View Full Version : my ts experience

06-15-2011, 06:31 PM
I would consider myself a straight guy. I have had many girlfriends and whenver I see a hot woman I always look at her and think about what it would be like to sleep with her. However since I was about 16-17, I came accross a video while looking at normal female porn, it was of a ts. I was instantly aroused by this and could'nt understand why. Its now been some years since then and I still look at this porn regularly and have come close to visiting a ts escort but just havn't quite done it. I suppose the main reason is that as soon as I have finished jacking off, I suddenly feel disgusted with myself for doing it and often tell myself that this is the last time I will ever look at that and I need to just get on with a normal life. I hang around with a very masculine group of friends and have done for nearly all my life and if I slept with a ts it could lead to some massive complications that would make the whole experience not worth while.

I'm sure that if sleeping with a ts was accepted in society then a lot more guys would be doing it. I guess there are a lot of people in the same position as me, I mean I have absolutely no attraction to men whatsoever and would never even consider getting intimate with a man because the idea repulses me. How did others go ahead with their first ts experience?

06-15-2011, 06:39 PM
Dave, your post is EXACTLY how I am and feel in every way about the whole ts scene, even to your points about feeling disgusted after jacking off and having a masculine group of mates that whouldnt accept!!! Its a pleasent surprise reading someone elses feeling that match my own 100%! The only difference is, I went one step further and have been with a ts...

Thanks for your post!!!

06-15-2011, 06:44 PM
how nice to hear.people feeling disgusted for being attracted to us.just what i needed to get my morning started.

06-15-2011, 06:51 PM
Apologies for using/taking the word "disgusted". The more appropriate word I should have used was "wrong", as I feel it is wrong for me to be attracted to ts's as i class myself as a very straight man.

Didnt mean to offend anyone...

06-15-2011, 06:55 PM
Apologies for using/taking the word "disgusted". The more appropriate word I should have used was "wrong", as I feel it is wrong for me to be attracted to ts's as i class myself as a very straight man.

Didnt mean to offend anyone...

hmmmm...im going to leave this alone.these self hating/am i gay/how do i deal threads get very tiresome.yall should really keep this shit to yourself.

06-15-2011, 06:59 PM
Apologies for using/taking the word "disgusted". The more appropriate word I should have used was "wrong", as I feel it is wrong for me to be attracted to ts's as i class myself as a very straight man.

Didnt mean to offend anyone...

Although the definition doesn't really bother me, I guess by most definitions I'm straight. I like gg's and tg's, but always for so-called "straight" sex - have never bottomed and have no wish to do so. And my taste for post-op girls is I guess all much of the same thing. I like girls who are feminine in looks, manner and outlook. Guys in wigs and big cocks turn me off.

Being with a tgirl who wants to be treated like a woman is my ideal. It might be for you too.

06-15-2011, 07:18 PM
its not so much a feeling of being disgusted with the type of porn. but disgusted with doing something that could potentially damage my life as it is and change a lot of people's views about me. Although I think one of my friends once saw some of the stuff on my computer and it was probably the most awkward moment of my life. I managed to blag it, but I reckon he still has suspicions and probably told all my other friends.

Amber I'm sorry if i offended you by saying that because I really didn't mean it in the way that you thought.

06-15-2011, 07:21 PM
Fuck man accept it you like shemales and transsexuals there is nothing 'wrong' about it you are attracted to women some have pussys some have cocks its all fun I have a laddish group of mates who all know i like shemales the call me a tranny chaser but they certainly dont think i like guys.If most guys were 100% honest I say 60% would admit being attracted to shemales. So chill go fuck a tranny and get on with your fuckin life

06-15-2011, 07:37 PM
its not so much a feeling of being disgusted with the type of porn. but disgusted with doing something that could potentially damage my life as it is and change a lot of people's views about me. Although I think one of my friends once saw some of the stuff on my computer and it was probably the most awkward moment of my life. I managed to blag it, but I reckon he still has suspicions and probably told all my other friends.

