View Full Version : America isn't always the most violent place to live.........

01-18-2006, 12:57 PM
Man beaten with pole in mall bashing


A 48-year-old man was taken to hospital with facial and spinal injuries after being attacked and bashed by teenagers in a Sydney shopping mall, police said.

The man was walking through Parramatta Mall about 8.40pm (AEDT) last night when he was approached by a girl who asked him for a cigarette.

Police said today the man was then accosted by a group of up to 15 people and beaten about the head and stomach with a metal shopping trolley pole, police said.

He was taken to Westmead Hospital with a severe cut to his head, a broken nose and suspected spinal injuries.

Witnesses managed to chase some of the group onto a train before asking the driver to stop the train and lock the doors until police arrived.

Two males, aged 14 and 15, and a 17-year-old female from Wentworthville, as well as a 17-year-old male from Merrylands have each been charged with affray.

The two 17-year-olds and 15-year-old will face Cobham Children's Court today, while the 14-year-old was granted bail to face court later this month.

Australia, huh

01-18-2006, 01:29 PM
Damn. I always thought that Australia was one of the more laid back countries.

Unless you piss off one of their Sheila's, then she'll kick your ass from Perth to Adelaide and on to Alice Springs. :shock:

I'm reminded of the Foster's, 'Australian-for-beer' commercial (The series gives common Australian phrases/words and "translates" them), where the guy comes crashing out of the pub door and into the dust on the street, followed by a woman, brushing off her hands, with a satisfied look on her face and the announcer translates: "No".


01-18-2006, 05:34 PM
Hmmm..roving packs of feral humans.....nice:)

01-19-2006, 12:47 AM
I didn't know that people were saying that America was the most violent place on earth. I can think of several countries (yes Third World countries) where life is measured in hours ... if not less.