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01-18-2006, 05:36 AM
Rapist's Prison Sentence Triggers Outrage

There was outrage Wednesday when a Vermont judge handed out a 60-day jail sentence to a man who raped a little girl many,many times over a four-year span starting when she was seven.

The judge said he no longer believes in punishment and is more concerned about rehabilitation.

Prosecutors argued that confessed child-rapist Mark Hulett, 34, of Williston deserved at least eight years behind bars for repeatedly raping a littler girl countless times starting when she was seven.

But Judge Edward Cashman disagreed explaining that he no longer believes that punishment works.

"The one message I want to get through is that anger doesn't solve anything. It just corrodes your soul," said Judge Edward Cashman speaking to a packed Burlington courtroom. Most of the on-lookers were related to a young girl who was repeatedly raped by Mark Hulett who was in court to be sentenced.

The sex abuse started when the girl was seven and ended when she was ten. Prosecutors were seeking a sentence of eight to twenty years in prison, in part, as punishment.

"Punishment is a valid purpose," Chittenden Deputy Prosecutor Nicole Andreson argued to Judge Edward Cashman.

"The state recognizes that the court may not agree or subscribe to that method of sentencing but the state does. The state thinks that it is a very important factor for the court to consider," Andreson added.

But Judge Cashman explained that he is more concerned that Hulett receive sex offender treatment as rehabilitation. But under Department of Corrections classification, Hulett is considered a low-risk for re-offense so he does not qualify for in-prison treatment.So the judge sentenced him to just 60 days in prison and then Hulett must complete sex treatment when he gets out or face a possible life sentence.

Judge Cashman also also revealed that he once handed down stiff sentences when he first got on the bench 25 years ago, but he no longer believes in punishment.

"I discovered it accomplishes nothing of value;it doesn't make anything better;it costs us a lot of money; we create a lot of expectation, and we feed on anger,"Cashman explained to the people in the court.

The sentence outraged the victim's family who asked not to be identified.

"I don't like it," the victim's mother,in tears, told Channel 3. "He should pay for what he did to my baby and stop it here. She's not even home with me and he can be home for all this time, and do what he did in my house," she added.

Hulett -- who had been out on bail-- was taken away to start his sentence immediately.

Brian Joyce - Channel 3 News

This judge doesnt believe in punishment, WHY THE HELL IS HE A JUDGE IN THE FIRST PLACE. This piece of shit Mark Hulett,rape and tortured this girl from age seven to ten and put her family through hell and he gets a light sentence because of a nut case judge.

Judge Edward Cashman If you are reading this do me and the entire state of vermont a favor and retire now before you botch another sentence and ruin a family's life.

01-18-2006, 06:06 AM
It's idiots like this guy that cause sentencing guidelines to be put in place. To my mind, the incredibly high rate of recidivism among child molesters argues for one penalty: life in prison.

When I did time, so-called “baby rapers” were regarded as nothing more than pin cushions for shanks – by everyone. It’s probably the only thing prisoners associated with different factions could agree upon.


01-18-2006, 06:16 AM
It's idiots like this guy that cause sentencing guidelines to be put in place. To my mind, the incredibly high rate of recidivism among child molesters argues for one penalty: life in prison.

When I did time, so-called “baby rapers” were regarded as nothing more than pin cushions for shanks – by everyone. It’s probably the only thing prisoners associated with different factions could agree upon.


Those guys act like scared bitches in prison to the point of asking to be seperated for fear of their lives, I say let them mix and see what happens.

01-18-2006, 06:48 AM
what a decent and logical human being u are, let me guess, u enjoy hunting shows, maybe even a nice bullfight? fucking backwards redneck...

look at ur glee at the suffering of anyone u believe deserving of pain...you cant comprehend this compassion since ur a neanderthal, but there are actually some people who dont wish ill on anyone including rapists...while its the cool thing to say "hey, we should tear their fuckin eyes out and pour salt in it, blah blah" when u think about it, ur just as vicious and evil as him, he decided whom he felt worthy of suffering and ur doing the same with regards to him....arent u the fuckin xian who isnt supposed to judge and only let jesus judge? what if he has a real mental condition or a split personality or some other uncontrolable impulsive aspect that effects his behavior? whats so wrong with just keeping him away from society? why the joy and glee at human suffering? does it not hurt just as much to see pain administered regardless of the recipiant?

i cant even watch ER when it appears painful and its fake, how can u support torture, pain, suffering on any living creature? do u see why u fucking religious assholes piss me off?

i bet you were camping out all nite waiting to get good seats at the tookie lynching..how exciting, someone gets killed and u dont have to feel guilty watching since they are bad people....wow..actually i think thats how u xians have done it throughout history, find a good reason why we shouldnt feel guilty and lets have a party...mmmm a little situation in SALEM ring a bell? actually, ur a fucking retard, but they get it....

go on monkey boy....post some more...

