View Full Version : Woman brutally beats TGirl - Sentenced to 5 years in Prison.. Was justice served?

Kayden Harley
09-14-2011, 08:18 PM
I'm sure many of you remember the graphic video of a young TGirl suffering an epileptic seizure after being beaten by 2 other girls at a Mc Donald's restaurant a few months ago. The brutal beating began after she walked into a "Woman's Bathroom". The poor girl was beaten over and over, the attackers stomped on her head, and even punched a 55 year old woman in her face after she attempted to intervene.

Well, one of the female attackers (the adult) was just sentenced to 5 Years in prison, and 3 years probation for her role in the attack. Before you applaud the sentence, I think it's important you know that the max in their state (Maryland) is 35 years in prison for the crimes she was charged with. Meaning that she was given what is considered to be the lowest punishment for her crime.

The victim submitted this emotional statement last week:

"While being beaten, I felt like I was going to die that day"

"My private life has been exposed to the world. I lost my job. I cannot go anywhere without the fear of getting hurt again, I want to go into a hole and hide."

This, after her epileptic seizures, that had been gone for over a year, have come as a result of her head trauma.

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2011/09/13/2011-09-13_maryland_teen_sentenced_to_five_years_in_prison _for_beating_of_transgender_woman.html

Girl Gets The Beats In McDonalds In Baltimore & Starts To Have A Seizure !!! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWWHa4crQjo&feature=related)

09-14-2011, 08:24 PM
She should've done at least seven with no possibility of parole until seventh year completion that way shed most likely at LEAST do ten before having a chance. Rapists get five, shooters get 3 and 1/2 , I think the minimum should be ten regardless of the violent crime, you have NO place in our society if you choose to attack ppl based onrace or sexual preference, unless you like children or animals, then u deserve death.

09-14-2011, 08:33 PM
No need for repeated attacks like that, should have been longer with no chance of parole for me. Can't believe no-one stopped them cos I would have smacked them bitches. Bullying with a numerical advantage - not big or clever

09-14-2011, 08:36 PM
I don't see the difference. It it's 5 yrs without parole - to 7 years or 10.
If it's rehabilitation then if it can't be done in 5 yrs, then it can't be done in 7. It's just a waste of public resources to extend it further.
I think for a GBH crime of this type, a full 5 yrs is about right.

doctor screw
09-15-2011, 12:18 AM
If rehabilitation is the goal,5 years is too much.If punishment/revenge is desired,then 5 years is about right.......Murders get the same time,that woman got....just saying

09-15-2011, 12:21 AM
For the record, I'm opposed to hate crime legislation and this is why: first of all, this was NOT a hate crime and the victim has even admitted as much. The attacker thought the transgirl was eyeballing her boyfriend. Moreover, every violent crime is a hate crime. Can someone honestly argue that beating up a trans-person is worse than beating up a cis person?

The sentence was too heavy. If there was no hate crime slant on this, the attacker would have gotten less than a year. Unfortunately, when hate crime legislation is put on the books, justice is no longer blind.


09-15-2011, 12:21 AM
I think that all the employees at that McDonalds should've been fired and possibily even brought up on charges as accessories for aiding and abetting.

"She's bleeding, yo. The police are on the way, you gots to go."

09-15-2011, 12:47 AM
I think that all the employees at that McDonalds should've been fired and possibily even brought up on charges as accessories for aiding and abetting.

Now that I can get on board with. Oh, and I'd suggest a civil suit of course. That's how the real justice will be served.


09-15-2011, 02:32 AM
I wouldnt cal for ALL the employees to be fired. Just the ones who instigated it further or like in the video, the manager who didnt try to do anything about it.

09-15-2011, 02:47 AM
I'm surprised she got even that...

So many cases go with out being investigated properly or the person gets off with a hand slap cause of discrimination

09-15-2011, 02:59 AM
I haven't seen the video or heard about this case before now. It seems most of you think the sentence was too light so far, but 5 years is a long time in prison!

Sounds about right for me.

09-15-2011, 03:11 AM
I haven't seen the video or heard about this case before now. It seems most of you think the sentence was too light so far, but 5 years is a long time in prison!

Sounds about right for me.

That's three Brits, if we can still include Seanchai :), saying the same thing. Maybe we see these things differently.

09-15-2011, 04:16 AM
Not trying to be a dick here, but this type of bullshit happens all the time to all genders. Who the fuck cares?

Buy a Glock. Take a 4 hour class on a Saturday. Pay $70.00 for a Concealed Weapons Permit. Problem Solved.

