View Full Version : TGFlix Sucks

06-21-2011, 05:02 AM
I tried to join TgFlix, and they never sent my verification email. Is this a fluke, or is the site just run for shit?

06-21-2011, 05:21 AM
No its a good site, I am on it all the time. It is still very new so its got kinks, just send them an email or contact seanchai on here to help you! Lots of people on there!

06-21-2011, 09:05 PM
I think it SUX, also!!!

06-21-2011, 09:25 PM
It does SUX

06-21-2011, 09:43 PM
I tried to join TgFlix, and they never sent my verification email. Is this a fluke, or is the site just run for shit?

Check your spam folder.

I think it SUX, also!!!

It does SUX

Whatsamatta? A place where hundreds of guys use cock pics for avatars and girls never log on doesn't do anything for you? :geek:

Seanchai artificially inflated my profile count to over 13,000 over there so that I'd see the site as a success and be tricked into promoting it (which thankfully I never did). This just after he sent out a mass e-mail to HungDevils users promoting that I was a member there, and after he banned me for no reason. It's funny that my little puppet thinks he can turn the tables. :lol:

Try this instead: TOTAL-TG.COM (http://total-tg.com). We're smaller (1000 members) and simpler but still growing and have many of the same features as TGFlix (plus over 7500 LA area nightclub photos). :)


06-21-2011, 09:53 PM
New? I though it was out for a while now. Also I think this was re-make of the original
site that owner sold. If memory serves correct

06-21-2011, 09:54 PM
what is rtgflix?

06-21-2011, 09:55 PM
I prefer hamster. Nice n easy to use!

06-21-2011, 09:55 PM
New? I though it was out for a while now. Also I think this was re-make of the original
site that owner sold. If memory serves correct

Correct on both counts. Monica Ferrari owned it and sold it to Seanchai who immediately plastered Grooby and affiliate ads all over it despite the fact that he's proclaimed on numerous occasions that 'the affiliate model is dead.'


06-21-2011, 10:16 PM
Correct on both counts. Monica Ferrari owned it and sold it to Seanchai who immediately plastered Grooby and affiliate ads all over it despite the fact that he's proclaimed on numerous occasions that 'the affiliate model is dead.'


seanchai´s flood reply in about:

5 minutes

06-21-2011, 10:17 PM
seanchai´s flood reply in about:

5 minutes




What can he say? That none of that is true? We all know better. :geek:


06-21-2011, 10:17 PM
Correct on both counts. Monica Ferrari owned it and sold it to Seanchai who immediately plastered Grooby and affiliate ads all over it despite the fact that he's proclaimed on numerous occasions that 'the affiliate model is dead.'


The walmart of tranny porn has struck again!

06-22-2011, 09:37 PM
If its such a bad site - does anyone have any suggestions for what is a GOOD site - this one aside?

06-22-2011, 09:58 PM
It really sucks. It's only got about 14,500 members with people uploading their personal photos, videos, blogs and connecting with each other daily.

It amusing to see so many of the usual suspects (and the Bella brigade) who love to try and put down our company and products, which seem to be working pretty fucking well.


Models promote yourself and you're sites/cams.
Meet like-minded others.
View personal photos and videos.

If you didn't get an email when you joined check your spam filters/spam box - or maybe check you entered your email correctly !?! There is no foolproof website.

06-22-2011, 10:27 PM
Great site:


06-22-2011, 10:45 PM
I guess Im always gonna be suspect when one business owner trashes another, then says come on over to my place! At least the Seanchi chap took the high road. Cant say I'm a member of either, but if I did join one, I would have to try his site just because of this incident here.

Check your spam folder.

Whatsamatta? A place where hundreds of guys use cock pics for avatars and girls never log on doesn't do anything for you? :geek:

Seanchai artificially inflated my profile count to over 13,000 over there so that I'd see the site as a success and be tricked into promoting it (which thankfully I never did). This just after he sent out a mass e-mail to HungDevils users promoting that I was a member there, and after he banned me for no reason. It's funny that my little puppet thinks he can turn the tables. :lol:

Try this instead: TOTAL-TG.COM (http://total-tg.com). We're smaller (1000 members) and simpler but still growing and have many of the same features as TGFlix (plus over 7500 LA area nightclub photos). :)


06-22-2011, 11:09 PM
I guess Im always gonna be suspect when one business owner trashes another, then says come on over to my place! At least the Seanchi chap took the high road. Cant say I'm a member of either, but if I did join one, I would have to try his site just because of this incident here.

My site isn't for profit, so my 'trashing' of the other site was a truthful opinion and one that many people seem to share. I have no financial stake in this.

'Bella Brigade,' Seanchai says?! That's hysterical! I don't have an army. Some people are just free thinkers, other than me. But it's funny that people act like I could lead any group of people in some sort of conspiratorial action, let alone one as motley as this one. :lol:

But that's OK. You go ahead and do what you want. I think you'll figure it all out on your own anyway, if you care to stick around long enough to do so that is.


06-22-2011, 11:35 PM
My site isn't for profit, so my 'trashing' of the other site was a truthful opinion and one that many people seem to share. I have no financial stake in this.

TGFlix is 100% FREE.

You were a regular there until we took it over and made all areas, free. If you don't have a financial stake in trashing our products (I believe you do, which isa poor marketing plan for your very poor business) then what stakes do you have in consistently doing so?
Don't blame your failed businesses on ones that are doing better.

