View Full Version : Transsexuals Who Re-Transition

06-23-2011, 08:43 AM
While looking at the Lisa Lawer thread, I realized it's pretty common knowledge in the scene that she went back to living as a man. I also heard about a fair amount of other transsexuals, particularly Brazilian, who re-transition from men to women and then back to men. Some examples include Aline Bane, Angel Ferrari, and Meelynah Weelyans, shown in the pics below. Much of the reasons that are given, again in Brazil, are religion and family not accepting them as women so they change back. How common is this? What are some of the reasons for re-transitioning besides the ones I mentioned?

06-23-2011, 09:02 AM
The nude girl that Bob took a picture of transitioned back?! Why? She's beautiful and could probably take her pic of any guy she'd want.

...My burning question of late has been whether TS escorts (or TS websites) have seen any measurable increase in business thanks to Yasmin's appearance in a blockbuster movie? Maybe it's way too early to gauge.

06-23-2011, 09:08 AM
I got a video of Aline Brathio and her sister Erica. Cute girl.

06-23-2011, 09:11 AM
While looking at the Lisa Lawer thread, I realized it's pretty common knowledge in the scene that she went back to living as a man. I also heard about a fair amount of other transsexuals, particularly Brazilian, who re-transition from men to women and then back to men. Some examples include Aline Bane, Angel Ferrari, and Meelynah Weelyans, shown in the pics below. Much of the reasons that are given, again in Brazil, are religion and family not accepting them as women so they change back. How common is this? What are some of the reasons for re-transitioning besides the ones I mentioned?

Great question, but I think you'll have to ask the likes of Paulistano or Louie Damazo directly to get a view based on direct experience of the Brazilian social context, which seems uniquely two-faced, even in the charged macho environment of Latin America.The two responses that seem to be common are violence and hypocrisy, which must go some way towards explaining the generally low esteem in which Brazilian tgirls are held in, certainly if reviews here are a yardstick - given the barriers they have to deal with at home, it's hardly surprising.

What I'd like to know, besides what the incidence of re-transition is, is how much religion has a part in re-transition. Latin America is also a part of the world in which the catholic church continues to wield huge social and political influence.

06-23-2011, 09:16 AM
Great question, but I think you'll have to ask the likes of Paulistano or Louie Damazo directly to get a view based on direct experience of the Brazilian social context, which seems uniquely two-faced, even in the charged macho environment of Latin America.The two responses that seem to be common are violence and hypocrisy, which must go some way towards explaining the generally low esteem in which Brazilian tgirls are held in, certainly if reviews here are a yardstick - given the barriers they have to deal with at home, it's hardly surprising.

What I'd like to know, besides what the incidence of re-transition is, is how much religion has a part in re-transition. Latin America is also a part of the world in which the catholic church continues to wield huge social and political influence.

I guess if you take Lisa Lawer as the obvious case in point, it seems that she simply fell in love with a woman and they both seemed happier to settle down in a conventional marriage with clear male and female roles.

It happens. I have a friend here in the music business in the UK who was always unashamedly gay and who also fell in love with a woman and is now the proud father of three beautiful children. Have a beer with him and he'll tell you he's still gay, but that he's happier than he's ever been in a monogamous relationship with his wife. Like I said on the Lisa thread, we live in a polymorphous sexual world, and all the better for it.

06-23-2011, 10:45 AM
How about the "men" who change into women, and then back to men again, and then back to women again. I can name a few of those.

As far as the Brazilians go - there are a few things to be aware of here. Firstl, being openly gay is a lot easier than being transsexual so it's not all about family, falling in love with a women, etc. It may be about ease of life. Alongside that, there are a LOT of "transsexuals" in Brazil working on the streets, in porn, who aren't really transsexuals but gay men, who've decided that they can make more money as a transsexual than a gay man, so they transition (incl. surgeries) and then revert later in life back to their male selves.

06-23-2011, 01:08 PM
I'm curious Seanchai, about the 'gay' men whose pose as transsexuals, would a client ever know??

If there a difference in their demeanor or approach to relationships/sex that would be a 'tell'??

I hear girls say frequently that many TGs are simply gay men in drag, and not truly transgendered.

Not that big a deal, but I am a little curious.

06-23-2011, 01:20 PM
I know very little about life in brazil, but i heard someone say once that its easier to be a ts (cause socially adjusted) then a feminine gay men.

