View Full Version : GOP Insider Reveals Republican Goals

09-08-2011, 10:07 PM
So I've been saying for a while now that the GOP, in it's hatred of Obama, has been willing to sacrifice the entire economy and the future of the U.S., all for political gain. This is sick, cynical and frankly treasonous behavior, and it's become obvious to anyone and everyone who paid any attention to the Debt Ceiling debacle. Of course, to those who need to deny this depressing reality, they could always brush off the evidence as "merely liberal complaints." Well, no longer.

Now a staunch lifelong conservative and GOP Capitol Hill worker has come forward verifying what we all knew to be the ugly truth. It's a great piece and I highly recommend reading the whole thing. I'll just post one relevant bit here.

"A couple of years ago, a Republican committee staff director told me candidly (and proudly) what the method was to all this obstruction and disruption. Should Republicans succeed in obstructing the Senate from doing its job, it would further lower Congress's generic favorability rating among the American people. By sabotaging the reputation of an institution of government, the party that is programmatically against government would come out the relative winner."


Cue the right-wing character assassination.

09-08-2011, 10:27 PM
I'm always a little wary of of those types of websites, especially because massive stories such as that would make their way very quickly to CNN, the new york times, etc. The media isn't stupid, it's a business out to make money.

I don't think the issue is necessarily with the GOP, it's with the teaparty and how the tea party has achieved an ungodly amount of unprecedented success. They are actually able to blackball politicians into voting with how the tea party directs them to - they proved last election that politicians that stand against them can and will be replaced.

That being said I think the GOP and Democrats at each others throats are a good thing. It's the only way to ensure that anything they even remotely say is even somewhat accurate, because the other side will quickly wave the bullshit flag to get more brownie points.

Really, what needs to happen is we need to stop blaming our government for our problems and accept responsibility for them ourselves. Granted you can say that under the previous democratic presidents lead we were in an economic land of milk and honey, but you could also point out that the same president was who proudly enacted NAFTA, and fought for legislation to provide subprime home mortgages (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/06/09/AR2008060902626.html). So there is that, but ultimately, the people responsible for ensuring that our personal finances were maintained, failed miserably, which make no mistake, the home mortgage crisis was the 10 ton brick that broke the camels back in half. So who is the bad guy here? We are, accept responsibility, stop shifting blame to politicians that are dancing visual looks but doing nothing good or bad to actually help our country, and push your local politicians to increase taxes and domestic spending. There is no conspiracy by the left or the right to destroy any sect of our government or country. There are only people that are looking to blame someone instead of trying to find legit fixes.

09-08-2011, 10:32 PM
I'm always a little wary of of those types of websites, especially because massive stories such as that would make their way very quickly to CNN, the new york times, etc. The media isn't stupid, it's a business out to make money.

I don't think the issue is necessarily with the GOP, it's with the teaparty and how the tea party has achieved an ungodly amount of unprecedented success. They are actually able to blackball politicians into voting with how the tea party directs them to - they proved last election that politicians that stand against them can and will be replaced.

That being said I think the GOP and Democrats at each others throats are a good thing. It's the only way to ensure that anything they even remotely say is even somewhat accurate, because the other side will quickly wave the bullshit flag to get more brownie points.

Really, what needs to happen is we need to stop blaming our government for our problems and accept responsibility for them ourselves. Granted you can say that under the previous democratic presidents lead we were in an economic land of milk and honey, but you could also point out that the same president was who proudly enacted NAFTA, and fought for legislation to provide subprime home mortgages (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/06/09/AR2008060902626.html). So there is that, but ultimately, the people responsible for ensuring that our personal finances were maintained, failed miserably, which make no mistake, the home mortgage crisis was the 10 ton brick that broke the camels back in half. So who is the bad guy here? We are, accept responsibility, stop shifting blame to politicians that are dancing visual looks but doing nothing good or bad to actually help our country, and push your local politicians to increase taxes and domestic spending. There is no conspiracy by the left or the right to destroy any sect of our government or country. There are only people that are looking to blame someone instead of trying to find legit fixes.

wow. well said.

09-08-2011, 10:57 PM
Anyone who's remotely followed the legislative back and forth on Capitol Hill knows this has been the GOP strategy since BHO was inaugurated.
The Republicans have obstructed Obama every singe day he's been in office. Only 97 of Obama's appointees have been confirmed since he entered office, compared to 144 for Dubya and 165 for Clinton at the same point in their administrations.

The GOP has launched a scorched earth campaign against Obama, realizing the more inept the WH and Congress appear, the more Obama will take end up taking the hit.

There's a level of hostility against this POTUS by the loyal opposition that exceeds the political vitriol experienced by other Presidents.

Literally if Obama offers a legislative proposal previously championed by the Republicans, the current GOP Congress will vote against it.
It's as if they refuse to accept his legitimacy as the elected POTUS and feel entitled to undermine him at every turn at the cost of the American people.

09-08-2011, 11:15 PM
I'm always a little wary of of those types of websites, especially because massive stories such as that would make their way very quickly to CNN, the new york times, etc. The media isn't stupid, it's a business out to make money.

So now that Lofgren is making the interview circuit on the MSM outlets, I trust you now believe it.

And the reason this story isn't bigger is that, as I said, everyone already knows it's true, so it's not a new story. There are no salacious revelations about sex or money, which are really what make headlines. This is the depressing confirmation that one of the two parties in America is trying to tank the U.S. economy, trying to hurt the country. There is no way for CNN to report this story without exposing themselves to accusations of liberal bias. That's the beauty of the GOP's treason. Once you make good and evil a partisan issue, the media, in their painful attempt to be objective and balanced, can't call them out on it. They have to report both sides as though they're equally valid when they patently aren't. So if Boehner advocates nuking Seattle as part of "shared sacrifice" the media will treat it as something on which reasonable people can disagree.

09-08-2011, 11:29 PM
So who is the bad guy here? We are, accept responsibility, stop shifting blame to politicians that are dancing visual looks but doing nothing good or bad to actually help our country, and push your local politicians to increase taxes and domestic spending.

What the fuck is this kooky shit? I don't know what "we" you're referring to here but it certainly doesn't include me and most Americans. We (meaning myself and most Americans) didn't deregulate banks and the mortgage market, bundle up toxic mortgages, misrepresent their value and pawn them off on everyone, bringing down the world economy in the process.

And don't blame the politicians? Why not? That's how democracies work.

09-08-2011, 11:35 PM
What the fuck is this kooky shit? I don't know what "we" you're referring to here but it certainly doesn't include me and most Americans. We (meaning myself and most Americans) didn't deregulate banks and the mortgage market, bundle up toxic mortgages, misrepresent their value and pawn them off on everyone, bringing down the world economy in the process.

And don't blame the politicians? Why not? That's how democracies work.

Yeah, shame on the banks for their operations, but honestly, it's not the banks responsibility to manage your finances, it's not the banks responsibility to tell you rather or not the second mortgage that you took out on your house because it went up in value is a good idea or not. Quite frankly we abused the system, that's why flipping houses was such a lucrative business. It's also why so many people got into houses they couldn't afford using the adjustable rate home loans, and then defaulted as soon as that rate adjusted. Yeah shame on the banks for making it happen, but shame on all of us, as a whole, for not being responsible with our finances.

as far as republicans voting against whatever Obama brings to the table, it's the same game that democrats played with Bush. It's always been a back and forth between parties. The primary reason that absolutely no debate is going on in relation to our countries debt and increasing taxes to solve our issues is due to the Tea Party, specifically the pledges they had most republican's sign pledging to fight increased taxes at every step. It's not a rational way to run a country, but unfortunately Politicians as a whole lack the backbone to do what needs to be done, consequences be damned. Which is why if the GOP candidate for president this go around is a Tea Party baby, I'm voting democrat.

09-08-2011, 11:48 PM
Yeah, shame on the banks for their operations, but honestly, it's not the banks responsibility to manage your finances, it's not the banks responsibility to tell you rather or not the second mortgage that you took out on your house because it went up in value is a good idea or not. Quite frankly we abused the system, that's why flipping houses was such a lucrative business. It's also why so many people got into houses they couldn't afford using the adjustable rate home loans, and then defaulted as soon as that rate adjusted. Yeah shame on the banks for making it happen, but shame on all of us, as a whole, for not being responsible with our finances.

What does that mean, "shame on the banks" and "shame on us"? How does that help us avoid another crisis? Might as well say "shame on the dinosaurs for not leaving us more oil."

Do you think people suddenly became more greedy and irresponsible in the early 2000's but are now prudent and well-informed? No. People still want to own their own homes and if mortgage companies tell them they can afford to, they'll believe them. It was the lenders who knowingly made bad loans and the banks that knowingly bought the toxic mortgages that are to blame. In our justice system intent matters.

And more generally, what happened to those overextended homeowners? Well they're fucked, but the banks got bailed out (with the exception of Lehman) on our dime. I find this "shame on everyone" a lazy and repugnant equivalence that offers no way forward and no justice. Exactly what the banks want.

09-09-2011, 01:00 AM
So I've been saying for a while now that the GOP, in it's hatred of Obama, has been willing to sacrifice the entire economy and the future of the U.S., all for political gain. This is sick, cynical and frankly treasonous behavior, and it's become obvious to anyone and everyone who paid any attention to the Debt Ceiling debacle. Of course, to those who need to deny this depressing reality, they could always brush off the evidence as "merely liberal complaints." Well, no longer.

Now a staunch lifelong conservative and GOP Capitol Hill worker has come forward verifying what we all knew to be the ugly truth. It's a great piece and I highly recommend reading the whole thing. I'll just post one relevant bit here.

"A couple of years ago, a Republican committee staff director told me candidly (and proudly) what the method was to all this obstruction and disruption. Should Republicans succeed in obstructing the Senate from doing its job, it would further lower Congress's generic favorability rating among the American people. By sabotaging the reputation of an institution of government, the party that is programmatically against government would come out the relative winner."


Cue the right-wing character assassination.

Well I work for the GOP so I guess you can call me an insider.......

Quite frankly if you believe this lunacy I may have a "special place" that you, Ineeda, Oliver Stone and any other bleeding heart conspiracy wackos can all share a nice little room with a view......

09-09-2011, 01:35 AM
So I've been saying for a while now that the GOP, in it's hatred of Obama, has been willing to sacrifice the entire economy and the future of the U.S., all for political gain. This is sick, cynical and frankly treasonous behavior, and it's become obvious to anyone and everyone who paid any attention to the Debt Ceiling debacle. Of course, to those who need to deny this depressing reality, they could always brush off the evidence as "merely liberal complaints." Well, no longer.

What a load of shit. "I disagree with them so they must be (fill in the blanks)." Your head is buried so far up your ass you cant see the forest from the trees.

09-09-2011, 01:49 AM
Typical conservative retort: insults without substance. Sadly predictable, but when you're arguing against reality I guess that's the only option you have.

09-09-2011, 02:17 AM
Well I work for the GOP so I guess you can call me an insider.......


Sorry, but letting a bunch of fat Republicans inside you does not make you a GOP insider.

09-09-2011, 02:26 AM
This was written by a genuine GOP defector. I just saw him interviewed by Chris Matthews on MSNBC earlier.

Pretty damning when an insider leaves the reservation and tells all your dirt.

09-09-2011, 04:17 AM
Sorry, but letting a bunch of fat Republicans inside you does not make you a GOP insider.

Sorry Bluegrass I would rather get a cream pie from Limbaugh any day than have to listen to liberal. Oh and on a side note I never date Democrats always too damn whiny.

09-09-2011, 04:48 AM
Sorry Bluegrass I would rather get a cream pie from Limbaugh any day than have to listen to liberal. Oh and on a side note I never date Democrats always too damn whiny.

LOL. Your posts sound like a word salad of Ann Coulter book titles.

09-09-2011, 04:57 AM
This was written by a genuine GOP defector. I just saw him interviewed by Chris Matthews on MSNBC earlier.

Pretty damning when an insider leaves the reservation and tells all your dirt.

Yeah, I saw that interview. Eventually, we'll probably see more. Not everyone on the right is happy their party is being destroyed by a bunch of short-sighted, money-grubbing morons.

09-12-2011, 08:23 AM
To those conservatives who don't feel that what the GOP is doing is treason please explain. Do you think that intentionally undermining an institution of American government and democracy, laid down by the founders in the Constitution no less, for political gain is treason? If not, why not?

09-12-2011, 02:56 PM
When I see Obama try and cater so much to the republicans only to have them rebuff him. It's pretty clear that they want him out of WH asap. I will give Dubya props though, whenever he had an agenda he wanted to push he got it done regardless of what anybody else did. Obama tries to sit up here and place nice. Politics are cutthroat and he needs t obe more liek Dubya and more ruthless.

09-12-2011, 07:25 PM
The GOP has launched a scorched earth campaign against Obama, realizing the more inept the WH and Congress appear, the more Obama will take end up taking the hit.

There's a level of hostility against this POTUS by the loyal opposition that exceeds the political vitriol experienced by other Presidents.

You have to admit that the strategy is brilliant. The problem lies in how much better it would be if they not only obstructed the other party's agenda (which is pretty much their duty to their constituents in many cases), but offered alternatives. But then, Mitt Romney is the establishment's candidate and he's doing that, allowing him to be perceived as sort of rising above the gridlock his party has created in Congress, so all in all, I don't think the Republicans are trying to scorch the entire earth here. It's more like a 'smart bombing' as has already been pointed out in this thread.

In terms of the level of hostility by the GOP? HA! It's because Obama's a tool. It's not hostility, it's just disrespect. So many voters knew he wasn't ready for the job: that he'd sell out to Wall Street, that he'd begin his term as far left as possible to energize the base and allow Pelosi and Reid to take the blame for failure (originally exemplifying the 'new' Republican strategy), that he would move to the center after getting beaten up during the mid-terms as presidents often do (selling out again), and that inevitably he would be another Jimmy Carter. Obama is a spineless wimp, plain and simple. The only thing he really did for us what get us out of Iraq, and that was planned prior to his arrival in the White House, as was TARP, for better of worse.

He's a powerful orator but once that wears off, it's obvious that the emperor is wearing no clothes. This man is all about empty-suit platitudes... minus the suit.


09-13-2011, 01:45 AM
You have to admit that the strategy is brilliant. The problem lies in how much better it would be if they not only obstructed the other party's agenda (which is pretty much their duty to their constituents in many cases), but offered alternatives. But then, Mitt Romney is the establishment's candidate and he's doing that, allowing him to be perceived as sort of rising above the gridlock his party has created in Congress, so all in all, I don't think the Republicans are trying to scorch the entire earth here. It's more like a 'smart bombing' as has already been pointed out in this thread.

In terms of the level of hostility by the GOP? HA! It's because Obama's a tool. It's not hostility, it's just disrespect. So many voters knew he wasn't ready for the job: that he'd sell out to Wall Street, that he'd begin his term as far left as possible to energize the base and allow Pelosi and Reid to take the blame for failure (originally exemplifying the 'new' Republican strategy), that he would move to the center after getting beaten up during the mid-terms as presidents often do (selling out again), and that inevitably he would be another Jimmy Carter. Obama is a spineless wimp, plain and simple. The only thing he really did for us what get us out of Iraq, and that was planned prior to his arrival in the White House, as was TARP, for better of worse.

He's a powerful orator but once that wears off, it's obvious that the emperor is wearing no clothes. This man is all about empty-suit platitudes... minus the suit.


Bella...., I can't find a thing wrong with what you've stated here. lol...I really have to laugh at whiners like GH, Bluegrass Cat, ND, Kelly Shore and an army of others. Their memories must have a shelf life of 2 years. ! The vitriol against Bush because of the contested election, the wars, his faith, and so much more was infinitely worse than anything Obama is seeing. They savaged the dude, and now they seem like Alfred E. Newman with an incredulous expression on their faces when their guy gets some rough treatment. Hell, Tavis not so Smiley, and Paul Krugman are still keeping the Bush bonfire well stoked with fuel as recent as yesterday. They call him a liar at the drop of a top hat, yet when Joe Wilson said it directly to Obama, you'd have thought the Republic was coming to a screeching halt while the progressives collectively scolded Joe Wilson for his outrageous contention.