06-23-2011, 01:00 AM
Been around a short while and have seen you get into it with at least 2 people, and start your own "why does everyone hate me?" thread. And yeah, you could say I've figured it out.

My site isn't for profit, so my 'trashing' of the other site was a truthful opinion and one that many people seem to share. I have no financial stake in this.

I think you'll figure it all out on your own anyway, if you care to stick around long enough to do so that is.


06-23-2011, 01:50 AM
I prefer hamster. Nice n easy to use!

you got a great profile page over there Kim (and a great ass too) . I vist your page often xoxo

06-23-2011, 01:51 AM
Great site:


Anybody else have any pros or cons about this site?

06-23-2011, 01:51 AM
I tried to join TgFlix, and they never sent my verification email. Is this a fluke, or is the site just run for shit?
And you're here talking about it? Nice I guess.

06-24-2011, 09:57 AM
I just can't let this thread die. It's too damn yumm-ay!


06-24-2011, 10:00 AM
I prefer hamster. Nice n easy to use!

Given some of the things that we've seen vanishing up your arse Kim, I'm not that surprised! :joke:

06-24-2011, 10:11 AM
Been around a short while and have seen you get into it with at least 2 people, and start your own "why does everyone hate me?" thread. And yeah, you could say I've figured it out.

British snob. Contentedly ignorant of most of the facts. Affiliate. Biased. That thread inevitably turned into a love-in! :geek:

TGFlix is 100% FREE.

You were a regular there until we took it over and made all areas, free.

Bull fucking shit. I was VIP on your site even before it was your site, but that didn't mean I used it very often. It was just something Monica did for me.

If you don't have a financial stake in trashing our products (I believe you do, which isa poor marketing plan for your very poor business) then what stakes do you have in consistently doing so?
Don't blame your failed businesses on ones that are doing better.

What financial stake would I have? I don't have any pay sites right now, but I do have a free site with over 7500 photos (http://total-tg.com), most of which I took personally and am told by many are quite good, nearly professional quality, and certainly better than those taken by some of your photogs. OMFG, you crack me up! :lol:

I trash your business because I'm honest to a fault and I think your company is crap. I think you see it as the best simply because it's the biggest simply because it was the first. I don't think you provide a very good product or feminine representations of most of the girls you shoot unless they're your personal favorites. Generally I find you sleazy. You banned me from another site on which I was popular until you bought it and contrived a reason to get rid of me. I don't like your (read: Grooby's) intentional lying about what constitutes a 'shemale'; TV's should not be marketed as TS's and you know it. I don't like the militant cliquishness of the models who work with the enabler who is Buddy Wood. I don't like your Wal-Mart-esque business practices. I could go on. You may not like the source of the criticisms and you can question the motives all you like, but it doesn't make anything I've said less truthful.

You know. Just sayin'. But we've been here plenty of times before, haven't we? Why do you persist? If I'm so wrong, just tell me to go fuck myself and stop talking to me. I don't get you sometimes. You protest too much. :geek:


06-24-2011, 10:56 AM
Bella is awesome

06-24-2011, 11:06 AM
Bella is awesome

Thanks hon. You're sweet. But I'm kinda nervous. I mean what if I'm wrong. What if he's right? What if TGFlix is the best website in the history of internet history and I'm just prejudiced against industry fatcats?! What then?




The pressure!



06-24-2011, 11:09 AM
I don't care about TGFlix. I think I went there once and wasn't impressed by it. Of course this was before Seanchai bought it, so I don't know how it is now. I was just agreeing with you when you said "TV's should not be marketed as TS's and you know it."

06-24-2011, 11:11 AM
I don't care about TGFlix. I think I went there once and wasn't impressed by it. Of course this was before Seanchai bought it, so I don't know how it is now.

It's a fine example of a place where everybody utilizes the anonymity of the internet to bring out the worst of human nature .

I was just agreeing with you when you said "TV's should not be marketed as TS's and you know it."

I know, right?! WTF is up with that anyway?


06-24-2011, 11:15 AM
It's a fine example of a place where everybody utilizes the anonymity of the internet to bring out the worst in human nature .

I know, right?! WTF is up with that anyway?


I don't know to tell you the truth. I just think that Shemale Yum tries to take photos of girls in different stages of their transition, but sometimes they fall flat. I think Shemale Yum should just cater to TS models and not models who only do it to get extra money.

06-24-2011, 01:51 PM
I don't know to tell you the truth. I just think that Shemale Yum tries to take photos of girls in different stages of their transition, but sometimes they fall flat. I think Shemale Yum should just cater to TS models and not models who only do it to get extra money.

Thanks for your feedback. We do, do just that, take photos of girls in different stages, from different backgrounds, with different body sizes, different countries, ethnicities, ages and scenes. Sometimes it does fall flat but without giving those models a try, we'd never know and many, many models have had their first outing on Shemale Yum/Black Tgirls and may never have had the opportunity if we relied on tried and tested models, like other companies.

Almost all of our models are in transition but I expect nearly all models who work, do it to get extra money so I'm not sure at what you are getting at here?

Our websites work, despite some people not liking them, many many do which is why they continue to remain popular, continue to attract many of the top models and continue to perform better than any of the so-called, competition.

06-24-2011, 01:54 PM
It's a fine example of a place where everybody utilizes the anonymity of the internet to bring out the worst of human nature .

That sounds like Hungangels?

TGFlix is more of a social network arena than just an anonymous forum. It's moderated and mainly contains profiles, photos and videos of amateur tgirls, pro-models those wishing to show off their photos, friends, fans, wannabes and anyone interested.
The VIP section for which their was a charge was removed as soon as we took over and it's ran 100% free, with less advertising than most mainstream social networks.

06-24-2011, 02:09 PM
What financial stake would I have? I don't have any pay sites right now, but I do have a free site with over 7500 photos (http://total-tg.com), most of which I took personally and am told by many are quite good, nearly professional quality, and certainly better than those taken by some of your photogs. OMFG, you crack me up! :lol:

I trash your business because I'm honest to a fault and I think your company is crap. I think you see it as the best simply because it's the biggest simply because it was the first. I don't think you provide a very good product or feminine representations of most of the girls you shoot unless they're your personal favorites. Generally I find you sleazy. You banned me from another site on which I was popular until you bought it and contrived a reason to get rid of me. I don't like your (read: Grooby's) intentional lying about what constitutes a 'shemale'; TV's should not be marketed as TS's and you know it. I don't like the militant cliquishness of the models who work with the enabler who is Buddy Wood. I don't like your Wal-Mart-esque business practices. I could go on. You may not like the source of the criticisms and you can question the motives all you like, but it doesn't make anything I've said less truthful.

You know. Just sayin'. But we've been here plenty of times before, haven't we? Why do you persist? If I'm so wrong, just tell me to go fuck myself and stop talking to me. I don't get you sometimes. You protest too much. :geek:


Why to we keep doing this?
Well you do it Bella because you are a sad failure. In everything you've tried to do in this industry from being a model, to a voice for the adult models to a webmistress to running your own company has be an utter failure and instead of pointing the finger inwardly, to a self-defeating, poisonous personality who fails to grasp the most basic principles of business, you've chosen either conciously or otherwise, to place the blame at the feet of those who are successful within the industry and hold them responsible for your abject failures in this business and probably the rest of your life. You feel the need to have a cause and that cause is the easiest target, a company who rejected doing a second shoot of you and whom you believe had the ability and the need to undermine your career personally. You've spiralled from having complaints about the industry, to snipes at my physical appearance, to open fantasies about actually causing financial harm to my company and the dozens of men, women and transgenders working for it.

Why do I do it? As the only company owner (of a larger company) who bothers to engage people within forums and social networks and as somebody who has been on this forum, long before you and most others, as somebody who takes great pride in his business and the people who works for him, then if I see someone attacking it, them I'm going to defend it and I'm not going to let lies, fabrications and downright bullshit, remain without a fair retort. I've operated this way throughout the lifespan of the company and it works for us and for myself - which is why I continue to do it.
Your continuing assertation that we're the "Walmart" of porn is both hilarious and embarressing for you, as we could not be further from that. We run quality niche sites, aimed at specific markets, with partners in all areas of the production from the models through shooters to webmasters and producers.

You continue to go on about how bad Grooby is, yet why do almost all producers, photographers, webmasters, designers stay with us for over a decade and we have many models who continuously wish to come back and work for us?

Frankly, Bella, you are one of the best advertisements FOR my company by giving me the soapbox to defend it. As more and more people, see what a decrepit little venmous shit you are, the more realize that your rants are nothing but bitter jealousy and misplaced ire.

Fair enough?

06-24-2011, 03:19 PM
That Bella person sounds so bitter and sad. It's one thing to have a difference of opinion, but when she attacks successful business owners and models, it just seems sad. Have you all tried just ignoring her?

06-24-2011, 05:26 PM
Sooo, that's what's wrong with it...Steven owns it.

06-24-2011, 05:58 PM
British snob. Contentedly ignorant of most of the facts. Affiliate. Biased. That thread inevitably turned into a love-in! :geek:

Bull fucking shit. I was VIP on your site even before it was your site, but that didn't mean I used it very often. It was just something Monica did for me.

What financial stake would I have? I don't have any pay sites right now, but I do have a free site with over 7500 photos (http://total-tg.com), most of which I took personally and am told by many are quite good, nearly professional quality, and certainly better than those taken by some of your photogs. OMFG, you crack me up! :lol:

I trash your business because I'm honest to a fault and I think your company is crap. I think you see it as the best simply because it's the biggest simply because it was the first. I don't think you provide a very good product or feminine representations of most of the girls you shoot unless they're your personal favorites. Generally I find you sleazy. You banned me from another site on which I was popular until you bought it and contrived a reason to get rid of me. I don't like your (read: Grooby's) intentional lying about what constitutes a 'shemale'; TV's should not be marketed as TS's and you know it. I don't like the militant cliquishness of the models who work with the enabler who is Buddy Wood. I don't like your Wal-Mart-esque business practices. I could go on. You may not like the source of the criticisms and you can question the motives all you like, but it doesn't make anything I've said less truthful.

You know. Just sayin'. But we've been here plenty of times before, haven't we? Why do you persist? If I'm so wrong, just tell me to go fuck myself and stop talking to me. I don't get you sometimes. You protest too much. :geek:


I was a VIP too *high five*

06-24-2011, 05:59 PM
Our websites work, despite some people not liking them, many many do which is why they continue to remain popular, continue to attract many of the top models and continue to perform better than any of the so-called, competition.

Great marketing plan you have there: confuse the masses even more than they already are. Because yeah, that'll help honest-to-goodness transsexuals achieve acceptance, right? Look, men in wigs are not women and you can keep your closet homos that love them so much. :geek:

Why to we keep doing this?
Well you do it Bella because you are a sad failure.