Amber I'm sorry if i offended you by saying that because I really didn't mean it in the way that you thought.Not sure how what to make of all this. If you're disgusted with yourself for doing whatever it is you're doing, why are you still here and posting about it? Most of us are here because we like t-girls and enjoy watching the porn. You should decide whether you like t-girls or not, and then act accordingly, rather than whine about how disgusted you feel. Come back when you've grown up a little.:loser:

06-15-2011, 07:40 PM
Not sure how what to make of all this. If you're disgusted with yourself for doing whatever it is you're doing, why are you still here and posting about it? Most of us are here because we like t-girls and enjoy watching the porn. You should decide whether you like t-girls or not, and then act accordingly, rather than whine about how disgusted you feel. Come back when you've grown up a little.:loser:

:iagree: excactly. I was going to post something similar but you beat me to it. I mean, he did went far enough to make a HA account, plus find this site. I've been into tgirls since my early teens, I'm 24 now, and I'm JUST finding out about HA late last year

06-15-2011, 07:40 PM
May I offer a simple solution for all your confusion...Lock 'n' Load, swallow the barrel and, for God's sake...make sure you don't fuck it up! Bye-Bye!!!

06-15-2011, 07:56 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if every single one of your very masculine friends have all enjoyed a bit of 'shemale' porn in private.

You should just accept who you are, and like what you like...

06-15-2011, 08:20 PM
Do yourself a favor.....Go see "hangover 2" with your friends, and then see how many of them are actually surprised when Yasmin Lee disrobes.

Also, look up some stats on internet porn usage....More Gay porn is consumed in some states than what is possible considering the size of the "gay" population. Every gay guy would have to be watching porn 24/7 and it still wouldn't add up. So, either it's more common than people let on, or there's a gay dude who's mastered the space/time continuem. Look up some research on google scholars about men interested in TS, it'll help.

Final thought, try to not look at these girls as sex objects. It doesn't help how you feel and it's insulting to them. You probably don't feel guilty as much as you're anxious over someone finding out...and that's a reasonable fear considering it's not like you have the opportunity to hang out with TS girls with the bro's all the time.

TLDR: We can't all be characters in a 1950s sitcom, some of us are attracted to expressed femininity rather than inherited. Life's weird that way, have a beer. When you get that feeling, take a breath, realize that what's going on with you is normal, and fairly tame in perspective, and no one's fucking business but your own. Don't feel ashamed, get angry that anyone else would care. Do that every time and I guarantee it'll get better.

06-15-2011, 08:31 PM
Do yourself a favor.....Go see "hangover 2" with your friends, and then see how many of them are actually surprised when Yasmin Lee disrobes.

Also, look up some stats on internet porn usage....More Gay porn is consumed in some states than what is possible considering the size of the "gay" population. Every gay guy would have to be watching porn 24/7 and it still wouldn't add up. So, either it's more common than people let on, or there's a gay dude who's mastered the space/time continuem. Look up some research on google scholars about men interested in TS, it'll help.

Final thought, try to not look at these girls as sex objects. It doesn't help how you feel and it's insulting to them. You probably don't feel guilty as much as you're anxious over someone finding out...and that's a reasonable fear considering it's not like you have the opportunity to hang out with TS girls with the bro's all the time.

TLDR: We can't all be characters in a 1950s sitcom, some of us are attracted to expressed femininity rather than inherited. Life's weird that way, have a beer. When you get that feeling, take a breath, realize that what's going on with you is normal, and fairly tame in perspective, and no one's fucking business but your own. Don't feel ashamed, get angry that anyone else would care. Do that every time and I guarantee it'll get better.

i hang out with my boyfriends friends and family.theyres no weird stigma there.they are actually really cool people and from what i hear like me too.its only an issue if you make it one.

06-15-2011, 08:42 PM
You guys just need to accept that your into ts and go with it. When you do, you will feel better for it trust me. I think when we all start discovering ourselves we go through similar emotions, however its not gonna go away. Forget labels, just go with the flow and you might find out alot more about yourselves.

lady killer
06-15-2011, 09:20 PM
Not sure how what to make of all this. If you're disgusted with yourself for doing whatever it is you're doing, why are you still here and posting about it? Most of us are here because we like t-girls and enjoy watching the porn. You should decide whether you like t-girls or not, and then act accordingly, rather than whine about how disgusted you feel. Come back when you've grown up a little.:loser:

nobody WANTS to feel disgusted for liking trannies

i am very attracted to shemales..to me, they provide the most sexual excitement for me..beautiful creatures

but because of my upbringing and beliefs which are deeply embedded, after watching ts porn/fuckin ts etc..i feel shame and regret

06-15-2011, 09:24 PM
nobody WANTS to feel disgusted for liking trannies

i am very attracted to shemales..to me, they provide the most sexual excitement for me..beautiful creatures

but because of my upbringing and beliefs which are deeply embedded, after watching ts porn/fuckin ts etc..i feel shame and regret

than show some moral constraint and dont watch it.stop being so weak.

