View Full Version : A poll for the girls here

08-24-2011, 10:12 AM
I was going through a thread recently and it brought up the subject of family acceptance, and it made me think about on this board among the girls how does your family treat you, as recognizing, accepting being trans?
I'd like to dispell that stereotype

08-24-2011, 10:18 AM
Yeah...I got a pole for all the ladies on this forum! :dancing:

Good luck with your thread, i hope there will be some positive answers from the ladies of acceptance by their families.

08-24-2011, 10:22 AM
My family is very very very supportive. But I didnt transition in front of them. I left to another state and transitioned and lived for 8yrs. I told them early in my transition and it took 3yrs for my father to come around but now I have the best family in the world. I dont get mad when I am called my birth name because I know its hard to change habits but they try and when around my husband they always call me by my girl name. They always refer to me as SHE and never he. They love me for me and I have educated them on the life. They now educate others too!

08-24-2011, 10:44 AM
My immediate family accepts me 100%, till got some extended family members who refuse to acknowledge my transition. Doesn't bother me too much. I got a family of my own and thats what really matter to me.

08-24-2011, 12:19 PM
My friends and family support me completly right from the start, the only person who is against it is my brothers and sister their father, and since hes nothing to me, i dont care either :p (i have a different father who i havent seen since i was 1)

08-24-2011, 01:04 PM
My family hates me. I had to run away from home. Last year I went to visit other relatives in another state for the first time and to them I was a curiosity that needed to go back where I came from.

Anyways, I like being alone.

Nicole Dupre
08-24-2011, 05:16 PM
My parents told me it was "ok if I was gay" by the time I was about 12. That's what they thought boys being feminine was all about. I told them I was glad, but I thought it was more complicated than that. I told my dad the thought of two men together, sexually, was NOT appealing to me. That confused him even more I think. lol

Around that time, I admitted to my mom that, yes, I did want to kiss boys and date them. She was more ok than my dad with that. lol My dad was willing to accept being "gay" in a DADT way. By the time I was 20, they could see that I was relentless about dressing as a girl. I mean, i ran away from home in my mid-teens. When I saw them again, they realized that they couldn't do much about it anyway. So they accepted me "dressing" up, but talking about getting tits always freaked my dad out.

When I went F/T and got my name legally changed, that probably fucked with their heads as bad as anything. Getting tits also did. There was about a 9 month period after the name change where we talked only 2 or 3 times. But they finally calmed down, admitted that they knew it was inevitable, and became the most supportive they were ever,and remained that way. My mom is like my best friend at this point. And my dad and I became closer than we ever were until he passed away. Everyone else in my family accepts me too. My one brother tho', who I never had a relationship with anyway, didn't accept it all until about 2 years ago. And it took him a year to explain it to his wife. Now we all get along just fine.

Nicole Dupre
08-24-2011, 05:23 PM
Actually my best friend since I was 15 and my mom are good friends too. My fiend, I'll talk about anything with. But my mom, I censor some things for. lol

08-24-2011, 05:28 PM
I was going through a thread recently and it brought up the subject of family acceptance, and it made me think about on this board among the girls how does your family treat you, as recognizing, accepting being trans?
I'd like to dispell that stereotypewell i have 9 other brothers and sisters and im very well accepted as well as raising my two kids while in transition so yes i am one of the select few i quess.

08-24-2011, 08:27 PM
i am closer to my family now than before ... proper daddies girl now lol ...i spend alot of time with my floks looking after my mum and stuff .... and watch movies with my dad and build stuff with him ..

Dino Velvet
08-24-2011, 08:53 PM
Sorry to stick my head where it doesn't belong. I just want to say that I admire you ladies and respect your bravery. You all have taught me very much.

Jamie French
08-24-2011, 09:07 PM
My entire family is way cool... I was a strange little fucker coming out of the gate so no period of adjustment was necessary. If your mom still makes birthday tacos for you at 32, you know the family is solid about who you are.

08-24-2011, 09:25 PM
I think this is one of the key topics for individual transexuals, certainly the ones that I have known, for all of whom their family was of huge importance. I can only think of one person who had little or no contact with her family but I can't say I knew her well. Of the ones I have known who had brothers, they seem to have had a harder time accepting the transition than the parents. Has hostility from the family at any time persuaded the person to stop transitioning? Not among the girls I have known but that is hardly a representative sample. I think that is one of the more interesting issues to discuss. I also wonder if transitioning is easier in recent times than before, say the 1980s or 1990s. Assuming that parents today are more liberal in social attitudes than they used to be; and probably in the Western world rather than in, say Africa or the Middle East.

08-24-2011, 10:03 PM
Has hostility from the family at any time persuaded the person to stop transitioning? .

It hindered me at a young age 15/16 - delayed the start of my transition by a few years.

Nicole Dupre
08-24-2011, 10:26 PM
I think this is one of the key topics for individual transexuals, certainly the ones that I have known, for all of whom their family was of huge importance. I can only think of one person who had little or no contact with her family but I can't say I knew her well. Of the ones I have known who had brothers, they seem to have had a harder time accepting the transition than the parents. Has hostility from the family at any time persuaded the person to stop transitioning? Not among the girls I have known but that is hardly a representative sample. I think that is one of the more interesting issues to discuss. I also wonder if transitioning is easier in recent times than before, say the 1980s or 1990s. Assuming that parents today are more liberal in social attitudes than they used to be; and probably in the Western world rather than in, say Africa or the Middle East.
I was always told by older trannys (who transitioned pre-90's) that it was expected you make a commitment to being post-op from the day you told a shrink that you felt like "a woman/girl trapped in a man's/boy's body". So the first thing they did was push you into getting an orchiectomy ie remove your testicles. If you wanted to keep your dick and balls, you ran the risk of getting labelled nuts. Trannys who were attracted to women were/are considered "secondary" according to the HBS. Older trannys still refer to being post-op as being "complete". I think shemale porn, among other things, changed that situation a lot.

But as far as family goes, I was never close to my brothers anyway. Especially my one brother, who was really into sports and cars. I never gave a crap about stuff like that. I know almost nothing about cars. lol I was into fashion and art. They never hated me or anything, but we never had anything in common. My parents were actually more open-minded than he is. He was always a jock. But my parents were always pretty cool that way. There was no hatred for people who were different, no racial bigotry, etc. I think growing up so close to Manhattan had something to do with it. My mom's side is from Hoboken, just across the Hudson River. My dad's side was from Newark, before the riots. And my parents did cool things with me as a kid, like we went to see shows on Broadway, to museums, etc. NYC was always part of my life. And it was cosmopolitan enough to be ahead of the cultural learning curve, in many ways. In NY, people want to know what you're good at, and how hard you'll work for things. No one gives a shit about what your religion is, or who you have sex with. Being gay was passe years ago in NYC. lol

08-24-2011, 10:48 PM
My Dad was a tough sell. I was a pretty confusing kid very early on and Dad feared the worst (there were transgenders all over Jerry Springer back then). He did his best to indoctrinate me into the ceremonies of manhood. Cub Scouts. Little League. Basketball. Shooting. Hunting. Fishing. We tried them all together. My Mom finally intervened and Dad reluctantly gave up on me. Some of my brothers were pretty tough on me. For awhile there it seems I was crying every other day over something they said or did. But we're all adults now and pretty cool with each other. Aunts and uncles, and spouses of brothers and sisters are another thing entirely. I've never been asked to accompany my brother's wife to the powder room :)

08-24-2011, 11:47 PM
Sorry to stick my head where it doesn't belong. I just want to say that I admire you ladies and respect your bravery. You all have taught me very much.That pretty well sums up how I feel about the subject, too, Dino. I :Bowdown: to all of the ladies on here.

08-25-2011, 01:05 AM
My family hates me. I had to run away from home. Last year I went to visit other relatives in another state for the first time and to them I was a curiosity that needed to go back where I came from.

Anyways, I like being alone.

awwwwwwww :huggs:

I will say that being from a middle eastern family I'm soooo lucky I was never outright disowned by my family, I can still talk to them but they're generally pretty unaccepting and it's something that's not discussed. They just treat me exactly the same as before I started transitioning in high school, except with a few rules that I can't have guys as friends or be alone with a guy..
My parents have told me they'll accept it when I get surgery and get married. I do think that it just takes time though.

