View Full Version : RIP To Troy Davis

09-22-2011, 05:18 AM
Disgusting - our judicial system failed this man....

There was not enough proof...

Seven of the nine witnesses recanted what they claimed...

The witnesses were proven wrong....

He was not guilty.........

So sad.......

It was even said they use the drug they use on animals to put them to sleep...which is not supposed to be used on humans...even more digusting.

09-22-2011, 05:21 AM
And there was a guy in Texas that murded his ex gf, the guy she was cheating with and injured his sister but this asshole got pardoned in fuckin Texas!

09-22-2011, 05:22 AM
You can watch it LIVE -- here:


09-22-2011, 05:24 AM
Disgusting - our judicial system failed this man....

There was not enough proof...

Seven of the nine witnesses recanted what they claimed...

The witnesses were proven wrong....

He was not guilty.........

So sad.......

It was even said they use the drug they use on animals to put them to sleep...which is not supposed to be used on humans...even more digusting.

It is sad case, truly sad. Thanks Kelly for posting it. I have a lot to say about capital punishment, and this case in particular, but I will save it when I am not so sad...and mad.

09-22-2011, 05:25 AM
And there was a guy in Texas that murded his ex gf, the guy she was cheating with and injured his sister but this asshole got pardoned in fuckin Texas!
And he even said he didn't do it to the very end, and asked the family of the victim he supposedly killed to keep searching and he wasn't the one.

He didn't eat his last meal....

So sad.......


We let a babykiller off too...

09-22-2011, 05:28 AM
Disgusting - our judicial system failed this man....

There was not enough proof...

Seven of the nine witnesses recanted what they claimed...

The witnesses were proven wrong....

He was not guilty.........

So sad.......

It was even said they use the drug they use on animals to put them to sleep...which is not supposed to be used on humans...even more digusting.

Even former congressman Bob Barr, who believes in the death penalty, said:

"Former lawyer, Republican congressman and libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr said the fact that the vast majority of the witnesses had recanted in the Troy Davis case should have implored the Board of Pardons and Paroles to stop the execution. “There has been very substantial evidence of innocent that has been raised in this case, and I don’t think that it is morally or legally correct for the state of Georgia to execute a man against whom there is very substantial evidence of innocence,” he said Wednesday on MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews.

09-22-2011, 05:30 AM
Seriously???? If anyone deserved to go it was that guy.

09-22-2011, 05:36 AM
Pelheckitt there was no proof on top of it former Head of the FBI spoke out...His old warden..and lots more spoke out for him...

This man was innocent...

There is a woman who said one of the original suspects admitted he did it...

I don't think this man did it.

09-22-2011, 05:40 AM
he was found guilty at trial by the jurors. case closed.

09-22-2011, 05:44 AM
he was found guilty at trial by the jurors. case closed.
Yeah with 9 phony witnesses being bullied into saying what they did...which if anyone would of went through a re-enactment they would of seen their testimonies made no sense...

09-22-2011, 05:48 AM
Funny how 20 some years later people are saying this shit. if it was true they should have said it at the time. you can't change the law's. Just like the bitch that killed here kid got set free by the jurors. the system might not be perfect but its better than nothing.

doctor screw
09-22-2011, 05:50 AM
Seriously???? If anyone deserved to go it was that guy.

Why am I not surprised ....smh:geek:

Quiet Reflections
09-22-2011, 05:52 AM
I have a bad feeling about this thread

09-22-2011, 05:52 AM
he was found guilty at trial by the jurors. case closed.

With respect to the case of Troy Davis, well, there was no hard physical evidence. No blood. No fingerprints. No gun. And it took place at night.
I mean, there are human errors that are and were made.
One of the most famous cases: O.J. Simpson. He got off because he was rich. Without question.
There is one form of justice for the rich and powerful and another form of justice for everyone else.
Stark racism was evident in this case!

09-22-2011, 05:55 AM
With respect to the case of Troy Davis, well, there was no hard physical evidence. No blood. No fingerprints. No gun. And it took place at night.
I mean, there are human errors that are and were made.
One of the most famous cases: O.J. Simpson. He got off because he was rich. Without question.
There is one form of justice for the rich and powerful and another form of justice for everyone else.
Stark racism was evident in this case!
and the jurors were accused of discrimination - which I don't doubt...

And 17 cases all of which were black men were later proven innocent with DNA testing...that alone should tell you we need a better judicial system...

doctor screw
09-22-2011, 05:57 AM
With respect to the case of Troy Davis, well, there was no hard physical evidence. No blood. No fingerprints. No gun. And it took place at night.
I mean, there are human errors that are and were made.
One of the most famous cases: O.J. Simpson. He got off because he was rich. Without question.
There is one form of justice for the rich and powerful and another form of justice for everyone else.
Stark racism was evident in this case!

Stark racism is evident in a lot of things around here
This site is kinda for the birds,and I haven't seen one big booty brazilian tranny up here in days,lol
Fucking ridiculous:twisted:

Kayden Harley
09-22-2011, 06:05 AM
Casey anthony murders her child ,leaves evidence & gets away with it. Troy Davis has NO EVIDENCE and gets lethal injection. Pathetic.. RIP Troy Davis

09-22-2011, 06:10 AM
I'm so dam tired of the race card everytime something doesn't go the way people think it should. rant over on that but anyway weren't all of the witnesses black? so much for the race card there.

You guys need to do your homework before saying the system failed. Only failure i see is it took so long and so much of our money to get to this point.

09-22-2011, 06:13 AM
I am sad to hear he died.... sad day! RIP Troy!

doctor screw
09-22-2011, 06:14 AM
I'm so dam tired of the race card everytime something doesn't go the way people think it should. rant over on that but anyway weren't all of the witnesses black? so much for the race card there.

You guys need to do your homework before saying the system failed. Only failure i see is it took so long and so much of our money to get to this point.

Exhibit A
Read previous comment,lol

09-22-2011, 06:15 AM
A quick search pulled this up. Best clift notes of the last 22 years i can find now.

1130 Walnut, Kansas City, MO 64106

For decades, liberals tried persuading Americans to abolish the death penalty, using their usual argument: hysterical sobbing.

Only when the media began lying about innocent people being executed did support for the death penalty begin to waver, falling from 80 percent to about 60 percent in a little more than a decade. (Silver lining: That's still more Americans than believe in man-made global warming.)

Fifty-nine percent of Americans now believe that an innocent man has been executed in the last five years. There is more credible evidence that space aliens have walked among us than that an innocent person has been executed in this country in the past 60 years, much less the past five years.

But unless members of the public are going to personally review trial transcripts in every death penalty case, they have no way of knowing the truth. The media certainly won't tell them.

It's nearly impossible to receive a death sentence these days -- unless you do something completely crazy like shoot a cop in full view of dozens of witnesses in a Burger King parking lot, only a few hours after shooting at a passing car while exiting a party.

That's what Troy Davis did in August 1989. Davis is the media's current baby seal of death row.

After a two-week trial with 34 witnesses for the state and six witnesses for the defense, the jury of seven blacks and five whites took less than two hours to convict Davis of Officer Mark MacPhail's murder, as well as various other crimes. Two days later, the jury sentenced Davis to death.

Now, a brisk 22 years after Davis murdered Officer MacPhail, his sentence will finally be administered this week -- barring any more of the legal shenanigans that have kept taxpayers on the hook for Davis' room and board for the past two decades.

(The average time on death row is 14 years. Then liberals turn around and triumphantly claim the death penalty doesn't have any noticeable deterrent effect. As the kids say: Duh.)

It has been claimed -- in The New York Times and Time magazine, for example -- that there was no "physical evidence" connecting Davis to the crimes that night.

Davis pulled out a gun and shot two strangers in public. What "physical evidence" were they expecting? No houses were broken into, no cars stolen, no rapes or fistfights accompanied the shootings. Where exactly would you look for DNA? And to prove what?

I suppose it would be nice if the shell casings from both shootings that night matched. Oh wait -- they did. That's "physical evidence."

It's true that the bulk of the evidence against Davis was eyewitness testimony. That tends to happen when you shoot someone in a busy Burger King parking lot.

Eyewitness testimony, like all evidence tending to show guilt, has gotten a bad name recently, but the "eyewitness" testimony in this case did not consist simply of strangers trying to distinguish one tall black man from another. For one thing, several of the eyewitnesses knew Davis personally.

The bulk of the eyewitness testimony established the following:

Two tall, young black men were harassing a vagrant in the Burger King parking lot, one in a yellow shirt and the other in a white Batman shirt. The one in the white shirt used a brown revolver to pistol-whip the vagrant. When a cop yelled at them to stop, the man in the white shirt ran, then wheeled around and shot the cop, walked over to his body and shot him again, smiling.

Some eyewitnesses described the shooter as wearing a white shirt, some said it was a white shirt with writing, and some identified it specifically as a white Batman shirt. Not one witness said the man in the yellow shirt pistol-whipped the vagrant or shot the cop.

Several of Davis' friends testified -- without recantation -- that he was the one in a white shirt. Several eyewitnesses, both acquaintances and strangers, specifically identified Davis as the one who shot Officer MacPhail.

Now the media claim that seven of the nine witnesses against Davis at trial have recanted.

First of all, the state presented 34 witnesses against Davis -- not nine -- which should give you some idea of how punctilious the media are about their facts in death penalty cases.

Among the witnesses who did not recant a word of their testimony against Davis were three members of the Air Force, who saw the shooting from their van in the Burger King drive-in lane. The airman who saw events clearly enough to positively identify Davis as the shooter explained on cross-examination, "You don't forget someone that stands over and shoots someone."

Recanted testimony is the least believable evidence since it proves only that defense lawyers managed to pressure some witnesses to alter their testimony, conveniently after the trial has ended. Even criminal lobbyist Justice William Brennan ridiculed post-trial recantations.

