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View Full Version : Robbed - Could not believe this happened.

12-28-2005, 03:38 AM
Last Thursday night I decided to visit a provider. It had been a long time, and I was visiting the Detroit (suburbs) area for the holidays. What happened seems like a nightmare, I can't believe it really happened, but it did.

Just as a point of reference I am a good looking young white male, well educated, and do not pretend to be anything but that. I have been seeing TS providers sporadically for years now, generally doing my research and never having any bad experiences. Perhaps my never having had any bad experiences led me to ignore my conscience on this one a few times, and make some bad choices.

I looked at the Eros ads, and called a girl that goes by "Caramel Kisses".


She looked very sexy to me in the ad, and seemed nice enough on the phone, at least initially. We agreed on a price, and she told me what intersection she was at, and to call her when I approached that intersection.

I drove to that area and called her. At this point she told me what hotel she was at and to call her when I got there. I followed her directions, calling her from the hotel parking lot. She said that she was a block away, and to give her just a few minutes to arrive. She told me which room it would be, and that she would call me when she was ready.

I parked where I could clearly see the entrance to the room mentioned and waited. After about 5 minutes of waiting a man who very much appeared to be a client exited the room, leaving the area. I found this odd since she said she was not in the room yet, but figured she just had really been finishing up with another guy, and ignored it. Then a man in a very nice Mercedees pulled up, entering the room without knocking. I immediately wondered if this man were some type of pimp, and became more uncomfortable. Yet I still waited. Then a girl who appeared to be the girl in the ad (very hot) stepped out of the room, looking around the lot. She went back inside. After this a rather non-attractive individual came qucikly into the area on foot, going into the same room. Just about a minute later I got the call to come on in.

I had a bad feeling about the whole thing at this point. Why was this man who appeared to be a pimp or something in the room still? Who was this person who ran in at the last minute? But I was pretty horny, and perhaps a little naive, seeing as I have never really had a bad experience. I thought with my dick instead of my brain, and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and the unattractive person I saw run in answered the door. This was not the girl in the ad, not the girl I saw come into the lot briefly just minutes before. This was a very unattractive TS I think, maybe just a guy in drag w/ a stuffed bra. Wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and looking quite dirty and ghetto. I immediately said something to the effect of "I thinks there has been a mistake, I'm all set", and began to turn away to get in my car and get the hell out of there. As soon as I did this, this person grabs my sweater with force, trying to pull me into the room in a violent manner. She's saying something like "I don't think so, get the fuck in here bitch".

At this point I am fearful for my life. I have no idea what will happen to me if I get in that room. Get the shit beaten out of me, robbed, shot, who knows. I know there are at least 2 other people in the room. As I mentioned before, I am a suburban college aged kid, and in no way have much experience with this kind of a situation. Not only that but I am visiting family, driving my mothers car, etc.... Had I not known there were other people inside I would have defended myself and fought back, but feared that in the current situation it would be a very bad and dangerous idea, so managed to break free.

As soon as I broke free the person in the door began coming at me. The car was much too close to reach it and get in before I would be caught, so I ran away from the car, across a busy street, hoping to find an open business where I would at least threaten calling the police, and in the mean time ensure that I would not be done any physical harm. The person is chasing me across the street yelling for me to "give her my money".

I managed to get into the one of those nightime lobbies at a hotel across the street. I was not in it for 10 seconds before my attacker was in it as well. I told the night attendant to please let me in, that I was being attacked and needed to call the police. She refused to let me in, telling us both we needed to leave the premises immediately. At this point an angry cab driver pulls up, yelling at my attacker to pay him. Apparently this person had taken this cab to the first hotel, and had him wait out of my sight before he/she came in the room. When I fled w/ this person chasing me, the cabby saw, and had not been paid. He wanted his fare. I paid the cabby, telling this person that was all I would do, that I owed them no money, and was going to call the police. They said fine, that they would show the cops that I had called them on their phone, thus incriminating me. The way I saw it was this, yes I called the number, but they would have no proof I agreed to any incriminatiing exchanges of money. It is not illegal to knock on a door and then change ones mind without money ever changing hands, as happened here. It is illegal to attack someone and attempt to rob them though. As much as I believed this would be the case, I was not 100 percent sure, and certainly did not want to end up in jail on some embarassing charges, having my parents car impounded, etc.... It was too risky, I could not call the cops. I had to get out of there.

I ran like hell back across the street, hoping to make it into my car, lock the doors, and get out of there. I of course was being chased again. It was really icy out. I was worried that the man in the room may at this point be waiting by my car, maybe with a gun. I could see the car, no-one waiting by it. I was fumbling with the keyless entry thing on the key chain while running, since it was not my car it was foreign to me. I managed to get in the car, but before I could close the door my attackers arms were in the car. I could not get the door closed. Got the car started, while the attacker is scracthing at my head, trying to force their way into the car. As I get the car in drive to pull away, hopefully dumping this person on their ass, they somehow manage to get into the car, jump over me into the passenger seat.

Now this person is in the car. I say I am going to drive to the police station. He/she says fine. This person starts demanding my money again, saying just give me $40 and I'll get out. At this point I just want out of there more than anything, so I give this person $40. They then demand more. I finally just give it to them, thinking the money is no longer important, I just want to make it out of there alive and safe. When this person has all the money that was discussed as a fee at the very beginning, they demand more. I tell them I have no more money, showing them empty wallet. (more cash was hidden elsewhere in the car, but this person did not know that). this person starts yelling at me, saying I should not "play". They then punch me in the face, and get out of the car. I drive away as fast as possible, heart racing, scared out of my mind, happy to be alive.

The way I see it I was not "playing" as my attacker claimed. I responded to an ad, and this person was not the person in the ad. I quietly and calmly attempted to leave before ever entering the room, only to be attacked. Had I been pulled into that room I really believe I may have suffered great harm.

This pretty much ends my hobby of seeing the TS providers from time to time. I should have done better research before calling as I normally do, but never imagined something like this would happen. I find TS girls to be irresistably attractive, moreso than GG's, so really regret that I may never again be able to indulge in visits with them, but brushing up against the underbelly of society like this was a wake-up call. Never again.

12-28-2005, 03:53 AM
Fuck dude....
Glad to hear you got out in one piece, though a little roughed up. You should have driven over that bitch when you left. Fuck. Brutal.

The American Nightmare
12-28-2005, 03:56 AM
Robbed??? I don't think you understand how serious this is!


Perverted Monk
12-28-2005, 04:14 AM
Sorry to hear that,

It could of been worse. This experience may give you the "those damn Blacks" thinking, but know that this could happened from anybody to anybody. So don't feel so bad about yourself. Chalk as getting a lesson in street smarts.

And for gods sake, TRUST YOUR GUT.

12-28-2005, 04:16 AM
Glad you're alright

Big Booty Shemale Lover
12-28-2005, 04:40 AM
Robbed??? I don't think you understand how serious this is!



12-28-2005, 05:07 AM
First, glad you're alright.

But be warned: You are your own worst enemy. :x

From your description, it wasn't a HOtel, it was MOtel. First mistake. No security cameras, no security or bell staff, maybe one person in the office.

You see traffic in and out of the room, but you go in anyway. Jeez, man! Do the fucking math!

