View Full Version : Tgirls calling guys "fags" for liking them.

06-27-2011, 04:58 AM
What is up with t-girls calling guys fags for being into them? That makes no sense to me at all. I just saw a video of one of my favorite t-girls chilling with some friends, joking, hanging out, etc. The next thing I know, she says something that catches me by suprise. She was talking to another TS and said "Give these fags what they want".

Don't get me wrong, I am not one of these sensitive guys who gets offended by everything. Nor am I sensitive about my sexual preference. I like girl girls and t-girls. I am attracted to that which is or appears to be a woman. Does that make me a fag? Who the fuck cares! I like what I like. Again, it just seems a little backwards to me that a TS would call a guy a fag for liking her. They live their lives as women and in a lot of cases, you wouldn't know that they were born as a male.

I have had an interest in shemales for about 8 years. I only recently joined this board though. I read a guys post not too long ago who mentioned something about t-girls calling guys fags for liking them and was like, WTF?! Anyway, maybe this is a known or common thing, but it is new to me.

06-27-2011, 05:37 AM
A lot of t-girls really viscerally dislike their male parts (maybe that's tautological). To the extent that an admirer likes their male parts, or even likes them while aware of their male parts, it becomes a reflection of something that disgusts the girl. It's a little confusing because porn stars act in a different way for money. But in unguarded moments, you'll see many refer to the porn act as a "fantasy".

There have been days in the past when this forum seemed to be nothing but t-girls calling their admirers "fags".

06-27-2011, 06:13 AM
It really all comes down to how people deal with other people's labels, and it's up to the individual being addressed by that label, to accept it as true, or to simply ignore it.

By those girl's logic of thinking that their admirers/fans/lovers/friends are 'fags' for liking them, then by that same logic, they should have no problem and should accept being called by male pronouns and their male name.

If she(only using the term 'her' to make a point) indeed considers himself a 'man' (regardless of her self appointed female name, breasts/surgeries/lifestyle and passability), and any man that likes/loves/admires him any way a 'fag', then what is the point of the charade of using a female name like: insert any traditionally female name, then? To sound/look/seem more feminine? By her own logic, not even the name can make her a woman.

The only people fooling themselves are girls that think like that, and guys for accepting or getting offended being called a 'fag'.

There is nothing wrong with identifying with feminine attire, thought process, habits, and living full time like that, without the girl considering herself a 'woman or female'.

Also, there is nothing wrong, , with identifying with feminine attire, thought process, habits, and living full time like that, and for her to consider herself a woman.

I've known many really passable, unclockable girls, that when asked, "do you identify as female?"
They would answer, "no, i am a man, baby!"

I've know as many passable girls, that say they were born, with the mindset of a girl/woman, and it was only the body that did not correspond with their mind. to the same question , they would answer, "I identify as, and AM a woman".

If she(the girl) identifies as a man, any man with her, can be considered homosexual (unless he is in to women as well, then he is bisexual)

If she (the girl) identifies herself as a woman, any man with her can be considered heterosexual (unless he is in to men as well, then he is bisexual)

06-27-2011, 06:22 AM
post said video

06-27-2011, 06:22 AM
A lot of t-girls really viscerally dislike their male parts (maybe that's tautological). To the extent that an admirer likes their male parts, or even likes them while aware of their male parts, it becomes a reflection of something that disgusts the girl. It's a little confusing because porn stars act in a different way for money. But in unguarded moments, you'll see many refer to the porn act as a "fantasy".

There have been days in the past when this forum seemed to be nothing but t-girls calling their admirers "fags".

Oh really?? Well, to those t-girls who don't like that males like them, I have to ask, what the f*ck do you want?? You talk in a negative manner about someone like me who sees your beauty and have the nerve to call me a fag. So who are your friends? A lot of girl girls will never view you as a true woman, and the same is true with a lot of men. Yet, we men who find you attractive become the target for your insults due to your own self-hate. Now, I am not talking to or about all transsexuals here. Again, I am new to this board and am trying to understand why any TS would call a guy who finds them to be beautiful a fag. I guess those TS's want to find a guy who only likes girl girls to one day notice them and then just pretend like they have no penis, or that they have periods and shit like that. LOL! You can go f*ck yourselves, quite literally. Haha! And we, the admirers are the ones who are confused???

06-27-2011, 06:31 AM
post said video

I would post it, but this particular TS is a member on this board, though she hasn't posted in a LONG time, to my knowledge. I don't want to offend anyone, I am just trying to get a logical answer to such an illogical statement, if that even makes sense. Not to mention that I would still one day like to bang this particular lady, only with a vengance now, Hahaha!

MWaHaaHAAA!!! Take this bitches!!! :jerkoff

06-27-2011, 07:08 AM
Somebody is opening a hornet's nest!!!:hide-1::hide-1::whistle:

06-27-2011, 07:17 AM
Some of the masochistic bottoms like it and they get off on being abused with these slurs. Dupre used to use it about every other word on this forum.

06-27-2011, 07:45 AM
Somebody is opening a hornet's nest!!!:hide-1::hide-1::whistle:

Yep. :dancing: By the way, how ya doin', neighbor? Pensacola huh? I'm not far from you.

06-27-2011, 07:58 AM
i think it's about respect ,these girls have never been shown a lot of respect in their lives so they do not give a lot of respect out

06-27-2011, 08:09 AM
seems counterproductive to any cause but yea some people like it. I'm all for free speech no matter who it offends though. There's words that get people more hyped then say genocide in another country. The fight against bad is a distraction from real problems

06-27-2011, 08:14 AM
Are we back on this again???

Nicole Dupre
06-27-2011, 08:28 AM
Dupre used to use it about every other word on this forum.Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! *smfh

Get a life, you limp-wristed moaner.

06-27-2011, 08:31 AM
Are we back on this again???

Yeah, apparently we are. Well, this is my first time being on it. And your post was both insightful and intellectual. Thank you for your contribution.