I just wanted to bring a human element up. Because I sometimes feel like I have to remind potential guys that we're people and we have lives not just a fantasy

08-25-2011, 01:13 AM
My parents have much bigger problems than my being trans. Dad is a selfish philanderer with middle-child syndrome and Mom is a co-dependent bi-polar prescription drug addict, so even though Mom says she accepts me and Dad says he doesn't there's actually no way to know for sure since either of them or both of them could be lying. Even if they both did, the real question is whether or not I would accept them. My brother is an outright asshole and he's proud of it.

Everyone else in my life either doesn't know or care that I'm trans.

(there were transgenders all over Jerry Springer back then)


Girls, please stop going on those shows. We don't need them anymore and arguably never did.


08-25-2011, 01:31 AM
awwwwwwww :huggs:

I will say that being from a middle eastern family I'm soooo lucky I was never outright disowned by my family, I can still talk to them but they're generally pretty unaccepting and it's something that's not discussed. They just treat me exactly the same as before I started transitioning in high school, except with a few rules that I can't have guys as friends or be alone with a guy..
My parents have told me they'll accept it when I get surgery and get married. I do think that it just takes time though.

I just wanted to bring a human element up. Because I sometimes feel like I have to remind potential guys that we're people and we have lives not just a fantasy

Middle eastern fam eh? Are they muslim?

ANyways there is some interesting stuff in here and I always love to hear from the ladies on here regarding these things.

Nicole Dupre
08-25-2011, 01:59 AM
There are extreme horror stories regarding family situations for trannys. Sometimes being rejected is far better. I have a friend whose mom (widowed) accepted it and tried to protect her from her bullying bothers constantly. She left home at 16, and had to sneak back in for quality time with her mom. Her one brother would physically assault her if he found her there, forcing her mom to call the cops and make things even more complicated.

My attitude with my parents was always "see ya later". I started running away at 13, and stayed away from about 16 on. They always seemed to want me back, but had meltdowns within a few days over the reality of who and what I was. It was either DADT or major friction. But DADT only works if you're gay.

My parents literally would watch MTV to try to understand what the whole punk-rock/tattoo/couture phenomenon was. lol But that didn't work. ;-) lol So they started seeing a shrink, and luckily the shrink broke it down in plain English: "He's not just... 'gay'." lol

I came in for these group session things they arranged. By the time I was 20 or so, they accepted me being "genderfuct", as long as it was not under their roof. That was basically our truce. It lasted until I told them I was changing my name and getting tits. lol And that's when that 9 or 10 months of little or no contact began.

08-25-2011, 03:35 AM
[QUOTE=Nicole Dupre;991816]There are extreme horror stories regarding family situations for trannys. Sometimes being rejected is far better. I have a friend whose mom (widowed) accepted it and tried to protect her from her bullying bothers constantly. She left home at 16, and had to sneak back in for quality time with her mom. Her one brother would physically assault her if he found her there, forcing her mom to call the cops and make things even more complicated.

What you write Nicole sounds so strange to me,,, cause this me that is in your words, OK you didn't know me but what i mean that girl you write about,,, is me.

I tried to go back and see my mom but there was so much fighting with my bros and sis that it got very rough, to the point the police came and took me away. It was even written in the report that I was mentally unstable, yes, my sisters wanted me put away, or get some phsyc treatment.

I love my mom, I love my dad,, they just didn't understand me, they were old school, but the others can go to hell.

Again, I am happy all alone.

08-25-2011, 04:13 AM
The only family members in my life now are my daughter and ex-wife's family. The rest of my family doesn't speak to me, and most likely will never accept me.

Nicole Dupre
08-25-2011, 04:15 AM
There are extreme horror stories regarding family situations for trannys. Sometimes being rejected is far better. I have a friend whose mom (widowed) accepted it and tried to protect her from her bullying bothers constantly. She left home at 16, and had to sneak back in for quality time with her mom. Her one brother would physically assault her if he found her there, forcing her mom to call the cops and make things even more complicated.

What you write Nicole sounds so strange to me,,, cause this me that is in your words, OK you didn't know me but what i mean that girl you write about,,, is me.

I tried to go back and see my mom but there was so much fighting with my bros and sis that it got very rough, to the point the police came and took me away. It was even written in the report that I was mentally unstable, yes, my sisters wanted me put away, or get some phsyc treatment.

I love my mom, I love my dad,, they just didn't understand me, they were old school, but the others can go to hell.

Again, I am happy all alone.
I understand, sis. Assholes don't really differ very much, beyond their fingerprints. That's why they're dime a dozen assholes.


08-25-2011, 04:23 AM
[QUOTE=Nicole Dupre;991816]There are extreme horror stories regarding family situations for trannys. Sometimes being rejected is far better. I have a friend whose mom (widowed) accepted it and tried to protect her from her bullying bothers constantly. She left home at 16, and had to sneak back in for quality time with her mom. Her one brother would physically assault her if he found her there, forcing her mom to call the cops and make things even more complicated.

What you write Nicole sounds so strange to me,,, cause this me that is in your words, OK you didn't know me but what i mean that girl you write about,,, is me.

I tried to go back and see my mom but there was so much fighting with my bros and sis that it got very rough, to the point the police came and took me away. It was even written in the report that I was mentally unstable, yes, my sisters wanted me put away, or get some phsyc treatment.

I love my mom, I love my dad,, they just didn't understand me, they were old school, but the others can go to hell.

Again, I am happy all alone.

Like Dino, I almost feel like I'm intruding here, so apologies first and foremost. But I've found the posts on here both intensely moving and inspirational. Too many guys here stop at the penis or the boobs and don't attempt to see the person behind the image (yes, it's porn, but....).

And Yvonne, I hope that I know what you mean about being "happy all alone", but you should rest assured that there's a lot of love and respect for you here from girls and guys alike. In that sense at least, you're not alone.

Ineeda SM
08-25-2011, 04:42 AM
How sad is it that in a world with so much prejudice and hate, that parents can push away their own flesh and blood kids for doing what makes them happy? I can't even pity them.

08-25-2011, 04:47 AM
Also my dad refused to see me for 3yrs. I would go to family functions before he was there or after or he wouldnt show. Then one year for Fathers Day I wrote him a letter that I published in a trans magazine I wrote for at the time. Telling him that it wasnt his fault that I was this way. That I was always different and at that time he was transferring home videos to DVDs and started seeing me as a kid. It all made sense to him then, that I was meant to be a female. My father raised myself and 2 brothers on his own for many years before re-marrying my step mom. I honestly think my step-mom had a lot of influence on my father in accepting me too. From the minute she found out she was there for me, even when he wasn't. She has always treated myself and my brothers as her own. She loves introducing me to friends and stuff as her daughter, shes proud of me. And my father is too! Before ever getting to porn I did a lot of and still do a lot of help in the trans community. Teaching seminars, writing columns in magazines and educating people about the transgendered community. They see that and are proud of me.

Nicole Dupre
08-25-2011, 04:51 AM
Honestly, the people who abandon us are ultimately emotional dead weight. If they come around, great. If not, fuck 'em. (not literally, of course. lol)

When I was a little kid, I thought my gender issues must've meant that I was from outer space or something, until I was about 7 or so. That was when I saw a tranny on television for the first time, and said to my grandmother, "That's what I am." But she already knew. lol :)

So I'm used to looking at society as "the others".

"Greetings, earthlings. I am from a distant Trani-verse. Don't make me zap Uranus." lol

08-25-2011, 04:59 AM
Middle eastern fam eh? Are they muslim?

ANyways there is some interesting stuff in here and I always love to hear from the ladies on here regarding these things.

sunni muslim family

08-25-2011, 05:02 AM
sunni muslim family

Thanks for starting this thread, Najwa. Timely reminder of the kind of things you girls have to go through to become the person you've always been inside.

08-25-2011, 03:37 PM
I was going through a thread recently and it brought up the subject of family acceptance, and it made me think about on this board among the girls how does your family treat you, as recognizing, accepting being trans?
I'd like to dispell that stereotype

For me my mother is accepting to a point.....

I work as male during the day & live as female otherwise.
Mom thinks that I am her son, but knows and understands that I am transitioning and will accept me one day as her daughter.

