View Full Version : What I learned about men: 2005

TrueBeauty TS
12-30-2005, 08:54 PM
1st off let me say that this isn't about all men; but many of you might be able to shake your head in agreement to some of the things I type and say to yourself............yeah I've experienced something similar to that.
With that in mind these are the top 10 things I learned about men (for this site I'll stick to tranny chasers) in the year 2005................

1. The more "ghetto" you talk, the more of a man you are. It gives you that "street cred" that all men want.

2. Chasers complain about how T girl's won't date them socially - but then they go on to say "yeah, I'm old, fat, bald, broke, unemployed and have a drug problem." Wow! What a catch!!!

3. Chasres hate themselves for liking T girls and take that anger out on the objects of their desires. (T girls)

4. Chasers failed with "real" women, so they come looking for TS girls as a second choice. (What an honor!!!)

5. If you are only a "pitcher", you are more of a man than those "catchers". Those guys are just gay.

6. You are allowed to believe in political parties that go against your lifestyle (without being a hypocrite) as long as you only see TS girls on the "downlow".

7. Chasers don't have to dress nice, bath, brush teeth or smell nice to attract women. They're hot enough without trying. (Yeah........ right.)

8. Chasers can't or won't dance at T girl clubs. They just stare in horny facination.

9. Out of 10 DVD's a guy has, at least one of them will have Adam Sandler in it.

10. Unless a girl goes up to a guy at a club and grabs his dick, he won't talk to you. He's too scared, shy, submissive or feeling guilty.

Feel free to add more or comment. :D Or just ignore.

12-30-2005, 09:07 PM
Sho nuff, yo!!

12-30-2005, 09:21 PM

props to True

12-30-2005, 09:29 PM
4. Chasers failed with "real" women, so they come looking for TS girls as a second choice. (What an honor!!!)

7. Chasers don't have to dress nice, bath, brush teeth or smell nice to attract women. They're hot enough without trying. (Yeah........ right.)

Oh, if you only knew the quandary I find myself in at this stage in my life. On one hand, I am totally consummed by the beauty of T-girls, either via fantasizing about them here at home with the help of the internet and a great amount of DVDs, or actually desiring more than just a one-night stand when I have met some in person while visiting Los Angeles. On the other hand, I have never -- NEVER -- had so many GG women friends in my life, and I would surmise that I would be the envy of many men given the women involved in my life at the moment. My phone can't stay put, and some of these women are beginning to wonder why I won't make a move to further our friendship into something deeper. I think the answer lies in literally being caught between the pushes and pulls of two worlds. What to do, what to do ??? The perfect solution would be to live the life of Ecstatic, but I'm afraid few are so fortunate.

On the second point I listed, I have never been to Peanuts looking like a slob. I am always showered, shaved, cologned, coiffed, and primped as best as I can. The one Friday night I did stop at the Yukon Mining Company on a whim several months ago was the only time I did not dress to impress, and even then my attire was not what I would consider bad.

Oh, and as you know, I do like to dance! :)

12-30-2005, 10:04 PM

12-30-2005, 10:04 PM
" ts Beauty " its own description makes all these allegations , criticsims and generaliations ,about men who " couldn't make it with women " - well how about this did " ts Beauty " try becoming a bogus , fake " woman " as it found it impossible to make it as a real man ??? Think about it ?? what does " ts beauty " look like ? Probably like a teamster trcuk driver in a wig and high heels , and so only man that WOULD ever approach it , is old ( which ts beauty will be , if not already ) bald , broke , unwashed , overweight etc. etc. , thsoe of better quality want something better than an unwashed teamster truck - driver with five o clock shadow , dressed dress , high heels and fake wig !!!

12-30-2005, 10:11 PM
1st off let me say that this isn't about all men; but many of you might be able to shake your head in agreement to some of the things I type and say to yourself............yeah I've experienced something similar to that.
With that in mind these are the top 10 things I learned about men (for this site I'll stick to tranny chasers) in the year 2005................

1. The more "ghetto" you talk, the more of a man you are. It gives you that "street cred" that all men want.

2. Chasers complain about how T girl's won't date them socially - but then they go on to say "yeah, I'm old, fat, bald, broke, unemployed and have a drug problem." Wow! What a catch!!!

3. Chasres hate themselves for liking T girls and take that anger out on the objects of their desires. (T girls)

4. Chasers failed with "real" women, so they come looking for TS girls as a second choice. (What an honor!!!)

5. If you are only a "pitcher", you are more of a man than those "catchers". Those guys are just gay.

6. You are allowed to believe in political parties that go against your lifestyle (without being a hypocrite) as long as you only see TS girls on the "downlow".

7. Chasers don't have to dress nice, bath, brush teeth or smell nice to attract women. They're hot enough without trying. (Yeah........ right.)

