View Full Version : Just Friends - Is it possible?

06-16-2011, 11:22 PM
Do girls have straight guys that are just (and strictly just) friends? Or do they behave the same way around tgirls as with genetic girls - where they are maneuvering themselves to get into your pants.

06-17-2011, 01:48 AM
No, at least in my situation. I've try to be friends with a gg for a couple of years, but fell for her soon after we became friends. I thought maybe she felt the same and told her. She said she loved me, but as a friend and if we would have a relationship it would ruin what we had. So have been trying to go back to the mind frame of a friend and watch her continue dating losers that end up using her for sex and the last one knocked her up on purpose and she finally broke it off with him after a year of trying to make him a decent dad. I've gone thru hell the last couple of years with her and her poor choices in relationships just to watch her in the last 2 weeks hookup with a new guy, who will screw her over and i will be left with the peices until she hooks up with another winner. I am through with being the friend and caring about her, so in the end she ruined the friendship anyways. Again, in my experience, No guys and girls usually can't be just friends. Just ranting. Now i feel better and can move on minus one friend. Seeya.

Willie Escalade
06-17-2011, 07:44 AM

06-17-2011, 07:45 AM
Yep,you can.

06-17-2011, 07:48 AM

06-17-2011, 01:34 PM
The thing to remember about dogs is that they eat their own puke.:yayo:

06-17-2011, 01:56 PM
Yes, I know a couple. I think there are good and bad ones, just like ts and genetic fems.

06-17-2011, 08:53 PM
No ! :fuckin:

06-17-2011, 10:41 PM
there are bad guys and good guys, i have some guy friends but most of the time guys end up being jerks.

06-17-2011, 11:30 PM
No, at least in my situation. I've try to be friends with a gg for a couple of years, but fell for her soon after we became friends. I thought maybe she felt the same and told her. She said she loved me, but as a friend and if we would have a relationship it would ruin what we had. So have been trying to go back to the mind frame of a friend and watch her continue dating losers that end up using her for sex and the last one knocked her up on purpose and she finally broke it off with him after a year of trying to make him a decent dad. I've gone thru hell the last couple of years with her and her poor choices in relationships just to watch her in the last 2 weeks hookup with a new guy, who will screw her over and i will be left with the peices until she hooks up with another winner. I am through with being the friend and caring about her, so in the end she ruined the friendship anyways. Again, in my experience, No guys and girls usually can't be just friends. Just ranting. Now i feel better and can move on minus one friend. Seeya.
how did she ruin the friendship if your the one that caught feelings.atleast she was honest and straight up with you.you should of been honest with yourself and walked away long time ago.

06-18-2011, 12:09 AM
I think that's every relationship. there's always one person who cares a little more

06-18-2011, 05:20 AM
Yes, it is.

06-18-2011, 05:41 AM
I have a couple of fully transitioned friends, both of whom I knew when they were biologically male and both of whom have gone on to have srs and are now in long-term mutually fulfilling relationships with guys.

If you can't have a relationship with a gg or a tgirl without focusing primarily on the sexual possibilities, it's a shame, because these friendships can be hugely rewarding. I know that I've learned a huge amount about the world of the transsexual girl and all the traumas and anguish, both psychological and physical, that they have to go through, which I would never have gained if the relationship had a mainly sexual focus. I hope it's given me a greater empathy and sympathy for them, and helped me to support them in their hard times.

06-18-2011, 05:54 AM
my best friend is a girl!

06-18-2011, 09:42 AM
Yes guys and girls can be friends. But it's best if you see a flaw in the girl that makes you believe that sex, would make life too complicated. And that does not mean that a man would never feel a moment of lust, at one time or another. But he has the choice, not to act on that lustful moment, especially while looking at the bigger picture.

06-18-2011, 07:39 PM
how did she ruin the friendship if your the one that caught feelings.atleast she was honest and straight up with you.you should of been honest with yourself and walked away long time ago.

Looking back now, i should have and i did distanced myself a couple of times, but she would come back around and i thought it would be different, but it wasn't. Actually one time she mentioned about getting engaged, but in 2 weeks time she met someone new. I use it ad a good learning experience.

06-19-2011, 04:51 AM

06-19-2011, 04:53 AM
how did she ruin the friendship if your the one that caught feelings.atleast she was honest and straight up with you.you should of been honest with yourself and walked away long time ago.

You are quite wise to be so young. :)

06-30-2011, 10:32 PM
I have a lot of girls as friends and for a long time too :)

07-01-2011, 03:00 AM
Anything is possible!

07-05-2011, 12:43 AM
So guys who want sex are dogs and only guys who women are friends with with no sex involved are good guys? Men are biologically wired to want sex, and here's a news flash, SO ARE WOMEN! If guys who don't want sex are the only good ones then why bother having a relationship with a guy? Is this why some of you women don't want 2 cross the "friendship line"? if a guy treats you right, even if he's your friend, it doesn't mean he's gonna treat you like shit after he fucks you. You can tell when a guy is genuine or just hits you up once a month to see if you wanna hang out or fuck.

I dated a girl for 6 months and I never once brought up sex, but the girl knew I was into her romantically. She fed me all these bullshit lines about waiting for anything sexual. Then I find out she's fucking other dudes and dating other guys. Friends I knew seen her in other dudes neighborhoods and shit too. Then she's gonna blow up when I start to ask questions and that's she lying to me, and get upset cause she's giving other dudes the pussy and not me. Tells me I'm a jerk just like every other guy.

