View Full Version : Why Is Arnold Schwarzenegger's Mistress Lawyering Up?

05-24-2011, 10:56 PM


Should Arnold Schwarzenegger (http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/celebs/c108540_Arnold_Schwarzenegger.html) be worried?
We already knew that in the wake of his extramarital affair (http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b242823_another_arnold_schwarzenegger_mistress.htm l) with a former housekeeper has led to wife Maria Shriver leaving (http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b240987_arnold_schwarzenegger_maria_shriver.html)t he family compound and hiring (http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b242779_maria_shriver_lawyers_up_with_top.html) a crackerack divorce attorney.
Now, E! News has confirmed that his baby-mama mistress (http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b242601_arnold_schwarzenegger_housekeeper.html), Mildred Patricia Baena, has retained her own legal eagle.
Michael Saltz has come aboard to represent Baena, according to a spokeswoman for his firm, Jacobson, Russell, Saltz & Fingerman.
So far, the firm says, Baena has no plans to launch any litigation, but the rep declined to elaborate.
Why would she lawyer up?
Perhaps Baena wants to make sure Schwarzenegger lives up to his paternal responsibilities when it comes to their 13-year-old son. There have been reports that Schwarzenegger has provided money for the family, including the downpayment for their house (http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b242662_did_arnold_schwarzenegger_buy_this_home.ht ml), and with the scandal intensifying Baena might want to get a deal in writing.
Saltz (who is traveling and wasn't available for comment) has a background as a prosecutor and has extensively worked in real-estate cases. But his firm also specializes in entertainment deals, which means Baena could be looking to cash in on her sudden infamy.
Or maybe she just wants to sue George Lopez (http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/celebs/c111242_George_Lopez.html)'s pants off for that sketch last night (http://www.whosay.com/georgelopez/videos/31401).

Read more: http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b243635_why_arnold_schwarzeneggers_mistress.html#i xzz1NJ11bIr3

05-24-2011, 10:59 PM
story is that he has more kids by more mistresses

05-25-2011, 05:48 AM
there are (2) videos that are HILARIOUS of Jorge Lopez


http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b243635_why_arnold_schwarzeneggers_mistress.html#i xzz1NJ11bIr3



05-25-2011, 09:51 AM
The lawyer is a buffer between her & all the assholes who are trying to violate her privacy & that of her children. Arnold is a celebrity. She isn't. This really is a non-story & nobody else's business. He's not the Governor anymore, & he's not running for anything.

05-25-2011, 10:40 AM
its an issue cause it was in bad faith

its an issue cause he lied,cheated,was dishonest

05-25-2011, 03:28 PM
The lawyer is a buffer between her & all the assholes who are trying to violate her privacy & that of her children. Arnold is a celebrity. She isn't. This really is a non-story & nobody else's business. He's not the Governor anymore, & he's not running for anything.

This story will run and run. The media smell blood in the water, you are going to get all sorts of women coming out the woodwork and given air time even if they are liars. The drones would rather read about arnolds love children and sex scandals than about the deep shit the economies of both america and the UK are in right now. Or the fact the middle east is being set fire to by obama the destroyer and the simpering floppy haired buffoon that is david cameron. It's CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN.

Arnold and women has been a story they wanted to do for years but couldn't because the powers that be obviously didn't want the story to break while arnold was governor.So it was broadly hushed up when it had to be. He's not stupid he married who he did for a reason. The sperminator asking a woman if he can taste her ass or him pushing marias face into a cake in public or shouting at her when she couldn't play tennis to his standards when she had morning sickness is what the muppets want to read about (true or not) .I also get the impression there is a certain amount of prejudice about where he came from in all this. We have commentators making out this kind of sexist behaviour is more common in austrian males and mentioning his fathers 'nazi past' and arnolds 'nazi sympathies'. Of course if arnold had been another skin colour these 'commentators' would have to be rather more careful in what they say. So it's quite interesting to to see the hypocrisy.

It will never be a private matter. But still it's interesting the parallels to clinton and his sexual exploits. I seriously doubt arnolds sexual appetite will be treated in the same way by the left and the generally left leaning media (apart from fox) . Of course the right went after Clinton in just the same way. Both sides are hypocrites.

05-25-2011, 05:05 PM
HEY LOOK! Michael Jackson's still alive & hangin' out in laundrymats with Elvis!

That's what this is. A bunch of tabloid nonsense aimed at the terminally glassy eyed & gullible celebrity worshipers. The kid's what, a teenager now? There's no political office at stake. There's no judicial action pending. What's the point, other than you want to see someone suffer just because you know who they are? Sure seems like a violation of the code. Y'all wonder why there's assholes in the world, & here you are marching in the sphincter parade. Too bad you weren't born in medieval times. You could hang out at the pillory for entertainment.


06-04-2011, 10:29 PM
some don't know that its Jorge Lopez in drag