The hardest thing for her to accept is that I date men and not women.
Her ideal for me was to get married (which almost happened) and give her grandchildren. I still think that I can give her childern and have a family, but in a different way than the traditional nuclear family.
I think the first therapy session with her beside me was the most nerve racking hour of my life. We both cried for almost the entire session and in the end we came out understanding each other a little better.

08-26-2011, 07:03 AM
For me my mother is accepting to a point.....

I work as male during the day & live as female otherwise.
Mom thinks that I am her son, but knows and understands that I am transitioning and will accept me one day as her daughter.

The hardest thing for her to accept is that I date men and not women.
Her ideal for me was to get married (which almost happened) and give her grandchildren. I still think that I can give her childern and have a family, but in a different way than the traditional nuclear family.
I think the first therapy session with her beside me was the most nerve racking hour of my life. We both cried for almost the entire session and in the end we came out understanding each other a little better.

Do not act like emotional therapy session in wig is the most difficult thing when all you have done is secretely take hormones,play with guns, football and stand behind bachmann. If you were so concerned about "public image" why do you post ads for sex with anonymous men for money? it does not add up

Some girls here have gone through real things. I was kicked out of highschool for being trans... they sent me to cosmetology department put my hair in a ponytail and cut it off.I was suspended multiple times for "being too feminine and a distraction" before they finally said I couldnt come back..

Theres girls here that have gone through a lot and fought hard. All you have done is masturbate in a wig for money

naaaam ana 3dban.. fahdh e amr mtheer lls5ryah :soapbox :soapbox

08-26-2011, 07:09 AM
Some girls here have gone through real things. I was kicked out of highschool for being trans... they sent me to cosmetology department put my hair in a ponytail and cut it off.I was suspended multiple times for "being too feminine and a distraction" before they finally said I couldnt come back..

naaaam ana 3dban.. fahdh e amr mtheer lls5ryah :soapbox :soapbox

That's barbaric, Najwa. Was this in the middle east or the US?

08-26-2011, 03:33 PM
Do not act like emotional therapy session in wig is the most difficult thing when all you have done is secretely take hormones,play with guns, football and stand behind bachmann. If you were so concerned about "public image" why do you post ads for sex with anonymous men for money? it does not add up

Some girls here have gone through real things. I was kicked out of highschool for being trans... they sent me to cosmetology department put my hair in a ponytail and cut it off.I was suspended multiple times for "being too feminine and a distraction" before they finally said I couldnt come back..

Theres girls here that have gone through a lot and fought hard. All you have done is masturbate in a wig for money

naaaam ana 3dban.. fahdh e amr mtheer lls5ryah :soapbox :soapbox

So you had a ruff childhood I am not arguing that you did not. I honestly respect that you made your journey earlier in life and had a ruff time of it.
I have said many times that I had lived as a regular alpha male until my 24th birthday.My sexualilty and pesonality changed dramaticly after I broke up with my ex. Yes I was a football player and I am not ashamed of who I was or where I came from that includes guns & politics. I come from a stable backgound with a good work history, I own my own home (although I still owe a small mortgage), and two cars.(and yes I escort part time, but it is by choice, not economic forces) By all means testing I am a fairly sucessful person who has GID and is late-transitioning. I am working on a better life for myself by going to college part timeto improve my employment prospects, taking my mom to therapy with me and overall living a stable comfortable life. What's wrong with that? I guess in your eyes someone who represents the "good ol boys club" and is sucessful is a 2 face traitor to thier own kind???? Did that about hit it in the nail tsnajwa?

Nicole Dupre
08-26-2011, 04:07 PM
Do not act like emotional therapy session in wig is the most difficult thing when all you have done is secretely take hormones,play with guns, football and stand behind bachmann. If you were so concerned about "public image" why do you post ads for sex with anonymous men for money? it does not add up

Some girls here have gone through real things. I was kicked out of highschool for being trans... they sent me to cosmetology department put my hair in a ponytail and cut it off.I was suspended multiple times for "being too feminine and a distraction" before they finally said I couldnt come back..

Theres girls here that have gone through a lot and fought hard. All you have done is masturbate in a wig for money

naaaam ana 3dban.. fahdh e amr mtheer lls5ryah :soapbox :soapbox
I can see he's responding. But girl, you're talking to a brick wall, and I do mean "brick". And he lies a lot. He's no alpha male. He played football, dated one Asian girl in his life who dumped him I assume, and he drives a truck. Just ask The Wickerman. He knows his life story, and it's a mess.

First he made and posted about 10 vides to YouTube, claiming that he was transsexual. Then when a few people here saw them, and realized he's a P/T crossdresser, he had meltdowns and made thinly veiled threats towards me. He's even called my escort # and sent texts. He's just a pervert with a fetish for guns, panties,and auto-erotic asphyxiation. He claims he's going F/T after some stupid election. Can you imagine such a thing? Letting politics have a bearing on your transition? lol He's a joke. He can't even begin to dream of being a real woman.

My advice is to just put him on ignore. He'll never have anything interesting to say. Trust me. He's all dude, and acts like a dude online and IRL. There's no point to arguing with a pervert football player with manboobs. He's already admitted that he likes confrontation and fighting, ever since he was a football player :2cent

Nicole Dupre
08-26-2011, 04:54 PM
Do not act like emotional therapy session in wig is the most difficult thing...
Actually, I say that he needs to post a photo of him with his wig on and his mom togther, or he's full of crap.

He already has no problem putting photos of his family's tombstones - something I think is about as tacky as it gets on a porn site, where there are countless cockbandits and weirdos passing through. So it should be no problem for him. I bet he never does it. But, if so, someone please tell me how real it looks.

That's about the last thing I'd need to hear about, to form any more of an accurate opinion about him. The rest of what I've seen was actually plenty tho'. You can't be a self-respecting TS and support Bachman, unless you're retarded. Case closed.

08-26-2011, 07:37 PM
Just ask The Wickerman. He knows his life story, and it's a mess.

He is one hot mess and a hardass manbearpig who is a retarded Thurston Howell wanna be.

Look at this the National College Republicans are promoting this freak, by doing so they are promoting his escort business because he is way to fucking dumb too realize he submitted the escort cell number to the college republicans!!

Here is the proof look at the College gop telephone number then look at the escort number.

How fucking retarded can one man be?

Nicole Dupre
08-26-2011, 08:26 PM
Holy shit. lol All you'd have to do is Google the number, and I guess both things come up. Probably the trucking company as well. lol

Nicole Dupre
08-26-2011, 08:28 PM
What's a "cr troll"?

08-26-2011, 09:49 PM
Holy shit. lol All you'd have to do is Google the number, and I guess both things come up. Probably the trucking company as well. lol

Better yet an Intelius search found pipointed his address, plus there does see to be a James Spangler that owns a J&L Spangler Transport in Laurelville, Ohio not too far from him.

08-26-2011, 09:55 PM
What's a "cr troll"?

It acronym for college republican troll, they are often paid to come to websites and stir up political controversy to keep the sites users politically distracted.

Nicole Dupre
08-27-2011, 12:32 AM
Better yet an Intelius search found pipointed his address, plus there does see to be a James Spangler that owns a J&L Spangler Transport in Laurelville, Ohio not too far from him.
I see the new tag is implying that you're my sockpuppet. That really pisses me off, considering I have gone out of my way to prove to the mods that I have one motherfucking account. This fat fuck wants to blame his failure on this forum on me, as if I could make him look any worse than he's made himself look. I think I'm going to create a popularity contest poll, complete with the usernames of the voters, to show fatso that he's generally loathed by everyone. I have better shit to do than create fake accounts on a fucking porn forum. But I do LMAO @ the Wickerman's fact-finding. lol :-D

Nicole Dupre
08-27-2011, 06:08 AM
It's a shame that a thread which was all about girls' real life experiences of transition has descended into yet another round of the never ending Nicole vs Ericka saga.

Not apportioning any blame, kids, just saying.
? Actually, you only mentioned me, Robert. Wasn't Najwa just expressing her opinion about Erika/James? Why am I getting blamed for his self-created troubles on this forum? You know what? I should post all the PMs I have from people who seem to be so reluctant to express their opinions publicly; the people who sent me the links, the photos, address, the Facebook info, etc. You people need to grow a pair, and you know who you are.