A new low for you taking up for child rapists. When you child gets rape i'll bring up your little post. These scumbags deserve pain in the worst way and most posters on here would fucking agree.

01-18-2006, 06:59 AM
So no thought towards rehabilitation? Why dont you just kill the guy then? The current prison system is broken under its "punishment" directive, as evidenced by a HIGH recidivism rate. Instead of spending billions to warehouse criminals, where the only learn how to be more "criminal", dont you think that that money would be much better spent on finding new ways to turn those criminals back to productive members of society????

01-18-2006, 07:08 AM
thats the difference, i dont take a position because most people agree, while of course my impulse reaction would be to torture and murder someone who hurts those close to me, that doesnt mean that ide be justified in wishing so....

just curious, you think ur boy jesus would wanna torture and beat someone who raped his mom? lets see if u can be honest for once...

try and seperate ur neanderthal instincts for violence and revenge from ur cerberal and compassionate ones of justice and doing the right thing...or do they both lead to the same thing by u?

if one doctor testifies that theres a chance that the person had a split personality and honestly thought he was baking cake and not raping, as ridiculous as it sounds...is it worth taking the chance and torturing that person? is it not just better to lock him up and throw away the key? i mean u do believe we will all be judged by the lord after we die? im sure he has way better things in store for him than any torture u can apply if he deserves it, no? i await ur honest and thoughtful response

J, why do you always bring up jesus. I can't think for jesus i think for myself and not for anyone else. but on this subject most people woud agree with me.

Compassion for a child rapists,sorry man you can call me every name in the book and ill always defend helpless children. Children are innocent man and no docter is gonna testify for a child rapists. Child rapists are not worth it man.

Out of all your posts man i find this the most disturbing by you man, you defend child rapists, i never would have thought of that coming from you.

01-18-2006, 07:11 AM
Thats the kind of decisions you get with Liberal Judges!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does this really shock anyone? That prick believes in rehab?! What if it was his daughter?

01-18-2006, 07:20 AM
You must have been typing the same time i was J, cause my post was for Legend to consider, heh.

Uhhh yeah..I believe in rehab...because your way, the OLD way, doesnt work man...Proven time and again....If it WERE my daughter, Id be out of my mind and not responsible for my actions should I be able to get anywhere near that dude and a clear shot with a rifle....However...... when I came down from my instinctual rage, I would ask the Judge for permanent rehab for the rest of that persons life....Im gonna pay the taxes anyway.

01-18-2006, 07:23 AM
I say if you rape anyone, any age, castration will be the sentence.


01-18-2006, 07:25 AM
You must have been typing the same time i was J, cause my post was for Legend to consider, heh.

Uhhh yeah..I believe in rehab...because your way, the OLD way, doesnt work man...Proven time and again....If it WERE my daughter, Id be out of my mind and not responsible for my actions should I be able to get anywhere near that dude and a clear shot with a rifle....However...... when I came down from my instinctual rage, I would ask the Judge for permanent rehab for the rest of that persons life....Im gonna pay the taxes anyway.

Don't get me wrong im not talking about the death sentence maybe life in prison without parole. Its been proven time and time again that child rapists/molesters will do the same thing again.

01-18-2006, 07:28 AM
True enough...If your wired into children you do tend to go back to it.....Im not saying I have all the answers, only what I would like to see happen and be more comfortable paying for.

Thats why i think ALOT more money should be spent on researching new rehabilitive treatments, because what were doing now isnt working.

01-18-2006, 07:30 AM
who's the retard? I hope youre not calling me names.

01-18-2006, 07:30 AM
True enough...If your wired into children you do tend to go back to it.....Im not saying I have all the answers, only what I would like to see happen and be more comfortable paying for.

Thats why i think ALOT more money should be spent on researching new rehabilitive treatments, because what were doing now isnt working.

I totally agree with you, what they are doing now isnt working.

01-18-2006, 07:32 AM
Thats my point. If you castrate, not only will he never do it again, but it will deter others who know the harsh punishment.

