View Full Version : You go GW Bush

12-23-2005, 12:15 AM

12-23-2005, 12:33 AM
That's an incredible video (I can even overlook the fifty year old photo of damage to the Empire State Building).

12-23-2005, 01:04 AM
Someone's drawing his testosterone from his XBox video war games again. Fuck George Dubya, and anyone else who subscribes to the mantra of, my country right or wrong. No mention or images of the tens of thousands Iraqis killed under Saddam when the Reagan and Bush41 administrations supported him, the 250,000 Iraqis killed during the first gulf war, the tens of thousands who died during the embargo driven and enforced to the extreme by this country, the attacks of that country by U.S. F-15s when we patrolled their skies, or the 30,000 (Bush's own numbers) Iraqis dead in this latest campaign. Why no images of the three little Iraqi girls who died thanks to a U.S. errant missle early ?

What a one-sided video slop of shit. That's the kind of mindset that will have us (Americans) wearing bullseyes wherever they go for years to come.

Anymore one-sided rah-rah bs slop you want to present us, Seejeffgo ? And since you care about American service personnel so much, have you done much for a homeless vet of late ?

12-23-2005, 01:25 AM
Scared to wear a bullseye pussy? I'm not. We've had a bullseye on us from Islamists for about 20 years. You are just another narcissistic liberal who won't, or can't, see where the real fight is. Thank God you and chuck schumer, and al sharpton aren't our first line of defense.

12-23-2005, 01:38 AM
yeah yourdaddy....just keep buying their propaganda blah blah.

if you would just get ur redneck narrowminded ass outta florida, umm i mean outta the united states a couple of times and ask people in south america or europe what the common man/woman thinks of GWB protofascist USA.

yes, the usa was beeing liked by most of the world because it used to be a benevolent power. but these times have long gone. the US is - with every right - beeing seen as the worlds relentless ego/megalomaniac bully. just one example: how can u expect an indian tribe from brazil beeing positive towards the USA if american companies try to patent local weeds those native people habe been using for ages in traditional medicine and as a next step want to forbid them using those plants???

The American Nightmare
12-23-2005, 01:42 AM
You are just another narcissistic liberal...
You have the mentality of a racist.

And you need to learn what narcissistic means.

12-23-2005, 01:46 AM
I know exactly what narcissistic means, fool. All you have to do is look at Al Sharpton, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durban, et al, to know.

12-23-2005, 01:49 AM

12-23-2005, 01:51 AM
Scared to wear a bullseye pussy? I'm not. We've had a bullseye on us from Islamists for about 20 years. You are just another narcissistic liberal who won't, or can't, see where the real fight is. Thank God you and chuck schumer, and al sharpton aren't our first line of defense.

You are hilarious. You'd be even funnier if you weren't such a sad redneck.

But keep posting! it provides comic relief for the rest of us.

12-23-2005, 01:53 AM
another PS: Leni Riefenstahl would have been proud of this little shmock-propaganda video just once more exploiting the 9-11 victims

12-23-2005, 01:54 AM
Go back to 3rd grade history class, rookie. Tell the mongols, and Gengis Khan that. Tell the Holy Roman Empire that. Tell Alexander the Great that. At least we don't try to subjugate, we only try do democratize.

The American Nightmare
12-23-2005, 02:00 AM
I know exactly what narcissistic means, fool. All you have to do is look at Al Sharpton, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durban, et al, to know.
Then explain it for me.

12-23-2005, 02:24 AM
Go back to 3rd grade history class, rookie. Tell the mongols, and Gengis Khan that. Tell the Holy Roman Empire that. Tell Alexander the Great that. At least we don't try to subjugate, we only try do democratize.


You are amusing today. You seriously think you can compare the shrub to people like Genghis Khan and Alex the Great?

I can't wait to see your next pearl of wisdom. Really I'm lacking laughs today so your posting is a godsend.

