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View Full Version : WoodNutSac "All TS's are Men in it for Attention"

09-14-2011, 04:20 PM
Obviously you didnt study Biology either:

ALL TS's start out as a MAN, and come out with statements like "I have been born into the wrong body". blah blah.

We all know TS's are only in it for the attention they never got as a man.

At least TV's and CD's are still men and can admit to that fact.

Here is a simple analogy even YOU can understand:

Hey, lets paint this pig black and white: bingo, its now a cow.

WRONG: its still a pig... with paint on it.

There is MAN and WOMAN. Get it?

There is NOTHING in between. (apart from hermaphodites, which are a rare genetic freak of nature, as are conjoined twins etc.

So which part dont you understand? There is MAN and WOMAN.

A TS is simply a man that has taken drugs to grow breasts and grown his hair long.

Which part dont you understand? There is MAN and WOMAN.


I thought I'd re-post this from another thread but this winnit, Woodynutsac has made an excellent example of ignorance that should be made sticky for posterity.
I think the Woodsac's clear analogy (is he saying TS's are pigs or cows?) and explanation that all TS's are men who just "take drugs and grow their hair long for attention", is probably indictive of a lot of poorly educated, ill-informed, bigoted, sad little men out there who refuse to accept any other biological, psychological or other reasons for transgenderism, in all it's forms.
I believe it's also attitudes like his, which lead to further hate crimes or the fact that a 10 yr transgender who returned to school this week in the UK as a girl, was ridiculed not by other children but by adults in the area:

(Woody a 65+ yr old guy, was making fun out of a 10yr old??)

So girls, guys and everyone else. Let this serve as a clear example of how many ignorant individuals are out there and see what can be done, to maybe try and educate them a bit. I think it's sad that Kim, who is a TV and happy to be one, can't educate her tool on different types of transgenders (maybe she's realized it's a loss cause on him - after all, she only needs his arm not his brain). Personally, I'd rather drive down and kick him in his Woodwoodsac.

09-14-2011, 04:32 PM
Personally, I'd rather drive down and kick him in his Woodwoodsac.

Take me! I will hold him down so you can give them a good stomping on!!

Fookin ass-wipe!

09-14-2011, 04:35 PM
This board could really use a new subforum for education, too many clueless people on here and newbs with their am i gay shit.

09-14-2011, 04:37 PM
Not XX and not XY one in 1,666 births
Klinefelter (XXY) one in 1,000 births
Androgen insensitivity syndrome one in 13,000 births
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome one in 130,000 births
Classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia one in 13,000 births
Late onset adrenal hyperplasia one in 66 individuals
Vaginal agenesis one in 6,000 births
Ovotestes one in 83,000 births
Idiopathic (no discernable medical cause) one in 110,000 births
Iatrogenic (caused by medical treatment, for instance progestin administered to pregnant mother) no estimate
5 alpha reductase deficiency no estimate
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis no estimate
Complete gonadal dysgenesis one in 150,000 births
Hypospadias (urethral opening in perineum or along penile shaft) one in 2,000 births
Hypospadias (urethral opening between corona and tip of glans penis) one in 770 births
Total number of people whose bodies differ from standard male or female one in 100 births
Total number of people receiving surgery to “normalize” genital appearance one or two in 1,000 births


(just one little example of why people are "different" from the norm)

09-14-2011, 04:56 PM
ugh really - how disgusting

09-14-2011, 05:07 PM
bad whopper alert

09-14-2011, 05:40 PM
wow. Was that in response to the comment I left on his thread about a 'manly ts' - it seems to have been deleted now... (I didn't know much moderating happened on this forum)

Those are some pretty horrible things he said. How insensitive do you have to be not to realise that comparing people to pigs or calling them 'freaks of nature' is going to upset them?!

What is he even doing on this forum if he's so ill-inclined towards transgenderism?

09-14-2011, 06:46 PM
Woodywoodsac and the rest of the Kim's band of merry men need to just get out. It gets old seeing these people invade threads and spread their hate. Whats the point of trying to market "kim" to a bunch of people who aren't here for that shit anyways.

09-14-2011, 06:49 PM
Isn't it possible that woodywoodsac and Kim are one and the same person?

Whatever his post plumbed new levels of ignorance and prejudice.

09-14-2011, 06:51 PM
I don't think what Woody says has anything to do with ignorance or a lack of knowledge. What I feel is going on here is exactly what goes on all over this frekin' forum,,,,, HATE. People on this forum have a lot of hate inside themselves and they are free to use it anytime in their posts cause this forum is very lightly moderated. I think Woody's choice of words are just hate words, something to get back at people he doesn't like, to upset people,, especially the tgirls.

Go to the thread titled "Why are tgirls so sexy" and see how some of those posts are hateful. Go to one older thread about Erika and you'll see the same hate. The main theme of this forum is hate, this forum is not about porn, it's not about tgirl porn, or anything remotely like that, the main talk on this forum is hate and Woody's words are not much different than the other hateful posts.

PS-Also there seems to be a CD/TV verses TS resentment to each other, just another form of hate in my opinion.

09-14-2011, 06:54 PM
Odd though that this comes from someone who purports to be a good friend of TV Kim. Very odd to see hate from him (or her).

09-14-2011, 06:58 PM
Odd though that this comes from someone who purports to be a good friend of TV Kim. Very odd to see hate from him (or her).
So do you think his dislike for Woodywoodcrack is not warranted? You think what Woodywoodhead said was not out of line? You sound like you are supporting what woodwhateversack said, you must hate transsexuals too.

09-14-2011, 06:59 PM
So do you think his dislike for Woodywoodcrack is not warranted? You think what Woodywoodhead said was not out of line? You sound like you are supporting what woodwhateversack said, you must hate transsexuals too.

Are you new to reading? Where on Earth, from any of Prospero's posts, would you get those crazy ideas?

09-14-2011, 07:01 PM
Are you new to reading? Where on Earth, from any of Prospero's posts, would you get those crazy ideas?

Yeah I missed that also, Amy? I think you mis-read to whom he was referring.

09-14-2011, 07:03 PM
Amy... how on earth do you get that from my posts? I hate haters and I love TS girls. I think you have seriously misread my post.

I was expressing bemusement that this nutjob Woody is posting this diatribe of hate and stupidity when elsewhere he is full of praise for Kim TV. He is so wrong its unbelievable what he posted.

09-14-2011, 07:06 PM
Are you new to reading? Where on Earth, from any of Prospero's posts, would you get those crazy ideas?
Now tell me why I would be new to reading? Are you new to understanding english? This person is mad that seanchai made his post.

Kayden Harley
09-14-2011, 07:06 PM
Isn't it possible that woodywoodsac and Kim are one and the same person?

Doubt it. I've never seen her 'attack' just anyone randomly... At least not like the 'attacks' I've seen against her.

It gets old seeing these people invade threads and spread their hate. Whats the point of trying to market "kim" to a bunch of people who aren't here for that shit anyways.

The hostility and hate directed towards her on HA is gross. But if you look at her dedication thread, she has a lot more fans, and followers than most would have expected. Besides the very first line when you come to this website reads: Free Transsexual, Tranny, Shemales, Tgirls and TS/TV Forum and Blog. That includes her, and seems to welcome people who are into girls like her.

We can't fight prejudice with more prejudice. Instead let's educate those who we feel can benefit from it.

09-14-2011, 07:09 PM
Now tell me why I would be new to reading? Are you new to understanding english? This person is mad that seanchai made his post.

I guess I am new to understanding English. I don't quite understand your post. Who is mad? I think woodywoodsac is poisonous but mad? Probably not, sadly.

09-14-2011, 07:16 PM
If you people support what woodywoodsac said, just come out and say it. Stop beating around the bush.

09-14-2011, 07:18 PM
If you people support what woodywoodsac said, just come out and say it. Stop beating around the bush.

I would support him if his name was Woodyywoodpecker.

09-14-2011, 07:29 PM
If you people support what woodywoodsac said, just come out and say it. Stop beating around the bush.

Seriously, Amy, read through this whole post. Absolutely nobody has agreed with woodnuts, everybody thinks he's a troll.

09-14-2011, 08:03 PM
This board could really use a new subforum for education, too many clueless people on here and newbs with their am i gay shit.

I agree. I think there should be a FAQs section for noobs...

09-14-2011, 08:09 PM
I would support him if his name was Woodyywoodpecker.

I think Woody Woodpeckerbreath suits him more...

09-14-2011, 08:30 PM
For the record... woody has met me ONCE and because I refuse to meet him again, he has gone on a mission to slag off anyone who is TG, TS, TV CD.

You can see him in my photo-sets on this site so I dont really see how it can be me.

I'm not THAT good at photoshop!

09-14-2011, 08:34 PM
Doubt it. I've never seen her 'attack' just anyone randomly... At least not like the 'attacks' I've seen against her.

The hostility and hate directed towards her on HA is gross. But if you look at her dedication thread, she has a lot more fans, and followers than most would have expected. Besides the very first line when you come to this website reads: Free Transsexual, Tranny, Shemales, Tgirls and TS/TV Forum and Blog. That includes her, and seems to welcome people who are into girls like her.

We can't fight prejudice with more prejudice. Instead let's educate those who we feel can benefit from it.

I agree with you Kayden. They can throw whatever they like at me. I'm not bothered. I have my supporters and I'm here for them.

After reading the kellydreamhouse post it seems there are bigger issues now.

Thanks for your input anyway!

09-14-2011, 08:36 PM
Odd though that this comes from someone who purports to be a good friend of TV Kim. Very odd to see hate from him (or her).

As I say... I met woody once and refuse to see him again. Make from that what you will.

09-14-2011, 09:23 PM
If you people support what woodywoodsac said, just come out and say it. Stop beating around the bush.

Has Amy finally lost the plot? lol ...

I don't think anyone has even hinted at support for Woody's views yet :/

09-14-2011, 09:46 PM
I don't think what Woody says has anything to do with ignorance or a lack of knowledge. What I feel is going on here is exactly what goes on all over this frekin' forum,,,,, HATE. People on this forum have a lot of hate inside themselves and they are free to use it anytime in their posts cause this forum is very lightly moderated. I think Woody's choice of words are just hate words, something to get back at people he doesn't like, to upset people,, especially the tgirls.

