View Full Version : Ever Go To Bed And Wonder, "Did I Forget To Jack Off Today?"

Dino Velvet
06-10-2011, 08:06 PM
It's a weird feeling. Sometimes I'm in a groove where I'm Punishing Percy 3-5 times a day. When things slow down I settle for one really good one per day. But, occasionally at bedtime, I get into bed wondering if I jerked off that day actually wondering if I'm horny or not. When in doubt, I get out of the bed, sit on the toilet, and beat my meat. A good orgasm always ensures me a good night sleep.

06-10-2011, 08:09 PM
Lol Dino!! I have gone to bed wondering, just as I have when I wake up the next day. I go about once every two days. Unless I'm having sex, then I seem to just push jacking off to the side.

06-11-2011, 05:08 AM
Not on your fuckin' life!!!:dancing::dancing:

06-11-2011, 07:40 AM
lol... I've done that, too.
It's rare, but some days I get so involved in completing projects I put off shit like eating or going to the bathroom unless I absolutely have to. I've caught myself and had to fit in a session before bed. Doesn't happen too often, though.

06-11-2011, 07:58 AM
I had sex the night before last, jerked off last night. The need does seem to change every so often though for no reason, like you were saying Dino, doesn't really matter if I had sex recently, or jerked off or not.

Dino Velvet
06-11-2011, 08:08 AM
Not on your fuckin' life!!!:dancing::dancing:

Y'know what I was thinking? You wanna tell these people who told this great story?

R & R, Subic Bay, Phillipines....what a fuckin' shit hole. In a bar owned by an old retired Navy Chief and a former Marine Gunny. these two would steal the shit out of a dead man's ass, if they thought some dumb fuck would buy it. me and the guys in my team were sittin' around a table (six of us). Suzie Cream Cheese climbs under the table and starts goin' around the table (it's called a Round Robin). The way the rotation was goin', I was gonna be last. The guy ahead of me (#5), had a cock that could choke a Boa Constrictor, a little on the large side. She, being the pro she thought she was got started on it, and began to puke. Driller got pissed, not because she threw up but, because she got somebody elses cum all over his crotch. I thought he was gonna rip her thoat out, the way he yanked her out from under that table. We got kicked out, I had Blue Balls cuz I didn't get my turn.....

More about that trip to "The PI" later.

06-12-2011, 06:01 AM
Y'know what I was thinking? You wanna tell these people who told this great story?

James Bond?:)

Ineeda SM
06-12-2011, 07:09 AM
It's a weird feeling. Sometimes I'm in a groove where I'm Punishing Percy 3-5 times a day

You named your cock.....Percy? Does that include your balls too, or do they have a different name. Just....curious.

06-12-2011, 07:11 AM
that only happens monthly. and no I'm not a chick

06-12-2011, 07:27 AM
But I woke up this morning and my penis was gone.

Dino Velvet
06-12-2011, 07:29 AM
You named your cock.....Percy? Does that include your balls too, or do they have a different name. Just....curious.

"Punishing Percy"? I learned it when I was like 17 years old. I worked with this guy who said it once. I asked, "What did you say?" He repeated, "...Punishing Percy." I laughed so hard my ribs hurt then said, "That's great! I'm gonna use that!" It's been 26 years later and I still call the act of male masturbation "Punishing Percy".

06-12-2011, 03:15 PM
If I went to bed without jacking off, I'm dead. Close the lid.

06-12-2011, 04:08 PM
Aww, Dino you're starting awfully early to be having senior moments. Used to be I had to jack off to sleep myself, unless of course the old lady was feeling frisky. But as the years go by and other things happen medically the need wears off (Thank God or I'd only get to sleep about once a month). Reading some of the responses to this, I can tell some of you guys are going to be disappointed when you get older. These days I get an orgasm once or twice a month I'm fairly happy.:)

Dino Velvet
06-12-2011, 11:07 PM
Aww, Dino you're starting awfully early to be having senior moments. Used to be I had to jack off to sleep myself, unless of course the old lady was feeling frisky. But as the years go by and other things happen medically the need wears off (Thank God or I'd only get to sleep about once a month). Reading some of the responses to this, I can tell some of you guys are going to be disappointed when you get older. These days I get an orgasm once or twice a month I'm fairly happy.:)

I started going senile years ago. I always lead with my head on the football field and what brain I had remaining was turned to mashed potatoes with all the booze and drugs I ate. I scratch my head occasionally wondering why I'm allowed to walk around freely.

06-12-2011, 11:47 PM
Y'know what I was thinking? You wanna tell these people who told this great story?

I know the bar!!!

06-13-2011, 01:43 AM
WOW really, really?