12-23-2005, 02:30 AM
No problem nightmare. Narcissism is a personality disorder, that isn't recognized by those people that have it. Sen. Byrd is a pretty good example, although I love the old bird. He can get away with being a former KKK member, and no one in his party holds it against him.He has the typical sense of grandiose self importance, like Al Sharpton, that needs acknowledgement of being superior, without achieving anything.A narcissistic person is arrogant, has a sense of entitlement, and can only be understood by people they recognize as also being "superior". They lack any empathy, and refuse to identify with people that have opposing views. That pretty much explains how the "elite" liberals act.

12-23-2005, 02:42 AM
No problem nightmare. Narcissism is a personality disorder, that isn't recognized by those people that have it. Sen. Byrd is a pretty good example, although I love the old bird. He can get away with being a former KKK member, and no one in his party holds it against him.He has the typical sense of grandiose self importance, like Al Sharpton, that needs acknowledgement of being superior, without achieving anything.A narcissistic person is arrogant, has a sense of entitlement, and can only be understood by people they recognize as also being "superior". They lack any empathy, and refuse to identify with people that have opposing views. That pretty much explains how the "elite" liberals act.

Don't know where you got your definition of Narcisism. Actually it's not a definition, just a few (highly dubious IMHO) traits that MIGHT go with it.

Funnilly enough, here's a quote from Wikipedia on Narcisism, which just happens to suit...

social dominance and personal ambition, bragging, insensitivity to others, lack of empathy...

sound like someone's daddy?

12-23-2005, 02:44 AM
What the hell is the definition of "funnilly"?

12-23-2005, 02:44 AM
that needs acknowledgement of being superior, without achieving anything.A narcissistic person is arrogant, has a sense of entitlement, and can only be understood by people they recognize as also being "superior". They lack any empathy, and refuse to identify with people that have opposing views. great description of the "chimp in command" and his squadron of sycophants

12-23-2005, 02:50 AM
Good definition of bill clinton, too. Sandy Burglar was a pretty good sycophant, as well as madilyn allbright. Ted Kennedy kinda falls in that category too. What you narcissists can't see, because of your mental disorder and your fantasiesof power, and brilliance, is that your elitism ain't going to hack it in the real world anymore.

12-23-2005, 02:50 AM
What the hell is the definition of "funnilly"?

Its an adverb describing something so funnny that it gets 2 "l"s.
It's a typo. Should be "funnily". Duh.

12-23-2005, 02:52 AM
Good definition of bill clinton, too. Sandy Burglar was a pretty good sycophant, as well as madilyn allbright. Ted Kennedy kinda falls in that category too. What you narcissists can't see, because of your mental disorder and your fantasiesof power, and brilliance, is that your elitism ain't going to hack it in the real world anymore.

I could be getting the wrong end of the stick here, but I get this slight impression that perhaps you don't like Democrats? Did a Democrat steal your sweets as a child and beat you up or something?

12-23-2005, 02:53 AM
Michael Moore is your Leni Riefenstahl.

12-23-2005, 02:58 AM
yeah yourdaddy, as long as you always DUCK and COVEr anytime ure out crab fishing in oh-so-terror-threatened florida.

stay vigilant, there might be a malevolent turban-carrier somewhere just too eager to piss on ur bible and force u to read the mounting liberal media.

ps: the "real world" is bigger than the USA. too bad there are still people buying that propaganda shit after three years of mess by GWB, another four by his daddy (who btw was a great supporter of the biggest prez-crook of all time nixon etc etc.)

another ps: i never trusted any of our "leaders" be it from either of the big-people-selling parties. its just that the republicans are even worse than the others.

but "because of your mental disorder and your fantasiesof power, and brilliance..." you, yourdaddy, will always need a "strong leader" who thinks and acts for you

12-23-2005, 03:02 AM
You're such an uninformed young fool. The main ring-leader, Atta, and 6 of his hemchmen, lived and planned 9/11 here in Florida. 3 of the pilots of the doomed planes trained here in Florida , in flight schools. If you weren't such a narcissistic little asshole, you might have read this somewhere. The ny times is your bible.

