View Full Version : It's been fun but...

Nicole Dupre
09-01-2011, 02:19 PM
I'm done here. If the forum let's racial bigotry go unchecked, allows people create multiple accounts, and make repeated threats, no matter how thinly veiled, there's no reason to be here. My advice is to be careful what you say, and who you say it to. I know I'm a bit more resilient than some people here. And I do feel badly that some of you will be subjected to it. But I guess it's up to you whether you stay and put up with it, or just do take matters into your own hands. I've made my decision.

Take care, people. See ya in the funny papers.

The End

09-01-2011, 02:38 PM
When you've gotta go!
Take care, catch ya around.

09-01-2011, 02:47 PM
Bad news... the big voice of Nicole will be missed. Hopefully she'll come back to insult and provoke some more soon.

09-01-2011, 03:14 PM
Nicole I am sorry to here your leaving. I know we have had our disagreements in the past to say the least...But I have a hellva alot respect for you as person. You are strong and one of the few on here that I can honestly say speaks her mind freely without regrets.
I will miss you greatly and have no real ill will towards you.

I wish you all the best in your endeavors.

Take care

09-01-2011, 03:38 PM

09-01-2011, 04:39 PM
Sorry to see you go Nicole, I will miss you and your thoughts.

I do have a bit of a racist attitude at times, all I can say is someone has to walk in my sneakers for awhile to understand why this is so.

I get a bit tired of this forum as well, for me, too many know-it-alls that seem to have a brilliant brain yet spend a lot of time on a shemale porn site instead of saving the world with their brilliance. lol

Bye Nicole, maybe one night while passing that creepy motel on a lonely highway, take a look at the window, that will be me waving to you.

09-01-2011, 04:51 PM
its sad that in todays multi cultural societies that there are still numb skulls who think it is politicaly correct to have a racist stance, in all honesty i feel sorry for them and there benial outlook, we have but one creator wether it be scientific or biblical, we are all brothers and sisters regardless of race or skin colour, i have friends from many different european cultures they are no better than i and i am no better than them, eqaulity before the law is mandatory and paramount, (maxim of law).

09-01-2011, 05:22 PM
Sorry to see you go Nicole, I will miss you and your thoughts.

I do have a bit of a racist attitude at times, all I can say is someone has to walk in my sneakers for awhile to understand why this is so.

I get a bit tired of this forum as well, for me, too many know-it-alls that seem to have a brilliant brain yet spend a lot of time on a shemale porn site instead of saving the world with their brilliance. lol

Bye Nicole, maybe one night while passing that creepy motel on a lonely highway, take a look at the window, that will be me waving to you.
I domt know you nor am I aware I have anything racist written by you, or have read anything written by you. But there is never any excuse for racist thought, actions, words, etc... to fester in your mind and manifest itself. There plenty of historical incidents of folks forgiven for the most atrocious acts ever done. I have personally witness folks who have had personal redemption by exp, forgiveness. Personally, I am a man of color raised in the sixties and seventies, I went through busing, intergrated schools, KKK, my school bus being shot, my house being shot at, my sisters and myself refused a seat on a bus, and many more indignities not worthy of mention in a porn site. That said I still have the forgivness to fuck white woman. Fuck one last night in a city park, hope no joggers or folks on bikes noticed.

09-01-2011, 05:35 PM
That said I still have the forgivness to fuck white woman.
How magnanimous of you.. especially as all those 'white woman' would have had nothing to do with those atrocious things you listed.

If your father kills a man, are you guilty too? I think racism is completely disgusting, but you cannot hold a whole race of people responsible for the actions of their ancestors - that's part of the same problem...

09-01-2011, 05:35 PM
I domt know you nor am I aware I have anything racist written by you, or have read anything written by you. But there is never any excuse for racist thought, actions, words, etc... to fester in your mind and manifest itself. There plenty of historical incidents of folks forgiven for the most atrocious acts ever done. I have personally witness folks who have had personal redemption by exp, forgiveness. Personally, I am a man of color raised in the sixties and seventies, I went through busing, intergrated schools, KKK, my school bus being shot, my house being shot at, my sisters and myself refused a seat on a bus, and many more indignities not worthy of mention in a porn site. That said I still have the forgivness to fuck white woman. Fuck one last night in a city park, hope no joggers or folks on bikes noticed.

As I said in my post one has to walk where I walked to understand who I am. I am a white tgirl that has lived in a black neighborhood,, do you think the people were all accepting of me or do you think quite a lot showed hate towards me and some with violence.

And I am not equating what you went through in life or what others have went through in life to what I went through, I am well aware that some people went through much tougher times than me, i never said otherwise, but I am human and I am not perfect, and sometimes hatred does show to the surface from my mind. I have never met a human that was perfect.