01-18-2006, 07:33 AM
It's idiots like this guy that cause sentencing guidelines to be put in place. To my mind, the incredibly high rate of recidivism among child molesters argues for one penalty: life in prison.

When I did time, so-called “baby rapers” were regarded as nothing more than pin cushions for shanks – by everyone. It’s probably the only thing prisoners associated with different factions could agree upon.


Those guys act like scared bitches in prison to the point of asking to be seperated for fear of their lives, I say let them mix and see what happens.

bullshit..u endorsed further suffering by letting the convicted comingle and by implication having the rapist manhandled by other convicts...fuckin liar

and KRAMER, as much as we disagree politically, i can actually entertain ur suggestion...it has logic, although debatable, and isnt reosrting to pure violent kneejerk outbursts like monkey boy did here...

Do you honestly think those guys deserve special treatment after being convicted of raping a innocent child?

01-18-2006, 07:42 AM
Ive thought about the castration thing too...but heres the problem....Unless it can only be administered 100% only to guilty people youll be castrating innocents and I cant stand for that..

Also, it doesnt work for women....And just because you dont hear about it doesnt mean women dont abuse children just as much or in different ways.

01-18-2006, 07:45 AM
ur joking right? i really dont know if ur sarcastic or not, thats how dumb u are...who said anything about special treatment...

is not letting others hurt them special treatment...how is avoiding obvious physical abuse by other prisoners special treatment? i want some of what your mom was smoking when she conceived u...

Im not the one taking therapy so obvious your mom has done something to fuck up your life. Why do you gather up all your child rapists buddies and try a session together one day.

01-18-2006, 08:00 AM
believe the topic has been exhausted....before u even posted

I wonder why, maybe its you detouring the subject and making it into a personal attack against me , in all my threads you do it so why posts in my threads if your gonna whine about them being exhausted.

There is no point in trying to explain anything to a nut case like you,in the end you resort to childish name calling and personal insults.

I have ignore your threads so why can't you ignore mine if you dont like me or my posts. I dont give a shit about you so why do you care so much about me to comment on all my posts?

Felicia Katt
01-18-2006, 10:05 AM
European studies show that child molesters who are surgically castrated have a small rate of recidivism, about 2 percent to 3 percent.

Surgical castration has been used in countries like Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Germany, although Denmark has switched to chemical castration. The European studies involved a group known as preferential pedophiles, who make up a small percentage of the pedophile population.

A preferential pedophile prefers sexual relations with children and has never had an adult sexual relationship.

A situational pedophile, however, has had adult sexual relationships, but will have sex with children because of drugs or alcohol, or because his needs are not otherwise being met. Authorities say castration for those individuals is pointless because those people aren't engaging in sex with children for sexual reasons. Violent pedophiles are motivated by anger and rage, so castration wouldn't help them, either.
Castration can work in very select cases. According to experts, it can be a very powerful tool for reducing recidivism, but it's not the cure-all that some see it as.

I'm sure some people think of me as a ball buster, but I just wanted to add some facts to the discussion :)


01-18-2006, 10:13 AM
European studies show that child molesters who are surgically castrated have a small rate of recidivism, about 2 percent to 3 percent.

Surgical castration has been used in countries like Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Germany, although Denmark has switched to chemical castration. The European studies involved a group known as preferential pedophiles, who make up a small percentage of the pedophile population.

A preferential pedophile prefers sexual relations with children and has never had an adult sexual relationship.

A situational pedophile, however, has had adult sexual relationships, but will have sex with children because of drugs or alcohol, or because his needs are not otherwise being met. Authorities say castration for those individuals is pointless because those people aren't engaging in sex with children for sexual reasons. Violent pedophiles are motivated by anger and rage, so castration wouldn't help them, either.
Castration can work in very select cases. According to experts, it can be a very powerful tool for reducing recidivism, but it's not the cure-all that some see it as.

I'm sure some people think of me as a ball buster, but I just wanted to add some facts to the discussion :)


Thanks for the knowledge as always.

01-18-2006, 10:42 AM
Another liberal Judge, creating his own interpretation of the law. And the progressives want these guys EVERYWHERE, mostly on the Suprememe Court.

01-18-2006, 11:41 AM
As far as liberals wanting these judges everywhere.that is complete nonsense. 60 days for multiple molestation on a 5-6 y.o. is absolutely sick and the penal system should come down with full intensity on this person.