Then you say that you know there's three people in the room. What?!? Didja think this was gonna be a four-way :?:

And then you keep handing them money, figuring 'Hey, they're OK with that' :?:


And you paid the cabbie to leave :?: :!: :?:

Buttfuck idiot :!:

Cabs have radios. Pissed off cabbies can rain down some serious shit, including cops and an army of pissed off cabbies. Been there, done that. Cabbies can get faster response and in greater numbers than the 911 turret.

Thanks for the warning on the girl, but based on your statement that you let your dick do the thinking for you, you need to wail on that fucker because it's stoopider than you are. And that's not too far of a reach. :evil:

You may get some sympathy from a few of the guys here, but not from me. I have a very low tollerance for dumbass, dipshit, stoopid mutherfuckers and, from what you've shared here, you deserve to be the fucking king of them all.

Dumb fuck. You may be damned lucky you weren't killed, but we aren't.

You're still pissing in our gene pool.


The American Nightmare
12-28-2005, 05:38 AM
Well, since we got the rant ball rolling...

What's the deal with this "provider" bullshit? I was willing to slide with the whole escort thing, but this is too much.

This seals it. From now on, you're all whores and prostitutes to me.

12-28-2005, 05:40 AM
Cocaine's (or in this case crack) a hell of a drug. You need to stay away from the Tyrone Biggums looking hoes.

12-28-2005, 05:56 AM
My commentary is as follows:

1) I am genuinely glad you are alright.

2) You don't have an ounce of common sense or street smarts and should stay away from escorts all together. Come to think of it, you are probably better off not leaving your house at all.


Gus The Dagger
12-28-2005, 05:56 AM
Robbed??? I don't think you understand how serious this is!


By this guy or by the Tgirl?

The American Nightmare
12-28-2005, 06:02 AM
[You gonna get raped]

By this guy or by the Tgirl?
Probably one, then the other. I lost track of who all was in the seedy motel room.

i would just add that im sad he didnt get smacked around some more so maybe some fucking sense could have been slapped into that dumb white cranium of his...
I'm sad that we won't be seeing any of this on COPS. Cause you know there's probably another side to the story that we're not hearing.

You could turn on the TV and see what really happened. After the incident, the officer is talking to bhamboy: "Man, this is the third time this week I've had a call on you getting chased by trannies."

12-28-2005, 06:36 AM
From your description, it wasn't a HOtel, it was MOtel. First mistake. No security cameras, no security or bell staff, maybe one person in the office.

yeah. i mentioned in my initial post that i know i made alot of mistakes, i'm not denying it. it was off a major road, and not in the ghetto or anything, but i should have trusted my gut instincts.

You see traffic in and out of the room, but you go in anyway. Jeez, man! Do the fucking math!

i know man. like i said, i know i was stupid. but that still does not justify what happened to me.

Then you say that you know there's three people in the room. What?!? Didja think this was gonna be a four-way :?:

no, i guess what i thought was perhaps more than one girl was using the room for business, and that the other people would not be in sight while i was there. those things do happen, but i admit, i made some stupid decisions.

And then you keep handing them money, figuring 'Hey, they're OK with that' :?:

I really don't know what you mean by that. I wasn't handing anybody money. Only once I realized that the situation had gotten totally out of control did i give anyone any money, decided my safety was more important than the money. At that point I was worried about getting shot or beaten beyond recognition.

And you paid the cabbie to leave :?: :!: :?:

Yeah. If you were there you would understand. This bitch was yelling at me, trying to play the victim, saying she did not even have money for her cab fare and that it was my fault. So I gave the cabbie 10 bucks and told her that was the end of it, I owed her nothing. Are you saying that by keeping the cabby around he could have been of some aid to me? I did not think of that, things were happening quickly.

12-28-2005, 06:37 AM
I'm sad that we won't be seeing any of this on COPS. Cause you know there's probably another side to the story that we're not hearing.

actually, there really is not another side to this story. i was pretty honest about the whole thing.

12-28-2005, 06:41 AM
My commentary is as follows:

1) I am genuinely glad you are alright.


2) You don't have an ounce of common sense or street smarts and should stay away from escorts all together. Come to think of it, you are probably better off not leaving your house at all.


yeah, you are right about the street smarts. i don't live in a world where they are necessary. i'm an educated contributing member of society, who does not need to know the ins and outs of crackwhore scam artists. i take pride in that. to be honest, when all is said and done i feel sorry for that bitch. she has to live her life, while i get to walk the fuck away.

12-28-2005, 06:55 AM
[ when all is said and done i feel sorry for that bitch. she has to live her life, while i get to walk the fuck away.[/quote]

I think thats the best qoute ever made on here. You should make that your signature or whatever on every post

Gus The Dagger
12-28-2005, 07:08 AM
[You gonna get raped]

By this guy or by the Tgirl?
Probably one, then the other. I lost track of who all was in the seedy motel room.

i would just add that im sad he didnt get smacked around some more so maybe some fucking sense could have been slapped into that dumb white cranium of his...
I'm sad that we won't be seeing any of this on COPS. Cause you know there's probably another side to the story that we're not hearing.

You could turn on the TV and see what really happened. After the incident, the officer is talking to bhamboy: "Man, this is the third time this week I've had a call on you getting chased by trannies."

I think that in Brazil there are hypersexual Tgirls. I read a lot on Frank's Tgirls how some tgirls werent able to hold themselves to be fucked or to fuck someone.

12-28-2005, 07:16 AM
Я Люблю Вас Ulyana, я Люблю только Вас ... теперь и для остальной части моей жизни.

12-28-2005, 08:38 AM
Post her pic up as a warning to other guys.

12-28-2005, 08:46 AM
How do we know this isnt a case of someone makin gup a name to be shady towards this provider and or a shady ts trying to block business?

I as a provider have had guys or a ts post outrageous false reviews about me orsomeone I know,,,,,,,,,,NOT saying it didnt happen however we know people like to attack and or discredit others,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I hope this isnt the case however due to slander etccc not sure posting her photo would be appropriate.

Just a thought LOL

12-28-2005, 08:50 AM
I have been trying very hard not to do this, but I guess I have start carrying my glock 22 into bad neighborhoods.

12-28-2005, 08:51 AM
I have been trying very hard not to do this, but I guess I have start carrying my glock 22 into bad neighborhoods.
So someone can take it off you and slap you in the face with it?

12-28-2005, 09:20 AM
No, I trained with firearms for over 20 years in the military, I think I fired a few rounds in my day. At least enough to defend myself. LOL

12-28-2005, 09:23 AM
Never trust ANYONE who wont do outcall......Sorry for you girls that only do incall, but I will never steer anyone I know to an incall girl....

Id have smashed that dude right in the face...What are they going to do, call the cops?

I agree with Quinn....you would be much MUCH better off not answering any ads you see. Call a service to send a girl out or failing that, make sure YOUR the one who sets up the meeting place....And remember.....If The Bitch Aint Alone, Go The Fuck Home.

12-28-2005, 03:17 PM
Man, that really sucks for you but I would not have tolerated that shit and would have either called the cops or kicked him/her in the balls and jetted.