lady killer
06-15-2011, 09:27 PM
you're right about that, i should show some moral restraint

but thats like asking me not to crave chocolate or want to fuck a woman

06-15-2011, 09:28 PM
interesting little fact.most ts girls who are murdered by men arent killed because they lied about their identity and the dude found out.its usually by someone who know they were a ts and freaked out after wards with feelings of shame and guilt.
i have no respect for these kind of guys.to me they are worst than closet cases and tranny chasers.ive been fucked than beaten up by these type of losers.

lady killer
06-15-2011, 09:30 PM
well, you can generalize all u want, but not everyone's like that

its a personal battle i have, nobody else's fault.

06-15-2011, 09:35 PM
im not generalizing its a fact.most ts women are murdered by men who knew their status and freaked out.i was beat up by a guy who fucked me anyway.
i understand being confused and maybe alittle upset upon discovering ones attraction to a ts.thats pretty normal.i was semi confused when i discovered that i was attracted to men (at the age of 10 lol).
when someone however uses words like disgust,shame, or "personal battles" than i know where it going and i run like hell lmao...seriously tho

lady killer
06-15-2011, 09:40 PM
i was brought up in a religious home, in a very masculine culture..this is what i am

i aint never beaten up or disrespected no TS after being with them..like i say, my personal battle is my personal battle

its the possibility of other people finding out/putting myself at risk for disease that triggers the negative emotions more than anything..not the fact that I like TS's per say

06-15-2011, 10:07 PM
Yes go pay for that escort and let her fuck ur brains out. I dont feel anymore ashamed watchin tranny porn than when I watch str8 porn.

06-15-2011, 10:10 PM

06-15-2011, 10:16 PM
Personally I blame Canada.

06-15-2011, 10:26 PM
"if I slept with a ts it could lead to some massive complications that would make the whole experience not worth while.

I'm sure that if sleeping with a ts was accepted in society then a lot more guys would be doing it. I guess there are a lot of people in the same position as me, I mean I have absolutely no attraction to men whatsoever and would never even consider getting intimate with a man because the idea repulses me."

I agree completely with this. although I am not and never will be disgusting with ts women after I jack off to them but everything else is true. I know alot of ts women say they want men to be proud when they date ts women. If i dated a ts and opened up to my friends about it...then i hope my relationship with that ts is strong because she would be the only friend I had left...

and i dont think that alot of men would sleep with tgirls if it was socially acceptable... i think the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of men would sleep with tgirls if it was socially acceptable...

06-15-2011, 10:29 PM
Do yourself a favor.....Go see "hangover 2" with your friends, and then see how many of them are actually surprised when Yasmin Lee disrobes.

Also, look up some stats on internet porn usage....More Gay porn is consumed in some states than what is possible considering the size of the "gay" population. Every gay guy would have to be watching porn 24/7 and it still wouldn't add up. So, either it's more common than people let on, or there's a gay dude who's mastered the space/time continuem. Look up some research on google scholars about men interested in TS, it'll help.

Final thought, try to not look at these girls as sex objects. It doesn't help how you feel and it's insulting to them. You probably don't feel guilty as much as you're anxious over someone finding out...and that's a reasonable fear considering it's not like you have the opportunity to hang out with TS girls with the bro's all the time.

TLDR: We can't all be characters in a 1950s sitcom, some of us are attracted to expressed femininity rather than inherited. Life's weird that way, have a beer. When you get that feeling, take a breath, realize that what's going on with you is normal, and fairly tame in perspective, and no one's fucking business but your own. Don't feel ashamed, get angry that anyone else would care. Do that every time and I guarantee it'll get better.

thats true, why do you think "gay for pay" guys get paid so much that it is worth the social risk? while straight porn dudes get paid close to nothing.

06-15-2011, 10:59 PM
i hang out with my boyfriends friends and family.theyres no weird stigma there.they are actually really cool people and from what i hear like me too.its only an issue if you make it one.

They probably had reservations at first and then his mom was like "...yeah I'd hit that too". Also I'm picturing the mom as small and hispanic, because hispanic moms are hilarious.