12-23-2005, 03:07 AM
i just gave you good advice then didnt i? i told you to stay vigilant. but as a sucessful thousands of dollar earning republican you know that already

but then umm the part about uninformed fool. well didnt Atta plan the whole thing rather in a city named HAMBURG, located in GERMANY? oh well, maybe i didnt notice that little detail. as well as the years and millions the cia under reagen and bush daddy fostered bin laden in afghanistan (uh and the oh so bad mullahs)

yourdaddy, u remember a guy named Oliver North???

12-23-2005, 03:12 AM
Sure do, he's a genuine hero of mine. He served his country, just like I did, and my father before me. Ollie is certainly on a lot of talk shows, and hosts his own show. What have you done for anyone lately?

12-23-2005, 03:33 AM
No scipio, I was at least a fifth generation democrat, till 1996. I'd rather be an American first. democrats put their party before anything except their egos. You guys are so transparent. I happen to live in an area of Florida that is heavily populated by Mexicans. They make better Republicans and Americans, than any dem i know. You're losing the middle-class African American vote, the Hispanic vote, and lately the Independent vote, because of your attacks on the country. Hillary isn't gonna get it for you.

12-23-2005, 03:43 AM
Sure do, he's a genuine hero of mine. . Ollie is certainly on a lot of talk shows, and hosts his own show. What have you done for anyone lately?oh well, so a fool that isn`t able to erase his e-mails is ur hero. so be it :lol:

The American Nightmare
12-23-2005, 04:24 AM
I apologize for getting caught up in the definition of narcissistic. That's completely detracting from the real issue.

What we're seeing here is something that happens a lot these days; a bunch of people who would rather call each other names than debate the real issues. If you have a problem with what someone has said, discuss what they've said. Addressing the speaker, rather than addressing the discussion, is an idiot's way of solving problems.

What's next? Are you gonna challenge someone to a fight on the playground at 3:00?

And the saddest part of all is the fact that the video in question had nothing to do with George Bush in the first place. Those two words were added by the original poster, and that's all it took to get the shitslinging started. We should all be ashamed of ourselves.

12-23-2005, 04:38 AM
oh god-

whistling dixie and waving the dixie flag at them A-rabs and I-raquis again are we?

12-23-2005, 04:46 AM
"Thank God you and chuck schumer, and al sharpton aren't our first line of defense."

Yeah it's a good thing thing to have a draft dodger and a five time deferrer as our first line of defense. They had the good sense to outsource our national security to private security firms like blackwater. "America's security, now going to the lowest bidder."

Fucking hilarious.

12-23-2005, 05:03 AM
No scipio, I was at least a fifth generation democrat, till 1996. I'd rather be an American first. democrats put their party before anything except their egos. You guys are so transparent. I happen to live in an area of Florida that is heavily populated by Mexicans. They make better Republicans and Americans, than any dem i know. You're losing the middle-class African American vote, the Hispanic vote, and lately the Independent vote, because of your attacks on the country. Hillary isn't gonna get it for you.

Who is "you", white man? I'm not Democrat or Republican. They're both virtually the same.

You're worse than both - because you blindly follow whoever is in power regardless of massive crimes, etc.

Run along now like a good sheep. Meh.

12-23-2005, 05:38 AM
Scared to wear a bullseye pussy? I'm not. We've had a bullseye on us from Islamists for about 20 years. You are just another narcissistic liberal who won't, or can't, see where the real fight is. Thank God you and chuck schumer, and al sharpton aren't our first line of defense.

There should be a law that would not -- NOT -- permit this pathetic little shit-for-brains loser to reproduce. And calling him a redneck would simply devalue the term. Can everyone in here imagine what it must be like to live with this loser ? He exists in an absolute world of black and white beholden to the likes of the Michael Savages and Rush Limbaughs that are out there. Without them, he is alone at sea. ... e.g., When Rush informs this little piss poor fuck-up of a "man" that Hillary Clinton has just purchased a $15,000 desk for her office, he'll go around ranting to any fool who'll listen to him that Hillary is a spendthrift with taxpayer's money, but -- BUT -- it would never occur to this dumbfuck to question Rush or do research as to whether it is common practice for most senators -- of either party -- to spend that much on a desk. That kind of critical thinking or analyzing is far beyond his mental grasp. If Rush or Savage don't mention it, then it must not be so.