If that were true, the rest of your epic-sized post would not be necessary, would it? It's nonsensical, inflammatory, and entirely biased anyway, with not a shred of objective truth. My so-called 'failures' have kept you up at night and made you spend all kinds of money on expansion, so I fail to see how pressuring you to do and say things you wouldn't otherwise is failure as opposed to retaliation for you blackballing me first. There's no shame in losing a fight to the biggest kid on the block, so really I just enjoy watching you squirm. And besides, history is full of incidents in which a small, but persistent resistance has driven out a superior military force. :geek: :lol:

And I love how your lame defense is always, 'look at the people I employ.' Paying for people to make you rich and to be narcissistic supply is not success. People go to work for the money and for no other reason. It doesn't mean that they like you or your company. You must be aware of this, right?

That Bella person sounds so bitter and sad. It's one thing to have a difference of opinion, but when she attacks successful business owners and models, it just seems sad. Have you all tried just ignoring her?

'That Bella person?' You run an affiliate website, you've been a member here for months, and you pretend that you don't know who I am in order to add weight to your also biased arguments? Did you even give me a chance? I didn't think so.

Idiota! :yayo:

Sooo, that's what's wrong with it...Steven owns it.

I didn't think you'd be surprised. He's the #1 cause of suck in the TS genre.

I was a VIP too *high five*

We RULE! :lol:


06-24-2011, 06:09 PM
Sooo, that's what's wrong with it...Steven owns it.
Almost ... It's that people know Steven owns it.

06-24-2011, 06:16 PM
Almost ... It's that people know Steven owns it.

If you're not the Wal-Mart of teh trannie pr0n, then why else would you care? Seriously. Honest question. :geek:


06-24-2011, 06:53 PM
If you're not the Wal-Mart of teh trannie pr0n, then why else would you care? Seriously. Honest question. :geek:


Re-phrase the question exactly please, why would I care about what?

06-24-2011, 06:56 PM
Re-phrase the question exactly please, why would I care about what?

Why would you care if people know that you own certain sites? Shouldn't you proudly announce your ownership? Why the selective ambivalence towards your corporate branding? Your banners are all over that place. How can one who knows anything about this industry not know it's your site?


06-24-2011, 07:01 PM
Great marketing plan you have there: confuse the masses even more than they already are. Because yeah, that'll help honest-to-goodness transsexuals achieve acceptance, right? Look, men in wigs are not women and you can keep your closet homos that love them so much. :geek:

Confuse what masses? What closet homos - do you mean the people that buy TS porn? Men in wigs certainly are NOT women - who made that point?

If that were true, the rest of your epic-sized post would not be necessary, would it? It's nonsensical, inflammatory, and entirely biased anyway, with not a shred of objective truth. My so-called 'failures' have kept you up at night and made you spend all kinds of money on expansion, and your actions have actually directly impacted my ability to do business to begin with, so I fail to see how pressuring you to do and say things you wouldn't otherwise is failure as opposed to retaliation for you blackballing me first. There's no shame in losing a fight to the biggest kid on the block, so really I just enjoy watching you squirm. And besides, history is full of incidents in which a small, but strong resistance has driven out a superior military force. :geek: :lol:

Somebody is going to make a great case study out of you one day. Your failures keep me up at night? You've made me squirm? You seriously believe this (serious question!). Is this kind of how you stated that it was your that helped Mandy copied and her success was due to you. You really have some serious ego issues. What are you talking about military forces? I run a business, if your businesses have failed and continue to do so, as I mentioned, it's on you.

And I love how your lame defense is always, 'look at the people I employ.' Paying for people to make you rich and to be narcissistic supply is not success. People go to work for you because you're paying them and for no other reason. It doesn't mean that they like you or your company. You must be aware of this, right?
What is lame about keeping a lot of people happily employed? People that contribute and share ideas and growth of the company both creatively and economically. I'm very proud of that fact and that so many of us have continued to work together, some for up to 15 yrs. My whole office (incl. their partners) relocated from Honolulu to Los Angeles with us recently, which must show that they're happy also. If it's narcissistic to be proud of the fact that the people who work for our company are happy, well cared for and enjoy their working enviroment, well that works for me.

06-24-2011, 07:03 PM
Why would you care if people know that you own certain sites? Shouldn't you proudly announce your ownership? Why the selective ambivalence towards your corporate branding? Your banners are all over that place. How can one who knows anything about this industry not know it's your site?


I don't care. I've never hidden it. My point is, that if I didn't own it, you wouldn't give a shit and wouldn't have gotten involved in this post. Purely the fact that I DO own it, is the reason that for some people "it sucks".

06-24-2011, 07:18 PM
Confuse what masses? What closet homos - do you mean the people that buy TS porn? Men in wigs certainly are NOT women - who made that point?

You did when you cross-branded transsexuals and transvestites on Shemale Yum.

Somebody is going to make a great case study out of you one day. Your failures keep me up at night? You've made me squirm? You seriously believe this (serious question!). Is this kind of how you stated that it was your that helped Mandy copied and her success was due to you. You really have some serious ego issues. What are you talking about military forces? I run a business, if your businesses have failed and continue to do so, as I mentioned, it's on you.

Seriously? Your purchases of message forums and your banning of me from one important one in particular for incidents that happened here, the T-Party and TGirls.com party photos (I'd almost forgotten about this one), and your recent 'DIY website program,' are just three recent Grooby projects that directly compete with concepts that I tried to bring to fruition first. Many people with whom I'd discussed said projects had, or now have, ties to your company, as seemingly every transsexual does, so it comes as no surprise. I've been playing things much closer to the chest these days as a result. Mama didn't raise no fool.

