View Full Version : merry xmas and a happy new year

12-24-2005, 02:28 AM
Im on my way to island in the sun... gran canaria and las palmas.
I m going there four a werry special reason... I gonna register my partner ship to the most amasing tgirl I ever meet. My asian star yep.
I was trying to change my avatar to a pic of the 2 of us... but I could not get it in...Hmm I keep the old one. I wanna which al the amasing peopole on hung angels a werry happy new year and I hope to see al of you again next year... and rememer; there is no sin... and I hope you understand my bad wroten englich :wink:
Hugs from scorpi and yep

12-24-2005, 03:13 AM
All the best to you this season, scorpion, and to your Asian star.

12-24-2005, 03:55 AM
and I hope you understand my bad wroten englich :wink:

Better than some I've seen and heard. :)

Have a good and safe trip! :D

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-24-2005, 04:26 AM
Well have a safe trip sweety. Emjoy and Happy Holidays! Comeback in one piece.



12-24-2005, 04:34 AM
Everyone At HA Have A Great Christmas And A Happy New Year :P

01-08-2006, 02:36 AM
Oki Doki... its done.... Wee have a great time here im writing from a internet cafe... I wonder??? is it posible to marry or get into a partership in the USA whit a TG/TV or gay?
Our partership is registred as a homosexuell partnership between 2 mens..
and even that she loocks like a girl/ woman she is a man... but Im just curios is this possible four anyone else or is this only possibel in europe or in Asia.... there was more difficulte in Asia than Europe as I understand it. so wee did it in my part of the world.
I which all beautis on this forum a werry good and 6y 2006