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01-15-2006, 04:59 AM


so this never happens again.


01-15-2006, 05:36 AM
Are you saying the US is fighting in Iraq to protect Israel and prevent another Holocaust?

01-15-2006, 03:44 PM
Why we fight:

So that the Bush administration can seize all the oil fields of Iraq (and in the coming months, Iran) and divide them among the close friends and contributors of Bush, Cheney and Poppy.

So that the continuing destruction of the middle east oil fields creates unlimited contracts for Halliburton to "reconstruct" them, keeping Cheney's stock options afloat.

Because Americans have been bamboozled and terrorized by 9/11 into supporting an unprecedented seizure of power by Bush.

Because Bush has unresolved "issues" with Poppy, and wanted to outdo him, even if it cost thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilian lives.

And many, many more!

Andrew Johnson
01-15-2006, 03:57 PM
Why we fight:

....Because Bush has unresolved "issues" with Poppy, and wanted to outdo him, even if it cost thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilian lives.

And many, many more!

This is a good one. I haven't heard that before. :roll:

01-15-2006, 10:53 PM
Sorry .... But I think USA is starting war and take a roll as the police of the world as they fit them.. anyway.. its politic religion and economics intressts. Im not religios and i dont care about politic But I have a god privat economy and I dont trust religus peopel ..certains not musslims. A life is nothing in there world. now my point...
How many gay or trans persons have started a war?
I guess wee start the love and live four it and are the right persons to run the global politic...
Shoulnt bee a better world then?
Hope you understand my french englich broken language: scorpion.
Shut whith your penis... not the gun

01-16-2006, 12:19 AM
am i the only liberal here that doesnt buy into the oil, seizing land, huge conspiracy thingy? i honestly think bush believes he is doing the right thing, i just think he is a fucking moron...


and religious war is just a fight to see who has a better make believe friend...
I think you may be right about Bush, but not about cronies who are taking advantage of his power (Cheney et al.).

01-16-2006, 12:41 AM
Why don't you read what they themselves said? Google Project for a New American Century. Back in 2000, before they were elected, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and their cronies told us they were going to invade Iraq and control middle east oil, drastically build up the military, and needed a "Pearl Harbor" event to justify it.

The modern mass media does a good job of disconnecting the dots. Their goals and methods are utterly blatant, but most people, even progressives, refuse to see what is staring in our faces.

01-17-2006, 02:13 AM
I would like to seejeffgo to Iraq...if he's old enough to enlist, that is.

01-17-2006, 05:00 AM
am i the only liberal here that doesnt buy into the oil, seizing land, huge conspiracy thingy?

Yep, I think so.

01-17-2006, 05:04 AM
Wow !!! J is the only honest liberal on the forum.

01-17-2006, 06:04 AM
am i the only liberal here that doesnt buy into the oil, seizing land, huge conspiracy thingy?

Probably on this board you are. But, you're just one of the vast and numerous silent liberals who don't buy into these conspiracy theories, and as a result you constitute the more realistic and honest liberals in America; something these knucleheads know nothing about. I'm very liberal in my thinking and I'm behind the President all the way. Kerry told Americans what he thought they wanted to hear, and Bush says exactly what he thinks. I've worked with innumerable people like John Kerry and other lefty liberal democrats, and they're nothing but talk talk talk. That doesn't get the job done, and are usually the first in line for pink slips when it comes to brass tacks.

01-17-2006, 08:17 PM
am i the only liberal here that doesnt buy into the oil, seizing land, huge conspiracy thingy?

Probably on this board you are. But, you're just one of the vast and numerous silent liberals who don't buy into these conspiracy theories, and as a result you constitute the more realistic and honest liberals in America; something these knucleheads know nothing about. I'm very liberal in my thinking and I'm behind the President all the way. Kerry told Americans what he thought they wanted to hear, and Bush says exactly what he thinks. I've worked with innumerable people like John Kerry and other lefty liberal democrats, and they're nothing but talk talk talk. That doesn't get the job done, and are usually the first in line for pink slips when it comes to brass tacks.

Yes Bush tells people what he thinks. Too bad it's stupid.