In fact, Robert, you seem to be one of the few guys posting on what was supposed to be a girls-only thread. Stop trying to be everyone's friend, including James', and speak up for what's right.

The people who say "please don't leave again, Nicole" never have a problem walking away from me when I take heat for this shit. You're a bunch of spineless faggots.

08-27-2011, 08:35 AM


08-27-2011, 09:13 AM
I am a 2nd generation only kid. No siblings, no aunts, uncles etc. The awesome, ultra cool, elders have passed. My surviving parent is so horrified I have not seen her in a decade. We have a polite, Christmas and Birthday in the mail sort of thing. She is older, I was always a reasonably good, supportive... albeit fairly... O.K. ultra wild, reckless kid prior to transitioning... but shielded my family from my mis deeds. Anyway, my fear is my Mother will die, without reconciliation... I'll show up at the funeral amongst her friends, who always liked me... and they will be ultra disappointed in her... the reason for my disappearance confirmed. Socially however I have many dear friends from all walks of life... many from adolescence. I was terrified I'd loose them.... they all stood by me... far less surprised than I ever imagined. My long term friends serve as my 'family'... their kids my 'nieces' and 'nephews'. The Mom thing is a festering wound though.

08-27-2011, 01:13 PM
So I have said many times that I had lived as a regular alpha male until my 24th birthday.My sexualilty and pesonality changed dramaticly after I broke up with my ex.

Isnt that like a personality/mid life crisis or something? It just seems odd to jump to being trans after breaking up with an ex at 24.. Rather than say, puberty when most girls start developing masculine features and know that transition is something that needs to happen to stop it

Yes I was a football player and I am not ashamed of who I was or where I came from that includes guns & politics. I come from a stable backgound with a good work history, I own my own home (although I still owe a small mortgage), and two cars.(and yes I escort part time, but it is by choice, not economic forces) By all means testing I am a fairly sucessful person who has GID and is late-transitioning. I am working on a better life for myself by going to college part timeto improve my employment prospects, taking my mom to therapy with me and overall living a stable comfortable life. What's wrong with that?

What kind of car your drive ,how much you owe on your mortgage, how successful you are in life has no bearings on being trans or not I don't see how any of this is relevant.. A girls that I know that escort do so out of necessity because society doesn't give us opportunity to have "normal" jobs.. The fact that you put on wig and have sex for money for fun (since its not necessity) and enjoy male social life and privilege at work and other areas is a big red flag that says "fetish"

I guess in your eyes someone who represents the "good ol boys club" and is sucessful is a 2 face traitor to thier own kind???? Did that about hit it in the nail tsnajwa?

Ummm no, why would you think that? and what does being successful have to do with anything? It seems odd that you would lump "successful" in there with being "good ol boys club", Women can be just as successful as men..

? Actually, you only mentioned me, Robert. Wasn't Najwa just expressing her opinion about Erika/James?

I take total responsibility for the direction it has gone, Erika's post really hit a nerve with me. I wanted this to be about how girls are treated by their familys and dispell a stereotype, not 'I sometimes dress like a woman in secret look how hard my life is'

That's barbaric, Najwa. Was this in the middle east or the US?

in the states

08-27-2011, 03:12 PM
I'm sorry Nicole that you are being targeted for something we all do here at the forum. I would defend you any time anywhere. I do believe that some come to this forum to cause trouble spewing their viewpoints which go so against ours. And these are not just viewpoints but support of groups that do hate us.
I also don't understand how one can be in favor of a group that wants us back in the closet, this does boggle my mind. But since these people are online, usually miles away from me, it is pointless to argue with them. I do my best to ignore them. If I was to be confronted by one of these people face to face then that would be another matter, then I would take them on. Because one can not call it an opinion or their viewpoint when that viewpoint supports a group of people who basically hate me. But to try and argue with this type of person online is futile and it seems they love it, which makes me believe as one says, they come to forums just to disrupt them with views that are totally bizarre.

I have been on a few forums since being online. i have had my share of arguing with people who hate me or support political parties that hate me. I have been banned from some of them, but now I am tired of it all. I am tired of arguing with the unknowns. I come online less and less as time goes, and I'm enjoying being alone again. I would defend you without a thought or reason Nicole if you were in trouble as I would other girls on this forum, it's just that I am tired of it, I'm tired of the hate, i'm tired of me hating people,, I just want to sleep.

08-27-2011, 03:49 PM
Just stoppin' by...noticed by the OP had requested a ladies only post, and certainly want to honor her wishes, but didn't want to feel left out with all the dudes responsing. lmao It all started out so well....maybe one of the most informative threads on here...but quickly veered off course as it always does into a quasi political shit fest.....I'm just drawn in by all outward pouring of love in here !!!!!!!!:whistle:

08-27-2011, 06:47 PM
As for the wicker douche & N.D I will not even attempt to respond to thier vile.

Isnt that like a personality/mid life crisis or something? It just seems odd to jump to being trans after breaking up with an ex at 24.. Rather than say, puberty when most girls start developing masculine features and know that transition is something that needs to happen to stop it

Well there are "many" ts that start later in life. I had feelings for being trans long before 24, but never acted on them it was certainly not a mid-life crisis.

What kind of car your drive ,how much you owe on your mortgage, how successful you are in life has no bearings on being trans or not I don't see how any of this is relevant.. A girls that I know that escort do so out of necessity because society doesn't give us opportunity to have "normal" jobs.. The fact that you put on wig and have sex for money for fun (since its not necessity) and enjoy male social life and privilege at work and other areas is a big red flag that says "fetish"

I have put my personal success frist(I.E I pay all of my bills & responsibillities) and transition on the after burner,but that is changing. I am foucsing on my transition to full time this November.
society doesn't give us opportunity to have "normal" jobs..
I am going to call BS on the fact that anyone can go to college and get an education. You create your own sucess and failure...The job market is tuff for eveyone not just ts. I am sure my own empoyment will suffer for awhile that's why I am changing careers to infomation technology so I can blend in better.

[QUOTE=tsnajwa;993295]Ummm no, why would you think that? and what does being successful have to do with anything? It seems odd that you would lump "successful" in there with being "good ol boys club", Women can be just as successful as men[/QOUTE]

I ment the 'good ol boys club' is slang for the Republican party, I did not mean that as a man I will make more over time. Women & Men of any gender variance are = in my eyes no matter the skin color.

08-27-2011, 06:58 PM
I'm sorry Nicole that you are being targeted for something we all do here at the forum. I would defend you any time anywhere. I do believe that some come to this forum to cause trouble spewing their viewpoints which go so against ours. And these are not just viewpoints but support of groups that do hate us.
I also don't understand how one can be in favor of a group that wants us back in the closet, this does boggle my mind. But since these people are online, usually miles away from me, it is pointless to argue with them. I do my best to ignore them. If I was to be confronted by one of these people face to face then that would be another matter, then I would take them on. Because one can not call it an opinion or their viewpoint when that viewpoint supports a group of people who basically hate me. But to try and argue with this type of person online is futile and it seems they love it, which makes me believe as one says, they come to forums just to disrupt them with views that are totally bizarre.

I have been on a few forums since being online. i have had my share of arguing with people who hate me or support political parties that hate me. I have been banned from some of them, but now I am tired of it all. I am tired of arguing with the unknowns. I come online less and less as time goes, and I'm enjoying being alone again. I would defend you without a thought or reason Nicole if you were in trouble as I would other girls on this forum, it's just that I am tired of it, I'm tired of the hate, i'm tired of me hating people,, I just want to sleep.

Yvonne it is not my intention to cause "hate" towards anyone. I am sorry if I have upset you in any way. I do however believe in responding when people throw hate in my face when I am not even discussing politics. Look in this thread look at my first post it was an honest non-political response to the orignal OP, but it has become is clear that I should just shut up. I can't stand being hated on :/

08-27-2011, 08:22 PM
Erika I am not upset at you but I do wonder about you at times.
I have a difficult time trying to understand why a transgender person would join hands with people who obviously hate you. I know you say that you are trying to change the ways of your party so they take a favorably approach to the transgender, so called changing the party from within. Wouldn't it be the same or maybe easier if you were with people who accept the way you live and tried to change some of their ideas than to change a group of people that down right hate you.