09-01-2011, 05:41 PM
Nooooooooo!!! :(:(:(

Bye Nicole :(

09-01-2011, 07:49 PM
I'm done here. If the forum let's racial bigotry go unchecked, allows people create multiple accounts, and make repeated threats, no matter how thinly veiled, there's no reason to be here. My advice is to be careful what you say, and who you say it to. I know I'm a bit more resilient than some people here. And I do feel badly that some of you will be subjected to it. But I guess it's up to you whether you stay and put up with it, or just do take matters into your own hands. I've made my decision.

Take care, people. See ya in the funny papers.

The End

If only this was true!

We'll see you next week Nicole.

I'm going to laugh when you prove me right by returning.

Full of shit as usual, enjoy your week off crazy.

09-01-2011, 11:08 PM
:dancing:is she going

09-01-2011, 11:23 PM
She'll be back----
Any minute now----

09-01-2011, 11:24 PM
Stop lieing you know u aint going no where

09-02-2011, 12:20 AM
Nicole seemed really pissed off there. What's it all about. I don't like to see anyone leaving because of something like this. I'm going through the posts to see where or when something has been said or done to get an idea of what's happened. Anyone point me in the right direction??

09-02-2011, 01:10 AM
What happened?



09-02-2011, 02:21 AM
She'll be back in a few months. She has done this before but it will be quiet for those few months or so.

09-02-2011, 02:50 AM
Mixed feelings on this....When she dumped and ran some months ago, I thought she was just about the hottest lady I'd ever seen and missed the shit out of her. But like two years into a bad marriage, the infatuation wears off and faults become more evident. She has lots of hides hanging on her wall ( people she drove off HA) and she and became as unforgiving and as harsh a person on here, or that I've ever ran into. She had every right to take James to task, but what she revealed about his parents was over the top, and untrue. She's the type of person that would bite your ear off in a bar fight ! I say good riddance ND. Maybe she self exiled into a few weeks in charm school and will be back before all the cock hounds miss her ! I actually did like the former Nicole.

09-02-2011, 02:54 AM
Mixed feelings on this....When she dumped and ran some months ago, I thought she was just about the hottest lady I'd ever seen and missed the shit out of her. But like two years into a bad marriage, the infatuation wears off and faults become more evident. She has lots of hides hanging on her wall ( people she drove off HA) and she and became as unforgiving and as harsh a person on here, or that I've ever ran into. She had every right to take James to task, but what she revealed about his parents was over the top, and untrue. She's the type of person that would bite your ear off in a bar fight ! I say good riddance ND. Maybe she self exiled into a few weeks in charm school and will be back before all the cock hounds miss her ! I actually did like the former Nicole.

What happened between you two??
And does anyone know why she decided to bug out now??

09-02-2011, 03:11 AM
What happened between you two??
And does anyone know why she decided to bug out now??

I really can't tell you what happened between us GH. I dug this lady....smart, sexy, but thought she went way over board on the James shit and told her so..If it was a prize fight, the ref would have stopped it. I have a tendency to come to the defense of someone being pummeled ( since in a past life I was usually the one doing the pummeling) and then I guess it got political and spiraled out of control. It got toxic, and that's unproductive and unfortunate, but neither us are the type to back down.

09-02-2011, 03:28 AM
I really can't tell you what happened between us GH. I dug this lady....smart, sexy, but thought she went way over board on the James shit and told her so..If it was a prize fight, the ref would have stopped it. I have a tendency to come to the defense of someone being pummeled ( since in a past life I was usually the one doing the pummeling) and then I guess it got political and spiraled out of control. It got toxic, and that's unproductive and unfortunate, but neither us are the type to back down.
hey don't worry she will back .she won't keep away ,these kind of people have extreme highs and then lows.that's what my missus tells me,she's a nurse and has dealt with nutters

09-02-2011, 06:26 AM

The racism here really has made me want to leave also, but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger..
You have to do what you have to do girl, but I will miss your "take no bullshit" attitude it made me want to stand up for myself more

09-02-2011, 08:46 AM
It's certainly going to be less lively without Nicole. :(

09-02-2011, 09:00 AM
We all know who is the racist on here. Its been said many times

09-02-2011, 09:57 AM
Yep - the really racist ones I just block. Those and the most rabid right-wing nutcases. Of course if Michelle Bachmann gets elected this site will be shut down and the people who run it sent to prison. I hope all you American fans and TS ladies have a good bolt hole north of the border to head for if that happens.

09-02-2011, 10:03 AM
Yep - the really racist ones I just block. Those and the most rabid right-wing nutcases. Of course if Michelle Bachmann gets elected this site will be shut down and the people who run it sent to prison. I hope all you American fans and TS ladies have a good bolt hole north of the border to head for if that happens.

The one who blabs on about the webcam shows that no one watches!

09-02-2011, 10:37 AM
who's that?

09-02-2011, 10:42 AM
Yes smoothdude... you weren't referring to me I assume? I've never watched a webcam show nor offered one. Believe me you would NOT want to see me on webcam!

09-02-2011, 01:58 PM
NOOOOoooooooooooooooo! Don't go Nicole!

09-02-2011, 07:25 PM
The one who blabs on about the webcam shows that no one watches!
Everyone knows Kelly is a huge racist flamethrower but she got a pass when she was starting those hateful threads because there weren't many girls posting anything here at the time. Now that she's hurtin financially, draqging "hubby" into the biz and trying to come out of "retirement", she wants to retract and say it was all just for fun. You don't continuously start shit like that if it isn't really in your heart.
Note to pornstars, entertainers, performers. Nobody cares what you really think in your personal lives. Only obsessed, maniac, stalker-type fans do. If you are racist or have a strong disdain for a certain group just keep it to yourself and your close circle of friends. When you expose that side of you people lose respect for you.. AND more importantly, you shatter the fantasy,,cause that's all you're selling is a fucking fantasy..NOT your reality. That's why this chick is visibly strugglin trying to gain some momentum coming back. People lost respect for her..and.not just some of the brothas.

09-02-2011, 09:35 PM
Sorry to see Nicole go. Hopefully she'll be back someday...

09-02-2011, 09:41 PM
Everyone knows Kelly is a huge racist flamethrower but she got a pass when she was starting those hateful threads because there weren't many girls posting anything here at the time. Now that she's hurtin financially, draqging "hubby" into the biz and trying to come out of "retirement", she wants to retract and say it was all just for fun. You don't continuously start shit like that if it isn't really in your heart.
Note to pornstars, entertainers, performers. Nobody cares what you really think in your personal lives. Only obsessed, maniac, stalker-type fans do. If you are racist or have a strong disdain for a certain group just keep it to yourself and your close circle of friends. When you expose that side of you people lose respect for you.. AND more importantly, you shatter the fantasy,,cause that's all you're selling is a fucking fantasy..NOT your reality. That's why this chick is visibly strugglin trying to gain some momentum coming back. People lost respect for her..and.not just some of the brothas.

:iagree: Well said bro :iagree:

I actually remember lots of them threads. I grew up around alot of racists folks and I can spot a racist like a K9 spotting pot. There is a line between doing it for fun and having some kind of hateful obsession, but it do seem she quiet down with the racist post, threads and comments, but like u said she prob just trynna clean up her image now that she got a new look and all

09-02-2011, 09:43 PM
Sorry to see Nicole go. Hopefully she'll be back someday...

She will, I bet u she's online right now, or under a diff name :smoking

09-02-2011, 11:10 PM
she will be back soon ;)

09-03-2011, 12:06 AM
Was Nicole referring to Kelly??

I do remember Kelly making a 'joke' about taking a dump being analogous to giving birth to a Black child.smh

09-03-2011, 02:08 AM
Whos being racist on here? I thought racism was allowed on here.

09-03-2011, 02:39 AM


09-03-2011, 03:13 AM
i got thick skin

09-03-2011, 04:01 AM
nicole loved to throw stuff around so when it comes back at the nutbag ,what does she expect

09-03-2011, 04:14 AM
We all know who is the racist on here. Its been said many times

There's more than one.

09-03-2011, 04:20 AM
Everyone knows Kelly is a huge racist flamethrower but she got a pass when she was starting those hateful threads because there weren't many girls posting anything here at the time. Now that she's hurtin financially, draqging "hubby" into the biz and trying to come out of "retirement", she wants to retract and say it was all just for fun. You don't continuously start shit like that if it isn't really in your heart.
Note to pornstars, entertainers, performers. Nobody cares what you really think in your personal lives. Only obsessed, maniac, stalker-type fans do. If you are racist or have a strong disdain for a certain group just keep it to yourself and your close circle of friends. When you expose that side of you people lose respect for you.. AND more importantly, you shatter the fantasy,,cause that's all you're selling is a fucking fantasy..NOT your reality. That's why this chick is visibly strugglin trying to gain some momentum coming back. People lost respect for her..and.not just some of the brothas.

But some of her best friends are black :rolleyes:

09-03-2011, 06:23 AM
But some of her best friends are black :rolleyes:
LOL..That's what they all say!!

09-03-2011, 07:53 AM
nicole loved to throw stuff around so when it comes back at the nutbag ,what does she expect

Pity and more ass kising. I've seen this movie before. I've actually lost count of how many times. Laughable.

09-03-2011, 08:01 AM
Is Kelly Shore racist?

09-03-2011, 11:57 AM
Here, there, where and when ever.... we all fuck up. If we're lucky, we have enough redeeming qualities to receive and graciously accept forgiveness.

A characteristic that really is a deal breaker for me with people is holding grudges, and keeping score. People that waste their lives getting out their little book, making their little lists about who is more fucked up than you, or the other people one knows are picking at an emotional scab, let it heal. Move on. "Learn to Forget".

I've been posting on this sucker for a lousy week... I think Nicole is awesome.
People slinging whatever hot headed shit around, so what?... We'd get arrested if we did it on an airplane or on the freeway right? This is an awesome place. Sling the crap, sure, but it is just that... few of us know anything of one another. Hope she is O.K.... even if just her feelings got hurt or something.

09-03-2011, 01:13 PM
never forget ,never forgive=that's my motto in life and if i can ever get even i will

09-03-2011, 01:23 PM
That motto is as stupid as racism itself...

09-03-2011, 02:13 PM
no it's how i live

Dino Velvet
09-03-2011, 09:33 PM
Nicole Dupre is a nice lady. I hope she comes back but, if she doesn't, I wish her all the best.:cheers:

09-03-2011, 09:35 PM
Annnnnnnd no one cares

Ineeda SM
09-04-2011, 01:30 AM
never forget ,never forgive=that's my motto in life and if i can ever get even i will

no it's how i live

How sad for you, Captain Ahab.

09-04-2011, 02:39 AM
I hope she comes back soon I really liked her :banghead

09-04-2011, 02:47 AM
Here, there, where and when ever.... we all fuck up. If we're lucky, we have enough redeeming qualities to receive and graciously accept forgiveness.

A characteristic that really is a deal breaker for me with people is holding grudges, and keeping score. People that waste their lives getting out their little book, making their little lists about who is more fucked up than you, or the other people one knows are picking at an emotional scab, let it heal. Move on. "Learn to Forget".

I've been posting on this sucker for a lousy week... I think Nicole is awesome.
People slinging whatever hot headed shit around, so what?... We'd get arrested if we did it on an airplane or on the freeway right? This is an awesome place. Sling the crap, sure, but it is just that... few of us know anything of one another. Hope she is O.K.... even if just her feelings got hurt or something.

:iagree: :( And it's a great shame.

I do hope you stick around Jane, although you're probably just a little too sane for this place.

09-04-2011, 03:48 AM
How sad for you, Captain Ahab.

i':confused:m not a captain?

09-04-2011, 07:15 AM
:iagree: :( And it's a great shame.

I do hope you stick around Jane, although you're probably just a little too sane for this place.

Don't worry about me boss.
I know how to get my crazy, psycho, bitch from hell "ON" with the best of them.
I'm perfectly happy observing, contributing my cent here, 2 cents there.
I'm well entertained here.
If I feel like going 'Atomic' at some point, I'll just bail.
If i have made friends they'll know how to find me.

My personal conduct is that way too. Ultra independent.
Never raise my voice... methodically assertive in argument.
People know how to listen, or they don't.
Betrayal? way funky, hostile behavior?
No drama, no dispute, I simply excuse myself...
and happily I just vanish. Disappear.
Sometime I crack up laughing in that process.
Really angry person being laughed at?
Try it, works awesome!!
Sort of forces the exit plan too.

Makes me laugh just writing it.
Thinking of some of those situations.

09-04-2011, 09:42 AM
Long, long ago, when Nicole was leaving I wrote and posted a poem for her. It was so long ago, she had a completely different name. I think all the references to her old name have been removed from the forum. I should have had my poem, made into a sticky.

That being said about the past, I really enjoyed her last visit here. Seems like she has gotten some more mellow, for the fellows this time. However she is still the same person, we know and love. Her uniqueness will never be forgotten, so even when she is not posting, its like she is still here. As always, I wish you the best. Despite what ever controversies there are around, you know there is love for you here, my dear.

09-04-2011, 12:17 PM
you can probably visit her in a nice cozy padded room where she's wearing the latest fashion in jacket's being worn backwards

09-04-2011, 01:54 PM
This is actually too bad. I kinda liked the new Nicole.


09-04-2011, 03:33 PM
I do hope you stick around Jane, although you're probably just a little too sane for this place.

My sentiments exactly and the same is right bout TSNawja. Both are great new posters, kudos to them.

09-04-2011, 04:36 PM
Yep - the really racist ones I just block. Those and the most rabid right-wing nutcases. Of course if Michelle Bachmann gets elected this site will be shut down and the people who run it sent to prison. I hope all you American fans and TS ladies have a good bolt hole north of the border to head for if that happens.

LMAO...and this from a guy who's country was in flames for weeks by far left looters and street punks in need of flat screen TV's and I phones. . Clean up your mess my friend, then maybe you'll have some cred telling us how to run our shit.

09-04-2011, 05:05 PM
Everyone knows Kelly is a huge racist flamethrower but she got a pass when she was starting those hateful threads because there weren't many girls posting anything here at the time. Now that she's hurtin financially, draqging "hubby" into the biz and trying to come out of "retirement", she wants to retract and say it was all just for fun. You don't continuously start shit like that if it isn't really in your heart.
Note to pornstars, entertainers, performers. Nobody cares what you really think in your personal lives. Only obsessed, maniac, stalker-type fans do. If you are racist or have a strong disdain for a certain group just keep it to yourself and your close circle of friends. When you expose that side of you people lose respect for you.. AND more importantly, you shatter the fantasy,,cause that's all you're selling is a fucking fantasy..NOT your reality. That's why this chick is visibly strugglin trying to gain some momentum coming back. People lost respect for her..and.not just some of the brothas.