06-15-2011, 11:49 PM
They probably had reservations at first and then his mom was like "...yeah I'd hit that too". Also I'm picturing the mom as small and hispanic, because hispanic moms are hilarious.

naw.there were no moments of akwardness.im not entirely sure tho if they know im a ts or not.they havent asked or brought it up and we (my boyfriend and i) sure arent going to bring it up lol.
oh and yea she is pretty tiny and hispanic.

06-15-2011, 11:58 PM
hmmmm...im going to leave this alone.these self hating/am i gay/how do i deal threads get very tiresome.yall should really keep this shit to yourself.

06-16-2011, 12:03 AM
The way I look at it, they are on here they have taken the time to set up a username, and post threads, so get over it. Face it you like cock, open up a bit more and you will find that you probably are attracted to a few guys here and there too......

MdR Dave
06-16-2011, 12:12 AM
. . I think one of my friends once saw some of the stuff on my computer and it was probably the most awkward moment of my life. I managed to blag it, but I reckon he still has suspicions and probably told all my other friends. .

Replace the implied transsexual in this quote with an implied minority (racial, ethnic, religious, whatever.). Welcome to the 19th century.

Man up and join the human race, brother. The shame is not in what you feel, but how you feel about it.

And it's not a "personal" battle. You are hurting a lot more people than just yourself with your tacit approval of anyone's intolerance.

You will find support here.

06-16-2011, 12:25 AM
Apologies for using/taking the word "disgusted". The more appropriate word I should have used was "wrong", as I feel it is wrong for me to be attracted to ts's as i class myself as a very straight man.

Didnt mean to offend anyone...
you're most definitely not "very straight" and you've offended many.
And can you stick to one screen name plz ?

06-16-2011, 12:25 AM
Some studies show that people that have the biggest aversions to being considered homosexual...often are.

06-16-2011, 12:29 AM
you're most definitely not "very straight" and you've offended many.
And can you stick to one screen name plz ?

When people use multiple screen names on a site like this, especially when it becomes epidemic...maybe the Mods should consider exposing them more often.

06-16-2011, 12:33 AM
I disagree. I think novices opening up about what emotions they are experiencing,as ridiculous as some might sound,is a step in the right direction. I don't understand how the "Am I gay" thing fits in this particular thread.That's a totally different thing imo. Each individual new experience into the transgender community can entail a soup of introspection,soul searching,intrigue,confusion,guilt,social norms,backgrounds,experiences,religion,cultural norms,etc,etc,etc,thus not easily an easy fit for some convenient little box. With so much like what I listed at play,one can't and shouldn't generalize like that. Maybe,as was my case to a small extent,he'll substitute the term "liberated" in place of "wrong" in due time once he'll comes to grips with who he is,or who he's becoming? I don't know,but what I do know is that generalizations and stereotyping is the sign of ignorance.It's using shortcuts to make determinations about very complex things(human beings),and not too unlike the erroneous generalizations made about TS women as a monolithic group,which as we know just through what takes place at this forum,proves not to be true. I'm just glad I didn't encounter such blowback when I first opened up about my initial confused emotions eight or nine years ago when I started asking questions.

Surin Nix
06-16-2011, 12:50 AM

I'm new on the forum, but not new to the TS world.

2 years ago, I felt precisely how the creator of this thread felt. On a visit to Thailand, I encountered the beautiful ladyboys....and was attracted. I was with my gg (at the time) girlfriend, and there was nothing I could do about my very surprising longing to explore this unknown part of life. 6 months later, I returned and satisfied that longing....and have made 3 trips to Thailand in 1 1/2 years. I am not the most experienced ladyboy/TS admirer on this, or my usual forum (which is Thailand centered. I came here seeking info about the Brazilian TS scene, about which Will Ryker has been most helpful).

Like the original poster, as well as a couple of others who have commented on this thread, I too was raised in a conservative, Bible-oriented, homophobic community. The habituated thinking that results from such an environment profoundly affects, adversely, anybody who begins to color outside-the-lines perhaps somewhat later in life, as I did.

Frankly, I feel saddened for the poster, assuming that it was a legitimate post, who after sharing perhaps for the first time his inner-conflict, was met with essentially "man-up-fuck-off-get-over-it-you-love-cock-admit-it....". Geez, rough crowd.

I have my own story, which now involves my inner acceptance of my TS longing. Fortunately, I was warmly greeted by very experienced TS/ladyboy lovers when I wrote a post that contained many of the same elements as the thread-creator. Those individuals made the transition from screen-names on a forum to real people....and became friends.

When a guy asks for a helping hand, I don't think that's the time to smack him across the face.