You can't be a victim if you dont allow yourself to be victimized. Shitty world we live in.

09-15-2011, 04:22 AM

Yeah that will definitely improve our 'shitty world' - more people walking around with concealed weapons!

Surely that is a joke? If people have weapons they'll use them, then this would be a murder case instead of assault...

09-15-2011, 04:23 AM
5 years is fine.

09-15-2011, 04:24 AM

Yeah that will definitely improve our 'shitty world' - more people walking around with concealed weapons!

Surely that is a joke? If people have weapons they'll use them, then this would be a murder case instead of assault...

Because nobody's ever killed somebody with a knife, right? And because knives are just as traceable as guns? :geek:


09-15-2011, 04:32 AM
Yeah people get killed by all sorts of things. But how is walking around with a knife or gun or any concealed weapon a solution to anything? It can only become part of the problem and exacerbate the situation.

09-15-2011, 04:33 AM
I'm sure many of you remember the graphic video of a young TGirl suffering an epileptic seizure after being beaten by 2 other girls at a Mc Donald's restaurant a few months ago. The brutal beating began after she walked into a "Woman's Bathroom". The poor girl was beaten over and over, the attackers stomped on her head, and even punched a 55 year old woman in her face after she attempted to intervene.

Well, one of the female attackers (the adult) was just sentenced to 5 Years in prison, and 3 years probation for her role in the attack. Before you applaud the sentence, I think it's important you know that the max in their state (Maryland) is 35 years in prison for the crimes she was charged with. Meaning that she was given what is considered to be the lowest punishment for her crime.

The victim submitted this emotional statement last week:

This, after her epileptic seizures, that had been gone for over a year, have come as a result of her head trauma.

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2011/09/13/2011-09-13_maryland_teen_sentenced_to_five_years_in_prison _for_beating_of_transgender_woman.html

Girl Gets The Beats In McDonalds In Baltimore & Starts To Have A Seizure !!! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWWHa4crQjo&feature=related)

Yes...we discussed it at length when it happened, and I'm actually surprised the thugettes were sentenced so quickly,so thanks for the update.

In terms of justice served...who knows? I mean really... we can all have an opinion, but the victim is the only one who speak to the justice of it all. I will say this.....if you've ever been in a State "Correctional" facility, every day seems like 2, so maybe it was indeed just.

09-15-2011, 04:37 AM
If this woman beat this girl up because she thought she was eyeballin' her man... the woman is a nutjob and society would be better off with her off the streets for a very, very long time. I think people in jail for drugs should be free, but crimes of force and fraud need to have the level of punishment greatly increased to draconian standards. All of society benefits from the removal of psychotic violent nutjobs, but society does not benefit when someone smokes a J and gets arrested for a victimless crime. A reform like this would also save beaucoup dinero to the taxpayer.

09-15-2011, 04:40 AM
Yeah people get killed by all sorts of things. But how is walking around with a knife or gun or any concealed weapon a solution to anything? It can only become part of the problem and exacerbate the situation.

If you don't know if the other person has a weapon, you may think twice before doing something violent or criminal. In fact it's well know that it's not only our oceans that shield us from foreign invasion, but also the fact that many citizens own or carry weapons.

Personally, I'd rather not depend on the usually incompetent and frequently corrupt police departments, and certainly not hate crime legislation, to protect me.

However, I do see your point about how a weapon can easily escalate things. It really depends on the situation, but to say that a weapon will necessarily cause escalation is intellectually dishonest I think.


09-15-2011, 04:43 AM
Not trying to be a dick here, but this type of bullshit happens all the time to all genders. Who the fuck cares?

Buy a Glock. Take a 4 hour class on a Saturday. Pay $70.00 for a Concealed Weapons Permit. Problem Solved.

You can't be a victim if you dont allow yourself to be victimized. Shitty world we live in.


Add Krav Maga lessons. I took them... I was attacked in the ghetto, and pulverized the guy in about 30 seconds w/o him connecting with a solid blow. Possibly a hate crime considering I was dressed as an Orthodox Jew w/ a huge beard, suit, kippah, etc (I used to be fairly religious)(the guy gave no reason for attacking me, aside from me locking eyes with him while he was honking his horn at me while I was crossing the street), but either way the dude got his just deserts... crumpled on the streets, bleeding all over himself, unconscious.

09-15-2011, 04:44 AM
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the odd joint with my friends and I've done a number of harder drugs in my past. But dealing drugs, and drug trafficking are not cool and are far from victimless.

