View Full Version : Interesting Article, You say you love me

01-03-2006, 07:58 PM
post your comments afterwards and ill reply at the endwith mine.


01-03-2006, 11:42 PM
I'm going to try to keep it short and sweet. I think a lot of guys wouldn't want a t-girl if she got a pussy. Now I didn't say all, but probably most guys just like the dick attached to the woman. There's a small percentage of guys that just like the girl who happens to have a dick.

I think she nailed the situation right square on the head. The only thing I disagree with is, if she has enough money to fully transition why not do it? What she was saying was that she started escorting to finance her transition. I don't think the guys seeing her, not wanting her should matter because they were/are means to an end.

I'll make a trite parallel. A young boy watches his family get murdered, by some untouchable man. He works all of his life to get revenge. He gets a lot of money, power, etc in the the process and ultimately ends up killing the man that kills his family. Now what does he do when he accomplished his goal?

I see the same thing with some t-girls. All I can say is, if she wants to stop, she can. So what if the guys that want her now, probably won't want her after the transition. The transition will open up a whole new group of guys that will want her and want her for the female that she was all along.

That's my take on it.

01-04-2006, 12:23 AM
I see the same thing with some t-girls. All I can say is, if she wants to stop, she can. So what if the guys that want her now, probably won't want her after the transition. The transition will open up a whole new group of guys that will want her and want her for the female that she was all along.

That's my take on it.

Will it?? What about financial considerations? She stated that, "her demand was so great, that she's turning them away". She's got them lined up, with cash-in-hand. Even at a conservatively estimated, bottom of the barrel rate of $200 per hour, which doesn't take into consideration perks, favors, gifts, etc., that's $8000 for a 40 hour work week.

I could be wrong, but unless her qualifications for employment as a GG (if she has the surgery that would remove her earning power as a TG provider) are substantial, she's going to have a difficult time supporting all of her necessary feminizing expenses. What's the average salary that a woman brings home from the US workplace? I have no idea, but I'm sure it's only a tiny fraction of $8,000 + benefits weekly.

01-04-2006, 12:47 AM
I agree with Tom in a lot of ways...I truly think that a lot of the guys would not want her if she had the full transition, as they would not want other tgirls either....but I believe she should make the transition because that is what her heart is telling her is the correct thing to do, and yes it will open up a whole new set of men...Yes some men desire the penis, and like Tom's analogy, once they get it it, where to next...I recently befriended a tgirl via the internet, and she is post-op, and she was worried that I would not like her for that reason. I told her that it did not matter to me, and I truly mean that....after reading Joy's essay, I feel so much for what all the ladies go through, you just don't know what any of them go to bed at night thinking. Guys we just don't know how lonely some of these woman may be. I mean the one's that truly feel trapped in the wrong body, not the one's doing it for kinks, turn-ons and a get rich quick ploy...With that said, I am grateful for boards such as these, and thanks Jade for putting that thread on here....My eyes get opened wider everyday, and trust me they use to be closed....you would not believe the transition I have made either.....Thank You....

01-04-2006, 12:50 AM
What I read was she has the money to get the SRS, but has changed her mind about it.

I know it sounds corny, but I think it all boils down to, what does she really want, to be "Admired" by mainly guys that wouldn't want a relationship, but a shitload of money or make the salary of "an average woman" which will be a lot less, but possibly find a man that will love her for her.

Like I said, it's just how I see it.

01-04-2006, 01:50 AM
post your comments afterwards and ill reply at the endwith mine.


thanks for posting this

out of that whole article I think I found this line to be key to the whole ordeal

My escort service owner tells me just the opposite. Like most pimps, he's not into positive reinforcement. Instead, he gruffly tells me what I must do:

see that's the problem right there......................having had sex recently with a sex change I can honestly say it didn't matter that she didn't have it, I kind of expected her to have a 3rd leg but when I didn't see it I was shocked at 1st then my dick got rock hard and the sex was incredible. the thing was she had the surgery for herself, fuck the clients.............. that's the key thing to any cosmetic or life altering surgery, how it affects you, much more than how it affects anyone else.............