You have some spot on observations "sometimes"...but maybe not this time lol. Look ...I'm not black as far as I can tell, and I've checked my pedigree, and it looks all white to me, so maybe some of the shit Kelly said went over my head, and under my radar....but she doesn't strike me as being a hater. Is there a difference in someone who engages in stereotypical humor, or says some insensitive shit, and someone who really is a vile racist? I suppose there are degrees, but Kelly doesn't strike me as one reading skinhead literature in a locked room ! But I suppose it all depends on who's ox is being gorged. Kelly apparently gored yours ! Like I see people on here gettin' all broke up about ND leaving, and that's cool....she is an interesting lady, but trust me if any of them rubbed her the wrong way and she turned that flame thrower on them , you'd hear a different song being sung. Far be it for me to tell you not to be offended, but I do think when it comes to race, we all get our antennas up and our shorts in a knot way to quickly.
we see it in our everyday discourse....a person makes a reference to a "black hole" referring to the current budget crisis, and guilt ridden ignorant whites are looking for racist overtones, and politically astute blacks chime right in to get some mileage out of it. You'd think if you watched the news we're a nation of 320 million, and 200 million of us are racist. It's become almost fashionable to tag someone as a racist....deserved or not.

I see some shit go on in here that's pretty routine and pretty cutting when referring to someone's politics, or sexual preference, or their unwillingness to fully transition...It's downright nasty and it's meant to cut..., and nobody seems to give it a second notice, in fact most people pile on with more vitriol...ya know that playground bully mentality shit...but make an offhand remark about race, and you're "tagged" for life in here. That's not to say there isn't some vile shit, but let's be proportionate. I say again...it's all about who's ox is being gored. Bring it all out...the good and the bad....throw it all on the table and people will sort it out....that's the beauty of freedom.


09-04-2011, 05:24 PM
i':confused:m not a captain?Here's a hint for you, Cap: Herman Melville wrote about a character with a motto like yours.:geek:

09-04-2011, 07:22 PM
Here's a hint for you, Cap: Herman Melville wrote about a character with a motto like yours.:geek:
There you go.

Just a minute I have to re read all the posts and get my score cards out, and decide who I feel has wronged, or heaven forbid disagreed with, me, and then spend time stewing over it, and then plotting my diabolical revenge, and then stewing over my emotions until I exact it... and then, and then, and then, and then ( in a crazy little kids voice)... Hey wait where is everybody goin'? Wait up...

09-04-2011, 08:31 PM
There you go.

Just a minute I have to re read all the posts and get my score cards out, and decide who I feel has wronged, or heaven forbid disagreed with, me, and then spend time stewing over it, and then plotting my diabolical revenge, and then stewing over my emotions until I exact it... and then, and then, and then, and then ( in a crazy little kids voice)... Hey wait where is everybody goin'? Wait up...That's a good one, Jane. :dancing::)

09-04-2011, 08:33 PM
Oh well....

09-04-2011, 09:27 PM
Here's a hint for you, Cap: Herman Melville wrote about a character with a motto like yours.:geek:
must be a great guy i was a bouncer and used to keep drug dealers,pimps ,prostitutes,hoods,drunks,drugies ,trouble makers and other scum out of clubs do you fit in any of those above?

09-04-2011, 10:35 PM
must be a great guy i was a bouncer and used to keep drug dealers,pimps ,prostitutes,hoods,drunks,drugies ,trouble makers and other scum out of clubs do you fit in any of those above?

Sounds like a pretty dull club.
Drug dealer, pimp, prostitute, hood, druggy - Nope.
Trouble maker - Depends.
Other Scum - To some, without a doubt.

09-05-2011, 03:07 AM
well now we know that scum sticks with scum .it was always a prick of a job weeding out peverts and thieves,pissheads and other wankers from the club

Ineeda SM
09-05-2011, 05:52 AM
How sad for you, Captain Ahab.

i':confused:m not a captain?

You obviously do not understand the meaning behind calling you Captain Ahab. Try reading "Moby Dick". You are the Captain Ahab mentality. Ahab was too stupid to do the right thing because he was stubborn and pigheaded with a one track mind just like you. His stupidity and obsession with getting even with the whale finally killed him. It was the whale that got him, and the whale lived on. Obsession with hate and getting even, will always get you in the end. It's better known as, poetic justice.