You women will give up the pussy to assholes who treat you like shit and then blame a decent guy when he finally wants to go further and see that he's not being played SMH

07-05-2011, 01:06 AM
So guys who want sex are dogs and only guys who women are friends with with no sex involved are good guys? Men are biologically wired to want sex, and here's a news flash, SO ARE WOMEN! If guys who don't want sex are the only good ones then why bother having a relationship with a guy? Is this why some of you women don't want 2 cross the "friendship line"? if a guy treats you right, even if he's your friend, it doesn't mean he's gonna treat you like shit after he fucks you. You can tell when a guy is genuine or just hits you up once a month to see if you wanna hang out or fuck.

I dated a girl for 6 months and I never once brought up sex, but the girl knew I was into her romantically. She fed me all these bullshit lines about waiting for anything sexual. Then I find out she's fucking other dudes and dating other guys. Friends I knew seen her in other dudes neighborhoods and shit too. Then she's gonna blow up when I start to ask questions and that's she lying to me, and get upset cause she's giving other dudes the pussy and not me. Tells me I'm a jerk just like every other guy.

You women will give up the pussy to assholes who treat you like shit and then blame a decent guy when he finally wants to go further and see that he's not being played SMH

You've hit the nail on the head when it comes to some girls. So what I learned through some bad experiences is this: If your a friend with a girl and you develope feelings for her, and she tells you she doesn't want to ruin the friendship or she's not wanting a relationship right now; Run Like Hell! Cause in my experience what she means by those words she wants/is fucking someone, just not you. Your there for back up that's it. So if this happens, better to just walk away sooner than later, and not waste your time. This is not all girls, just some that I've been around.

07-05-2011, 01:54 AM
^ Well, women or TG have their criteria for what they want in a lover. It all depends on the girl. They may place a high priority on muscles or looks -- expecially the young girls do -- and then it may matter less if he's an insensitive jerk. Love is irrational. It's fun to say things like "dogs eat their own puke" (as BigDF wrote) but it doesn't change the brutal reality of it.

But I think you can be "just friends". There are plenty of fish in the sea, i.e. girls with a vast range of priorities and criteria. Eventually one will match you. In the meantime, why not be friends with those who aren't particularly turned on by you -- provided, of course, that they are worth being friends with ? I don't see a problem with it. Oh by the way, I've also seen girls change their mind after a period of being "just friends". Sometimes it's because they want to go slow and get to know you. But if they are dating other guys they probably won't ever change their mind.

07-09-2011, 07:44 PM
^ Well, women or TG have their criteria for what they want in a lover. It all depends on the girl. They may place a high priority on muscles or looks -- expecially the young girls do -- and then it may matter less if he's an insensitive jerk. Love is irrational. It's fun to say things like "dogs eat their own puke" (as BigDF wrote) but it doesn't change the brutal reality of it.

But I think you can be "just friends". There are plenty of fish in the sea, i.e. girls with a vast range of priorities and criteria. Eventually one will match you. In the meantime, why not be friends with those who aren't particularly turned on by you -- provided, of course, that they are worth being friends with ? I don't see a problem with it. Oh by the way, I've also seen girls change their mind after a period of being "just friends". Sometimes it's because they want to go slow and get to know you. But if they are dating other guys they probably won't ever change their mind.
I agree, they don't change their minds if they are dating others. It's ok to hang out with a girl as long as neither have feelings for each other, because it's ruins the friendship.

07-09-2011, 07:54 PM
i have male friends, female friends, transexual friends, gay, lesbian, bisexual... i really don't care. some of them i look at in a different light,.. but that doesn't mean i want to fuck everyone i care about.

yeah you can be just friends... it's when you decide theres no one else you want to be with, (without actually finding out) that you fuck yourself out of a good friend.

Willie Escalade
07-09-2011, 10:43 PM
You've hit the nail on the head when it comes to some girls. So what I learned through some bad experiences is this: If your a friend with a girl and you develope feelings for her, and she tells you she doesn't want to ruin the friendship or she's not wanting a relationship right now; Run Like Hell! Cause in my experience what she means by those words she wants/is fucking someone, just not you. Your there for back up that's it. So if this happens, better to just walk away sooner than later, and not waste your time. This is not all girls, just some that I've been around.
Boy, do I know about THIS first hand!

07-10-2011, 07:26 AM
Boy, do I know about THIS first hand!

I wish I didn't live thsi experience. She put me through hell.

07-10-2011, 07:48 AM
Even if she was ugly, i'd wanna bone her...just to get it out of the way! :shrug

07-10-2011, 08:06 AM
Even if she was ugly, i'd wanna bone her...just to get it out of the way! :shrug

Practical as ever, Jericho.

Good show. Carry on.

07-10-2011, 08:37 AM
Practical as ever, Jericho.
Good show. Carry on.

Well, it saves you both the embarrassment of waking up with a hangover one morning, turning over, and........ :hide-1:

07-10-2011, 10:37 AM
Plenty of women are just good friends - in the words of many politicians and football stars - especially after they refused my amorous advances.

07-10-2011, 02:32 PM
Yes, it's possible. I have several platonic female friends, some of whom have been friends for a long time.