Go to the thread titled "Why are tgirls so sexy" and see how some of those posts are hateful. Go to one older thread about Erika and you'll see the same hate. The main theme of this forum is hate, this forum is not about porn, it's not about tgirl porn, or anything remotely like that, the main talk on this forum is hate and Woody's words are not much different than the other hateful posts.

PS-Also there seems to be a CD/TV verses TS resentment to each other, just another form of hate in my opinion.

:iagree: You're absolutely right, Yvonne. Sometimes you'd think that HA stands for Hate Angels. Call me naive if you like, but I genuinely find it amazing that a forum which should be celebrating the glories and yes, the undoubted achievements, of so many tgirls, seems to be all about denigration instead.

09-14-2011, 09:49 PM
If you people support what woodywoodsac said, just come out and say it. Stop beating around the bush.

I suspect the divine Ms D is using a sadly underused concept on HA.

It's called irony, girls and boys. Lighten up.

Oh, and just in case of any ambiguity, this isn't in support of Woody.

He's a bigoted, ignorant knob.

09-14-2011, 10:01 PM
:iagree: You're absolutely right, Yvonne. Sometimes you'd think that HA stands for Hate Angels. Call me naive if you like, but I genuinely find it amazing that a forum which should be celebrating the glories and yes, the undoubted achievements, of so many tgirls, seems to be all about denigration instead.

Ive been thinking that for a while aswell. :wiggle:

09-14-2011, 10:45 PM

09-14-2011, 10:58 PM
I think Woody is Seanchai's sockpuppet. He exists so that Steven can utilize his white knight complex and save all TS from the perils of society and the industry. You are NO messiah, sir, and certainly no protector. Most of our issues were either caused or perpetuated by you. You are a fox in the hen house and this is an exercise intended to up your political cred, which should be difficult, considering that you didn't start with any.

Activism is the territory of all of the girls who suffer due to injustice, not the people who cause it. You sound like Glen Beck trying to steal the Tea Party right now, and frankly, if you thought I wouldn't call you on it, then you have more problems than you even know.


PS: Woody's even part right: there are plenty of 'girls' who 'transition' for the money and the straight men. Certainly, it's not all of them who do, but we'd be remiss not to discuss those who transition but are not really TS.

09-14-2011, 11:06 PM
Seriously, Amy, read through this whole post. Absolutely nobody has agreed with woodnuts, everybody thinks he's a troll.

I just misunderstood the post that I quoted. Woodsacface is not trolling, I am pretty sure he is serious when he posts though.

09-14-2011, 11:08 PM
I think Woody is Seanchai's sockpuppet. He exists so that Steven can utilize his white knight complex and save all TS from the perils of society and the industry.
Jesus Christ are you serious?

09-14-2011, 11:15 PM
Jesus Christ are you serious?

I'm half-serious. I'm just trying to illustrate that it's odd that a man who shoots amateur TV's and markets them right along TS's as if they're the same thing is now here touting the differences between the two.

Getting called out on hypocrisy is a bitch. That's why I always adhere to my principals and never waiver from them.


09-14-2011, 11:22 PM
I...who shoots amateur TV's and markets them right along TS's as if they're the same thing is now here touting the differences between the two.

a) point out where I market a TV as a TS please?
b) where I a "touting" the differences?

Fuckwit - would be the right term for you.

09-14-2011, 11:32 PM
a) point out where I market a TV as a TS please?
b) where I a "touting" the differences?

Fuckwit - would be the right term for you.

a) shemaleyum.com AKA 'The premiere megasite for men in dresses, and a few TS's.'

b) essentially you've argued that you can't see a chromosome, which is an argument utilized by many transwomen (myself included) to lessen the perception that they are are not women. Transvestites can't utilize this argument since they're literally men in dresses. Chromosomes are the least of their problems. yet you put them on Shemaleyum with transitioned women and imply that they're the same. Just because you haven't come right out and said it, that doesn't mean we can't draw a legitimate conclusion from your actions. :?

Not XX and not XY one in 1,666 births
Klinefelter (XXY) one in 1,000 births
Androgen insensitivity syndrome one in 13,000 births
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome one in 130,000 births
Classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia one in 13,000 births
Late onset adrenal hyperplasia one in 66 individuals
Vaginal agenesis one in 6,000 births
Ovotestes one in 83,000 births
Idiopathic (no discernable medical cause) one in 110,000 births
Iatrogenic (caused by medical treatment, for instance progestin administered to pregnant mother) no estimate
5 alpha reductase deficiency no estimate
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis no estimate
Complete gonadal dysgenesis one in 150,000 births
Hypospadias (urethral opening in perineum or along penile shaft) one in 2,000 births
Hypospadias (urethral opening between corona and tip of glans penis) one in 770 births
Total number of people whose bodies differ from standard male or female one in 100 births
Total number of people receiving surgery to “normalize” genital appearance one or two in 1,000 births


(just one little example of why people are "different" from the norm)


09-14-2011, 11:34 PM
I think hate from either side is wrong - CD/TV/TS

However there is a lot of hate from all sides...

However I can't believe what Woody wrote...

Have you ever actually met or encountered a ts woman besides a cd?

You can't go off your experiences offline either - I mean actually meet spent sometime got to know them?

09-14-2011, 11:35 PM
Oh Bella shemale is a porn term it's the fastest thing someone into ts google...

Shemale-club uses shemale too and advocates for us

So what is the difference?

This is you trying to get a rise out of Steven and Amy

09-14-2011, 11:40 PM
Oh Bella shemale is a porn term it's the fastest thing someone into ts google...

Wrong. According to my site statistics, most people find my sites by googling 'Bella Bellucci' as opposted to 'TS Bella Bellucci' or 'Shemale Bella Bellucci.' I made that so intentionally by marketing accordingly and never using those terms on my sites. You know something? It hasn't hurt my business and I argue that it wouldn't hurt the megasites to be social leaders and do the same thing. Furthermore, the person who most prominently helped coin and perpetuate the term is your buddy Steven.

Shemale-club uses shemale too and advocates for us

So what is the difference?

Who's us? Transwomen or TV's? Because I don't see any TV's on SMC.


09-14-2011, 11:40 PM
a) shemaleyum.com AKA 'The premiere megasite for men in dresses, and a few TS's.'

b) essentially you've argued that you can't see a chromosome, which is an argument utilized by many transwomen (myself included) to lessen the perception that they are are not women. Transvestites can't utilize this argument since they're literally men in dresses. Chromosomes are the least of their problems. yet you put them on Shemaleyum with transitioned women and imply that they're the same. Just because you haven't come right out and said it, that doesn't mean we can't draw a legitimate conclusion from your actions. :?


a) I've just counted on SMY's last 100 updated models. Only one MAY be a crossdresser/part-timer, I'm not sure - so I'd say yes, we still are the internet's premiere transssexual site.

b) No, Bella - you drew conclusions. I clearly just put that up to show one of the few differences in people and that not everyone falls into MEN or WOMEN. It had nothing to do with TV vs TS - I even stated below, it was just one "little example".

Your nasty piece of work aren't you? I know you revel in it but it's very disturbing how nasty you really are. I wouldn't put anything past that twisted little mind of yours.

09-14-2011, 11:43 PM
sceanchai no need to defend giving your customers what they want to see.
a guy jerking off to a shemaleyum vid could give a fuck if the model is TV, CD, TS, or whatever.
wasn't Jamie Markham hugely popular before she decided to go do gay porn ?

09-14-2011, 11:46 PM
a) I've just counted on SMY's last 100 updated models. Only one MAY be a crossdresser/part-timer, I'm not sure - so I'd say yes, we still are the internet's premiere transssexual site.

I didn't say the TV's were popular, I just that they're there and marketed on a site that you still, even in this sentence, swear is the premier transsexual site. Since it also features TV's, which part of my statement is incorrect? Oh right... none of it.

b) No, Bella - you drew conclusions. I clearly just put that up to show one of the few differences in people and that not everyone falls into MEN or WOMEN. It had nothing to do with TV vs TS - I even stated below, it was just one "little example".

I understand that, but I'd also argue that it shadows your actions in this matter. They speak louder than your words.

Your nasty piece of work aren't you? I know you revel in it but it's very disturbing how nasty you really are. I wouldn't put anything past that twisted little mind of yours.

I don't revel in any of this. The nasty piece of work is you, making personal arguments out of the tiniest criticisms, until, lo and behold, the criticisms grow stronger and louder because now you've gone and pissed people off who have business, investigative, and political skills that you can't match who, due to your own ignorant, shortsighted actions, you've radicalized against you.

As I've said on numerous occasions, there are plenty of people who agree with what I've said about you and your company and you're just mad that you can't destroy my integrity as the perceived leader of said people.

Politics 101. :geek:


Kayden Harley
09-14-2011, 11:46 PM
it's odd that a man who shoots amateur TV's and markets them right along TS's as if they're the same thing is now here touting the differences between the two.


Not trying to speak on behalf of Steven, but Marketing TVs and TSs is a no brainer... Members of TGirl porn sites obviously want to see both because they know Some TV's and some TSs are passable or attractive to them.

I don't think he Markets them together because he actually believes they are the SAME thing.

You're just picking an argument every time the guy posts something..

We get it Bella, you don't like him.

09-14-2011, 11:47 PM
sceanchai no need to defend giving your customers what they want to see.
a guy jerking off to a shemaleyum vid could give a fuck if the model is TV, CD, TS, or whatever.
wasn't Jamie Markham hugely popular before she decided to go do gay porn ?
so right about this Flabby lol

the consumer don't differentiate - unless they say oh that one has tits so it must be a tranny

Need I remind you a ts is based on what's going on in the inside not just the outside..how do you know the girl isn't a TS - oh right cause she hasn't been on hormones as long as you or had surgery still working on her shadow

09-14-2011, 11:49 PM
sceanchai no need to defend giving your customers what they want to see.
a guy jerking off to a shemaleyum vid could give a fuck if the model is TV, CD, TS, or whatever.
wasn't Jamie Markham hugely popular before she decided to go do gay porn ?

If I didn't know better I'd say you just proved my point for me. :lol:

Need I remind you a ts is based on what's going on in the inside not just the outside..how do you know the girl isn't a TS - oh right cause she hasn't been on hormones as long as you or had surgery still working on her shadow

Even still. That doesn't mean a transitioning girl is ready to model. Jamie was a perfect example. As popular as 'she' was, it was clear that 'she' wasn't a TS, and yet 'she' was getting all this attention because of 'her' proximity to Brittany. Nepotism, much?

