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View Full Version : Shopping with women

09-20-2011, 01:13 AM
This topic has been done to death by stand up comics and women who write those books about the differences btwn the sexes. But I guess I'm still dumbfounded after all these many years of my life that women, without exception, shop the same way. Doesn't matter if they're from Venezuela, Nigeria, Holland, or the good ol' USA, it's always the same regardless of the dame. It's the same whether you're shopping for item(s) for them, whether they're helping you shop for a mother, sister, etc., or whether they're helping you shop for yourself.

1. "How much money do I have to spend?"

Huh? When I shop I'm out to get the best deal on whatever I'm looking to buy. I don't pre-define my budget. I'm looking for super-bargain. If I can get it at a Dollar Store I'll be super happy.

2. She immediately goes to a shelf or rack that has pricetags at least 50% higher than the budget I just laid out. "Don't worry, these are on sale. The final price will be less."

Yeah, but we have 3 things to buy and you're blowing the budget on the very first item.

3. "What's her size?"

Huh? How the hell should I know. My sister/gf/mother is normal sized. That gets a serious eye roll. By the time she explains the complete range of sizing on the item she wishes to purchase on my behalf, I want to gouge my eyeballs out.

4. We'll go to only 2 stores in a huge shopping region, and the whole time I'll be thinking... I wonder if the one of the other 38 stores don't have a huge sale we're missing.

5. "I know this is beyond what you wanted to spend but this item is soooo cute! It's really perfect."

By then my eyes are glazed over and I just want to end the experience. Pay whatever and then take her to lunch at McDonalds, restricting her to the value menu, out of spite. And even that doesn't dampen her chipper mood. She comes out of the shopping experience on a high, and I'm nauseous, and not from eating a Big Mac.

Willie Escalade
09-20-2011, 01:25 AM
:dancing:Sounds like you've had some bad experiences! My ex wans't like that. She knew WHAT she wanted, HOW MUCH it cost, and WHERE to get it. Besides, she paid for it, not me!

Afterward, we went to Burger King and had kids meals.:dancing:

09-20-2011, 01:44 AM
I can't marathon shop the way women do...when I'm tired and my mind says "done"...I have to leave otherwise I might kill someone...so that means that I absolutely hate Christmas shopping when the GF has a huge family to buy for.

That being said though...I love to watch a girl shop for clothing...I love when she tries on little outfits and asks my opinion on them...it's like a little private fashion show. I have no problems with that.

When I buy stuff for myself though...I absolutely HAVE to do it by myself.

Oh and i like quality stuff...yeah I'll always look for a sale and internet shop for certain items...but unless it's totally unreasonable, if I really want something I can afford ...I'll buy it...

09-20-2011, 01:48 AM
Shopping with or for women is horrible. I used to give my ex wife cash for her birthday and christmas.

09-20-2011, 02:07 AM
It's boring if you ain't buying this with her:)

09-20-2011, 02:14 AM

Men tend to get in and get the fuck out, women like to prance around, walk and gaze at items they probably not even going to buy. That's their nature. I tell her "TAKE YOUR GIRLS WITH YA".

09-20-2011, 02:23 AM
You dudes are boring! :p

09-20-2011, 03:58 AM
I buy panties for her but I wear them

09-20-2011, 04:04 AM
This may help explain: