View Full Version : The 1st big ripoff of 2006

01-05-2006, 03:03 AM

Supposedly you send them your old cd's and for an estimated $2.25 per cd they will either ship you back an Ipod shuffle, Nano, or video.............

doesnt seem like a deal to me, but I can see someone rummaging through some bins at a flea market and/or garage sale and finding polka cd's to send over, lol

01-06-2006, 02:08 AM
I can see someone rummaging through some bins at a flea market and/or garage sale and finding polka cd's to send over, lol

I don't think so ... look what the site says:

We do not accept just any CD.

We have quality standards for the types of CDs that we are willing to accept. There are two aspects to our quality criteria.

PHYSICAL QUALITY is fairly easy to explain. The CDs must all be original CDs including jewel case and liner notes. (In other words no burned CDs or CDs in CD folders)

CDs that are not scratched and look good to the eye will pass the physical quality standard. Sometimes CDs with surface scratches will be accepted at half value. CDs with signifcant sctatches or CD rot will not pass the quality standard.

QUALITY OF TITLE is based on sales history. We will accept any genre or format if the CD has a significant sales history. If the CD has a questionable sales history, then we may offer to accept it, but only at half value. If the CD has no significant sales history, then it is not acceptable.

01-06-2006, 02:11 AM
so there's no multi-platinum polka cd's out there?


01-06-2006, 09:58 AM
yeah my grandma got that shit on lock , lol...