As far as Mandy is concerned, she and Wendy have been the most vocally upset when I criticize the male-majority control of the transsexual niche and in fact porn in general. It stands to reason that being involved in projects promoting (read: bragging about) their (token) 'success' in a man's world had something to do with said criticisms, does it not?

God damn you're obtuse.

What is lame about keeping a lot of people happily employed? People that contribute and share ideas and growth of the company both creatively and economically.

You mean your company. And there's nothing lame about it. What's lame is your pronouncement that people are happy because they're employed by you. Please. Most people know they're lucky to have any job right now, let alone one as creative and exciting as one in the porn industry. If you pay them, they will come. It has nothing to do with you. :rolleyes:

If it's narcissistic to be proud of the fact that the people who work for our company are happy, well cared for and enjoy their working enviroment, well that works for me.

No, it's narcissistic to insist that providing good working conditions is altruistic as opposed to a requirement of an employer who doesn't want to get caught red-handed exploiting people. Congratulations, you provide the basic minimum of that which is expected of you. Want a cookie? :geek:


06-24-2011, 07:23 PM
I don't care. I've never hidden it. My point is, that if I didn't own it, you wouldn't give a shit and wouldn't have gotten involved in this post. Purely the fact that I DO own it, is the reason that for some people "it sucks".

Actually, I specifically outlined why it sucks and lots of people seem to agree with me. But you can think whatever you like. I'm pretty much done here. You're ridiculous.


06-24-2011, 07:23 PM
Sad and bitter. You all should ignore her. They have been making DIY sites since Geocities and party pic sites are a dime a dozen. Now she thinks Seanchi is reading her mind and stealing "her" ideas. Next thing you know she'll have a tin foil hat on.

06-24-2011, 07:28 PM
Sad and bitter. You all should ignore her. They have been making DIY sites since Geocities and party pic sites are a dime a dozen. Now she thinks Seanchi is reading her mind and stealing "her" ideas. Next thing you know she'll have a tin foil hat on.

'... and you aaaaaare?!'


It's funny how the anonymous, ignorant crazies only seem to come out when I'm fighting with Steven. :geek:

You're entitled to your opinion. I'm entitled to think you're a troll.


06-24-2011, 07:29 PM
Anybody else have any pros or cons about this site?

It was a meat market!! I was on the site 25min and received 50+ messages guys out number the girls 20 to 1!!! I stayed three days not worth the hassale:(

06-24-2011, 07:35 PM
Well, I will say I have been to Grooby office and most or not all his staff that run the office are str8 and have no desire of ts porn. They love Steven and respect him and look very happy to work for him. I dont know who would leave their homeland to come to Cali to still stay at their job. So many people from Hawaii would never leave it, so that shows how much they love their jobs.

So, just saying its more than just a paycheck in their pocket.

06-24-2011, 07:39 PM
Well, I will say I have been to Grooby office and most or not all his staff that run the office are str8 and have no desire of ts porn. They love Steven and respect him and look very happy to work for him. I dont know who would leave their homeland to come to Cali to still stay at their job. So many people from Hawaii would never leave it, so that shows how much they love their jobs.

So, just saying its more than just a paycheck in their pocket.

Desire for porn isn't the only reason one might get into this business behind the scenes. Some people just want to be connected to an exciting field and this one just happens to be within a much broader entertainment industry. And lots of people have been migrating for work the last few years, you included!

And to which production company do you have the closest ties? Oh, that's right, Steven's, so what else are you going to say?

Sorry babes. It's nothing personal, but so far the only comments supporting him are from one of his models and one of his affiliates, and it's in the financial interests of both of you to defend the company. :geek:


06-24-2011, 07:40 PM
You did when you cross-branded transsexuals and transvestites on Shemale Yum.
Erm? I never cross-branded anything of the sort.

Seriously? Your purchases of message forums and your banning of me from one important one in particular for incidents that happened here, the T-Party and TGirls.com party photos (I'd almost forgotten about this one), and your recent 'DIY website program,' are just three recent Grooby projects that directly compete with concepts that I tried to bring to fruition first. Many people with whom I'd discussed said projects had, or now have, ties to your company, as seemingly every transsexual does, so it comes as no surprise. I've been playing things much closer to the chest these days as a result. Mama didn't raise no fool
Wow - seriously??? You think we/I copied those ideas from you? Your arrogance and ego show no bounds.
If they were your concepts then where are they and what happened? Maybe you spent so much time attacking other people - that they failed? My point exactly. YOU failed - not because other companies succeed but because you are poison.

As far as Mandy is concerned, she and Wendy have been the most vocally upset when I criticize the male-majority control of the transsexual niche and in fact porn in general. It stands to reason that being involved in projects promoting (read: bragging about) their (token) 'success' in a man's world had something to do with said criticisms, does it not?
No, it does not.

You mean your company. And there's nothing lame about it. What's lame is your pronouncement that people are happy because they're employed by you. Please. Most people know they're lucky to have any job right now, let alone one as creative and exciting as one in the porn industry. If you pay them, they will come. It has nothing to do with you.

No THE company, a lot of people share in the profits and the input of it. You know nothing about it. Your comments show how little you know about working with other people and running a company, which is why again, you fail so often. Try being a little humble and treating people as important parts of the process and it might go a long way for you.