You're just picking an argument every time the guy posts something..

We get it Bella, you don't like him.

That's unfair. I let him do his thing until he starts talking about trans-politics. I don't care how many model yes-girls that just want to stay on the money man's good side defend him, I only attack when I think he's saying or doing something that I find politically unfair or disadvantageous to transwomen, particularly when he stands to benefit. For the most part, I've been leaving his posts alone.


09-14-2011, 11:50 PM
I didn't say the TV's were popular, I just that they're there and marketed on a site that you still, even in this sentence, swear is the premier transsexual site. Since it also features TV's, which part of my statement is incorrect? Oh right... none of it.

I understand that, but I'd also argue that it shadows your actions in this matter. They speak louder than your words.

I don't revel in any of this. The nasty piece of work is you, making personal arguments out of the tiniest criticisms, until, lo and behold, the criticisms grow stronger and louder because now you've gone and pissed people off who have business, investigative, and political skills that you can't match who, due to your own ignorant, shortsighted actions, you've radicalized against you.

As I've said on numerous occasions, there are plenty of people who agree with what I've said about you and your company and you're just mad that you can't destroy my integrity as the perceived leader of said people.

Politics 101. :geek:


Let me guess how your beef with Seanchai started. Seanchai must be some photographer or producer for a porn company, u tried to get some pics, work, photo shoots or something done with him, but he must of have passed u by, now u mad at him??? Am I'm close?

09-15-2011, 12:02 AM
Even still. That doesn't mean a transitioning girl is ready to model. Jamie was a perfect example. As popular as 'she' was, it was clear that 'she' wasn't a TS, and yet 'she' was getting all this attention because of 'her' proximity to Brittany. Nepotism, much?
Who are you to make that decision? Who are you to say she wasn't ready? She was popular, guys enjoyed her, she was one of the best sellers on Shemale Strokers? Unlike you.

That's unfair. I let him do his thing until he starts talking about trans-politics. I don't care how many model yes-girls that just want to stay on the money man's good side defend him, I only attack when I think he's saying or doing something that I find politically unfair or disadvantageous to transwomen, particularly when he stands to benefit. For the most part, I've been leaving his posts alone.

Absolutely pathetic. You attack me constantly on a business and a personal level. You've went out of your way with poor attempts to hurt my business and the people working in it. You were a yes-girl ... we were the ones who said, hmm thanks but NO!!!

09-15-2011, 12:03 AM
............ because now you've gone and pissed people off who have business, investigative, and political skills that you can't match who, due to your own ignorant, shortsighted actions, you've radicalized against you.
Politics 101. :geek:

Delusions 101.

Have they already radicalized or did they go for a beer instead and leave you at home - or is it something I have to look forward to?

09-15-2011, 12:04 AM
Let me guess how your beef with Seanchai started. Seanchai must be some photographer or producer for a porn company, u tried to get some pics, work, photo shoots or something done with him, but he must of have passed u by, now u mad at him??? Am I'm close?

That would be their convenient excuse, but actually they invited me to shoot, promised to help me get into the business, dropped the ball on it, played with my shoot release date because I wanted to self-promote, used the WORST photos in the sets (that never should be been released, let alone showcased) to market me (effectively slowing my career), patronized me until they couldn't anymore at which time Steven decided to publicly argue with me about it instead of talking to me one-on-one. This is to say nothing of the Mean Girls' 'Plastics' attitude that is encouraged among their people. They truly think their shit doesn't stink.

From there I decided I would scrutinize Grooby's business plan more closely, and lo and behold, I found everything I needed to establish that it runs like the 'Wal-Mart of Tranny Pr0n,' step on the little guy, promote the undeserving, and blur the lines between TS/TV/CD so that a a 24/7 man in lipstick and a dress is somehow the same as an individual who has taken the time and had the commitment to assert and confirm their identity as female.

I could go on, but it might take all day. I won't lie: things are looking up and I think there have been efforts made lately to level the playing field, and in private conversations on this topic, I've given him credit for that. The question is whether or not he has an ulterior motive and if it will be enough to undo the damage that he's caused to the image of transsexuals over the years.

Mark my words though, if Steven actually puts in more effort to help transwomen become more independent and accepted in society, I will be the first to congratulate him. As far as I'm concerned, the personal stuff has been water under the bridge for quite some time. This is purely business/political now.


09-15-2011, 12:06 AM
There are plenty of Ts with ts etc and still see themselves as gay men and only have such surgeries for their jobs....so is a consumer supposed to differentiate there tooo?

09-15-2011, 12:07 AM
You were a yes-girl ... we were the ones who said, hmm thanks but NO!!!

Are you fucking serious? When, in the entire history of my time in this scene, have I ever been a yes-girl? Do you really expect people here to believe that?! :?

I've been an activist since age 12. My attitude has always been, 'be yourself and come what may.' You're twisting this on purpose. FAIL.

There are plenty of Ts with ts etc and still see themselves as gay men and only have such surgeries for their jobs....so is a consumer supposed to differentiate there tooo?

No, it's up to producers to do that, to portray and market people in the correct light. Those 'girls' who have surgery just to be in porn are not girls and you know it. Just look at all the Brazilians who de-transition. 'Hey look, I'm a girl.' Then, 'hey look, I'm a boy!'

Hey look, I'm a lamp post. Stop playing devil's advocate.


09-15-2011, 12:16 AM
That would be their convenient excuse, but actually they invited me to shoot, promised to help me get into the business, dropped the ball on it, played with my shoot release date because I wanted to self-promote, used the WORST photos in the sets (that never should be been released, let alone showcased) to market me (effectively slowing my career), patronized me until he couldn't anymore at which time he decided to publicly argue with me about it instead of talking to me one-on-one. This is to say nothing of the Mean Girls' 'Plastics' attitude that is encouraged among they're people. They truly think their shit doesn't stink.

From there I decided I would scrutinize Grooby's business plan more closely, and lo and behold, I found everything I needed to establish that it runs like the 'Wal-Mart of Tranny Pr0n,' step on the little guy, promote the undeserving, and blur the lines between TS/TV/CD so that a a 24/7 man in lipstick and a dress is somehow the same as an individual who has taken the time and had the commitment to assert and confirm their identity as female.

I could go on, but it might take all day. I won't lie: things are looking up and I think there have been efforts made lately to level the playing field, and in private conversations on this topic, I've given him credit for that. The question is whether or not he has an ulterior motive and if will be enough to undo the damage that he's caused to the image of transsexuals over the year.

Mark my words though, if Steven actually puts in more effort to help transwomen become more independent and accepted in society, I will be the first to congratulate him. as far as I'm concerned, the personal stuff has been water under the bridge for quite some time. This is purely political now.


Oh. I'mma just stay out ya'll beef on this one

09-15-2011, 12:17 AM
Oh. I'mma just stay out ya'll beef on this one

Thank you. It's quite complicated and has a 2+ year history, despite what my opposition would tell you.


09-15-2011, 12:21 AM
well glad it wasn't me who started this topic

Kayden Harley
09-15-2011, 12:27 AM
That's unfair. I let him do his thing until he starts talking about trans-politics. I don't care how many model yes-girls that just want to stay on the money man's good side defend him, I only attack when I think he's saying or doing something that I find politically unfair or disadvantageous to transwomen, particularly when he stands to benefit. For the most part, I've been leaving his posts alone.


Actually Bella, you don't know me, or my professional relationship with Steven to call me a "Yes-girl that just wants to stay on the money". In fact, I recently turned down an idea because I wasn't comfortable it. Steven was very understanding and together we figured out an alternate solution so that everybody would be pleased... So already, you're talking out of your ass. Stick to what you know :yayo:

they invited me to shoot, promised to help me get into the business, dropped the ball on it, played with my shoot release date because I wanted to self-promote, used the WORST photos in the sets (that never should be been released, let alone showcased) to market me (effectively slowing my career)


BINGO and now it all makes sense. you know Bella, for a girl who constantly claims just to "call it how I see it", you sure fail to see that it's almost impossible to find a post by Steven that isn't followed by a 'read', or a rebuttal from Bella just minutes later.

I usually agree with your contributions to HA, but this time your posts aren't as much of a contribution as they are annoying.


09-15-2011, 12:27 AM
From there I decided I would scrutinize Grooby's business plan more closely, and lo and behold, I found everything I needed to establish that it runs like the 'Wal-Mart of Tranny Pr0n,' step on the little guy, promote the undeserving, and blur the lines between TS/TV/CD so that a a 24/7 man in lipstick and a dress is somehow the same as an individual who has taken the time and had the commitment to assert and confirm their identity as female.

Bella, I don't know Steven but am familiar with his company. From what I have seen over the years, he recognized a demand, found willing talent (that get paid for their services), created successful marketing, and basically exploded the TS/TG/TV/CD porn niche which seems to have led to revenue-generating opportunities for a lot of people who likely had very limited means of making any money. His company can't stay in business by making large payouts to all models but models can use the exposure gained from working with Grooby to go do their own thing. That has to be worth something to anyone who wants to pursue a career in porn.

And to be frank, why should the business concern itself with whether a person is TS/TG/TV/CD as long as they present in a manner that's appealing to consumers? Consumers don't seem to care because they're buying into a fantasy anyways. It's not Grooby's role to play psychologist or gender police.

I understand the point you are trying to make and it is valid but after years of reading the arguments between you two I think that you may be channeling your activism at the wrong guy.

09-15-2011, 12:35 AM
Actually Bella, you don't know me, or my professional relationship with Steven to call me a "Yes-girl that just wants to stay on the money". In fact, I recently turned down an idea because I wasn't comfortable it. Steven was very understanding and together we figured out an alternate solution so that everybody would be pleased... So already, you're talking out of your ass. Stick to what you know :yayo:

So wait, you had a positive experience with him and that doesn't compel you to defend him? You may not be a yes-girl, but you're certainly on the Grooby team, as are many of the girls here. Many of them can come and say positive things about Grooby, and I even admitted that I will as I see more positive changes, but the difference with me is, I won't be doing it because they contribute to my bottom line, but because I will truly believe in what they're doing. That's called integrity.

