View Full Version : God Warrior!!

12-20-2005, 11:34 PM
Gosh- I acutually saw this on TV when I aired by complete accident as I rarely watch TV, and had never seen this show. When I saw it, I really, could not believe my eyes and it was almost like a movie, rather than reality tv. Everytime see this, I laugh until my stomach hurts. Just go to show you how coo coo the bible beaters can be-

Ladies and gentleman, if you have seen it before, or this is your first time-
I (re) introduce Marguerite Perrin.


(click on number five)

and this page is great as well- love the ebay mp3 remix!


12-20-2005, 11:39 PM
Nice Link..... Thanx... ;~)

12-20-2005, 11:40 PM
LMAO.... That's the first time I've actually seen the now infamous incident. What in the hell happened to set her off? They must have run out of Twinkies or something....


12-20-2005, 11:59 PM
I wish you could see the whole show- she actually started going crazy way early in the show. What you see is the meltdown when she goes home- at one point in the show she throws up and says "Get me to a a Chruch, I need to pray!" when a pyschich shows up at the radio show she is a guest on.

Basically the other family were New Age- and into astrology, hypo therapy, etc.- they were really nice people and not like trying to force her into anything- very hippy in a way- but she became convinced right away they were all part of "the dark side" and started to "rebute" and "pray" because this was a "test from God"- all in her own words.

12-21-2005, 12:11 AM
I've never watched the show, but definitely should have seen that episode. Damn! She's clearly crazy as hell, which always makes for good fun. I wonder which political party she belongs to :shock:


12-21-2005, 07:45 AM
I wish you could see the whole show- she actually started going crazy way early in the show. What you see is the meltdown when she goes home- at one point in the show she throws up and says "Get me to a a Chruch, I need to pray!" when a pyschich shows up at the radio show she is a guest on.

Basically the other family were New Age- and into astrology, hypo therapy, etc.- they were really nice people and not like trying to force her into anything- very hippy in a way- but she became convinced right away they were all part of "the dark side" and started to "rebute" and "pray" because this was a "test from God"- all in her own words.

Plus the new age mom, apart from frizzy hair, looked alot better.

And, as a person who is into the stuff the new age family are into, I get the kinda crap she went through, Mrs. Meltdown's social circle all pretty much attacked her with all those questions.

I think she is more of a baptist, the way she was acting like, though I might be wrong.

And new age family tried to make her feel better, take her to church, say grace, but she would do NOTHING with their stuff, not even trying.

And look at mrs. meltdown's family were like :shock: durring and after meltdown, and it's like she has some mental problem.

12-21-2005, 11:04 AM
yeah, this woman is crazy. One night after a long night of parties a few friends and I sat around and watched all the videos of that woman.

all I have to say is.