No, it's narcissistic to insist that providing good working conditions is altruistic as opposed to a requirement of an employer who doesn't want to get caught red-handed exploiting people. Congratulations, you provide the basic minimum of that which is expected of you. Want a cookie? :geek:

Obviously you don't know anything about our company which provides far more than any basic or minimums to all the employees. It would seem your jealousy of people able to work together and be happy at their work, must be at any good company, not just ours?

Bella - you truly are a sad piece of work but again, thanks for continuing to build a soapbox for me, I'd like to provide one for you but knowing your negativism you'd probably use it as gallows.

06-24-2011, 07:46 PM
'Erm? I never cross-branded anything of the sort...'

'YOU failed - not because other companies succeed but because you are poison.'

'No, it does not.'

'No THE company, a lot of people share in the profits and the input of it. You know nothing about it. Your comments show how little you know about working with other people and running a company, which is why again, you fail so often.'


Try being a little humble and treating people as important parts of the process and it might go a long way for you.

OMFG! Did YOU just write that? You want to lecture me about humility?! *smdh*

Yeah. I'm done. Just remember, you can lie all you like elsewhere, but people here aren't falling for it any more.


06-24-2011, 07:53 PM
Yeah. I'm done. Just remember, you can lie all you like elsewhere, but people here aren't falling for it any more.


Bella, that is you. My money is where my mouth is, I've shown what I do, my business is fairly transparent and I work and have met with multiple forum members.
Your constant attacking of only my company, whilst other companies practise the same (or in many cases worse) business than you claim we do coupled with the fact, that this all started when we refused to reshoot you (again, despite the fact no other company wishes to reshoot you) has shown you up to be a rather large liar, fabricator of the truth and self-serving.
If you are done, move on.

06-24-2011, 07:54 PM
Desire for porn isn't the only reason one might get into this business behind the scenes. Some people just want to be connected to an exciting field and this one just happens to be within a much broader entertainment industry. And lots of people have been migrating for work the last few years, you included!

And to which production company do you have the closest ties? Oh, that's right, Steven's, so what else are you going to say?

Sorry babes. It's nothing personal, but so far the only comments supporting him are from one of his models and one of his affiliates, and it's in the financial interests of both of you to defend the company. :geek:


I dont have ties just to Grooby or Steven, I have worked with SMC and Strokers too! So, I am not saying it to say it! I am saying from what I have seen. I mean have you been to the office and met his staff? No, so I am giving you opinion from meeting them. But your right I work for Grooby so I am part of the puppets. LOL! And if I was just saying it to say it because of money you are dead wrong! I make more money being a hooker! LOL!

06-24-2011, 08:05 PM
I mean have you been to the office and met his staff?

Urgh - don't wish that on them - they might move back to Hawaii after that experience.

06-24-2011, 08:10 PM
the fact, that this all started when we refused to reshoot you (again, despite the fact no other company wishes to reshoot you) has shown you up to be a rather large liar, fabricator of the truth and self-serving.
If you are done, move on.

Well, that explains the "sad and bitter"

06-24-2011, 08:10 PM
urgh - don't wish that on them - they might move back to hawaii after that experience.

lmao! :)

06-24-2011, 08:17 PM
Well, that explains the "sad and bitter"

Honed right in on his stock deflection, didn't you? Right. 'Cuz your not biased. :lol:

Seriously, when was the last time anybody heard me complain about my being blackballed anyway? If anything, I've worn it like a badge of honor. :geek:


06-24-2011, 08:57 PM
And I love how your lame defense is always, 'look at the people I employ.' Paying for people to make you rich and to be narcissistic supply is not success. People go to work for the money and for no other reason. It doesn't mean that they like you or your company. You must be aware of this, right?

I have bitten my tongue so many times but this truly does deserve a reply. And let me state for the record that no one came and asked me to become part of this thread!

This is simply a stupid collection of thoughts that have no basis in reality.

Many people continue to work for companies when they could probably get better pay or benefits elsewhere. People... that is what ultimately makes a business successful.

In my professional dealings with Grooby, and consequently Seanchai, I have always been treated with the utmost respect. It is solely for this reason that I continue to WANT to work with this company, not because, ultimately, it helps pay the bills.

Honestly, I doubt few other people really have the full understanding of just how shady a company like Grooby COULD become without people like Seanchai, and his excellent staff at the helm. This isn't pandering, it's simply a statement of facts.

I think what really surprised me about Grooby is how much collaboration there is and how different ideas are welcomed and encouraged from the bottom up. I've never had an idea that I've had or thrown out there, no matter how wild, laughed at or ridiculed. There is a constant shift of ideas and that makes working for the company exciting and yes, fun.

Honestly, I just don't quite understand where this animosity comes from, and nor do I really like to become involved in drama. The conspiracies and accusations are mostly comical, but, enough is enough already! When you start belittling the actual employees of a company, who as far as I know, have never uttered a contrary word to you, I think that is crossing the line.

I like Seanchai personally and I like Grooby as a company and it has been my pleasure to be associated with them through the years.

06-24-2011, 09:07 PM
Almost ... It's that people know Steven owns it.

What an asswipe! Everything you've touched has turned into a terd.

06-24-2011, 09:23 PM
What an asswipe! Everything you've touched has turned into a terd.

What's a "terd"?

06-25-2011, 05:17 AM
What's a "terd"?