Oh, and having been in business for myself for 10+ years and politics for 20 years means business and politics are what I know. :geek:

BINGO and now it all makes sense. you know Bella, for a girl who constantly claims just to "call it how I see it", you sure fail to see that it's almost impossible to find a post by Steven that isn't followed by a 'read', or a rebuttal from Bella just minutes later.

That's not true. A few months ago I got a request from the owner of this site to leave his promotional threads alone. I've done that. He's been free to operate here, for the most part, without my interference. That said, calling bullshit is precisely what I do, and not just to Steven. If you truly have been reading my posts, then you know all this, but I know you're just acting on a knee-jerk reaction because you have no idea what occurred.

I made my point. I'm moving on. People can think what they like. If they took the red pill, that's their problem, not mine.

I understand the point you are trying to make and it is valid but after years of reading the arguments between you two I think that you may be channeling your activism at the wrong guy.

He's the one who pretty much started the industry and his is the largest company right now. That's two good reasons to use him as my example. If you have any other ideas, I'd be keen to hear them. This really isn't personal for me. :?


doctor screw
09-15-2011, 12:40 AM
......and so the never-ending battle between Bella and Seanchai continues Also,does Kayden like backshots.....no disrepect

09-15-2011, 12:51 AM
"sceanchai no need to defend giving your customers what they want to see.
a guy jerking off to a shemaleyum vid could give a fuck if the model is TV, CD, TS, or whatever.
wasn't Jamie Markham hugely popular before she decided to go do gay porn ?"

If I didn't know better I'd say just you proved my point for me. :lol:

lol. Flabby made Bella's point so perfectly! You couldn't write that shit :P

Kayden Harley
09-15-2011, 12:54 AM
having been in business for myself for 10+ years and politics for 20 years means business and politics are what I know. :geek:

You know very well that when I told you to stick to what you know, it was in reply to you calling me his "Yes-Girl" ... which I proved you knew nothing about.

Also, for someone who knows business and politics so well, you sure know how to burn bridges with company whom you yourself claim is the first, and the biggest in this industry.

A few months ago I got a request from the owner of this site to leave his promotional threads alone.

Yeah, when it get's to that point, it's pretty much a sign that people are annoyed, which is my issue, too. Then today make make this comment:

I think Woody is Seanchai's sockpuppet. He exists so that Steven can utilize his white knight complex and save all TS from the perils of society and the industry. You are NO messiah, sir, and certainly no protector. Most of our issues were either caused or perpetuated by you. You are a fox in the hen house and this is an exercise intended to up your political cred, which should be difficult, considering that you didn't start with any.

Seriously? How is anyone going to take you seriously when you shit like that?

You just premiered your first Hardcore with another company, You seem to be happy about that, so why are you still barking about something that happened 2 years ago?

Kayden Harley
09-15-2011, 12:55 AM
Also,does Kayden like backshots.....no disrepect

eh? lol:confused:

09-15-2011, 01:00 AM
Also, for someone who knows business and politics so well, you sure know how to burn bridges with company whom you yourself claim is the first, and the biggest in this industry.

Well, sometimes my politics outweigh my business sense, sure, but I fail to see how that proves that I don't know either well. :geek:

Yeah, when it get's to that point, it's pretty much a sign that people are annoyed, which is my issue, too. Then today make make this comment:

Seriously? How is anyone going to take you seriously when you shit like that?

You just premiered your first Hardcore with another company, You seem to be happy about that, so why are you still barking about something that happened 2 years ago?

... umm, because it's not personal, just like I said it wasn't. But I'd like to thank both you and Flabby for doing my heavy lifting today and proving my points. ;)

You don't know any better so I'm trying to go easy on you, but there's a lesson to be learned from this: never argue with a masturbator... err, master debater. :jerkoff


09-15-2011, 01:01 AM
You all just need one big group hug :grouphug

09-15-2011, 01:03 AM
You all just need one big group hug :grouphug

Someday I hope. Someday. It's not easy being me. :yingyang:


doctor screw
09-15-2011, 01:05 AM
Backshots.........meaning,you bent over or in doggy style position receiving my member.....once again no disrespect(I'll be gentle:creepy old man voice)

09-15-2011, 01:16 AM
He's the one who pretty much started the industry and his is the largest company right now. That's two good reasons to use him as my example. If you have any other ideas, I'd be keen to hear them. This really isn't personal for me. :?

If the girls were really disappointed with the Grooby model, you'd be the head of an army capable of shutting them down. Clearly that's not the case. So one of two things: either Grooby is fair in its dealings or the girls don't know that they can do better. If you really believe they can do better then you should work on showing them how and forget about attacking Grooby. Attacking Grooby leaves you in exactly the position you seem to be in: a shepherd trying to shit in the trough that everyone else is drinking from. You'll never win supporters that way!

Kayden Harley
09-15-2011, 01:17 AM
Well, sometimes my politics outweigh my business sense, sure, but I fail to see how that proves that I don't know either well. :geek:

:praying: Sweetheart, you obviously don't get what I'm saying to you.

... umm, because it's not personal, just like I said it wasn't.

Right, so you're running your mouth still.. 2 years later, because it's 'not personal'. Yeah, we get it. :screwy

You don't know any better so I'm trying to go easy on you, but there's a lesson to be learned from this: never argue with a masturbator... err, master debater. :jerkoff:


The Queen Bee of HA has given me a pass? I'm honored! :fu: Not seeing what everyone else sees doesn't make you a "Master Debater", it makes you... well.. I'll just save the rest of this for a rainy day.

Back to why we're ALL here:

Anyone in the mood for some Naked pics and cum shots?!


Kayden Harley
09-15-2011, 01:18 AM
Backshots.........meaning,you bent over or in doggy style position receiving my member.....once again no disrespect(I'll be gentle:creepy old man voice)

oh... Thanks, but I'll pass. would YOU like to take some backshots?

09-15-2011, 01:20 AM
oh... Thanks, but I'll pass. would YOU like to take some backshots?

Can we exchange facial shots?

09-15-2011, 01:24 AM
If the girls were really disappointed with the Grooby model, you'd be the head of an army capable of shutting them down. Clearly that's not the case. So one of two things: either Grooby is fair in its dealings or the girls don't know that they can do better. If you really believe they can do better then you should work on showing them how and forget about attacking Grooby. Attacking Grooby leaves you in exactly the position you seem to be in: a shepherd trying to shit in the trough that everyone else is drinking from. You'll never win supporters that way!

I understand that. I play the long game. Keep your eye on me. There's more to come. ;)


Kayden Harley
09-15-2011, 01:24 AM
Can we exchange facial shots?

How about you start posting facial PHOTOS before you make any requests...


Kayden Harley
09-15-2011, 01:29 AM
So one of two things: either Grooby is fair in its dealings or the girls don't know that they can do better.

My opinions are considered,
I'm respected,
I'm paid well (especially in comparison to what some other companies offer).

The girls I speak to feel the same way.

Maybe her situation was different, I really do feel for her if it was.


09-15-2011, 01:30 AM
How about you start posting facial PHOTOS before you make any requests...



Kayden Harley
09-15-2011, 01:33 AM

yummy!!!!! I'd hit that :salad

Seriously, what are you afraid of?

09-15-2011, 01:33 AM
I understand that. I play the long game. Keep your eye on me. There's more to come. ;)


You're Aquarian...................of course there's a master plan ;)

doctor screw
09-15-2011, 01:36 AM
oh... Thanks, but I'll pass. would YOU like to take some backshots?

No thanks,but what a waste of good ass...what a shame,lol

09-15-2011, 01:37 AM
yummy!!!!! I'd hit that :salad

Seriously, what are you afraid of?

My career being ruined. You'll have no problem seeing my face if u ever stopped in upstate ny though :whistle:

09-15-2011, 01:37 AM
Maybe her situation was different, I really do feel for her if it was.


Thank you. That's very sweet, and perhaps the most understanding comment on the subject I've received so far in over 2 years.

You're Aquarian...................of course there's a master plan ;)

Well, a-duuuuuuuh! :lol:


Kayden Harley
09-15-2011, 01:43 AM
My career being ruined. You'll have no problem seeing my face if u ever stopped in upstate ny though :whistle:

Riiiiiight.. I'm going to go all the way to Upstate, NY to meet someone without knowing what they look like, or whether I'd even find them attractive.

All you had to do was look at my avatar to see what I look like, Why should I have to meet you to see what you look like? No thanks :yayo:

Besides, I don't mess around with closeted guys for free.


But for fantasy's sake: (In a Betty Boop voice) Yeah baby I'll go over there and blow a load in your face.

Kayden Harley
09-15-2011, 01:44 AM
No thanks,but what a waste of good ass...what a shame,lol

Sorry sugar plum. But thanks for the compliment


09-15-2011, 01:48 AM
My opinions are considered,
I'm respected,
I'm paid well (especially in comparison to what some other companies offer).

The girls I speak to feel the same way.

Maybe her situation was different, I really do feel for her if it was.


I don't know what her situation was, but let me tell you about my first shoot. I looked like shit. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. Buddy gave me hardly any direction, my photos weren't edited to remove any blemishes, I was so nervous that I took a ton of zanax and was out of my mind, I was terribly disappointed with my first photo shoot and I thought it was the worst photos of me that I ever saw. And yea, I was bugging steven about when they were going to release them too.

From what I hear, I wasn't even going to get reshot or anything until I got my shit together, and came back with a whole new look and personality and got shit done outside of grooby(SMC,Strokers,Bobs). After I did all that, grooby had me back.

After I dealt with all that shit, I have no sympathy for people who want to pretend like grooby singled them out. That is just the nature of shemaleyum. Its raw and not all glamed up like other sites. Know what you are getting into and don't pretend like everyone owes you something or that they have the time to hold your hand like you're special.

I always give this advice out to girls who ask me and I tell them "Do not be a Diva. Don't be mean or rude. Be polite, and nice, and be cool with people and it will take you places. You burn your bridges and you are done." Its 100% true. If I didn't know what I was talking about, I wouldn't have got all the stuff done that I have in my "porn career".

09-15-2011, 01:55 AM
After I dealt with all that shit, I have no sympathy for people who want to pretend like grooby singled them out. That is just the nature of shemale yum. Its raw and not all glamed up like other sites.