I think the minute Joyce gets away from the pimp, which might require a location change, she will honestly be able to go through with the procedure. But until then she will be hoarded by people that are more selfish than anyone else, seeking their personal pleasure over hers, as is the case with anyone seeking sex...................lol

It was definately an interesting read, I know very little about the tgirl lifestyle and had no idea what female hormones did to the body. Something else I learned on HA.

01-04-2006, 02:18 AM
Man you all are some lying ass motherfuckers...lol

save that bullshit...

you know a tranny without a dick is like a car without the wheels...looks good but can't do shit with it.

Otherwise why the fuck would you pay to have sex with a transsexual or be on boards like this hiding and shit. Keep that shit real playas. All that poltiically correct stuff you popping sounds nice but you know and I know that even though you may not be attracted to a chicks dick persay, the fact that she has one down there jingling between her legs while you smash her off turns you the fuck on...

or at least that's the case in my book...oh well...back to lurk status :wink:

01-04-2006, 02:21 AM
Man you all are some lying ass motherfuckers...lol

save that bullshit...

you know a tranny without a dick is like a car without the wheels...looks good but can't do shit with it.

Otherwise why the fuck would you pay to have sex with a transsexual or be on boards like this hiding and shit. Keep that shit real playas. All that poltiically correct stuff you popping sounds nice but you know and I know that even though you may not be attracted to a chicks dick persay, the fact that she has one down there jingling between her legs while you smash her off turns you the fuck on...

or at least that's the case in my book...oh well...back to lurk status :wink:

shut the fuck up, lol

some of us actually like broads, there's a few tgirls that I hang around and I aint tryin to reach for their 3rd leg (even though they stay reachin for mine, lol, but thats another story)...................

01-04-2006, 02:24 AM
Man you all are some lying ass motherfuckers...lol

save that bullshit...

you know a tranny without a dick is like a car without the wheels...looks good but can't do shit with it.

Otherwise why the fuck would you pay to have sex with a transsexual or be on boards like this hiding and shit. Keep that shit real playas. All that poltiically correct stuff you popping sounds nice but you know and I know that even though you may not be attracted to a chicks dick persay, the fact that she has one down there jingling between her legs while you smash her off turns you the fuck on...

or at least that's the case in my book...oh well...back to lurk status :wink:


Yup, speak for yourself. Not everybody is hiding or paying.

Thugfessional..... :lol:

01-04-2006, 02:45 AM
the thing was she had the surgery for herself, fuck the clients..............

Yeah, okay. Except the surgery is major, and the results are very often disasterous. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

1st off welcome to the board rookie.
2nd I never said anything about the outcome of the surgery, my response was directed towards her emotional conditioning to even have it.

and last but not least, I've only seen one sex-change, and the one I saw felt just like a real pussy, the shit was wonderful............ so I guess I got lucky and didn't fuck one of the disasterous ones.

01-04-2006, 03:17 AM
So, you put your dick in a hole, and you liked how it felt. Hmm. I guess that means the surgery was a complete success.


01-04-2006, 04:03 AM
I see the same thing with some t-girls. All I can say is, if she wants to stop, she can. So what if the guys that want her now, probably won't want her after the transition. The transition will open up a whole new group of guys that will want her and want her for the female that she was all along.

That's my take on it.

Will it?? What about financial considerations? She stated that, "her demand was so great, that she's turning them away". She's got them lined up, with cash-in-hand. Even at a conservatively estimated, bottom of the barrel rate of $200 per hour, which doesn't take into consideration perks, favors, gifts, etc., that's $8000 for a 40 hour work week.

I could be wrong, but unless her qualifications for employment as a GG (if she has the surgery that would remove her earning power as a TG provider) are substantial, she's going to have a difficult time supporting all of her necessary feminizing expenses. What's the average salary that a woman brings home from the US workplace? I have no idea, but I'm sure it's only a tiny fraction of $8,000 + benefits weekly.

Ummm - what's the benefits package of an escort? Stock options and 401K? I mean I have profit sharing, 401k an individualized annuity plan, medical/dental/eyecare. I mean does an escort get dental?

And if its the money that has her 'locked in' with her 'pimp' and her clients. Then I feel sorry for her - as she is bound to find out the money won't bring her happiness. Not to mention that the pimps and client's are even more fleeting then the money.