Three recantations were from friends of Davis, making minor or completely unbelievable modifications to their trial testimony. For example, one said he was no longer sure he saw Davis shoot the cop, even though he was five feet away at the time. His remaining testimony still implicated Davis.

One alleged recantation, from the vagrant's girlfriend (since deceased), wasn't a recantation at all, but rather reiterated all relevant parts of her trial testimony, which included a direct identification of Davis as the shooter.

Only two of the seven alleged "recantations" (out of 34 witnesses) actually recanted anything of value -- and those two affidavits were discounted by the court because Davis refused to allow the affiants to testify at the post-trial evidentiary hearing, even though one was seated right outside the courtroom, waiting to appear.

The court specifically warned Davis that his refusal to call his only two genuinely recanting witnesses would make their affidavits worthless. But Davis still refused to call them -- suggesting, as the court said, that their lawyer-drafted affidavits would not have held up under cross-examination.

With death penalty opponents so fixated on Davis' race -- he's black -- it ought to be noted that all the above witnesses are themselves African-American. The first man Davis shot in the car that night was African-American.

I notice that the people so anxious to return this sociopathic cop-killer to the street don't live in his neighborhood.

There's a reason more than a dozen courts have looked at Davis' case and refused to overturn his death sentence. He is as innocent as every other executed man since at least 1950, which is to say, guilty as hell.

Quiet Reflections
09-22-2011, 06:18 AM
well Ann Coulter said it so it must be true.

doctor screw
09-22-2011, 06:18 AM
Gotta give it to this guy above me
Hes defiant,in his indirect racial jabs

09-22-2011, 06:24 AM
he was found guilty at trial by the jurors. case closed.

Besides some people are inherently, genetically predisposed towards crime.

Not enough evidence to give that man the death penalty. Maybe not enough to grant him clemency, but you can't IMO put someone to death when your case is based almost exclusively on eye witness testimony from 9 people, when 7 of those eyewitnesses later recant because they aren't really sure who killed that off-duty officer.

Criminal justice, to quote the president of the NAACP, can't be a 'blunt force instrument', where all that matters is someone, ANYONE is punished. Guilt or innocence is secondary.

There has to be surgical precision when giving out death sentences...beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Kayden Harley
09-22-2011, 06:34 AM
How does someone get the death penalty for shooting another person? Sooo many people are shot to death, and their killers get 10-20 years in prison. I totally understand the death penalty for the guys in CT. who raped, tortured, bound and burned to death 3 girls (2 of them -18) in front of their father/husband during a home invasion. But Lethal Injection for shooting 1 person?! Come on now.. That's so excessive.

I believe an innocent man was put to death today. This whole case was built by police officers and detectives who bullied "witnesses" into testifying against Troy.

So so sad. I hope his family (and the family of the victim) somehow find strength, closure and peace in the near future.

doctor screw
09-22-2011, 06:38 AM
How does someone get the death penalty for shooting another person? Sooo many people are shot to death, and their killers get 10-20 years in prison. I totally understand the death penalty for the guys in CT. who raped, tortured, bound and burned to death 3 woman in front of their father/husband during a home invasion. But Lethal Injection for shooting 1 person?! Come on now.. That's so excessive.

I believe an innocent man was put to death today. This whole case was built by police officers and detectives who bullied "witnesses" into testifying against Troy.

So so sad. I hope his family (and the family of the victim) somehow find strength, closure and peace in the near future.

Puuurtee and smart...me likez that

09-22-2011, 06:52 AM
Buds, there weren't 34 eyewitnesses to the shooting. There were 34 prosecution witnesses who testified against Davis.

There was no firearm recovered, and the claims that shell casings found at the scene matched those discovered at other crime scenes allegedly committed by Davis was later found not be true. The ballistics testing later showed all the shell casing didn't come from the same weapon.

Anne Coulter is pro killing Black men. She's even in favor of the death penalty when DNA exonerates the convicted defendant.

Davis wasn't a church deacon and he had a prior record, but I don't believe ANY witnesses were able to distinguish which among two Black men shot a cop in the middle of the night.

A defense attorney billing $500/hour would have won this case in a walk.

09-22-2011, 06:59 AM
I'm so dam tired of the race card everytime something doesn't go the way people think it should. rant over on that but anyway weren't all of the witnesses black? so much for the race card there.

You guys need to do your homework before saying the system failed. Only failure i see is it took so long and so much of our money to get to this point.
The jury not the witnesses

09-22-2011, 07:06 AM
While we are talking about executions. One of the guys who were responsible in the dragging death of James Byrd in Jasper, TX was put to death at 6:21pm. So the court system can't be all that bad. Although I don't know much about the Troy Davis case to comment on it.

09-22-2011, 07:10 AM
Buds, there weren't 34 eyewitnesses to the shooting. There were 34 prosecution witnesses who testified against Davis.

There was no firearm recovered, and the claims that shell casings found at the scene matched those discovered at other crime scenes allegedly committed by Davis was later found not be true. The ballistics testing later showed all the shell casing didn't come from the same weapon.

Anne Coulter is pro killing Black men. She's even in favor of the death penalty when DNA exonerates the convicted defendant.

Davis wasn't a church deacon and he had a prior record, but I don't believe ANY witnesses were able to distinguish which among two Black men shot a cop in the middle of the night.

A defense attorney billing $500/hour would have won this case in a walk.
Anne Coulter is off her walker - good points doll

09-22-2011, 07:41 AM
While we are talking about executions. One of the guys who were responsible in the dragging death of James Byrd in Jasper, TX was put to death at 6:21pm. So the court system can't be all that bad. Although I don't know much about the Troy Davis case to comment on it.
Yeah. I haven't heard about anybody shedding a tear for that asshole.

09-22-2011, 07:47 AM
Yeah. I haven't heard about anybody shedding a tear for that asshole.

I was happy that he died. Racist pieces of shit like that don't deserve to live. Another guy that was part of it is suppose to die but his death penalty case is in appeals at the moment. The third guy has life in prison.

Willie Escalade
09-22-2011, 10:59 AM
Ann Coulter really needs to be gangbanged...

09-22-2011, 11:01 AM
Ann Coulter really needs to be gangbanged...

Yeah, and on video so we can all see her penis. :dancing:


09-22-2011, 11:02 AM
Well if Troy actually didn't commit that crime it doesn't matter now. The State has murdered him. Abolish the death penalty. Civilised countries did it long ago - but the US continues to line up alongside such other free nations as iran and China in killing people for crime.

09-22-2011, 12:41 PM
The only crime here,is it took 20 years to kill some murdering bastard.And some lefty freaks are calling this a lynching... This was no lynching they need to do some reading.

I also read about the sexual abuse ,racism (naughty naughty) and threats of violence michelle malkin is getting for supporting the killing of the cop killer on her twitter . Wheres the tolerance robert? LMAO.

09-22-2011, 12:57 PM
Boring I know, but there is a Politics and Religion thread for this, and Russtafa did begin a thread on capital punishment some time ago; curious how many people can't be bothered to click over to one part of HA but are keen to get stuck in here.

09-22-2011, 01:00 PM
I just emailed Judge Penny Freeseman.

Dear Ms. Freeseman,

I want to congratulate you for murdering a man tonight. Now you have the rare knowledge of what it feels like - something the rest of us decent people can't imagine.

You truly have become Troy Davis by murdering a man, yourself - if indeed he even murdered someone. Your murder however is not in question.

Are you sleeping well tonight? I hear lack of guilt defines sociopaths so you must be sleeping soundly.

It's disconcerting to know that you will go to work tomorrow and continue in your public service position - because you, mam, belong in prison with the rest of the murderers.

Let me alter a war quote for you:

Never think that killing someone - no matter how justified, is not a crime.

You have failed humanity tonight.

The wonderful thing is that by the outcry on internet I see that most of humanity is far above you, so there is hope for the human race yet.

Good night, you animal.

Her email address:

Obama should have stepped in and pardoned Davis. That man Obama is such a disgrace to America! He lacks fortitude, character and courage. He is a joke. Disgusting! Worse than Bush the younger.

Par ce que les USA ne sont pas l'Arabie S.... ! Cet homme avait passé 20ans en prison à attendre qu'on le tue ... Mes pensées vont vers lui ce matin . S'il avait été blanc Obama aurait surement tenté de le sauver, il lui a manqué le courage d'afficher qu'un noir peut aider un autre noir de la même façon qu'il l'aurait fait pour un blanc ! La encore la question du racisme se pose en plus de l'arbitraire de cette justice digne effectivement des geôles d'Arabie Saoudite ou d'Iran ! Mêmes les animaux entre eux sont moins cruels, notre espèce est condamnée à s'auto détruire ...

Madame Anneliese MacPhail, votre douleur d'avoir perdu un fils vient de vous amener à faire exécuter un innocent, qui par votre faute vient d'être exécuté après quand même 20 ans de couloir de la mort. Etes vous soulagée? Non, cela ne ramènera pas votre fils, et je vous prédis une peine encore plus lourde, celle de culpabilité d'avoir fait assassiné un jeune homme, peut_être qu'il fut noir vous mettra du baume au coeur (?) Le fait de se retrancher derrière la justice, ne vous empêchera pas votre responsabilité dans ce drame. Je vous souhaite longue vie, et que vous n'oubliez jamais ce crime, ce lynchage.

Troy Davis' last words: "For those about to take my life, may God have mercy on your souls. May God bless your souls."

So this is what Troy Davis' execution looked like. There was an *audience*. It's sick & macabre http://www2.wsav.com/news/2011/sep/22/eye-witness-account-troy-davis-execution-ar-2445986/

Dear Georgia, we dont know if Troy Davis killed a man. Neither do u. But we know u killed Troy Davis.

RIP Troy Davis

09-22-2011, 01:22 PM
Obama should have stepped in and pardoned Davis. That man Obama is such a disgrace to America! He lacks fortitude, character and courage. He is a joke. Disgusting! Worse than Bush the younger.

