled. Teachers are put in a position of loco parentis,they are responsible for your children. If your child came to school with a noticeable bruising on his/her face , many teachers would contact social services ,they have to. You might end up at the police station or at least temporily having your child taken into care if social services were not happy. Especially since the 'baby p' business if you live in the UK. Social services are very trigger happy at the mo.

What happens if your child comes home from school with noticeable bruising? What happens to the school, ? A parent might get up the school, probably fuk all will be done unless a teacher caused the bruise of course, can't have that. No the problem centres around schools, do you think police officers like to have go round kids houses at 10 pm because of school bullying? I have told teachers to get a fucking grip and they just wring their hands, fucking hippies. If I could I would have some of these kids in the cells and batter the little shits,if they don't start crying when they see me. .Some of these bullies know nothing will happen to them and they need a serious wake up call. Because I have better things to do than do a teachers job for them when I could be eating cornish pasties all nice and warm.

Bobby Domino
09-30-2011, 08:16 AM
Don't mind him, dude, you were totally right to make the connection. He doesn't care if people mention politics, he just doesn't like it if they reflect negatively on conservatives. Partisan thought police in full censorship mode.


09-30-2011, 08:35 PM
All bullying is 'fucking disgusting' not just bullying that happens to open homosexuals. I notice Ga Ga doesn't dole out money when a straight kid off themselves.But then Ga Ga's has a huge gay following doesn't she and this kid was a Ga Ga fan. How many straight kids off themselves due to bullying each year? adolescent girls are always doing it or trying to do it especially when they go to those posh girls schools. And it's only when some homo decides life is not worth living that it's worth talking to Obongo about? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2043480/Mitchell-Wilson-Disabled-boy-commits-suicide-bully-punched-pavement-iPhone.html

In general terms nothing will change because bullies are nasty little shits who target those who are different and weaker to themselves regardless of their sexuality. If they are bullied due to it this is because that person finds it hard to stick up for themselves. A strong confident homosexual would be left alone. The schools traditionally and to this day do not regard bullying as serious and some teachers even see it as character building .

Schools also have a zero tolerance regarding violence which can make things worse as the victim can end up in trouble,they often do. Donating money to charities will do fuk all, the whole system of schooling and rules regs even laws regarding bullying needs to be overhauled. Teachers are put in a position of loco parentis,they are responsible for your children. If your child came to school with a noticeable bruising on his/her face , many teachers would contact social services ,they have to. You might end up at the police station or at least temporily having your child taken into care if social services were not happy. Especially since the 'baby p' business if you live in the UK. Social services are very trigger happy at the mo.

What happens if your child comes home from school with noticeable bruising? What happens to the school, ? A parent might get up the school, probably fuk all will be done unless a teacher caused the bruise of course, can't have that. No the problem centres around schools, do you think police officers like to have go round kids houses at 10 pm because of school bullying? I have told teachers to get a fucking grip and they just wring their hands, fucking hippies. If I could I would have some of these kids in the cells and batter the little shits,if they don't start crying when they see me. .Some of these bullies know nothing will happen to them and they need a serious wake up call. Because I have better things to do than do a teachers job for them when I could be eating cornish pasties all nice and warm.

When you are not being a racist prick, you say a lot of things that make sense.

10-01-2011, 09:04 AM
Omg... That is so sad! wasnt this the second this year... the other one also commited suicide because he was teased for kissing another boy?

10-01-2011, 09:28 AM
those kids will get whats coming to them eventualy. Bullysturn out to be pieces of shit usualy, and the ones that don't really regret doing it. I imagine that for each bully, they will either turn into a piece of shit, or grow a conscience. If they do get a conscience, it will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

P.S. I was never openly gay in high school, so I'm taking a little too much liberty here, but I did do choir and theatre and all that shit, wore gay clothes, ppl called me gay/pussy etc. Whatever. I did play football too, wasn't good, but that saved me from a lot. Anyway, a few guys did bully me quite a bit in high school.

In college, I grew 3 inches and started hitting the gym hard. Anyway, last year, I saw one of the bullys at the bar and I almost laughed, cause I knew I could woop the shit out of this kid. He didn't change at all and looked like the same skater punk as in high school, just a little older. ,I immediatly thought I had to do something. So I went over and put my hand on his shoulder, a little uncomfortlably hard, but not too much so that I hurt him. Then i just said "hey man." He looked over and saw me, with all the confidence i was exuting and squirmed in his chair. He didn't even say anything, he just looked at his drink. It was a great feeling. So I ordered a drink while he sat there uncomfortably and then I walked away happy as a clam giggleing to myself. I enjoyed that so much.