09-15-2011, 04:44 AM
By Chris Cannon
ASHLAND CITY, Tenn. - Police have released the names of the two men involved in a fatal shooting outside a shopping center in Ashland City on Monday afternoon.
Police said 40-year-old Shannon Scott Paul was killed, and 34-year-old Ryan Dickens was injured.
Investigators are trying to figure out whether the fatal shooting stemmed from road rage. It all happened in a shopping center off Highway 12 in front of the Don Pancho restaurant.
Witnesses said the two men drove into the parking lot from Highway 12. Both got out of their trucks and started arguing. Police said that is when Paul pulled out a gun and shot Dickens.
"Somebody pulled out a gun and started shooting and the gun was grabbed away from the original shooter. And then the original shooter got shot with his own gun by the other guy," said Ashland City Police Chief Marc Coulon.
Witnesses said Dickens then chased after Paul inside the Mexican restaurant.
"When he was running through he said, 'where'd he go, where'd he go'. So I guess he went around the other side and found him," according to witness Tanner Owen, who was eating at the time of the shooting.
Paul was shot and killed a few minutes later.
Dickens was taken to Vanderbilt Medical Center. Dickens' wife said he faces serious injuries and was shot at point blank range in the face and the bullet went through his chest and is lodged in his hip. She said he is awaiting surgery at Vanderbilt.
Both men are from Ashland City.
Dickens lives on Cherrywood Court with his family.
"They've got three beautiful children and it's just sad," said neighbor Shirley Sneed.
Sneed said Dickens was recently hurt on the job.
"And he was going to be off work for a while. And I've never known him to do anything like this," said Sneed.
Paul did not live too far away on Scoutview Road. Neighbors said he was quiet and kept to himself.
"He lived alone. He owned his own pool business and he took care of pools up in Brentwood, he had some clientele up in there," said neighbor Randell Pemberton.
Details of how the fight started took many on his street by surprise.
"I guess everybody's got guns, but you never know somebody will use it in that manner," according to Scott Binkley.
Police are still investigating the fact surrounding this case and what led up to the shooting. The information will be given to the district attorney general who will decide if Dickens will face any charges.


09-15-2011, 04:50 AM
If you don't know if the other person has a weapon, you may think twice before doing something violent or criminal.

Oh come on Bella. If we're talking intellectual honesty here, does the world you describe there sound anyway near ideal?

Paranoid people living in fear of each other. With escalating violence as a deterrent against crime.

I'll stick to my first instinct which was (and is) that this is not a solution. No where near a solution!

09-15-2011, 04:52 AM
Oh come on Bella. If we're talking intellectual honesty here, does the world you describe there sound anyway near ideal?

Paranoid people living in fear of each other. With escalating violence as a deterrent against crime.

I'll stick to my first instinct which was (and is) that this is not a solution. No where near a solution!

Well, it's not like I'm advocating that everyone go out and find a gun, only people who are smart enough to know that criminals already have them. ;)


Kayden Harley
09-15-2011, 05:00 AM
Carrying a weapon of your own usually escalates an already voilent situation.

I know this first hand.

09-15-2011, 05:12 AM
If you don't know if the other person has a weapon, you may think twice before doing something violent or criminal.

Personally, I'd rather not depend on the usually incompetent and frequently corrupt police departments, and certainly not hate crime legislation, to protect me.

It's not the cops job to protect you, it's their job to arrest the person suspected of killing you. That's why I carry a gun.

09-15-2011, 05:13 AM
Oh come on Bella. If we're talking intellectual honesty here, does the world you describe there sound anyway near ideal?

Paranoid people living in fear of each other. With escalating violence as a deterrent against crime.

I'll stick to my first instinct which was (and is) that this is not a solution. No where near a solution!

I'll tell ya what boof....if you spend any time in Arizona or New Mexico, you better be on your best behavior, hold the door for ladies, and keep your mouth and attitude in check. I understand that's an
anathema for you living in gun free Britian...culture shock for you..but don't knock what you don't understand.
Every one of those crazy bastards is carrying.....and not surprisingly.... it's pretty calm there for the most part.

09-15-2011, 05:16 AM
It's not the cops job to protect you, it's their job to arrest the person suspected of killing you. That's why I carry a gun.

So that whole 'protect and serve' thing is just for fun right?

You are not making the cops job any easier. Ever see Taxi Driver?

09-15-2011, 05:21 AM
don't knock what you don't understand.