I know people say "yea right" but seriously, I have never let anyone punk me. If I'm playing around with friends or people I know then that's one thing but no, seriously getting punked like this...never. Unless they had a gun on them or something I weouldn't have given them shit.

you should have trusted your first instincts though, and never had gone in that room. This is just another unfortunate case of someone thinking with their "head", and not with their brain

12-28-2005, 03:30 PM
I dunno, it helps that I'm just a generally distrustful person to begin with. I more or less expect bad shit to happen, so when it does, I'm not disappointed. :roll:

I can't help but think of the "other people would be out of sight" thing. There's not too many places in a motel room where two people can go off to hide or be "alone" and there's really not much historical evidence to show that anyone, just by human nature, would do so.

Which one was holding the camera and which was handling the sound?

12-28-2005, 04:01 PM
Gotta agree with Damion on this one. I'm a little different from most people in that I relish conflict, never really grew up in that area of thinking, I guess. But, even someone completely non-violent has to realize that the minute someone lays hands on you the time for negotiation has ended. I'm sorry you had to go through it, but you got what your handling of the situation earned you :(

12-28-2005, 04:46 PM
Post her pic!

12-28-2005, 08:57 PM
Mega, you are so right. I don't know as many and haven't seen half of what I know you have, but I know some girls who have gotten beat up--one who thought she was going to die, had her head slammed into a concrete wall--and what you say is true. Girls want to escort because they like the fun part and they love the money, but it can be very dangerous and I worry about those I know and care for. And as a guy, I'm always careful: I only see a girl at a major hotel or in her apt if I know her well. No motels, no seedy neighborhoods. I don't carry my wallet with me. And I pretty much only see girls I know or get a reference for from a girl I know.

Dude who got robbed: sounds like you did some stupid shit but you owned up and admitted it and I'm thinking you've learned a lot in the process. Education ain't cheap, so I think you came out of it pretty well considering.

12-28-2005, 10:01 PM
J, I guess you were the guy who got picked on by the bully in school eh....If someone has a knife or gun then that's one thing but If I know I can take them, hand to hand then so be it. I wouldn't tell others to act or think like this but this is from my point of view.

12-28-2005, 10:16 PM
Я Люблю Вас Ulyana, я Люблю только Вас ... теперь и для остальной части моей жизни.

12-28-2005, 10:36 PM
Я Люблю Вас Ulyana, я Люблю только Вас ... теперь и для остальной части моей жизни.

12-28-2005, 11:08 PM
J - Count me in on your very street savvy approach.

Damion - Maybe your idea works for those who are actually savvy enough to evaluate their situations. But if that's true - doesn't that mean those very same folks are much more likely to avoid situations like the one that happened here?

As so many put it - if you're not savvy - then stick to what you know. Trust your instincts, they're there for a reason

bhamboy76 - I think you realize you pretty mich ignored everything the situation was telling you as well as your own guidelines and instincts. As I once said to a client - you're not cut out for this... change activities and quickly!

12-28-2005, 11:45 PM
I advocate violence when its warranted...And im well able to dish it out......Trust me man, at 5'8" and 155 Im all about avoidance and not escalating things....but once you touch me or get in my face all bets are off. And if your firearms trained, theres nothing wrong with carrying and yeah....if every girl was trained to carry a two shot .20 gauge flechette pistol in her pocket, id bet you there would be less rapes.

Violence can and does solve problems....it might create more later on, but it usually solves the immediate problem, namely myself getting my ass kicked/knifed/shot.

12-29-2005, 12:03 AM
Was there a Ruby Tuesdays VIP card found at the scene of the crime?

12-29-2005, 12:05 AM
Looking back on what I said, it might have made me sound a little overly aggressive. I'm not endorsing everyone going out and picking a target for a daily beat down, but I do advocate physical defense once there's physical contact. In this kid's case, I'd never have gotten out of the car if I saw the situation shaping up as something other than what I was supposed to find. But, when he was grabbed at the door, that's when I'd have gotten less friendly. On the other hand, it's easy for me to have that opinion; I don't go to escorts and I'm fairly large and been told I'm intimidating. What works for me may not work for you so read this as opinion not advice.

12-29-2005, 12:42 AM
Was there a Ruby Tuesdays VIP card found at the scene of the crime?

*Snicker* :lol:

Y'know, that Marshall Mathers guy came from a suburb of Detroit.

Makes ya say "Hmmm". :wink:

12-29-2005, 12:51 AM
Was there a Ruby Tuesdays VIP card found at the scene of the crime?

*Snicker* :lol:

Y'know, that Marshall Mathers guy came from a suburb of Detroit.

Makes ya say "Hmmm". :wink:

Whooaa...a mystery wrapped in a conundrum...or is it a conundrum wrapped in a mystery? And I would wager that Sherlock Holmes would be looking for the tell-tale Capt. Crunch crumbs...

12-29-2005, 01:26 AM
i gave her name and the eros page in the original post but for those asking for a picture, here is a direct link to her eros ad.


as far as those telling me i was stupid, i was very open in my original post about knowing that i had made all the wrong decisions. i should have driven away before any of this happened. however, that does not justify some crackhead attacking me and robbing me. i had done nothing at all to them, and politely and calmly attempted to walk away before entering the room. i was the victim, not the other way around.

yeah, i made some bad choices, but that does not reflect on my intelligence in "normal" life. i'm a pretty successful and intelligent guy, but have no experience in being attacked and robbed by crackheads. it's a lot easier to say "i would have fought back" when it is not happening to you. it all happened VERY fast, i was all alone, dealing w/ some seemingly ghetto thugs who may have guns, visiting town from out of state borrowing a parents car. had i attacked, i easily could have been outnumbered and killed. had i called the police, my families car could have been impounded in a prostitution case, and i may have ended up facing charges during christmas in a foreign state. quite embarassing. all things considered, i made it out ok, not seriously hurt, in no real trouble, and out of a small amount of money.

maybe this kind of thing does happen to escorts sometimes, but not in this case. i was not the violent one, and not the scam artist. i have never encountered anything like this in my life, and have seen my fair share of wonderful ts girls, the majority of which have been very enjoyable experiences.

this was an awful experience, and i certainly learned my lesson. it will never happen again. now if only i could no longer find hot trannies attractive it would all be alot easier.

Andrew Johnson
12-29-2005, 02:15 AM
i gave her name and the eros page in the original post but for those asking for a picture, here is a direct link to her eros ad.


Too bad it didn't work out. She's a real hottie!

12-29-2005, 03:05 AM
bhamboy, I'm glad you made it out of the situation okay. Seemed pretty scarey at the time. And hope you learned your lesson and take the advise given by other post. You'll be kicking yourself in the ass for awhile.
But in time you will think back and be able to laugh. Just picture how it probably looked if someone watched it all unfold. You saw what was going to happen, yet still the adrenline rush from your horny dick blocked any senses you had.
I grew up real street. With that I agree with J, trying to be a tough guy would escalate a situation. Like dogs, most thugs can sense fear, it's in your eyes and hands. So if the tough guy act isn't real, you just made situation worse. If you really do pull off the tough guy, it can go either way. One they back down, or someone leaving in a bag, because they got tested.
It's a dangerous biz on both ends. I know more girls that have got robbed and beaten. And Ts girls working usaully have it harder in the beginning than GG's. Cops and people in general are less sympathetic to TS girls getting beat up by pimp or trick.
So my advise if you are going to do it, use a reputable girl, pay that extra 1/2 or 1 for saftey, and most times the guaranteed better service. Leave any extra jewlery, coat, and cash at home. And have your own condoms, just in case.
But for awhile. Stay at home, stay safe. Join a site or 2 and have a good New Year.

