View Full Version : Conservatives Target 'Playboy Club' Show on NBC

06-18-2011, 05:39 PM

The conservative Florida Family Association (FFA) is planning to target companies planning to run ads on “The Playboy Club,” a new television series that debuts this fall on NBC.

David Caten, FFA executive director, said Tuesday, “The show is about Hugh Hefner’s pioneering of the porn industry with his Playboy Enterprises.”

Caten pointed to a release from NBC. It read as follows: “This provocative new series captures a time and place that challenged the social mores, where a visionary created an empire, and an icon changed American culture.”

Caten targeted Comcast-affiliated channels -- including NBC, G4TC and the Entertainment Channel -- for their questionable content.

http://www.sunshinestatenews.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/small/images/DAVID_CATON.jpg?1308411264 (http://www.sunshinestatenews.com/image/david-caton)David CatonHide

“Certainly other networks carry and have carried racy, explicit programming,” conceded Caten. “But those shows on other company networks have not focused on profiling the porn industry like the Comcast-owned Entertainment Channel’s Playboy ‘Girls Next Door,’ numerous ‘True Hollywood Story’ episodes and G4TV network’s ‘Rated A for Adult.’"

Caten expanded on his group’s opposition to G4TV running "Rated A for Adult," noting the show "profiles the hard-core porn industry’s conventions, videos and toys."

“The show uses porn stars as their hosts,” insisted Caten. “Most of G4TV’s programming is about video gaming. Therefore, many children who tune in to watch G4TV shows about video gaming will be exposed to the hard-core porn industry.”

Caten planned to contact companies that advertised during "The Playboy Club" and ask that they withdraw their sponsorship, noting that his organization had some success with previous and continuing campaigns against similar shows, including "Rated A for Adult." He also noted that FFA was also planning to target Comcast and NBC, urging them to pull the show.

Already, KSL-TV, a Salt Lake City-based NBC affiliate run by Deseret Media, which is affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons), has already refused to broadcast "The Playboy Club."

The FFA is not the only conservative organization rallying against the new show. Morality in Media and the War on Illegal Pornography Coalition has already launched a petition drive to remove the show.

"Since the '50s, sleazy Hugh Hefner and his Playboy Magazine have pushed a philosophy which dictated that, to the 'sophisticated man,' the female is a mere toy to be used, abused and discarded,” said Patrick Trueman. “That philosophy has inflicted unimaginable harm to our society, now documented by years of research. The harms of pornography include addiction of children and adults, violence against women, sexual trafficking, increased child pornography, destruction of marriages, and so much more.

"Today – with the cooperation of NBC and the network's use of the public airwaves – Playboy is poised to cause even more harm, this time bringing its sleaze directly into America's living rooms,” added Trueman. “We don't need NBC to pour more fuel to that fire," he added. "NBC may have a license to use the public airwaves, but it abuses its privilege when it collaborates with hard-core pornographer Playboy and promotes the exploitation of women. The Playboy Club and the Playboy philosophy must be stopped.”

The Parents Television Council has also condemned Comcast and NBC for running the show, noting that actors and actresses were signing nudity clauses -- a rarity for a prime-time television show.

Jeez what happened to freedom of choice. IF you don't want your kids watching this shit then don't allow them to watch it.

06-19-2011, 04:13 PM
yup...they're a bit too buttoned down for my tastes, but NBD (no big deal) I mean really why shouldn't they have the same right to call for a boycott of advertisers on what they deem objectionable? Shit nearly every day somebody at Huff Po or Media Matters is calling to boycott somebody....mainly Beck. Most of these boycotts never get much traction, as I suspect this one won't either...so not to worry Silcc...you can still get your porn piped in via your TV ! LOL

And as far as Freedom of choice...it's quite alive and well thank you. It needs massaging every once in awhile....for example you can still get Larry Flint's rag rather easily ....all you have to do is ask the Pakastani clerk to get you a copy from behind the counter...this way my little neices and nephews aren't subjected to it plasterd all over the news stand when i take them for a slurpie !

06-23-2011, 09:06 PM
I hope the Future Farmers of America sues their ass.

10-06-2011, 10:57 PM
Well it got canned after 3 episodes. Did anybody watch it?


Bobby Domino
10-07-2011, 12:22 AM
Holy shit was it horrible. I heard about the cancellation and decided to watch the first episode On-Demand.
Jesus, I lasted 15 minutes - bad acting (I'm not even sure it was the actors' fault), the script was shit, unreal situations, and all-around bad chemistry among the actors & plot.
None of the characters were appealing. A very 2-dimensional show, a 3rd grade cardboard cut-out of Mad Men.
I think the concept is great. They could have hired Heff as a consultant because I'm sure

Haven't watched Pam-Am, yet. I heard it was a touch more captivating than Playboy Club. Anyone have comments?