06-16-2011, 12:55 AM

I'm new on the forum, but not new to the TS world.

2 years ago, I felt precisely how the creator of this thread felt. On a visit to Thailand, I encountered the beautiful ladyboys....and was attracted. I was with my gg (at the time) girlfriend, and there was nothing I could do about my very surprising longing to explore this unknown part of life. 6 months later, I returned and satisfied that longing....and have made 3 trips to Thailand in 1 1/2 years. I am not the most experienced ladyboy/TS admirer on this, or my usual forum (which is Thailand centered. I came here seeking info about the Brazilian TS scene, about which Will Ryker has been most helpful).

Like the original poster, as well as a couple of others who have commented on this thread, I too was raised in a conservative, Bible-oriented, homophobic community. The habituated thinking that results from such an environment profoundly affects, adversely, anybody who begins to color outside-the-lines perhaps somewhat later in life, as I did.

Frankly, I feel saddened for the poster, assuming that it was a legitimate post, who after sharing perhaps for the first time his inner-conflict, was met with essentially "man-up-fuck-off-get-over-it-you-love-cock-admit-it....". Geez, rough crowd.

I have my own story, which now involves my inner acceptance of my TS longing. Fortunately, I was warmly greeted by very experienced TS/ladyboy lovers when I wrote a post that contained many of the same elements as the thread-creator. Those individuals made the transition from screen-names on a forum to real people....and became friends.

When a guy asks for a helping hand, I don't think that's the time to smack him across the face.

I stand corrected....put the gun away!!!

06-16-2011, 01:04 AM

I'm new on the forum, but not new to the TS world.

2 years ago, I felt precisely how the creator of this thread felt. On a visit to Thailand, I encountered the beautiful ladyboys....and was attracted. I was with my gg (at the time) girlfriend, and there was nothing I could do about my very surprising longing to explore this unknown part of life. 6 months later, I returned and satisfied that longing....and have made 3 trips to Thailand in 1 1/2 years. I am not the most experienced ladyboy/TS admirer on this, or my usual forum (which is Thailand centered. I came here seeking info about the Brazilian TS scene, about which Will Ryker has been most helpful).

Like the original poster, as well as a couple of others who have commented on this thread, I too was raised in a conservative, Bible-oriented, homophobic community. The habituated thinking that results from such an environment profoundly affects, adversely, anybody who begins to color outside-the-lines perhaps somewhat later in life, as I did.

Frankly, I feel saddened for the poster, assuming that it was a legitimate post, who after sharing perhaps for the first time his inner-conflict, was met with essentially "man-up-fuck-off-get-over-it-you-love-cock-admit-it....". Geez, rough crowd.

I have my own story, which now involves my inner acceptance of my TS longing. Fortunately, I was warmly greeted by very experienced TS/ladyboy lovers when I wrote a post that contained many of the same elements as the thread-creator. Those individuals made the transition from screen-names on a forum to real people....and became friends.

When a guy asks for a helping hand, I don't think that's the time to smack him across the face.

Nice post,Surin Nix. I also think fellow posters should err on the side of caution and not throw out the baby with the bath water when posters such as this come aboard with questions about what they are experiencing. I probably lurked for two years before coming aboard fwiw,and I'm glad I was not run off.
With Yasmin currently in a blockbuster movie,who knows how many more will find ts women their thing and have to wrestle with similar thoughts and emotions,and this is the best face some posters bring forth?

BTW,let me take a second to acknowledge posters such as Felicia Katt and TS Beauty, who welcomed my initial questions,concerns,confusion,etc, and did not treat me like some mass produced widget. I think most of us at some point wrestle such confusion and questions.

06-16-2011, 01:59 AM
Very good posts RealGirls4me and Surin Nix. While I do make jokes on threads maybe even on the gay threads I don't direct my jokes at any person, maybe I shouldn't make a joke on a serious topic at all, but what you say is quite true indeed. There are people out there who are either new or confused and want some guidance or advise.

But I guess for me starting out years ago when I had questions,, I also got the jokes or insults thrown at me. I think this happens in any type of group, I'm not saying it's right to do this but it happens. I had to get around the insulting people and jokes until I could find the right answers,, funny thing, I'm still kind of confused, I just don't ask questions anymore.

06-16-2011, 02:04 AM
there is a big difference between being confused or questioning and coming on here to express your disgust.if you really feel so reviled by this world than please by all means have nothing to do with it.

