View Full Version : Need help on how to ask about anal cleansing..

05-28-2011, 07:14 PM
:fuckin::fuckin::fuckin:Let's just say that I just had a "shitty experience" with a tgirl. I'm mature so I was cool about it but definitely want to avoid that type of experience in the future. Anyone have any suggestions on requesting/asking a tlady to be "cleaned out" before we meet? Thanks peeps.

Surin Nix
05-28-2011, 10:31 PM
What country were you in when this happened?

Most of my experiences have been with Thai LB's, and there they are very fastidious (for the most part) about keeping their backsides clean as a whistle. Everybody uses those hand-held sprayers ("bum washers") to irrigate their bowels with very good effect. The only way I can see to avoid the "shitty experience" is for there to be no shit....and I mean that, (no shit!).

...and the only way there can be no shit is to irrigate the inside with an enema or bum-sprayer.

The only way to be 100% sure of this level of cleanliness is to just ask I suppose. Otherwise, it's a crap-shoot.


05-29-2011, 02:03 AM
I have had a problem a couple of times of getting myself totally cleaned out and yes it is embarrasing. What's this bum sprayer? Is it better or easier to use than an enema? Where can you get one?

Ineeda SM
05-29-2011, 02:21 AM
Use a handheld shower massage with a pulsing setting. Put it right up to your ass hole and let it pound the water into your ass, then empty out. Repeat if necessary. The pulsing feels great too.

05-29-2011, 02:29 AM
Okay Kelly's rule to a clean ass!

Buy one of those 2.99 enema bottles that read 50 % more from Fleet!

Go home and pour the stuff out that's in the bottle!

Then fill it four times inserting it into your rectum each time with luke warm water...

Try to hold it as long as you can - and release...

Then fill the enema bottle and do it one at a time till the release is totally clear and you no longer feel like you need to go to the bathroom.

You will have a clean whistle for the distle :)

And if you have anal sex on a regular (like myself) I do mine every other day. For those spontaneous sexcapades!

05-29-2011, 02:37 AM
You have anal sex on a regular basis Kelly? Imagine that. LOL. Thanks for the advice but it's pretty much what I do already and sometimes if I have a long drive to get to the SP I have a problem. Luckily it has been with the same girl twice and she was very understanding. She suggested I bring an enema along with me the next time and do it again when I get there. That would seem to maybe ruin the mood if you know what I mean.

05-29-2011, 02:38 AM
You have anal sex on a regular basis Kelly? Imagine that. LOL. Thanks for the advice but it's pretty much what I do already and sometimes if I have a long drive to get to the SP I have a problem. Luckily it has been with the same girl twice and she was very understanding. She suggested I bring an enema along with me the next time and do it again when I get there. That would seem to maybe ruin the mood if you know what I mean.Wow well you can always go in for a Colonic..it sounds like you have back up.

05-29-2011, 02:39 AM
Anyone have any suggestions on requesting/asking a tlady to be "cleaned out" before we meet?

Just tell her you haven't washed yer cock in a while.
If she's alright with that, you might want to give it a miss! :shrug

05-29-2011, 03:58 AM
Nix, this happened here in Illinois a few days ago. I was surprised because she had a very professional website with good reviews. I gues your right, next time I will be ask the question straight up..."baby your back door is clean as a whistle for my lil chocolate soldier right" haha

05-29-2011, 04:36 AM
Another reason why a RELATIONSHIP with one tgirl is better than a million escorts!!!

I am soooo shit-phobic, it might take me a full hour(!!lol) to get hard again if I ever pulled out with brown goo smeared on my shaft!!!

Kelly is right, Enema, enema, enema if you anticipate being sexually active anally in the next 6-8 hours.

I would drink champagne out of of girl's pristine asshole, but she has to come correct.

05-29-2011, 05:24 AM
I'm curious.. and this is slightly off topic... but are enemas considered a healthy thing for the average Joe and Jane that are heterosexual? I mean in a non-sexual way. Because I recall hearing Janet Jackson did them regularly with caffeine or something like that.

I was wondering if it would make my colon or whatever more healthy?

I try to shave the inside of my somewhat frequently. I also - when able (hard in public restrooms) - after wiping myself a number of times, wet folded toilet paper and wipe as need, then wipe with dry toilet paper.