AT, Pres. Obama can only pardon those convicted of federal crimes. Mr. Davis was convicted under a Georgia state law.

Georgia supposedly took out politics out of killing convicted persons by allowing a group of civilians, working under the entity called Georgia Board of Pardons, the ability to pardon or offer clemency. Not even the political head of the state of Georgia, the govenor, could have stepped in and prevented the killing of Troy Davis. The only thing that could have prevented this killing was a John Brown, George Jackson, Ho Chi Minh, Cinque type of revolt and uprising.

09-22-2011, 01:45 PM
AT, Pres. Obama can only pardon those convicted of federal crimes. Mr. Davis was convicted under a Georgia state law.

Georgia supposedly took out politics out of killing convicted persons by allowing a group of civilians, working under the entity called Georgia Board of Pardons, the ability to pardon or offer clemency. Not even the political head of the state of Georgia, the govenor, could have stepped in and prevented the killing of Troy Davis. The only thing that could have prevented this killing was a John Brown, George Jackson, Ho Chi Minh, Cinque type of revolt and uprising.

President Obama had the power to pardon Troy Davis.

Troy Davis isn't a failure for Obama or Black political leadership or media. It's a failure for this God-forsaken country.

09-22-2011, 01:50 PM
AT, Pres. Obama can only pardon those convicted of federal crimes. Mr. Davis was convicted under a Georgia state law.

Georgia supposedly took out politics out of killing convicted persons by allowing a group of civilians, working under the entity called Georgia Board of Pardons, the ability to pardon or offer clemency. Not even the political head of the state of Georgia, the govenor, could have stepped in and prevented the killing of Troy Davis. The only thing that could have prevented this killing was a John Brown, George Jackson, Ho Chi Minh, Cinque type of revolt and uprising.

He can overstep state crimes if he'd liek but it's well known that he didn't want to be involved with that case.

Oh yeah and for the racist on here well here is a white guy that murdered somebody got a whopping 12 years, gets out and then gets scholarship from the NAACP.


09-22-2011, 01:59 PM
Well if Troy actually didn't commit that crime it doesn't matter now. The State has murdered him. Abolish the death penalty. Civilised countries did it long ago - but the US continues to line up alongside such other free nations as iran and China in killing people for crime.

Indeed, the United States is so uncivilised that it wouldn't even meet one of the criteria to join the European Union, which is that capital punishment is forbidden. While the civilised world moves on, the US remains backward. It truly has lost its credibility to lecture to other countries about human rights, justice, equality and democracy.

At least in the US the story has been covered very well by http://www.democracynow.org (http://www.democracynow.org.)

09-22-2011, 04:06 PM
Great letter Angelina

09-22-2011, 04:24 PM
Again a reason against the death penalty. Better to lock 100 guilty people up for life instead of killing them then kill one innocent man.

Was he innocent? I dont know, but the evidence was not strong enough for killing him. Lock them up, then you have at least time and the chance to reconsider in case of new evidence...

09-22-2011, 04:45 PM
Angelina, you should be ashamed to put such garbage into print.

Getting emotional about the death of someone you have never met, insulting the victim's mother, and calling Judge Freesemann an 'animal' is an injudicious, and futile way of addressing what you perceive to be a miscarriage of justice. You embarrass yourself with this wildly intemperate language.

The process in law which led to the execution may be flawed, the appeals process may also be flawed, and there was evidence that at the very least cast doubt on the original conviction, but what do you achieve by claiming that the Judge, who is fulfilling a legal obligation imposed on her by her office (rather than her personal views of the case) is a murderer?

If you want to achieve something in politics, you need to know how to negotiate -your negotiating skills are zero.

Governor Perry, on the available evidence, sent a man called Willingham to his death after new evidence and a new interpretation of the existing evidence suggested Willingham was not at fault-Mr Perry is running for public office and can be challenged on his record -but if you want to challenge him on Willingham's death and be heard, you will need to learn some manners. Or nobody will listen to you.

09-22-2011, 06:18 PM
Angelina, you should be ashamed to put such garbage into print.

Getting emotional about the death of someone you have never met, insulting the victim's mother, and calling Judge Freesemann an 'animal' is an injudicious, and futile way of addressing what you perceive to be a miscarriage of justice. You embarrass yourself with this wildly intemperate language.

The process in law which led to the execution may be flawed, the appeals process may also be flawed, and there was evidence that at the very least cast doubt on the original conviction, but what do you achieve by claiming that the Judge, who is fulfilling a legal obligation imposed on her by her office (rather than her personal views of the case) is a murderer?

If you want to achieve something in politics, you need to know how to negotiate -your negotiating skills are zero.

Governor Perry, on the available evidence, sent a man called Willingham to his death after new evidence and a new interpretation of the existing evidence suggested Willingham was not at fault-Mr Perry is running for public office and can be challenged on his record -but if you want to challenge him on Willingham's death and be heard, you will need to learn some manners. Or nobody will listen to you.

Intentionally killing someone who is not threatening another's life is murder. This judge is a cunt and a murderer. I don't give a shit about the Nuremberg defense nor does anyone with a conscience. Just because something is legal does not make it right or in this case, not murder.

Republicans have no manners or negotiations, they filibuster or push forward for what they want. That is why we got over a decade of their policy. Strong-headedness gets respect among the American public. Being wimpy and polite does not win in politics. Americans prefer decisiveness and wrong over the most mediated and fallacious moderation. If these lynchings and Tea Bagger fascism continues, it won't matter as the Republic will either be completely dead or a rebellion will finally occur.

09-22-2011, 10:32 PM
I also read about the sexual abuse ,racism (naughty naughty) and threats of violence michelle malkin is getting for supporting the killing of the cop killer on her twitter . Wheres the tolerance robert? LMAO.
I'll bet she was gettin all that long before Troy Davis caught her attention.

09-22-2011, 10:35 PM
Being wimpy and polite does not win in politics. Americans prefer decisiveness and wrong over the most mediated and fallacious moderation.

That is how Dick Cheney thought the US should manage its foreign policy, and is one of the reasons why the USA has been dragged into an unwinnable war in Afghanistan. Its a pity the American 'Can Do' attitude hasn't stretched to diplomacy as it once did -we haven't forgotten the casual way John Bolton dismissed the best opportunity for a rapprochement with Iran through President Khatami's invitations 10 or so years ago. Diplomacy can work, as both Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton proved with their respective treaties between Israel and its neighbours; and Clinton at Dayton; but it doesn't make for good Hollywood.

As to this dreadful case, you do the victims no favours by using the Vin Diesel handbook on negotiations, political change can be helped by street demonstrations, but the grim reality is that it takes years of patient campaigning to get major laws changed, and the best way to do it is to use the law and the legislative process -to call the Principal Law Officer of Georgia an 'animal' or a 'cunt' does nothing to change the law in that state. It does reduce the level of 'debate' to a point where it just becomes you shouting obsenities at a brick wall.

If you are serious about this, start campaigning in Georgia for a change in the law. Use all of the cases where the law got it wrong as your evidence and where the process of law got it wrong, build so compelling a case the most diehard supporters fail to get a majority in a vote; but be prepared for hard work and a long haul, also known as politics. This isn't a playground, its the real world.

09-22-2011, 10:40 PM
Thursday, September 22, 2011 by In These Times (http://www.inthesetimes.com/working/entry/11995/troy_davis_executed_while_ceo_responsible_for_deat hs_of_29_miners_sails_fre/) Troy Davis Executed, While CEO Responsible for Deaths of 29 Miners Sails Free

by Mike Elk (http://www.commondreams.org/author/mike-elk)

