View Full Version : Israel using Sexual blackmail on closet gay republican conservative politicians

05-09-2011, 04:47 AM
Israel using Sexual blackmail on closet gay republican conservative politicians

so after John David R. Atchison tried to have sex with a five year old on the heels of story of Senator Larry Craig trying to elicit homosexual sex in a men's airport bathroom, which followed the sicko Mark Foley sending sexually explicit e-mails to a 16 year old page boy, describing how the 16 year old cums, and of course let's not forget Governor McGreevey sleeping with an Israeli national, I decided that it is time people take a look at the perverted sexual nature of Bush Administration Syndicate in general for they are one messed up sexually dysfunctional family. Please see this for a better break down of the Evangelists, the flight schools used in 911, the Bushs and Abramoff who arranged trips for congressmen to islands known from sex slavery.

Update add Spitzer to this list

When one understands how deep the Mossad was in 911 and the flight schools and how Atta was spotted on Abramoff casino ships things start to break down with the religious right and how easily blackmailed these men can be with Israel almost literally holding them by the short hairs.

Let's start with Ted Haggard. he was the Holy Roller caught using crystalmeth and sleeping with a male prostitute was George Bush's spiritual adviser and according to a documentary by Richard Dawkins, claimed on tape that he talked to the president about once a week on the phone. Now let's add Karl Rove Karl (mc) Rove was Bush's former Key adviser hired Jeff Gannon a male prostitute through a fake media front they created, Talon News.

Gannon referenced referenced internal government memos regarding the Plame affair before they were public. Remember that one of the leakers in the Plame Affair aside from Libby was Karl Rove. So Two Bush advisers are or cavort with male hookers and his brother Neil was caught with prostitutes in Asia and his brother Jeb flies with drug smugglers and is the brother-in-law to family convicted of rape and the bizzar case of sexual molestation of a baby. What is wrong with these people? Speaking of the other Plame-gate leaker, Lewis Libby, he wrote a book about underage Japanese girls not only being raped by men but also a bear. These private mercenary groups like Blackwater (which Feilding is a lawyer for and Joseph Schmitz is an executive) and Dyncorp have been busted in the targeting of civilians and yes human trafficking. Congress and the Senate continue to grant them money anyway but then again our congressmen and Senators are caught up in plenty of their own pervert sex scandals. Just what do these men DO down at the Grove? Reminds me of the Franklin Credit Union affair.

Remember Mary Kay Letourneau you know the woman who got pregnant after raping her 13 year old student? She is the sister of Joseph E. Schmitz who is a conservative lawyer, former Inspector General of the Department of Defense and executive with Blackwater USA. Her other brother is John P. Schmitz who was George Bush's White House counsel before being replaced by Fred Feilding (now Bush's personal lawyer) who was on the 911 commission and is also a lawyer for Blackwater.




05-09-2011, 06:40 AM
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzpffffth rrrnch Huh?

Oh the Joooos are stilol at it?

Oh wait... It's the Republicans that are still at it.

No... It's a combination of all those/them that're still at it.

Oh well. At least we still know what to expect, & it'[s a big "SO WHAT?".

05-09-2011, 01:08 PM
How tedious to encounter this relentless drivel, the tired old 'Israel did it!' explanation for 9/11; the strange 'fact' that key legislators and advisers to Presidents are not just liable to have extra-marital affairs but are 'secret' homosexuals, drug users and paedophiles; but apparently not Satanists which is a surprise since its usually a cocktail of wickedness designed to 'shock' the Americans into 'action'. As for Letourneau there was no 'rape', it was consensual sex and the pupil she fell in love with is now her husband and father to their children. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and the late Osama bin Laden have all confirmed they were responsible, but apparently thats not good enough. But its tedious to have to maintain a rearguard action against those who are convinced it was all fake. The real issues are right in front of you, like the explanations.

05-09-2011, 06:34 PM
Ever notice that the folks who claim these elaborate conspiracies are the same ones who complain loudest about government incompetence?