01-18-2006, 01:23 AM

It seems as though your lame attempt to patronize a progressive in regards your lost cause has failed...

So why don't you delusional true believers in shrubya's army just talk amongst yourselves...

At the klan, militia, or whatever similar meeting is convening in your neck of the woods tonight...

01-18-2006, 01:39 AM
chefmike, oh wise waffle boy, potentate of the left, sage of political wisdom, dishomest dumbass, why won't you answer a question I have posed to you before. Why is it that the left always portrays conservatives as rich, fat businessmen whilew they are running against them, then as dumb hillbillies, when they lose? Anyone from a red state is a dumb hillbilly according to waffle boy. I guess bill clinton, and al gore somehow escaped your ire. How about that dumb hillbilly jimmy carter? Sen. Byrd must REALLY have been on heroin when he joined the KKK. Can you make a simple refute?

01-18-2006, 01:46 AM
chefmike, oh wise waffle boy, potentate of the left, sage of political wisdom, dishomest dumbass, why won't you answer a question I have posed to you before. Why is it that the left always portrays conservatives as rich, fat businessmen whilew they are running against them, then as dumb hillbillies, when they lose? Anyone from a red state is a dumb hillbilly according to waffle boy. I guess bill clinton, and al gore somehow escaped your ire. How about that dumb hillbilly jimmy carter? Sen. Byrd must REALLY have been on heroin when he joined the KKK. Can you make a simple refute?

Actually, you posed that question to someone else...

and he answered you...it's dumb redneck dupes like you that vote for the corrupt, tax-evading GOP swine...and they love you for it...they're laughing all the way to the bank...while you're sitting in your trailer watching fox news...when you're not watching nascar...

next question, yourdaddygump?

01-18-2006, 01:48 AM
Where was YOUR answer, "waffle boy".

01-18-2006, 02:05 AM
chefmike, oh wise waffle boy, potentate of the left, sage of political wisdom, dishomest dumbass, why won't you answer a question I have posed to you before. Why is it that the left always portrays conservatives as rich, fat businessmen whilew they are running against them, then as dumb hillbillies, when they lose? Anyone from a red state is a dumb hillbilly according to waffle boy. I guess bill clinton, and al gore somehow escaped your ire. How about that dumb hillbilly jimmy carter? Sen. Byrd must REALLY have been on heroin when he joined the KKK. Can you make a simple refute?

Actually, you posed that question to someone else...

and he answered you...it's dumb redneck dupes like you that vote for the corrupt, tax-evading GOP swine...and they love you for it...they're laughing all the way to the bank...while you're sitting in your trailer watching fox news...when you're not watching nascar...

next question, yourdaddygump?

Since I paraphrased DJ Asia's answer, or maybe it was someone else making a fool of you...I'm not sure, there have been so many...

I'll add this...You're a hypocrital hillbilly troll on a TS forum "waving the confederate flag, and whistling dixie"... to quote the most lovely TS on the planet...and you're not worthy of any further replies...and please be careful with that kerosene when you're burning that next cross...although you are repulsive, you can still be entertaining, kinda like slowing down at the scene of an accident...

01-18-2006, 02:12 AM
Where is YOUR answer, "Waffle Boy"?

01-18-2006, 02:19 AM
Waffle Boy, this question that I posed to you, that you keep ducking, holds the key to why I keep posting. If I could just get an honest answer from you and yours, that made sense, I'd bow to your political wisdom. Instead, all I hear is "Hillbilly heroin, trailer parks, red-necks, and other snide, baseless remarks. Why won't you answer my question? I'll pose it again. Why is it that liberals call the red state voters and Conservatives in general, rich, fat, greedy businessmen, then after they lose, they are all bible-toting red-necks? Tell me again where bill clinton and al gore fit into your little categories.

01-18-2006, 02:39 AM
So you mean, when the liberals are winning we call the Conservatives in general, rich, fat, greedy businessmen. Then after they lose, they are all bible-toting red-necks?

No no no....you dont get it....Maybe 5% of republicans are of the former variety and cause the problems.....the other 95% are of the other variety who voted them in to cause the problems.....I dont know about the fat part...but rich and greedy most definetly...

01-18-2006, 04:58 AM