I was singled out and once again someone else proves it for me. I mean first of all, anybody calling themselves a director should, you know, direct. What happened to us is unacceptable. It degrades the model, the product, the company, and the industry. It's a travesty. They take for granted that most transsexuals already have the glamour thing going on before they shoot, so they don't bother to help the other girls out, knowing how difficult it is to start. What's worse is that they're largely seen as the first go-to of new models since it's their self-described mission to shoot the largest number of girls possible, but they pay little attention to quality.

The only differences between what happened to you and what happened to me are that a) your absolute worst picture wasn't the only one used in your marketing from day one in an attempt to derail your career before it even began, and b) you kept your mouth shut about the poor quality. You decided to play ball. I chose instead to stand up for the girls who come after me and got myself blackballed. You got screwed and you liked it. Well bully for you. Not everybody does, and they shouldn't have to.


Kayden Harley
09-15-2011, 01:58 AM
I don't know what her situation was, but let me tell you about my first shoot. I looked like shit. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. Buddy gave me hardly any direction, my photos weren't edited to remove any blemishes, I was so nervous that I took a ton of zanax and was out of my mind, I was terribly disappointed with my first photo shoot and I thought it was the worst photos of me that I ever saw. And yea, I was bugging steven about when they were going to release them too.

From what I hear, I wasn't even going to get reshot or anything until I got my shit together, and came back with a whole new look and personality and got shit done outside of grooby(SMC,Strokers,Bobs). After I did all that, grooby had me back.

LOL your 1st shoot sounds just like mine. I shot with Tony, in NYC. I'm sure he did all he could, but I wasn't happy with what I looked like in the photos and videos. I still don't even like LOOKING at the content from that shoot. Sure, I feel they weren't edited enough, but I ultimately realized that my LOOK was the problem.

I went back for a reshoot in Ft. Lauderdale with Jack Flash. Showed up with a new, more appealing look, and I was really please with the outcome (the members seem to really like them too). A part of me really likes having those hideous photos/videos of me on there, so people know how far I've come in being comfortable in my own skin, and knowing what works for me.


09-15-2011, 02:00 AM
So you both admit that this IS the way it is and always has been. I just want to get that on record since everyone's been denying it for over 2 years. :geek:


09-15-2011, 02:01 AM
I was singled out and once again someone else proves it for me. I mean first of all, anybody calling themselves a director should, you know, direct. What happened to you is unacceptable. It degrades the model, the product, the company, and the industry. It's a travesty. They take for granted that most transsexuals already have the glamour thing going on before they shoot, so they don't bother to help the other girls out, knowing how difficult it is to start.

The difference between what happened to you and what happened to me is that a) your absolute worst picture wasn't the only one used in your marketing from day one in an attempt to derail your career before it even began, and b) you kept your mouth shut about the poor quality. You decided to play ball. I chose instead to stand up for the girls who come after me. Well bully for you.


You weren't singled out. I can't count how many times they have put up stupid photos of me on my site tour that I had to go back and change myself. Who ever chose to put those preview photos up was not Steven. They chose it because its what they thought were the best. Maybe they didn't have a good enough eye for you and you got a bad draw, but you weren't singled out. And like I said. That is the nature of the beast. Its Shemale Yum and it SELLS to their customers. Just like the people who sign up to club expect nothing but the best photography and a more glammed up look.

09-15-2011, 02:02 AM
Woodywoodsac and the rest of the Kim's band of merry men need to just get out. It gets old seeing these people invade threads and spread their hate. Whats the point of trying to market "kim" to a bunch of people who aren't here for that shit anyways.

So I see Woodywoodsac is no Woody Guthrie in terms of intelligence or temperament. He's a folk hero of the ignorant to be sure. I'm not sure who burst his little bubble, but he's got a hard on for somebody or something, and pissed a nasty hateful hissy fit. He needs to be taken to task, dismissed then ignored. H's proved he's not worthy of further attention.....

Having said that....What's been interesting to me so far is Amy's response. I have no particular beef with her, in fact I think she's a hottie, but her response is symptomatic of part of the problem in here, and I've seen enough of it to know a trend. Amy and others will lead you to believe in political and other threads that's she hates hate and intolerance....which is probably true for the most part, but she certainly has the capacity to hate TV's as do many of the other ladies in here. Call it what you like, but in my book it smacks of hypocrisy. I'm obviously not a trans woman, but as someone explained it to me once in here....TS feel that TV's and CD's give them a bad name. I'm perfectly capable of understanding the differences between Amy and Kim, and my guess is so are most others. It would seem there's some truth to that judging by the vitriol directed at some TV's in here. Is it possible that because many TS ladies on here exhibit open contempt for TV's that it gives the wink and nod to others to pile on? Are some of the dudes looking for affirmation from the ladies and find it by smashing imperfect people? It appears that way. I don't think there's any danger of Trans Women losing their special status here on HA or become second class citizens...( except in the mind of Woody and a few others like him) , so why does it go on? I normally like opinionated people, but I think we've taken that to the extreme in here. But it's not only TS women....I recall a thread awhile back where Jamie was bustin' on Kim...that's a real fucking head scratcher ! It would appear to me that TV's are a part of HA and will continue to be, so either folks accept that, or we'll just continue merrily along saying we hate hate, but actually exhibiting more of it than any of us like to admit. Some of the shit I see on here would make a skin head gathering seem like a company picnic. lol

09-15-2011, 02:02 AM
So you both admit that this IS the way it is and always has been. I just want to get that on record since everyone's been denying it for over 2 years. :geek:


What exactly are you referring to?

09-15-2011, 02:04 AM
Riiiiiight.. I'm going to go all the way to Upstate, NY to meet someone without knowing what they look like, or whether I'd even find them attractive.

All you had to do was look at my avatar to see what I look like, Why should I have to meet you to see what you look like? No thanks :yayo:

Besides, I don't mess around with closeted guys for free.


But for fantasy's sake: (In a Betty Boop voice) Yeah baby I'll go over there and blow a load in your face.

Lol Im not asking you to travel all the way up here, just think about it if u passing by...

If I knew u seriously wanted to meet me, I'd probably send u a pic, but it wouldn't be on here. Maybe It'd be by PM or even a phone pic. But even then I'm hesitant because how I know u wont post up my pic?

I'm only "closet" mainly in front of certain people, such as close friends and some co-workers, not to the world. Im no george clooney but every tgirl I met have yet to complain about the way I look :wiggle:

09-15-2011, 02:06 AM
You weren't singled out. I can't count how many times they have put up stupid photos of me on my site tour that I had to go back and change myself. Who ever chose to put those preview photos up was not Steven. They chose it because its what they thought were the best. Maybe they didn't have a good enough eye for you and you got a bad draw, but you weren't singled out. And like I said. That is the nature of the beast. Its Shemale Yum and it SELLS to their customers. Just like the people who sign up to club expect nothing but the best photography and a more glammed up look.

Oh no, my argument isn't that I was singled out before the shoot. I was singled-out afterwards because I dared to criticize. That's really all there is to it for me. And you've admitted that on other threads.

I'm just saying: all I ever wanted to do was fuck on camera and get paid for it. I didn't want the politics believe it or not. I sincerely feel I was pulled into it by the actions of Buddy and Steven, and if I ever thought they were even capable of having an honest discussion about it, off the record of course, I would be game, but even if we were to reach a level of cordiality, it wouldn't last unless they were to make some changes that I'm not convinced they're ready to make, like being more inclusive behind the scenes so that girls can start their own businesses, and a little more exclusive where it counts: on a site dedicated to transsexuals but featuring all kinds of transgendered people.


09-15-2011, 02:07 AM
Having said that....What's been interesting to me so far is Amy's response
If you go back to what I said, I said what is the point of trying to market her here. Its one thing to post with some updates every now and then, but they are invading other peoples threads and spamming her photos all over the place and for what? The majority of the people posting here are here to see transsexuals. When I ask whats the point of marketing her here, I am asking why be SO dedicated to invading threads and spamming her photos if the majority of people don't want to see it?

I wouldn't go over to www.crossdresserforums.com and spam the hell out of myself, and invade threads. That takes dedication and for what return? Get a bunch of people hating me? No thanks, its a waste of time. That is what I meant.

Kayden Harley
09-15-2011, 02:11 AM
If I knew u seriously wanted to meet me, I'd probably send u a pic, but it wouldn't be on here. Maybe It'd be by PM or even a phone pic. But even then I'm hesitant because how I know u wont post up my pic?

Yeah, you celebrities have to worry about that kinda stuff.

I'm only "closet" mainly in front of certain people, such as close friends and some co-workers, not to the world.

um.. that didn't make much sense lol You're out to who? HA?

You're wither in the closet or your not lol

09-15-2011, 02:12 AM
I wouldn't go over to www.crossdresserforums.com (http://www.crossdresserforums.com) and spam the hell out of myself, and invade threads.

I totally clicked on that, thinking it would at least have some hot pictures, but alas it isn't a real site :-(

09-15-2011, 02:13 AM
Oh no, my argument isn't that I was singled out before the shoot. I was singled-out afterwards because I dared to criticize. That's really all there is to it for me. And you've admitted that on other threads.

Bella, why would they want to pay you money after you publicly berate them? Why would they want anything to do with you? I am telling you right now that if you acted the way you did towards grooby to anyone else, it would burn that bridge too. I am not trying to poke fun at you or anything like that, but seriously...why haven't strokers,bobs,or SMC re-shot you? Its because of your attitude. I know what your response will be and you are going to say that Steven put out the bad word on you, but SMC, strokers, and bob don't give a shit what Steven thinks about models. They just want the $$$$.

09-15-2011, 02:13 AM
I totally clicked on that, thinking it would at least have some hot pictures, but alas it isn't a real site :-(

hehe someone should snatch that up if its not taken

09-15-2011, 02:16 AM
Bella, why would they want to pay you money after you publicly berate them? Why would they want anything to do with you? I am telling you right now that if you acted the way you did towards grooby to anyone else, it would burn that bridge too. I am not trying to poke fun at you or anything like that, but seriously...why haven't strokers,bobs,or SMC re-shot you? Its because of your attitude. I know what your response will be and you are going to say that Steven put out the bad word on you, but SMC, strokers, and bob don't give a shit what Steven thinks about models. They just want the $$$$.

Which came first? The chicken or the egg? I seem to remember considering that awful headshot in yellow light to be the first blow in this fight.

Hey, did you know that he changed my avatar on the SMY forum to that photo because he knows how much I hate it? Yes. Really. And of course I'm banned so I can't change it.

Steven's been playing dirty since day one.