If I spell it with a 'u', would you understand, numbnuts? "turd" / "terd" = samo-samo, Okie Dokie!:loser::whistle:

06-25-2011, 10:19 AM
If I spell it with a 'u', would you understand, numbnuts? "turd" / "terd" = samo-samo, Okie Dokie!:loser::whistle:

Do you mean if you spelled it correctly?
Stop being such an old Queen and leave your handbag at home. Are you still sour about Vicki dumping your old boys club and laughing all the way to the bank (while giggling at all of you?).
Grow up.

06-25-2011, 03:15 PM
Do you mean if you spelled it correctly?
Stop being such an old Queen and leave your handbag at home. Are you still sour about Vicki dumping your old boys club and laughing all the way to the bank (while giggling at all of you?).
Grow up.

No, you're just one of the world's pissants, anyway you slice it.:shrug

07-01-2011, 08:35 PM
As far as Mandy is concerned, she and Wendy have been the most vocally upset when I criticize the male-majority control of the transsexual niche and in fact porn in general. It stands to reason that being involved in projects promoting (read: bragging about) their (token) 'success' in a man's world had something to do with said criticisms, does it not?


Nah, I have no problem with anyone pointing out that the porn industry is one that by and large is based on men making money off of women. I've actually been very vocal about that for 6+ years now and very early on garnered a reputation as an uppity dyke whore. (which just about any producer will nod their head)

I just think your critique is muddled and egotistical and your critiques of me are utterly lacking in reality or knowledge.

Girl I'm just trying to make it from one week to the next, you gotta stop letting your bitterness and frustration seep out as attacks on other TS women who have been struggling to make porn a better place.

I pay my models better than most (and constantly get criticized for my bad business practices), I pay my crew better than most. I use women as my shooters, editors, PA's etc and have deeply personal relationships with just about everyone. So next time you nurse a model through a drug overdose, psychiatric meltdown, cancer/chemo-therapy, coping with suicide, rape, etc...give me a call and we can chat.

I'm a very sensitive gal and it really bothers me to have someone I've never met attacking my character. My last year has been filled with devastation and loss and I don't want people attacking me for things I haven't done. I've made plenty of mistakes that far too many people witnessed and I really am trying to be a good person.

I try to treat just about everyone I meet with love and respect and it sucks to be shit talked.

07-01-2011, 08:53 PM
My god Bella you just dont make sense. I have told you before that I def. think you make valid points on how this Industry is run and run by who however I have never been upset over those comments, I just dont like you. I dont see how you think I am upset when I am the ONLY American Ts Star that runs and operates my own Distribution with DVD's (thanks to Joanna Jet and Gia Darling) I found that I was not going to make it as some do with hand outs from the bigger companies so I did it myself. So how would I be "upset" over you being vocal, my critique is how you do it not the message but the messanger.

You and I share alot of the same views but I am making the system work for me instead of burning bridges.

My view is that you are of NO relevance to the TS genre YET you continue to make comments about the Industry like you have some invested interest. You have no idea how similar our path (your beginning and mine) was. I quickly found that screaming foul play wasnt getting me anywhere and make it work MY WAY.

You wish for more Independant Ts workers yet you attack some of the ladies who have worked the hardest for it, that I dont understand. I have been given NOTHING and talked about like a dog by some of these asshole producers but I win by continuing to be RELEVANT and PRESENT in the Industry.

Just let it go and we can agree to disagree!

07-01-2011, 09:32 PM
There is so much wrong with both of the last two prior posts and frankly, I don't feel like arguing about it anymore. We're obviously not going to agree. Fuck it. That's what I say. We all have our ways of dealing with the inequities of the business and frankly, the industry needs an iconoclast like me to take people to task just as much as its needs people like you two to try and stay positive.

It's about time people realize that. I'm tired of getting hated on too... just for filling a necessary role. Do you girls really think this is easy? We've all had to make sacrifices, as Mandy has pointed out before, so why is mine the least respected? Because Steven says this is all over a photoshoot? And people actually believe that after 2 years? Please.

Respect is a two-way street and I didn't disrespect either of you until you decided you didn't like me, sight unseen, because you disagree with my political methods. In the immortal words of Denis Leary, 'life sucks; get a fucking helmet.' :geek:


07-01-2011, 09:44 PM
There is so much wrong with both of the last two prior posts and frankly, I don't feel like arguing about it anymore. We're obviously not going to agree. Fuck it. That's what I say. We all have our ways of dealing with the inequities of the business and frankly, the industry needs an iconoclast like me to take people to task just as much as its needs people like you two to try and stay positive.

It's about time people realize that. I'm tired of getting hated on too... just for filling a necessary role. Do you girls really think this is easy? We've all had to make sacrifices, as Mandy has pointed out before, so why is mine the least respected? Because Steven says this is all over a photoshoot? And people actually believe that after 2 years? Please.

Respect is a two-way street and I didn't disrespect either of you until you decided you didn't like me, sight unseen, because you disagree with my political methods. In the immortal words of Denis Leary, 'life sucks; get a fucking helmet.' :geek:


No, please Bella, address the substance of what we are saying rather than perpetual ad hominem attacks. What sacrifices? You made a bunch of comments that EVERYONE who works in the industry found off putting. Generally when nobody agrees with you that doesn't make you an iconoclast, just incorrect. Sacrifice is not about ego, its generally about putting others needs above your own.