06-16-2011, 02:08 AM
there is a big difference between being confused or questioning and coming on here to express your disgust.if you really feel so reviled by this world than please by all means have nothing to do with it.

Yea, maybe the first posts could have used better wording.

06-16-2011, 02:16 AM
Time to get over the fear. It's not that big a deal....triple your chances of date, enjoy all the sexes

06-16-2011, 02:16 AM
Man the Fuck up n accept what arouses you, stop trying to classiy what you are and what you think should feel right. Jesus Christ, get on with it and find a TS you're atrracted to, and give it a try, not to say She might or might not deny you. Wtf, you say you'd feel disgusted, cuz she's a TS, but not the least bit wrong coming close to the urges of having sex with a TS Escort? Obviously u are in denial. Listen I don't like men either, but I'm not going to bitch about wussing out on TS's. TS's are pretty, well the pretty ones, dudes are dudes, especially hairy dudes that don't look like or don't try to look like Females. But they both have cocks, sorry but they do. If You like TS's and unless you ONLY like POST ops, YOU LIKE DICK period.

06-16-2011, 02:26 AM
I would consider myself a straight guy. I have had many girlfriends and whenver I see a hot woman I always look at her and think about what it would be like to sleep with her. However since I was about 16-17, I came accross a video while looking at normal female porn, it was of a ts. I was instantly aroused by this and could'nt understand why. Its now been some years since then and I still look at this porn regularly and have come close to visiting a ts escort but just havn't quite done it. I suppose the main reason is that as soon as I have finished jacking off, I suddenly feel disgusted with myself for doing it and often tell myself that this is the last time I will ever look at that and I need to just get on with a normal life. I hang around with a very masculine group of friends and have done for nearly all my life and if I slept with a ts it could lead to some massive complications that would make the whole experience not worth while.

I'm sure that if sleeping with a ts was accepted in society then a lot more guys would be doing it. I guess there are a lot of people in the same position as me, I mean I have absolutely no attraction to men whatsoever and would never even consider getting intimate with a man because the idea repulses me. How did others go ahead with their first ts experience?

Wow, Dave. You just told my story, word for word. I mean everything you just said describes my experience. When I joined this site, I was actually hoping to be able to share my experience with people. No one, not even my closest friends, know about my attraction to shemales.

When I was 17 or 18, I ran across some "t-girl" stuff and wasn't sure what that word meant. I could tell by the context the person typing used that it wasn't for everyone. I clicked on the link and saw some not-so-good looking t-girls. One of them looked nice, but it didn't hit me at that exact moment. I think it was because most of these shemales were white and I am not really attracted to white women. But, a day or so later, I was lying in a tanning bed and all of a sudden, the thought of these "t-girls" entered my mind. I started thinking about their tits and got a major hard on. I felt high! I immediately went home and looked up these "t-girls" and found ones that I was attracted to. I would save all of these pics and then hide them well. I would jack off and delete all of them. Later, I would say "fuck, why did I delete all of that shit?!".

It took a long time for me to understand my attraction to transsexuals. You probably can't tell by my screen name, but I have never been with a shemale either. Only women. I love women. I was just outside and saw this beautiful woman. F*ckin' beautiful! I am in no way bragging, but I don't have any problem talking to or hooking up with women. I have never been with a prostitute or an escort. Recently, I was going through this faze where everywhere I went, I would scope out the hottest girl in the room and try to get her number. It worked more often than not. But, with transsexual ladies, I have only seen one in person, if my memory serves me correctly and that was when I was still a kid. So, being that I don't live in an area filled with shemales, and I don't really go to clubs, I have never met up with a hot TS.

I recently came across an escort advertisement for a shemale that I have admired for years! I didn't even know she provided that type of service. I e-mailed her and she e-mailed me back a couple of days later and told me to call her. I couldn't believe it! I called and was awestruck at the sound of her sweet, sexy voice. I called one before her that I like a lot, but she was quick and to the point. I was awestruck with her too.

Anyway, what I'm saying is, because I have never been with a shemale and they are so damn sexy to me, I get so aroused by them. Women have become so easy for me and again, I am not bragging. I think I might go on my first TS date this weekend. I have been going back and forth in my mind about it. This particular t-girl is beautiful in her pictures and I spoke to her yesterday. She sounded so sweet. Her voice was very womanly, which is important to me. I apologize for babbling on, but I needed to get this off of my chest. Even if no one reads it, I feel a bit better. Thanks.