12-29-2005, 03:48 AM
Fuck you J.....Ive never had an accident in 16 years of driving......Ive also driven very powerful cars. And Im far from being a moron, I know exactly what I can get away with and where.

What the fuck is wrong with you lately?

Real men dont get punked.....Screw that...Im the ANTI tough guy......

12-29-2005, 04:51 AM
I really don't get why guys will spend $100-300 for a TS escort, but be too cheap to fork over the $20 a month for TER and the few dollars every few months that SER now requires.

Bottom line if you want to be safe with TS escorts is #1 be in a big city with lots of providers, #2 only see very well reviewed providers.

I have seen a few higher end girls recently...they live in nice secure places in Hollywood. It has been really pleasant and despite the high price, seems to be well worth it.

12-29-2005, 05:35 AM
Years of reading Ninja books and playing video games gives me the edge I need. Dude, that was bad situation all around, even someone with zero street smarts should have known that.

Glad you're ok, but like someone else said, follow your gut instincts.

12-29-2005, 05:40 AM
Years of reading Ninja books and playing video games gives me the edge I need.

BAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! Hereby nominated for rookie top ten posts....

12-29-2005, 05:41 AM

12-29-2005, 06:57 AM
I really don't get why guys will spend $100-300 for a TS escort, but be too cheap to fork over the $20 a month for TER and the few dollars every few months that SER now requires.

Bottom line if you want to be safe with TS escorts is #1 be in a big city with lots of providers, #2 only see very well reviewed providers.

I have seen a few higher end girls recently...they live in nice secure places in Hollywood. It has been really pleasant and despite the high price, seems to be well worth it.

Not every escort is reviewed by SER or TER , especially the
beginning escorts.
Several decent providers usually be go under the radar in
the beginning.

but if one feels more secure and comfortable choosing an escort
who has a pretty extensive reviews record , that might be his option.

12-29-2005, 08:07 AM
I could be from steroid use, but I am pretty sure its just my nature...

Judging by your photos, I would never have guessed that you were using gear. I'm very surprised to read that you are, based on your size. You're in good shape, but what relatively modest muscle size and density you have could easily be built and maintained without steroids. Why would you subject yourself to the danger of damaging side-effects from the risk of using anabolics, when you should easily be able to maintain your present muscular level without subjecting yourself to potential life-shortening damage?

Judging from your build, if you are using heavy androgens in an effort to put on size, you're not benefitting fully from them, and subjecting yourself to harm for no reason. Possibly your routine or diet may need reappraising. If you're only using low-androgenic gear like Winny and Clenbuterol, you're wasting your money (and still risking your health), as it can't be making much of a difference compared to what you could maintain drug-free.

You have a full head of hair, you need your virility to earn a living. You're in decent, fit shape, you look OK, and you look like you feel good, the most important thing of all. I know alot of folks that have had suffered grave consequences from both light and heavy use alike. If it's not making that big a difference in your physique, and your not aspiring to be a pro bodybuilder, why risk what you could maintain without?

12-29-2005, 09:24 AM
Dude...I understand your point, turn the other cheek and all...but there are situations in philadelphia and new york where if i would have turned the other cheek, certain people would have stuck a knife in it.

Screw that...Id much rather preempt the situation and get them to back down or go down...whichever they might prefer.....And I think your confusing insecurity with assuredness. I dont have any problems loosing, poked fun at or saying hey Im sorry, I fucked up or what have you.....Crazy maybe, but not insecure.

12-29-2005, 09:37 AM
Dude...I understand your point, turn the other cheek and all...but there are situations in philadelphia and new york where if i would have turned the other cheek, certain people would have stuck a knife in it.

Screw that...Id much rather preempt the situation and get them to back down or go down...whichever they might prefer.....And I think your confusing insecurity with assuredness. I dont have any problems loosing, poked fun at or saying hey Im sorry, I fucked up or what have you.....Crazy maybe, but not insecure.

Your best bet is to avoid confrontational situations and make no mistake about it, most scenarios that play themselves out into a full blown physical confrontation can be avoided. Sometimes, all it takes is a look. You don't even realize that you started something with someone bent on destruction, his or yours. It doesn't matter if you're hell on wheels, if someone gets the "drop" on you, and knows how to take advantage of that first strike, the tide is already turned against you before you can even react.

Besides being able to handle yourself on your feet, how to pound on the ground, and being able to put someone's lights out qucikly, there are a multitude of factors prior to the first physical contact to process and analyze. And this situation appraisal must be done quickly. Even with folks that are very battle-worthy, the first few moments of any confrontation usually set the tone for the outcome. How you react and what steps you take from before the outset to the first contact, in either avoidance, or accepting the confrontation and acting on it furtively, will determine in what shape you walk away, regardless of your abilities.

12-29-2005, 10:09 AM
I would agree wholeheartedly Pumpdaddy. That sounds exactly like something my old Sensei might have said.

I start from a position of avoidance and evasion, but if your going to put it in my face Ill turn that right around on you. Ive been blindside before, and you can cripple even the best of them with suprise...Anticipating the attack is a very subtle and learned skill...took me many h2h's to read it.

My first thought is legal...what can I get away with and are there witnesses that will involve the police...2nd thought, can I and whomever im with escape the situation without consequences......3rd thought is how to neutralize the situation as quickly as possible, and what level of force is required.

12-29-2005, 11:33 AM

12-29-2005, 12:59 PM
I would agree wholeheartedly Pumpdaddy. That sounds exactly like something my old Sensei might have said.

I start from a position of avoidance and evasion, but if your going to put it in my face Ill turn that right around on you. Ive been blindside before, and you can cripple even the best of them with suprise...Anticipating the attack is a very subtle and learned skill...took me many h2h's to read it.

My first thought is legal...what can I get away with and are there witnesses that will involve the police...2nd thought, can I and whomever im with escape the situation without consequences......3rd thought is how to neutralize the situation as quickly as possible, and what level of force is required.

Actually, first and foremost.... protect the innocent or defenseless! I'll give you an example. About 5 years ago, I'm headed East on the LIE out of Manhattan at about 4 AM. I'm driving a convertible, the top down with my fiance seated to my right and a friend in the back seat passenger side, returning home from the Vault. I'm doing about 90mph and I pass a car in the centerlane that was probably doing 75mph or so, and for some unknown reason, he wasn't cool with that. So the guy pulls up to me and throws a bottle at my car that hits the side panel and immediately heads for the exit (Cross Island Pky). I follow him up the exit, he stops at the light, I pull up to his left and I start to exit the car, with the taste of blood already in my mouth! As I'm jumping out of my car, five guys pile out of his car, one of them saying, "A-ha! NOW what are you going to ...." before he took a good look at me and froze in mid-speech. It was summer, I had on a pair of dress pants and a trapeze tank, I'd been on high dosages of very heavily androgenic steroids for about 12 years (yes, one continuous 12 year cycle!), and I looked it (23" striated upper arms). The five of them, who were all on their way to get to me froze in their tracks, and all headed toward my fiance and friend (who of course were cursing them out for throwing the bottle).