06-27-2011, 10:35 AM
Hmm, now I feel bad that I answered. Next time I'll check the Join date. Sorry, all.

06-27-2011, 10:43 AM
If they made a Hungry Man version, I'm sure Dino would be all over these fags... in gravy, baby. :dancing:



06-27-2011, 10:46 AM
Yeah, apparently we are. Well, this is my first time being on it. And your post was both insightful and intellectual. Thank you for your contribution.

Well, it might be your first time posting about it, but for ppl that have been on here a while it gets old seeing this same type of thread every few weeks. Not a slight toward you, just pointing out that the topic has been talked about ad nauseam and you'll never really get a consensus about it. A few other gems that continually pop up would be:

Why do some men like to bottom?
Is it gay to bottom?
It is gay to like trannies?
I'm straight because I top
Are TS that top really just gay men?
Would you date a TS?

06-27-2011, 10:49 AM
Well, it might be your first time posting about it, but for ppl that have been on here a while it gets old seeing this same type of thread every few weeks. Not a slight toward you, just pointing out that the topic has been talked about ad nauseam and you'll never really get a consensus about it.

... such is the real faggotry of HA. :geek:


06-27-2011, 11:00 AM
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! *smfh

Get a life, you limp-wristed moaner.

HEHE hi nicole x

06-27-2011, 11:02 AM
I would post it, but this particular TS is a member on this board, though she hasn't posted in a LONG time, to my knowledge. I don't want to offend anyone, I am just trying to get a logical answer to such an illogical statement, if that even makes sense. Not to mention that I would still one day like to bang this particular lady, only with a vengance now, Hahaha!

MWaHaaHAAA!!! Take this bitches!!! :jerkoff

Well why mention it then? If you are going to call attention to somebody but not show the video what's the point then.

06-27-2011, 11:19 AM
Oh a tired, tired debate. Yep - some escorts hate guys who want to be passive. What are you going to do about it? As someone said earlier the thing many hate about themselves is that which many men crave and which many of these girls are escorting and hoarding money so they can loose it. They want to be seen as girls and the guys want to see them as girls with dicks. Can't really be resolved, can it. So go with the flow.....

06-27-2011, 11:25 AM
Oh really?? Well, to those t-girls who don't like that males like them, I have to ask, what the f*ck do you want?? You talk in a negative manner about someone like me who sees your beauty and have the nerve to call me a fag. So who are your friends? A lot of girl girls will never view you as a true woman, and the same is true with a lot of men. Yet, we men who find you attractive become the target for your insults due to your own self-hate. Now, I am not talking to or about all transsexuals here. Again, I am new to this board and am trying to understand why any TS would call a guy who finds them to be beautiful a fag. I guess those TS's want to find a guy who only likes girl girls to one day notice them and then just pretend like they have no penis, or that they have periods and shit like that. LOL! You can go f*ck yourselves, quite literally. Haha! And we, the admirers are the ones who are confused???

Its cause of this bitchy attitude that tgirls call some guys fags...

06-27-2011, 11:37 AM
Well why mention it then? If you are going to call attention to somebody but not show the video what's the point then.

Because the video itself is not important. I wasn't calling attention to anyone, only the comment that was made. Did I mention any names? No, I didn't. Must you see it to believe me?

06-27-2011, 11:43 AM
Just avoid them. In real life you can walk away. And on here the ignore function is very useful.

06-27-2011, 11:44 AM
Its cause of this bitchy attitude that tgirls call some guys fags...

Yeah, except for not at all. My so-called "bitchy attitide" really makes a difference to everyone, right? I am so important. Wow, I didn't realize just what a difference I made to the entire transsexual community. I'm sorry. All sarcasm aside, I tend to agree with the poster who said that a lot of TS's hate their male part and don't like when men are attracted to it. That makes a lot more sense to me. My "bitchy attitude" was nothing more than a little sarcasm directed to the idea that someone would call someone else a fag for being attracted to their womanly figure, face, voice, etc.

06-27-2011, 11:49 AM
Well, it might be your first time posting about it, but for ppl that have been on here a while it gets old seeing this same type of thread every few weeks. Not a slight toward you, just pointing out that the topic has been talked about ad nauseam and you'll never really get a consensus about it. A few other gems that continually pop up would be:

Why do some men like to bottom?
Is it gay to bottom?
It is gay to like trannies?
I'm straight because I top
Are TS that top really just gay men?
Would you date a TS?

I understand that people get tired of seeing the same old topics, but they aren't obligated to comment, now are they? They insist on wasting their time being the "senior posters" instead of just passing us newbies on by.

06-27-2011, 11:53 AM
Yeah, except for not at all. My so-called "bitchy attitide" really makes a difference to everyone, right? I am so important. Wow, I didn't realize just what a difference I made to the entire transsexual community. I'm sorry. All sarcasm aside, I tend to agree with the poster who said that a lot of TS's hate their male part and don't like when men are attracted to it. That makes a lot more sense to me. My "bitchy attitude" was nothing more than a little sarcasm directed to the idea that someone would call someone else a fag for being attracted to their womanly figure, face, voice, etc.

Oh but that is something else entirely then...
You know, i am known here to be very opiniated lol

But in reality i simply drop all labels when it comes to guys and myself, i also drop the ts label btw!!!!(coz i honestly dislike and cannot identify with most of them)
.i am very aware though i am not exactly a girl but also that i feel like one...
If it works with a guy really depends on a lot of factors...
A) is he open about dating me
B) does he make me feel like the woman i am
C) does he appreciate my femininity in character/personality
D) he cannot be a bottom cause i wont be able to please him
E) do we match on a mental/emotional level

The reason i sometimes call guys gay, or having a gay attutide coz by some guys we are reduced to our male parts and are expected to behave like men in bed,...this crosses my limits and i have a hard time not thinking they are gay on some level...