Liberals don't have all the right answers, not by a long shot. And if you noticed my posts in the political section, it is liberals who i have issues with. The reason i do this, I feel i have a better chance of having a liberal understand what I am saying than someone who wants me hurt in some way. The reason I don't argue or debate republicans is cause I have no desire to even acknowledge them, until they see me as another human with equal footing to them then maybe I would talk with them, but for now, I have no issues cause they don't exist to me, people who hate me don't exist in my eyes. I will take on liberals in debate cause for the most part they accept me to live the way I want and when I have an issue with a poicy, they do listen to my opinion. I just don't see that with republicans, to me most of them just throw a bible in my face, how I am going to hell and talk about morals instead of the issue at hand.
And it is because of this relationship you have with republicans that others here get upset about. Many girls here have had very rough lives, especially the older girls. They want to live their lives the way they see fit and yet republicans around the country, in grass roots groups like yourself try their best to hurt the transgender. Like these links I found below. I won't talk to other republicans on this board cause i don't care about them, but i do feel that deep down you do have some feelings, maybe because of a "you're one of us thing". You're not a bad person but you gotta understand what some of our lives were like in the past and sometimes we see republicans wanting us to go back to those days. That is why there is anger on this forum. And I get upset at times too.




I'm sorry for taking this topic off course, i won't add any more unless it is on topic.

08-28-2011, 04:45 AM
Erika I am not upset at you but I do wonder about you at times.
I have a difficult time trying to understand why a transgender person would join hands with people who obviously hate you. I know you say that you are trying to change the ways of your party so they take a favorably approach to the transgender, so called changing the party from within. Wouldn't it be the same or maybe easier if you were with people who accept the way you live and tried to change some of their ideas than to change a group of people that down right hate you.

Liberals don't have all the right answers, not by a long shot. And if you noticed my posts in the political section, it is liberals who i have issues with. The reason i do this, I feel i have a better chance of having a liberal understand what I am saying than someone who wants me hurt in some way. The reason I don't argue or debate republicans is cause I have no desire to even acknowledge them, until they see me as another human with equal footing to them then maybe I would talk with them, but for now, I have no issues cause they don't exist to me, people who hate me don't exist in my eyes. I will take on liberals in debate cause for the most part they accept me to live the way I want and when I have an issue with a poicy, they do listen to my opinion. I just don't see that with republicans, to me most of them just throw a bible in my face, how I am going to hell and talk about morals instead of the issue at hand.
And it is because of this relationship you have with republicans that others here get upset about. Many girls here have had very rough lives, especially the older girls. They want to live their lives the way they see fit and yet republicans around the country, in grass roots groups like yourself try their best to hurt the transgender. Like these links I found below. I won't talk to other republicans on this board cause i don't care about them, but i do feel that deep down you do have some feelings, maybe because of a "you're one of us thing". You're not a bad person but you gotta understand what some of our lives were like in the past and sometimes we see republicans wanting us to go back to those days. That is why there is anger on this forum. And I get upset at times too.




I'm sorry for taking this topic off course, i won't add any more unless it is on topic.

Yvonne...I had a 500 word response I intended to post, but I didn't for 2 reasons. First...you seem like a nice person....a tad weird, but nice. Secondly, I don't want to be guilty of the same sin you were...that is to turn a tread into a political dog fight, and the minute James gets involved...the shit hits the fucking fan...so I suggest either ignore him...or PM him with your opinion if it's political. So I'll simply say if you'd like a response to your unfair, sweeping generalizations....take a walk over to the political boards where this shit belongs. Don't hit and run baby. I swear this is true...the only time I hear the word hate is when you and others are referring to people who don't agree with you. (The only exception to that is when I say I hate Phobun...but who doesn't ?) So...you combat their hate with your hate? If you wanna spend the rest of your life doing that...have at it , but I think there are times you take a certain comfort in creating bogeymen.
Are there people who don't like or understand your lifestyle? Sure the fuck are....we heard that painfully spelled out by some of the ladies on this very thread, and it didn't sound to me like all those who were intolerant were republicans. lol

So if a person has not arrived at the same place you are with respect to let's say... same sex marriage......is that hate ? If they live their lives treating co-workers, family and friends equally without regard to sexual orientation or lifestyle, but are not quite ready to over turn several thousand years of marital law and tradition...is that hate? I'm just tryin' to get a handle where the hate begins and the respectful difference of opinion ends. And for those that are ignorant, but more likely to be indifferent...is that hate? Is it hateful to favor civil unions over same sex marriage? Was Clinton hateful when he signed DOMA? And there's bound to be somebody who brings up Michelle Bachmann's husband, so let's mark this one on the curve and throw the low scores out..can we? lol That's not where the vast majority of people are. There's wing nuts to the left and to the right of me...
I just found it interesting and instructive that as painful as some of those stories were to read about unaccepting and at times even hostile family members, no one used the word hate....but you did referring to republicans. Does Ron Paul hate you? Did Mother Theresa hate you? ( and I'm not suggesting she was a Republican!) Does John McCain hate you? (who's daughter is a lesbian and who he loves dearly. ) Do you hate them? It would appear so by your post. Look....if you have issues with certain people...let it fly...name them, but when you paint Ron Paul with the same brush as Marcus Bachmann...you sound foolish.
I just think it's far more complex than you make it out to be. Disapproval or Ignorance about your lifestyle seems to cut demographically across racial, political, generational and scio-economic lines.
You are right about one thing though...the Liberals tolerate you because they need your vote...nothing more....nothing less, but do little to advance legislation for your benefit, but they're great at paying you lip service.

Ineeda SM
08-28-2011, 05:07 AM
Yvonne...I had a 500 word response I intended to post, but I didn't for 2 reasons. First...you seem like a nice person....a tad weird, but nice. Secondly, I don't want to be guilty of the same sin you were...that is to turn a tread into a political dog fight, and the minute James gets involved...the shit hits the fucking fan...so I suggest either ignore him...or PM him with your opinion if it's political. So I'll simply say if you'd like a response to your unfair, sweeping generalizations....take a walk over to the political boards where this shit belongs. Don't hit and run baby. I swear this is true...the only time I hear the word hate is when you and others are referring to people who don't agree with you. (The only exception to that is when I say I hate Phobun...but who doesn't ?) So...you combat their hate with your hate? If you wanna spend the rest of your life doing that...have at it , but I think there are times you take a certain comfort in creating bogeymen.
Are there people who don't like or understand your lifestyle? Sure the fuck are....we heard that painfully spelled out by some of the ladies on this very thread, and it didn't sound to me like all those who were intolerant were republicans. lol

So if a person has not arrived at the same place you are with respect to let's say... same sex marriage......is that hate ? If they live their lives treating co-workers, family and friends equally without regard to sexual orientation or lifestyle, but are not quite ready to over turn several thousand years of marital law and tradition...is that hate? I'm just tryin' to get a handle where the hate begins and the respectful difference of opinion ends. And for those that are ignorant, but more likely to be indifferent...is that hate? Is it hateful to favor civil unions over same sex marriage? Was Clinton hateful when he signed DOMA? And there's bound to be somebody who brings up Michelle Bachmann's husband, so let's mark this one on the curve and throw the low scores out..can we? lol That's not where the vast majority of people are. There's wing nuts to the left and to the right of me...
I just found it interesting and instructive that as painful as some of those stories were to read about unaccepting and at times even hostile family members, no one used the word hate....but you did referring to republicans. Does Ron Paul hate you? Did Mother Theresa hate you? ( and I'm not suggesting she was a Republican!) Does John McCain hate you? (who's daughter is a lesbian and who he loves dearly. ) Do you hate them? It would appear so by your post. Look....if you have issues with certain people...let it fly...name them, but when you paint Ron Paul with the same brush as Marcus Bachmann...you sound foolish.
I just think it's far more complex than you make it out to be. Disapproval or Ignorance about your lifestyle seems to cut demographically across racial, political, generational and scio-economic lines.
You are right about one thing though...the Liberals tolerate you because they need your vote...nothing more....nothing less, but do little to advance legislation for your benefit, but they're great at paying you lip service.

It's funny how you are the only person to ever defend Jimmy Boy. It is also sad how much you love to spread the right wing propaganda bull shit. You and Jimmy Boy are the same person, or maybe you wish you were. You both use the same incorrect grammer, you both defend each other, you both spell the same words incorrectly, you both strongly support the same party that hates us.....yes I said hate.

