View Full Version : kevin2008

09-27-2011, 08:00 PM
So, this guy started a thread titled " Real men aren't afriad to fall in love with a transsexual!!" , which, while not the most creative of posts, is nothing offensive.

But in that post, Maryah pointed out that kevin2008 has said some pretty reprehensible things on this forum. Out of curiosity I tracked down what he said, and posted it.

OP is a pedophile and recommends bareback orgy partys. This thread is a joke..

You weren't joking, the OP is a sad, sick man. A true future serial killer, akin to tsBrenda (ya' know, natina)

Here's what he said about the 10 year old transgendered girl featured on ABC news recently:

Jackie is so sexy

This is what he said regarding a bath house in Providence, RI

I go there once in a while ,,, lots of crossdressers , some ts , and a whole lot of bareback love making. Most people dont know each other but bareback is mostly going on and that is the way it should be. I love ts girls that give bareback and take bareback all the time. If you use condoms this place probably isnt for you. This is a mostly condom free envirorment wich i highly recommend.

I don't think this one needs any setup:

tht girl dancing in that clip is fine ,, how old? and does anyone know who the 15 year old tranny is?

This next one is from the thread titled "Daughter's Virginity On Sale For 10k by Mom"

There's nothing wrong with what the mother wanted to do

If you are unfamiliar with the terms he uses in this thread of his own creation, just google them:

any tgirl gift givers or bug chasers out there?

This one makes me giggle:

Does anyone know of any ts women that force men to bottom wether the men like it or not.

Here we see into Kevin's psyche a little more:

When i look for a t girl to get to know , i always seem to be attracted physically and mentally to t girls that seem to have more of a chance of being abusive to me. I'm not questioning that i do this or why because i know i love those type of take charge aggressive girls. I will always love "bad girl" t girls ,and always strive to be their man. my question is ,, am i the only person that thinks this is normal?

And finally, we can see the self-posted pictures of this AIDS-chasing, bareback bath-house frequenting, pedophile:Now I get a PM from kevin2008, which reads

just found out someone hacked my account or something , that wasnt me that posted that stuff up ,, the falling in love with a ts woman is the one i did ,,,

This is obviously bullshit. The writing style matches up, and besides, nobody "hacks" the accounts of random jackasses. kevin2008 isn't important enough for someone to hack him.

Now he is going through and deleting the awful things he posted, covering his tracks and deleting the evidence. I just thought I'd go out of my way again to show everyone what a creep we have in our midst.

(* Pictures removed so that Kevin can slink away and not fear that his future employers will see his picture here *)

09-27-2011, 11:11 PM
lol, mods should ban that sick guy

09-27-2011, 11:18 PM
What is up with the obsession with banning around here? People say stupid shit. End of story. If you don't like it, you have the right to make your argument too, like within this thread, the OP of which is very well done by the way. :geek:

Dude's a self-destructive moron. :lol:


09-27-2011, 11:47 PM
i didnt post those things up just the real men one that i did. , i went and deleted all the posts and i want to delete my account ,, can anyone tell me how to do it cuz i dont know how? I use a public libraries computer and wqondering if someone got my password or something from it. If anyone can tell me how to do it id really appreciate it. thanks

09-27-2011, 11:48 PM
i didnt post those things up just the real men one that i did. , i went and deleted all the posts and i want to delete my account ,, can anyone tell me how to do it cuz i dont know how? I use a public libraries computer and wqondering if someone got my password or something from it. If anyone can tell me how to do it id really appreciate it. thanks

Shut up Meg Remix - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9exwrhgrRY)


09-27-2011, 11:52 PM
The only thing that bothers me is the pedo stuff. Everything else I really don't give a rats ass about. If he likes to go to bareback orgies then it's his life to play with not mine.

09-27-2011, 11:55 PM
Delete all you want. Just remember that Google keeps a permanent record of EVERYTHING.

What dude said was sleazy, but how can you tell whether or not he was talking shit and just wishing??
Do you want him banned for talking like a pervert, or for actually being one??

09-28-2011, 12:04 AM
Banned, schmanned.

I'll delete my post above (and the pictures) if that is everyone's opinion. I posted them here along with his text to highlight to him that he has to live with the things he says. And also, to scare him a little - which I'm pretty sure worked like gangbusters.

I'm also wondering now if he just has crazy fantasies that he would be too scared to act out on, and just talks about them here. Obviously he has pedo tendencies, but who's to say whether he'd act out on them ever.

I was just flabbergasted that someone would express the desires that he expressed AND show a picture of themselves on the same public forum. The "my account was hacked" story is just as believable as it was when Anthony Weiner said it.

So, fellow HA posters, should we let him off the hook and delete the above pictures and allow him to slink back into anonymity?