I think for quite a few gay men that are feminine its sometimes better to be a ts, and many more seem to know it lately...because of the internet..

Still genderidentity isnt something to toy with..
I have known a girl who got the surgery and Then found out that she was no woman at all...she is now a he again and lives as a guy...

I think of the entire ts population there are actually few girls really born in the wrong body and social genderrole...

When you are just after sex, i dont think you will always know the difference, but the difference might become more clear in a long term relationship...

06-23-2011, 01:33 PM
There have been a few reported cases of women who transition and then have regrets. The Guardian ran a couple of pieces a few years ago.



06-23-2011, 03:07 PM
While looking at the Lisa Lawer thread, I realized it's pretty common knowledge in the scene that she went back to living as a man. I also heard about a fair amount of other transsexuals, particularly Brazilian, who re-transition from men to women and then back to men. Some examples include Aline Bane, Angel Ferrari, and Meelynah Weelyans, shown in the pics below. Much of the reasons that are given, again in Brazil, are religion and family not accepting them as women so they change back. How common is this? What are some of the reasons for re-transitioning besides the ones I mentioned?

A bloody good question????

06-23-2011, 03:09 PM
Like I said on the Lisa thread, we live in a polymorphous sexual world, and all the better for it.

And a bloody good answer

06-23-2011, 04:45 PM
Felicitas from Argentina

Francisma Amenabar from Chile

06-23-2011, 07:26 PM
I know a black transsexual in Chicago who says one day she will live as a man. She will die as a man because she was born a man. Her view is from religious one. Also my good friend that was a transsexual who died many years ago as a trans woman, her family and church barred her as man, never once did they refer to her as a "She/her" they referred to her as a he and his male name. I thought it was so sad being at her funeral. Seeing all my trans friends dressed as men to be her pallbearer because of her stricted latin catholic upbringing.

And I feel there are a lot of fem gay men who transition because they feel in the states its easier. Plus they love how they can get "str8" men. I know many gay men who fantasy is to turn a str8 man.

06-23-2011, 07:53 PM
it's scary from a relationship point-of-view that they might change their mind years down the road or were never genuine to begin with. It's not p.c. but I imagine whatever age their looks fade, they transition back because they can't find work

06-23-2011, 08:11 PM
I'm curious Seanchai, about the 'gay' men whose pose as transsexuals, would a client ever know??

If there a difference in their demeanor or approach to relationships/sex that would be a 'tell'??

I hear girls say frequently that many TGs are simply gay men in drag, and not truly transgendered.

Not that big a deal, but I am a little curious.

Why do you think many of the Brazilian TS porn models are so flexible/open minded in what they do and so good at all of it? I can't see how a client would know as to all appearances and mannerisms, they are the same.

06-23-2011, 08:40 PM
it's scary from a relationship point-of-view that they might change their mind years down the road or were never genuine to begin with. It's not p.c. but I imagine whatever age their looks fade, they transition back because they can't find work

If you transitioned for financial reasons only, you will never be genuine to begin with, i could not go back, it would most certainly kill me, you will more likely see me starving then transitioning back, it would feel like rape and fulltime humiliation and i will more likely choose death over having to live as a man

06-23-2011, 08:51 PM
Wow...what a potentially destructive dilemma.

06-24-2011, 06:10 PM
While looking at the Lisa Lawer thread, I realized it's pretty common knowledge in the scene that she went back to living as a man. I also heard about a fair amount of other transsexuals, particularly Brazilian, who re-transition from men to women and then back to men. Some examples include Aline Bane, Angel Ferrari, and Meelynah Weelyans, shown in the pics below. Much of the reasons that are given, again in Brazil, are religion and family not accepting them as women so they change back. How common is this? What are some of the reasons for re-transitioning besides the ones I mentioned?
Any pics of how they look today?

06-24-2011, 06:46 PM
I saw a program that interviewed some girls who transitioned back.
One of them who had lived as a woman for 20 years and had SRS, said she just no longer felt like a woman.

The other one got hung up on religion and was convinced she had violated god's plan and reverted to living as a man. This did not last and soon he was back in a self destructive pattern of drugs and alcohol he had gone through before his original transition.