Your GOP boys have a policy the states how wrong and offensive GLBT people are. They state often that we are all mentally ill and need a shrink to help pray away the gay. There have been states that have actually tried to make homosexuality illegal. If that is not hate, I don't know what is. I do not care what McCain and Ron Paul say. Their actions supporting the party that hates us is very clear. And the open support by liberals to the GLBT community are vast and honest. There have been threads here that have listed the long list of good things that liberals have done for GLBT people.

So peddle your bull shit on a right wing site that will agree with you. It won't happen here. You and Jimmy Boy are alone, and you fucking know it.

08-28-2011, 05:37 AM
It's funny how you are the only person to ever defend Jimmy Boy. It is also sad how much you love to spread the right wing propaganda bull shit. You and Jimmy Boy are the same person, or maybe you wish you were. You both use the same incorrect grammer, you both defend each other, you both spell the same words incorrectly, you both strongly support the same party that hates us.....yes I said hate.

Your GOP boys have a policy the states how wrong and offensive GLBT people are. They state often that we are all mentally ill and need a shrink to help pray away the gay. There have been states that have actually tried to make homosexuality illegal. If that is not hate, I don't know what is. I do not care what McCain and Ron Paul say. Their actions supporting the party that hates us is very clear. And the open support by liberals to the GLBT community are vast and honest. There have been threads here that have listed the long list of good things that liberals have done for GLBT people.

So peddle your bull shit on a right wing site that will agree with you. It won't happen here. You and Jimmy Boy are alone, and you fucking know it.

Nicole Dupre said it best right here:

:whistle: I decided to briefly take him off ignore, just to see where he was going here. I mean, I notice that he's constantly posting in this section because his name always appears on the main list of threads. And, just as I thought, it's the same old bullshit. His head is planted firmly up his goosestepping ass.

But then it dawned on me. And I noticed a pattern with OMK. He generally has horrible grammar, and relies on ad hominem nonsense. But, lo and behold, he suddenly sandwiches seemingly well-rehearsed quasi-facts in between corny, hateful diatribes.

So I did a little research, and found something interesting.

But first, did anyone see a quote getting credited to someone better suited to be a fascist propagandist? I didn't think so. He leaves those out, because he's a plagiarizer. Case in point: here's the jist of his arguement, stolen word-for-word from Byron York in the Washington Examiner.


And now I'm putting him back on ignore, where he belongs. :loser:

08-28-2011, 05:44 AM
"A Poll for the Girls here"........guess you just can't have that on this site...

...or maybe you do...lol.

Ineeda SM
08-28-2011, 05:49 AM
Nicole Dupre said it best right here:

Hahahaha. Thanks Silcc. Of course. OMK and Jimmy Boy are just trolls who do nothing but quote the GOP partyline assholes. They know that nobody here likes them or believes their crap. But they don't care. They are only here to spread the GOP words of hate. They are trolls and we are feeding them. Then they get their laughs. And you know they will both be back to spread more bull shit for the argument and another good laugh.

What a sad life some people lead to get their jollies. They could be having some really good conversations with nice people, but they chose to be trolls and have people dislike them. Like I said before....I don't know whether to pity them, or laugh at them. So I do both.

Nicole Dupre
08-28-2011, 06:20 AM
Yeah, I'm about to leave this site any day now. People have called it a bluff before, but it's not. It's happened, and the last time was for about 10 months. Truthfully, only a handfull of people would miss me anyway. And overall, it's hardly worth the aggravation. So far I've had James cuss me out in a PM, make a thinly veiled threat, call my phone, send a text, and blame me for being unpopular. And this began because I questioned how true his fulltime status was, which I easily clocked as a bold-faced lie.

When this place is no longer interesting, I get bored. And it's currently very boring. Eventually, the days I'm absent will turn into months, and maybe years, or just forever. But oh well. Life certainly goes on.

Ineeda SM
08-28-2011, 06:31 AM
Yeah, I'm about to leave this site any day now. People have called it a bluff before, but it's not. It's happened, and the last time was for about 10 months. Truthfully, only a handfull of people would miss me anyway. And overall, it's hardly worth the aggravation. So far I've had James cuss me out in a PM, make a thinly veiled threat, call my phone, send a text, and blame me for being unpopular. And this began because I questioned how true his fulltime status was, which I easily clocked as a bold-faced lie.

When this place is no longer interesting, I get bored. And it's currently very boring. Eventually, the days I'm absent will turn into months, and maybe years, or just forever. But oh well. Life certainly goes on.

I would miss your sharp tongued wit, but I still have your pics to keep me warm on those cold PA nights.:whistle::)

08-28-2011, 06:36 AM
Yeah, I'm about to leave this site any day now. People have called it a bluff before, but it's not. It's happened, and the last time was for about 10 months. Truthfully, only a handfull of people would miss me anyway. And overall, it's hardly worth the aggravation. So far I've had James cuss me out in a PM, make a thinly veiled threat, call my phone, send a text, and blame me for being unpopular. And this began because I questioned how true his fulltime status was, which I easily clocked as a bold-faced lie.

When this place is no longer interesting, I get bored. And it's currently very boring. Eventually, the days I'm absent will turn into months, and maybe years, or just forever. But oh well. Life certainly goes on.

You're liek one of the most interesting member's here by far.

08-28-2011, 06:52 AM
Yeah, I'm about to leave this site any day now. People have called it a bluff before, but it's not. It's happened, and the last time was for about 10 months. Truthfully, only a handfull of people would miss me anyway. And overall, it's hardly worth the aggravation. So far I've had James cuss me out in a PM, make a thinly veiled threat, call my phone, send a text, and blame me for being unpopular. And this began because I questioned how true his fulltime status was, which I easily clocked as a bold-faced lie.

When this place is no longer interesting, I get bored. And it's currently very boring. Eventually, the days I'm absent will turn into months, and maybe years, or just forever. But oh well. Life certainly goes on.

NOOOOOO!!!!! I wicked like you :(:(:(

08-28-2011, 08:35 AM
So if a person has not arrived at the same place you are with respect to let's say... same sex marriage......is that hate ? If they live their lives treating co-workers, family and friends equally without regard to sexual orientation or lifestyle, but are not quite ready to over turn several thousand years of marital law and tradition...is that hate? I'm just tryin' to get a handle where the hate begins and the respectful difference of opinion ends.

I think Wanda Sykes said it best when she said "if you don't beleive in same sex marriage, then don't marry somebody of the same sex". Seriously, it has not effect on my life. why should I care what two consenting adults do if they are not hurting anyone? You can respectfully disagree with somebody fine, but do not take their right away when it does not affect your happiness.

I have put my personal success frist(I.E I pay all of my bills & responsibillities) and transition on the after burner,but that is changing. I am foucsing on my transition to full time this November.

The fact that you put transition behind "being successful" (which i do not understand because you can do both..) it says that it is not that important to you.. and put it off for what?

I am going to call BS on the fact that anyone can go to college and get an education. You create your own sucess and failure...The job market is tuff for eveyone not just ts. I am sure my own empoyment will suffer for awhile that's why I am changing careers to infomation technology so I can blend in better.

How can you say this when you have never tried to get a job as a transsexual? Ofcourse anybody can go to college, anyone can get a degree
I have lost internships when I was told I had better interview and overall, but lost it when they happen to see my transcripts with my old name . You are living in the fantasy if you think being a transsexual does not have effect on future employment etc, because it changes everything, but you have enjoyed male work place privelege all of your life so you can not begin to understand. Tell me how your job interview goes when you show up in a wig and a dress with the 5 o'clock shadow.


Yeah, I'm about to leave this site any day now. People have called it a bluff before, but it's not. It's happened, and the last time was for about 10 months. Truthfully, only a handfull of people would miss me anyway. And overall, it's hardly worth the aggravation. So far I've had James cuss me out in a PM, make a thinly veiled threat, call my phone, send a text, and blame me for being unpopular. And this began because I questioned how true his fulltime status was, which I easily clocked as a bold-faced lie.

When this place is no longer interesting, I get bored. And it's currently very boring. Eventually, the days I'm absent will turn into months, and maybe years, or just forever. But oh well. Life certainly goes on.