In reading some other posts here im hearing some quasi-Buddhist philosophies coming from some members here.

Personally if somebody harmed my daughter(if I had one) that person would beg for the death penalty when I was through with him.

DJ Asia

01-18-2006, 05:21 PM
Another liberal Judge, creating his own interpretation of the law. And the progressives want these guys EVERYWHERE, mostly on the Suprememe Court.

Here's a reality check for yourdaddygump and vonkramer:

Judge Cashman was appointed in 1982 by Governor Richard Snelling (R).

Yes, we progressives are all for legalizing rape, which should be good news for you two dimwits. It might save you when your sister or some other relative presses charges....

01-18-2006, 05:28 PM
LOL...... There sisters would never press charges...word is, they like it like that out there.

01-18-2006, 05:34 PM
Wow. When I went to sleep, no one had posted much of anything on this thread.

For me, this topic isn’t about liberal, conservative, or moderate politics. It’s about a clear cut way to protect society from an obviouis danger. Reliable studies documenting the recidivism rate among child molesters show ranges from 52%, on the very low end, to 77%, on the slightly high end. Keep in mind, that’s just the number actually caught and convicted a second time, not the number believed to actually engage in recidivist activity - which has been stated to be far higher.

So far as chemical castration is concerned, Depo-Provera (the drug used in the US) has shown promising results with respect to recidivism, but some of the associated pitfalls are quite worrisome. They include, diabetes, the formation of blood clots, allergic reactions, hypertension, and higher suicide rates. The many side effects associated with chemical castration have caused the ACLU to come out against both surgical and chemical castration as “cruel and unusual punishment.”

Once again, for me, it comes down to life in prison. Why castrate child molesters? By doing so, we are only giving them the opportunity to sue the government at some point in the future. They have taken enough from society. Why give them the opportunity to take more?

Last but not least, I am not particualarly concerned about the danger that child molesters face in prison/jail. It is a danger they face because of a decision they have made: to pray upon society’s most innocent and defenseless. If anyone here knows someone who was molested as child, then they know what it does them. Most of them grow up to become pale reflections of what they might have otherwise been. Most are beset by lifelong demons they can never exercise, no matter how much counseling they recieve. Their inability to engage in "normal" relationships casues a disproportionately high number to become alcoholics, drug addicts, and criminals themselves.


01-18-2006, 07:15 PM
J wrote (re legend):

i realy dont know how to break it down to a simpler argument..ok lets try this, if ur parents ground u and u have to go to ur room for 3 hours when u were 11 because again u made peepee on the carpet in front of the guests, i dont think that ur dad should sneak into ur room while ur grounded and poke u with a stick...i dont know, i think im becoming dumber just by engaging u, shit..that was a terrible analogy...here we go, tell me how crazy i am for comparing carpet pee to the terrible rape of little crippled kids...

lmao...I almost made peepee reading that...

01-18-2006, 07:26 PM
I need to pay better attention; I compleley missed that when glancing over this thread. LMAO @ "i dont think that ur dad should sneak into ur room while ur grounded and poke u with a stick."


01-18-2006, 07:47 PM
States are driving for congress to pass what is called Jessica's law to make it tougher for sex offenders, This require sex offenders to live at least 2,000 feet from schools and parks. The law would also require released sex offenders to wear a GPS monitoring system.

When you see children who have suffered horrible crimes and we care more about trying to rehabilitate the offenders there is a problem.

Felicia Katt
01-19-2006, 06:05 AM
Another liberal Judge, creating his own interpretation of the law. And the progressives want these guys EVERYWHERE, mostly on the Suprememe Court.
Before throwing the book at someone, you might want to try reading one. or at least a newspaper or two.

Judge Edward Cashman, 62, is described as a strait-laced ex-military man. He was appointed to the Vermont District Court bench in 1982 by a Republican governor.

Sen. Vincent Illuzzi, a Republican who is also a prosecutor, said the criticism that Cashman is a lenient judge and should be thrown out of office is "contrary to his judicial philosophy and career."

"Over the years, if there's been criticism of Judge Cashman, it has been he has been overly harsh on offenders when it comes to sentences and conditions of probation," Illuzzi said.

Former Chief Justice Jeffrey Amestoy, who is also a Republican has praised Judge Cashman as a "competent, caring and conservative trial judge."