I've been doing that some years now. It has reduced potential "streaking" in my underwear by roughly 95% to 98% I would say. In my mind, when I pull down or take off my white underwear, not even those should have a single "streak." But that can be difficult depending on variables, like what you may have eaten (beans etc.). I prefer darker color underwear for this reason. I've recently switched to Aussiebum's Wonder Jock brand and style too. They do enhance the male cock and over all look. But I have no broad so I pretty much do all this for me. I'm not a Nazi about being clean but I have to have a certain measure on cleanliness about me and around me to stay sane.

Here's the brand etc., if anyone is interest. You can scroll down to Wonder Jock. http://www.aussiebum.com/en/underwear/ (you can click on them to see male models wearing them, and videos too)

Sorry if I derailed the thread.

05-29-2011, 05:31 AM
I'm curious.. and this is slightly off topic... but are enemas considered a healthy thing for the average Joe and Jane that are heterosexual? I mean in a non-sexual way. Because I recall hearing Janet Jackson did them regularly with caffeine or something like that.

I was wondering if it would make my colon or whatever more healthy?

I try to shave the inside of my somewhat frequently. I also - when able (hard in public restrooms) - after wiping myself a number of times, wet folded toilet paper and wipe as need, then wipe with dry toilet paper.

I've been doing that some years now. It has reduced potential "streaking" in my underwear by roughly 95% to 98% I would say. In my mind, when I pull down or take off my white underwear, not even those should have a single "streak." But that can be difficult depending on variables, like what you may have eaten (beans etc.). I prefer darker color underwear for this reason. I've recently switched to Aussiebum's Wonder Jock brand and style too. They do enhance the male cock and over all look. But I have no broad so I pretty much do all this for me. I'm not a Nazi about being clean but I have to have a certain measure on cleanliness about me and around me to stay sane.

Here's the brand etc., if anyone is interest. You can scroll down to Wonder Jock. http://www.aussiebum.com/en/underwear/ (you can click on them to see male models wearing them, and videos too)

Sorry if I derailed the thread.

Yeah, they'll cleanse your colon!:)
YouTube - ‪Nutty Professor, Fart Scene - Edit (YTP)‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm8d0xBYrws)

05-29-2011, 05:34 AM
Go out to the patio, get your garden hose and put a funnel at the end, carefully insert and open it to medium, when it starts to come out clean you are ready to go party. :)

05-29-2011, 05:38 AM
Go out to the patio, get your garden hose and put a funnel at the end, carefully insert and open it to medium, when it starts to come out clean you are ready to go party. :)

I wish I was your neighbor Natasha, so I could see you doing that in your backyard!:):dancing::Bowdown:

Surin Nix
05-29-2011, 05:42 AM
Once i discovered my interest in Thai ladyboys (about 2 years ago), of course on of the first things i encountered was the topic of anal sex.

Having never had anal sex, the thought had kind of creeped me out frankly....usavory brown goo on the finger, on the cock. The thought of getting my nose up in there and getting a nostril-full of dung-smell....and not to mention what might end up on the tongue! :salad

Then, meeting a number of boardmembers from another forum, i was amazed at the ease which this topic was discussed over a few beers. (I thought, "really, are we talking about bum-washing? A group of guys in a bar in Thailand, and this is what we are talking about......? .....really?".

But it was a worthwhile conversation.

Backside cleanliness, once assured, is a very pleasureable thing, regardless of whether you give or receive.

All Thai bathrooms have as a standard feature, "The Bum Hose", and everybody uses it....not just for sexual purposes, but for general cleanliness after going "#2". It's sanitary, and it makes sense.

For sex, it is imperative, and worth the :5 minutes in the bathroom preparing.

1. Use the bum-hose.

In the U.S., where we don't really have them, here is the very website I used to create my own:


2. Whoever is the receiving partner (not a bad idea for anyboy who's partner might spend time with tongue or appendange down there), should use the bum-hose.

3. Relax the anal spinchter as much as possible. Press the bum hose directly onto the anal opening. Pull the trigger......flinch a little bit. (It's not painful, and after awhile, you get used to it). Using as low a pressure as you can, sit upright and allow your bowels to fill. Take a few deep breaths as this is happenin.

When it feels like your entire downside is about to burst (it won't), then pinch your butt-cheeks tights and hang on for dear life.....hang on as long as you can. This hanging on period helps work the water up even higher (don't worry, you cannot get it "too high"). When you can no longer hold it, allow your bowels to evacuate.

Repeat this 5 or 6 times. Eventually, your (her her) bum will only evacuate clear water. This is ideal.