I will say it on here that I would not want you to leave :(:(

08-28-2011, 05:52 PM
Nicole Dupre said it best right here:

Exactly ......you need Nicole to do your dirty work Silcc because you're not bad enough. You're just a punk with a paper asshole. Go ahead ...I think Nicole Just lifted her skirt....go hide under it , you pussy. lmao

08-28-2011, 06:02 PM
It's funny how you are the only person to ever defend Jimmy Boy. It is also sad how much you love to spread the right wing propaganda bull shit. You and Jimmy Boy are the same person, or maybe you wish you were. You both use the same incorrect grammer, you both defend each other, you both spell the same words incorrectly, you both strongly support the same party that hates us.....yes I said hate.

Your GOP boys have a policy the states how wrong and offensive GLBT people are. They state often that we are all mentally ill and need a shrink to help pray away the gay. There have been states that have actually tried to make homosexuality illegal. If that is not hate, I don't know what is. I do not care what McCain and Ron Paul say. Their actions supporting the party that hates us is very clear. And the open support by liberals to the GLBT community are vast and honest. There have been threads here that have listed the long list of good things that liberals have done for GLBT people.

So peddle your bull shit on a right wing site that will agree with you. It won't happen here. You and Jimmy Boy are alone, and you fucking know it.

Read much lately? Like for example my post you stupid fuck. You're a twink with a complex , a cock sucker with a problem. Not once did I defend James, but that's your game....lump everybody who disagrees with you in with the most vile. You never actaully answer any questions...because you're not very bright. And just like you did over on the political boards you never respond point by point...you toss out the same old tired bullshit, . You and Silcc are 2 peas in a fucking pod....you both sound young, absolutely stupid, but I'm not sure if he swallows like you do, but he's just as gullible ! lol Now why don't you let Yovonne answer my post and stop injecting yourself...Most of the dudes on her find you repulsive, a faggot mascarading as a Trans woman admirer. Go fuck yourself twink. I''d pay to see Erika put the boots to you !! lmao

Nicole Dupre
08-28-2011, 06:17 PM
I will say it on here that I would not want you to leave :(:(

Thank you, girl. I like you too.

But the more the people I have on ignore continue to stalk and troll me, the less I'll be here. And it's definitely at an ugly peak lately.

08-28-2011, 06:52 PM
Nicole Dupre said it best right here:

LMAO....Wow ND...imagine a life so filled with activities that you have to spend time "doing a little checking" ??....do you get out much? Business a bit slow? How much time did you spend trying to cross referrence one paragraph out of thousands of posts? Guess the phone isn't ringing much these days. If it's not you checking on me....it's you and your little crew posting personal shit about James/Erika. Interesting life you lead ND , but I'm thinking it's a lot less interesting than you'd like us to believe.

Yes...absolutely there was a paragraph taken from Byron York to explain my point better. Not all parts of the article were relevant and had I copied and pasted the entire article...chances are you never would have read it, seeing who the author was.......but now that you have, try responding to the points made, and not who posted them...But I understand...that takes some work and some facts...and since when did this shit hole populated by faggots and trolls ,as you so often remind us, rise to the level of literary standards where a paragraph has to have footnotes ?? According to you, most of us can barley read !! ..But you're exactly like the skirt chasers in your little crew...you never address any facts laid out.. just turn up the blow torch.....and make sure everyone knows you hate everybody who dare disagree with you, and you'll be fine. Did you say I make ad hominem attacks?? Oh that's fucking rich !! You're the Leona Helmsly of this place...the queen of mean. The bully of HA...well meet your match Leona ! And stop threatening to leave...who gives a shit ..really ? Your diluted level of self importance to the survival of this place is hysterical.
And what's really hilarious is you just can't seem to leave me on ignore...or not respond to me !! Troll much ? I thought we had an agreement....you stay out of my posts, and I'll stay out of yours, but you broke the deal, ...and I'll be damned if I'm going to let you spout your shit about me without a retort. Hopefully when you come back in 6 months, you won't be such a fucking bully. lmao... And If by chance I'm back on ignore, I'm sure one of your puppies will let you know about this post. :dancing:

Nicole Dupre
08-28-2011, 07:25 PM
I can't heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar you! lmao

Cartoon-Popeye-Assault and Flattery (1956) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAjv7vP5H0E)

Tina SantaFe
08-28-2011, 08:29 PM
New girl here. First post; yay.

Anyway, I come from a big family. Just one brother, but dozens of aunts, uncles and cousins. None of them are directly hostile to me, but a lot of them do seem to be keeping their distance from me (which is easy to do since I live about a thousand miles away from any of them). My dad's side of the family has more accepting members and they've been very supportive, but my dad himself is a different story and I haven't had any communication with him since 2008. My mom isn't totally accepting, but I think she wants to be accepting (if that makes any sense) and my little brother is kinda hard to gage since he's pretty quiet.

08-28-2011, 10:09 PM
New girl here. First post; yay.

Anyway, I come from a big family. Just one brother, but dozens of aunts, uncles and cousins. None of them are directly hostile to me, but a lot of them do seem to be keeping their distance from me (which is easy to do since I live about a thousand miles away from any of them). My dad's side of the family has more accepting members and they've been very supportive, but my dad himself is a different story and I haven't had any communication with him since 2008. My mom isn't totally accepting, but I think she wants to be accepting (if that makes any sense) and my little brother is kinda hard to gage since he's pretty quiet.

Welcome to the board here Tina :)
don't let the meanies scare you off

Tina SantaFe
08-28-2011, 10:41 PM
Welcome to the board here Tina :)
don't let the meanies scare you off

Thanks. I'll admit, I'm kinda nervous here. I just started as a webcam model a couple of months ago and I'm having so much fun with it! I'm here mostly because I want to try to get more into porn like with photo shoots, videos and stuff like that, but I'm not exactly sure where to go or who to talk to. It's frustrating because I'm usually so good at finding what I need online, but I've had a bit of a difficult time finding it here.

Well, anyway, shameless plug time, right? If anyone wants to see my webcam channel, it's at this link on imlive (http://imlive.com/live-sex-chat/shemale/tjr2011/). I'm considering finding other webcam sites to work with to see if I can get more exposure and money elsewhere, but I'm not exactly sure which ones are better and which are worse.

Meh. Maybe I need to put all this in my own post, huh?

08-28-2011, 10:43 PM
is erika the same of cough** i AM escort? or not

08-28-2011, 10:51 PM
The fact that you put transition behind "being successful" (which i do not understand because you can do both..) it says that it is not that important to you.. and put it off for what?

Well many reasons including the fact that I work in a politics. I am going to give it a full run in November and see how it goes.

How can you say this when you have never tried to get a job as a transsexual? Ofcourse anybody can go to college, anyone can get a degree
I have lost internships when I was told I had better interview and overall, but lost it when they happen to see my transcripts with my old name . You are living in the fantasy if you think being a transsexual does not have effect on future employment etc, because it changes everything, but you have enjoyed male work place privelege all of your life so you can not begin to understand. Tell me how your job interview goes when you show up in a wig and a dress with the 5 o'clock shadow.

I am truly sorry to hear about your hardships Najwa.

I am going to a a plastic surgey center this fall starting in October for lazer hair and body contouring.

08-28-2011, 10:53 PM
I was going through a thread recently and it brought up the subject of family acceptance, and it made me think about on this board among the girls how does your family treat you, as recognizing, accepting being trans?
I'd like to dispell that stereotype

Just wanted to pose a question.... Are mothers more accepting and fathers less accepting??????? I remember Vaniity mentioning that her mom was a big supporter. (Of course, well, by biological design women are more nurturing, more caring. Whereas fathers are less so. Ya know, fathers are tough, as it were. I mean, a lot of men have a difficult time with homosexuality. Well, men are not supposed to be effeminate. They're supposed to be uncaring, tough.)
The American writer Paul Theroux wrote an essay about being a man. He said being a man means, well, to be: "... stupid, be unfeeling, obedient, soldierly, and stop thinking." He may have a point -- ha ha ha! :)

08-28-2011, 10:53 PM
is erika the same of cough** i AM escort? or not

That would be me! There is only one Erika1487 lol

Ineeda SM
08-29-2011, 03:26 AM
Read much lately? Like for example my post you stupid fuck. You're a twink with a complex , a cock sucker with a problem. Not once did I defend James, but that's your game....lump everybody who disagrees with you in with the most vile. You never actaully answer any questions...because you're not very bright. And just like you did over on the political boards you never respond point by point...you toss out the same old tired bullshit, . You and Silcc are 2 peas in a fucking pod....you both sound young, absolutely stupid, but I'm not sure if he swallows like you do, but he's just as gullible ! lol Now why don't you let Yovonne answer my post and stop injecting yourself...Most of the dudes on her find you repulsive, a faggot mascarading as a Trans woman admirer. Go fuck yourself twink. I''d pay to see Erika put the boots to you !! lmao

If you ever make one fucking point that has even 0.000001% of truth in it, I might give it an honest reposnse. Until then, you are just a troll that nobody likes here. You say I am not very bright, yet you are the one who has to repeat the GOP partyline lies to make a post. And you still can't spell or use proper grammer.

