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09-25-2011, 11:22 PM
How are my beautiful Tgirls?

I am here to ask, what type of methods do you Tgirls use to get smooth pubic areas? Do you use creams? Clippers? What? Could you give me some tips please? I use clippers but I want something that is smoother and won't cause me to nick myself in the process. Thank you for any info, please share, this is and can be very educational.

Also how to you keep the ass area shaved also?

Love you Girls!

09-26-2011, 12:46 AM
Come on I am waiting for educational answers. holla

Dino Velvet
09-26-2011, 12:48 AM
I rub Nair all over my filth, bite down on a wallet, and ride out the agony. Clean as a whistle though.

09-26-2011, 12:52 AM
Trust Dino to give you an answer that leaves you with a tear in your eyes :hide-1: :cheers:

09-26-2011, 01:03 AM
Trust Dino to give you an answer that leaves you with a tear in your eyes :hide-1: :cheers:

Trust that I won't trust, the trust of anything Dino has to say as trust LOL :dead:

Dino Velvet
09-26-2011, 01:06 AM
Trust me. I'd never show you the wrong path. I promise...

Rollins Band - Liar - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaysTVcounI)

09-26-2011, 01:46 AM
Trying to get some serious knowledge here. don't want nothing that burns or smell like your going to kill someone with chemicals.

09-26-2011, 01:58 AM
had laser over the area except for a small patch

south ov da border
09-26-2011, 01:59 AM
Trying to get some serious knowledge here. don't want nothing that burns or smell like your going to kill someone with chemicals.

It is a good question that I'd like to hear answers to. Personally I just manscape it razor and lots of cream.

south ov da border
09-26-2011, 02:00 AM
Trust me. I'd never show you the wrong path. I promise...

Rollins Band - Liar - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaysTVcounI)

I met him a while back. Cool guy and easy to talk to...

09-26-2011, 02:38 AM
Nicks are caused by resistence to the blade. Resistence changes the pitch relation of blade to skin in the middle of the stroke. That nearly unnoticible loss of control is enough to cut you.

#1 problem, of course, is a dull blade. Don't be cheap. Use a new one. The skin on your face is almost always exposed to the elements. The skin on your nether regions isn't anywhere near that tough. A dull blade pulls the hair & that pulls the skin, changing the pitch. You want the blade to glide over the skin, & that won't happen if you have to exert more pressure.

#2 problem is shaving against the grain. Resistence again. You'd think that getting under the hair before the cut would make for a closer shave, but it doesn't. Especially with modern multi-blade razors. Shaving with the grain slices the hair. (like whittling a stick at an angle) Shaving against the grain chops at the hair. (like taking the same knife & trying to cut that same stick straight in half) You end up yanking on the hair. This is also the chief cause of those little bumps, especially if you have a dull blade. It stresses the folicle. You're literally pulling the hair out by the roots, except you left enough in there to make sure it inflames.

Minimize resistence & you minimize the chances of drawing blood. A good lubricant helps too. If you like to look at what you're doing, ditch the foamy shaving cream in favor of a personal lubricant (like KY...). Personally, I don't look & I still prefer the lube. & that brings up one last point. Trust your touch sense, even more that your eyes. It's your body. You know exactly where everythiong is, & what's happening at the spot you're working on.

Careful not to "bobbitize" yourself. Hope she likes it.

south ov da border
09-26-2011, 02:44 AM
the lube is a good suggestion. It stays longer...

09-26-2011, 03:32 AM
I usually use Nair, butt sometimes I'll use a razor.

09-26-2011, 06:22 AM
had laser over the area except for a small patch

How did that work out? Do you get any re-growth?
How many sessions does it take to laser all of the pubic hair? How long from beginning process to final? Approx cost?

Bobby Domino
09-26-2011, 06:35 AM
I hear Nair works really well. And like Dino says, it burns like a motherfucker. Haven't tried it (I usually clip & shave), but I'm sick of the nicks and irritations. Please report back if you go the Nair route.

