View Full Version : Fresh & Easy

06-22-2011, 06:00 AM
Gayest store EVER!

06-22-2011, 06:07 AM
Are you kidding? Fresh and Easy rules! It's my favorite store. I do most of my food shopping there.


06-22-2011, 06:17 AM
Are you kidding? Fresh and Easy rules! It's my favorite store. I do most of my food shopping there.


Crappy selection, ridiculous pricing and dumb-ass hybrid parking spot that I park my V8 at just to troll environmentalists.

06-22-2011, 06:20 AM
Crappy selection, ridiculous pricing and dumb-ass hybrid parking spot that I park my V8 at just to troll environmentalists.

Lol wish I could see the reactions

06-22-2011, 08:24 AM
Gayest store EVER!

Well it is British, would you expect differently?

OTOH, it's corporate is about the only entity on the planet that can give Sam Walton's legacy a reaming, bareback without lube. If Tesco gets established in the states, we might have a new major employer after the gov't. If that's gay, they must be pretty butch. F&E is just their foot in the door in the states.

06-22-2011, 08:34 AM
Well it is British, would you expect differently?

OTOH, it's corporate is about the only entity on the planet that can give Sam Walton's legacy a reaming, bareback without lube. If Tesco gets established in the states, we might have a new major employer after the gov't. If that's gay, they must be pretty butch. F&E is just their foot in the door in the states.

Your smoking weed, pole or both. Tesco isn't even Kroger, let alone Walmart.

06-22-2011, 10:56 AM
Crappy selection, ridiculous pricing and dumb-ass hybrid parking spot that I park my V8 at just to troll environmentalists.

Ur such a pompous asshole.

06-22-2011, 11:47 AM
must be a ca chain first time if heard of them

Willie Escalade
06-22-2011, 01:44 PM
There's one near my job in Compton. I'll stick with Food4Less for now...

And you've got to videotape some of those reactions to your parking! PUSHROD POWER!!

06-23-2011, 05:04 AM
must be a ca chain first time if heard of them

As much as this state is overrun with liberal fucktards, this fucktarded chain is not a California business. True-to-form of euro-faggotry, it is a european business. Need proof? Hybrid parking spaces! HYBRID PARKING SPACES! It gets no faggier than HYBRID PARKING SPACES.

06-23-2011, 05:15 AM
As much as this state is overrun with liberal fucktards, this fucktarded chain is not a California business. True-to-form of euro-faggotry, it is a european business. Need proof? Hybrid parking spaces! HYBRID PARKING SPACES! It gets no faggier than HYBRID PARKING SPACES.

Nice way to brand a continent, tosspot.

06-23-2011, 05:28 AM
Nice way to brand a continent, tosspot.

Of course you one-upped me by using the term "tosspot" lol POPPYCOCK!

06-23-2011, 05:33 AM
Of course you one-upped me by using the term "tosspot" lol POPPYCOCK!

You're the tosspot, not the USA lol.

06-23-2011, 05:43 AM
As much as this state is overrun with liberal fucktards, this fucktarded chain is not a California business. True-to-form of euro-faggotry, it is a european business. Need proof? Hybrid parking spaces! HYBRID PARKING SPACES! It gets no faggier than HYBRID PARKING SPACES.

If you don't like hybrid parking spaces, then don't park in one. Otherwise if you do, I seriously doubt they could tow you from it.

That said, long live hybrid parking spaces! :lol:


06-23-2011, 06:17 AM
When all other trolling fails, you can always get some Spotted Dick at Fresh & Easy...at least the one in Eagle Rock.

06-23-2011, 06:20 AM
Hey, if you don't like it__boycott it. Oh that's right, you have to go there with your big mansized V8 to troll the pussy-wussy environmentalists. You're a bit mental yourself, Pomona; but we always knew you were a troll. Here's hoping you find a pick-up tonight at the Fresh & Easy.

06-23-2011, 06:25 AM
Hey, if you don't like it__boycott it. Oh that's right, you have to go there with your big mansized V8 to troll the pussy-wussy environmentalists. You're a bit mental yourself, Pomona; but we always knew you were a troll. Here's hoping you find a pick-up tonight at the Fresh & Easy.

That's MANSIZED to you.

06-23-2011, 06:27 AM
Your smoking weed, pole or both. Tesco isn't even Kroger, let alone Walmart.

Typical response. Size is all that matters.

Tesco is used all over the world as a test case and role model for retail success with a record for innovation to lock customers in that outstrips any other business in the UK. Of course they'll never really be able to challenge Uncle Sam's shambling behemoth on a US national basis, but you can bet that where they do become established, they'll scare the ass off Walmart.

06-23-2011, 06:30 AM
Typical response. Size is all that matters.

Tesco is used all over the world as a test case and role model for retail success with a record for innovation to lock customers in that outstrips any other business in the UK. Of course they'll never really be able to challenge Uncle Sam's shambling behemoth on a US national basis, but you can bet that where they do become established, they'll scare the ass off Walmart.

"Of course they'll never really be able to challenge" lol

Nice way to pussify your previous blustery proclamations

06-23-2011, 06:43 AM
"Of course they'll never really be able to challenge" lol

Nice way to pussify your previous blustery proclamations

Yeah, yeah, Sam Walton's got a bigger dick....