09-15-2011, 02:34 AM
Yeah, you celebrities have to worry about that kinda stuff.

um.. that didn't make much sense lol You're out to who? HA?

You're wither in the closet or your not lol

Haha trust me if I was a celebrity, I would not be in upstate ny right now!

When I say I'm not "completly in the closet" I mean that by I don't mind being seen in the public with a tgirl or don't mind certain people knowing im bi and I'm into tgirls. Few people know I'm bi, some don't. BUT I also know people who're so one sided and dont beleive in bi's or tgirls(they them automatically classify them as gay) and think all gays should be abolished. Im cool with them but stay closeted from them because some of them are business partners.

Trust me though, I think someday we'll cross paths and you wont be disappointed ;-)
You gon know its sircumsalot when I cum!

09-15-2011, 02:37 AM
If you go back to what I said, I said what is the point of trying to market her here. Its one thing to post with some updates every now and then, but they are invading other peoples threads and spamming her photos all over the place and for what? The majority of the people posting here are here to see transsexuals. When I ask whats the point of marketing her here, I am asking why be SO dedicated to invading threads and spamming her photos if the majority of people don't want to see it?

I agree. It didn't take me long to learn not to click on Kim's threads, but it's harder to avoid her marketing campaign when it pervades all areas of the forum. Obviously that's why she does it, but what's the pout (ironically my Phone's autocorrect changed that from 'point' lol) of irritating everyone when it will mostly work to alienate her further from potential customers.

I'm happy for her if she's successful, but I don't find her attractive, and haven't come here to see her photos.

Kayden Harley
09-15-2011, 02:44 AM
Haha trust me if I was a celebrity, I would not be in upstate ny right now!

When I say I'm not "completly in the closet" I mean that by I don't mind being seen in the public with a tgirl or don't mind certain people knowing im bi and I'm into tgirls. Few people know I'm bi, some don't. BUT I also know people who're so one sided and dont beleive in bi's or tgirls(they them automatically classify them as gay) and think all gays should be abolished. Im cool with them but stay closeted from them because some of them are business partners.

Trust me though, I think someday we'll cross paths and you wont be disappointed ;-)
You gon know its sircumsalot when I cum!


I've been approached by enough genuinely beautiful men before, but I feel a certain way about guys who don't take a stand against transphobia yet reap the benefits of our struggle.

I understand your position, but I don't support it. I put my life on the line everyday just to be myself. I'm not going to give a guy the time a day that doesn't share my stance against intolerance, just because he's 'cute'. Plenty of gorgeous men out there that don't see me as a liability.

Men like you are given 2 options. Pay, or be rejected.

Not trying to offend you, just letting you know where I stand.


09-15-2011, 03:06 AM

I've been approached by enough genuinely beautiful men before, but I feel a certain way about guys who don't take a stand against transphobia yet reap the benefits of our struggle.

I understand your position, but I don't support it. I put my life on the line everyday just to be myself. I'm not going to give a guy the time a day that doesn't share my stance against intolerance, just because he's 'cute'. Plenty of gorgeous men out there that don't see me as a liability.

Men like you are given 2 options. Pay, or be rejected.

Not trying to offend you, just letting you know where I stand.


Meh, and I'm not offended. Like how you know there's plenty of cute guys out there, there's also plenty of cute tgirls out there too. If I got to the point where I couldnt see a tgirl for free or I had to or wanted to pay, I'll pay, because I dont mind paying, I paid in the past and would do it again, but thankfully I know a few on the personal basis where I dont need to pay to see them. I'm not gonna try to persuade you to think differently about me because I'm hungry and few my friends want me to wup their ass on some xbox live so imma hop off here for the night. I understand your line of work, lifestyle and all and I respect that. I went out with a tgirl in florida for a good while before I had to leave and we had a great relationship together, we're still good friends, then I went out with one in Vancouver Canada, but for a short while because I had to leave again, so I know how to have a relationship with a tgirl. R Kelly didn't write Down Low on his own

09-15-2011, 04:45 AM
Well, they are not men, cause otherwise i wouldnt like em, they are not women, cause otherwise i wouldnt like em, they're tgirls. Yay!!!!

09-15-2011, 05:17 AM
Ho-hum this old chestnut again.
Bella let's get things in order.
You didn't like your first shoot. We didn't present you in a bad light, we put up the best we had of you that would sell those sets.
When you approached us for a new shoot we said no.

At first I said No to Amy also but then saw how much she'd developed on Shemale Strokers and really want her back in.

I didn't think Kayden's (Blondie's) original shoot was that great personally but a lot guys on there loved her and we had her back pretty fast. I believe she was even a (gasp) part-timer at the time.

The difference is Bella, these girls were either a) popular or b) had changed their look.
You had neither of these. We would have probably/possibly had you in for a reshoot at some point but not when you asked.
You then started your "campaign" of hate against me and everything to do with my company and after that, you bet you were singled out - singled out as the most decrepit little shit who'd worked for us.

So let's not get the history of this mixed up.

For the record.

All our sets are retouched and we spend more time (and money) than almost any other site on hand-retouching to make the models look as natural and real as possible, instread of a simple smooth and blur technique across the whole sets.

I see all sets and headshots when a site goes live even though the webmaster would have made that decision. I often change them out but often because of the size/rotation of the image, it's not possible to find something better. Models commonly don't like their pics that we choose for promotion - but we don't choose it based on whether they like it or not but whether we think it will sell her/the website.

I changed your profile out for one you didn't like on purpose? I can't remember, it's so insignificant but it sounds like something I would do to amuse myself momentarily just to piss you off after everything you've said.

To conclude, nobody else wants to work with you either Bella? Strokers, SMC, Bob, I don't think any of them have had you back for a reshoot. Boo fucking hoo.

I for one pretty much have to sacrifice my porn career to do what I've been doing, but at least I'm realistic about that. - Brilliant!

09-15-2011, 05:34 AM
Ho-hum this old chestnut again.
Bella let's get things in order.
You didn't like your first shoot. We didn't present you in a bad light, we put up the best we had of you that would sell those sets.

Really? A closeup in which I have a goofy look on my face and yellowish teeth taken in yellowish light is the best you could do? Please. If that's your story, you're more pathetic than I thought.

When you approached us for a new shoot we said no.

I never approached you for another shoot. I wanted nothing to do with you which is why I burned the bridge with you. You're a straight up fucking liar.

At first I said No to Amy also but then saw how much she'd developed on Shemale Strokers and really want her back in.

I didn't think Kayden's (Blondie's) original shoot was that great personally but a lot guys on there loved her and we had her back pretty fast. I believe she was even a (gasp) part-timer at the time.

So you're agreeing with me. You care more about making sure you shoot everything in a dress than you do about quality and you don't mind exploiting inexperienced models who may not be ready to do it. So where's the argument?

The difference is Bella, these girls were either a) popular or b) had changed their look.
You had neither of these. We would have probably/possibly had you in for a reshoot at some point but not when you asked.

I'm popular and have changed my look despite your attempts to keep me down. So again, please tell me how I was different from any other girl outside of the fact that I called you on your shit.

You then started your "campaign" of hate against me and everything to do with my company and after that, you bet you were singled out - singled out as the most decrepit little shit who'd worked for us.

Actually, no. I called you out on your passive-aggressive attempt to destroy my potential for a career and you blamed the shitty shoot on me alone. You took -ZERO- responsibility even though there were many chefs burning the soup. Lucky for me, you didn't know that I'd already shot with the other sites. At that point it was already too late to get rid of me completely. Too bad, so sad.

1. All our sets are retouched and we spend more time (and money) than almost any other site on hand-retouching to make the models look as natural and real as possible, instread of a simple smooth and blur technique across the whole sets.

Please. I've seen more mustaches, acne, wrinkles, etc from one set of SMY photos than almost all of what Isa's doing over at Club. She makes you look like a rank amateur in this business, and instead of attempting to meet her level of quality, you just dump a bunch of blame on the models instead.

3. I changed your profile out for one you didn't like on purpose? I can't remember, it's so insignificant but it sounds like something I would do to amuse myself momentarily just to piss you off after everything you've said.

Yeah. You're hysterical. Right up there with Carlin.

To conclude, nobody else wants to work with you either Bella? Strokers, SMC, Bob, I don't think any of them have had you back for a reshoot. Boo fucking hoo.

Bullshit. I shot a DVD for Strokers after this started with you. Bob won't touch me because you're all up in his business (literally, still being a partner in BTG - or did you think I wouldn't find out?), and I haven't approached SMC because of my issues with Danielle (although I suspect they'd say no on that equally nepotistic basis, but like I said, I haven't asked).

And then there's the matter of the shoots I did for trannyfacesitting.com and the website development I'm arranging with another company that shoots transsexuals but wants no part of the politics. You should take a lesson from them and quit jabbering on these boards. Nobody cares what a mouthy fat cat like you has to say, which of course is why you argue with so many members of forums that your company doesn't own. On your own sites, you outright ban those who disagree with you. You can't even deal with the slightest criticism, even if it may help your business, and I didn't hesitate to criticize, so you had to 'deal' with me, right?

Nut up or shut up, 'Dear Leader.'


09-15-2011, 05:48 AM
Really? A closeup in which I have a goofy look on my fave and yellowish teeth taken in yellowish light is the best you could do? Please. If that's your story, you're more pathetic than I thought.

That was your face and your teeth - that was the best we had of you.

I never approached you for another shoot. I wanted nothing to do with you which is why I burned the bridge with you. You're a straight up fucking liar.
Seriously? You are saying you never asked us for another shoot? You've even stated on here that you were turned down for a reshoot. More madness Bella.

So you're agreeing with me. You care more about making sure you shoot everything in a dress than you do about quality and you don't mind exploiting inexperienced models who may not be ready to do it. So where's the argument?
She was ready and wanting to do it. I get 30-40 models a week applying. It's not about quality it's about giving some girls a go, in this case, my point being I was in-correct about her first shoots. Guys loved her and asked for more.

I'm popular and have changed my look despite your attempts to keep me down. So again, please tell me how nepotism had nothing to do with it.
No you are not popular. You may think you are. Nepotism had nothing to do with anything - I've said why we would never work with you (after starting your campaign).

Actually, no. I called you out on your passive-aggressive attempt to destroy my potential for a career and you blamed the shitty shoot on me alone. You took -ZERO- responsibility even though there were many chefs burning the soup.
But you were completely wrong. I had no interest in your career, destroying it or otherwise.