Last night at 11:08, Troy Anthony Davis was executed in the State of Georgia for the 1989 murder of a police officer. Much doubt existed in the case as seven of the nine witnesses recanted their testimony (one even claimed that an eighth murder witness was guilty) and no DNA or other physical evidence linked Davis to the crime.
Former FBI Director William Sessions wrote (http://www.ajc.com/opinion/should-davis-be-executed-1181530.html), “The evidence in this case—consisting almost entirely of conflicting stories, testimonies and statements—is inadequate to the task of convincingly establishing either Davis’ guilt or his innocence.” Davis maintained his innocence up until his death, telling the family of the murdered police officer, “I was not the one who took the life of your father, son, brother.”
Last year on April 5, 29 miners died in a methane explosion caused by poor ventilation at the Upper Big Branch Mine in Raleigh County, W.Va. A report by the Mine Safety and Health Administration ruled that the event that caused the explosion could have easily been prevented (http://westvirginia.watchdog.org/3022/massey-practicies-responsible-for-upper-big-branch-explosion-report-says/) by Massey Energy, which was well aware of a long history of safety problems in the mine. In the year leading up to the explosion, the Upper Big Branch Mine was cited 458 times for safety violations, with 50 of those violations being willful violations of the law—nearly five times (http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10096/1048188-455.stm) the national average for citations of a single mine.
An investigation (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/30/us/30mine.html?_r=1&hp) by the Mine Safety and Health Administration also revealed that Massey kept two sets of books—it recorded a clean safety record in one log book, which it provided to mine inspectors, while maintaining a private, internal log of known safety problems and the efforts made to fix them.
Despite this evidence of the willful violation of safety laws that could have prevented the miners' deaths at Upper Big Branch, and despite evidence of widespread lying to federal investigators by Massey officials, CEO Don Blankenship is a free man allowed to enjoy the splendorous life of a multi-millionaire.
Only two Massey Energy officials (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/30/us/30mine.html?_r=1&hp), one foreman and one former chief of security, have so far been indicted—not for their responsibility in the deaths, but for lying and concealing documents from federal investigators. Another 18 executives (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/30/us/30mine.html?_r=1&hp), including longtime Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship, refused to be interviewed by federal investigators, pleading the Fifth Amendment as protection from self-incrimination.
Even if company officials like Blankenship are prosecuted, it is unlikely that any will do jail time. Since 1970 more than 360,000 workers (http://www.inthesetimes.com/working/entry/7254/lots_of_talk_of_earth_day_a_week_ago_not_so_much_o f_workers_memorial_d/) have died on the job in safety accidents, while only 84 cases (http://www.inthesetimes.com/working/entry/7254/lots_of_talk_of_earth_day_a_week_ago_not_so_much_o f_workers_memorial_d/) have been prosecuted for the willful violation of safety rules that resulted in a worker's death. Even if convicted, the penalty for wrongfully killing a worker on the job is only 6 months. Quite often company officials are not jailed, but merely fined if found responsible for willfully violating safety laws that lead to a worker's death. The maximum penalty for a major safety violation is a mere $7,000 (http://www.inthesetimes.com/working/entry/7254/lots_of_talk_of_earth_day_a_week_ago_not_so_much_o f_workers_memorial_d/)—a price many companies are willing to pay for the death of a worker on the job. In 2010 alone, 4,547 Americans (http://thinkprogress.org/security/2011/08/25/304113/chart-only-15-americans-died-from-terrorism-last-year-less-than-from-dog-bites-or-lightning-strikes/) were killed on the job.
While many right-wing politicians, such as GOP presidential contender Rick Perry, will use the execution of Troy Davis to affirm their support for tough penalties for those convicted of killing people, few will say anything about the workers who are killed by corporations in preventable work accidents every year. But as easy as it would be to say that the issue of innocent men being killed is ignored by Republican politicians, the Democrats aren't much better.
President Barack Obama refused to issue a statement on the execution of Troy Davis; likewise, he refused to move steadfastly earlier this year to implement a revision to federal law that would prevent children as young as 12 from operating potentially deadly farm equipment. (Minors working in agriculture are six times (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17135143) more likely to be killed in accidents than minors working in other industries.)
After three years (http://www.inthesetimes.com/working/entry/11883/bureaucracy_inaction_dol_slowly_moves_to_strengthe n_child_farm_worker_/) of efforts, the Department of Labor, about a year ago, finally issued an internal proposal to revise federal law to prevent minors from working in dangerous farm occupations. Typically, rules like this are supposed to be reviewed within 90 days of their proposal to allow for quick implementation, especially rules related to life-and-death safety rules. But under heavy industry opposition, President Obama’s Office of Management and Budget held up the rules in review for nearly nine months—an “unnecessary delay,” according to Justin Feldman of Public Citizens’ Worker and Public Health Safety Advocate.
While big agriculture was busy unnecessarily delaying these rules, two 14 year old girls were electrocuted to death (http://www.kmov.com/news/local/2-die-in-electrocution-accident-in-Ill-cornfield-126151238.html) working on a farm in Illinois. Finally, only after the deaths of these two children and public protest from worker safety advocates, the OMB allowed the Department of Labor to take its next step.
Power and influence have clearly distorted the scales of the justice system when men like Troy Davis are executed in the face of questionable evidence of their guilt, while corporate CEOs like Don Blankenship, who evidence shows clearly and willfully disobeyed safety laws that caused the deaths of 29 workers, are allowed to go about sailing on their yachts.
I only wonder what would have been the Supreme Court's reaction to a request for stay of execution, had the petitioner been a rich white man named Don Blankenship instead of a poor black man named Troy Davis.

© 2011 In These Times
http://www.commondreams.org/sites/commondreams.org/files/imagecache/author_photo/mikeelk.jpg (http://www.commondreams.org/author/mike-elk)
Mike Elk is a third-generation union organizer who has worked for the United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers, the Campaign for America's Future, and the Obama-Biden campaign. Based in Washington D.C., he has appeared as a commentator on CNN, Fox News, and NPR, and writes frequently for In These Times as well as Alternet, The Nation, The Atlantic and The American Prospect.

Dino Velvet
09-22-2011, 10:49 PM
Indeed, the United States is so uncivilised that it wouldn't even meet one of the criteria to join the European Union, which is that capital punishment is forbidden.

And you'll never see us put in an application for it either. We are The United States Of America. Not perfect but I'll take us warts and all even with Obama. Enjoy being civilized. I feel it's overrated.

My condolences to the family of the slain police officer. Thought they deserve a mention too.

09-23-2011, 01:17 AM
Buds, there weren't 34 eyewitnesses to the shooting. There were 34 prosecution witnesses who testified against Davis.

There was no firearm recovered, and the claims that shell casings found at the scene matched those discovered at other crime scenes allegedly committed by Davis was later found not be true. The ballistics testing later showed all the shell casing didn't come from the same weapon.

Anne Coulter is pro killing Black men. She's even in favor of the death penalty when DNA exonerates the convicted defendant.

Davis wasn't a church deacon and he had a prior record, but I don't believe ANY witnesses were able to distinguish which among two Black men shot a cop in the middle of the night.

A defense attorney billing $500/hour would have won this case in a walk.

GH....you have lost all sense of proportionality the last several months, when you used to be one of the most thoughtful, reserved posters on here. You and Silcc now drop the race card so frequently it's become humorous .Things don't go quite the way you like and there's a dark skinned person involved? Deal the R card from the bottom of the deck...that'll make things all better. You've lost your individualism dude...and can no longer be taken as a serious, pragmatic poster, but rather a race baiter. Sorry...but that's the way I see it. .

It's perfectly understandable to oppose the DP, both in this specific case, and as a part of our judicial system, but some of the statements regarding the innocence of this person on here are absurd. I don't know, you don't know, and Kelly Shore sure don't know...There's only two people who know what happened here....Troy Davis and he's no longer with us, and the man upstairs, and since most of y'all on here are atheists, I guess that leaves you with nothing but your opinions. lol ....It's one thing to say they shouldn't have killed him...it's entirely another matter to blindly profess his innocence. Remember how sure so many of you were sure the Frenchman DSK raped that poor chamber maid....or that those privledged white punks raped the party girl at Duke ??

09-23-2011, 02:00 AM
And you'll never see us put in an application for it either. We are The United States Of America. Not perfect but I'll take us warts and all even with Obama. Enjoy being civilized. I feel it's overrated.

My condolences to the family of the slain police officer. Thought they deserve a mention too.

totally agree.

09-23-2011, 02:04 AM
And you'll never see us put in an application for it either. We are The United States Of America. Not perfect but I'll take us warts and all even with Obama. Enjoy being civilized. I feel it's overrated.

My condolences to the family of the slain police officer. Thought they deserve a mention too.

Well said.

09-23-2011, 02:10 AM
I guess the primary root cause of all the outrage is there is without question reasonable doubt.

The parole board in GA made in my opinion a terrible decision. I won't repeat what others have said, but there was easily doubt in this case.

Our society as an evolved society with supposed fail-safes to protect and or right judiciary injustice supposedly should have at least changed Troy Davis's sentence to Life in prison rather than the death penalty.

No one with a shred of intelligence can argue there was not reasonable doubt.

There was doubt, inconsistencies in his conviction, evidence that was proven faulty etc.

The fact that there was doubt even a shred, has to result in something other than death.

Execution is final, it cannot be reversed. Judicial over site however can.

There is a chance Troy is/was innocent, and there is certainly compelling evidence to suggest so.

The possibility that Ga intentionally and willfully committed murder is an actual possibility.
The fact that wouldn't even let him take a polygraph speaks volumes regarding the political aspect of the situation. What's the worst that could have happened? He passes and casts even more doubt on an already shoddy conviction.

09-23-2011, 02:12 AM
GH....you have lost all sense of proportionality the last several months, when you used to be one of the most thoughtful, reserved posters on here. You and Silcc now drop the race card so frequently it's become humorous .Things don't go quite the way you like and there's a dark skinned person involved? Deal the R card from the bottom of the deck...that'll make things all better. You've lost your individualism dude...and can no longer be taken as a serious, pragmatic poster, but rather a race baiter. Sorry...but that's the way I see it. .

It's perfectly understandable to oppose the DP, both in this specific case, and as a part of our judicial system, but some of the statements regarding the innocence of this person on here are absurd. I don't know, you don't know, and Kelly Shore sure don't know...There's only two people who know what happened here....Troy Davis and he's no longer with us, and the man upstairs, and since most of y'all on here are atheists, I guess that leaves you with nothing but your opinions. lol ....It's one thing to say they shouldn't have killed him...it's entirely another matter to blindly profess his innocence. Remember how sure so many of you were sure the Frenchman DSK raped that poor chamber maid....or that those privledged white punks raped the party girl at Duke ??

I guess the evidence goes out the window then but your reply is pretty much what I expected anyways. But you do know a black guy got off Death Row in Texas(Hello Rick "Captain DP" Perry) who did kill his girl, the guy she cheated on him with and he injured his sister


09-23-2011, 02:20 AM
President Obama talks about human rights.
Well, the death penalty is a complete violation of one's human rights. And civilized societies don't carry out capital punishment.
We're the only Western country that still has the death penalty. And there have been prisoners who've been executed where it's later revealed that they didn't do it.
I mean, Troy Davis wasn't going anywhere. He's in a cage. I mean, we need to find out the truth. I mean, say the truth does finally come out. And he's innocent.
It's understandable that people support the death penalty. Because they want vengeance.
But Noam Chomsky said it best: "The death penalty can be tolerated only by extreme statist reactionaries who demand a state that is so powerful that it has the right to kill."
This was the State committing murder.

Troy Davis execution outrage - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=683UAypf2NY)

Jeremy Irons talks about the death penalty - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVMho2cP1NE)

09-23-2011, 02:21 AM
Barack Obama on the Death Penalty - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcl-T0P7xYU)

09-23-2011, 02:23 AM
wow, all this Faux grief over something nobody has heard of until 9/21/2011. All this crap about a case nobody knows a damn thing about or cared about 72 hours ago. Read a few articles - and bam its like you slept at a holiday inn express last night - yall know everything about the case. Good grief. what a bunch of morons.