06-27-2011, 11:54 AM
Oh a tired, tired debate. Yep - some escorts hate guys who want to be passive. What are you going to do about it? As someone said earlier the thing many hate about themselves is that which many men crave and which many of these girls are escorting and hoarding money so they can loose it. They want to be seen as girls and the guys want to see them as girls with dicks. Can't really be resolved, can it. So go with the flow.....

It's no debate, at least not from me. Just a question, and apparently a tired one. I agree with you completely and you said it well. A lot of the people who are somewhat attacking me for my thread or sarcasm aren't really taking into account that I am new here and have never previously been a member to a board like this. The sarcasm part, well that is just me. I have never even been with a t-girl before, but I do know that I am attracted to them.

06-27-2011, 11:57 AM
When the ladies get all pissy they just lash out at whoever. They feel shitty and so they want to get in an argument and calling TS admirers fags is like shooting fish in a barrel. It's like real life trolling. So when they call you a fag take it with a grain of salt.

But, what's the big deal if they call you a fag? Does it really mean you are a homo? Have they actually challenged your sexuality?

06-27-2011, 12:00 PM
Oh but that is something else entirely then...
You know, i am known here to be very opiniated lol

But in reality i simply drop all labels when it comes to guys and myself, i also drop the ts label btw!!!!
.i am very aware though i am not exactly a girl but also that i feel like one...
If it works with a guy really depends on a lot of factors...
A) he is open about dating me
B) does he make me feel like the woman i am
C) does he appreciate my femininity in character/personality
D) he cannot be a bottom cause i wont be able to please him

The reason i sometimes call guys gay, or having a gay attutide coz by some guys we are reduced to our male parts and are expected to behave like men in bed,...this crosses my limits and i have a hard time not thinking they are gay on some level...

True indeed. I understand what you are saying. I guess there are so many different types of men who are attracted to t-girls, many of which have different sexual needs. You're right, that is a different topic entirely. Thanks for shedding some light.

06-27-2011, 12:05 PM
When the ladies get all pissy they just lash out at whoever. They feel shitty and so they want to get in an argument and calling TS admirers fags is like shooting fish in a barrel. It's like real life trolling. So when they call you a fag take it with a grain of salt.

But, what's the big deal if they call you a fag? Does it really mean you are a homo? Have they actually challenged your sexuality?

You're right. And no, them calling me whatever doesn't make me whatever. That is what I was saying in my opening post. This isn't even about me, I was just trying to understand the comment. No one actually called me anything. And I have dealt with bitchy women all my life. It is a trial, but one that can be won if dealt with in the proper manner. :hide-1:

06-27-2011, 12:10 PM
You're right. And no, them calling me whatever doesn't make me whatever. That is what I was saying in my opening post. This isn't even about me, I was just trying to understand the comment. No one actually called me anything.
Oh, i see. Fair enough.

And I have dealt with bitchy women all my life. It is a trial, but one that can be won if dealt with in the proper manner. :hide-1:
I agree with you. I find dealing with the emotions that they're expressing and identifying their source to be helpful. It's useless to reason with a bitchy woman especially one that is upset.

06-27-2011, 12:21 PM
Hey guys its not cause of her period or hormones that they might call you fag...

We are guys right? So expect us to be a little more intelligent then that :p

06-27-2011, 12:22 PM
i think it's about respect ,these girls have never been shown a lot of respect in their lives so they do not give a lot of respect out
If this is it, then those girls don't understand how respect works.

You need some measure of self respect if you expect others to respect you, and you always reap what you sow...

(if this topic is so tired and boring to a lot of you guys, why are you wasting your time reading and replying to it - if you're reading it you're still interested on some level, and if you're just here to say how tedious this topic is then you need to get yourself a life :) )

06-27-2011, 12:29 PM
If this is it, then those girls don't understand how respect works.

You need some measure of self respect if you expect others to respect you, and you always reap what you sow...

(if this topic is so tired and boring to a lot of you guys, why are you wasting your time reading and replying to it - if you're reading it you're still interested on some level, and if you're just here to say how tedious this topic is then you need to get yourself a life :) )

Bravo! Well said and I agree on all points.

06-27-2011, 01:55 PM
I think this question could be solved mathematically.

If 1+3= 4 and 2X3=6, then guys + tgirls = gay. See, that was solved mathematically.

Here's my take, might not be correct but Eh? I gave it a shot.

1-Maybe these guys actually are gay?
2- Tgirls know what pisses guys who like them off so they use the term gay to piss them off. Why do they want to piss them off? Quite a few tgirls would like to live a sort of decent life but quite a few are forced(?) into the sex trade side of life. As for myself, the guys I met in the past were on the evil side of life. They were abusive cause they knew I had very little choice in life, so they took that to their advantage. And some of them were men with means, they had money. If I knew that calling them fags would hurt their precious feelings I would have called them fags and maybe words that are worse. Maybe some tgirls had a rough time of it and they strike out at anyone, even guys who might be nice. Because labeling someone any type of label they don't like is not right and guys gotta understand that it's just words and not to get too upset by words, physical abuse can be much worse than some words.

Also quite a few of these guys wanted me to hide from others, what I mean is, I was OK to be in the bedroom with them but not at a restaurant. I was OK going to a sex bar/club but not for a walk in the park. While yes, they did give me gifts for being with them, I also wanted a companion, someone to hold my hand but for the most part they treated me like a leper,, I should stay in my colony till they came over. So to those types of guys I would gladly insult them by calling them fags,, cause I am a different person than I was awhile back, I don't take shit anymore.

I only write the above for my life experience, I don't speak for all tgirls or for anyone else for that matter.

So for me it would be a personal anger to call someone a nasty name.
I usually don't,, I have never called anyone on this forum fag or gay,, it's just guys from my past i would most certainly call fags, cause they are.

06-27-2011, 02:33 PM
If this is it, then those girls don't understand how respect works.

You need some measure of self respect if you expect others to respect you, and you always reap what you sow...