Their cries are counterintuitive as well. They can't quite seem to grasp the concept that people from places like Western PA, Nevada, Upstate NY, Colorado, South Carolina, Florida and many others voted for Congressional candidates on one platform....stop Obama's march to the left, that's what these folks campaigned on, and that's what the folks who put them there expect...I know it's difficult for urban-centric progressives to grasp the concept that there are people with differing views then them, thus they seem confused and overcome with self righteous indignation. It didn't seem to bother them however when Obama scolded Mc Cain..."John there was an election and we won"....so why then is it so difficult for them to understand the flip side of that? It's called the "opposition party" for a reason, that's not quite the same as obstructionists, but Obama will never test that theory because he'll never put forth something they can support.

09-13-2011, 02:30 AM
Bella...., I can't find a thing wrong with what you've stated here. lol...I really have to laugh at whiners like GH, Bluegrass Cat, ND, Kelly Shore and an army of others. Their memories must have a shelf life of 2 years. ! The vitriol against Bush because of the contested election, the wars, his faith, and so much more was infinitely worse than anything Obama is seeing. They savaged the dude, and now they seem like Alfred E. Newman with an incredulous expression on their faces when their guy gets some rough treatment. Hell, Tavis not so Smiley, and Paul Krugman are still keeping the Bush bonfire well stoked with fuel as recent as yesterday. They call him a liar at the drop of a top hat, yet when Joe Wilson said it directly to Obama, you'd have thought the Republic was coming to a screeching halt while the progressives collectively scolded Joe Wilson for his outrageous contention.

Their cries are counterintuitive as well. They can't quite seem to grasp the concept that people from places like Western PA, Nevada, Upstate NY, Colorado, South Carolina, Florida and many others voted for Congressional candidates on one platform....stop Obama's march to the left, that's what these folks campaigned on, and that's what the folks who put them there expect...I know it's difficult for urban-centric progressives to grasp the concept that there are people with differing views then them, thus they seem confused and overcome with self righteous indignation. It didn't seem to bother them however when Obama scolded Mc Cain..."John there was an election and we won"....so why then is it so difficult for them to understand the flip side of that? It's called the "opposition party" for a reason, that's not quite the same as obstructionists, but Obama will never test that theory because he'll never put forth something they can support.

SO much worse ROFLMBAO. Clearly the left was going at Bush just like the right is attacking Obama. The difference this time is that Bush was never called racist slur.

09-13-2011, 02:57 AM
The difference is length of time each respective POTUS had been in office.
WIth Dubya, the more he fucced up year after year, the more heat he got. Three years in people weren't coming after Dubya the way they are after Obama.

BTW, Obama just submitted his full jobs bill to Congress. Now we get to watch the GOP pee on it.

Like I've said before, part of me wishes Obama had said 'fuck no' to a stimulus package, just so Conservatives could witness first hand the meltdown of the middle class in real time.
And Republicans were voted to Congress in 2010 to create JOBs, not obstruct the President.

09-13-2011, 03:00 AM
SO much worse ROFLMBAO. Clearly the left was going at Bush just like the right is attacking Obama. The difference this time is that Bush was never called racist slur.

Stop with the feigned racist bullshit. You far lefties drop the race card more than a cheap street walker drops her head in the back seat...it's lost it's weight and seriousness long ago. Even Serena droped the "hater" card at the US open yesterday. That's code for ....you did me wrong, you must be a racist. You're too young ( and in this case I don't say that as an insult) to have seen real racism. If you had....you wouldn't throw the charge around so cavalierly. You do an injustice to folks who have suffered harshly by real hate.