And all the jackwads railing about the lawyers, judges, republicans and teabaggers and whatever else you are ranting about? You are just as ugly and twisted as they are. Get a grip.

09-23-2011, 02:40 AM
I live in savannah, everyone know he did.... if it was a white guy who did it, he would have been dead for over 20years now..... If he was not guilty with the tech we have this day and age he would have been let free.. Just think if it was ur father that got killed, would you really want him NOT DEAD...
I know lawyers in savannah that know underhanded shit has been going aon and its all leads back votes... HE DID IT!!!

09-23-2011, 02:42 AM
wow, all this Faux grief over something nobody has heard of until 9/21/2011. All this crap about a case nobody knows a damn thing about or cared about 72 hours ago. Read a few articles - and bam its like you slept at a holiday inn express last night - yall know everything about the case. Good grief. what a bunch of morons.

And all the jackwads railing about the lawyers, judges, republicans and teabaggers and whatever else you are ranting about? You are just as ugly and twisted as they are. Get a grip.

It really has to do with the death penalty, I think -- :) And the entire justice system. I mean, there is one system of justice for the rich and powerful and another for everyone else.
And, too, the issue is: whether you're against it or for it. I mean, it's a wedge issue. A lot like abortion. Abortion is a tricky issue. I mean, no one is for abortion. No one wants a woman to abort. It's tragic. But on the death penalty, well, people are either staunchly for it or against it. I'm against it. (I don't know what exact percentage of Americans are for it. But I know it's a majority.)
The Troy Davis case has got a lot of attention. And there were just too many doubts, as it were... :)

09-23-2011, 02:45 AM
wow, all this Faux grief over something nobody has heard of until 9/21/2011. All this crap about a case nobody knows a damn thing about or cared about 72 hours ago. Read a few articles - and bam its like you slept at a holiday inn express last night - yall know everything about the case. Good grief. what a bunch of morons.

And all the jackwads railing about the lawyers, judges, republicans and teabaggers and whatever else you are ranting about? You are just as ugly and twisted as they are. Get a grip.


09-23-2011, 03:02 AM
I guess the evidence goes out the window then but your reply is pretty much what I expected anyways. But you do know a black guy got off Death Row in Texas(Hello Rick "Captain DP" Perry) who did kill his girl, the guy she cheated on him with and he injured his sister


Right....you're the same guy who knows when white folks are even thinking racist thoughts, and even if you're wrong .....so what...they're just white folks and no doubt they did a brotha wrong at some point. LMAO I think you've pretty much revealed yourself in the same category as Al Sharpton in the Tawana Brawley case on issues such as these. You can't be taken seriously, and it's your own doing

09-23-2011, 03:45 AM
Again a reason against the death penalty. Better to lock 100 guilty people up for life instead of killing them then kill one innocent man.

So, let me get this straight. You're saying that we should allow 99 MURDERERS live (on our tax dollars) just because there might be one innocent man.

As far as Jeremy Irons and amnesty international; "Life is a human right, therefore we should abolish the death peanalty." Didn't the murder victums have the same Right to Life? Perhaps prosecuters should, in the future, include human rights violations in their list of charges in a murder case.

Furthermore, where was this outrage when Lawrence Russell Brewer was executed. Does he not have an inalienable right to life?

09-23-2011, 03:48 AM
Right....you're the same guy who knows when white folks are even thinking racist thoughts, and even if you're wrong .....so what...they're just white folks and no doubt they did a brotha wrong at some point. LMAO I think you've pretty much revealed yourself in the same category as Al Sharpton in the Tawana Brawley case on issues such as these. You can't be taken seriously, and it's your own doing

I can see you didn't even click that link or maybe you did but maybe you have no clue what I was talking about. And what on earth does Al Sharpton have to do with anything on here? He's as much of a blowhard as Glenn Beck is.

09-23-2011, 03:56 AM
So, let me get this straight. You're saying that we should allow 99 MURDERERS live (on our tax dollars) just because there might be one innocent man.

Seriously, that is the single most disgusting thing i have ever read on this board. SMFH

09-23-2011, 04:00 AM
Disgusting - our judicial system failed this man....

There was not enough proof...

Seven of the nine witnesses recanted what they claimed...

The witnesses were proven wrong....

He was not guilty.........

So sad.......

It was even said they use the drug they use on animals to put them to sleep...which is not supposed to be used on humans...even more digusting.

Yep, you know there is a problem when they are protesting all the way in England over this. See America always talk about China or an Islamic country putting to death criminals yet when one Islamic country was a bout to excecute a female for Adultry, everyone shouted and they didn't do it. Now look, everyone shouted and THE US GOVT STILL DID IT!

Casey Anthony murdered her child! She got off scott free!
She lied four times to police,
blamed her nanny got her fired and the nanny was innocent. 30 days passed and Casey didn't report the child missing and was found PARTYING! What parent let their child go missing for 30 days without a worry?

How do you put to death a man that has no evidence against him? Two things came to play, race and the criminal system is TORE THE FUCK DOWN! Even Jimmy Carter and the warden said no this shouldn't happen, WTF?

Just like the 3 Caucasian officers that snatched up a African descent teenager going to his grand mothers house, honor student, those fools grabbed three hair locks out of his head, and beat him with a tree branch. Now wtf is a police officer doing with a tree? How is it three grown men are scared of a 150 pound young boy? Then those fools said he had a coke bottle in his pocket that looked like a gun. Come to find out at the crime scene there was no coke bottle. SMH This is crazy!

09-23-2011, 04:03 AM
Funny how 20 some years later people are saying this shit. if it was true they should have said it at the time. you can't change the law's. Just like the bitch that killed here kid got set free by the jurors. the system might not be perfect but its better than nothing.

Let me ask you, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? They change laws all the time. Do you know the language of the court system, and codes?

09-23-2011, 04:04 AM
With respect to the case of Troy Davis, well, there was no hard physical evidence. No blood. No fingerprints. No gun. And it took place at night.
I mean, there are human errors that are and were made.
One of the most famous cases: O.J. Simpson. He got off because he was rich. Without question.
There is one form of justice for the rich and powerful and another form of justice for everyone else.
Stark racism was evident in this case!

:iagree: Very profound!

09-23-2011, 04:08 AM
Seriously, that is the single most disgusting thing i have ever read on this board. SMFH

Well it's coming from someone who labels themself 'a gun toting TV' so not entirely unexpected.

To Prospero and RobertLouis: there's your faith in mankind..............as that attitude is far more prevalent than you'd like to admit.

09-23-2011, 04:13 AM
How does someone get the death penalty for shooting another person? Sooo many people are shot to death, and their killers get 10-20 years in prison. I totally understand the death penalty for the guys in CT. who raped, tortured, bound and burned to death 3 girls (2 of them -18) in front of their father/husband during a home invasion. But Lethal Injection for shooting 1 person?! Come on now.. That's so excessive.

I believe an innocent man was put to death today. This whole case was built by police officers and detectives who bullied "witnesses" into testifying against Troy.

So so sad. I hope his family (and the family of the victim) somehow find strength, closure and peace in the near future.

Well let me drop some knowledge on you.

When a person kills another person, if that person confess to murdering that person, they can get 10, 15 or 20 years depending on what state and what was the bargin.
Now if this same person kills someone and the DA tells defense for him to cop out and the defense says no, he could look at 25 to life if he loses trial.

Now check this out, this is going to flip your dam beanie! LOL

I know cats from NYC, murdered a couple of people, did a year and CAME HOME! Yes i said came home only after a zip/year!

What happened is if that person murders someone and has a deal to give a big time person up (snitch) they will let him out early on the sole purpose of that. Now I know people like that personally both of them are dead, but isn't that fucked up? This system is bullshit!

09-23-2011, 04:36 AM
I would like to ask a question and please someone if they could answer it for me.

How is it a jury of people convict Troy Davis [rip] on the notion of no evidence at all 20 years ago? How did they come up with the conclusion he was guilty? How does that shit work?

Now If I was that man's family I would use every suing technique available and I would sue everyone, from the State on down to the jurors!

Now get this, if the 7 jurors came forth now and said he didn't do it yada yada, shouldn't they get their asses halled in for PERJURY? They should get a life sentence for FALSE WITNESSING!

09-23-2011, 04:38 AM
22 years tolate. But justice won out.

09-23-2011, 04:43 AM
I know cats from NYC, murdered a couple of people, did a year and CAME HOME! Yes i said came home only after a zip/year!

On January 1, 2009, Johannes Mehserle (cop) executed Oscar Grant. After a sham trial, he was convicted. He made the mistake of killing Mr. Grant on a crowed subway platform. The jury sentenced him to TWO YEARS with double credit for the time he spent waiting in jail. He was rekeased on June 13, 2011.

09-23-2011, 04:49 AM
On January 1, 2009, Johannes Mehserle (cop) executed Oscar Grant. After a sham trial, he was convicted. He made the mistake of killing Mr. Grant on a crowed subway platform. The jury sentenced him to TWO YEARS with double credit for the time he spent waiting in jail. He was rekeased on June 13, 2011.

See that's some real bullshit! I don't even know what the fuck to say I am so angry!

09-23-2011, 07:04 AM
For those that think Pres. Obama could have stepped in and stop this murder, he could not. In the US Constitution, it limits the ability for a President to offer pardons. Not want to be boring on a porn site, but there are historical reasons why the fucking slave holding founders limited the presidential pardon.

