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06-25-2011, 04:34 AM
It's official.
Marriage equality has passed

06-25-2011, 04:35 AM
A great day for my home state!

06-25-2011, 04:37 AM
Good for them.
I was watching The Daily Show this morning and Jon was making fun of the fact that the state senate was tied 31-31 on the SSM bill,but they roundly voted to make sweet corn the state veggie!

06-25-2011, 04:44 AM
well, onions are gross

06-25-2011, 04:46 AM
It will be an extra emotional parade this Sunday!!!

I'm glad it was voted in.

06-25-2011, 04:57 AM
Great news!

06-25-2011, 11:11 AM
It's official.
Marriage equality has passed

This is wonderful news although I don't understand why people need they're actions sanctioned by the government in order to be happy.

Gays, lesbians, the downtrodden, minorities you already have all the rights you will ever need you simply must exercise them as the old saying goes "you don't use it, you lose it".

Special laws enacted under the guise of creating "equality" only serve to divide.

06-25-2011, 12:02 PM
This is wonderful news although I don't understand why people need they're actions sanctioned by the government in order to be happy.

Gays, lesbians, the downtrodden, minorities you already have all the rights you will ever need you simply must exercise them as the old saying goes "you don't use it, you lose it".

Special laws enacted under the guise of creating "equality" only serve to divide.

What a crock of shit. The fact is that marriage gives benefits in the field of tax, employment rights, healthcare, as well as legal benefits. How can you say we have all the right we need, when straight people are given extra rights? If people don't need the right to marry then go ahead and put your support behind the abolition of marriage for straight people.

This isn't some 'special law', it's simply extending the exact same rights to everyone.

06-25-2011, 12:06 PM
What a crock of shit. The fact is that marriage gives benefits in the field of tax, employment rights, healthcare, as well as legal benefits. How can you say we have all the right we need, when straight people are given extra rights? If people don't need the right to marry then go ahead and put your support behind the abolition of marriage for straight people.

This isn't some 'special law', it's simply extending the exact same rights to everyone.

Shes bang on the money there!! A very good point :)

06-25-2011, 01:02 PM
awesome point Anna <3

I was at Stonewall a few hours ago, filming the event happening from inside the bar. It was really amazing, the energy was out of control! After a long 24 hours of Trans Day of Action, the Drag March then Stonewall, I've got so much good footage of sex-positive NYC.

Check out the video on youtube if you're interested, it was a fun crowd, met a cute guy who works for Reuters, not sure how much of Pride I'm going to check out this weekend, I'm a little queer-ed out at the moment.

Inside Stonewall during Marriage Equality vote

06-25-2011, 08:21 PM
isn't there already civil union and this is just a name change?

06-25-2011, 08:25 PM
This is an historic day for phobun and the gimp.

06-25-2011, 10:06 PM
This is an historic day for phobun and the gimp.


06-26-2011, 01:37 AM
It's embarrassing that it took this long.

06-26-2011, 01:41 AM
isn't there already civil union and this is just a name change?

It's a little more complex than that. Challenges to the unions were being waged while the new legislation is much more solid than any in the past.

06-26-2011, 01:53 AM
Legal rights and equality aside, since when did marriage become the shangri-la of human relationships? Especially when so many people are not very good at it...I guess its the equal right to be a failure as well as a success...in the end its always the lawyers who win...

06-26-2011, 03:16 AM
This is an historic day for phobun and the gimp.

You're on this forum and you say a thing like that? Shame on you.

06-26-2011, 03:23 AM

What are your views on this?

06-26-2011, 03:27 AM
What are your views on this?

The same.

06-26-2011, 03:49 AM
awesome point Anna <3

I was at Stonewall a few hours ago, filming the event happening from inside the bar. It was really amazing, the energy was out of control! After a long 24 hours of Trans Day of Action, the Drag March then Stonewall, I've got so much good footage of sex-positive NYC.

Check out the video on youtube if you're interested, it was a fun crowd, met a cute guy who works for Reuters, not sure how much of Pride I'm going to check out this weekend, I'm a little queer-ed out at the moment.

Inside Stonewall during Marriage Equality vote

Lucky guy, you look very pretty!

Ineeda SM
06-26-2011, 06:53 AM
In a country that claims to be so damn free, it's about fucking time. Now we need to get the rest of the country off their dust filled asses and make it national. Fuck the conservatives, and fuck the religious freaks. How about making all laws a "One-size-fits-all" so everyone can fit in.

Get ready though. You know damn well that right wingers and christianity pushers will try something to get it revoked. They are trying in the few other states with this law. So beware the sharp teeth of the GOP pitbulls

06-28-2011, 11:02 AM
Get ready though. You know damn well that right wingers and christianity pushers will try something to get it revoked. They are trying in the few other states with this law. So beware the sharp teeth of the GOP pitbulls

Not before phobun and the gimp are able to consummate.