Back Atcha.

Sounds like you don't know what it is to live in a society where everyone isn't strapped. It's nice - trust me.

A solution to a problem makes it go away. And if it's not a solution what is it?

09-15-2011, 05:22 AM
so that whole 'protect and serve' thing is just for fun right?

You are not making the cops job any easier. Ever see taxi driver?


09-15-2011, 05:34 AM
So that whole 'protect and serve' thing is just for fun right?
They haven't practiced "protect and serve" for a long time. (I know that there are a FEW good cops, who try to do right.)

You are not making the cops job any easier. Ever see Taxi Driver?
A few years ago, there was a domestic violence situation across the street. It took the cops forty-five minutes to respond.

09-15-2011, 05:38 AM
So that whole 'protect and serve' thing is just for fun right?

It is disingenuous.

Aside from that...

"When seconds count, we'll be there in minutes."

09-15-2011, 05:49 AM
Yeah there are some bad cops, and yeah they may not be as efficient as we'd all like, but on the whole i think they do a very hard job to the best of their ability.

It's popular to hate the police, but i know some cops and they're good guys - just normal everyday people like you and I - except they have a very demanding and difficult job.

09-15-2011, 06:06 AM
Isn't it illegal in England to carry a screwdriver around with you?

09-15-2011, 06:09 AM
lol. It's probably ok if you have a license to screw.

(you know like James Bond)

09-15-2011, 04:48 PM
Regardless of the sexuality/gender of the individuals involved, that sentence is insufficient. These attackers are brutal beasts, and need to be removed/separated from society permanantly.

09-15-2011, 11:14 PM
Taxi Driver was a great movie! You cant tell me you didnt watch that as a guy and want to bang Jodi Foster.

09-15-2011, 11:31 PM
5, about right for an assault.

As for the employees, piss poor area, they see that kinda shit every night.
Would you get involved if you were on minimum wage?

09-15-2011, 11:56 PM
5, about right for an assault.

As for the employees, piss poor area, they see that kinda shit every night.
Would you get involved if you were on minimum wage?

If the victim had been killed, they could have been charged with murder 2 for depraved indifference. I think that's a bit more important than said minimum wage. They didn't have to step in but they could have called for help.

Can them all. All they have to lose are their shitty paychecks. Bastards. :mad:


09-16-2011, 12:04 AM
Easy to sit in judgement when hindsight's 20/20.
Shitty area, you see that crap every night, when you gonna call it?

09-16-2011, 12:57 AM
Easy to sit in judgement when hindsight's 20/20.
Shitty area, you see that crap every night, when you gonna call it?

Every single time. Better safe than sorry. And how guilty would you feel if you didn't? Moreso than these little shits l would hope.


09-16-2011, 01:02 AM
Easy to sit in judgement when hindsight's 20/20.
Shitty area, you see that crap every night, when you gonna call it?

Actually, the area the Mcdonalds is in isn't really all that bad, it's just outside Baltimore City. A lot better area than my part of Baltimore.

Unless you meant Mcdonalds is a bad area, then I agree, any Mcdonalds is a bad area. lol

09-16-2011, 02:22 AM
They're animals, but 5 years is actually longer than I'd of guessed. They were probably convicted of causing serious physical injury to get that amount of time. It's also pathetic that so many people would just watch something like that happen and do nothing.

09-16-2011, 03:17 AM
They're animals, but 5 years is actually longer than I'd of guessed. They were probably convicted of causing serious physical injury to get that amount of time. It's also pathetic that so many people would just watch something like that happen and do nothing.

From an article:

Teonna Brown, 18, pleaded guilty to one count of first-degree assault and one count of a hate crime in the attack of 22-year-old Chrissy Polis.

She was sentenced to 10 years with all but 5 suspended.

09-16-2011, 06:40 AM
Actually, the area the Mcdonalds is in isn't really all that bad, it's just outside Baltimore City. A lot better area than my part of Baltimore.

Unless you meant Mcdonalds is a bad area, then I agree, any Mcdonalds is a bad area. lol
bloody hell Yvonne you must live in a real shit hole of an area,if you ever win lotto come and visit me an the missus in Sydney

09-16-2011, 01:43 PM
bloody hell Yvonne you must live in a real shit hole of an area,if you ever win lotto come and visit me an the missus in Sydney

I have moved away temporarily from Baltimore for now but it looks like I might have to go back, I do have one other option, time will tell.

I'd love to go to Sidney and if I did I'd look you up.

