View Full Version : Morality over Poltics!?

06-11-2011, 09:33 PM
If there is one thing I have learned that male politicians love to cheat on there wives. Weather they be a dem or a repub it's gonna happen again. They are also gonna lie about this shit. My thing is why don't these politicians get asked to resign when they lie about promises they make and don't keep.

Thus I vote for candidate A who says he gonna vote yes on this bill.

Candidate A does the exact opposite and votes no on said bill.

This candidate was elected on this promise and he lied to his voters about him. Yet he will not be asked to resign.

Then we have candidate V who cheats on wife and lies about it to the public. Now this has nothin to do with his policy making but people will say that he could lie to the public about other things? Now for that matter Candidate A did that but was not asked to resign.

To me it looks like morality is being placed above ones ability to do there job. Like these politicans are needed for moral support much like a pastor is. Please do not turn this into a dem vs repub fight but i'm probably asking for to much.

06-12-2011, 01:10 AM
If there is one thing I have learned that male politicians love to cheat on there wives. Weather they be a dem or a repub it's gonna happen again. They are also gonna lie about this shit. My thing is why don't these politicians get asked to resign when they lie about promises they make and don't keep.

Thus I vote for candidate A who says he gonna vote yes on this bill.

Candidate A does the exact opposite and votes no on said bill.

This candidate was elected on this promise and he lied to his voters about him. Yet he will not be asked to resign.

Then we have candidate V who cheats on wife and lies about it to the public. Now this has nothin to do with his policy making but people will say that he could lie to the public about other things? Now for that matter Candidate A did that but was not asked to resign.

To me it looks like morality is being placed above ones ability to do there job. Like these politicans are needed for moral support much like a pastor is. Please do not turn this into a dem vs repub fight but i'm probably asking for to much.

I feel your pain, but there are few Statesman left in our society. But the problem is not them...it's us. We get the government we deserve. I guarantee if Weiner and Rangel had to run tomorrow in a special election, they'd win with 80% of the vote. As long as they keep the money flow coming into the districts from Washington and they're passing out goodies ( redistributed income) they're virtually guaranteed re-election. They've turned what the founders called a "beautiful experiment" into a failing cesspool of nepotism, corruption, big money, self enrichment, and morally bankrupt ajendas.

06-12-2011, 03:29 AM
Our prime minister Julia Gillard should be charged with rape because she fucked the country and lied about it and Australia still say's no

06-12-2011, 05:22 AM
To me it looks like morality is being placed above ones ability to do there job.

Morality? This isn't really a moral issue, unless you identify the morality involved. Violation of the morasl code comes into play in both your scenarios the same way. Breach of promise. What's the difference if the promise is made to a spouse or a constituency? A sexual aspect doesn't make anything a moral issue.