06-24-2011, 07:30 PM
religion appears to have alot to answer for it seems .. its saddening something that is defunct and inept as religion can control and dominate so many peoples lives instead of just living their lives how best for them.

Louie Damazo
06-24-2011, 07:39 PM
Well i have another tranny that revert transition that may be u guys dont know - Leticia Freitas

She just left Sao Paulo city back to Fortaleza in Ceara state and revert to a guy again.

Miss Aeryn
06-28-2011, 03:39 PM
Another viewpoint:

I have met a few people here in Australia that are completely gay, and after the proverbial bottom dropped out of the gay escort scene with the advent of free-gay internet sex cruising sites, switched over to being 'transsexual' either with a push up bra and falsies, or got implants in Thailand; once they'd made enough money they stopped (or if with implants had them removed).

And I dare say that Australia wouldn't be alone.

06-28-2011, 05:40 PM
Another viewpoint:

I have met a few people here in Australia that are completely gay, and after the proverbial bottom dropped out of the gay escort scene with the advent of free-gay internet sex cruising sites, switched over to being 'transsexual' either with a push up bra and falsies, or got implants in Thailand; once they'd made enough money they stopped (or if with implants had them removed).

And I dare say that Australia wouldn't be alone.

Yep - what I said, further up the post.

06-28-2011, 08:31 PM
religion appears to have alot to answer for it seems .. its saddening something that is defunct and inept as religion can control and dominate so many peoples lives instead of just living their lives how best for them.
How is religion defunct or inept?

Are you sure you know what you're talking about? I don't think so. No offense.

06-28-2011, 09:09 PM
fuck religion, it almost destroy my relationship with my family, fuck it

06-28-2011, 09:21 PM
fuck religion, it almost destroy my relationship with my family, fuck it

But it didn't. Maybe it brought you closer together?
I'm just saying.

I try to understand where you're coming from though. Religion becomes a problem when people begin to inflict their own beliefs and ridiculous opinions, because they "think" that they know what God wanted.

I think prostitution goes against most religions though, so I can see why a lot of religious people would look down upon that. I'm not accusing of anyone here for being guilty of that anyway. I'll save the religion talk for another time but to call it defunct or inept is just inaccurate. Many people have used religion to get to a much better place in life and away from their "demons".

06-28-2011, 09:53 PM

06-28-2011, 10:45 PM

But it didn't. Maybe it brought you closer together?
I'm just saying.

I try to understand where you're coming from though. Religion becomes a problem when people begin to inflict their own beliefs and ridiculous opinions, because they "think" that they know what God wanted.

I think prostitution goes against most religions though, so I can see why a lot of religious people would look down upon that. I'm not accusing of anyone here for being guilty of that anyway. I'll save the religion talk for another time but to call it defunct or inept is just inaccurate. Many people have used religion to get to a much better place in life and away from their "demons".

It's inaccurate in your opinion.

There are a lot of things that religion look down upon that would be foolish to discuss here for the simple fact that you - if you're religious - would probably end up looking like a hypocrite.

06-28-2011, 11:44 PM
probably? No, definitely not.

Leave the assumptions to yourself because they make you look real dumb.

I've never paid for a prostitute, never fucked a prostitute, and I don't have any plans or desire to either.

A lot of prostitution contributes to the spread of STD's. I'm not in support of prostitution, but I'm not against it either. It's not for me to decide. It would be much better if it was legalized and regulated though, I think.

People have been getting prostitutes in this country since the beginning of America almost. Men would go to the bars after work and pay for some female to sex with, it was one of the only ways females could make their own money in those days.

06-28-2011, 11:54 PM
People have been getting prostitutes in this country since the beginning of America almost. Men would go to the bars after work and pay for some female to sex with, it was one of the only ways females could make their own money in those days.

Somebody has been reading Freakanomics ! :-)

06-29-2011, 12:42 AM
probably? No, definitely not.

Leave the assumptions to yourself because they make you look real dumb.

I've never paid for a prostitute, never fucked a prostitute, and I don't have any plans or desire to either.

A lot of prostitution contributes to the spread of STD's. I'm not in support of prostitution, but I'm not against it either. It's not for me to decide. It would be much better if it was legalized and regulated though, I think.

People have been getting prostitutes in this country since the beginning of America almost. Men would go to the bars after work and pay for some female to sex with, it was one of the only ways females could make their own money in those days.