06-28-2011, 12:48 PM
Of coarse, my favorite argument that the homophobic cowards make is: "Next they'll legalize marrying animals.":smh:roll:

According to them, marriage is only for reproduction. So, does that mean that all those couples who are infertile, and are incapable of having kids, shouldn't be allowed to get married?

06-30-2011, 09:49 PM
Of coarse, my favorite argument that the homophobic cowards make is: "Next they'll legalize marrying animals.":smh:roll:

According to them, marriage is only for reproduction. So, does that mean that all those couples who are infertile, and are incapable of having kids, shouldn't be allowed to get married?

I have heard that one to. IDK an animal can say "I DO" i mean with the exceptions of parrots of course/.

06-30-2011, 09:55 PM
This also means any U.S. gay couple can go to New York and get married after 30 days from the day the bill passed. And many states who don't allow gay marriage will still uphold the marriage as a marriage.

06-30-2011, 10:06 PM
This also means any U.S. gay couple can go to New York and get married after 30 days from the day the bill passed. And many states who don't allow gay marriage will still uphold the marriage as a marriage.

Who did u hear that one from?

06-30-2011, 10:41 PM
Who did u hear that one from?
Rachel Maddow

06-30-2011, 11:40 PM
This also means any U.S. gay couple can go to New York and get married after 30 days from the day the bill passed. And many states who don't allow gay marriage will still uphold the marriage as a marriage.Interesting, I didn't know that. Do you know if that applies to the states who have already voted against gay marriage?

07-01-2011, 02:44 AM
Rachel Maddow

LMAO....So the citizens of PA or NJ or Texas or any other state that does not recognize gay marriage now has to because the legislature in NY says so?????? Sorry but Rachel Maddow is hardly the source I'd rely on if I wanted to get married in NY and more to Texas and have it recognized.

07-01-2011, 02:59 AM
In a country that claims to be so damn free, it's about fucking time. Now we need to get the rest of the country off their dust filled asses and make it national. Fuck the conservatives, and fuck the religious freaks. How about making all laws a "One-size-fits-all" so everyone can fit in.

Get ready though. You know damn well that right wingers and christianity pushers will try something to get it revoked. They are trying in the few other states with this law. So beware the sharp teeth of the GOP pitbulls

hey shit for brains....your boy Obama still is dancing around the issue, so maybe direct some of your ire at him ! And for your information...who the fuck do you think controls the Senate in New York????? Without republican support in the State Senate it would have been DOA. Another fact you should know....African Americans are staunchly anti gay marriage by a wide margin, yet you conveniently omitted that fact....I wonder why? You remain pathetically mislead. Look...When put to a vote in California, the measure failed and California is by far the most liberal state in the country...so you bashing of the other side don't quite wash. Because someone thinks marriage should be between one man and one woman doesn't make them the evil bastards you seem so hysterical about. Ask president Obama. I'm glad you can come to NY and get married now....You may not be straight, and that's cool......... but your facts should be.

Ineeda SM
07-01-2011, 04:15 AM
hey shit for brains....your boy Obama still is dancing around the issue, so maybe direct some of your ire at him !

Because the president does not make the laws you fucking retard. It is not the place of the president to tell states what should or should not be concerning marriage. And unlike GOP presidents, he is smart enough to know better. The president is avoiding being labeled by assholes like you who just love flapping their jaws for entertainment. OMK you should run for president. If smart as a rock Bachman can run, so can you. She constantly twists the truth and gets her facts all ass backwards just like you do.

And for your information...who the fuck do you think controls the Senate in New York????? Without republican support in the State Senate it would have been DOA.

Yes I thought it was funny how those republicans defended their votes too. They said they still believed in the republican party of Lincoln because he believed in freedom for all and equality for all. They said that todays republican party has forgotten just what that means. That is their words and not mine.

Another fact you should know....African Americans are staunchly anti gay marriage by a wide margin, yet you conveniently omitted that fact....I wonder why?

Why would I mention it? It was not a factor in the issue or the vote. And nobody else made it an issue either. Only you for some reason. I wonder why? You are starting to sound like your anti-white boyfriend troll Natina. Maybe you two should get married. You are allowed now. You two have a lot in common.

.....so you bashing of the other side don't quite wash. Because someone thinks marriage should be between one man and one woman doesn't make them the evil bastards you seem so hysterical about. Ask president Obama. I'm glad you can come to NY and get married now....You may not be straight, and that's cool......... but your facts should be.

