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View Full Version : Fright Night Remake

08-22-2011, 10:43 AM
I saw frightnight tonight, not the biggest Colin Farrell fan but I gotta say it was a decent movie. If anyone remembers liking the first one, (Back then, not now) you will def enjoy the new one.

08-23-2011, 06:56 AM
Just got back from seeing this, and I have to say, it was better than I expected. I never actually saw the original, but I'm going to pick it up now to see how they compare.

08-23-2011, 07:24 AM
I saw frightnight tonight, not the biggest Colin Farrell fan but I gotta say it was a decent movie. If anyone remembers liking the first one, (Back then, not now) you will def enjoy the new one.

not me. i actually love the first two Fright Night films. But this new Fright
Night is just horrible faint in comparison.
But i thought the whole "remake" idea for this movie was such a joke.
Maybe it would have been a decent enough vampire movie if it had been given a different name rather than naming it after the big classic of the late 80's.
i actually thought Colin Farrell was the only good thing going in the film.
He was creepy element to the famed Jerry Dandridge villain. But oh how they totally fucked the Evil Ed character, they totally fucked Peter Vincent character. He was actually boring and disinteresting (as was Evil Ed) And that was the oldest looking Charlie Brewster "teenager".

The explosion, special effects, car chases was cool, and i thought it was sweet to have vampires coming out of ground,walls at the end.
But those very vampires were all turned back to human when
Farrell died ? WTF ?!! (Half-vamps do that but not dead ones.)
And it did horrible at the opening box office, Making the remake a total flop.

08-23-2011, 01:50 PM
While you're at it, don't see Final Destination 5. The 3D is the only thing that gives it any form of entertainment.

08-24-2011, 02:27 AM
i saw Final Destination 5. ... it was typical Final Destination movie.
Highlight disaster accidents filled with blood-gore fest and same tired
dumb "death is coming to get you but may skip a body on occasion" plot.
Supposely this is the last FD film. But i had heard that after the 3rd one.

Conan the Barbarian sucked!...! just seem like a made for TV movie.
Seemed no different than what you see from the Zena Princess warrior
or Hercules cable series. Wait for Red Box or Startz-cable for this one.
Not worth your theater weekend time.
Hopefully Columbania (sp) makes up for a disappointing August month
for summer films.
(i have no interest in Kate Holmes' "Don't be Afraid of the Dark" remake
at the theaters. Catch it later on Red Box)