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George Costanza
01-17-2006, 05:06 PM

Airstrike Succeeded in Pissing Off Nation of 162,000,000, President Says

President George W. Bush said today that the U.S. airstrike in Pakistan over the weekend was part of a successful military mission called Operation Alienate Pakistan.

While the Pentagon initially had claimed that the reason for the strike was to eliminate al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, Mr. Bush revealed that the actual objective was to alienate 162,000,000 Pakistanis.

"Four years ago, I asked Pakistan if they were with us or against us," Mr. Bush told reporters. "Hopefully, Operation Alienate Pakistan has cleared that up."

But even as the president basked in the success of Operation Alienate Pakistan, some hawks in Congress wondered whether one airstrike was sufficient to incur the wrath of 162,000,000 Pakistanis.

Rep. Jean "Mean Jean" Schmidt (R-OH) took to the floor of the House of Representatives today to demand that the U.S. send additional warplanes to Pakistan to "finish the job" of angering the nation of Pakistan.

"One little airstrike is not enough to piss off a country that size," Rep. Schmidt insisted. "We should hit them again next weekend and get the job done."

For his part, President Bush seemed satisfied that the U.S. had successfully turned Pakistan into a bitter enemy and said that he was now mulling which country to alienate next.

"Over the next three years, I hope to alienate every nation on the globe," Mr. Bush said. "That's why I put John Bolton at the U.N."

Elsewhere, the Reverend Pat Robertson said that God ended the New England Patriots' Superbowl hopes to punish Massachusetts for legalizing gay marriage.

01-17-2006, 06:51 PM
Good one.

Like the George Constanza with Britney pic. Wonder how long that took in Photoshop.

Check out the poll:


01-17-2006, 08:26 PM
It's a damn shame they only got 4 foreign terrorists. Al Sawahiri was supposed to have been attending the "dinner". Maybe next time.

01-17-2006, 08:31 PM
It's a damn shame they only got 4 foreign terrorists. Al Sawahiri was supposed to have been attending the "dinner". Maybe next time.

its Al Zawahiri to correct you, "Maybe next time" thats what people expect from a low-life like you.

01-18-2006, 01:05 AM
It's a damn shame they only got 4 foreign terrorists. Al Sawahiri was supposed to have been attending the "dinner". Maybe next time.

Sweet Fancy Moses!! Somebody buy your daddygump a ticket to pakistan so he can git er done!!! Yeeeeeeehhaaaaaaaw!!!

Praise jesus and pass the dang ammo!!!

01-18-2006, 01:44 AM
Yes, pussy boys, there will be a next time. Unlike your little impotent slick willie, who quits after the first time, as long as we are fighting a war against Al Qaeda, it'll happen again and again. Get used to it. We're in a war. You are lost in La La land, and the Golden Globes.

01-18-2006, 02:42 AM
Were in a war....ummm...okay. LOL....So in this war of yours, who exactly is the enemy?....A person, an ideology...a country maybe?.....

No, were certainly not in a War....maybe a nation building exercise...you would have thought we would have learned our lessons from history but i guess not.

The so called War on Terror is nothing but smoke and mirrors, buzzwords and spin.