(if this topic is so tired and boring to a lot of you guys, why are you wasting your time reading and replying to it - if you're reading it you're still interested on some level, and if you're just here to say how tedious this topic is then you need to get yourself a life :) )

For some girls self respect is contrary to messing around with guys that like them because of their genitals only, and like yvonne said already, dont treat us like lepers outside of the bedroom...

If you want respect, you have to earn it

Most guys dont even see how disrespectfull they are treating tgirls and then are suddenly shocked we dont treat them right...coz what right do we have to stand up for ourselves right, the world does not respect us, we should be glad someone even gives us the time of day...

Well ill tell you something..its a 1000 times better to pet a dog then have such a man...
I dont need a man, if that means i will be lonely, so be it

06-27-2011, 02:42 PM
This is an interesting topic and though it seems to have been posted on here ad nauseam, I think as long as there's new members coming on this question will always come up. I have heard this a few times myself from some of the girls my friend used to hang with. I've mentioned this before on here and that is, sterotypes don't work. I'm surprised to see so many girls on here with such vile mouths(written/spoken) displaying such hatred towards those who like them. If you want respect in this world you get what you dish out. So you had a bad life, that's not my fault, you need to get your houses in order, get therpy, get respect for yourselves and then respect for others. Treat those who care for you good and those who don't, ditch. Anything else you're destroying your life. Reality is these guys like t-girls many because most of you look like models, pornstars most of the time, unlike the average woman who looks plain. Maybe they were secretly gay or bi, or are just attracted to you girls, who knows and who cares. What really matters is how they treat you, how they love you(not about sex) and mutual respect for each other.

06-27-2011, 02:51 PM
1-Maybe these guys actually are gay?

Thats the first thing i thought after reading the first post of this thread.

Either way i think people shouldnt take it so seriously

06-27-2011, 02:58 PM
Yep. :dancing: By the way, how ya doin', neighbor? Pensacola huh? I'm not far from you.

Define..."not far,":shrug

06-27-2011, 04:14 PM
What are all you fags complaining about? We bitches love ya :)

06-27-2011, 04:16 PM
What are all you fags complaining about? We bitches love ya :)

Ohhhh, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You ..... My Queen!!!:Bowdown::Bowdown::Bowdown::salad:whistle:

06-27-2011, 04:38 PM
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! *smfh

Get a life, you limp-wristed moaner.
I cant let this pass by. Your name seems familiar. Weren't you the shy girl that used to post here, that was afraid to express your feelings?

I general there have been some good points made in this thread.

06-27-2011, 04:54 PM
Your name seems familiar. Weren't you the shy girl that used to post here, that was afraid to express your feelings?


06-27-2011, 05:38 PM
:Bowdown::Bowdown::Bowdown:Trish - you are a lovely liberal "bitch" too

06-27-2011, 05:43 PM
I'm pretty sure the OP is referring to Jennifer Justice though. She use the hurl the faggot word like there was no tomorrow. I wish she'd come back she was a riot.

06-27-2011, 05:44 PM
Either way i think people shouldnt take it so seriously

Yep, sticks and stones ...

06-27-2011, 06:02 PM
They can call me a fairy or a faggot or a freak as long as they'll fuck with me and have mutual fun.

06-27-2011, 06:45 PM
Man, you'd think there wasn't a search function around these parts or anything.

06-27-2011, 10:53 PM
I understand that people get tired of seeing the same old topics, but they aren't obligated to comment, now are they? They insist on wasting their time being the "senior posters" instead of just passing us newbies on by.

It's true we can pass it by, and for the most part we do (notice I didn't bother commenting on the substantive parts of this debate). However, there is also a nifty search function that could point you towards dozens upon dozens of threads that cover your question.

... such is the real faggotry of HA. :geek:


Pretty much lol

06-28-2011, 01:46 AM
For some girls self respect is contrary to messing around with guys that like them because of their genitals only, and like yvonne said already, dont treat us like lepers outside of the bedroom...

If you want respect, you have to earn it

Most guys dont even see how disrespectfull they are treating tgirls and then are suddenly shocked we dont treat them right...coz what right do we have to stand up for ourselves right, the world does not respect us, we should be glad someone even gives us the time of day...

Well ill tell you something..its a 1000 times better to pet a dog then have such a man...
I dont need a man, if that means i will be lonely, so be it
I think anyone who bases their own self esteem on an external source (most of us at some point) will innevitably have issues.

I agree about earning respect, but how exactly is anyone going to achieve that while attempting to put others down?

And an eye-for-an-eye mentality is pretty primitive imo.

06-28-2011, 03:28 AM
Depending on the girl and the scene, 'faggot' can be a term of endearment.lol

If having a tgirl call you a fag is a big-time stressor for you, maybe being with TGs isn't your thing.

I've been called a fag lover for supporting gay marriage rights. I've had dudes call me a homo for calling random tgirls hott.

Being called a 'fag' by a tgirl isn't really a big deal IMO, and they only say that shit 'cause they know it really bothers newbies.

06-28-2011, 03:37 AM
The reason i sometimes call guys gay, or having a gay attutide coz by some guys we are reduced to our male parts and are expected to behave like men in bed,...this crosses my limits and i have a hard time not thinking they are gay on some level...

Excellent point Birgitta, and it applies equally to all men who disrespect women, whether tgirl or ggirl, by simply reducing her entire complex being to the sum of what happens to be between her legs. Doesn't necessarily make these guys fags, does make them morons undoubtedly.

Oh, and from time to time - and I know you'll find this hard to believe, me being such a nice guy and all - I've been called a cunt, but it hasn't as I recall on even a single occasion caused me to check what's between my legs in case it's changed or indeed to consider grs.....

Grow up FFS.

06-28-2011, 05:01 AM
Some of the masochistic bottoms like it and they get off on being abused with these slurs. Dupre used to use it about every other word on this forum.

right Pho-Fag....The word "fag" ( slang) can be used in many different forms just like "fuck" depending on the intent of the user. For example, Fag can be used to describe you, if used as an adjective... as many on here have done...but what would "fucking fag phobun " be?? 2 adjectives?
A tongue twister? or an appropriate description?

