View Full Version : Does HIV cause Aids?

12-09-2003, 07:27 AM
I want to share with you a school of thought that I was recently introduced to that is very interesting. Apart from we are fed by the media and AIDS establishment there is a group of dissidents who does not believe that HIV=AIDS. I am not making this post to give you my opinion but to share with you some data and research that you do not hear about often. There are highly respected scientist and doctors who do not believe that HIV causes AIDS. Including the gentleman who first isolated the cancer gene in 1970 and the 1993 Nobel prize winner for chemistry.
The truth is that the idea that HIV causes AIDS is just the same as the reverse, a hypothesis.

For example did you know that:

The HIV virus is a retro virus that has never been isolated using the well known and accepted Kotch technique used to isolate every other virus.

Most people who die of AIDS have no HIV in them, only antibodies to HIV.

There are people who develop AIDS who are not HIV positive.

Statistic show that most people who have died from AIDS have been male
drug addicts and users. Study shows most of those who are long term HIV survivors (15 years or more) have never taken AZT or AIDS meds.

Karposi Sarcoma (a reported AIDS related disease) was only ever found in homosexual men. There was never an AIDS related KS case in Africa, in US women, or heterosexual men. *There are studies now linking KS to the extensive use of nitrate inhalants (commonly known as poppers). Why are some of the diseases associated with AIDS group specific and not general?

There is a school if medical experts who believe that HIV is a passing virus and that AIDS can be prevented by adequate nutrion, abstaining from drugs, and proper nutrition.

Take a look at this website, there are many like it
That list extensive research and data to support their views.

I am introducing this just so you can see a different perspective.
It id amazing to see how biased sometimes the information we recieve really is. And in no way am I advocating you do not use condoms and so forth. But just think if all the AIDS propaganda was just that. propoganda. After all, AIDS is a multi million dollar industry. Things that can make you go hmmm.

I would like your opinions!

12-09-2003, 09:32 AM
Happy Holidays 2 u 2.

The fact is that there is much conflicting evidence about HIV/AIDS.

The stuff about is not mumbo jumbo. It is scientific recorded data discussed by experts.

The fact is the FDA manipulated the first AZT trials and that is public knowledge due to the Freedom of Information Act.
People are still given AZT as drug cocktails. Only @ 1/4 of the most effective dose. Have you not heard the South African goverment is refusing to give AZT to HIV+ pregnant women because if all the side effects?

The HIV virus is a retro virus meaning that it needs a live cell in order to reproduce. It is scientific fact that a retro virus, once it enters the live cell,
the live cell produces an anti body against it not allowing the virus back in.
The HIV=AIDS hypothesis is in someways a paradox. And yes there are
group specific illnesses the CDC uses for a FACT. Such as KS only appearing in gay men.

I have known girls who have passed away from AIDS. They have all been drug addicts. I know a girl who has been positive for 16 years. Leads a healthy life and is perfectly fine. I know a guy who was in good health, found out he was positive, started taking the meds and his health got incredibly bad.

Lyfestyle has ALOT to do with any illness. Before AIDS was linked to HIV, the leading researches from 1981-1984 believed it was lifestyle induced.
Abuse of inhaled nitrates, steroids, and recriational drugs was believed to lead to an immnue system breakdown.

I am not saying it is a conspiracy theory. I am pointing out perhaaps that alot has been left out in research.

PS. About the TCells- the scientist who first claimed to isolate the HIV virus in 1990 admitted that in a petri dish culture-the HIV Virus does not kill T Cells. In fact, in some in vitro studies, TCells have acutally thrived in the presence of HIV.

07-21-2019, 09:42 AM
I have hiv and yes it does cause aids and yes it does kill cells trust me, u cans ee it on your blood tests and you can also feel it .......trust me, we aint been lyed to

07-21-2019, 02:54 PM
"Environmental" causes wouldn't explain the transmission of the disease via HIV+ blood transfusions , and accidental needle sticks of medical personnel .

07-21-2019, 04:18 PM
HIV is the initial stage before AIDS is developed. It all depends on the CD4 count. Once the CD4 count drops below 50, it's considered AIDS. It's not separate, trust me. Once you have HIV and don't take medications, your viral load will increase and CD4 count will decrease gradually over time. There are exceptions in the sense that the nef protein of the virus is not functional. The nef protein is responsible for depleting the CD4 count as well as the MHC 1 expression on host cells. If you are fortunate, the virus can't kill you, but if you're not, best to take medications or watch yourself break down slowly and die eventually. At the later stages, any non-lethal infection has the potential to kill you.

07-22-2019, 03:33 AM
Hiv causes Aids
and silicone injections causes autoimmune disorders,death, can cause a stroke,....