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View Full Version : Since 1797 16 Federal officials impeached...NO REPUBLICANS

01-08-2006, 03:28 AM
You holier than thou democrats are aching for a history lesson. Since 1797, 16 democrats or Federalists(precursor to the dem. party), have been impeached, while in office. Not a damn one of them was a Proud Republican, even though the "Grand Old Party", is the world's first political party. These federal officials include "slick willie clinton", and probably should have included Richard M. Nixon, but he was smart enuough to resign, and not make the "Sad Sixteen". Read it and weap, my little negative, pessamistic, progressives.

Mister Sinister
01-08-2006, 03:33 AM
You holier than thou democrats are aching for a history lesson. Since 1797, 16 democrats or Federalists(precursor to the dem. party), have been impeached, while in office. Not a damn one of them was a Proud Republican, even though the "Grand Old Party", is the world's first political party. These federal officials include "slick willie clinton", and probably should have included Richard M. Nixon, but he was smart enuough to resign, and not make the "Sad Sixteen". Read it and weap, my little negative, pessamistic, progressives.

See no matter what people say there are bad people everywhere. Good Post, do you have a link where I can read this at?

01-08-2006, 03:36 AM
Just Google "Federal officials impeached". You have to then search each one on Google to read what they were accused of, and their political affiliation. Ted Kennedy should have been included.

01-08-2006, 03:44 AM
Where are chefmike, felicia pussy, and trogdor tonight? seanchai, the English moveon.org lover should give the European slant on this.

TrueBeauty TS
01-08-2006, 03:50 AM
Where are chefmike, felicia pussy, and trogdor tonight? seanchai, the English moveon.org lover should give the European slant on this.

Wow... a whole 8 minutes go by and you start bitching like a six year old little girl about people not posting.

Dude, you are totally f'ed up. LOL :lol:

01-08-2006, 03:53 AM
You're probably right, but usually, the "All knowing" trio jumps right on my posts. They are so politically naive, that they don't realize there has to be a balance, a ying/yang, to everything. I have to take the American side, and I'm damn proud to do it.

TrueBeauty TS
01-08-2006, 04:06 AM
You're probably right, but usually, the "All knowing" trio jumps right on my posts. They are so politically naive, that they don't realize there has to be a balance, a ying/yang, to everything. I have to take the American side, and I'm damn proud to do it.


Ok, serious question.... Can a person still be a good, patriotic American even if they question the government and it's policies?

01-08-2006, 04:09 AM
Of course. That's politics. Just don't take an anti-American stance.

01-08-2006, 04:32 AM
Hey, if i'm wrong, tell me. I'll admit it. Where are our little liberal friends?

01-08-2006, 04:48 AM
"Silence is golden, Golden".

01-08-2006, 05:14 AM
Where are chefmike, felicia pussy, and trogdor tonight? seanchai, the English moveon.org lover should give the European slant on this.

Personally, I'm not sure what you're talking about or how it relates to me. I've never made any postings about political affiliations and impeachments, just because you want to be me, Yourdaddy, it doesn't mean you have to bring me into everything.
Anyway, as you're sitting in the trailer wondering what happened to your sad, tragic little life and who else to blame, I'll be taking Allanah, Gia, Buddy Wood, Tony Vee, Frank and a few more to dinner in Vegas where we've had a very successful convention.

01-08-2006, 05:14 AM
Interesting that someone who steps up and lectures others about history would be so wholly ignorant of history himself.

The modern Democratic Party was born in 1832 when Andrew Jackson transformed the Democratic-Republican party, established by Thomas Jefferson during Washington's administration to oppose the Alexander Hamilton's Federalist party, into the Democratic party.

The modern Republican party was born in 1854 as a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act and stood on a platform of limited expansion of slavery.

The modern Deomcratic party has its roots in Jefferson's Democratic-Republican party--not the Federalist party, which ceased to exist after the War of 1812.