06-28-2011, 06:07 PM
right Pho-Fag....The word "fag" ( slang) can be used in many different forms just like "fuck" depending on the intent of the user. For example, Fag can be used to describe you, if used as an adjective... as many on here have done...but what would "fucking fag phobun " be?? 2 adjectives?
A tongue twister? or an appropriate description?

You keep making gay jokes at phobun, do you think they are funny? Do you think it hides the fact that you yourself are not heterosexual?

06-28-2011, 06:12 PM
Man, you'd think there wasn't a search function around these parts or anything.

BBaggins06, I think you've raised your expectations far too high!!! SEARCH??? Why on earth would someone have enough sense to do that, before starting a new thread.....That's insanity!!!:whistle::whistle:

06-29-2011, 02:04 AM
If having a tgirl call you a fag is a big-time stressor for you, maybe being with TGs isn't your thing.

That's not really the point the OP was making - he said it doesn't bother him. What he didn't understand was why a tgirl would choose to call an admirer gay, when it simultaneously undermines themselves. (ie If he's gay then she has to be a man)

And so far the theories seem to be about the tgirls resentment at the way they have been perceived in their life, and so strike out at someone to make themselves feel better. And possibly less victimised. Pretty weak if you ask me...

06-29-2011, 02:26 AM
That's not really the point the OP was making - he said it doesn't bother him. What he didn't understand was why a tgirl would choose to call an admirer gay, when it simultaneously undermines themselves. (ie If he's gay then she has to be a man)

And so far the theories seem to be about the tgirls resentment at the way they have been perceived in their life, and so strike out at someone to make themselves feel better. And possibly less victimised. Pretty weak if you ask me...

That is such stupidity again coming from you...when a tgirl calls a guy gay for wanting her, she is aiming at the reasons he wants her....the cock, the fact that she was physically a man and now lives and looks like a woman, and Not because she is the woman he wants to be with, but because she is a man...

You are the weak minded person here...

06-29-2011, 02:30 AM
That is such stupidity again coming from you...when a tgirl calls a guy gay for wanting her, she is aiming at the reasons he wants her....the cock, the fact that she was physically a man and now lives and looks like a woman, and Not because she is the woman he wants to be with, but because she is a man...

You are the weak minded person here...

Still fighting the good fight, eh? You're a trip. :lol:


06-29-2011, 02:34 AM
That is such stupidity again coming from you...when a tgirl calls a guy gay for wanting her, she is aiming at the reasons he wants her....the cock, the fact that she was physically a man and now lives and looks like a woman, and Not because she is the woman he wants to be with, but because she is a man...

You are the weak minded person here...

Where it's directed at individuals, that could well be the case, Birgitta, but where it's a bunch of tgirls together, it could just as easily be the wine talking and some bravado coming out which isn't intended seriously.

Come on fellas - you're out for a few beers, the discussion turns to women, t or gg, and nobody ever mentions the word bitch, slag or slut etc? Yeah, right, of course not.....

Stop being so fucking sensitive and grow up. Anyone would think you were gay..... :whistle:

06-29-2011, 02:35 AM
Still fighting the good fight, eh? You're a trip. :lol:


Evening, BB, how jolly nice to see you.

06-29-2011, 02:38 AM
Still fighting the good fight, eh? You're a trip. :lol:


you are way too bisexual to understand me lol

06-29-2011, 02:38 AM
Evening, BB, how jolly nice to see you.

Hey baby. How are you? I'm just chilling, amusing myself with this thread. Many lulz were had. :lol:


06-29-2011, 02:39 AM
you are way too bisexual to understand me lol

You just made my day! EPIC lulz! Lovez it! :lol: :lol: :lol:


06-29-2011, 02:42 AM
You just made my day! EPIC lulz! Lovez it! :lol: :lol: :lol:


I'd love to see you and Birgitta together in a remake of Thelma and Louise.

Just as long as I get the Brad Pitt role.....

06-29-2011, 02:42 AM
I would not call my bf gay, simply coz i would make sure he is not...

And if i did call him gay, he would be the gay guy that matches with me...

But bttm line, its not me that will call him gay, it could be his friends and family, behind his back...

So being overly sensitive about this means you fale the test when it comes to dating a tgirl

06-29-2011, 02:44 AM
Hey baby. How are you? I'm just chilling, amusing myself with this thread. Many lulz were had. :lol:


Yep, another epic outpouring of male angst, using tgirls' views as yet one more excuse to defend their non-gayness. Happy, happy days. :dancing:

06-29-2011, 02:47 AM
try explaining this coz i dont understand it...

If liking a tgirl ISNT gay...then why is it such a big deal when people find out your dating a tgirl ????

Makes no sense...at all ;)

06-29-2011, 02:48 AM
That is such stupidity again coming from you...when a tgirl calls a guy gay for wanting her, she is aiming at the reasons he wants her....the cock, the fact that she was physically a man and now lives and looks like a woman, and Not because she is the woman he wants to be with, but because she is a man...

You are the weak minded person here...

And this is such an inaccurate response again coming from you. I said the thery (your theory) was weak. Not the person.

I am not offended easily (call me what you want), I have simply attempted to clarify the OP's position for the people who failed to grasp it.

06-29-2011, 02:51 AM
Well, it might be your first time posting about it, but for ppl that have been on here a while it gets old seeing this same type of thread every few weeks. Not a slight toward you, just pointing out that the topic has been talked about ad nauseam and you'll never really get a consensus about it. A few other gems that continually pop up would be:

Why do some men like to bottom?
Is it gay to bottom?
It is gay to like trannies?
I'm straight because I top
Are TS that top really just gay men?
Would you date a TS?

You forgot the always popular

Am I gay?

06-29-2011, 02:53 AM
You forgot the always popular

Am I gay?