I think you missed the point I was making - maybe you should read
my response again.

Getting back to Liberty's point: Religion has indeed prevented people from being themselves and that is it's purpose: to break humanity away from natural instincts and create an artifical code of ethics which - by following - is supposed to get you to some kind of paradise when you die. It is defunct for those of us who believe in ourselves and not some being enshrined in a magical land far far away who sits in judgement of us all.

06-29-2011, 12:52 AM
What does prostitution have to do with tgirls? just cause some of the ones we know of on the Internet do it doesn't mean they all do

06-29-2011, 12:58 AM
Religion is more about the way you treat others. It doesn't hold you back from being yourself, unless you want to be a thieve, murder, or prostitute.

It's about the golden rule: "Treat others the way that you would want to be treated."

If you think that I'm following any of those things just with hopes to make it to heaven, you're a sadly confused individual. I treat people that way because it is the humane way to treat people and it is the right way. I don't do it for any reward, just do it because it's right.

06-29-2011, 01:03 AM
This thread has got so retarded! Protitution and religion? WTF? Who cares the thread is about girls turning back to men! And a lot of times that steams from religious views! Has nothing to do with prostitution!!! The person I was talking about in Chicago doesn't hook!

06-29-2011, 02:34 AM
Religion is more about the way you treat others. It doesn't hold you back from being yourself, unless you want to be a thieve, murder, or prostitute.

It's about the golden rule: "Treat others the way that you would want to be treated."

If you think that I'm following any of those things just with hopes to make it to heaven, you're a sadly confused individual. I treat people that way because it is the humane way to treat people and it is the right way. I don't do it for any reward, just do it because it's right.

its not that marriage is bad, or prostitution is bad, it really depends on the heart and soul of the people...
In some situations even, you have to steal from a thief, or just to get ahead, and even murder can be inevitable...

Euthanesia is often called murder, suffering without a future to hope for is good and ok !

Its quite simplistic the way you think....

And that golden rule is foolish, who are you to say that what is good for you is good for others?

06-29-2011, 02:37 AM
Religion becomes a problem when people begin to inflict their own beliefs and ridiculous opinions, because they "think" that they know what God wanted.

That is all any religion is! Except it is ancient ridiculous opinions. (so worse - we don't still use bronze age healing practices do we?)

And what you were saying about the golden rule does not depend on religion at all. Ethics is not the same thing as religion!

06-29-2011, 02:39 AM
I didn't know Aline Brathio became a man (again). She was so cute! :(

06-29-2011, 02:42 AM
If you transitioned for financial reasons only, you will never be genuine to begin with, i could not go back, it would most certainly kill me, you will more likely see me starving then transitioning back, it would feel like rape and fulltime humiliation and i will more likely choose death over having to live as a man

Co-sign 1000%.

And that golden rule is foolish, who are you to say that what is good for you is good for others?

I always thought the golden rule was to treat others they the way they want to be treated. *shrug*


06-29-2011, 02:47 AM
I always thought the golden rule was to treat others they the way they want to be treated. *shrug*


The Golden Rule is He who has the gold, rules.

06-29-2011, 02:50 AM
Co-sign 1000%.

I always thought the golden rule was to treat others they the way they want to be treated. *shrug*


That would be a good rule !

So i want to be treated like a queen, my humble servant bella ;)

06-29-2011, 02:50 AM
The Golden Rule is He who has the gold, rules.

Lol !!!!

06-29-2011, 02:51 AM
That would be a good rule !

So i want to be treated like a queen, my humble servant bella ;)

I operate by the Silver Rule: treat people the way they deserve to be treated. :dancing:


06-29-2011, 02:53 AM
I operate by the Silver Rule: treat people the way they deserve to be treated. :dancing:


Ok so how then would you treat me if you met me irl by that silver rule ?

06-29-2011, 02:53 AM
I am re-transition as of Dic 31, 2011. Going back to be an alien. ;) LOL

06-29-2011, 02:55 AM
Ok so how then would you treat me if you met me irl by that silver rule ?

Depends. I'd have to meet you IRL. I find most people are entirely different when they're not on teh interwebz. Except me. I'm always a bitch. :geek:

I am re-transition as of Dic 31, 2011. Going back to be an alien. ;) LOL

Oh really? When did you ever stop?