Please. I've seen more mustaches, acne, wrinkles, etc from one set of SMY photos than almost all of what Isa's doing over at Club. She makes you look like a rank amateur in this business, and instead of attempting to meet her level of quality, you just dump a bunch of blame on the models instead.
Exactly, Club airbrushes a lot of the models far more extensively than we do. I may be an amateur but I'm a successful one. I don't dump any blame on a model, I make MY choice on who to feature and I take full responsibility.

Bullshit. I shot a DVD for Strokers after this started with you.

Didn't you once say I had you blackballed from the industry? How come Strokers shot you AFTER your claim. How many times have they had to back Bella?

Bob won't touch me because you're all up in his business (literally, still being a partner in BTG - or did you think I wouldn't find out?),

I'd be interested in knowing how YOU know about this. It is meant to be a secret and everyone involved has signed confidentiality agreements. How do you know this?

andI haven't approached SMC because of my issues with Danielle (although I suspect they'd say no on that equally nepotistic basis, but like I said, I haven't asked).
So they haven't approached you, despite having a photographer in LA who may even be able to make you look okay?

And then there's the matter of the shoots I did for trannyfacesitting.com and the website development I'm arranging with another company that shoots transsexuals but wants no part of the politics. You should take a lesson from them and quit jabbering on these board. Nobody cares what a mouthy fat cat like you has to say, which of course is why you argue with so many members of forums that your company doesn't own.
Trannyfacesitting??? What is that? Good for you Bella, let's see how many shoots you get from them.

You failed because of you and you continue to fail. How many years have you wasted on this already? How many ways have you tried to (ahem) bring us down? How many models have you told not to work with us ... what a slap in the face it must have been to see them on Shemale Yum?

Bella - go and build, do something positive with your life. This mis-placed hatred and energies spent on trying to put us down surely could be put to better use and if not, well there are the other options on making the world a lighter and happier place.

To all wannabe NEW models - whatever level of transition you are in - WE want to hear from you at admin@grooby.com

09-15-2011, 05:59 AM
That was your face and your teeth - that was the best we had of you.

A color correction filter was too much trouble for you?

Seriously? You are saying you never asked us for another shoot? You've even stated on here that you were turned down for a reshoot. More madness Bella.

Nope. Lies.

No you are not popular. You may think you are. Nepotism had nothing to do with anything - I've said why we would never work with you (after starting your campaign).

Not popular with whom? Other girls who you've turned against me or SMY members who've only seen my worst material? :?

But you were completely wrong. I had no interest in your career, destroying it or otherwise.

Really? You've made a career out of crushing descent on forums and you think I'm gullible enough to think that it ended with me? :?

You're a truly ridiculous man.

Exactly, Club airbrushes a lot of the models far more extensively than we do. I may be an amateur but I'm a successful one. I don't dump any blame on a model, I make MY choice on who to feature and I take full responsibility.

... and I don't agree with that either. The general consensus that I've heard from fans is that a happy medium is most appropriate.

... and you didn't take responsibility with me. What changed? You really think any model would attack you and your company for absolutely no reason? Wowzers you're deluded!

Didn't you once say I had you blackballed from the industry? How come Strokers shot you AFTER your claim. How many times have they had to back Bella?

Yes. They had me back ONCE and that was it. I'm pretty sure it a fluke too because they had originally booked Bee Armitage.

I'd be interested in knowing how YOU know about this. It is meant to be a secret and everyone involved has signed confidentiality agreements. How do you know this?

... because I always get the information that I want and know how to utilize it to my advantage. Nobody does it better. Or haven't you figured that out yet? Imagine what I could have done for you if you didn't burn your half of the bridge.

How many models have you told not to work with us ... what a slap in the face it must have been to see them on Shemale Yum?

None. I always just tell the girls what to look out for. In fact I tell them to tell you that they know me so that you'll try to pry for information and show your true colors. Beware of co-intel J. Edgar Hoover. :geek:

Bella - go and build, do something positive with your life.

That's what I intend to do and this status quo on top of which you sit is in my way. I'm not trying to destroy you, just push aside an obstacle.

This mis-placed hatred and energies spent on trying to put us down surely could be put to better use and if not, well there are the other options on making the world a lighter and happier place.

... not as long as you and you ilk are running things. First you remove the cancer, then you get healthy. Call off the dogs (blacklist) and we can go back to ignoring each other.

"AND THE TRUTH shall set you free" - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qvp37o1jZUo)


09-15-2011, 06:04 AM
Brilliant Bella - lies and self-justification.

... because I always get the information that I want and know how to utilize it to my advantage. Nobody does it better. Or haven't you figured that out yet? Imagine what I could have done for you if you didn't burn your half of the bridge.

Nobody knew that I owned 40% of Bob's site so how did you find that out?

09-15-2011, 06:07 AM
Brilliant Bella - lies and self-justification.

Nobody knew that I owned 40% of Bob's site so how did you find that out?

That's for me to know and you to never, ever find out. I never reveal a source. Or maybe I really do have psychic powers. Either way, just call me 'Deep Throat.'

Oo baby! That sounds hot! :jerkoff

12/13 - Bob's TGirls
We like to welcome Bob's TGirls to the SMCRevenue.Com family. As most of you know, Bob's TGirls is the home of the best Tgirls on the Net since 1999"


What's your point? He already he admitted he owns 40%. :?

He owns a lot of things people don't realize he does, such as HungDevils and TGFlix for instance, purchased in a failed attempt to control the dialog surrounding the niche. Yeah, because I wouldn't do the same thing in his position. Really. :lol:


09-15-2011, 06:08 AM
... because I always get the information that I want and know how to utilize it to my advantage. Nobody does it better. Or haven't you figured that out yet? Imagine what I could have done for you if you didn't burn your half of the bridge.
12/13 - Bob's TGirls
We like to welcome Bob's TGirls to the SMCRevenue.Com family. As most of you know, Bob's TGirls is the home of the best Tgirls on the Net since 1999"


09-15-2011, 06:11 AM
Should I just go ahead and declare my flawless victory now or wait until one of the other Mortal Kombatants starts a poll about it?

Bella wins. Fatality. :dead:


09-15-2011, 06:13 AM
Should I just go ahead and declare my flawless victory now or wait until one of the other Mortal Kombatants starts a poll about it?

Bella wins. Fatality. :dead:


Hmmm - what did you win?

09-15-2011, 06:15 AM
Should I just go ahead and declare my flawless victory now or wait until one of the other Mortal Kombatants starts a poll about it?

Bella wins. Fatality. :dead:


Touche. A Mortal combat quote. I see your Fatality and raise you a "Ha ha ha. You will never win."

http://nats.smcrevenue.com/ (protip: check out who is with smc)

TOASTY! I love Mortal Kombat.

09-15-2011, 06:16 AM
Hmmm - what did you win?

My self respect and integrity. You've been trying to destroy them for years, just as you claim I'm trying to 'destroy' Grooby, as if I could.

So how's that working out for you? :?

Touche. A Mortal combat quote. I see your Fatality and raise you a "Ha ha ha. You will never win."

http://nats.smcrevenue.com/ (protip: check out who is with smc)

TOASTY! I love Mortal Kombat.

Again. He admits it. He's more concerned at this point about finding his leak than the fact that people know this little tidbit of info.

I'm so in his head. :lol:


09-15-2011, 06:18 AM
My self respect and integrity. You've been trying to destroy them for years, just as you claim I'm trying to 'destroy' Grooby, as if I could.

So how's that working out for you? :?

Again. He admits it. He's more concerned at this point about finding his leak than the fact that people know this little tidbit of info.

I'm so in his head. :lol:

Pretty well on all counts right now, Bella.
You've just self-destructed ... and I up working early because we have so much business to do.

I am desperate to find that leak though - PM me so we can work out a price.

09-15-2011, 06:20 AM
Pretty well on all counts right now, Bella.
You've just self-destructed ... and I up working early because we have so much business to do.

I am desperate to find that leak though - PM me so we can work out a price.

Pshh! You know I can't be bought! Or else you wouldn't have resorted to such destructive tactics to try to shut me up. :lol:


09-15-2011, 06:21 AM
Pshh! You know I can't be bought! Or else you wouldn't have resorted to such destructive tactics to shut me up. :lol:


Fine I'll get Bob and Isa on the phone now - I'll get to the bottom of who spilled the beans.

09-15-2011, 06:22 AM
Again. He admits it. He's more concerned at this point about finding his leak than the fact that people know this little tidbit of info.

I'm so in his head. :lol:


You sure he would be concerned about someone giving you obviously wrong information to make you look dumb?

09-15-2011, 06:22 AM
You sure he would be concerned about someone giving you obviously wrong information to make you look dumb?

Don't tell her that, she'll think Deepthroat was a plant by me to make her look dumb - she can do it all by herself.

09-15-2011, 06:24 AM
It's nice to see you two not on the same page for a change. Keep it up! :)


09-15-2011, 06:24 AM
Not going to read all of this shit but seanchai and Amy I luv the avatars that ya'll have.

09-15-2011, 06:25 AM
Don't tell her that, she'll think Deepthroat was a plant by me to make her look dumb - she can do it all by herself.
I am not going to sit here and let you and your sock puppets make a mockery of this thread!

09-15-2011, 06:26 AM
you know what I quit grooby, steven. im done

09-15-2011, 06:26 AM
I am not going to sit here and let you and your sock puppets make a mockery of this thread!

You'll never work for me again. You knew that information was privilidged and we were all drinking.

09-15-2011, 06:27 AM
you know what I quit grooby, steven. im done

Fuck you - you were fired before you quit.

09-15-2011, 06:28 AM
You'll never work for me again. You knew that information was privilidged and we were all drinking.

like i give a fuck u dont shoot me for yum anyways!!! boohoo

09-15-2011, 06:28 AM
Cue the distractiooooon... aaaaaand... action!

I love how your M.O. never changes guys. :dancing:


09-15-2011, 06:28 AM
You know what. You can't fire me. I'm back. I love you.

09-15-2011, 06:29 AM
like i give a fuck u dont shoot me for yum anyways!!! boohoo

I own Bob's site and the term "shemale" - you'll never work for them either.

09-15-2011, 06:30 AM
You know what. You can't fire me. I'm back. I love you.