In the case in issue, at the sentencing hearing, the judge said state Corrections Department officials had told him that Hulett would not receive sex-offender treatment while in prison because he was deemed a low risk to re-offend. Vermont does not provide sex-offender treatment to such inmates until they reach the end of their jail time

The judge said he worried that without treatment, Hulett would emerge from prison more likely to commit new crimes. Judge Cashman felt "The solution to these concerns requires quick and effective treatment," He also noted that Huett tested at a borderline intelligence level, has the emotional maturity of a 12- to 14-year-old and did not understand why others were so upset by his actions. In sentencing him to 60 days, The Judge imposed a long list of stringent conditions on when and how Hulett could be released, including that he get sex-offender treatment. Cashman warned the defendant would get life behind bars if he failed to undergo treatment or comply with other conditions, including a prohibition against alcohol or living in an apartment complex that allows children.

Cashman said he would have imposed more jail time - a three-year minimum - if the state promised treatment while he was jailed.

The media coverage has been criticized by some who have studied the case. Republican Representative Michael Kainen, a lawyer and the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee in the Vermont House, said Friday, ''If it were accurately reported, I think there would have been a little less furor."

“`I'll be judge, I'll be jury,' said cunning old Fury: / `I'll try the whole cause, and condemn you to death.'”
Lewis Carroll


01-19-2006, 07:30 AM
Oh, Felicia. You and your facts again. This guy is a Liberal. Only a Liberal can dispense such lenient sentences according to a couple of our Conservative clowns in here such as Dumbfuck Yourdaddy and reactionary dipshit Kramer. Read back. It must be a Liberal. It has to be a Liberal.

(Psssst, you see, Felicia, ideologues such as Bill O'Reilly pumping this story for their ratings sake are conveniently not mentioning the Judge's party afiliation. Dipshit and Dumbfuck were simply left to their own warped devices and automatically assumed that it was a Liberal judge at the helm. Nevermind about the complexities of this case, or that the judge is a Republican, they did what they only knew how -- they assumed it was a Liberal judge, and then attacked him.)

01-19-2006, 08:03 AM
Just because a Republican Govenor put that bum in place on the court doesnt make the judge conservative. Maybe the govenor in question is moderate. Or maybe he thought the judge was a conservative, but turned out to be a liberal. That actually happens alot. Look at the Supreme court.

Republican appointed judges turned out to be liberal in reality. I think thats the case here.

To all those folks calling me names, i wish you'd grow up and debate the topics without the petty crap. Youre not gonna lure me into a name calling fight. Why do you people act all tough in the comfort of your homes?

I laugh at the stupidity!! :lol:

01-19-2006, 08:19 AM
States are driving for congress to pass what is called Jessica's law to make it tougher for sex offenders, This require sex offenders to live at least 2,000 feet from schools and parks. The law would also require released sex offenders to wear a GPS . system.

When you see children who have suffered horrible crimes and we care more about trying to rehabilitate the offenders there is a problem.

why dont u fuckin stop? ur out of ur element, ur trying real hard i admit, but ur missing the argument, ur really embarressing urself...no one but u is discussing the level of sympathy or love we have for children, so its not a comparison, this conversation is about the criminals, which NONE of us like or endorse, we simply are talking about the mannor society should deal with them...try hard and think, im not being mean now, ur just the only guy posting on the topic that isnt on point at all...ur really acting like that blonde girl on the view that just talks and everyone rolls their eyes...if i say the holocaust was worse than the titanic sinking, it doesnt mean i enjoy watching people drown and babies dying...

I originally started this thread to point out a bad judge and to let people on here know about it until you started the discussion on rehabilitating criminals,I'm not the kinda person you think i am who wants every criminal put to death as you think, i do belive that some can be rehabilitated with the right medical help, but in the case of child rapists there is a strong chance they will do it again.

There hasn't been any proven treatments to rehabilitate child rapists, so in the chance of trying to rehabilitate then its useless.

01-19-2006, 08:20 AM
Castrate him before he gets someone YOU love!

01-19-2006, 08:18 PM
Ehh....that was me about commenting how I like cheese....

Cheese is good btw. Its really too bad it doesnt agree with me anymore....I do miss pizza.

01-19-2006, 09:24 PM
14!!!!! for a mini!!!!

You NY peeps must make bank to afford that kind of piracy....At a shop called Little Italy here, you can get two 14" pie's for 10$ and a six pack for 5$ to go with it.....its there triple 5$ special..