09-26-2011, 06:47 AM
Nicks are caused by resistence to the blade. Resistence changes the pitch relation of blade to skin in the middle of the stroke. That nearly unnoticible loss of control is enough to cut you.

#1 problem, of course, is a dull blade. Don't be cheap. Use a new one. The skin on your face is almost always exposed to the elements. The skin on your nether regions isn't anywhere near that tough. A dull blade pulls the hair & that pulls the skin, changing the pitch. You want the blade to glide over the skin, & that won't happen if you have to exert more pressure.

#2 problem is shaving against the grain. Resistence again. You'd think that getting under the hair before the cut would make for a closer shave, but it doesn't. Especially with modern multi-blade razors. Shaving with the grain slices the hair. (like whittling a stick at an angle) Shaving against the grain chops at the hair. (like taking the same knife & trying to cut that same stick straight in half) You end up yanking on the hair. This is also the chief cause of those little bumps, especially if you have a dull blade. It stresses the folicle. You're literally pulling the hair out by the roots, except you left enough in there to make sure it inflames.

Minimize resistence & you minimize the chances of drawing blood. A good lubricant helps too. If you like to look at what you're doing, ditch the foamy shaving cream in favor of a personal lubricant (like KY...). Personally, I don't look & I still prefer the lube. & that brings up one last point. Trust your touch sense, even more that your eyes. It's your body. You know exactly where everythiong is, & what's happening at the spot you're working on.

Careful not to "bobbitize" yourself. Hope she likes it.

Thanks for the info everything you said I already know. Also as an African american man my hair comes up as 9 ether curl not 6 ether as with Caucasians. I use clippers I dare not use razors on myself and it's really not good for African american people skin to use razors. Just thought I would throw that out there.

I'm looking for a cream that I can put on then wash off then the hairs are gone, without bad smell on burning sensation.

Dino Velvet
09-26-2011, 06:48 AM
I get a lot of puss around the genitals and I bleed a bit from the taint. My asshole is so leathery from spicy food it's immune to the intense burning. :cheers:

09-26-2011, 06:50 AM
I usually use Nair, butt sometimes I'll use a razor.

Ok thanks, does nair stink ? And does it work for you completely?

09-26-2011, 06:52 AM
I hear Nair works really well. And like Dino says, it burns like a motherfucker. Haven't tried it (I usually clip & shave), but I'm sick of the nicks and irritations. Please report back if you go the Nair route.

Ummm I don't know about the nair route. I agree with you tired of the nicks, my clippers work fine but when I want to shave my balls it get nicked everytime. I can't stand that. I wanna be bald like the chick in my avatar, she looks fuckng sexy!

09-26-2011, 06:53 AM
I get a lot of puss around the genitals and I bleed a bit from the taint. My asshole is so leathery from spicy food it's immune to the intense burning. :cheers:

LOL :dead: you're one crazy bastid lol lmao

Bobby Domino
09-26-2011, 06:55 AM
LOL :dead: you're one crazy bastid lol lmao

who's the babe in your avatar? She's smokin'!!!!

Dino Velvet
09-26-2011, 06:57 AM
LOL :dead: you're one crazy bastid lol lmao

Your masochism trumps my sociopathic tendencies. Either way, after a rape occurs that we are involved with we could both calmly sit down and eat a sandwich.

Bobby Domino
09-26-2011, 07:00 AM
Ummm I don't know about the nair route. I agree with you tired of the nicks, my clippers work fine but when I want to shave my balls it get nicked everytime. I can't stand that. I wanna be bald like the chick in my avatar, she looks fuckng sexy!

you're probably going to have to bite the bullet and use Nair. I don't think any cream exists that doesn't burn, unless it costs big $$$$. I mean, essentially, you ARE singeing your pubes. I've yet to master a smooth nut-sack. That's why I'm leaning towards Nair. My gay friends swear by it.