06-29-2011, 02:59 AM
I am re-transition as of Dic 31, 2011. Going back to be an alien. ;) LOL

Ha ha ha,, nice one.

I transitioned from man to woman to zombie, now I want to transition into a toaster.

Of a serious note,, the person going through so many transitions back and forth must have some mental anguish as well, it can't be an easy choice.

06-29-2011, 03:01 AM
How is religion defunct or inept?

Are you sure you know what you're talking about? I don't think so. No offense.

What Libby says is largely true here in the UK, as far as the original white and Christian population is concerned, as formal religious observance covers about 2 - 3% of the relevant population. It's of course not the same among muslims, hindus, sikhs and others. An interesting phenomenon, anecdotally at least, during the 2011 census earlier this year was the number of people I heard personally say they would put themselves down as Christian although they never visit a church form one year's end to the next, as they saw it somehow as not only a badge of identity, but also a bulwark against the increasing representation of other faiths.

In the US religion, essentially Christianity, seems to have if anything a growing hold and role in both individual lives and politically. In Ireland, the baleful and largely destructive influence of the catholic church has at last been broken, and in Europe generally, the established churches tend to side with conservative and reactionary political forces. Worldwide, the catholic church's appalling behaviour and hypocrisy over the issue of child sex abuse is a running sore that won't be lanced without fundamental institutional reform. But in Latin America, as hinted at by Nikka, the church remains a very powerful force, and rarely for good. They have too much invested, spiritually and financially, not to support the status quo.

I'm making a clear distinction here between individual faith and worship and churches and sects at the institutional and political level.

If someone has a faith, fine, up to them, even if I disagree. Just get out of my face and respect my choice not to believe, please. Turn your arrogance into something useful.

06-29-2011, 03:02 AM
Depends. I'd have to meet you IRL. I find most people are entirely different when they're not on teh interwebz. Except me. I'm always a bitch. :geek:

Oh really? When did you ever stop?


Very funny! :hide-1:

06-29-2011, 03:02 AM
Of a serious note,, the person going through so many transitions back and forth must have some mental anguish as well, it can't be an easy choice.

Actually, the choice is easy if one is really just trying to be themselves. The question is whether or not an individual has the strength to do so.

But as has been said, it seems like a lot of 'girls' just do it for money.


06-29-2011, 03:03 AM
I operate by the Silver Rule: treat people the way they deserve to be treated. :dancing:


Depends. I'd have to meet you IRL. I find most people are entirely different when they're not on teh interwebz. Except me. I'm always a bitch. :geek:

Oh really? When did you ever stop?


Hopefully you will save my life and turn me into a lesbian lol

06-29-2011, 03:04 AM
Hopefully you will save my life and turn me into a lesbian lol

Considering all the bitching about men you do... :lol:


06-29-2011, 03:05 AM
Actually, the choice is easy if one is really just trying to be themselves. The question is whether or not an individual has the strength to do so.

But as has been said, it seems like a lot of 'girls' just do it for money.


I read a story of a ts that went from male to female to male without blinking an eye...

06-29-2011, 03:07 AM
I read a story of a ts that went from male to female to male without blinking an eye...

I think I saw that documentary. Was her name 'Jodi?' That seems like an awful lot of work for nothing. But then I guess that's why they have the RLT, and even still, people choose to go back all the time. If a person is ambivalent about their gender status, they should work out their desires before they act. People should be honest with themselves.

The image of men with vaginas comes to mind. And I don't mean FtM's. Ew. :lol:


06-29-2011, 03:11 AM
Considering all the bitching about men you do... :lol:


Do you mean there is hope for me ?

I really tried to be unemancipated lol ! I did !
real hard but its a tough job ...for a ts lol

06-29-2011, 03:15 AM
I think I saw that documentary. Was her name 'Jodi?' That seems like an awful lot of work for nothing. But then I guess that's why they have the RLT, and even still, people choose to go back all the time. If a person is ambivalent about their gender status, they should work out their desires before they act. People should be honest with themselves.

The image of men with vaginas comes to mind. And I don't mean FtM's. Ew. :lol:


Yes, problem is though that many lack that honesty and self reflection and try to hold onto something outside of themselves, like surgery, etc...