Felicia Katt
01-27-2006, 05:35 AM
Vt. Judge Increases Sex Offender's Penalty
Associated Press Writer

BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) -- A judge vilified as soft on crime by bloggers, TV commentators and politicians for giving a child molester just 60 days in jail increased the sentence Thursday to three to 10 years behind bars.

Vermont District Judge Edward Cashman said he decided to impose the longer sentence because state officials reversed course and agreed to provide sex-offender treatment to 34-year-old Mark Hulett in prison.

At the time the judge imposed the original sentence Jan. 4, Hulett had been ruled ineligible for treatment until he got out of prison. Cashman said the lighter sentence was the only way to make sure Hulett got prompt treatment.

In his latest order, the judge remained firm in his belief that sentences must be concerned with more than just punishment.
"The court agrees a punitive response - punishment - is a valuable and necessary component of society's response to criminal conduct," he said. "It is a tool that the court has routinely used for the past 24 years on the trial bench. As stated during the sentencing hearing, however, punishment is not enough of a response in some cases.

"This is one of those cases," he said....

Hulett will have to serve at least three years behind bars. Once he gets out, he will then spend the rest of his life on probation or parole.

The Corrections Department initially decided not to offer Hulett treatment behind bars because it concluded he was unlikely to commit another sex offense. After the furor, however, Vermont's human services secretary ordered the department to change its policy to allow low-risk sex offenders to receive treatment in prison.

I've already seen the facts being ignored or misrepresented or spun on tabloid style "new's shows, so I wanted to give the real story a chance to get heard.


01-27-2006, 08:28 AM
This judge cashman gave him a light sentence in the first place because he used to be a so called tough judge,3-10 years is still to small of a punishment for a man who rapes a 6 year old.There is no proven treatment for child sex offenders and the judge doesn't think who would receive treatment in prison give me a break.This bastard deserve life in prison.

He just did a 180 because i think he was afraid of the public criticism and he realize his mistake and there for given this scum bag a tougher
sentence but still light for a child rapists.Its been a proven fact sex offenders cant be rehabilitated so treatment is irrelevant. Why did the judge change his sentence, he must have realize the mistake he made in the first sentencing. This judge is scary and doesn't know what he is doing and should move on.

To use your own agenda on a child rapists case is unacceptable and should be notice by the public

Felicia Katt
01-27-2006, 08:53 AM
He just did a 180 because i think he was afraid of the public criticism and he realize his mistake and there for given this scum bag a tougher
sentence but still light for a child rapists.. Why did the judge change his sentence, he must have realize the mistake he made in the first sentencing.

Vermont District Judge Edward Cashman said he decided to impose the longer sentence because state officials reversed course and agreed to provide sex-offender treatment to 34-year-old Mark Hulett in prison....

He gave his reasons both for the original sentence and for his reconsidered sentence. I know you'd rather he threw away the key, but he' have to throw away his Judicial ethics to do so.


01-27-2006, 09:10 AM
He just did a 180 because i think he was afraid of the public criticism and he realize his mistake and there for given this scum bag a tougher
sentence but still light for a child rapists.. Why did the judge change his sentence, he must have realize the mistake he made in the first sentencing.

Vermont District Judge Edward Cashman said he decided to impose the longer sentence because state officials reversed course and agreed to provide sex-offender treatment to 34-year-old Mark Hulett in prison....

He gave his reasons both for the original sentence and for his reconsidered sentence. I know you'd rather he threw away the key, but he' have to throw away his Judicial ethics to do so.


I think he throw away his judical ethics when he gave hulett his 60-day sentence for abuse and rape of that 6 year old girl. Fk i understand your feelings to want to help but in the case of child rape its untreatable and many cases it happens again.

Felicia Katt
01-27-2006, 09:32 AM
I think he throw away his judical ethics when he gave hulett his 60-day sentence for abuse and rape of that 6 year old girl. Fk i understand your feelings to want to help but in the case of child rape its untreatable and many cases it happens again.
Did you read the whole story?

The Corrections Department initially decided not to offer Hulett treatment behind bars because it concluded he was unlikely to commit another sex offense
As far as the softness of the sentence, did you miss this part?

Hulett will have to serve at least three years behind bars. Once he gets out, he will then spend the rest of his life on probation or parole.
You keep talking in generalities, but this was an specific individual case. After hearing all the facts and considering all the circumstances, the Judge determined it needed special handling, in his judgment. You don't have all the facts, so you shouldn't sit in judgment of someone who did.