And furthermore, anyone who equates an early 19th century impeachment to anything happening in today's world is so historically and politically ignorant as to be worthy of hearty ridicule.

Now, isn't Lilienne HOT!!!

01-08-2006, 07:25 AM
Lilienne is indeed a hotty!

Felicia Katt
01-08-2006, 07:40 AM
Yourdaddy, Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body formally levels charges against a high official of government. Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office; it comprises only a formal statement of charges, akin to an indictment in criminal law, and thus is only the first step towards possible removal.

You are correct that only 16 Federal officials have been been impeached. However, 12 of those 16 were judical officers, and therefore not really members of a political party.

Clinton was impeached by a Republican dominated House of Representatives. There were considerable questions as to whether the charges against him were actually high crimes and misdemeanours. He was acquitted in the Senate. Polls indicated a substantial majority of Amercans disappoved of the whole process as an overally partisan one. Clinton continued to have high job approval ratings during and after the impeachment proceedings.

Andrew Johnson, who was Lincoln's vice president was impeached, but was acquitted at trial in the Senate. He was a Democrat but was picked by the Republicans. He drew their ire, however, when he vetoed their efforts to pass laws to grossly restrict the slaves just liberated by the Civil War

The other 2, besides Clinton and Johnson were a senator and cabinet member

The senator was William Blount. He is listed as being a Democratic Republican. He was acquitted.

The cabinet member was William Belknap, who was a civil war hero and Grant's Secretary of war, so part of a Republican Administration. Belknap also was acquitted.

Articles of Impeachment were approved by a House Committee against Nixon who was a Republican. . He resigned before they were voted on by the whole House and before his inevitable conviction in the Senate. He is the only president to resign in disgrace. His vice president Spiro Agnew also resigned in disgrace. Only one other vice president, John C Calhoun, who was a Democrat, resigned.

Not sure what the point of this whole topic was, but hate to see the facts misrepresented so badly. And Yourdaddy, you didn't have to post 4 times to get a response, just one erroneous one would have sufficed. But I was having a nice dinner with some friends.


01-08-2006, 07:59 AM
You know, youdumm... I mean yourdaddy, it doesn't mean shit if you ask me. Believe me, if Old Abe had known the way of his party now, he'd probably wish he let the Confederacy go in peace. Party affiliation doesn't mean shit as is the case with Andrew Johnson, Lincoln's VP and successor to the presidency. He was a Democrat by party affiliation, but you line him up with any Democrat of modern time and he'd be Republican through and through. I'd suggest you read some more. People like you are what's wrong with this country.

The American Nightmare
01-08-2006, 09:09 AM
So what's your point? Are you trying to imply that this has anything to do with the current Delay/Libby investigations?

01-08-2006, 03:18 PM
Wasn't Andrew Johnson a Republican?

01-08-2006, 04:54 PM
Sorry if this comes as a shock to some of you people but GWB does not call the shots. He heeds to the wishes and sways to the will of the global elitists which themselves, stage terrorism, invoke fear, profit from war, pharmacueticals and corporate swindeling; and a pluthera of other evil deeds. Bush is a virtual puppet and a spokesperson for those who really call the shots. You people argue about Bush Vs. Kerry and R's Vs. D's... the grim truth of the matter is that the 2004 Presidential elections were staged and that there is so much corruption involved in both sides that it is bursting from the seams. True democracy is seemingly being buried deeper and deeper everyday. Only the citizens of this country can demand and re-enstate true democracy by voicing the outrage. Remember, giving up civil rights does not lead to liberty, but only leads to tyranny. Stand up, do the research, take time and think about where this fear and war-mongering will bring us humans in the long run. Check out www.supportthetruth.com Watch with a open heart and mind. There I said it...