Yes my bashing them does wash. Because the evil bastards have already proved me right by vowing to raise enough money to get the new law repealed. As I said, they just can't help themselves. They are republicans. Fucking over the people is what they do. This is a victory for liberals and it is just killing you. You just can't stand to see the average people happy.

With a 52% divorce rate, only stupid people get married these days. Not this boy.

Ineeda SM
07-01-2011, 04:20 AM
LMAO....So the citizens of PA or NJ or Texas or any other state that does not recognize gay marriage now has to because the legislature in NY says so?????? Sorry but Rachel Maddow is hardly the source I'd rely on if I wanted to get married in NY and more to Texas and have it recognized.

What Rachel Maddow said was that a NY gay marriage would be recognized in all states that do not have laws against gay marriage. So states that have no laws of any kind for or against gay marriage have agreed to recognize any gay marriage from NY or anywhere else that it is legal.

07-01-2011, 04:29 AM
I wait for the day for FL to allow it.

Couple years ago when California was voting on it, we had our own Amendment. Except the bastards called it the "Marriage Protection Act".

Thing passed with ease and is STILL being challenged. I wish I was a supreme court judge so I could try to stop some of this nonsense that wastes so much time.

07-01-2011, 05:11 AM
I wait for the day for FL to allow it.

Couple years ago when California was voting on it, we had our own Amendment. Except the bastards called it the "Marriage Protection Act".

Thing passed with ease and is STILL being challenged. I wish I was a supreme court judge so I could try to stop some of this nonsense that wastes so much time.

That's you're an internet forum guy and not a Supreme Court justice. You'd politicize matters of Constitutional law.

07-01-2011, 05:28 AM
Because the president does not make the laws you fucking retard. It is not the place of the president to tell states what should or should not be concerning marriage. And unlike GOP presidents, he is smart enough to know better. The president is avoiding being labeled by assholes like you who just love flapping their jaws for entertainment. OMK you should run for president. If smart as a rock Bachman can run, so can you. She constantly twists the truth and gets her facts all ass backwards just like you do.

Yes I thought it was funny how those republicans defended their votes too. They said they still believed in the republican party of Lincoln because he believed in freedom for all and equality for all. They said that todays republican party has forgotten just what that means. That is their words and not mine.

Why would I mention it? It was not a factor in the issue or the vote. And nobody else made it an issue either. Only you for some reason. I wonder why? You are starting to sound like your anti-white boyfriend troll Natina. Maybe you two should get married. You are allowed now. You two have a lot in common.

Yes my bashing them does wash. Because the evil bastards have already proved me right by vowing to raise enough money to get the new law repealed. As I said, they just can't help themselves. They are republicans. Fucking over the people is what they do. This is a victory for liberals and it is just killing you. You just can't stand to see the average people happy.

With a 52% divorce rate, only stupid people get married these days. Not this boy.

You missed the entire point, which is par for the course for you. ....You posted something that was misleading and inaccurate. You do it constantly when it comes to your politics, you let your emotions get in the way of reality and facts...which leads me to believe you're an ideologue incapable of discerning facts from emotion and misinformation. You specifically singled out several groups of people to piss all over them in an attempt to mislead people into thinking those groups were soley responsible for the fact that gay marriage is not state law in all 50 states. I know exactly what you were doing, and so do you...so don't be a dick. You took several cheap shots and got called on it. You say.......

>It is not the place of the president to tell states what should or should not be concerning marriage.....That's sophomoric...of course constitutionally he can't tell the sates what they should or should not do concerning marriage..BUT.. Ever heard of DOMA ? Because up until February he sure had a position on the issue.

>You thought it was "funny" the NYS Republicans stood behind their vote, then in the next sentence bashed Republicans and went right back into the ditch with your foolish generalizations. They voted for it, they were the reason it passed...case closed . No thanks required but no silly editorials needed either.

> You pondered why I brought up the fact that by large numbers African Americans were opposed to gay marriage and stated they had nothing to do with the issue or the vote. Really? Then why bring up Christians in your rant? My point ( I'm amazed that I have to explain this) is that if you had any political intuition you would know that observers attest to the fact that the reason the measure failed in California and elsewhere is largely because Blacks and Hispanics opposed it, ( along with Christian groups) and because it's probably the main reason Obama doesn't come out strongly in favor of gay marriage and alienate his strongest constituency. So the fact of the matter simpleton, it does have a great deal to do with the issue. I was simply attempting to educate you that some Christians, and some republicans are not the only ones opposed to the issue. The fact is , some of the strongest opposition in NY was from black and hispanic liberal legislators. I dare say you wouldn't call them evil.