I dont know a lot of tgirls that are really certain of their identity...
Yes they claim they are, but at the same time sometimes deny that they are a ts, you dont have to deny something physical if you are sure who you are mentally

06-29-2011, 03:18 AM
Yes they claim they are, but at the same time sometimes deny that they are a ts, you dont have to deny something physical if you are sure who you are mentally

I'm not sure what you're saying here. :?

Are you saying that you have a problem with transwomen identifying as women and keeping their anatomy separate from that identity?


06-29-2011, 03:23 AM
I'm not sure what you're saying here. :?

Are you saying that you have a problem with transwomen identifying as women and keeping their anatomy separate from that identity?


No, twoman that hide that they are a ts physically, especially from themselves...ive known quite a few that said, i am no longer a ts...that now stay indoors, too afraid that the world outside might judge differently...

My point is, that if you are convinced you are a woman...you wont be needing to hide from yourself like that...

06-29-2011, 04:01 AM
bat shit crazy bella


06-29-2011, 04:08 AM
No, twoman that hide that they are a ts physically, especially from themselves...ive known quite a few that said, i am no longer a ts...that now stay indoors, too afraid that the world outside might judge differently...

My point is, that if you are convinced you are a woman...you wont be needing to hide from yourself like that...great post,i know a few tgirls that get so freaked about going in public its weird to me that a tgirl would transition without inner strength.you just have to look at me the wrong way and im in your face lol or i give them my evil eye lol.seriously how sad is it that you put yourself through hell and back and change your mind and go back to being a guy i just cant comprehend it.

06-29-2011, 04:10 AM
And that golden rule is foolish, who are you to say that what is good for you is good for others?
Golden rule is foolish? You sound ridiculous.. You clearly do not understand what it means.

I want respect and happiness. Do you not want the same?

Everyone wants that and no one wants to be violated, or have something done to them against their own will. Sure, we could live like wild animals and not have any moral codes. We could treat humans like they have nothing to offer other than their ass and tits, but that just wouldn't be right.

No one wants to walk outside the house and get punched in the face. No one wants to be disrespected and talked down to by another person.

Do you understand yet? We all want the same things and it starts with respect.

Some people are just miserable fools and they might walk around treating others like dirt, but if they could choose themselves they'd want to be treated like a King or Queen.

You don't have to treat others like royalty, but just be respectful.

The Golden Rule is quite the opposite of "ridiculous".

06-29-2011, 04:15 AM
great post,i know a few tgirls that get so freaked about going in public its weird to me that a tgirl would transition without inner strength.you just have to look at me the wrong way and im in your face lol or i give them my evil eye lol.seriously how sad is it that you put yourself through hell and back and change your mind and go back to being a guy i just cant comprehend it.

Confidence goes a long way in 'passing.' Personally, I take my womanhood for granted, so everyone else does too, sometimes to the point that when I out myself, I'm called a liar.

I'm OK with that though. Let them think that. :lol:

... but it's got to be really tough for some people.


06-29-2011, 04:16 AM
Golden rule is foolish? You sound ridiculous.. You clearly do not understand what it means.

I want respect and happiness. Do you not want the same?

Everyone wants that and no one wants to be violated, or have something done to them against their own will. Sure, we could live like wild animals and not have any moral codes. We could treat humans like they have nothing to offer other than their ass and tits, but that just wouldn't be right.

No one wants to walk outside the house and get punched in the face. No one wants to be disrespected and talked down to by another person.

Do you understand yet? We all want the same things and it starts with respect.

Some people are just miserable fools and they might walk around treating others like dirt, but if they could choose themselves they'd want to be treated like a King or Queen.

You don't have to treat others like royalty, but just be respectful.

The Golden Rule is quite the opposite of "ridiculous".

Ive known guys that want to be humiliated 247
And heard of another wanting to be punched in the face and travelled to the usa to achieve it ...

Anyway of course i understand, i actually have the same moral values as you seem to have apart from an "american dream" but i know i choose to live by them coz my heart tells me too, not coz i think others want to be treated as such...

06-29-2011, 12:54 PM
It's about the golden rule: "Treat others the way that you would want to be treated."
And, interestingly, that is also the rule that's first forgotten. Religion is the source of most hatred against homosexuals, for instance.

If religion was really about treating others like you'd want to be treated, there'd be a lot less miserable people in this world. It's more about imposing your views on others and punishing those who stray from the 'ideal' line.