To answer her simple question - Because its something my brain finds sexually attractive, if not down right fanscinating. PERIOD. I mean why do guy like blondes over redheads, tit more than ass, feet as opposed to hands, or vice-versa. I am sure these all have interesting etymologies. Who cares! Do you really care WHY you like Naomi Campbell or Iman or Ms Sexxy Jade or why you lust for Angie Everhart or Gia Darling or Heidi Klum or Vicki or whoever?

She talked about losing 'clients' if she lost the 'dick' - need we delve any further? If she was talking about the love of her life. Losing that person, because she was making the change. I would feel differently. In that situation, I mean - presumably 'her love' would have known that this day was coming and would have had years - if not more - to accept the inevitable. In this case - she's not talking about that at all. She's talking about her BUSINESS. And guess what, you change your Business Model... customer retention is going to be a BIG concern.

It is the fact that she thinks her 'dick' is her only asset of any worth that is telling.

01-04-2006, 04:40 AM
So, you put your dick in a hole, and you liked how it felt. Hmm. I guess that means the surgery was a complete success.




01-04-2006, 04:49 AM
Amazingly, my extraordinarily-long-ellipsis-making friend, you missed my point. That you missed my point, again, is amazing.

The point, apart from the one that crests your cranium, is that orgasm becomes impossible for most who have gender-reassignment surgery.

The fact that you would pronounce such a surgery a resounding success because you put your dick in it and liked it is something you should meditate upon, for quite some time. The word, "despicable" might be useful during this meditation.

Oh, and thanks for the welcome.

actually I'm really not paying too much attention to your responses, as they seem more insulting than educational...................
the response of "basically" was merely typed to move on from what was becoming a boring topic..............
for the record I did not say that any surgery was a resounding success, I merely stated that the sex-change woman I'd been with had a wonderful feeling pussy

and you're welcome for the invite

01-04-2006, 04:51 AM
Did any of you notice that the article is dated 2-18-2003? I recall reading this when it was first published on Eros two years ago. I wonder where Joy is now, if she made the transition or is still working for her pimp or what.

01-04-2006, 04:54 AM
OK, Ms. Jade, my round.

I figured I'd pass on this one, because no matter what I say I'm going to sound like a moron or a dickhead, or both. Then I figured, WTF, just be true.

Fact: I like dick. I like to look at it, hold it, suck it, feel it in my ass. I don't much care if it's attached to a GM (Genetic male) or a TS, just fucking DO ME :!:

That said, how do =YOU= feel about it? I've been with two TS's, both escorts, and I asked both if they were going to go through with the ultimate SRS and both said, essentially, "Are you nucking futs?". On reflection, and having spent this short time on HA, I now realize they both lied to me.

You are who you are. You are who you =will be=. How I feel about your 'third leg' is irrelevant. How do =YOU= feel about it?

I've seen your pix, Jade, and seriously lust after you and your 'thang' :) But I'd be just as happy meeting =YOU=.

So, lady, how's your damn =nose= :?: :lol:

01-04-2006, 04:56 AM
Did any of you notice that the article is dated 2-18-2003? I recall reading this when it was first published on Eros two years ago. I wonder where Joy is now, if she made the transition or is still working for her pimp or what.

Actually, I did notice that, E. I was wondering, moreso, if she'd written/published her book.

Felicia Katt
01-04-2006, 05:02 AM
The point, apart from the one that crests your cranium, is that orgasm becomes impossible for most who have gender-reassignment surgery.

Not according to all the reported studies. Rates varied but every study found signifcant percentages of post ops to be orgasmic, with the two most recent studies finding the substantial majority (up to 90 per cent) to be able to achieve climax.


01-04-2006, 05:06 AM
The point, apart from the one that crests your cranium, is that orgasm becomes impossible for most who have gender-reassignment surgery.

Not according to all the reported studies. Rates varied but every study found signifcant percentages of post ops to be orgasmic, with the two most recent studies finding the substantial majority (up to 90 per cent) to be able to achieve climax.


This corresponds to what I had previously read as well; that is, a higher percentage of "women" can experience orgasm after SRS than can genetic women.