09-05-2011, 07:59 AM
but torture is so much fun and revenge is sweet and i know if i don't get them one of my family will

09-05-2011, 08:42 AM
Yep - the really racist ones I just block. Those and the most rabid right-wing nutcases. Of course if Michelle Bachmann gets elected this site will be shut down and the people who run it sent to prison. I hope all you American fans and TS ladies have a good bolt hole north of the border to head for if that happens.

Hysterical much? Michelle Bachmann is already done. And we need a few more of those 'rabid right wing nutcases' in our government right now. Does it make you proud to see london being set on fire and do think wow the politics I endorse created that. The fruits of liberal dogma and multiculturalism right there.

The left are so insane in the UK they blame the riots on tory cuts that haven't even happened yet.... They could have justifiably talked about the cameron and mays handling of the disorder, the poor leadership within the met but oh no.

09-05-2011, 09:01 AM
Hysterical much? Michelle Bachmann is already done. And we need a few more of those 'rabid right wing nutcases' in our government right now. Does it make you proud to see london being set on fire and do think wow the politics I endorse created that. The fruits of liberal dogma and multiculturalism right there.

The left are so insane in the UK they blame the riots on tory cuts that haven't even happened yet.... They could have justifiably talked about the cameron and mays handling of the disorder, the poor leadership within the met but oh no.
In Australia there is common knowledge that Europe is fucked and especially the UK and that's down to their socialist schools that teach fuck all their unions that work fuck all and their government that does fuck all all because of socialism gone to the extreme

MdR Dave
09-05-2011, 10:53 AM
. . .And we need a few more of those 'rabid right wing nutcases' in our government right now.

Arnie, either you aren't serious or you haven't been paying attention. Since Bush the younger (to distinguish the derelict son from the intelligent, though useless outside of the CIA, George Herbert Walker) stole the election the middle class has eroded, democracy has been degraded by the corporatocraxy, and civil rights have been pushed aside in favor of "right wing nutcase" ideals.

Unless you are a billionaire, the republican right isn't doing a thing for you and hasn't in decades. And you don't sound like a billionaire.

You sound like someone who has been sold a bill of goods. There's no shame in recognizing that and reversing course.

Or you could keep doing what you're doing and just marvel at the revolution to come. It's coming, Arnie, and pleading ignorance won't save anyone.

09-05-2011, 05:29 PM
Arnie, either you aren't serious or you haven't been paying attention. Since Bush the younger (to distinguish the derelict son from the intelligent, though useless outside of the CIA, George Herbert Walker) stole the election the middle class has eroded, democracy has been degraded by the corporatocraxy, and civil rights have been pushed aside in favor of "right wing nutcase" ideals.

Unless you are a billionaire, the republican right isn't doing a thing for you and hasn't in decades. And you don't sound like a billionaire.

You sound like someone who has been sold a bill of goods. There's no shame in recognizing that and reversing course.

Or you could keep doing what you're doing and just marvel at the revolution to come. It's coming, Arnie, and pleading ignorance won't save anyone.

Allow me to point out your utter ignorance about what a fiscal conservative or a libertarian is ....to you. Here's what you said...

"Unless you are a billionaire, the republican right isn't doing a thing for you and hasn't in decades. And you don't sound like a billionaire."

First off....you're exactly right...we don't want nor need the government to do anything for us unless it's specifically alliterated in the founding documents. Unwittingly, you've laid out the difference between liberals and conservatives/libertarians perfectly. The government and the liberals are constantly looking for victims to "help" and have brought us to the point where nearly half of Americans are paying for the other half in some form or another. You think that's sustainable?...take a look at your own fucking mess out there, or the EU before answering that.. The Federal Government needs to stay the fuck out of our lives.. keep us safe, help the old and those who are unable to help themselves, enact laws that allow the private sector to flourish in a fair, unfettered environment, and don't micro-manage the lives of it's citizens. It's called individualism, and it was the principal in which the nation was founded.
Next...there is a world of difference between a Republican and a libertarian/ fiscal conservative. I'll school you on that later

The second point of your foolishness.....there's only 2 people on earth who are still ( publicly anyway) crying about the election. You and Al Gore. Everyone else has come to terms with it....grow up and move on. As to your point about fat cats and the Republicans, you're singing a tune that's not only overplayed, but entirely wrong. Large corporate donors have flocked to the Democratic party in the last 4 years by a margin of 2-1, and that's common knowledge. For Christ sakes Obama's entire financial team was Wall Street insiders. So why does Wall Street favor Democrats? Simple...they make large sums of money underwriting bad mortgages and huge US debt, and have little to fear about "to big to fail"...and if you know anything about Dodd/Frank, you'd know it does nothing to change the landscape...and they don't want that gravy train to stop anytime soon. Do you think for one minute that a hedge fund manager or Big Banker wants to see the Tea Party prevail? You're a dupe if you're so inclined.
It appears you've been indoctrinated by years of reading the LA Times !
Question for you...your city, your State Legislature has been run almost exclusively by left wing Democrats for decades....( except for short periods when a RINO gave it a shot)....and they've surely been very benoulvent with other working folks money, so your little experiment has been given more than enough time to work out there...and how's that all workin' out for ya? Can you say INSOLVENCY ?? Can you say mass exodus by the working class to places like Colorado and Texas?