So where is the real fight, loser, in Iraq ? A country that not only did not deserved to be attacked, but is now a petri dish of terrorism thanks to the dumbfuck-in-chief ?

... Ollie North, the nut who brought paper shredding to a new level is a heroe ? Gawd, this fucker is sick.

12-23-2005, 05:42 AM
yes inbreeding shoulld be outlawed

12-23-2005, 05:48 AM
Ummm - That video did not make me think of GW Bush. Even though I heard his voice in the background - I think that that was the point. He is really secondary to the story. The story - as the video itself stated - was about our friends, our troops, our country.

That IS a story to be told. The happenstance of being the person present when history is made - does not convert your luck into history. It is the everyday person trying to do what is right, everyday, that I find to be a hero.

P.S. Everytime I see my Tomcats in action (F14s are still crucial to our defense) I get a hard-on.

12-23-2005, 05:53 AM
yes inbreeding shoulld be outlawed


12-23-2005, 06:12 AM
Nothing wrong with inbred folks most times....

Somethins aright bit more wrong with yourdaddy then that.

That boys a-crazed!!

12-23-2005, 01:56 PM

Wow, in-the-face (republican)cheerleader and in-the-face (democrat) activists. Yay. More hyperbole on both sides, demonstrating exactly what's wrong when you go too far to one side or the other.

The time to have been talking "Peace" was before the first rounds were fired, guys (and gals), at this point, playing the blame-game or cheerleading is equally futile. You can't stuff the burning jet-fuel back into the wing-tank any more than you can put the expended powder gasses back into the cartridge cases or the brain spunk on the wall back into the cranium.

"Yourdaddy": yes, we get it, you support GW, making you a member of a tiny minority on these boards.
We also get your statement that you used to be a Democrat, but you aren't anymore. These things happen.

The rest of you: If you think he's trolling, quit baiting him, if you disagree, you don't have to come off as an immature and microcephalic anal byproduct of digestion- it doesn't help your cause, and it DOES tend to reinforce the stereotypes you claim are not true.

Politics is the contest of ideas, it's made of belief, like any other system of superstitions. calling people names doesn't change their mind, it hardens their positions in opposition to your own-the more polarized it gets, the less likely a workable solution is to be found. (also, the less likely either side is to get what they say they desire-I noticed that ID in the schools didn't get the court "go ahead" in spite of almost six years of a Bush in the White House.)

12-23-2005, 03:42 PM
Go back to 3rd grade history class, rookie. Tell the mongols, and Gengis Khan that. Tell the Holy Roman Empire that. Tell Alexander the Great that. At least we don't try to subjugate, we only try do democratize.

A rose is a rose by any other name, my Friend

They say Subjugate, we say demoratize. However you say it we as Americans cannot spread Democracy (sp) by the end of a gun. It has to be achieved through internal strife, like we did it. Otherwise it won't be respected and honored like we used to, before all the Neopatriots came into being. Used to be, the differences in opinions were welcomed as a way of us keeping ourselves in check. Now it seems if you are of the different thought line you are labelled as "against the troops" or Against "Bush" or a host of other "Labels". Come on people the United States is bigger than just 1 person, it is bigger than 3 branches of government, it is bigger than the the republicians and Democrates, it is all of us. We Lead by example so let us start being an Example worth following.

The orginial GW warned against Political parties and he was right yet again I guess that is why he was named "the father of our Country".

12-23-2005, 04:00 PM
What a powerful and compelling video....thanks for the post.

12-24-2005, 12:19 AM
Smoothly edited but idiotic.

This video is why we're doomed.

12-25-2005, 04:22 AM
yes inbreeding shoulld be outlawed

Well, shit....There goes (S)lower Delawhere. :lol:

12-25-2005, 04:25 AM
Smoothly edited but idiotic.

This video is why we're doomed.