06-29-2011, 01:16 PM
dont worry when the emperor of man comes and unites all the human races and exterminate hall of the human population from its relgion all will be rosy and we will all get along :) and push forward as one singular species :) happy days ..

dam i need to ease up reading the warhammer 40k stuff lol

06-29-2011, 02:49 PM
dont worry when the emperor of man comes and unites all the human races and exterminate hall of the human population from its relgion all will be rosy and we will all get along :) and push forward as one singular species :) happy days ..

dam i need to ease up reading the warhammer 40k stuff lol

just wont happen you weirdo!! we will already be colonised and enslaved by a flying fish race from another nebula pal

06-29-2011, 03:18 PM
dont worry when the emperor of man comes and unites all the human races and exterminate hall of the human population from its relgion all will be rosy and we will all get along :) and push forward as one singular species :) happy days ..

dam i need to ease up reading the warhammer 40k stuff lol

Do we get chainsaw bayonets!? Ooooh please tell me we get chainsaw bayonets!!! :praying::praying::praying:

06-29-2011, 04:58 PM
dont worry when the emperor of man comes and unites all the human races and exterminate hall of the human population from its relgion all will be rosy and we will all get along :) and push forward as one singular species :) happy days ..

dam i need to ease up reading the warhammer 40k stuff lol

Liberty, you ARE Judge Dredd and I claim my £5. :dancing:

06-29-2011, 04:59 PM
just wont happen you weirdo!! we will already be colonised and enslaved by a flying fish race from another nebula pal

And you, missy, need to cut the mixture with something softer!

06-29-2011, 08:40 PM
Tish Gervais -> Brian Belovitch, performer in Boys Don't Wear Lipstick.

Google it and you'll find out a lot about how things were in the US in the past.

06-30-2011, 02:23 AM
Some years ago I read about an scientific research relating to some brazilian gays who got silicon breasts for better earnings as prostitutes, and sometime later they returned to their male roles, as never identified as trans girls.

Dunno if is the same for the cases you mention.


06-30-2011, 05:22 PM

Well i have another tranny that revert transition that may be u guys dont know - Leticia Freitas

She just left Sao Paulo city back to Fortaleza in Ceara state and revert to a guy again.

Tina Francis
11-07-2011, 11:06 PM
I realize this thread is pretty old, but as a newb on HA i would like to add my 2 cents. I believe the Standards of Care need to be updated and reinforced. Too many crossdressers and TV'S are passed into a transition period due to a politically correct therapy community which just can't seem to say NO to anyone. A man who has spent a lifetime in that gender role who all of a sudden want's to undergo gender transition is a far cry from a highly effeminate teenage boy swishing down the street in heels and a skirt. There are true transsexuals out there, that is obvious, but the therapy community seems to add a new slice to the gender world pie simply on a whim.

Years ago, in the 70's, I consulted with a very kind, distinguished psychiatrist who had passed others into transition. In time he had a rock solid definition of my psycho-sexual makeup - a fetishistic heterosexual transvestite - and convinced me I would be very unhappy undergoing HRT, and that he would personally never endorse it. He was right, and I have long appreciated his candor and assistance in my coming to terms with my sexuality.

Heather Moorland
11-08-2011, 01:05 AM
I realize this thread is pretty old, but as a newb on HA i would like to add my 2 cents. I believe the Standards of Care need to be updated and reinforced. Too many crossdressers and TV'S are passed into a transition period due to a politically correct therapy community which just can't seem to say NO to anyone. A man who has spent a lifetime in that gender role who all of a sudden want's to undergo gender transition is a far cry from a highly effeminate teenage boy swishing down the street in heels and a skirt. There are true transsexuals out there, that is obvious, but the therapy community seems to add a new slice to the gender world pie simply on a whim.

Years ago, in the 70's, I consulted with a very kind, distinguished psychiatrist who had passed others into transition. In time he had a rock solid definition of my psycho-sexual makeup - a fetishistic heterosexual transvestite - and convinced me I would be very unhappy undergoing HRT, and that he would personally never endorse it. He was right, and I have long appreciated his candor and assistance in my coming to terms with my sexuality.