Is it race, or is it ideology? If it were strictly race, Col. Alan West would not be a rock star in the GOP. Check Mate

09-13-2011, 03:07 AM
The difference is length of time each respective POTUS had been in office.
WIth Dubya, the more he fucced up year after year, the more heat he got. Three years in people weren't coming after Dubya the way they are after Obama.

BTW, Obama just submitted his full jobs bill to Congress. Now we get to watch the GOP pee on it.

Like I've said before, part of me wishes Obama had said 'fuck no' to a stimulus package, just so Conservatives could witness first hand the meltdown of the middle class in real time.
And Republicans were voted to Congress in 2010 to create JOBs, not obstruct the President.

Oh...so it's the duration of time that convinces you that Obama is being treated more harshly ? That's a reach. Bush didn't spend the first year of his presidency ramming through a hugely unpopular health care bill in a fashion that more resembled a free for all and vote buying, and that ultimately had to be passed by reconciliation because it could not withstand the 60 vote Senate rule. Think just maybe that had anything to do with his ensuing unpopularity>?

09-13-2011, 03:09 AM
In terms of the level of hostility by the GOP? HA! It's because Obama's a tool. It's not hostility, it's just disrespect. So many voters knew he wasn't ready for the job: that he'd sell out to Wall Street, that he'd begin his term as far left as possible to energize the base and allow Pelosi and Reid to take the blame for failure (originally exemplifying the 'new' Republican strategy), that he would move to the center after getting beaten up during the mid-terms as presidents often do (selling out again), and that inevitably he would be another Jimmy Carter. Obama is a spineless wimp, plain and simple. The only thing he really did for us what get us out of Iraq, and that was planned prior to his arrival in the White House, as was TARP, for better of worse.


That's a heavy load of ad hominem attacks from a professed libertarian.
Obama has NEVER governed from the left, he only campaigned from that position.
He began his term buying worthless financial institutions paper for dollar value.
There was no 'flip' with BHO.

I know why OMK is disgusted in BHO, he plays for the wrong team.
But I'm curious as to why a 'libertarian' has so much venom for the POTUS.

09-13-2011, 03:27 AM
Oh...so it's the duration of time that convinces you that Obama is being treated more harshly ? That's a reach. Bush didn't spend the first year of his presidency ramming through a hugely unpopular health care bill in a fashion that more resembled a free for all and vote buying, and that ultimately had to be passed by reconciliation because it could not withstand the 60 vote Senate rule. Think just maybe that had anything to do with his ensuing unpopularity>?

Republicans don't believe in health care reform. They believe healthcare is a privilege, not a right. Obama signed into law a provision that prevented people from being dropped from their healthcare insurance for pre-existing conditions and allowed parents to carry adult children on their healthcare until age 26(?).
He established a mandate for 30 million uninsured people to buy affordable healthcare.
The bill passed without reconciliation in both Houses, but the amendments had to be later voted on with a simple majority.

Americans pay almost $3 trillion a year in healthcare costs, a number that's going to double by 2020. Health care cost are a REAL fiscal crisis and if those costs aren't brought under control, they will torpedo the economy.

09-13-2011, 06:54 AM
Oh...so it's the duration of time that convinces you that Obama is being treated more harshly ? That's a reach. Bush didn't spend the first year of his presidency ramming through a hugely unpopular health care bill in a fashion that more resembled a free for all and vote buying, and that ultimately had to be passed by reconciliation because it could not withstand the 60 vote Senate rule. Think just maybe that had anything to do with his ensuing unpopularity>?

I'm starting to think OMK is a genius parody of a right-winger, his posts are so ridiculous. Almost everything he says is pure projection of how the GOP actually behaves onto the Democrats and Obama. It's like looking at the world through a fun-house mirror. LOL

This is perfect example: "Bush didn't spend the first year of his presidency ramming through a hugely unpopular health care bill in a fashion that more resembled a free for all and vote buying, and that ultimately had to be passed by reconciliation because it could not withstand the 60 vote Senate rule."

Replace health care with tax cut and this is EXACTLY what Bush did. How is it possible for one person to get so many things so perfectly wrong every time? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. That's the problem with the modern GOP: they're so absurd they're impossible to distinguish from a parody of themselves. LMFAO!