Your day of fiscal reckoning is at hand, generations of left wing social polices have brought California to it's kness, and you would have us believe you have the answers to resolve the nation's financial problems? LMAO. Take that show on the road and see what type of reaction you get. I can hear it now....let us do for the 49 other states what we did for California. Sounds lke a perfect 2012 campaign commercial ...go with it !!

09-05-2011, 06:26 PM
Wow, Nicole's gotta love how her farewell thread has turned into a political discussion. Hey, Nicole, if you're lurking out there you're missing out on all the fun.:dancing:

MdR Dave
09-05-2011, 08:15 PM
I agree with BigDF- Nicole is missing something, indeed. Maybe we can manage to make the thread racist as well!

I also agree with OMK on the major points.

Surprised? Only if you don't know me- but how could you? I'm no liberal.

I just draw the line differently than he does. I don't think the liberal left represents the average tree-hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, Prius driving wingnut than the conservative right represents Hoe Six-Pack, Joe the Plumber, or Joe Schmoe.

We're all being taken for a ride. Maybe in different cars, but we're bound and gagged, bloodied and beaten, waiting to be fitted for cement shoes and tossed into the river.

Its just that some of us still think we're going to Disneyland.

I forgive any personal attack- how personally could I really take them? It's the Interwebz!

09-05-2011, 08:25 PM
Arnie, either you aren't serious or you haven't been paying attention. Since Bush the younger (to distinguish the derelict son from the intelligent, though useless outside of the CIA, George Herbert Walker) stole the election the middle class has eroded, democracy has been degraded by the corporatocraxy, and civil rights have been pushed aside in favor of "right wing nutcase" ideals.

Unless you are a billionaire, the republican right isn't doing a thing for you and hasn't in decades. And you don't sound like a billionaire.

You sound like someone who has been sold a bill of goods. There's no shame in recognizing that and reversing course.

Or you could keep doing what you're doing and just marvel at the revolution to come. It's coming, Arnie, and pleading ignorance won't save anyone.

The only revolution that will be coming will be when the white men finally take to the streets, pissed off with the years of politically correct and liberal bullshit that has infested most western countries. Especially the US and the UK. Fact is the majority think like me ,which is why you lefties have to hide behind the legal system and political system.Like the craven crabs they are. And don't tell me I don't know what Iam talking about.I work in the legal system.And frankly I could go on for pages about just how unfair and corrupt it is. But I value my job.

Oh and by the way I haven't go anything personally against the other races, they have been used by the left as drones to keep themselves in power.That is why there was mass immigration. I know many ethnics who are seriously pissed off also.

Bush was in a no way a conservative,he certainly wasn't a nationalist. Just look at what he did to the economy while his lot had control,spend spend spend.Of course Obama made things much worse in less time, but please Bush was some kind of neo liberal . And eroding civil rights and making numerous laws stopping people having free speech is more a penchant of the left than the right.

09-05-2011, 09:03 PM
The Conservatives cut taxes for the rich for over a decade and the U.S. economy cratered with entire job sectors exported forever to Asia.

If anyone thinks cutting MORE taxes with even LESS government regulation is anything but a prescription for another decade long recession, you need to stop drinking all that 'TEA'.

When corporations get in over their heads because there aren't any road rules to protect them from harming themselves, and us, corporate chiefs will whine like the little bitches they've always been to Uncle Sam to cover their asses.

And someone explain how eliminating the FDA, the EPA and the FCC and the Department of Education will write down existing mortgages and create jobs??

The system has been rigged, and only a fool believes Obama created this mess.
The real truth??
It will take the U.S. economy at least a decade to recover back to unemployment numbers below 6%.
No Democrat can change that reality, no right-wing Jesus freakazoid or moose hunting Caribou barbie can either.

We need greater efficiencies and accountability in the Federal government. We don't need it to be eliminated.

Goldman Sachs has been at the side of U.S. presidents making fiscal policy decisions for almost 30 years. Treasury Secretary Paulson under Dubya, the guy who wrote the 700 word proposal requesting a $700 billion dollar bailout from Congress with absolutely no Congressional or legal oversight as to how that money would be spent, is a former CEO at Goldman Sachs.

SOrry, but if you think Wall Street 'favor's Democrats over Republicans, you're either in denial or a fool.
Wall Street ALWAYS places bets on BOTH SIDES, that way they can have a 'socialist' POTUS who orders his Treasury Secretary to buy toxic assets from investment banking houses at their original sale dollar face value, and a Republican Congress that blocks any attempts at substantive changes in financial regulations and refuses to let the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy expire.