I think the problem is that trans-whatever is, in the west, understood in terms of a psychiatric diagnoses. It creates a binary of either you are born in a wrong body or you are a dysfunctional male that can't controle his sexdrive. I think that this is due to the very binary understanding of gender in western culture. You are either a man or a woman and if you are not (born intersexed forinstance) you are surgically "normalised" right after birth. This puts a pressure on people to choose. Some people make the wrong choice or choose somthing they are not reddy for.

When they made the psyhiatric diagnoses "transvestite" and "transsexual," They thought it was somthing new in world history that they had discovered, or if they knew of similar cases in history, they thought that a scientific explanation would be superior. They did this without understanding that their perception of what was normal was not beyond time and place.

Now if they had treated it as a sociological question instead they could have learned from the entire human experience of transgender. The hindu mythology, the norse mytology, the native american culture, the greak mythology and alot more. Then they (and we) would have understod that you don't need to be either or, but that you can be neither nor, both and inbetween (and at the same time). We would also have understood that beeing transgender is not nesserserily a constant. In other cultures and timeperiods you could live as the opposit gender for a period of time and then go back and live in your native gender for the rest. All depending on your individual destiny.

Transgender is our desteny. Not somthing we do for fun regardles of any lables we or others might apply to our selves. Offcause it could be debated if this is somthing we should take care of our selves or the medical comunity should be involved. Whatever it should be recognised that it is our destiny to be transgendered. Cosmetic operations will allways be a part of being transgender. It was in other timeperiods to the extent it was possible. Some people will need more operations than others, but I don't think that SRS should be considered more necessary than brestaugmentation. BA and FFS is actually more important if you want to blend in as a woman where as SRS has perhaps a more symbolic meaning.

An other problem connected to the pathologisation is that people is not allowed to take the consequense of their fait and their own actions. If I decide to have SRS and I later regret, I made the decition and I then have to live with it. No need to cry. No need to blame anybody else.

11-08-2011, 05:26 AM
Well i have another tranny that revert transition that may be u guys dont know - Leticia Freitas

She just left Sao Paulo city back to Fortaleza in Ceara state and revert to a guy again.


Very depressing to hear.

11-08-2011, 05:31 AM
i will never go back to be a man.And who goes back to re-transition is obvious that deep down he/she wasn`t very convinging inside,doeasn`t matter how gorgeous u are on outside.

11-08-2011, 05:36 AM
Were is the point in this so dificult journey ,hormones,implants,feminisation,srs all this things and after to change from the girl in man ?is absolutley madness

03-28-2012, 06:48 PM
Felicitas from Argentina

Francisma Amenabar from Chile

Kiara Felicitas? That's very sad news. Do you know why? And what she's up to?

03-28-2012, 07:23 PM
Kinda scared to read this entire thread as I'm helping someone navigate this process at the moment, she went from m-f-m and now I'm helping her get back on track so to speak.

At first I planned on making a movie about it, but it feels a little to exploitive to me at the current juncture.

03-28-2012, 11:23 PM
lots of girls have gone back, just only a few let it be known...but guys on this site would be surprised to see pics of some of the girls that went back...some real beauties, just some people realize they arent trans, or dont feel trans anymore, or do it for family, or for religion...

03-29-2012, 12:32 AM
That is so sad. Some of the names mentioned and when i looked at their photos makes me even sadder.

05-05-2012, 06:30 PM
Some other "male with titties" was revert back?
Is interesting to know..

05-05-2012, 10:27 PM
Were is the point in this so dificult journey ,hormones,implants,feminisation,srs all this things and after to change from the girl in man ?is absolutley madness

There is a lot of money one can make as a ts escort, porn star etc...

I know some people that are boy by day, girl per night that have breast implants because it can bring them much much more money.

05-05-2012, 10:35 PM
Ok here is the thing with psychiatric diagnoses, standards of care etc....

If a man want silicon implants in his breasts, he can have it the moment he pay, some doctors will even prescribe anti-testosterone and/or estrogen (for a few months, not permanent) so there is more fat above the silicon implant.

a man or a woman getting implants, or any cosmetic surgery, even if they might regret it later, and even if some changes are permanent.

Marriage is a big life changer, no need to talk a psy, yes it i reversible via divorce, but tell this someone that is paying $100k in a divorce settlement.

We live in societies where we have the right to make mistakes and regret them later, because it is out life. Unless you are trans, then the world assume you have a mental disability (this what medical diagnosis diagnose it). i don't a psy to tell me who i am, i know who i am.