Oh yes. I thought it was ironic and humorous that you say, "Not once did I defend James, but that's your game". Then follow with Jimmy Boy's exact line..."lump everybody who disagrees with you in with the most vile". I still have a hunch that you and Jimmy Boy are the same person. You both are way too much alike. It's also funny how both of you are never online here at the same time. You both say the word "HER" but spell it as "HERE"..... Hmmmmmm....... Cowinkydink? I think not.

OMK You are such a fucking joke. Give it up. You don't impress anyone here except yourself. I think you just get-off on seeing your words in print. Go away insect. You're just a pest now.

Nicole Dupre
08-29-2011, 05:28 AM
Just wanted to pose a question.... Are mothers more accepting and fathers less accepting??????? I remember Vaniity mentioning that her mom was a big supporter. (Of course, well, by biological design women are more nurturing, more caring. Whereas fathers are less so. Ya know, fathers are tough, as it were. I mean, a lot of men have a difficult time with homosexuality. Well, men are not supposed to be effeminate. They're supposed to be uncaring, tough.)
The American writer Paul Theroux wrote an essay about being a man. He said being a man means, well, to be: "... stupid, be unfeeling, obedient, soldierly, and stop thinking." He may have a point -- ha ha ha! :)
My mom and grandmothers accepted everything before my dad and grandfathers. Going F/T and getting tits freaked her out a bit at first, and so did changing my name legally. But again, she realized it made sense before he did. All the men in my family are ok with it too. But they were ok with me being "gay" by my early 20's.

Actually, my brother took longer to understand it than my uncles and cousins. But my brother is a jock, and a REAL alpha male. He's the powerful, stuck-up attorney, and a tough sell all around. His wife's kinda bitchy too. lol But he never hated me or anything. Last year, I spent the first Xmas with him and his family in about 5 years, since I moved back here from FL. That was awesome.

08-29-2011, 06:09 AM
My Dad a scientist in the space program was totally cool and supportive from the get go... his concerns were genuine and honest but not alarmist. 1) My personal safety 2) My treatment in employment culture.

Otherwise he assured me of his love. He has been gone a couple of years. Miss him. Have an awesome photo of him by my front door as a coiffed and scrubbed little boy headed for church.

My Mother on the other hand has never gotten it, haven't seen her in a decade plus. it is not that she hates me... she is very socially insecure, and does not know how to explain me... my context in her life.... to her friends- that are all very nice and bright. "Hello, this is your only kid speaking...." Speak on the phone once a year or so, when I call. She sends gift cards in the mail at my birthday and the holidays.... sore spot. Illustrated in prior post. My take is just be nice, thoughtful, patient... but not to spin my wheels over it.

08-29-2011, 06:47 AM
Well, anyway, shameless plug time, right? If anyone wants to see my webcam channel, it's at this link on imlive (http://imlive.com/live-sex-chat/shemale/tjr2011/). I'm considering finding other webcam sites to work with to see if I can get more exposure and money elsewhere, but I'm not exactly sure which ones are better and which are worse.

Meh. Maybe I need to put all this in my own post, huh?

Grooby runs a cam site for transsexuals, your best option would be to contact Seanchai on this boards. Hope this helps! :)

Just wanted to pose a question.... Are mothers more accepting and fathers less accepting??????? I remember Vaniity mentioning that her mom was a big supporter. (Of course, well, by biological design women are more nurturing, more caring. Whereas fathers are less so. Ya know, fathers are tough, as it were. I mean, a lot of men have a difficult time with homosexuality. Well, men are not supposed to be effeminate. They're supposed to be uncaring, tough.)
The American writer Paul Theroux wrote an essay about being a man. He said being a man means, well, to be: "... stupid, be unfeeling, obedient, soldierly, and stop thinking." He may have a point -- ha ha ha! :)

I remember seeing an interview of Vaniity with toggsy that was on youtube where she said it took her mom years to come around

My mom is actually the least accepting of my parents, to the point where she's actively nonaccepting.
My father was not accepting in the beginning when he thought I was just effeminate before I started transitioning. The first time my father saw me since I began transition he was shocked and he freaked out but he came around by the next summer and even told me he would prefer I had surgery and got married than be gay.

Nicole Dupre
08-29-2011, 07:01 AM
My mom is actually the least accepting of my parents, to the point where she's actively nonaccepting.
My father was not accepting in the beginning when he thought I was just effeminate before I started transitioning. The first time my father saw me since I began transition he was shocked and he freaked out but he came around by the next summer and even told me he would prefer I had surgery and got married than be gay.
Some women are far more intolerant than men. My sister-in-law has a lot to do with my brother taking so long to come around. But she's intimidated by all gays, lesbians, and trannys. She's uber-suburban and was very sheltered.

08-29-2011, 07:03 AM
Exactly ......you need Nicole to do your dirty work Silcc because you're not bad enough. You're just a punk with a paper asshole. Go ahead ...I think Nicole Just lifted her skirt....go hide under it , you pussy. lmao

ROFLMBAO you sure do love laugh at your stale ass jokes don't you? I realyl don't need Nicole to do my dirty work. I mean let's be real, you're clearly featherweight material. But you'd do us all a favor by taking your bike and driving your lame ass off the Brooklyn Bridge.

08-29-2011, 07:14 AM
Read much lately? Like for example my post you stupid fuck. You're a twink with a complex , a cock sucker with a problem. Not once did I defend James, but that's your game....lump everybody who disagrees with you in with the most vile. You never actaully answer any questions...because you're not very bright. And just like you did over on the political boards you never respond point by point...you toss out the same old tired bullshit, . You and Silcc are 2 peas in a fucking pod....you both sound young, absolutely stupid, but I'm not sure if he swallows like you do, but he's just as gullible ! lol Now why don't you let Yovonne answer my post and stop injecting yourself...Most of the dudes on her find you repulsive, a faggot mascarading as a Trans woman admirer. Go fuck yourself twink. I''d pay to see Erika put the boots to you !! lmao
You've been getting into it lately. Just to let you know, every time you get into with him (INeedALife or whatever the fuck his disgusting faggot name is) and drop a diatribe on him you hit the nail right on the head. You are exactly right about INeedaSuicidePill, to the tee.

Nicole Dupre
08-29-2011, 07:18 AM
ROFLMBAO you sure do love laugh at your stale ass jokes don't you? I realyl don't need Nicole to do my dirty work. I mean let's be real, you're clearly featherweight material. But you'd do us all a favor by taking your bike and driving your lame ass off the Brooklyn Bridge.
lol :D It wasn't "work". I copied and pasted "the last year before things went haywire" because I had a gut feeling that it sounded out of character for him, and it sounded like a distinct assessment. I found a shitload of links to the actual article, and it took a hot two seconds on a slow-ass hotel wireless connection. lol

Ineeda SM
08-30-2011, 03:52 AM
You've been getting into it lately. Just to let you know, every time you get into with him (INeedALife or whatever the fuck his disgusting faggot name is) and drop a diatribe on him you hit the nail right on the head. You are exactly right about INeedaSuicidePill, to the tee.

Hey OMK/Erika/Shimmel or whatever name you are using today, you are still a troll and a loser. The extensions of my name just proves to everyone here what a child you are. It is how little children insult each other, because they really have no other reason to. They are usually alone with no friends and need to vent their anger on someone.

The other thing that proves you are a loser is you agreed with your own post under another lame name. I really do pitty you.