09-28-2011, 12:09 AM
honestly it wasnt me , i dont know how or why but it wasnt me ,, those posts were strange and all over the place , i understand people are upset , i would be to , just trying to tell you it wasnt me , i didnt even know about them. and can someone tell me how to delete this account so it doesnt happen again?

09-28-2011, 12:12 AM
There is no deleting of accounts, you just walk away and don't come back.

09-28-2011, 12:15 AM
thats all well and good but i dont want the same thing to happen after i walk away ,,,, is there any way to do it at all

09-28-2011, 12:17 AM
thats all well and good but i dont want the same thing to happen after i walk away ,,,, is there any way to do it at all

Dude. Change your PW and walk away. :yayo:


09-28-2011, 12:21 AM
oh this is the dude who yells from rooftops that he's proud to be a bottom for trannies

09-28-2011, 12:21 AM
ok cool thanks ,,, didnt think of that , duh lol sorry for all of this. and if you could delete the post id apreciate it , thanks

09-28-2011, 12:24 AM
Banned, schmanned.

I'll delete my post above (and the pictures) if that is everyone's opinion. I posted them here along with his text to highlight to him that he has to live with the things he says. And also, to scare him a little - which I'm pretty sure worked like gangbusters.

I'm also wondering now if he just has crazy fantasies that he would be too scared to act out on, and just talks about them here. Obviously he has pedo tendencies, but who's to say whether he'd act out on them ever.

I was just flabbergasted that someone would express the desires that he expressed AND show a picture of themselves on the same public forum. The "my account was hacked" story is just as believable as it was when Anthony Weiner said it.

So, fellow HA posters, should we let him off the hook and delete the above pictures and allow him to slink back into anonymity?

I say let him suffer for a bit......maybe the cop who posts here will take an interest in Kevin.......

09-28-2011, 12:46 AM
oh this is the dude who yells from rooftops that he's proud to be a bottom for trannies

You remind me of Norm McDonald, when he did Weekend Update on SNL in the nineties. He had a pet theory that he was always gathering evidence in support of. Every once in a while, after a story he'd say "Which once again proves my theory: Germans love David Hasselhoff!"

This is you. Your pet theory is "White dudes love to take it up the butt!"

09-28-2011, 12:48 AM
You remind me of Norm McDonald, when he did Weekend Update on SNL in the nineties. He had a pet theory that he was always gathering evidence in support of. Every once in a while, after a story he'd say "Which once again proves my theory: Germans love David Hasselhoff!"

This is you. Your pet theory is "White dudes love to take it up the butt!"

it's an urban legend

09-28-2011, 12:50 AM
it's an urban legend

Shut up Meg Remix - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9exwrhgrRY&feature=mh_lolz&list=HL1317162375)


09-28-2011, 12:57 AM
OK Frederica, you ol' jealous queen, you! :dancing: :lol:

~BB~This is dedicated to you bella

Ms. Swan Flo Rida Look Like A Man - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ9UT7c8Ugg)

09-28-2011, 01:00 AM
This is dedicated to you bella

Ms. Swan Flo Rida Look Like A Man - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ9UT7c8Ugg)

OK Frederica, you ol' jealous queen, you! :dancing: :lol:


09-28-2011, 02:01 AM
thats all well and good but i dont want the same thing to happen after i walk away ,,,, is there any way to do it at all

If its not you then why would you give a shit?

Just create a new account and counter whatever your doppleganger post LOL.

It was said before and I have to agree I couldnt care less about all the rants and crazy talk. The pedo shit is disturbing and has no place anywhere.

09-28-2011, 02:17 AM
I say let him suffer for a bit......maybe the cop who posts here will take an interest in Kevin.......

Who arnie666? I'm pretty sure he in London.

09-28-2011, 02:23 AM
So, this guy started a thread titled " Real men aren't afriad to fall in love with a transsexual!!" , which, while not the most creative of posts, is nothing offensive.

But in that post, Maryah pointed out that kevin2008 has said some pretty reprehensible things on this forum. Out of curiosity I tracked down what he said, and posted it.Now I get a PM from kevin2008, which reads

This is obviously bullshit. The writing style matches up, and besides, nobody "hacks" the accounts of random jackasses. kevin2008 isn't important enough for someone to hack him.

Now he is going through and deleting the awful things he posted, covering his tracks and deleting the evidence. I just thought I'd go out of my way again to show everyone what a creep we have in our midst.

(* Pictures removed so that Kevin can slink away and not fear that his future employers will see his picture here *)

If I were judge and jury...I'd ban you both. Kevin for obvious reasons, but you because you don't get the "personal" in PM, and because I don't like internet dics ( detectives) .