01-08-2006, 09:02 PM
Sorry if this comes as a shock to some of you people but GWB does not call the shots. He heeds to the wishes and sways to the will of the global elitists which themselves, stage terrorism, invoke fear, profit from war, pharmacueticals and corporate swindeling; and a pluthera of other evil deeds. Bush is a virtual puppet and a spokesperson for those who really call the shots. You people argue about Bush Vs. Kerry and R's Vs. D's... the grim truth of the matter is that the 2004 Presidential elections were staged and that there is so much corruption involved in both sides that it is bursting from the seams. True democracy is seemingly being buried deeper and deeper everyday. Only the citizens of this country can demand and re-enstate true democracy by voicing the outrage. Remember, giving up civil rights does not lead to liberty, but only leads to tyranny. Stand up, do the research, take time and think about where this fear and war-mongering will bring us humans in the long run. Check out www.supportthetruth.com Watch with a open heart and mind. There I said it...

*walks in, peasents running away on fire*

Excellent post, friend.

It always seems a little odd, and sad, how the despite Dubya's pathetically low approval rating, we still have this retarded hillbilly puppet and his corporate string pullers in office. We are the bosses, not them, we pay these stupid ass taxes for all of them to do not agree on anything apart from, "Let's all go on vacation and raise our salaries......again," and hearing about these new ways of getting protection, though we loose stuff such as certain rights, liberties and so on. Seems that politics, apart from meterology, is one of the few jobs you can't get fired from if you fuck up, which is what's happening now, and been happening for a long time.

Seems like if you talk bad about america, you're labeled as an anti-american person, a terrorist, or someone who hates freedom ( Remember what happened to the Dixie Chicks? ). But talking smack about your country, its policy, and its officals somehow makes you a villian in here, unless of course that someone is a rich, powerful person in industry talking smack about the little guy, the peons or underlings trying to move foreward.

Hell, me talking shit about Dubya and Corporate america is more patriotic than you'll ever realize.

and by the way.......there is nothing patriotic about the patriot act or phone tapping, unless you really like George Orwell. :P

And, yourdaddy, I'm really touched that you mentioned me. I did not know you cared so much :mrgreen: Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go hug some oak trees :wink: :D :mrgreen:

01-08-2006, 09:30 PM
Hey, if i'm wrong, tell me. I'll admit it. Where are our little liberal friends?

Yes, you've been schooled once again. As per your usual modus operandi, when confronted with the facts, you'll ignore the fact you were proven wrong again and say that you were just kidding. That you just wanted to piss the "libs' off...uh huh :roll:

01-08-2006, 11:29 PM
Wasn't Andrew Johnson a Republican?
No. He was a Tennessee Democrat. But remember, Democrats of the 1860s are equivalent to Republicans of today.

01-09-2006, 02:29 AM
Proven wrong????? chefmike is so hopelessly lost in left-wong lies. What did i lie about chef?

Felicia Katt
01-09-2006, 03:33 AM
Yourdaddy, were you playing hooky when I had to rewrite the lesson plan for the history lesson you wanted to teach us?

And I still don't see your point, unless it was to misdirect attention from all the current ethics scandals that have caused the Republicans to expel their leadership and to propose changing the curriculum with substantial reforms.


01-09-2006, 03:45 AM
Run, yourdaddyForrest, Run!!!

Forrest Gump: My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

Mrs. Gump: You have to do the best with what God gave you.


Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: Have you found Jesus yet, Gump?
Forrest Gump: I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir.


Forrest Gump: Mama always said life was like a box a chocolates, never know what you're gonna get

Forrest Gump: Stupid is as stupid does.

Mrs. Gump: Life's a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get.

Drill Sergeant: Gump! What's your sole purpose in this army?
Forrest Gump: To do whatever you tell me, drill sergeant!
Drill Sergeant: God damn it, Gump! You're a god damn genius! This is the most outstanding answer I have ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Private Gump. Listen up, people...
Forrest Gump: Now for some reason I fit in the army like one of them round pegs. It's not really hard. You just make your bed real neat and remember to stand up straight and always answer every question with "Yes, drill sergeant."
Drill Sergeant: ...Is that clear?
Forrest Gump: Yes, drill sergeant!