You reveal yourself when you proclaim "it's a victory for liberals" ? Really? It's not a victory for Republicans or Independents who stood up and voted for it? It's not a victory for all who supported it? For everybody? Are all gays liberal? That's a mighty broad brush you paint gay folks with. You been hangin' with Phobun again?
You essentially are saying...Christians are evil because some oppose gay marriage, but by omission African Americans are not. You see what happens when you start down that road calling people evil?
I think pukes like you who like to separate people by group identity is exactly what divides the country.
You obviously support gay marriage, and I have no problem with that at all. I don't question your motives or your reasoning....don't question those who oppose it as a matter of conscience or religion. Say you support it and why, and don't smear those that don't.....you're not convincing or converting anybody with that approach. What you are doing is reflecting poorly on yourself.
As for the remainder of your inane rantings....you're boring me to tears, so meet me on the political boards if you want to continue your education.

07-01-2011, 05:36 AM
I certainly believe that there should be equality in misery, err... marriage. :geek:


Ineeda SM
07-01-2011, 05:46 AM
You missed the entire point, which is par for the course for you. ....You posted something that was misleading and inaccurate. You do it constantly when it comes to your politics, you let your emotions get in the way of reality and facts...which leads me to believe you're an ideologue incapable of discerning facts from emotion and misinformation. You specifically singled out several groups of people to piss all over them in an attempt to mislead people into thinking those groups were soley responsible for the fact that gay marriage is not state law in all 50 states. I know exactly what you were doing, and so do you...so don't be a dick. You took several cheap shots and got called on it. You say.......

>It is not the place of the president to tell states what should or should not be concerning marriage.....That's sophomoric...of course constitutionally he can't tell the sates what they should or should not do concerning marriage..BUT.. Ever heard of DOMA ? Because up until February he sure had a position on the issue.

>You thought it was "funny" the NYS Republicans stood behind their vote, then in the next sentence bashed Republicans and went right back into the ditch with your foolish generalizations. They voted for it, they were the reason it passed...case closed . No thanks required but no silly editorials needed either.

> You pondered why I brought up the fact that by large numbers African Americans were opposed to gay marriage and stated they had nothing to do with the issue or the vote. Really? Then why bring up Christians in your rant? My point ( I'm amazed that I have to explain this) is that if you had any political intuition you would know that observers attest to the fact that the reason the measure failed in California and elsewhere is largely because Blacks and Hispanics opposed it, ( along with Christian groups) and because it's probably the main reason Obama doesn't come out strongly in favor of gay marriage and alienate his strongest constituency. So the fact of the matter simpleton, it does have a great deal to do with the issue. I was simply attempting to educate you that some Christians, and some republicans are not the only ones opposed to the issue. The fact is , some of the strongest opposition in NY was from black and hispanic liberal legislators. I dare say you wouldn't call them evil.

You reveal yourself when you proclaim "it's a victory for liberals" ? Really? It's not a victory for Republicans or Independents who stood up and voted for it? It's not a victory for all who supported it? For everybody? Are all gays liberal? That's a mighty broad brush you paint gay folks with. You been hangin' with Phobun again?
You essentially are saying...Christians are evil because some oppose gay marriage, but by omission African Americans are not. You see what happens when you start down that road calling people evil?
I think pukes like you who like to separate people by group identity is exactly what divides the country.
You obviously support gay marriage, and I have no problem with that at all. I don't question your motives or your reasoning....don't question those who oppose it as a matter of conscience or religion. Say you support it and why, and don't smear those that don't.....you're not convincing or converting anybody with that approach. What you are doing is reflecting poorly on yourself.
As for the remainder of your inane rantings....you're boring me to tears, so meet me on the political boards if you want to continue your education.

What? I'm sorry OMK, did you say anything close to the truth or even slightly important?

NO I didn't think so as usual. You trolls are not capable of that. All you can do is call people liars and insult them. You don't know how to discuss anything like an adult. But we are all used to that with you. Your false responses are just too stupid to reply to. The sad part is, you don't realize it, but everyone else here does.:loser::fu:

07-01-2011, 05:58 AM
I reckon that onmyknees and ineedaSM should be the first couple from HA to take advantage of New York's law change.

Hope you'll be very happy together, boys. :dancing::party::dancing:

Ineeda SM
07-01-2011, 06:20 AM
I reckon that onmyknees and ineedaSM should be the first couple from HA to take advantage of New York's law change.

Hope you'll be very happy together, boys. :dancing::party::dancing:

Watch it boy. You can be replaced. Besides, OMK couldn't handle the ride.

07-01-2011, 06:25 AM
good for NewYork

07-01-2011, 09:46 AM
So onmyknees, I see that you never answered my question in regards to gay marriage.