Without them there, it's pretty cut and dry. I know how to fight (Golden Gloves, disciplined in Muay Thai and Gracie Jiu-Jitsu) and I'm demonically strong so I'd have established a zone, a pecking order of who gets it in what order as I would have closed the distance. I'm good like that. I hit them, and I don't have to repeat myself, once is enough. But this was turning into a debacle. A no-win situation. My fiance was 5'3", 120 lbs., my friend 5'4", 140 lbs., and the five guys who immediately lost interest in me were already hovering at the right sde of my car, and the top was down. I had made it as far as the bumper of my car and instictively slowed when I counted 5 antagonists (I expected 2 or 3) and wen I saw that they had more interest in the two occupants in my car than in confronting me, I knew that once I came around the car to start grounding and pounding, I might be too occupied to protect my fiance and friend, who definitely would have gotten hurt in the ensuing chaos. I couldn't risk engaging them effectively without worrying about shielding them from any harm. I can take a good hit and keep smiling, they can't take a bump.

What did I do? The only thing I could of done in that unworkable situation. I ran up on the hood and over the windshield (the shortest path back to the driver's seat) put the car in gear and drove off. Did they follow? You bet they didn't!

I would have loved to play it out with them under different circumstances. But under that set of circumstances, you have to think about safeguarding your loved ones first. I did about 30 minutes worth of decision making crammed into less than 5 seconds (and you do get the feeling that time is standing still in that type of critical situation) and when convinced that only one action could yield a positive outcome, I acted on it and ran. If I hadn't, a frind or loved one could have easily paid the price for my error in judgement, especially that I was the one that followed the car up the exit ramp thereby putting them in possible harm's way.

12-29-2005, 01:47 PM
Я Люблю Вас Ulyana, я Люблю только Вас ... теперь и для остальной части моей жизни.

12-29-2005, 07:03 PM

12-29-2005, 09:49 PM
as this guy is alreay starting "chrysanthemum..."

:lol: :lol:

Shit, I'd already be dead. I can't even say "chryifamumthanthumum".

See? :wink:

12-29-2005, 10:20 PM
Я Люблю Вас Ulyana, я Люблю только Вас ... теперь и для остальной части моей жизни.

12-29-2005, 10:54 PM
J even if that was directed towards me a little bit, Its still fucking classic... I almost choked on my chicken breast reading it...

yeah I think its funny that a guy with 23 inch arms thats been on juice for a full year straight would give anyone advice on anything health related... the anabolic lag he is going to suffer if he ever does come off is going to be terrible, no amount of clomid, hcg or tribex is going to get his natural test back to normal levels without a long period of lethargy and probably some serious depression...

He didn't say a 12 month cycle, he said a 12 year cycle!!! He's a bright boy...sounds like the recently banned FeeYuckYu...

12-29-2005, 11:01 PM
I would agree wholeheartedly It was summer, I had on a pair of dress pants and a trapeze tank, I'd been on high dosages of very heavily androgenic steroids for about 12 years (yes, one continuous 12 year cycle!), and I looked it (23" striated upper arms).

12-29-2005, 11:50 PM
J even if that was directed towards me a little bit, Its still fucking classic... I almost choked on my chicken breast reading it...

yeah I think its funny that a guy with 23 inch arms thats been on juice for a full year straight would give anyone advice on anything health related... the anabolic lag he is going to suffer if he ever does come off is going to be terrible, no amount of clomid, hcg or tribex is going to get his natural test back to normal levels without a long period of lethargy and probably some serious depression...

Not a full year straight. I'm on what you would call a "life-cycle". Been on since I went on. I'm from the Dan Duchaine school. If you're going on, stay the fuck on! I'm always on. I simply cycle my dosages from heavy to heavier. Most would have sustained hypertrophic hardening of the heart, leading to congestive heart failure or other coronary complications after just a few years of what I've been on for 15!

Genetics have alot to do with muscle growth/density capacity. Genetics predetermine the upper limits of your strength and developement. They also predetermine exactly how your body will utilize anabolics. Each individual's ability to assimilate and utilize anabolics. Everyone's receptor cells are geared differently towards this end. Some can train as though the Devil himself was on their shoulder, eat right, rest right, and shoot 5 grams of gear weekly. If their receptors will only assimilate 1 gram of gear weekly, they're exposing their organs to 4 grams weekly quite unnecessarily.

Genetically speaking, most users are taking far more anabolics than their receptors can assimilate. The body's Steroid Receptors are like sponges. They can only soak up a finite amount. Some, have small sponges, others have large sponges. The excess spilling over, not used towards muscle growth, but affecting the organs that you don't want affected, like the heart, liver, kidneys, and adrenal glands.

This is further complicated by those that inject into bodyparts that are more vascular and capillary rich than the buttocks. Injecting into the upper arms and shoulders creates a more efficient pathway for the gear to reach your heart. The combined use of growth hormone and insulin in the array further enhances this damaging effect.

I've seen many friends and gym associates become very ill or outright die as a result directly related to their steroid use. Many, because they should have hung up their needle past the age of 35, your age. 35 is the point of no return. The point at which steroid users should realize that as they progress in age beyond that point, each use, each cycle, has an increasingly exponential damaging effect. It's twice as dangerous for a 40 year old to be on cycle than a 35 year old. It's 10X as dangerous for a 50 year old to be on cycle than a 40 year old, etc., etc. This is why you don't see too many 40+ Mr. Olympia contenders.

You're using very light gear, so your risk is not as great as others. But every user should at least get an EKG every 6 months, which might prevent one day waking up and not being able to breathe because your lungs filled up with water.

There's a reason why steroids are illegal. Because the potential is there for them to kill you. It's not because the government doesn't want you cheating at sports. The stuff is dangerous in non-medical hands.

My point was, whatever it is that you have built muscularly doesn't look like it was built with steroids. It looks like a physique that is easily attainable without gear. Something you could maintain with sound nutrition, adequate rest, circuit training and aerobics. Why expose yourself to any risk, even if you feel it minimal, if it's not making that much of a difference anyway? You're built more like a swimmer than a lifter, which I'm not saying is a bad thing.

12-30-2005, 12:53 AM
Я Люблю Вас Ulyana, я Люблю только Вас ... теперь и для остальной части моей жизни.

12-30-2005, 12:54 AM
No, I trained with firearms for over 20 years in the military, I think I fired a few rounds in my day. At least enough to defend myself. LOL

A firearm would not have solved this guy's problem, it would probably have made it worse. Getting a gun to deal with the threats she faced certainly made the situation worse for Sylvia Boots. At the very least, brandishing a gun when your antagonist is unarmed will get you a trip to jail and a confiscated weapon.

Even with a CCW permit, I pity the fool who is carrying and is stopped by the cops for being "out of place" in a high drug/prostitution area.

Fleeing, and using pepper spray if pursued, is the only reasonable response. Pepper spray is also much less problematic to conceal when you are planning to get undressed.

12-30-2005, 01:19 AM
At the very least, brandishing a gun when your antagonist is unarmed will get you a trip to jail and a confiscated weapon.

Even with a CCW permit, I pity the fool who is carrying and is stopped by the cops for being "out of place" in a high drug/prostitution area.