Awwww thanks honey.
I couldn't fire you anyway. You don't work for me. I'd still spank you though.

09-15-2011, 06:31 AM
I own Bob's site and the term "shemale" - you'll never work for them either.

Do I have to post the Liar, Liar clip again or do you think it's just implied at this point? :lol:


09-15-2011, 06:31 AM
Bella - seriously, why do you think I own Bob's site? He's clearly (in bed) with SMC. So that would mean... ? Fuck I don't know. SMC owns Grooby?

09-15-2011, 06:32 AM
Cue the distractiooooon... aaaaaand... action!

I love how your M.O. never changes guys. :dancing:


But seriously. Come onnnnnnnn. Deep throat? Secret Leaker?

09-15-2011, 06:33 AM
SMC owns Grooby?


09-15-2011, 06:35 AM
Bella - seriously, why do you think I own Bob's site? He's clearly (in bed) with SMC. So that would mean... ? Fuck I don't know. SMC owns Grooby?

You boasted on another thread how you work with SMC on a number of things. I don't know all the details, I never said that I did, and I don't need to. The bottom line is that even if you got bought out, you were still financially instrumental in the creation of BTG to begin with. The rest is just details.

Like I asked on that thread: "can you say 'duopoly?'"

But seriously. Come onnnnnnnn. Deep throat? Secret Leaker?

If it's so crazy, why do you feel the need to bury the information within this thread with nonsense in a futile attempt at distraction?


09-15-2011, 06:39 AM
You boasted on another thread how you work with SMC on a number of things. I don't know all the details, I never said that I did, and I don't need to. The bottom line is that even if you got bought out, you were still financially instrumental in the creation of BTG to begin with. The rest is just details.

Like I asked on that thread: "can you say 'duopoly?'"


Loofer head
Akk akk
Ak akka ak
Idiotcrat wibble

Yeah like everything else Bella - assumptions, leaps of faith and downright in-correct. Grooby just completed it's sale to SMC ... or was it Grooby that bought SMC ... you'll just have to wait for announcement. Either way, Bob will be running the main show.

09-15-2011, 06:39 AM
You boasted on another thread how you work with SMC on a number of things. I don't know all the details, I never said that I did, and I don't need to. The bottom line is that even if you got bought out, you were still financially instrumental in the creation of BTG to begin with. The rest is just details.

Like I asked on that thread: "can you say 'duopoly?'"

If it's so crazy, why do you feel the need to bury the information within this thread with nonsense in a futile attempt at distraction?


Not burying the info. Shit, post the nats SMC link all you want, I don't care. I just thought it was hilarious how you had some secret deep throat leaker telling you that steven owned part of bobs t girls when everyone knows its an smc site(except you I guess). I thought everyone knew Bob used to be a grooby shooter back in the day?

By all means, I will repeat it if you want. Bella says that steven owns part of bobs-t-girls.

Here is what she said:
" Bob won't touch me because you're all up in his business (literally, still being a partner in BTG - or did you think I wouldn't find out?)"

More tinfoil ancient aliens conspiracy bs that you put out.

09-15-2011, 06:40 AM
Not going to read all of this shit but seanchai and Amy I luv the avatars that ya'll have.
I love Seanchai's avatar. Great shot.


09-15-2011, 06:41 AM
Not burying the info. Shit, post the nats SMC link all you want, I don't care. I just thought it was hilarious how you had some secret deep throat leaker telling you that steven owned part of bobs t girls when everyone knows its an smc site now(except you I guess). I thought everyone knew Bob used to be a grooby shooter back in the day?

Well Bob's Tgirls used to be part of Grooby in about 2000 for a while when it started. He then decided to go solo and bought me out with a VERY nice automobile. He was a photographer for Shemale Yum before that.

09-15-2011, 06:41 AM
I love Seanchai's avatar. Great shot.


She's got a great look. It's breakfast time and the Sunshyne is coming up!

09-15-2011, 06:42 AM
Not burying the info. Shit, post the nats SMC link all you want, I don't care. I just thought it was hilarious how you had some secret deep throat leaker telling you that steven owned part of bobs t girls when everyone knows its an smc site(except you I guess). I thought everyone knew Bob used to be a grooby shooter back in the day?

Of course I knew Bob moved to SMC. I'm an affiliate. And yes, most people know Bob used to shoot for Steven. Neither of those facts precludes Steven's involvement in the site either presently or in the past. Like I said, the details are irrelevant. He still has influence. :lol:

Fin. :dead:


09-15-2011, 06:48 AM
Like I said, the details are irrelevant. Fin. :dead:


Of course the details are irrelevant when they don't prove your made up stories. Again, you just make stuff up with no proof or details. Here let me try it.

I once heard that Steven is not actually from the UK at all. Some inside sources tell me that he is actually an Australian born citizen who moved to the UK illegally, changed his accent, and his name as well. Don't tell anyone this, but his old name used to be Jonathan Wigglesmith of Perth, Australia.

09-15-2011, 06:51 AM
Of course the details are irrelevant when they don't prove your made up stories. Again, you just make stuff up with no proof or details. Here let me try it.

The overall allegation was that Bob's and Grooby have a tight-knit history and that Steven has the influence to blackball me from Bob's. You've admitted that he does in other threads when you've told me that I essentially should have shut my mouth to get more work. Yes, I was told by someone else (two others actually) that he still has an ownership stake, and that may not be the case anymore as of fairly recently, but regardless, one would think the owner of Grooby would have the ability to blackball people on a lot of sites, especially those with which his company has had a relationship, if he so desired. Why just today he was bragging about the business he does with SMC, and we know about his connection to Bob, so you're arguing semantics now. :geek:

As I said: fin.


MdR Dave
09-15-2011, 06:52 AM
. He then decided to go solo and bought me out with a VERY nice automobilet.
Pics or it didn't happen.

And don't post some shot of a tuner's '94 Civic either!

09-15-2011, 06:53 AM
I alleged that Steven has the influence to blackball me from Bob's. It's been shown that he does. You're arguing semantics now. :geek:

As I said: fin.


So you made some allegations, and claim that "It's been shown that he does". Can you point me to where? Where is the information that you speak of for all of us to see? And pointing out the fact that he was part of grooby over 10 years ago isn't the best of evidence that Steven has pull as to who bob shoots.

09-15-2011, 06:54 AM
Yes, I was told that he still has an ownership stake, but you're arguing semantics now. :geek:

It's not semantics Bella. You clearly stated something as fact, which wasn't - and then tried to hook me on it. You were clearly mis-informed or just downright lied.

09-15-2011, 06:57 AM
It's not semantics Bella. You clearly stated something as fact, which wasn't - and then tried to hook me on it. You were clearly mis-informed or just downright lied.

So it's your argument that having one detail in question invalidates the entire argument? Yeah, I'm going to have check my debate rule book on that one.

Nope. It's not there.

Fin with you too. You're getting too ridiculous for my liking. :lol:

Vote Silly Party!

Election Night Special - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31FFTx6AKmU)


09-15-2011, 06:57 AM
Pics or it didn't happen.

And don't post some shot of a tuner's '94 Civic either!

:-) bit older than 1994 but I'd rather not say as it would put a price on it.

09-15-2011, 06:59 AM
So it's your argument that having one detail in question invalidates the entire argument? Yeah, I'm going to have check my debate rule book on that one.

You have no proof at all. You completely made the whole thing up. I am not only calling out one detail. I am saying your whole story is BS and you have 0 evidence to show me that I am wrong.

09-15-2011, 07:02 AM
So it's your argument that having one detail in question invalidates the entire argument? Yeah, I'm going to have check my debate rule book on that one.

Nope. It's not there.

Fin with you too. You're getting too ridiculous for my liking. :lol:

Bella you stated:

"Bob won't touch me because you're all up in his business (literally, still being a partner in BTG - or did you think I wouldn't find out?)"

That's not one little fact - that's a whole assertation that was downright wrong/lie. Yes it invalidates it, of course it does. You lied or made a mistake, either way I think your mortal kombat WIN was a little embarressing. What an utter failure you are with everything.

09-15-2011, 07:22 AM
lol this thread is a hoot too

HA has been very entertaining today at least

09-15-2011, 07:36 AM
Bella you stated:

"Bob won't touch me because you're all up in his business (literally, still being a partner in BTG - or did you think I wouldn't find out?)"

That's not one little fact - that's a whole assertation that was downright wrong/lie. Yes it invalidates it, of course it does. You lied or made a mistake, either way I think your mortal kombat WIN was a little embarressing. What an utter failure you are with everything.

Again, hyperbole or not, whether I was misinformed or not, I still stand by the general principal that you have the influence to blackball people. I'm pretty sure you've admitted it before although I'm having a hard time finding the quote (we argue a LOT! :lol:), but I guess it wouldn't matter anyway since, like in this thread, you could always just claim that you were joking, which, by the way, is a cop-out in a serious debate, but a tactic that both you and Buddy employ liberally.

Regardless of details (yes, details), there's plenty of evidence of your power and I think that you'd have a tough time convincing people that you don't have the influence to do a simple thing like blackball someone.

So maybe it wasn't a flawless victory after all, but all I have to do in this game to win is survive. I'm going to continue doing that despite whatever you can throw at me. It's just what I do. :geek:


09-15-2011, 07:38 AM
It's just what I do. :geek:

You may do it but not very well.

09-15-2011, 01:26 PM
Wow talk about a thread getting hijacked.

09-15-2011, 02:48 PM
Indeed.. and the arguments seem to be kinda private

09-15-2011, 06:02 PM
Indeed.. and the arguments seem to be kinda private

:iagree: But on the other hand, we haven't heard any primitive rubbish from Woody for at least 10 pages. Every cloud...... :whistle:

09-15-2011, 06:37 PM
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qWhA3Yty4fM/TZkmEMlBgRI/AAAAAAAAKuM/aUCWhR8RGys/s1600/Epic_Facepalm_by_RJTH%2525255B1%2525255D%255B1%255 D.jpg

09-15-2011, 10:34 PM
And, in the twilight zone...... :shrug

Tiffany Starr
09-15-2011, 10:52 PM
wow, what an asshole. seriously if i was a man looking for attention changing my gender wouldn't be the first thing i think of doing. and i have an F on my license. so before he calls someone a "man seeking attention" he should educate himself first.

10-20-2011, 10:02 AM
bump this thread