My friend January Seraph told me I needed to stop "being a socialist pornographer" I took that as a compliment. My devotion to my models basically ended a 7 year partnership with the love of my life. I have really bad boundaries with people, I give just about everything I have to those I interact with, and at the end of the day I'm probably too goddamn genuine to be in this biz. So at the very least, if I'm gonna blow all my money making sure my friends/co-workers are ok, I don't want someone who has never done shit in the biz speaking untruths about my character.

07-01-2011, 09:50 PM
No, please Bella, address the substance of what we are saying rather than perpetual ad hominem attacks. What sacrifices? You made a bunch of comments that EVERYONE who works in the industry found off putting. Generally when nobody agrees with you that doesn't make you an iconoclast, just incorrect.

Are you fucking serious? Address the substance? We've all been arguing about this for two years! The one time I put my foot down and say enough is enough you essentially call me a coward? 'Cuz yeah, I'm a big wimp who's afraid of a fight. :geek:

And 'off-putting' is not the same as disagreeable. Usually when someone finds something off-putting, it's because it's true, otherwise why would they care? The rest is just semantics.

Seriously. WTF?! I'm glad I bother you so much. Considering how little it takes, you deserve whatever feelings you're being forced to confront. Step off, skinny britches.


07-01-2011, 09:58 PM
very early on garnered a reputation as an uppity dyke whore. (which just about any producer will nod their head)

This made me laugh because I think I have been asked by two different producers if I knew you and at least one of them asked if you were a dyke who hated men(they were a fan of yours)

and give up on Bella. Shes always angry about something and honestly thinks that she is right about everything. There is no getting through to her. Don't waste your emotional energy on it. She just mad.

07-19-2011, 03:46 PM
Check your spam folder.

Whatsamatta? A place where hundreds of guys use cock pics for avatars and girls never log on doesn't do anything for you? :geek:

Seanchai artificially inflated my profile count to over 13,000 over there so that I'd see the site as a success and be tricked into promoting it (which thankfully I never did). This just after he sent out a mass e-mail to HungDevils users promoting that I was a member there, and after he banned me for no reason. It's funny that my little puppet thinks he can turn the tables. :lol:

Try this instead: TOTAL-TG.COM (http://total-tg.com). We're smaller (1000 members) and simpler but still growing and have many of the same features as TGFlix (plus over 7500 LA area nightclub photos). :)


Just like good old Stevie. Steve is such a nice fellow. Never stops at anything. It amazes me who he always thinks he can get away with it. But with Steve you never bore yourself. He is short tempered. Narrow minded and a bit of an imposter. Famous quotations are : karma is a bitch, what's your motivation or wait until I get my hands on you. The last one is the sweetest.

On the other hand big man Gallon talks about customer care and defender of transgenders. A kind of Tranny Captain America. While in fact if you look deep down inside the brain of Mr Gallon you'll only see one thing. Money money money honey.

Why people follow this hoax or sign up as a member on one of his websites is a complete mystery to me. If people out there admire Steve Gallon's work of art there are plenty of websites to get it for free. Yes those little pirates and the shit Steve will bring. Now tell me Steve is your last name Gallon or Austin. I think Austin because to me you are a six million dollar man full of....bs

he he he

07-19-2011, 03:59 PM
Just like good old Stevie. Steve is such a nice fellow. Never stops at anything. It amazes me who he always thinks he can get away with it. But with Steve you never bore yourself. He is short tempered. Narrow minded and a bit of an imposter. Famous quotations are : karma is a bitch, what's your motivation or wait until I get my hands on you. The last one is the sweetest.

On the other hand big man Gallon talks about customer care and defender of transgenders. A kind of Tranny Captain America. While in fact if you look deep down inside the brain of Mr Gallon you'll only see one thing. Money money money honey.

Why people follow this hoax or sign up as a member on one of his websites is a complete mystery to me. If people out there admire Steve Gallon's work of art there are plenty of websites to get it for free. Yes those little pirates and the shit Steve will bring. Now tell me Steve is your last name Gallon or Austin. I think Austin because to me you are a six million dollar man full of....bs

he he he

Confused. This new poster quotes that Bella person, but lashes out at Seanchi.

07-19-2011, 04:11 PM
Can we have an IP check?
I'm thinking that would send a shiver down some people's spines! :shrug

09-16-2011, 07:28 PM

Over 15,500 members
12,000+ pics of individuals of all types of transgenderism and their friends, free blogs, networking, emails.

07-15-2013, 02:28 PM

Over 15,500 members
12,000+ pics of individuals of all types of transgenderism and their friends, free blogs, networking, emails.

I really hate re-opening this mud slinging event but I will anyway, hope BellaBellucci stays away.

I joined the site, it is free and does have a bunch of members, problem is most haven't logged in for a year or more.

This could be a fucking great site but it is lacking interaction or the ease to find it if there is any. A majority of the members log in, set up a profile, upload a few stolen photos and that is pretty much it. It has a facebook look to it but that is about where the comparison ends. It should have a open chat forum where the home page tab is, then a personal profile tab, it should have a streaming page tab of all your friends posts, you should be able to post links to other pages to get some dialog going. A groups tab, and a blogs tab, then the photo and video tabs.

This site needs dialog, some interaction with each other. As it is you get board in less then a week.

Just my 2 cents, worth about a penny.

07-15-2013, 02:31 PM
There is some venom here lol.

07-15-2013, 11:43 PM
I really hate re-opening this mud slinging event but I will anyway

Why? It's nearly two years old and really no longer relevant. :?

I suppose you can't hate it that much, now can you?



07-15-2013, 11:58 PM
I luv TGflix!