View Full Version : I'm a Blu-ray fan who refuses to jump on the streaming video bandwagon.

Los Angeles resident
09-25-2011, 06:11 AM
It sucks shit that more and more people would rather watch movies on their computers via streaming video than on their HDTVs via Blu-ray.

Not that I feel sorry for the companies that sell or rent out DVDs, but it's bad for people who value both quantity and picture quality when it comes to viewing movies on TV. Just two and a half years ago I bought a Blu-ray DVD player to replace my standard definition DVD player and just several months later signed up with Netflix and now I'm being told very soon it will be obsolete if it's not obsolete now. My HDTV is not wired to receive streaming video and even if it was, I wouldn't enjoy watching movies of 720p picture quality as opposed to watching Blu-rays at 1080i. I also think it sucks that Netflix is getting out of the DVD by mail business. They had a large selection of DVDs, including rare hard to find DVDs and now they want to go into streaming where the quantity is just as inferior as the quantity at Redbox.

On the bright side, Variety magazine reported that the six "Star Wars" films that just went to Blu-ray a week ago had over $80M in Blu-ray sales. It's encouraging, but I think that is more the exception than the rule.

Either way, home entertainment has just gone to hell. Consumers with very low standards would rather watch inferior picture quality on their TVs or computers than on Blu-ray. What a shame. This is just as bad as VHS beating out the Betamax.

09-25-2011, 06:15 AM
Only physical formats for me to. Absolutely no streaming bs!!!!!!

09-25-2011, 06:50 AM
Yeah it sucks but they are just splitting it up into streaming and mail. Through mail it will be called Qwikster. I'm sure you will still be able to get blu-rays in the mail for a long time.

Dino Velvet
09-25-2011, 06:59 AM
I have tons of stuff. I like owning the Blu-Ray/DVD and enjoy the box art and everything. Been thinking about getting a NetFlix Streaming Membership as I have a high speed cable modem now.

09-25-2011, 08:12 AM
I agree. I don't like that my home entertainment options are being determined by the lowest common denominator that cares nothing about quality. Even a standard dvd is better looking than most streaming. And the REW/FF functions are far superior with a disc than with the Netflix stop/come out of the movie/search for the point you want to go to/wait for it to load method. There is always signal loss with streaming, and a disc will always look better. I feel the same way concerning music, too. I still buy all my music on CD. I like having the physical media, and it sounds way better than shitty 128 or 192 kbps downloads. I have iTunes, so that I can put all my CDs on my iPod (over 900), but I have yet to pay for a single download, and I never will.