Finally, have some soap handy and use the bum-washer to give a quick wash of everything explosed (ie, your butthold). Make it as clean as a whistle. No stains. No aromas.

Finally, get busy and get whatever you want to get done before somebody decides to cut loose with that evening's burrito.

BUt seriously, I could not, and would not, have considered back-door sex without this aid of the bum-washer.

U.S. members, use the website above and give it a whirl. You'll be glad you did!


05-29-2011, 05:44 AM
I wish I was your neighbor Natasha, so I could see you doing that in your backyard!:):dancing::Bowdown:

05-29-2011, 06:33 AM
:) Wow, Surin Nix, informative! I've bookmarked your page. Will read more of it at a later time.

And they say the only stupid question is a question not asked.

But one thing not answered to me Sur Nix and theone, is the question of the healthiness of doing enemas? I mean I'm assuming of course they are not harmful, so, that's not so much my concern or question. What I'm wondering and attempting to ask is it a whole lot of effort that has little or no health benefit? I mean... like, does using a "bum hose" help decrease risk of colon cancer, or just keep the colon in a more naturally healthy state (e.g., is there any know effects like say... after two years continuous use, the insides of the body exude less foul odor, or colon organ show less age and decline etc.)?

I could and probably should seek my answers from an online engine search or from asking my primary care physician. And I may. But for now I'm at ease just picking your brains.


05-29-2011, 07:30 AM
Go outside with a sledge hammer. Belt yourself naked to a fire hydrant, then bust the thing open. Bend over. When the water goes from brown to dark red, you're good.

Surin Nix
05-29-2011, 02:35 PM
:) Wow, Surin Nix, informative! I've bookmarked your page. Will read more of it at a later time.

And they say the only stupid question is a question not asked.

But one thing not answered to me Sur Nix and theone, is the question of the healthiness of doing enemas? I mean I'm assuming of course they are not harmful, so, that's not so much my concern or question. What I'm wondering and attempting to ask is it a whole lot of effort that has little or no health benefit? I mean... like, does using a "bum hose" help decrease risk of colon cancer, or just keep the colon in a more naturally healthy state (e.g., is there any know effects like say... after two years continuous use, the insides of the body exude less foul odor, or colon organ show less age and decline etc.)?

I could and probably should seek my answers from an online engine search or from asking my primary care physician. And I may. But for now I'm at ease just picking your brains.



Here is one doctors well-considered opinion regarding your question about the usefullness of administering enemas long-term:


If there are benefits regarding reduced risk of cancer or other bowel-maladies, they seem to be outweighed by the possibility that the bowels might cease their normal functioning, having become dependent on the enemas for daily use (which is the gist of the link above). I'm sure there might be other medical opinions on the matter.

I'm not a doctor (I just play one on tv), but I'd say use the enema or bum-hose sparingly and as necessary.....and if "as necessary"means daily use due to your sexual exploits, then my sincere congratulations!


05-29-2011, 02:43 PM
Go out to the patio, get your garden hose and put a funnel at the end, carefully insert and open it to medium, when it starts to come out clean you are ready to go party. :)If that doesn't work you could try a pressure washer, I guess:)

05-29-2011, 04:41 PM
Thank god for pussy, is all I have to say to this thread. Also, that sounds awful going through that enema routine every day. bowels aren't meant to be that clean.

05-29-2011, 11:15 PM

with anal sex you could get a


05-29-2011, 11:45 PM
It would be great if toilets in the US had bum washers attached. But the problem with using it to cleanse internally (pressing it into the opening) is having to clean the washer itself later. I certainly wouldn't want to use one in a public toilet without a thorough bleaching first.

For years I have used high colonics prior to deep anal play. I rigged up a small hose to the bathroom faucet with a control for the flow rate. You definitely do not want to use the full flow rate or you can hurt yourself. Same with setting the water temp too high (lukewarm is best).

I also have a home colonic setup called a colema board that sets across the toilet opening and a chair. You lay on it and the hose is held in place on a splash guard/funnel that your ass sits against. You don't have to hold the water in, your bowels will gently fill and flush rhythmically, and the toilet will flush as it fills.

Colonics can take awhile to get totally cleansed, however, sometimes 2-3 hours. But this is the best way I've found to get clean enough for deep anal play, such as dildos and fisting, hard fucking, etc.

Just my two cents, but I've been doing this for over 30 years now.

06-09-2011, 03:51 AM
any more comments on anal cleaning?