8. Chasers can't or won't dance at T girl clubs. They just stare in horny facination.

9. Out of 10 DVD's a guy has, at least one of them will have Adam Sandler in it.

10. Unless a girl goes up to a guy at a club and grabs his dick, he won't talk to you. He's too scared, shy, submissive or feeling guilty.

Feel free to add more or comment. :D Or just ignore.That has to be the most asinine statement I've heard in a long time. I've been doing pretty good at ignoring stupidity on this board but I had to break my silence.

12-30-2005, 10:20 PM
The statement I was referring to was no. 1. If it was meant as some kind of joke, my apologies.

12-30-2005, 10:50 PM
very refreshing post True ..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

12-30-2005, 10:55 PM
The perfect solution would be to live the life of Ecstatic, but I'm afraid few are so fortunate.

Is that anything like the Life of Reilly?

micky225: 4 posts and a slam, man o man there oughta be a law....

12-30-2005, 10:57 PM
yeah that dude is a loser who is mad that he got a chia pet for christmas, lol....better luck next year

12-30-2005, 11:08 PM
The perfect solution would be to live the life of Ecstatic, but I'm afraid few are so fortunate.

Is that anything like the Life of Reilly?

micky225: 4 posts and a slam, man o man there oughta be a law....

Ah, good ol' William Bendix, was it not?

On the other, I've been noticing some of that lately. "Hi, pleestameecha, excuse me while I go and dis our hosts". :smh

I take exception (And try to =be= an exception) to many of True's 'rules', but I see where they come from.

12-30-2005, 11:09 PM
There IS a law !

The law according to " eggstatic " or " eggstatics law " .......

(1). Fake women can insult and " slam " ad infinitum "......

(2). Anyone and everyone else , should grovel shamelessly , like eggstatiic does , in the hope getting a " discount ( freebie even) off fake women's " service " !! - bargain at only $300 an hour , ( 20 minutes actually ) , - ten times the hourly rate of the President Of The U.S.A. !!! ( What A Bargain !!! )

12-30-2005, 11:17 PM
Actually, True Beauty is pretty in person and not at all of the description you claimed.

And please use the correct terminology-' transsexual woman'.

12-30-2005, 11:25 PM
That has to be the most asinine statement I've heard in a long time. I've been doing pretty good at ignoring stupidity on this board but I had to break my silence.

With all due respect True just did what i did in an earlier thread, and I think it was hilarious. I don't know why she's getting attacked and I'm not.......

Unless you have one of those 10 characteristics you shouldn't be offended

12-30-2005, 11:29 PM
1st off let me say that this isn't about all men; but many of you might be able to shake your head in agreement to some of the things I type and say to yourself............yeah I've experienced something similar to that.
With that in mind these are the top 10 things I learned about men (for this site I'll stick to tranny chasers) in the year 2005................

9. Out of 10 DVD's a guy has, at least one of them will have Adam Sandler in it.

Feel free to add more or comment. :D Or just ignore.

If anyone ever sees me buying, renting, or watching an Adam Sandler dvd I hope they gouge out my eyeballs with the nearest blunt instrument...

12-30-2005, 11:35 PM
- bargain at only $300 an hour , ( 20 minutes actually ) , - ten times the hourly rate of the President Of The U.S.A. !!! ( What A Bargain !!! )

Actually, just a bit over twice the President's hourly (Calculated from the base of $250k per year - which is an old figure - and not including perks like the chopper, jet, house, deadly pretzels, and men in black), but definitely better service. :wink:

Ah, here it is: $400k base salary. Comes to $192, based on a 40 hour work week. Which, for any seated president, is more of a guideline than a rule. :wink:

12-30-2005, 11:38 PM
Unless you have one of those 10 characteristics you shouldn't be offended

In truth, JWBL, I =can't= dance. Even if I knew how, I'd knock over too many people on the dance floor. :shock:

But I'm not offended. :)

12-30-2005, 11:47 PM
That has to be the most asinine statement I've heard in a long time. I've been doing pretty good at ignoring stupidity on this board but I had to break my silence.

With all due respect True just did what i did in an earlier thread, and I think it was hilarious. I don't know why she's getting attacked and I'm not.......

Unless you have one of those 10 characteristics you shouldn't be offended It was no. 1 that was stupid. I could care less about the rest of the drivel.

12-30-2005, 11:47 PM
1st off let me say that this isn't about all men; but many of you might be able to shake your head in agreement to some of the things I type and say to yourself............yeah I've experienced something similar to that.
With that in mind these are the top 10 things I learned about men (for this site I'll stick to tranny chasers) in the year 2005................

9. Out of 10 DVD's a guy has, at least one of them will have Adam Sandler in it.

Feel free to add more or comment. :D Or just ignore.

If anyone ever sees me buying, renting, or watching an Adam Sandler dvd I hope they gouge out my eyeballs with the nearest blunt instrument...