Well at least that one is non-judgmental. :geek:


06-29-2011, 02:57 AM
You forgot the always popular

Am I gay?

Well at least that one is non-judgmental. :geek:


On this forum it only starts out non-judgmental

06-29-2011, 02:58 AM
If liking a tgirl ISNT gay... Blah blah
I've said before that I don't think sexuality is as cut and dry as gay/straight/bi.
(awesome I rhyme)

I think it's more of a spectrum. I am attracted to tgirls, so I am not all the way over on the 'straight' side. but I don't fancy men, so I am not 'gay' either.

I am not bi, because i don't like men and women.

Does that seem clearer for you?

06-29-2011, 02:58 AM
You forgot the always popular

Am I gay?

You forgot:

Am i a ts for wanting to wear her clothes...?
Does that make me a lesbian ?
Is a ts a pervert because of my perverseness ?
Etc oh now that stuff is rarely discussed here...lol

Straaaange lol

06-29-2011, 03:00 AM
I've said before that I don't think sexuality is as cut and dry as gay/straight/bi.
(awesome I rhyme)

I think it's more of a spectrum. I am attracted to tgirls, so I am not all the way over on the 'straight' side. but I don't fancy men, so I am not 'gay' either.

I am not bi, because i don't like men and women.

Does that seem clearer for you?

Thats fine but does not answer my question...

06-29-2011, 03:14 AM
Thats fine but does not answer my question...
This is what your question looked like to me: 1+1=5?

You mixed up sexuality with social perceptions.

It implied that the lack of conventional social acceptance with dating a tgirl was because of the consequent sexuality of 'the man'. There is a lot of information missing in that little equation!

So I covered your other issue - which was how a man can be attracted to tgirls without being gay.

06-29-2011, 03:19 AM
This is what your question looked like to me: 1+1=5?

You mixed up sexuality with social perceptions.

It implied that the lack of conventional social acceptance with dating a tgirl was because of the consequent sexuality of 'the man'. There is a lot of information missing in that little equation!

So I covered your other issue - which was how a man can be attracted to tgirls without being gay.

I know there are guys that like ts that truely arent gay...
But you cant force me to not follow my intuition...

My question is no mix up...
Why be ashamed when you are straight ?

06-29-2011, 03:20 AM
Why be ashamed when you are straight ?

Are you implying that he should be ashamed if he's gay? :?


06-29-2011, 03:22 AM
Are you implying that he should be ashamed if he's gay? :?


Umm. How about like what you like, be true to yourself and to hell with all artificial labels?

06-29-2011, 03:25 AM
Are you implying that he should be ashamed if he's gay? :?


No of course not ! Lol

06-29-2011, 03:26 AM
I know there are guys that like ts that truely arent gay...
But you cant force me to not follow my intuition...

My question is no mix up...
Why be ashamed when you are straight ?
In your scenario the guy dating the tgirl might not have been ashamed at all, but it could still be a 'big deal' when people find out because then the issue is with their attitudes. It involves more than the two people in the relationship, which is why you cannot simplify the answer to just be about his sexuality.

Personally I wouldn't care what people thought if I loved the girl. But If it was just a sex thing, then I might think twice about announcing it to the world because I am fully aware (HA is a prime example) that not everyone is as open minded as me.

06-29-2011, 03:27 AM
Umm. How about like what you like, be true to yourself and to hell with all artificial labels?

Thats the way i do it..labels dont work, they can limit your being and freedom of expression...its hard work staying true to a label, i would if i could lol

06-29-2011, 03:29 AM
Thats the way i do it..labels dont work, they can limit your being and freedom of expression...its hard work staying true to a label, i would if i could lol

That is completely contradictory to anything you've ever said on here. You love your labels! You cannot live without them lol...

06-29-2011, 03:29 AM
In your scenario the guy dating the tgirl might not have been ashamed at all, but it could still be a 'big deal' when people find out because then the issue is with their attitudes. It involves more than the two people in the relationship, which is why you cannot simplify the answer to just be about his sexuality.

Personally I wouldn't care what people thought if I loved the girl. But If it was just a sex thing, then I might think twice about announcing it to the world because I am fully aware (HA is a prime example) that not everyone is as open minded as me.

The guys that are just after sex and are afraid to be associated with me, simply will never meet me...so problem solved.

06-29-2011, 03:31 AM
That is completely contradictory to anything you've ever said on here. You love your labels! You cannot live without them lol...

To label stuff makes life easier for me...
i could reduce it to:

Matches with me
Doesnt match with me

But i like to describe why in my own terms

06-29-2011, 09:21 AM

depending on the user

...fag IS still a funny word sometimes...:)

06-29-2011, 09:47 AM
are yall are fucking fagggot...NOW SUCK MY DICK!!!!

06-29-2011, 12:10 PM
At which point has Birgitta achieved official TROLL status on HA??

06-29-2011, 12:47 PM
She makes a lot of sense to me.

06-29-2011, 05:58 PM
are yall are fucking fagggot...NOW SUCK MY DICK!!!!

Thank you, Ma''am!!! May I have another??!!:salad:hide-1::whistle:

06-29-2011, 06:31 PM
She makes a lot of sense to me.

Yes i could say the same about you..

But it was necessary, all this time spend on my rationality, but the only purpose of it was to become naturally irrational,
It must not be that im spending all this time trying to find a way out of the transgenderspiderweb and having no time left to enjoy my life as a woman in the way i am truthfull to myself and able to enjoy myself..

Being truthfull to myself is and was always my sole purpose when joining these discussions,....

This gender world is honestly pretty confusing for someone like me...

06-29-2011, 08:03 PM
guys who like cock are 100% str8 guys ok we are clear?

06-29-2011, 08:13 PM
guys who like cock are 100% str8 guys ok we are clear?

their own i hope?

You know just like most t "woman" lol

06-30-2011, 02:56 AM
At which point has Birgitta achieved official TROLL status on HA??