As to the first part, yes your right...most times....It very much depends on the State your in and how many antagonists you have or how threatened you felt. Brandishing is almost always a bad idea, if your going to pull it you should be expecting to use it. That being said, brandishing has saved my ass a few times with people that dont want to draw police attention to themselves.

The second is entirely State dependant....If i get stopped in North Philly and im found to be carrying, theres not a damn thing the cops can do about it, other then asking me what im doing there. Ive not broken any laws, and from a legal perspective, you dont even need to provide a reason for your presence. My favorite response is "Just doing a bit of sight seeing officer, nothing against the law in that."..

Granted, Ive an associates in criminal justice, so i can smoke out your typical philly cops bullshit before they even run it....Ive heard it all before from my Granddad =P

Bottomline, if you dont know what your doing with a weapon and all the particular laws with that weapon, do yourself a favor and dont have it....Youll only get yourself fucked up in the end.

Interesting stuff about the hormones etc etc.....I dont have the build to pack on any real mass, Ive only had extreme speed and some serious hard chi generation to carry me through..Not that my build is weak lol, but im no body builder......Used to do mixed martial arts competitions from 1990-1993, as well as the typical inter-school rivalry bullshit that most larger cities have....Sad to say my competitive fighting days are over, body just wont take the abuse anymore......I stick with paintball now lol and im cool with that.

12-30-2005, 01:55 AM
Я Люблю Вас Ulyana, я Люблю только Вас ... теперь и для остальной части моей жизни.

12-30-2005, 02:34 AM
[quote]Interesting stuff about the hormones etc etc.....I dont have the build to pack on any real mass...

It's all in the genetics. Not just your genetic build, but the very genetic fabric of your muscles themselves, the positioning of your muscle attachments relative to the length of the levers. The enitre body is a system of levers. How your body works, that is, the characteristics atypical to your body will determine your strengths and weaknesses based on your genetic engineering.

For example, I can do skull-crushers with seemingly impossible poundages. I can knock out strict skull crushers, from lock-out right down to and touching the scalp, back to lock out, sets of 6 to 8 full, slow and controlled reps, with 365 on an Olympic bar, then immediately superset close grip (the thumbs outstretched and touching) benches with the same weight for about 10 reps. I can perfrom these so smoothly, and without collars, that the plates don't jingle! Yet, as big as my biceps are, my curling poundages are meager. Compared to my tricep power, if in balance, I should have no problem curling 225 or more for reps, but I don't use more than an Olympic bar with 1 plate per side (135) for strict curls. I can use 185 if I cheat (body english), but I just stick with 135 for high rep ranges and go for a good pump. Why is that? Why the imbalance?

Genetics! I could curl from now to doomsday and I would never improve my poundages in that movement due to my genetic attachments. Specifically, the location of those attachments. My biceps tendons tie into my forearms very close to the elbow joint, high on the forearm, forming a second class, mechanically disadvantageous lever. The further down my forearm towards my wrist that the biceps tendons attached, the greater the mechanical leverage and more of a first class lever my arm would become, powered by the flexing biceps. You can't do anything about your attachments. My biceps are big and full, and it looks like I can curl the house. They've got a big engine (the biceps) but mechanically, they lack good motor mounts to tranfer that power so the output is compromised and lost in transference to the lower arm.

This is why bodybuilders experience certain bodyparts that grow like weeds and get strong very fast, yet other parts lag way behind and are weak by comparison. Most often than not, it's not in the training, diet, and rest, which may be spot on. Just in the genetic limitations and strengths atypical to different body systems.

12-30-2005, 04:16 AM
So far as juice is concerned, I never went any heavier than Decca for very long. I didn't like stacking with Cyp or Sustanon because it left me unable to restrain my tendency toward aggreession. Haven't touched anything in over 10 years. Many of my friends at the Jersey Shore are still into it though.


12-30-2005, 05:26 AM
So far as juice is concerned, I never went any heavier than Decca for very long. I didn't like stacking with Cyp or Sustanon because it left me unable to restrain my tendency toward aggreession. Haven't touched anything in over 10 years. Many of my friends at the Jersey Shore are still into it though.


Since you stopped, you'll probably attend ALL of their funerals in time!
Did you ever try Parabolin? Not that new crap in unmarked ampules floating all over the streets, but the real stuff? The Negma France 76 mg. 1.5 cc ampules? INSTANT aggression. PumpDaddy has a nice, level head on his shoulders and isn't subject to fits, but for awhile I added 2 amps per day of Parabolin to my array (expensive as hell! $35.00 per ampule 10 years ago!!). I lucked out and was able to score 300 ampules at one time, the ONLY score I was ever able to make on the real French Parabolin. I was also on D-bol, Hemogenin (Anadrol), Cyp, and Russian sustenon in mega-dosages, which I tolerated very well without any undue aggression, but the Para added to the mix was like throwing gasoline on a flame.

12-30-2005, 06:51 AM
Я Люблю Вас Ulyana, я Люблю только Вас ... теперь и для остальной части моей жизни.

12-30-2005, 08:18 AM
Trenbolone acetate is the faster acting version of Parabolin... I hate the night sweats i got from that shit, and agression dosent even come close to cobering it... but my god did that stuff transform me in no time flat... thats the only harsh injectable I ever tryed...

parabolin is supposed to be better but that shits waaay too expensive...

IF you can find real parabolin at all now. Before 9/11 about 75% of street bought gear was fake. After 9/11, about 90% of street bought gear is fake. This is based on my observations as a gym rat's guru. I always have guys running up to me at the gym, showing me gear they just picked up and asking my opinion on if it's good. Most of the time, it's crap.

The Negma parabolin is remarkable. A miracle steroid, as you said. I've shot 2 ampules at beddie-bye time, after hitting the bed looking bloated, and awakened 8 hours later with shrink-wrapped armor plating! It's ultra hard on the kidneys and liver, and that's very understandable. That's the way any drugs work. Any drug that has that much of a dramatic effect on one aspect, will also have a dramatic underlying effect on another that you don't see immediately! Unfortunately, the equation for steroid use is, "How good they make you look externally, is directly proportionate to how effectively they're killing your organs on the inside!!".

Vicki Richter
12-30-2005, 08:45 AM
Last Thursday night I decided to visit a provider. It had been a long time, and I was visiting the Detroit (suburbs) area for the holidays. What happened seems like a nightmare, I can't believe it really happened, but it did.

Just as a point of reference I am a good looking young white male, well educated, and do not pretend to be anything but that. I have been seeing TS providers sporadically for years now, generally doing my research and never having any bad experiences. Perhaps my never having had any bad experiences led me to ignore my conscience on this one a few times, and make some bad choices.

I looked at the Eros ads, and called a girl that goes by "Caramel Kisses".


She looked very sexy to me in the ad, and seemed nice enough on the phone, at least initially. We agreed on a price, and she told me what intersection she was at, and to call her when I approached that intersection.

I drove to that area and called her. At this point she told me what hotel she was at and to call her when I got there. I followed her directions, calling her from the hotel parking lot. She said that she was a block away, and to give her just a few minutes to arrive. She told me which room it would be, and that she would call me when she was ready.