The Tea Party is a fraud and are an astroturf movement funded by the Koch brothers. Rick Perry is a corporatist, not a Tea bagger. He's co-opting the populist conservative message of that movement to get himself the nomination.

Does Wall Street want a wingnut Tea Bagger to be POTUS??? No one does.

That's why only Perry or Romney will win the GOP nomination, which means business as usual in 2013 if Obama is defeated.

MdR Dave
09-05-2011, 09:44 PM
Break it down, GH!

Sad thing is that the people who need to listen are so caught up in the lie that they won't realize it until it's too late.

But don't stop - the truth is the only hope we have.

MdR Dave
09-05-2011, 09:56 PM
The only revolution that will be coming will be when the white men finally take to the streets.


There isn't an emoticon to express how ludicrous that is. Last time "the white men" tried to do anything similar they did in on the dead of night, wearing bedsheets and calling themselves wizards and dragons.

That war is over. There is one race- human. Join it.

09-05-2011, 09:58 PM
Not enough people are hurting yet for long enough.
That's why I'm kind of looking forward to a potential Perry/Romney presidency.

Americans always get the POTUS they deserve, and if this country elects the guy people in Texas say makes Dubya looks SMART, more power to GOP dittoheads.

09-06-2011, 04:25 AM
The only revolution that will be coming will be when the white men finally take to the streets, pissed off with the years of politically correct and liberal bullshit that has infested most western countries. Especially the US and the UK. Fact is the majority think like me ,which is why you lefties have to hide behind the legal system and political system.Like the craven crabs they are. And don't tell me I don't know what Iam talking about.I work in the legal system.And frankly I could go on for pages about just how unfair and corrupt it is. But I value my job.

Oh and by the way I haven't go anything personally against the other races, they have been used by the left as drones to keep themselves in power.That is why there was mass immigration. I know many ethnics who are seriously pissed off also.

Bush was in a no way a conservative,he certainly wasn't a nationalist. Just look at what he did to the economy while his lot had control,spend spend spend.Of course Obama made things much worse in less time, but please Bush was some kind of neo liberal . And eroding civil rights and making numerous laws stopping people having free speech is more a penchant of the left than the right.


MdR Dave
09-06-2011, 04:40 AM
What did I tell ya, Arnie? Wizards and dragons and bedsheets- oh, my!

09-06-2011, 04:53 AM
The Klan is sooooo old skool, where do ya guys get those ancient pics.

We evolved, much more violent than the bed sheet crowd.


09-06-2011, 04:56 AM
The Klan is sooooo old skool, where do ya guys get those ancient pics.

We evolved, much more violent than the bed sheet crowd.


I didn't think that the klan were believers in evolution......

09-06-2011, 04:57 AM



09-06-2011, 04:58 AM
I didn't think that the klan were believers in evolution......

Please forgive my misuse of the word evolve.

09-06-2011, 05:01 AM
Please forgive my misuse of the word evolve.

That's OK.

You could use "intelligent design" safely though. They won't understand what it means either.

09-06-2011, 05:04 AM
That's OK.

You could use "intelligent design" safely though. They won't understand what it means either.

You are British, think like a British General and don't underestimate your enemy by thinking they are dumb.

09-06-2011, 05:08 AM
You are British, think like a British General and don't underestimate your enemy by thinking they are dumb.

Who is the enemy?

09-06-2011, 05:09 AM
Who is the enemy?

I was talking to Robert, if you follow the storyline between us then you will be able to understand who i talk of.

09-06-2011, 05:11 AM
You are British, think like a British General and don't underestimate your enemy by thinking they are dumb.

Sorry, you're right, they are vicious, bigoted racist scum.

But possibly not dumb with it. ;)

09-06-2011, 05:30 AM
I was talking to Robert, if you follow the storyline between us then you will be able to understand who i talk of.

I was I just didnt think he'd get to that point wit ya.

09-08-2011, 09:40 PM
so here's a question...... if we decide to see nicole while she's escorting, do we tell her we're from this board? ...........

seriously though, politics aside (though I have to say that was an interesting bit of reading), I'm sad to see nicole go. I caught shit from her a few times and thought she was unnecessarily rude, but I didn't take it to heart--it is what it is. for the most part I enjoyed interacting with her and found her to be witty, funny, and though harsh at times, seemingly very much capable of being a warm, sweet person if treated with respect. I enjoyed her time here and will miss her posts. All my best to you ND........

09-08-2011, 10:23 PM
so here's a question...... if we decide to see nicole while she's escorting, do we tell her we're from this board? ...........

seriously though, politics aside (though I have to say that was an interesting bit of reading), I'm sad to see nicole go. I caught shit from her a few times and thought she was unnecessarily rude, but I didn't take it to heart--it is what it is. for the most part I enjoyed interacting with her and found her to be witty, funny, and though harsh at times, seemingly very much capable of being a warm, sweet person if treated with respect. I enjoyed her time here and will miss her posts. All my best to you ND........