Fat Man at Bench: It was a bullet, wasn't it?
Forrest Gump: A bullet?
Fat Man at Bench: That jumped up and bit you.
Forrest Gump: Oh, yes sir. Bit me right in the buttocks. They said it was a million dollar wound, but the army must keep that money 'cause I still haven't seen a nickel of that million dollars.


Forrest Gump: Hello. My name's Forrest, Forrest Gump. You want a chocolate?

Jenny Curran: His name's Forrest.
Forrest Gump: Like me.
Jenny Curran: I named him after his daddy.
Forrest Gump: He got a daddy named Forrest, too?
Jenny Curran: You're his daddy, Forrest.

Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: That's what all these cripples down at the VA talk about: Jesus this and Jesus that. They even had a priest come and talk to me. He said God is listening and if I found Jesus, I'd get to walk beside him in the kingdom of Heaven. Did you hear what I said? WALK beside him in the kingdom of Heaven! Well kiss my crippled ass. God is listening? What a crock of shit.


Forrest Gump: That's all I have to say about that.

Forrest Gump: Hello. I'm Forrest, Forrest Gump.
Recruit Officer: Nobody gives a hunky shit who you are, pus ball. You're not even a low-life, scum-sucking maggot. Get your ass on the bus, you're in the army now!

Jenny Curran: Have you ever been with a girl, Forrest?
Forrest Gump: I sit next to them in my Home Economics class all the time.

Richard M. Nixon: Therefore, I shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow. Vice president Ford will be sworn into office at that hour in this office.

Forrest Gump: The best thing about visiting the President is the food! Now, since it was all free, and I wasn't hungry but thirsty, I must've drank me fifteen Dr. Peppers.

The American Nightmare
01-09-2006, 04:38 AM
And I still don't see your point, unless it was to misdirect attention from all the current ethics scandals that have caused the Republicans to expel their leadership and to propose changing the curriculum with substantial reforms.
We have a winner!

Seriously, Yourdaddy, what is the significance of your original post?

01-10-2006, 12:39 AM


01-10-2006, 01:35 AM
'Scuse me your dumbship cook. Where was I proven wrong? Must have missed that thread.

The American Nightmare
01-10-2006, 01:51 AM
Do you have any intention of answering my question?

What is the significance of your original post?

01-10-2006, 02:42 AM
Am I not allowed to start a thread defending Republicans? After all the anti-bush rhetoric on a TS forum, I think someone should get equal time. I just wanted to show the holier-than-though liberals, including yourself, that with all your ranting and raving over the years, you are more guilty of political shenanigans, than the conservatives that you love to denigrate. It's so typical of chefmike to obfuscate what I wrote, by saying I was proved wrong.

01-10-2006, 03:34 AM
Am I not allowed to start a thread defending Republicans? After all the anti-bush rhetoric on a TS forum, I think someone should get equal time. I just wanted to show the holier-than-though liberals, including yourself, that with all your ranting and raving over the years, you are more guilty of political shenanigans, than the conservatives that you love to denigrate. It's so typical of chefmike to obfuscate what I wrote, by saying I was proved wrong.

obfuscate \OB-fuh-skayt\, transitive verb:
1. To darken or render indistinct or dim.
2. To make obscure or difficult to understand or make sense of.
3. To confuse or bewilder.

It would appear that you have achieved that all by yourself.... :roll:

The American Nightmare
01-10-2006, 04:04 AM
Am I not allowed to start a thread defending Republicans? After all the anti-bush rhetoric on a TS forum, I think someone should get equal time. I just wanted to show the holier-than-though liberals, including yourself, that with all your ranting and raving over the years, you are more guilty of political shenanigans, than the conservatives that you love to denigrate. It's so typical of chefmike to obfuscate what I wrote, by saying I was proved wrong.
I understand your point, but Mike is absolutely correct. Your original post is not addressing anything important.

I don't recall anyone pointing out indictments of Republicans in the past. It's neither here nor there.