06-16-2011, 02:37 AM
You going on a date or going to see an escort?

06-16-2011, 02:39 AM
Fuck man accept it you like shemales and transsexuals there is nothing 'wrong' about it you are attracted to women some have pussys some have cocks its all fun I have a laddish group of mates who all know i like shemales the call me a tranny chaser but they certainly dont think i like guys.If most guys were 100% honest I say 60% would admit being attracted to shemales. So chill go fuck a tranny and get on with your fuckin life

This. Well said.

06-16-2011, 02:42 AM
You going on a date or going to see an escort?

To see an escort. Where I live, there aren't many trannys around. This will be my first escort experience of any kind. I used to say "I would never pay for sex", but I consider this a special situation. And, I want a tranny that is passable. If I ran into some guy in a wig who wanted to hook up for free, I still wouldnt be down for that. I like them soft and preferably natural. Implants are ok though. As long as they look like women.

06-16-2011, 02:45 AM
To see an escort. Where I live, there aren't many trannys around. This will be my first escort experience of any kind. I used to say "I would never pay for sex", but I consider this a special situation. And, I want a tranny that is passable. If I ran into some guy in a wig who wanted to hook up for free, I still wouldnt be down for that. I like them soft and preferably natural. Implants are ok though. As long as they look like women.
Well good luck, hope it meets your expectations, and be sure to post your thoughts.

06-16-2011, 02:47 AM
Well good luck, hope it meets your expectations, and be sure to post your thoughts.

Will do, and thanks!

06-16-2011, 05:25 PM
god enough with the half a page post in these threads. Just write a book for crying out loud

06-17-2011, 07:45 AM
I would consider myself a straight guy. I have had many girlfriends and whenver I see a hot woman I always look at her and think about what it would be like to sleep with her. However since I was about 16-17, I came accross a video while looking at normal female porn, it was of a ts. I was instantly aroused by this and could'nt understand why. Its now been some years since then and I still look at this porn regularly and have come close to visiting a ts escort but just havn't quite done it. I suppose the main reason is that as soon as I have finished jacking off, I suddenly feel disgusted with myself for doing it and often tell myself that this is the last time I will ever look at that and I need to just get on with a normal life. I hang around with a very masculine group of friends and have done for nearly all my life and if I slept with a ts it could lead to some massive complications that would make the whole experience not worth while.

I'm sure that if sleeping with a ts was accepted in society then a lot more guys would be doing it. I guess there are a lot of people in the same position as me, I mean I have absolutely no attraction to men whatsoever and would never even consider getting intimate with a man because the idea repulses me. How did others go ahead with their first ts experience?

I read some of the threads in your post and as a bonafide vet ( ;) ) I can relate to you.

Alot of the girls, as well as alot of butt sniffing guys don't understand, or in the but sniffer's case, they forgot what it was like at first when they were new to this......and when I say new, I mean the first time you saw ts porn and jacked off to it.

Most guys go through this embarrassment early on...so did I.

I recommend you hang out here, learn a bit, and if you're still interested, eventually the urge will probably get stronger, and....well, if your serious, for the first time I recommend to put up your 2 or 3 hundred dollars and test the waters.

Long story short, what you're going through, it's a process, basically.

06-17-2011, 11:51 AM
^ yup

06-18-2011, 05:22 AM
You're thinking too much...just go with it.

06-18-2011, 05:58 AM
So many faggots are on this board!!!lol.

Seriously, many members a some point have been in a 'space' similar to the OP.
But in my case that was a loooooonnnggg time ago, so it's kinda hard to relate now.

There's just something feminine about Ts that always keeps me going, so all the homophobia centered around a TG's DNA IMO is a waste of time.

Str8 guys love tgirls, and the girls lust you back.

Stop overanalyzing their anatomy,(if it was THAT big a problem you wouldn't be attracted in the first place!!) and just go with it.

At the end of the day it's about YOU and the GIRL.
That's it, and it's no one else's business.

06-18-2011, 07:05 AM
I'm sure that if sleeping with a ts was accepted in society then a lot more guys would be doing it. I guess there are a lot of people in the same position as me, I mean I have absolutely no attraction to men whatsoever and would never even consider getting intimate with a man because the idea repulses me. How did others go ahead with their first ts experience?

A lot of men are fucking or getting fucked by TS women. It does not have to be acceptable for a certain number of men to do it.