Not to get bogged down in history, there is a reason why crimes are considered jurisdiction of states. Only recently has the federal government encroched local crimes jurisdiction, i.e the federal car jacking statue

09-23-2011, 08:05 AM
He was fingered by the 3 people who were right there with him when HE DID IT. From what I've seen, that includes the other victim, whom Davis was in the process of pistol whipping right before he turned & shot the off duty cop who was coming over to stop it. The racial makeup of the jury was 7 black & 5 white. The verdict was unanymous, like all criminal jury verdicts, for for both the conviction & the penalty. I'm all out of sympathy. He never really had any factual or legal arguments, & he finally ran out of appeals. If he wanted to stay alive past his injection date, he should have thought just a little about his actions instead of being a total asshole.

The only argument left here is whether or not to abolish the death penalty altogether. It's a legit argument. Let's not muddy it up with a bunch of ad hominem nonsense about this jerk. It just gets in the way of the real intellectual argument.

Personally, I'm not bothered by the death penalty per se'. Just the methods of execution, including lethal injection, that make the cadaver useless for transplant harvest. I'd be fine with death by hanging, beheading, or my personal favorite, dissection. (The fresher the parts, the better. Right?) But then again, deliberate killing by government entities always gives me some pause. It's a pretty good opportunity for abuse of power. Incompetence levels are the same all over. All you have to do is look around wherever you are for that part of the argument to slap you in the face. I wouldn't be bothered if the death penalty was abolished either.

09-23-2011, 08:26 AM
So, let me get this straight. You're saying that we should allow 99 MURDERERS live (on our tax dollars) just because there might be one innocent man.

Its not only the civilized thing to do, its also cheaper.

09-23-2011, 12:32 PM
Jamesedwards, I think you are confusing the crime that has been committed, with the judicial process. People who are at the bottom end of the system, who cannot afford a lawyer with the money and time to assemble a defence based on alternative witness statements, dna and forensic evidence, who can effectively challenge the Prosecution, are more likely to slip through a short trial because all the evidence is against them -and mostly these are poor people, black poor, white poor. In addition, plea bargaining and other options can be used to minimise sentences, and you have the added issue of the death penalty applying in one state, not another. Lastly, you have the costs of keeping someone on death row for say, 10 years, which costs roughly $2 or $3 milion, as the appeals go to and fro. At some point in all this, the victim(s) tend to get forgotten, and their families have to endure as much anxiety as the convicted felon(s). If you want reform, you might think of reform as replacing the death penalty with alternatives where life means life, so that murderers automatically get a whole life tariff and don't get relased for good behaviour after 15 years -as happens in the UK-no reform is impossible, and no reform will ever satisfy everyone. But at root, it is the judicial process that allows these things to happen, and poverty -which leads to badly handled cases and miscarriages of justice. I don't know if Troy Davis shot the policeman, I don't know if the witnesses were lying to save their own skins at the time, or lying when they recanted, it is all now a matter of history. But you do have the power to change the law, you just to need to know what it is that you want, and mobilise the campaign.

09-23-2011, 12:52 PM

Its not only the civilized thing to do, its also cheaper.

How is it cheaper to keep a murderer alive, instead of executing him/her?

09-23-2011, 02:19 PM
How is it cheaper to keep a murderer alive, instead of executing him/her?

"The death penalty is much more expensive than life without parole because the Constitution requires a long and complex judicial process for capital cases."

In other words, lawyers are more expensive than food.

Here you will find facts about why capital punishment is more expensive than life without parole: http://deathpenalty.org/article.php?id=42

09-23-2011, 02:22 PM
...how do you punish someone when he continues to kill people in prison while serving a life sentence without parole?

plus every individual has a different opinion on the sanctity of life....personally, I'd rather be dead than do life without parole...or even twenty years.

09-23-2011, 02:37 PM
Solitary confinement?

09-23-2011, 02:51 PM
Solitary confinement?

forever?...definitely rather be dead.

09-23-2011, 03:04 PM
forever?...definitely rather be dead.

Sounds like a deterrent that might actually work.
Let's face it, the death penalty doesn't. :shrug

09-23-2011, 09:31 PM
Same state last week, White man admits to robbery and first degree murder and is sentenced to death.

But what a minute, in this case the state of Georgia parole board decided to commute his death sentence hours before execution last Thursday to LIFE IN PRISON.

Great country we live in. BTW the South is STILL fucked up.


09-24-2011, 01:18 AM
Sounds like a deterrent that might actually work.
Let's face it, the death penalty doesn't. :shrug

No type of punitive threats work as deterrents for the most heinous crimes...I never understand why people even get into arguments about deterrents in the penal system. It's punishment...pure and simple. That's what sentences are - punishments created to fit a crime.

09-24-2011, 01:29 AM
Same state last week, White man admits to robbery and first degree murder and is sentenced to death.

But what a minute, in this case the state of Georgia parole board decided to commute his death sentence hours before execution last Thursday to LIFE IN PRISON.

Great country we live in. BTW the South is STILL fucked up.


Really now? tens of thousands of yankees who are fleeing to the south to escape high taxes, over regulation, crumbling inner cities, joblessness, generations of one party rule, and ineffective schools.

Dino Velvet
09-24-2011, 01:47 AM
Really now? tens of thousands of yankees who are fleeing to the south to escape high taxes, over regulation, crumbling inner cities, joblessness, generations of one party rule, and ineffective schools.

They won't be coming to California either. The only kind of business our state government knows is monkey business. The present environment for business ends up chasing much of it away. My money stays in my mattress not moving an inch.

09-24-2011, 03:51 AM
No type of punitive threats work as deterrents for the most heinous crimes...I never understand why people even get into arguments about deterrents in the penal system. It's punishment...pure and simple. That's what sentences are - punishments created to fit a crime.

Can't really argue with that...No one "thinks" they're going to get caught.

But, when it comes to those punishments, i'd rather see 9 guilty men live than one innocent man fry...No matter what it costs me in tax dollars. :shrug

09-24-2011, 04:38 AM
Really now? tens of thousands of yankees who are fleeing to the south to escape high taxes, over regulation, crumbling inner cities, joblessness, generations of one party rule, and ineffective schools.

The rural SOuth has the WORST schools, the most people on public assistance, the least job prospects, the lowest per capita income, the greatest number of working poor.

I was commenting about the criminal justice system as it's applied down South.

WTF are you talking about??

09-24-2011, 07:45 AM
Can't really argue with that...No one "thinks" they're going to get caught.

But, when it comes to those punishments, i'd rather see 9 guilty men live than one innocent man fry...No matter what it costs me in tax dollars. :shrug

Has nothing to do with tax dollars. Almost no one REALLY bases his decision on this topic in "tax dollars". It's usually just added as an after thought.

...the rest of that sentence... that's your reason to be against the death penalty. If you're sincere (and I believe you are), then stick with this because it's unassailable.

Personally , I don't have a problem with a death penalty myself...but it's a moral issue ...so there is no "definite" right or wrong answer...but it's the type of issue that a thinking man may constantly change his mind on.

09-24-2011, 10:40 AM
Some white supremicist got the death penalty this week as well for dragging some negro to death using his truck.I don't hear people crying about him or trying to influence the jury to change their pleas so he didn't die. I think the white supremicist deserved to die, just like the cop killing savage, as he behaved like a savage also and is a disgrace to the white race. How can he claim he is superior to Black people when he behaves worse than many Blacks would ever , and is in the same league as the blacks in africa who chop limbs off with machetes?

09-24-2011, 11:39 AM
Yawnnnn... do you have any knowledge of history Arnie?. The savagery inflicted by every group of every colour, race and creed through history is legend - and the white 'race' is every bit as guilty as every other one.

I would have objected to the execution of the white supremicist every bit as much as the killing of Troy Davis - though in the case of Davis there is clearly significant grounds for believing he may not have committed the crime. The trouble with killing by the state is that those later found to be innocent (and there have been plenty of accepted miscarriages of justice in England in the past few years) cannot be freed or be given recompense, can they. Revenge is not justice.

09-24-2011, 01:08 PM
hang them all and let god sort them out

09-24-2011, 02:31 PM
Pure enlightenment and intelligence from our Australian neanderthal I see.

09-24-2011, 04:40 PM
Sounds like a deterrent that might actually work.
Let's face it, the death penalty doesn't. :shrug

If someone is intent on committing a crime, no deterrent is going to work. Doesn't matter if it is life in prison doing solitary confinement or the death penalty.

09-24-2011, 04:44 PM
Some white supremicist got the death penalty this week as well for dragging some negro to death using his truck.I don't hear people crying about him or trying to influence the jury to change their pleas so he didn't die. I think the white supremicist deserved to die, just like the cop killing savage, as he behaved like a savage also and is a disgrace to the white race. How can he claim he is superior to Black people when he behaves worse than many Blacks would ever , and is in the same league as the blacks in africa who chop limbs off with machetes?


09-25-2011, 04:31 AM
The first vid clip w/ Thom Hartmann is quite frightening:

Hartmann: Have the psychopaths taken over America? - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmUlFz-cSJA)

And Noam Chomsky. Explicating that corporations, as institutions, are psychopathic; they've no moral conscience.
They can't, by actual law, have any other concern besides maximizing short-term profit. I mean, future generations have no value under the institutional structure of a corporation.
It's not the people who work in them that are pathological. But the institution itself demands that people be less than human. And as Chomsky explains: the nature of being human allows for all sorts of behaviors. Any one of us, under some circumstances, can either be a monster or a saint.
Sad thing: our culture has adopted corporate values. THAT'S THE CRUX.
And, too, we're inundated with corporate propaganda (advertising) from infancy, through school and into adulthood -- and throughout life. And it tells us, teaches us, in essence, that we should only be concerned about ourselves. No one else matters. The unborn -- meaning future generations -- don't matter. And it's very rational. It's called rational self interest. It's scary. But rational.
We're what's called: Rational Wealth Maximizers. It's completely rational under the ideology that we're taught. And that's why it's so frightening. Ya know, you're only concern is short-term personal gain. Nobody else matters. You're kids and grandkids don't matter.