I parked where I could clearly see the entrance to the room mentioned and waited. After about 5 minutes of waiting a man who very much appeared to be a client exited the room, leaving the area. I found this odd since she said she was not in the room yet, but figured she just had really been finishing up with another guy, and ignored it. Then a man in a very nice Mercedees pulled up, entering the room without knocking. I immediately wondered if this man were some type of pimp, and became more uncomfortable. Yet I still waited. Then a girl who appeared to be the girl in the ad (very hot) stepped out of the room, looking around the lot. She went back inside. After this a rather non-attractive individual came qucikly into the area on foot, going into the same room. Just about a minute later I got the call to come on in.

I had a bad feeling about the whole thing at this point. Why was this man who appeared to be a pimp or something in the room still? Who was this person who ran in at the last minute? But I was pretty horny, and perhaps a little naive, seeing as I have never really had a bad experience. I thought with my dick instead of my brain, and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and the unattractive person I saw run in answered the door. This was not the girl in the ad, not the girl I saw come into the lot briefly just minutes before. This was a very unattractive TS I think, maybe just a guy in drag w/ a stuffed bra. Wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and looking quite dirty and ghetto. I immediately said something to the effect of "I thinks there has been a mistake, I'm all set", and began to turn away to get in my car and get the hell out of there. As soon as I did this, this person grabs my sweater with force, trying to pull me into the room in a violent manner. She's saying something like "I don't think so, get the fuck in here bitch".

At this point I am fearful for my life. I have no idea what will happen to me if I get in that room. Get the shit beaten out of me, robbed, shot, who knows. I know there are at least 2 other people in the room. As I mentioned before, I am a suburban college aged kid, and in no way have much experience with this kind of a situation. Not only that but I am visiting family, driving my mothers car, etc.... Had I not known there were other people inside I would have defended myself and fought back, but feared that in the current situation it would be a very bad and dangerous idea, so managed to break free.

As soon as I broke free the person in the door began coming at me. The car was much too close to reach it and get in before I would be caught, so I ran away from the car, across a busy street, hoping to find an open business where I would at least threaten calling the police, and in the mean time ensure that I would not be done any physical harm. The person is chasing me across the street yelling for me to "give her my money".

I managed to get into the one of those nightime lobbies at a hotel across the street. I was not in it for 10 seconds before my attacker was in it as well. I told the night attendant to please let me in, that I was being attacked and needed to call the police. She refused to let me in, telling us both we needed to leave the premises immediately. At this point an angry cab driver pulls up, yelling at my attacker to pay him. Apparently this person had taken this cab to the first hotel, and had him wait out of my sight before he/she came in the room. When I fled w/ this person chasing me, the cabby saw, and had not been paid. He wanted his fare. I paid the cabby, telling this person that was all I would do, that I owed them no money, and was going to call the police. They said fine, that they would show the cops that I had called them on their phone, thus incriminating me. The way I saw it was this, yes I called the number, but they would have no proof I agreed to any incriminatiing exchanges of money. It is not illegal to knock on a door and then change ones mind without money ever changing hands, as happened here. It is illegal to attack someone and attempt to rob them though. As much as I believed this would be the case, I was not 100 percent sure, and certainly did not want to end up in jail on some embarassing charges, having my parents car impounded, etc.... It was too risky, I could not call the cops. I had to get out of there.

I ran like hell back across the street, hoping to make it into my car, lock the doors, and get out of there. I of course was being chased again. It was really icy out. I was worried that the man in the room may at this point be waiting by my car, maybe with a gun. I could see the car, no-one waiting by it. I was fumbling with the keyless entry thing on the key chain while running, since it was not my car it was foreign to me. I managed to get in the car, but before I could close the door my attackers arms were in the car. I could not get the door closed. Got the car started, while the attacker is scracthing at my head, trying to force their way into the car. As I get the car in drive to pull away, hopefully dumping this person on their ass, they somehow manage to get into the car, jump over me into the passenger seat.

Now this person is in the car. I say I am going to drive to the police station. He/she says fine. This person starts demanding my money again, saying just give me $40 and I'll get out. At this point I just want out of there more than anything, so I give this person $40. They then demand more. I finally just give it to them, thinking the money is no longer important, I just want to make it out of there alive and safe. When this person has all the money that was discussed as a fee at the very beginning, they demand more. I tell them I have no more money, showing them empty wallet. (more cash was hidden elsewhere in the car, but this person did not know that). this person starts yelling at me, saying I should not "play". They then punch me in the face, and get out of the car. I drive away as fast as possible, heart racing, scared out of my mind, happy to be alive.

The way I see it I was not "playing" as my attacker claimed. I responded to an ad, and this person was not the person in the ad. I quietly and calmly attempted to leave before ever entering the room, only to be attacked. Had I been pulled into that room I really believe I may have suffered great harm.

This pretty much ends my hobby of seeing the TS providers from time to time. I should have done better research before calling as I normally do, but never imagined something like this would happen. I find TS girls to be irresistably attractive, moreso than GG's, so really regret that I may never again be able to indulge in visits with them, but brushing up against the underbelly of society like this was a wake-up call. Never again.

No offense, but if you fuck around with ghetto trash, you are going to end up in situations like that...

and people wonder why so many TS hookers have a bad wrap.

12-30-2005, 08:59 AM

I just don't understand. It distinctly states, "No rip-offs" in her Eros ad. :shock:

12-30-2005, 09:09 AM
No offense, but if you fuck around with ghetto trash, you are going to end up in situations like that...

Oh cum now! How could he determine if the girl is ghetto trash from her eros ad. By the tit-tats alone? I can see why he called her, the girl looks good.

TS Princess Blue looks to be the pick of this litter, anyway. She'd be my dark-horse candidate if I lived in that woe-begotten area of the USA, just outdistancing the problematic Caramel Kisses by a nose.

Check out TS Dominique on that page for fun. That isn't Roosevelt Greer, is it?


12-30-2005, 11:13 AM
Check out TS Dominique on that page for fun. That isn't Roosevelt Greer, is it?


LMAO, I just pissed myself.

12-30-2005, 05:26 PM
Ok so do we have the rules now?

1. Look before you leap - you might be leaping into a pack of trouble.

2. Trust your instincts.

3. Carry a gun or pepper spray - unless you don't have them, or don't know how to use them, or may be afraid to use them, or the law of your state prohibit them.

4. Know you steriod and the cycle you're on - otherwise your head and heart will explode while your nads will shrink.

5. Girls with tattoos may be problems, Maybe not. Try to determine the 'ghettoness' of your proposed date.

6. If in a situation where you're outmanned, fight or run ... but just don't stand there.

7. Hotels my boy ... HOTELS! M O T E L spells trouble.

8. No one fucks with Roosevelt 'Rosie' Greer. No one.

9. Chuck Norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Chuck met all three bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.


10. If you see three people you don't know, walk into a room that you're about to go into, to engage in a little illegal activity - think twice before you do. Then think again. And if you still want to go in - then Darwin was right and its only a matter of time before natural selection wins out.

12-30-2005, 05:57 PM
I have been trying very hard not to do this, but I guess I have start carrying my glock 22 into bad neighborhoods.

I carry my Glock 9mm everywhere I go. Hear about the 50 year old man in Milwaukee who honked at a group of teens who were blocking the road so he could drive through? They pulled him from his car and mob-beat the man into critical condition.

I carry my Glock 9mm everywhere I go. Good neighborhood or not.