09-26-2011, 10:31 AM
When I have a particular agenda... usually around impressing a fella with my version of immaculate love doll...
1) Fresh 5 bladed razor.
2) Vigorous physical activity prior to bathing and shaving.
3) I shave with 'Almond Oil', it is a bit messy, not on me... but the tub needs a scrub after... but a light oil, no clogged pores, that also acts as a moisturizer.... and I shave 'everywhere'...

Joke with my friends about using gardening equipment in the shower... VROOM, goes the weed whacker, lawn mower, edger etc...

I make a scrub with raw 'celtic sea salt' - it is grey and moist... unrefined... and almond oil, use fresh lavender buds, or fresh rosemary in the mix from my garden.. the rosemary one is very astringent, the lavender fragrant... the salt scrubbing the skin... abrading it really, the oil, salt minerals and elements from the plants get 'in there'... pretty cool stuff. Don't use the rosemary one on your delicate areas. Damn Hippies!

09-26-2011, 11:22 AM
A TG girl I see always uses simple hair conditioner on her legs and private bits!

09-26-2011, 04:23 PM
Dude, don't fear the razor. I've used different things but always come back to it. It's probably the safest and most effective way. I rarely get nicks---even in those special places!! Maybe it's your blade!! Hair is not much different than skin, so any depilatory, which dissolves hair, will dissolve SKIN!! More than likely a man, who has coarser hair than a woman will end up with patches of hair left and sores on your skin--- not attractive.
I have a friend who's going on vacation and she said she'll spend an hour and a half plucking her bikini line.
You can always get a epi-lady, if you're man enough, lol.

09-26-2011, 07:11 PM
How did that work out? Do you get any re-growth?
How many sessions does it take to laser all of the pubic hair? How long from beginning process to final? Approx cost?

i had laser for a little over 3years every 4-6weeks, i dont know the total cost never totaled it up but it started in the $350 range and was lowered along the time as my hair was less and less, that price also included legs,butt stomach,underarms,face all done at different times

for me regrowth has been very light the hairs that came back were veryvery fine , i get a tuchup every 18months or so but i was also fair skinned and dark hair so it worked very well

im getting a face chest touchup later this week and it will cost me $50 for the laser but i also have like 4 white hairs on my neck line i need electro for that is 25 bucks

09-26-2011, 10:53 PM
The new Veet sensitive formula works well for me-I like it much better than Nair-tried it once & it was too strong. The new Veet smells O.K. & doesn't burn, only takes @ 7 minutes, easy to use. Really wish i could afford total laser like marissa, though, it's at the top of my wish list.

09-26-2011, 11:31 PM
Been shaving my whole body for years now:

Tested Nair once a while back on a small area on my stomach and I still have a tiny burn mark.

Electric razors didn't work that well for smoothness but were a little more convenient (I read that Norelco BG2040 is not a bad one though). But clippers aren't really meant to be used around your sac..

Best method for a nice smooth shave that lasts for a few days for me has been a Gillette Fusion, shaving cream (no gel), and steady hands and a small mirror to see my hole lol. I wipe the blades down with a Q tip and rubbing alcohol afterwards because blades actually dull faster by corrosion from shaving cream and oils on it than from shaving.

Screw body hair.

09-27-2011, 01:11 AM
Do what you gotta do.....stubble is a definite deal breaker. Smooth is good.

09-28-2011, 03:59 AM
who's the babe in your avatar? She's smokin'!!!!

I forgot her name she is some big cock TGirl I would love to suck and fuck! We would do some of the nastiest fucking ever seen by man!

09-28-2011, 04:06 AM
The new Veet sensitive formula works well for me-I like it much better than Nair-tried it once & it was too strong. The new Veet smells O.K. & doesn't burn, only takes @ 7 minutes, easy to use. Really wish i could afford total laser like marissa, though, it's at the top of my wish list.

Thanks for the tip I will try that.