09-16-2011, 04:27 PM
I think they let the attacker off too easily, because the victim has had irreversible damage done to her brain and will suffer with it for the rest of her life as opposed to the five years her attacker will have to serve. As far as rehabilitation goes, I'm not sure that much of that really happens.:mad:

09-17-2011, 04:48 AM
I think they let the attacker off too easily, because the victim has had irreversible damage done to her brain and will suffer with it for the rest of her life...

you might be right , but I read a lot of articles on this after I googled it and I couldn't find one that said this...could you give a link to one?

Kayden Harley
09-17-2011, 06:12 AM
you might be right , but I read a lot of articles on this after I googled it and I couldn't find one that said this...could you give a link to one?

"While being beaten, I felt like I was going to die that day," Polis wrote. After the beatings, her epileptic seizures, which had stopped for a year, started again and became more frequent, she added.

She has suffered emotional damage as well, Polis wrote.

"My private life has been exposed to the world. I lost my job. I cannot go anywhere without the fear of getting hurt again," Polis wrote. "I want to go into a hole and hide."

Polis wrote that she has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and suffers from sleep problems, anguish, fear of being alone, bouts of crying and anxiety. She has been admitted twice to a crisis center.



09-17-2011, 06:56 AM

I'm not trying to be difficult...I'm usually all for harsh sentencing (at least I'm consistent with that as opposed to other folks)...but I still don't see anything other than what she said that points to "brain damage" suffered from the event ...and by that I mean "physical" brain damage.(not emotional)

09-17-2011, 07:40 AM
that was assault and should get the rattan for that .it works in Singapore with a very minimal crime rate

09-18-2011, 01:34 AM
I'm sure many of you remember the graphic video of a young TGirl suffering an epileptic seizure after being beaten by 2 other girls at a Mc Donald's restaurant a few months ago. The brutal beating began after she walked into a "Woman's Bathroom". The poor girl was beaten over and over, the attackers stomped on her head, and even punched a 55 year old woman in her face after she attempted to intervene.

Well, one of the female attackers (the adult) was just sentenced to 5 Years in prison, and 3 years probation for her role in the attack. Before you applaud the sentence, I think it's important you know that the max in their state (Maryland) is 35 years in prison for the crimes she was charged with. Meaning that she was given what is considered to be the lowest punishment for her crime.

The victim submitted this emotional statement last week:

This, after her epileptic seizures, that had been gone for over a year, have come as a result of her head trauma.

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2011/09/13/2011-09-13_maryland_teen_sentenced_to_five_years_in_prison _for_beating_of_transgender_woman.html

Girl Gets The Beats In McDonalds In Baltimore & Starts To Have A Seizure !!! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWWHa4crQjo&feature=related)
You may not want to hear this but the 5 year sentence she received was more than a normal battery conviction would carry.

It's very difficult to convict a defendant for a hate crime as the prosecution must prove that the defendant/suspect motivation for harming the Victim was the victim's ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, or religion.

I observed the complete video and a law enforcement officer with extensive experience with this type of crime am not surprised there were no enhancements. The defendants never clearly stated they were striking her because of her sexuality.

I'm not here to argue.

09-18-2011, 02:27 AM
Too light of a sentence. This was not a mere fist thrown assault but a lynching. This woman could have died in this attack.

09-18-2011, 07:14 PM
People this violent that aren't fighting for their lives should not be in public. These girls are a disgrace, and it does not matter the why or whats, there is no reason to keep beating on someone once they are down and obviously have no intention of fighting back.

Punching the elderly lady for trying to stop the fight. Really?

No one else but an elderly lady tries to get in there or help?

I do not get the lack of humanity in this world.

09-18-2011, 09:06 PM
From an article:

Teonna Brown, 18, pleaded guilty to one count of first-degree assault and one count of a hate crime in the attack of 22-year-old Chrissy Polis.

She was sentenced to 10 years with all but 5 suspended.

Thx for the info

Marty Mcfly
08-20-2012, 05:52 AM
the sentence was too harsh

08-20-2012, 06:47 AM
I am sure the attack was motivated by hate. I doubt they would have beaten a man the same way. I also believe that society's disdain for gay, lebian and transgendered people had a lot to do with the sentence.
The problem is that given the burden of the prosecution it is hard to prove to a jury that a crime was motivated by hate.
There are many factors involved in deciding a sentence including the defendants age, prior record, etc.
People also seldom receive the maximum sentence even for the most hineous crimes.