Look at the stats - Tesco is currently about 12% of Walmart's size, so a genuine attempt to overtake Walmart's dominance on a national scale in the US is a pipe dream, and Tesco knows that. But they're also sharp and smart enough to know how and where to hurt. Remember dinosaurs and mammals?

Turning to the UK, I'll give credit where it's due. Walmart's UK brand, Asda, lies second to Tesco in the UK in terms of revenues and market share, which is respectable after 12 years in this market. However, when it comes to innovation, Asda is in the same boat as all the other supermarket retail operations in the UK, playing catch-up with Tesco. Oh, and Tesco takes £1 for every £7 spent by consumers in the UK.

And for what it's worth, I admire Tesco as a business, but rarely shop there, so there's no axe to grind.

06-23-2011, 07:02 AM
Yeah, yeah, Sam Walton's got a bigger dick....

Look at the stats - Tesco is currently about 12% of Walmart's size, so a genuine attempt to overtake Walmart's dominance on a national scale in the US is a pipe dream, and Tesco knows that. But they're also sharp and smart enough to know how and where to hurt. Remember dinosaurs and mammals?

Turning to the UK, I'll give credit where it's due. Walmart's UK brand, Asda, lies second to Tesco in the UK in terms of revenues and market share, which is respectable after 12 years in this market. However, when it comes to innovation, Asda is in the same boat as all the other supermarket retail operations in the UK, playing catch-up with Tesco. Oh, and Tesco takes £1 for every £7 spent by consumers in the UK.

And for what it's worth, I admire Tesco as a business, but rarely shop there, so there's no axe to grind.

Man, he's not a very good troll, and you're too good of a guy to get drawn into this thread.

06-23-2011, 07:16 AM
That's MANSIZED to you.Surely you mean your V8 and not your princess-sized dick.

06-23-2011, 07:17 AM
Surely you mean your V8 and not your princess-sized dick.

I mean YOUR princess-sized dick

06-23-2011, 07:31 AM
I mean YOUR princess-sized dick

It's tired, man.

Please try to come up with metaphors about something other than dick sizes.

06-23-2011, 07:33 AM
I mean YOUR princess-sized dickReally? Let's go back and read what you said.

Crappy selection, ridiculous pricing and dumb-ass hybrid parking spot that I park my V8 at just to troll environmentalists. You talking 'bout my dick there? It's really not the size of a parking space; not even one for hybrids. But thanks for the flattery. lol

06-23-2011, 07:34 AM
Yeah, yeah, Sam Walton's got a bigger dick....

Look at the stats - Tesco is currently about 12% of Walmart's size, so a genuine attempt to overtake Walmart's dominance on a national scale in the US is a pipe dream, and Tesco knows that. But they're also sharp and smart enough to know how and where to hurt. Remember dinosaurs and mammals?

Turning to the UK, I'll give credit where it's due. Walmart's UK brand, Asda, lies second to Tesco in the UK in terms of revenues and market share, which is respectable after 12 years in this market. However, when it comes to innovation, Asda is in the same boat as all the other supermarket retail operations in the UK, playing catch-up with Tesco. Oh, and Tesco takes £1 for every £7 spent by consumers in the UK.

And for what it's worth, I admire Tesco as a business, but rarely shop there, so there's no axe to grind.

What the fuck are you talking about? Dinosaurs and mammals? Speak American.

Stop looking for an angle on this. You fucked up. Tesco is T-Mobile to Walmart's AT&T and even that's not a fair comparison. AT&T is roughly 50% bigger than T-Mobile whereas Walmart is 500% bigger than Tesco in terms of revenue.

And that's only revenue. Walmart has a bigger global footprint by far. Walmart moves local economies, Tesco is moved by local economies. Your not being fair to Tesco by even mentioning their name alongside Walmart. It's like comparing Cadbury to Mars Inc.

This is not a dig on Tesco. With the election of Barak Obama it's clear that faggotry does have a position in the global marketplace.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

06-23-2011, 08:01 AM
What the fuck are you talking about? Dinosaurs and mammals? Speak American.

Stop looking for an angle on this. You fucked up. Tesco is T-Mobile to Walmart's AT&T and even that's not a fair comparison. AT&T is roughly 50% bigger than T-Mobile whereas Walmart is 500% bigger than Tesco in terms of revenue.

And that's only revenue. Walmart has a bigger global footprint by far. Walmart moves local economies, Tesco is moved by local economies. Your not being fair to Tesco by even mentioning their name alongside Walmart. It's like comparing Cadbury to Mars Inc.

This is not a dig on Tesco. With the election of Barak Obama it's clear that faggotry does have a position in the global marketplace.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

Speak American? I speak English - we invented it. And Obama's a faggot because he's not the balls-out bomb 'em all to hell Captain America you clearly lust after. smh.

I give up. If you can't recognise that I've already conceded three posts ago on the scale issue, you're even dumber than I thought.

06-23-2011, 08:03 AM
Speak American? I speak English - we invented it. And Obama's a faggot because he's not the balls-out bomb 'em all to hell Captain America you clearly lust after. smh.

I give up. If you can't recognise that I've already conceded three posts ago on the scale issue, you're even dumber than I thought.

So you're on to personal insults now? LOL

You didn't concede, you simply repackaged.

06-23-2011, 08:06 AM
So you're on to personal insults now? LOL

You didn't concede, you simply repackaged.

To put in ENGLISH vernacular, I can't be arsed. Goodbye.