Birgitta has her own views and speaks her mind. Unlike a lot of people here she hasn't started a flame war or even been abusive. If you disagree with what she says, fair enough, but there's no excuse for the amount of abuse and hate she receives.

Live and let live, FFS.

06-30-2011, 02:58 AM
guys who like cock are 100% str8 guys ok we are clear?

Thanks for settling that one for us Nikka. :Bowdown::Bowdown::Bowdown:

OK fellas, Nikka has spoken.

So no more am I gay threads.


06-30-2011, 04:16 AM
TSNTX was famous for doing that

06-30-2011, 04:28 AM
Do what I do treat them like women and fucking ignore them!

06-30-2011, 08:53 AM
On this forum it only starts out non-judgmental

LOL nailed it

06-30-2011, 09:34 AM
TSNTX was famous for doing that
Was she that television host who always looked for "athletic Jock Bottom" men on that Safari TV show? :party:

06-30-2011, 03:21 PM
Onmyknees loves cock.

Does that make him a fag?

06-30-2011, 08:55 PM
Even Carl Sagan begrudgingly admits if you like dick you ARE at least a half fag!!!

07-04-2011, 02:06 PM
Lool okay thenn im dwn

07-04-2011, 03:22 PM
Onmyknees loves cock.

Does that make him a fag?

you're an annoying little scumbag with no value to this forum or society in general, but I'd still knock you on your ass in front of your friends and family...does that make me a bad person ? I don't think I could live with myself knowing that ! LMAO

It's best guys like you remain in the shadows lurking, ....it could be dangerous for you out here in the real world ! ( he says with a smile)

07-04-2011, 04:51 PM
LOL this is the most surrealistic thread (and generally subject) in HA.

First of all i have a question, what does it makes someone men or woman, is it the sex organs that he has;

If someone believe this ,off course,he is gay.
A man that likes another man that dresses with women's clothes and taking hormones to look like a woman he is definitely gay and off course the other man who dresses with woman's clothes IS also gay as far as it gets, so for me if the dick is the point, yes we are all gay.

Though my view is different, i believe that woman is only a person that want to be one(same for "man") so in that case, dick or pussy, does not make any difference and is not the decisive factor to make the sex separation.

Second i don't ,even, see any reason to make the separation about the sex preferences. To be honest i dont give a fuck anymore to discover if i m homosexual or if i am heterosexual and if i m bisexual or anything else. Specialy when this is going with the homophobic meaning of all this stereotypes that are following this words.

But the most crazy is the homophobic :claps:claps attitude of some t-girls around here, every word has a meaning, fag is an offensive world, and is coming out from the mouth of person that all the homophobic persons call him "fag" so i m finding this completely paranoiac.

If someone is licking your dick and you call him fag means that you feel too much "man" to say something like that. Means also that all the time that you have a dick you pretend that you are a woman, you are saying lies to yourself and to the world outside. So if the dick makes you a man, means that cutting it off, doesn't make you a woman because you are never going to have a pussy. And this is completely unfair and very heavy.

So lets all stop being homophobic and let everybody to decide about what he is and what he likes.

Lets all think again what means "woman" and "man"
No 'him' or 'her'; preschool fights gender bias (http://old.news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110626/ap_on_re_eu/eu_fea_sweden_gender_neutral_tots)

Also, i would like to say that i dont understand why if a conversation has be done in the past, why it must not done again. Lets talk and talk again, this is progress.

07-04-2011, 05:46 PM
I prefer to think if myself as a raging heterosexual, African-American, HE-MAN with a proclivity for preop transgendered women.

(YES I will go down on a bitch, but please don't fucc with my ass, babee!!)

I don't seek out or invite being called a 'fag' out in public, but if a girl in a private, intimate moment drops a 'swallow it you faggot cock sucking bitch!!', then gives me that wink and innocent half smile, being called names can be construed as dirty/sexy pillow talk.

Being called a 'fag' on HA by one of the ladies is usually in response to some admirer speaking out of turn or because he attacks a chick without provocation.

Real talk, rather be called a 'fag' on HA than a 'nigger',(Lisa, Jamie, etc.).

Racial epithets are just wrong IMO. Nowhere to go but in the gutter.

07-04-2011, 05:57 PM
Not saying that it's good,
Not saying that it's right,
But the Virgin Mary may have been
A hermaphorodite.

Not saying God is gay,
Not saying that at all.
But if Jesus Christ was God and God created all.
Then Jesus Christ created the homosexual.
There might be a little fag in us all.

to quote Corporate Avenger - Jesus Christ Homosexual

07-04-2011, 09:10 PM
Some of them just call guys fags because of their own insecurities.

Not all of them are very bright. In fact a lot of t-girls I've came across are real dumb and trashy.

Insecure fags in drag, no offense to anyone here. Get paid for sex by drug dealers and then think they are superstars, LMAO. I don't believe that is everyone though or even the majority, but it doesn't mean that it's not.

Anyway, I do understand where they come from if there's a guy only interested in them for d*ck. I'm sure it gets frustrating when they come across so many guys that only care what's between their legs.

No offense to anyone.

07-04-2011, 09:12 PM
I prefer to think if myself as a raging heterosexual, African-American, HE-MAN with a proclivity for preop transgendered women.

(YES I will go down on a bitch, but please don't fucc with my ass, babee!!)

I don't seek out or invite being called a 'fag' out in public, but if a girl in a private, intimate moment drops a 'swallow it you faggot cock sucking bitch!!', then gives me that wink and innocent half smile, being called names can be construed as dirty/sexy pillow talk.

Being called a 'fag' on HA by one of the ladies is usually in response to some admirer speaking out of turn or because he attacks a chick without provocation.

Real talk, rather be called a 'fag' on HA than a 'nigger',(Lisa, Jamie, etc.).

Racial epithets are just wrong IMO. Nowhere to go but in the gutter.
Well, I can see where you're coming from, but there isn't much of a difference in those words. They're both used to demean someone and make them feel like they're less than what they are.