01-10-2006, 04:07 AM
Oh sure, all the impeached presidents were not Republicans. But how many of the assassinated presidents were Republicans? 3 out of 4. How many attempted assassinations? All but Kennedy and Andrew Jackson were Republicans. There are other options to impeaching the president. How many Democrats resigned in disgrace?

Those pesky Republicans also seem to get us involved in more wars. George H W Bush had 4 different conflicts in as many years. 5 if you count the war on drugs. How'd that one turn out, by the way?

It is not my intent to annoy anyone with this email. I'm not sure the same can be said for "yourdaddy."

The American Nightmare
01-10-2006, 04:10 AM
Oh sure, all the impeached presidents were not Republicans. But how many of the assassinated presidents were Republicans? 3 out of 4. How many attempted assassinations? All but Kennedy and Andrew Jackson were Republicans. There are other options to impeaching the president. How many Democrats resigned in disgrace?
What the fuck? :?:

01-10-2006, 04:21 AM
I'm just saying that if more people stopped shooting Republicans then maybe more republicans would be impeached. But those congressional trials are mighty expensive.

Hmmm... odds in Vegas are 4:1 that Dubya will be impeached for High Crimes and Misdemeaners, specifically bribery.

Again, it is not my intent to annoy anyone with this posting.

The American Nightmare
01-10-2006, 04:37 AM
I'm just saying that if more people stopped shooting Republicans then maybe more republicans would be impeached.
I thought YD was obscuring the issue but you just took the cake.

You can have it, and eat it!

01-10-2006, 04:38 AM
I'm just saying that if more people stopped shooting Republicans then maybe more republicans would be impeached. But those congressional trials are mighty expensive.

Hmmm... odds in Vegas are 4:1 that Dubya will be impeached for High Crimes and Misdemeaners, specifically bribery.

Again, it is not my intent to annoy anyone with this posting.

It is not my intent to annoy anyone with the posting of this article from the American Press. This is for comedic purposes only, as I love our beloved coward-in-chief with all my red-blooded american heart.

Judge eases restrictions on John Hinckley

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — A federal judge today loosened the restrictions on John W. Hinckley Jr., allowing the hospitalized presidential assailant to spend seven overnight visits with his parents in Williamsburg, Va.

Hinckley, who shot President Ronald Reagan in 1981, had been permitted to leave St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington for outings around the nation's capital. He wanted to make longer trips and travel outside the area to his parents' community in southeastern Virginia.

U.S. District Judge Paul L. Friedman ruled Hinckley could be allowed initially three, three-night visits and later another four, four-night visits. It was not known today when Hinckley will make the visits.

The Justice Department could appeal the decision. Justice Spokesman John Nowacki said the order was being reviewed.

Friedman said Hinckley "is not permitted to leave one or both parents' supervision at any time during the course of the conditional release" except when the hospital deems it necessary.

The government had opposed Hinckley's requests to visit Williamsburg, a three-hour drive from the forensic hospital where he has been held since 1982.

When Hinckley shot Reagan and three other people in 1981 as the president emerged from a downtown hotel, he was suffering from major depression and a psychotic disorder that led to an obsession with actress Jodie Foster.

Hinckley, found not guilty by reason of insanity in 1982, said he shot Reagan to impress Foster.

His doctors have said his depression and psychosis are in full remission.

Since last year, Hinckley has been allowed occasional local overnight visits with his parents within a 50-mile radius of St. Elizabeths Hospital.

Friedman ordered that during the visits to the gated community where his parents live, Hinckley is not to spend more than 90 minutes away from their supervision. The hospital must assess the success of each visit before a subsequent visit can be allowed, according to the order.

The hospital also must submit to the court, as well to Hinckley's and the government's lawyers, an itinerary, along with a schedule and goal, for each of the initial three-day visits. The court is to decide later whether it will allow Hinckley to make the longer visits.