12-30-2005, 06:09 PM
Я Люблю Вас Ulyana, я Люблю только Вас ... теперь и для остальной части моей жизни.

12-30-2005, 06:19 PM
Hey man, you're young and naive. Don't listen to some of the shit these morons have been dumping on you.

First ... some of those street hookers think you owe them something just because you talked to them, and know that making a scene in public will scare you into handing over your money. They know you want to get in and out with no problems, and some will hand you a mountain of problems knowing that drawing attention to you in the hood will scare you into submitting to their demands. If you're especially clean-cut and a cracka at that, they'll make a scene in public to intimidate and scare you into handing over your money. You didn't really get robbed, you more or less got scammed with some ghetto pressure. They know you're not used to being in the hood and knew she had you scared. First tip ... stay out of the ghetto. It's too fast and too furious for a suburbian spud like yourself.

Second ... In Driver's Education they teach you to anticipate accidents while you drive to avoid having one. When you're dating an escort, anticipate anything and everything that could possibly go wrong, including a potential sting by police. Plan and rehearse in your head any all possible scenarios and situations you could potentially find yourself in, and have contigency plans to react with.

Also, pick two or three escorts and call them all. Once you have some available, go for your first choice. If the situation looks bad, leave and call the next one, and so on. That way you won't find yourself horny and succumbing to an 'all or nothing' situation that tempts you to risk your safety. See what I mean? You wanted her so bad, that if it didn't happen you had no other options for that evening.

12-30-2005, 06:27 PM
i bring my pepper spray everywhere dude thats ur fault. end of story.

12-30-2005, 07:38 PM
Damn Brick, you got it in one!! Chuck Norris for teh wIn!!!!!!

Vicki Richter
12-30-2005, 07:55 PM
i bring my pepper spray everywhere dude thats ur fault. end of story.

That would be an ironic change of events... A guy macing an escort.

12-30-2005, 08:39 PM
Tattoos in general dont mean a thing; my ex has lovely tattoos and shes a high up in a defence contractor.

Certain Tattoos? Oh yes, MOST DEFINETLY.......

01-02-2006, 06:09 AM
3. Carry a gun or pepper spray - unless you don't have them, or don't know how to use them, or may be afraid to use them, or the law of your state prohibit them.

I support the right to own and carry (keep and bear) arms. Nevertheless, there are times when carrying is not prudent. Specifically, here are five reasons why it is not wise to carry to an incall session:

Legally and ethically, you can only shoot someone when human life is in imminent danger. Very few assaults meet this criteria (including being grabbed and chased by a crazed hooker with male strength).

When you plan to get undressed, concealment is difficult. When the fight is on, you will not be able to get to a small gun in a pocket (or even an ankle holster). Pepper spray is much less likely to get caught up when you try to pull it out of a pocket.

In a physical scuffle, the attacker is likely to detect your weapon and fight to take it.

Vice cops are pricks. They will charge just about anyone they confront with loitering with intent to solicit. Any conversation with a decoy, and you're nailed. Then they will humiliate you with questions about job, family, and church. They will threaten to take you to jail, and to call your wife to pick up the car. Having a gun, even with a permit, can only make this bad situation worse.

If you pull a gun, and the cops can accuse you of in any way provoking the situation, you will be charged with use of a weapon during a fight. The owner of a gun store in my area is currently fighting this charge, along with reckless driving. Some residents confronted him about his speed through their neighborhood. During the argument, they blocked him from leaving, and one picked up a rock and threatened to smash his taillights. He drew down, they turned very polite, and the cops arrived and took him to jail. The belligerents faced no charges, and the media portrayed them as poor victims.

01-02-2006, 07:32 AM
3. Carry a gun or pepper spray - unless you don't have them, or don't know how to use them, or may be afraid to use them, or the law of your state prohibit them.

I support the right to own and carry (keep and bear) arms. Nevertheless, there are times when carrying is not prudent. Specifically, here are five reasons why it is not wise to carry to an incall session:

Legally and ethically, you can only shoot someone when human life is in imminent danger. Very few assaults meet this criteria (including being grabbed and chased by a crazed hooker with male strength).

When you plan to get undressed, concealment is difficult. When the fight is on, you will not be able to get to a small gun in a pocket (or even an ankle holster). Pepper spray is much less likely to get caught up when you try to pull it out of a pocket.

In a physical scuffle, the attacker is likely to detect your weapon and fight to take it.

Vice cops are pricks. They will charge just about anyone they confront with loitering with intent to solicit. Any conversation with a decoy, and you're nailed. Then they will humiliate you with questions about job, family, and church. They will threaten to take you to jail, and to call your wife to pick up the car. Having a gun, even with a permit, can only make this bad situation worse.

If you pull a gun, and the cops can accuse you of in any way provoking the situation, you will be charged with use of a weapon during a fight. The owner of a gun store in my area is currently fighting this charge, along with reckless driving. Some residents confronted him about his speed through their neighborhood. During the argument, they blocked him from leaving, and one picked up a rock and threatened to smash his taillights. He drew down, they turned very polite, and the cops arrived and took him to jail. The belligerents faced no charges, and the media portrayed them as poor victims.

If you have a full carry permit, the right to carry a piece, the time that it SHOULD be carried is when you feel that your safety and security may be at the greatest risk. When there's the greatest chance that your venturing into surroundings that might compromise your control over possible potentially hazardous situations.

Of course one might argue, WHY put yourself in situations like that if not absolutely necessary? Since the gun is being carried for personal security, why venture into areas of uncertainty that you wouldn't ordinarily even think about visiting without a piece? Seems like you're asking for trouble, right?

If you get yourself into situation where you have to actually defend yourself with the piece, you'd better know how to use it. And by use it, I don't mean simply being able to hit stationary and moving targets. Defense, using a firearm, is not target practice. In a life and death situation (anytime one or more people produce a firearm it's a matter of life and death) in close quarters (where most take place), all the hours spent at the range trying to group wad-cutters into the vital areas of paper target placed from 10 feet to 25 yards away won't help you produce and maintain the total control over the firearm from any position necessary to stand a better chance than your adversary, whether he has a piece, a blade, a bat, etc.

A firearm is an extension of the arm. It's what's attached to that arm on the opposite end that determines how effective he will be, based on athleticism, reflexes, and plain old know-how.

Believe it or not, there are systems of combative disciplines that encompass firearm use. Here's a very good one:


01-02-2006, 09:22 AM
Thats from the movie Equilibrium....fascinating concept but I can imagine its problematic to develop a system and then teach it....maybe with paintball pistols...

01-02-2006, 12:08 PM
Thats from the movie Equilibrium....fascinating concept but I can imagine its problematic to develop a system and then teach it....maybe with paintball pistols...

Equilibrium is only 3 to 4 years old. About 12 years ago I bought a stack of 60s and 70s martial arts magazines. In one of the titles, there was an ongoing series entitled "Gun-Kata". This was a seriously codified and well thought out training program was an overview, an introduction, for anyone who wished to further study this discipline with the author of the article. From what I saw of the diagrams and read of the methodology, it was very well thought out and reminiscient of ninja/samurai weapons kata, only executed with different types of firearms instead of the usual martial arts weaponry.

The concept of Gun-kata originates from at least several decades prior to Equilibrium.