09-28-2011, 05:38 AM
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRrHPYeunACrzQCu_JH0skaedQ2j1QNl PMWrXlueEAiTrJ3WPuL
•A spa owner we know has converted all her waxing clients to this powder: “It gets rid of everything—even coarse hair—but it never irritates.”
softsheen-carson Magic shave Shaving Powder $2, drugstores




From Andrea, via email:

Magic Shave powder. I have really sensitive skin. For me, shaving is okay everywhere but the bikini area. I used to get terrible razor bumps, and waxing would leave me red for days. A few years ago I found this tip online, and I've been using the product ever since. It works really well. It's a depilatory, so you put it on, let it sit for ~5 min, then scrape it off. It comes as a powder, so you do have to mix it with some water in a little bowl first. I use a plastic spoon to mix it, then use the edge of the spoon to take it off. It's designed for African-American men's beards, so you may have to look for it in the "ethnic" section at the pharmacy. I use the skin conditioning shaving powder, which seems to be best for sensitive skin.

Jynx_in_Jax (http://www.steadyhealth.com/access-manager/index/view-profile/?u=36389)

Posts: 18
Joined: May 30, 2007

Jynx_in_Jax (http://www.steadyhealth.com/access-manager/index/view-profile/?u=36389)over year ago
You could try using hair conditioner (http://www.steadyhealth.com/Problems_with_shaving_my_legs_t77003.html#) to shave your legs with. It's ultra-moisturizing, and a lot of people have luck using it. It's also great to use for shaving the bikini line. Any old cheap conditioner will do.

You could also try a product called "Magic Shave", a depilatory created for African (http://www.steadyhealth.com/encyclopedia/African)-American (http://www.steadyhealth.com/encyclopedia/American) men (to prevent those shaving bumps), but also works on women's legs -- no matter the racial/ethnic background of the woman. http://www.steadyhealth.com/public/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif But do let your legs heal before trying Magic Shave. It can burn otherwise, even though it's fairly mild as depilatories go


•A spa owner we know has converted all her waxing clients to this powder: “It gets rid of everything—even coarse hair—but it never irritates.”
softsheen-carson Magic shave Shaving Powder $2, drugstores



09-28-2011, 05:58 AM

Green Bean (http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/member.php?u=4796) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif
Join Date: Mar 2000

Originally Posted by Hazle Weatherfield
Actually, I'm not confused at all. I have been using Nair and Neet off and on since I was about 14 and have found that dipilatories do, indeed, last longer than shaving (for me.) I have also noticed that (on my own particular hair) it does work better if my hair is longer than usual. I don't know why, I'm just telling you how it is for me. I'm merely trying to find out what works for others. I always leave the product on for a little longer than recommended and have never ever suffered from redness or a rash.

Okay then.

I swear by Magic Shaving Powder. You have to mix it with water yourself, but it works great and is cheap cheap cheap. It's usually found in the black hair care section.
Stillwell Angel (http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/member.php?u=52136) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif
Join Date: Mar 2005

Originally Posted by Green Bean
Okay then.

I swear by Magic Shaving Powder. You have to mix it with water yourself, but it works great and is cheap cheap cheap. It's usually found in the black hair care section.

I second the Magic!

I have been using it for several years to stay, ahem "neat & smooth" down there and there's nothing like it. No razor burn or nicks and it dissolves hair much better than any womens depilatory I've tried. Smooth as a baby's bottom I tell ya.

I would never use it on legs, too much trouble for such a large area. Also there are several formulas and some of them stink to high heaven. I stick with the aloe vera formula, no unpleasant odor with that one. It doesn't last any longer than shaving though, however the re-growth is softer and less prickly/itchy than with shave re-growth.

If I go a couple weeks without using it my husband starts to inquire when I'm going to do another "magic show". If that stuff ever goes off the market he'll be one bummed out man http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/images/smilies/wink.gif
Last edited by Stillwell Angel; 07-26-2008 at 07:53 AM.