01-04-2006, 05:07 AM
Ok, ill post my reply now. First off im sorry to see no other girls have made comments.
Anyway, when a girl first starts to transition, most, have a goal to become a woman, they feel like women and that they should have been a woman. They wanna feel sexy, desirable, wanted by men, the object of ones attention. And just like the girl in the article, many TS resort to escorting to finance everything needed to transition.
During the process of transitioning, it is not common to see some girls caught up in the lifestyle, they generally make escorting their main priority in life. The money is good, they are financing everything they need, basicaly no worries outside the norm. Also they find themselves suddenly wanted. Desired by all kinds of men, after a few surguries, very sexy, and basically everything they wanted from the begining. So when its time to get the final surgury, reality sets in. " Once I have my sex change, what will I do, I already have men knocking down my door, Im very passable and as sexy as the average woman, what will i gain out of a sex change"
These and other thoughts run thru the mind and u have second thoughts about the change. Theres also a matter of finace, what will you do now that ur not a TS. TS are a rarity in actuality, compared to the number of GG's out there. A TS is a rare type of beauty, a fantasy even for sum. To become a GG is almost like becoming a clone of millions.
So however long it takes one to transition, in most cases sum years, there is also life, maturing, changes that make u think twice about ur decision. With hormone therapy and, the stress of dealing with cliemts and such, life can be quite confusing.
So some girls tend to give up, and settle into what they are use to, what has been comfortable for so long, they go with the only thing they know, being a Sexy, desirable,finacially stable, TS escort..... kinda like having what they wanted from the start and then sum.


01-04-2006, 05:11 AM
The point, apart from the one that crests your cranium, is that orgasm becomes impossible for most who have gender-reassignment surgery.

Not according to all the reported studies. Rates varied but every study found signifcant percentages of post ops to be orgasmic, with the two most recent studies finding the substantial majority (up to 90 per cent) to be able to achieve climax.


thanx Felicia :wink:

Felicia Katt
01-04-2006, 05:32 AM
This corresponds to what I had previously read as well; that is, a higher percentage of "women" can experience orgasm after SRS than can genetic women.
that's true, 26 per cent of women report never having an orgasm, versus 2.5 per cent of men.

there is a joke there, somewhere,. but I can't come up with it LOL


Felicia Katt
01-04-2006, 05:34 AM
thanx Felicia :wink:

your welcome Girl


01-05-2006, 05:26 AM
Too many of us underestimate the power of attention. It is highly addictive.

As much as a girl may want to have the full surgery satisfying the fully developed need for attention becomes a battle for many. Not just the escorts but the girls who walk balls, and do shows. These girld are literally celebrities within thier culture, how many celebrities are willing to give up that status?

Guys, flip it and inverse it. Lets say that hundreds of attractive women were falling all over you, paying to be with you, and putting you on a pedestal. How easy would it be for you to give that us?

And let's not forgrt the sexual aspect of it. I have a friend who was a provider and giving that up was hard for her just based on the sex. She had been used to having a minimum of four orgasms a day. She literally trained her self to be that way. It was a serious task for her to give that up.

And another friend, had all of these pro atheletes and stars promising her the world if only she was a girl. Months before the surgery all of them begin trying to talk her out of it, omce she went through with it they all disappeared. She a stunning woman, so she gets attention anywhere she goes regardless of what is in her panties but still there is a difference.

01-05-2006, 05:41 AM
In defense of the guys who can appreaciate a post op T woman, I have to say that it depends on what you get from a T woman. It depends on what drives your desire for a T girl. In all honesty, it is not all about a girl with a dick.

When I first came to being attrcated to T girls the dick was the obstacle. I loved everything else about many of the girls that I was attracted to. I like how they carried themselves, how they dressed, the attrention to detail, the femininity, the way they treated me as a man, and more. The dick was the the part of them i most wanted to avoid.

After giving my heart to a girl, my feelings for her made it possible to appreaciate all of her and later on to loving all of her. But it was never my focus and if she let it go, I was cool with it (my only fear was that she stayed as sexual. as orgasmic, and as functional).

Since those early days, I dated a girl that happened to have a nice piece of work (just smooth as satin to the touch, multi orgasmic, pretty, thick, long and very responsive). She decided it wasn't for her and let it go (after we dated). We dated again afterwards and I will admit that I was curious as to if i would miss that pretty peice of work because it was quite special. What she excahnged it for was just as special.

No lie, it just happened to be the best piece of pussy that I have ever had (ladies, go to Canada if you want a good one) . I didn't miss the dick one bit.