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View Full Version : Cyber Girlfriends (Allanah, you should get on this!)

12-24-2005, 11:24 PM

12-25-2005, 12:35 AM
Pretty interesting article. One of my older computers still has the Catz virtual pet program loaded on it. Living in an apartment where no pets were allowed and at a time when I really couldn't give the live version the attention they needed, the little guy was a fun companion.

Thinking about it, the machine is still hooked up, so I may wake up the VP tomorrow morning. He'll be royally pissed, of course. Unlike the Tomogatchi (Sp?), the VPs don't die from lack of attention. Instead, you open the program to find the empty food dish overturned and the character sitting in the middle of the screen, staring at you, as if to say "Hey, asshole! Yah, you! Fill the gawddam dish! Now!".

But then I'll unleash the mouse, from the assortment of toys and treats provided, and he'll soon forget that he was replaced with the breathing, furry variety when I bought my house. :)