09-28-2011, 06:03 AM
•A spa owner we know has converted all her waxing clients to this powder: “It gets rid of everything—even coarse hair—but it never irritates.”
softsheen-carson Magic shave Shaving Powder $2, drugstores



09-28-2011, 06:10 AM
This scours out almost anything. Stings a bit though.

Dino Velvet
09-28-2011, 06:12 AM
Pull 'em out with pliers 5 at a time, 10 if you hear the doorbell ringing.

09-29-2011, 02:59 AM
Thanks Natina, I think I am going to look into this and try it. Hope it works if it does, it's a go. All I need it for is the balls and ass area cause I can use my clippers to shave off the hair in the pubic area, it's the balls I wanna get, but thanks

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRrHPYeunACrzQCu_JH0skaedQ2j1QNl PMWrXlueEAiTrJ3WPuL
•A spa owner we know has converted all her waxing clients to this powder: “It gets rid of everything—even coarse hair—but it never irritates.”
softsheen-carson Magic shave Shaving Powder $2, drugstores




From Andrea, via email:

Magic Shave powder. I have really sensitive skin. For me, shaving is okay everywhere but the bikini area. I used to get terrible razor bumps, and waxing would leave me red for days. A few years ago I found this tip online, and I've been using the product ever since. It works really well. It's a depilatory, so you put it on, let it sit for ~5 min, then scrape it off. It comes as a powder, so you do have to mix it with some water in a little bowl first. I use a plastic spoon to mix it, then use the edge of the spoon to take it off. It's designed for African-American men's beards, so you may have to look for it in the "ethnic" section at the pharmacy. I use the skin conditioning shaving powder, which seems to be best for sensitive skin.

Jynx_in_Jax (http://www.steadyhealth.com/access-manager/index/view-profile/?u=36389)

Posts: 18
Joined: May 30, 2007

Jynx_in_Jax (http://www.steadyhealth.com/access-manager/index/view-profile/?u=36389)over year ago
You could try using hair conditioner (http://www.steadyhealth.com/Problems_with_shaving_my_legs_t77003.html#) to shave your legs with. It's ultra-moisturizing, and a lot of people have luck using it. It's also great to use for shaving the bikini line. Any old cheap conditioner will do.

You could also try a product called "Magic Shave", a depilatory created for African (http://www.steadyhealth.com/encyclopedia/African)-American (http://www.steadyhealth.com/encyclopedia/American) men (to prevent those shaving bumps), but also works on women's legs -- no matter the racial/ethnic background of the woman. http://www.steadyhealth.com/public/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif But do let your legs heal before trying Magic Shave. It can burn otherwise, even though it's fairly mild as depilatories go


•A spa owner we know has converted all her waxing clients to this powder: “It gets rid of everything—even coarse hair—but it never irritates.”
softsheen-carson Magic shave Shaving Powder $2, drugstores



Bobby Domino
09-29-2011, 03:58 AM
it's the balls I wanna get, but thanks

Please report back to us. I'd like to clean that area up, too. Cheers!!!!

09-29-2011, 04:13 AM
MAGIC SHAVE works great on the pubic area.

it works all over your body

just keep it moist but not wet and or runny

the red can is the strongest and its for coarse hair

09-29-2011, 05:06 AM
You know that old saw about too much information? Hmmmmm.....

Nicole Dupre
09-29-2011, 05:09 AM
I'm a tard.
You should pour this shit all over your junk and wait 2 hours.


09-29-2011, 05:45 AM
You should pour this shit all over your junk and wait 2 hours.


Tastes great too if you cut it 2:1 with Irn Bru. Sovereign hangover cure in Scotland.


09-29-2011, 10:00 AM
I forgot her name she is some big cock TGirl I would love to suck and fuck! We would do some of the nastiest fucking ever seen by man!

Not to g off topic your avatar is miss goodbar