Hinckley will have to meet with a psychiatrist at least once during each visit and check in daily by phone with the hospital, Friedman directed. Hinckley is taking Risperdal, an anti-psychotic drug.

He also will be allowed supervised used of the Internet. However, any attempt to contact the media will be considered a violation of his conditional release, as will be any contact with Leslie DeVeau, a former girlfriend of 22 years and ex-patient at the hospital, according to the ruling.

The goal of the visits is to allow Hinckley to be "acclimated" to his parents' community and relearn skills, including gardening, cooking and taking out the garbage, Friedman wrote in his opinion.

The judge rejected a proposal from the hospital that Hinckley be allowed to get a driver's license and seek work and training. Friedman wrote that such activities are "premature at this time."

Hinckley's attorney, Barry Levine, did not immediately returned a call seeking comment late today.

01-11-2006, 04:56 AM
I thought YD was obscuring the issue but you just took the cake.

You can have it, and eat it!

Thank you. That was indeed my intent. To go so far the other direction as to make it painfully obvious that the issues that liberals have with the current administration has absolutely nothing to do with anything but the present. YD's premise that there was no validity to the "Left" because of past shenanigans which in turn make any illegal activities of the current administration justified.

If he knows some way to correct the past, let's get it fixed. I know the present can be changed and it seems to need it.

If only Slick Willy, when asked if he had had sex with that intern, had responded "Yeah baby, I shagged her rotten!" It would have been over and YD would have nothing to use to justify the actions of the republicans which he so readily admits needs defending.

Sorry if any liberals were upset by my posts, but you do have to admit that a legitimate question to ask democrats right now is "What the hell are you doing? What the hell do you stand for? How are you different other than not Republicans?" Give me something to believe in before 2008, or I believe I'll just have another serving of consciousness altering material of my choice.

It is not the intent of this message to annoy anyone. If you happen to be annoyed by this message, that's not going to bother me either.

Felicia Katt
01-11-2006, 05:25 AM
Again, Yourdaddy, after begging in 4 different messages for me to respond, did you actually bother to read my post? Apparently not, because it showed that whatever point you thought you were making was totally blunted by the facts.

No Democratic Presidents have been forced from office in disgrace.

One Republican President was.

Again, what was your purpose? To defend Bush? If you want to defend Bush, provide facts and figures that show his successes. Don't come here with a misdirected and factually unsupported attack on people unrelated to the issue. That does as much to defend Bush as invading Iraq did to catch Osama.


Hugh Jarrod
01-11-2006, 05:39 AM
You're probably right, but usually, the "All knowing" trio jumps right on my posts. They are so politically naive, that they don't realize there has to be a balance, a ying/yang, to everything. I have to take the American side, and I'm damn proud to do it.

By no means is the republican side anymore (or less) the american view than any other side. Only republicans would have you believe as such. The problem is that your view is that no republican is ever wrong, or can do wrong. You are a tool.

Felicia Katt
01-11-2006, 06:59 AM
Hugh, he gets his view straight from the top, but with blinders on. Bush was asked twice in 2004 in press conferences to describe any mistake he had made since 9-11 and on both occasions he was either unable or unwilling to do so.

Its an old saying that even the thinnest pancake has two sides. But in Bush's world, where Yourdaddy apparently has established residency, pancakes and issues only have one The right side. or as they would call it the American side. Of course they are flat as a flapjack wrong about that, and to characterize it that way, but can't or won't admit that. So they attack. or accuse, or they bring up irrelevant crap about impeachment or Whitewater or Vince Foster, rather than addressing the issue. But no amount of criticizing the cook, or the skillet or the stove, or the bisquick, or what was served for breakfast there 4 years ago will change a 3 dimensional pancake to fit into their one dimensional world view.

You are right that Yourdaddy is a tool. Too bad he is not a spatula! LOL


01-11-2006, 07:31 AM
... You are right that Yourdaddy is a tool. Too bad he is not a spatula! LOL


Oh, but he is a spatula. How else could he sling all the shit that he does ?