Noam Chomsky - The Corporation Excerpts - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtdD42XsLlE)

09-25-2011, 04:36 AM

09-25-2011, 06:06 AM
Really now? tens of thousands of yankees who are fleeing to the south to escape high taxes, over regulation, crumbling inner cities, joblessness, generations of one party rule, and ineffective schools.

They won't be coming to California either. The only kind of business our state government knows is monkey business. The present environment for business ends up chasing much of it away. My money stays in my mattress not moving an inch.
You're both full of shit. They're just trying to get out of the snow. They used to come out for the season, & go back when the sun came out again up there. About 35 years ago, it started becoming aparent that more & more of them were willing to brave the summers down here rather than put up with blinding sleet at any time. A huge chunk are retirees. When the circulation isn't what it used to be, you can't get too warm. They're moving to CA too. There's so many people already that it just isn't as noticable. They move to the LA megopolis for opportunities. The retirees go anywhere else, especially heading south. It's gotten hard to find a place to live in San Diego nowadays. The 2 main reasons people move anywhere is opportunity & weather. Either can trump the other. Nobody's moving to Arizona, Mississippi, or South Carolina because they like the wages. Businesses go where they can service the big manufacturers, & the south is where the Asians set up shop.

I have no idea how this got into this thread, so back to Troy Davis.

He did it. There's no doubt, reasonable or otherwise. There was no mistaken identity. There was no racism in the jury deliberations. He was a vicious professional criminal. He was trying to beat another guy to death or close to it, & shot the off duty cop because he tried to interfere with his fun. Fuck him. He's dead, & good riddence. He got 20 years more than he had coming because everybody wanted to make sure.

To whom it may convern,
If you're going to argue in favor of abolishing the death penalty, YOU WILL LOSE if you continue to try & make assholes like Troy Davis into innocent victims or martyrs. I'm ambivalent, but y'all need to do a better job of picking your battles. The hue & cry over this one was a major mistake.

Dino Velvet
09-25-2011, 07:09 AM
You're both full of shit. They're just trying to get out of the snow. They used to come out for the season, & go back when the sun came out again up there. About 35 years ago, it started becoming aparent that more & more of them were willing to brave the summers down here rather than put up with blinding sleet at any time. A huge chunk are retirees. When the circulation isn't what it used to be, you can't get too warm. They're moving to CA too. There's so many people already that it just isn't as noticable. They move to the LA megopolis for opportunities. The retirees go anywhere else, especially heading south. It's gotten hard to find a place to live in San Diego nowadays. The 2 main reasons people move anywhere is opportunity & weather. Either can trump the other. Nobody's moving to Arizona, Mississippi, or South Carolina because they like the wages. Businesses go where they can service the big manufacturers, & the south is where the Asians set up shop.

Easy there, Hippi. I don't see what you object to. What business would you start tomorrow morning in California? I'm a mere knuckle dragging landlord looking for sound financial guidance. I'm not looking for a job. I'm looking for an investment but I'd be freaked out taking a risk right now.

09-25-2011, 09:17 AM
Europe,America,Australia,New Zealand,Canada are all sliding down into the toilet bowl .Areas in Australia ,America,Europe have areas that are considered no go zones for public services,especially police because of criminal behaviour.the socialists will say they need better programs ,the capitalists will say they need more police and stronger penalties.But what really is the answer ? a combination of the 2. and i believe that the law really should be colour blind but absolutely ruthless in their sentences for criminal behaviour and their really should be more education and hospitals and less tolerance for violence and corruption

09-25-2011, 11:40 AM
President Obama had the power to pardon Troy Davis.

Actually, he didn't have the power to pardon him. The President can only pardon offenses against the United States (i.e., federal crimes). A State conviction can only be pardoned by a governor or pardon board (depending on the constitution of an individual state).

09-25-2011, 04:10 PM
[QUOTE=hippifried;1010757]You're both full of shit. They're just trying to get out of the snow. They used to come out for the season, & go back when the sun came out again up there. About 35 years ago, it started becoming aparent that more & more of them were willing to brave the summers down here rather than put up with blinding sleet at any time. A huge chunk are retirees. When the circulation isn't what it used to be, you can't get too warm. They're moving to CA too. There's so many people already that it just isn't as noticable. They move to the LA megopolis for opportunities. The retirees go anywhere else, especially heading south. It's gotten hard to find a place to live in San Diego nowadays. The 2 main reasons people move anywhere is opportunity & weather. Either can trump the other. Nobody's moving to Arizona, Mississippi, or South Carolina because they like the wages. Businesses go where they can service the big manufacturers, & the south is where the Asians set up shop.

LMAO....you say shit that defies logic and more importantly fact. What you've stated is merely your opinion....and what's it based on? It's OK to have an opinion, but when it collides headlong into the facts, well then you look pretty ignorant. Let's deal in provable facts....can we?

Between 2004 and 2008 New Jersey loss 70 Billion in wealth, and it all didn't go south. Some of it went to Pennsylvania, and in case you didn't realize this...it's pretty cold there in the winter.
"This was not always the case. The study – the first on interstate wealth migration in the country — noted the state actually saw an influx of $98 billion in the five years preceding 2004. The exodus of wealth, then, local experts and economists concluded, was a reaction to a series of changes in the state’s tax structure — including increases in the income, sales, property and “millionaire” taxes.
“This study makes it crystal clear that New Jersey’s tax policies are resulting in a significant decline in the state’s wealth,” said Dennis Bone, chairman of the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce and president of Verizon New Jersey.
Experts pointed to an abundance of anecdotal evidence to support the numbers. Ken Hydock, a certified public accountant with Sobel and Company in Livingston, said in this 30-year-career he’s never seen so many of his wealthy clients leave for "purely tax reasons" for states like Florida, where property taxes are lower and there is no personal income or estate tax. In New Jersey, residents pay an estate tax if their assets amount to more than $675,000. That’s compared to a $3.5 million federal exemption for 2009.

And On Your inane California contention ( people are moving there, but you might not notice it beause there's so many people already there) LMFAO

" December 10, 2010|By Wyatt Buchanan, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau

[/URL] (http://articles.sfgate.com/2010-12-10/bay-area/25184740_1_population-growth-california-population-california-for-other-states#)[URL="http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=20"] (http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250&winname=addthis&pub=archivedigger&source=tbx-250&lng=en-us&s=reddit&url=http%3A%2F%2Farticles.sfgate.com%2F2010-12-10%2Fbay-area%2F25184740_1_population-growth-california-population-california-for-other-states&title=California%20population%20growth%20slows%20-%20SFGate&ate=AT-archivedigger/-/-/4e7f34efe3392ee4/1&frommenu=1&uid=4e7f34efe2083289&ct=1&pre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Furl%3Fsa%3Dt%26s ource%3Dweb%26cd%3D6%26sqi%3D2%26ved%3D0CFYQFjAF%2 6url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Farticles.sfgate.com%252F 2010-12-10%252Fbay-area%252F25184740_1_population-growth-california-population-california-for-other-states%26rct%3Dj%26q%3Dpopulation%2520trends%2520i n%2520california%26ei%3DzjR_TqaTJuTK0AG6_pwF%26usg %3DAFQjCNEam0WsEiUNw&tt=0)



Sacramento - — California's population has increased by nearly 5 million people over the past decade, but that growth has slowed in recent years and the number of people in the state grew by less than 1 percent between 2009 and 2010, according to the California Department of Finance.
Also, over the past few years, more people have left California for other states than have come here, though foreign immigration and natural increases due to births have kept the Golden State's population on an upward trend to 38.8 million, according to the department's annual population estimate released Thursday.
Demographers say the trend of fewer migrants to California from other states is the new normal and past mass waves of people coming here from throughout the United States, which has been an integral part of the state's history, is now just that - history.

Who's full of shit now Hippie? You're not dumb, you just sound that way sometimes.

09-25-2011, 04:12 PM
is this a rip to Troy Daivis thread? Or another example of ONK stupid postings?

09-25-2011, 04:20 PM
is this a rip to Troy Daivis thread? Or another example of ONK stupid postings?

It's a journey into "sober" facts Buck. I'm guessing that disqualifies you . Maybe you hadn't noticed but "ocassionaly" a thread veers off course here....I didn't take it there, but I'm happy to set someone straight with facts. Hippie said I was full of shit...I felt inclined to tell him he was. Have you something to add to the discussion...either on Troy Davis, or population demographics or is it time to wash down your morning meds with some cheap Vodka?
Hippie's not a dumb guy....you on the other hand....LMFAO

And this from a guy who ponders... " how many of my posts have been while I was drunk " . You fucking idiot.

09-25-2011, 04:29 PM
I do not drink vodka. Because of the cheap quailty.

This was/is a serious discussion about a serious challenge in America's criminal injustice system regarding a person who was seriously murdered. You can "veer" off about having an arm in someones ass, or your DP with ND, but I feel this subject matter should remain on course.

09-25-2011, 04:40 PM
I do not drink vodka. Because of the cheap quailty.

This was/is a serious discussion about a serious challenge in America's criminal injustice system regarding a person who was seriously murdered. You can "veer" off about having an arm in someones ass, or your DP with ND, but I feel this subject matter should remain on course.

Wait....we have a new hall monitor now. Buck is going to work with the mods to keep all threads on topic...LMFAO.

Then why didn't you make a post to redirect it back on theme...rather than take a cheap shot at me? Because like others, you can't resist the urge to take a cheap shot....and then complain about people who take cheap shots ! lmao. ....so you're the guilty one . Buck....please take a moment out from your fantasy football games and go back and read the thread from the beginning. Or any thread for that matter. None of them stay focused. It's the way it is. But why am I explaining ? In 5 minutes you'll be passed out and won't recall any of this.

09-25-2011, 04:52 PM
Again, OMK, this is plain silly. I am ok about othere treads going off topic. Sometimes, if smartly posted , an off topic can be illuminating and interesting. However, your's was not smart, illuminating, not interesting.