If she called you a nigger in bed, would it be allright then?

07-04-2011, 10:26 PM
Well, I can see where you're coming from, but there isn't much of a difference in those words. They're both used to demean someone and make them feel like they're less than what they are.

If she called you a nigger in bed, would it be allright then?

i agree

07-04-2011, 11:39 PM
I am Black, so 'nigger' offends me on a much deeper level.

I'm not gay, so calling me a 'fag' at least in my mind has no traction.

Like calling a skinny kid, 'fat'. It's like WTF?

Name-calling as a rule is kinda reckless, regardless of how close you are to the person, however for me personally in certain situations being called a 'fag' by a tgirl isn't going to faze me.

I still think a lot of guys who get called 'fag' in anger or spite by girls on HA bring that shit on themselves.

I've had heated arguments with girls on this forum and never have been called out of my name, and I've never called a girl on this forum anything but her screen name.

IMO dudes bring that shit on themselves, for the most part.

09-01-2011, 11:16 PM
homophobic gays

09-02-2011, 02:05 PM
Sticks and stones....

09-02-2011, 02:14 PM
You gotta understand that a lot of girls do this as a living, not something for fun... the fact that some girls may consider guys who like them "fags" isn't too alarming is it? no offense to everyone but if you want a cock up ur ass, while it may not be straight gay(anal stimulation isn't limited to gays, but its seen to be) its not just straight sex. I wouldnt judge someone who wanted that, but if Tgirls are demeaning men who wnat that, that spretthy fucked up, because those are the guys who pay their bills( at least these specific girls) and if you don't want it, you don't have to like it, just stfu about it and make ur fucking money. Theres no need to embarass those few guys whol like that.

09-02-2011, 03:05 PM
Well my opinion hasn't changed on this - any tgirl who calls an admirer a 'fag' must be pretty dumb because they are simultaneously undermining their own femininity.

09-02-2011, 05:10 PM
got to agree with a load of the comments on this thread, i to have seen films where the guy is treated in a terrible way by two or more ts girls simultanously, pure humiliation.
yes i do like ts gals but i would not like to be at the end of the treatment that i have witnessed myself on a film, such like little sissy bitch, little slut, and even being told your my whore now, the name calling went far beyond the expression fag and it looked like a rape scene almost, the poor guy must have been either mad or was getting one hell of a pay check in the post in order to put up with it.
when i decide to go all the way and have sex with a tg/ts/cd girl i wouldnt want to be treated like that it was wrong and not nice, perhaps some guys get off on it but like i said they must be mad whats wrong with good old chivalry.

09-02-2011, 06:24 PM
awwwwww cute, my pet peeve topic....

U know (op, if ure still reading this or not) after a while in this "scene" u'll hopefully realize there's so much fakery and bullshitting going on that it can't be taken all that seriously. That said, I have met the trannies in real life and never encountered such fag-screaming and all that, so I dunno. I guess, those trannies who do it are of the bitter, self loathing variety, who need to take it out on someone. Of course, by claling dudes gay or fags who are into them, they call hemselves dudes. but whatever, those are angry and don't get it.

However these TS's are just mirror images of many guys in this scene, they hate themselves for being trans, the guys hate themselves for liking trans etc. It's a vicious circle really. On the oher hand there r cool, level headed trannies around, and also some guys. You just gotta keep looking and grow some balls. ...or leave the scene

Tiffany Starr
09-03-2011, 12:49 AM
I call guys straight. Straight guys love feminine women, so it's only natural to be attracted to attractive transwomen. Look at me? Do I look like a gay guy or straight girl would want me? answer: NO

09-03-2011, 02:00 AM
you're an annoying little scumbag with no value to this forum or society in general, but I'd still knock you on your ass in front of your friends and family...does that make me a bad person ? I don't think I could live with myself knowing that ! LMAO

It's best guys like you remain in the shadows lurking, ....it could be dangerous for you out here in the real world ! ( he says with a smile)

Oh boy I didnt see this. Haha okay Chuck Norris

MdR Dave
09-03-2011, 02:15 AM
Oh boy I didnt see this. Haha okay Chuck Norris

Don't worry, I think he was talking about littleguy.

Oh, wait, right. .

Hey, littleguy!

MdR Dave
09-03-2011, 02:18 AM
Well my opinion hasn't changed on this - any tgirl who calls an admirer a 'fag' must be pretty dumb because they are simultaneously undermining their own femininity.

Calling ParisAngelline. ParisAngelline,, please pick up the white courtesy telephone.

09-03-2011, 07:18 AM
calling parisangelline. Parisangelline,, please pick up the white courtesy telephone.


09-03-2011, 07:31 AM
Shit happens....

09-03-2011, 07:48 AM
What is up with t-girls calling guys fags for being into them? That makes no sense to me at all. I just saw a video of one of my favorite t-girls chilling with some friends, joking, hanging out, etc. The next thing I know, she says something that catches me by suprise. She was talking to another TS and said "Give these fags what they want".

Don't get me wrong, I am not one of these sensitive guys who gets offended by everything. Nor am I sensitive about my sexual preference. I like girl girls and t-girls. I am attracted to that which is or appears to be a woman. Does that make me a fag? Who the fuck cares! I like what I like. Again, it just seems a little backwards to me that a TS would call a guy a fag for liking her. They live their lives as women and in a lot of cases, you wouldn't know that they were born as a male.

I have had an interest in shemales for about 8 years. I only recently joined this board though. I read a guys post not too long ago who mentioned something about t-girls calling guys fags for liking them and was like, WTF?! Anyway, maybe this is a known or common thing, but it is new to me.

Dude, I didnt read this entire thread. I'll just say this. There are plenty tgirls out there who dont think like this, and their just as hottt. You dont have to put up with it. Dont subject urself to it. Find one that treats u and talks to u the way u deserve to be treated.