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12-28-2005, 10:37 PM
1st things 1st....................how are you gonna send weed info to ya friends via a cellphone?????????????? dumb asses

2nd thing

someone will be buying these in packs and running to a bootleg Kinko's and selling fake ipod shuffles for $70 on Canal Street


12-29-2005, 12:57 AM
1st things 1st....................how are you gonna send weed info to ya friends via a cellphone?????????????? dumb asses

Hunh! :smh

Shrewsbury. Why am I not surprised? :P

Re: Bootleg Kinkos

Those action-packed dudes from Treasury busted some local teens near me a couple years back for printing twenties on their laserjet in mom 'n dad's basement. The kidz had picked up on an age-old practice of bleaching lesser bills (In this case fives, rather than the classic ones, to get the watermark and security strip) and printing the higher denomination on the genuine currency paper.

I'm not giving away state sekrits here, as the bleaching trick goes way back to the thirties, at least, and has been so well documented that these gits probably Googled it.

HOWEVER, if you are a cashier or in a cash business (YO! Girls!) and you use one of those counterfeit detection pens, don't put all your trust in that stroke of chemical-reactant ink. The ink reacts to the phosphor content embedded in the cloth that makes up the bulk of the rag content of currency paper. Since this trick uses the real paper, the pen tells you the bill is "real" when it isn't.

Study your money. It's fun. Look for the micro-printed words "United States of America" near the portrait, that printing can't be mechanically reproduced by a scanner or copier.

Find the owl on the $1 bill. He looks like this: :shock:

But I digress. :lol:

Um...JWBL, does that all count as "Tech" stuff? :wink:

12-29-2005, 02:14 AM
Um...JWBL, does that all count as "Tech" stuff? :wink:[/quote]

hell yeah, keep em coming

12-29-2005, 02:54 AM
Um...JWBL, does that all count as "Tech" stuff? :wink:

hell yeah, keep em coming[/quote]

Cool. I love to talk about money. :D

You gotta love a job where you can put an inside joke in the hands of millions of people without them even knowing about it. The engravers get little greeblies into the scrollwork that is fun to hunt out. One engraver in the stamp biz, the late Czelaw Slania, even put tiny self-portraits into some of his work, most notably as a skier on a Swedish stamp and as himself, an engraver, on a UN stamp. :)