Also plan on being passed out in about 2 hours, not 5 minutes. I got some ass fucking to do to a co-worker who deserves it, always giving me work to do at the last moment, eating my food at lunch time, borrowing money w/o paying it back, drinking the last of my 151.

I mourn Mr. Davis's passing. I realize that the death penalty is just an microcosm of what is wrong with america's criminal justice sysytem.

I did not think I was taking a cheap shot at you. You did get DP by ND.

09-25-2011, 04:58 PM
Well we may never know, so I decided to try a little experiment. I don't normally believe in the supernatural...but can't hurt to try. Got a OUIJA board here. Hmmm...let's see...place fingertips on pointer...okay...did that...call out to Troy Davis...did that...(hope I didn't have to burn candles or incense...didn't do that).

Well, nothing is happening (just as I suspected), so this thing probably doesn't work...figures.

Wait a minute!!! It's moving!...It's slowly stopping over letters!..I...........
..D...........I............(that's it?..I think it's stopped....nope, started moving again)..D..

There, that seems to be it. Just one word : IDIDIT...meaningless.

Oh wait...it must mean "I DID IT"

Well then, there you have it...straight from the source...debate over.

09-25-2011, 05:09 PM
A stupid post. Were you also DP by ND like OMK?

I am not the cussing type. I think it cheapens discourse and lacks imagination and forethought as well as concise thought process.

But please, shut the fuck up about an Ouija board.

Now you can post about the DP, arms up someones ass, men in wigs, self sucking, assholes paved in gold, the lousy kindle, being a bottomless bottom, fucking in a random parklot in SE Ohio, who wins an AVN award, measuring cocks, and what other sissy, gay, weird, punk crap you want to post about.

09-25-2011, 05:10 PM
I do not drink vodka. Because of the cheap quailty.

This was/is a serious discussion about a serious challenge in America's criminal injustice system regarding a person who was seriously murdered. You can "veer" off about having an arm in someones ass, or your DP with ND, but I feel this subject matter should remain on course. i love vodka and orange but my missus get's so aggro on it ,i think she would punch me out so it's out of the question:hide-1:we stick to whiskey or burbon and most certainly not rum or there would be a death in our house hold

09-25-2011, 05:12 PM
vodka's quality is so random...I just do not trust it. Agree with staying away from the rum if household tranquility is a priority.

09-25-2011, 05:36 PM
A stupid post.

Almost all your posts are stupid.
Drunk or sober..
..probably because you're an asshole.

09-26-2011, 03:13 AM
A stupid post. Were you also DP by ND like OMK?

I am not the cussing type. I think it cheapens discourse and lacks imagination and forethought as well as concise thought process.

But please, shut the fuck up about an Ouija board.

Now you can post about the DP, arms up someones ass, men in wigs, self sucking, assholes paved in gold, the lousy kindle, being a bottomless bottom, fucking in a random parklot in SE Ohio, who wins an AVN award, measuring cocks, and what other sissy, gay, weird, punk crap you want to post about.

What a moron ! LMAO. You're not the cussing type, but you post
inebriated 80% of the time. Buck just because you're harmless doesn't mean you're likeable or even interesting. Maybe your posts should come with a warning...or even a disclaimer. Let us know at what point of intoxication you're at so we know if we should even bother reading it.

09-26-2011, 04:41 AM
Buck - You're not drunk until you shit yourself.

Kelly - Do you have to check the democratic platform before you make a post?

I've been drunk twice.

09-26-2011, 05:43 AM
Seriously, that is the single most disgusting thing i have ever read on this board. SMFH

:iagree: So that's the value of a human life in the US. Shame on you.

09-26-2011, 08:14 AM
Easy there, Hippi. I don't see what you object to. What business would you start tomorrow morning in California? I'm a mere knuckle dragging landlord looking for sound financial guidance. I'm not looking for a job. I'm looking for an investment but I'd be freaked out taking a risk right now.
The economy's bad all over, but it would seem to me that now would be the best time to invest in real properties.

What I object to is this constant false meme that people pack up & leave because they don't like the local tax structures or government policies. Especially established businesses. If that were true even a little bit, New Yawk would be a ghost town by now. Businesses have been leaving the rust belt for decades. It has nothinbg to do with government. US heavy industries moved abroad because they could hire workers for next to nothing, & usually only had to bribe one dictator. It'd only the major corporations that can pull those shenanigans though. It's the support industries & their support industries that take the hit. That crashes the local & regional economies. It's been happening across the northern tier for almost a half century. The "rust belt" has had that nickname since the early 70s that I know of. The business relocations were heading for CA & the southwest for the most part until the Japanese, Koreans, & whoever started up operations in the southern tier.

Taxes are just part of the overhead. As a landlord, you work it all into the rents. Every business works it into the pricing structure. All taxes are paid by consumers. If a business can't compete, it's not because of taxes, or his competitor hiring Mexicans, or any of the myriad other excuse. Others pay all the same costs & do just fine.

09-26-2011, 08:20 AM
i have heard America has one of the best tax systems around,ours is so expensive and so many and we are :nervous:about to get this fucking stupid carbon tax

04-23-2012, 11:36 AM
What a moron ! LMAO. You're not the cussing type, but you post
inebriated 80% of the time. Buck just because you're harmless doesn't mean you're likeable or even interesting. Maybe your posts should come with a warning...or even a disclaimer. Let us know at what point of intoxication you're at so we know if we should even bother reading it.

I think it has been established I post drunk over 90% of the time.

Nicole Dupre
04-23-2012, 01:32 PM
Instead of resurrecting old threads, you should re-read Catcher in the Rye (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120208080505AAIXFUn). That' s your favorite book ever, right?

04-23-2012, 08:37 PM
why are we still thinking about this KILLER... He is a fucking nigger who got what he should have gotten years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

04-23-2012, 09:39 PM
why are we still thinking about this KILLER... He is a fucking nigger who got what he should have gotten years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Which one is it??
He deserved death because he was a nigger??
Or he deserved death because he was a killer??

Or is 'nigger' one of those pet names you have for colored folk where you come from??

Nicole Dupre
04-23-2012, 09:53 PM
why are we still thinking about this KILLER... He is a fucking nigger who got what he should have gotten years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Wow. What a douchebag.

Cecil Rhodes
04-24-2012, 08:47 AM
I need to say a couple of things before i comment on this thread .

1) I like Kelly and have the upmost respect for and consider her to be one of the more intelligent and sane girls on HA .

2) I have not commented on these types of threads because they don't have anything to do with the subject matter of Hung Angels .

With that said i want to say STFU . You people don't know what the F??? you are talking about . You are paying lip service to hype . I know about this case from 1st hand knowledge . I lived thru it . Even more, my sister's best friend from college is the sister of Mark Allen MacPail's widow . She is his sister-in-law and the aunt of his 2 now adult children . I have pictures of my nephew and Mark's nephews together . TAD had more Appeals and Judicial Reviews than anyone should have and that hardly anyone has had .

The witnesses that you mentioned have not recanted, although they had plenty of chances to do so . TAD's jury was majority black and he was arrested by black police officers . Black criminals put out a bounty on him . He shot another person in the face about an hour before he murdered MacPhail . Oh, that other person he shot was black . Ever seen TAD'S Perp Walk when he was transfered from the Police Barracks to the County Jail ? Talk about a MUG SHOT . One of TAD's favorite things to do was tell other inmates in the Jail how he murdered that white cop . He just didn't boast, he gave 1st hand info. that had not been released to the public nor at the time to his attorneys .

Don't piss on me and tell me it is raining and don't put a turd under my nose and tell me it is a rose . I know better .

Cecil Rhodes
04-24-2012, 09:01 AM
Ease up Savannah . If you don't, they might start jabbering on the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman threads .

Savannah i think you should try to get along with them and offer an olive branch so to speak . I think a stick with a nail in it and 200 trash bags each will suffice and you can take them to Tybee to help clean up after what the Orange Crush participants left behind .

04-24-2012, 02:11 PM
Witnesses DID recant in the Troy Davis case. WTF are you talking about??


And how do you know what Troy Davis told other inmates about the murder of Officer MacPhail??

Are you a CO?? An inmate?? Or is this something else you heard from another one of your sister's best friend's??

No one is arguing this guy is a saint, the problems have been with how this case was adjudicated. Whenever you convict someone to death with very little hard evidence and recanted eyewitness testimony, it speaks to structural flaws in the legal system.

Georgia is shady like that. It's the South so what's new??

IMO when you sentence someone to death, there needs to be an overwhelming quality about the evidence presented, whether it's forensic or circumstantial.
Again, there are foreign nationals on this board who are citizens of countries that have outlawed the death penalty years ago so any verdict other than life sounds barbaric.

BTW if you're going to claim that Troy Davis bragged about killing MacPhail, it would be great if you had more to cite as 'proof' than just something you heard he said.

Lastly are there two people on your account? It sounds like two different persons are posting for Cecil Rhodes.

Cecil Rhodes
04-24-2012, 03:13 PM
i typed a nice response to your reply g-h, but i hit the back button instead of the post reply, so i lost it . i am not to going to retype it because it is not worth the effort because nothing will change your mind nor anyone else's who continues to fall for the tripe regarding this case . TAD is gone so it is moot .

oh, i really got a kick out of your foreign nationals remark . MacPhail's mother is a foreign
national .

so can we now get back to talking about Hung Angels or are you going to insult me and Southerners some more ? just remember, i am rubber, you are glue, anything you say bounces off of me and sticks to you .

04-24-2012, 03:41 PM

I AM a Southerner.

BTW I just don't think there was enough evidence to convict Troy Davis beyond a shadow of a doubt for first degree murder.

Ironically, in another thread a man admitted to killing an unarmed teenager with a single shot through the heart and IMO he'll be lucky to be convicted of voluntary manslaughter.