Oh shit!!! I've just had a very disconcerting thought...if I don't like Adam Sandler, does that mean I'm gay? And have there been any threads on this forum re said issue? Please help!

The American Nightmare
12-30-2005, 11:52 PM
1. The more "ghetto" you talk, the more of a man you are. It gives you that "street cred" that all men want.
>> This guy << (http://ebaumsworld.com/bubbrubbvideo.html) is more of a man then all the HA members combined!!!

12-31-2005, 12:03 AM
1. The more "ghetto" you talk, the more of a man you are. It gives you that "street cred" that all men want.
>> This guy << (http://ebaumsworld.com/bubbrubbvideo.html) is more of a man then all the HA members combined!!!

"Woo-oooo!" :shock:

12-31-2005, 01:58 AM
Bubb Rubb...

12-31-2005, 01:59 AM
There IS a law !

The law according to " eggstatic " or " eggstatics law " .......

(1). Fake women can insult and " slam " ad infinitum "......

(2). Anyone and everyone else , should grovel shamelessly , like eggstatiic does , in the hope getting a " discount ( freebie even) off fake women's " service " !! - bargain at only $300 an hour , ( 20 minutes actually ) , - ten times the hourly rate of the President Of The U.S.A. !!! ( What A Bargain !!! )
Five posts and he's calling me "eggstatic" - LOL!!! You gotta laugh!!

As Allanah says, True Beauty is not a "fake woman" and you have no business slamming someone who you don't know, and in the process insulting every transsexual woman who just might read your assinine post.

Where on earth do you come off claiming that I "grovel shamelessly , like eggstatiic does , in the hope getting a " discount ( freebie even) off fake women's " service ""? I don't and never will grovel shamelessly, for any reason, let alone to get a freebie. I take offense to your calling transsexual women "fake women", never mind your erroneous math (as pointed out clearly by BeardedOne). Just because you've had lousy luck (one wonders why, with such a charming personality) with escorts, don't be assuming that the same applies to me or anyone else.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-31-2005, 02:05 AM
Lmfao.. :lol: You Hit all the right "SPOTS" gurl!

:lol: :wink:



TrueBeauty TS
12-31-2005, 02:23 AM
Hey thanks to all of you that stood up for me and said kind things! I post the topic, go off to do some chores, come back a few hours later and I see it has THREE pages!!!!! I'm actually thrilled! LOL

Yes, it was a bit of a spoof of JWBL's post about women. In fact, I just cut and pasted his opening paragraph and changed the pronouns. I saw his list and I couldn't resist making this one up. Most of it was in fun, but I think there is a touch of truth in a FEW of those. :wink:
(I think it hit too close to the truth with Micky225!!!)

Anyway, I hope this post isn't the last.

Controversy = lots of talk. Who knew???? LOL :D

12-31-2005, 02:24 AM
Which reminds me, 'Eggstatic', I've been meaning to talk to you about that 'discount' thing. :lol:

Oh, and Adam Sandler isn't =that= bad. If you turn down the sound and don't watch the picture. :lol:

I confess to somehow liking "50 First Dates". Maybe it was Drew Barrymore or Shawn Astin always defending himself: "It's not 'juice'!". :)

Felicia Katt
12-31-2005, 03:56 AM
I'm not sure if this is a sign of the Apocalype or not, but Adam Sandler's movies have grossed over 1 and a half BILLION dollars worldwide!


12-31-2005, 04:12 AM
The Eggstatic! Does things no other kitchen appliance can do! Order one now, operators are standing by! (Really, they have nothing better to do!) Order one now, and we will throw in a BeardedWand for free! Order in the next fifteen minutes and receive a 25% discount! Mention that you saw it here on Hung Angels and receive an additional 15 minutes free--that's right, a full 30-minute hour! Major credit cards accepted, no groveling required. Beware cheap imitations!

12-31-2005, 07:04 AM
numver 10 rocks

12-31-2005, 07:07 AM
:lol: I knew this site was gonna be funny!

C'mon everybody let's not just put everybody in the same box.Everybody has some level of bullshit for the world to smell. :roll:

All ten of those rules can be true at varying degrees or totally false.I mean a good person could be missed or a total waste of time can be gained by such a broad stroke.I just don't wanna miss out on something good by stereotyping everybody.

12-31-2005, 07:12 PM
some of this could be true, but not for me. I haevn't been to a tg club yet, but when I do go to one, I'll be sure to get liquored up real good to get rid of those damn inhabitions


12-31-2005, 08:44 PM
Now that I know how the girls feel, I'll never gross them out by paying to have sex with them ever again. I'm, also sure they don't want some fat old guy buiying their porn either (there's lots of ways to download it for free).

12-31-2005, 10:22 PM
Real funny True... good use of the obvious.