View Full Version : The Plummber!

12-20-2005, 08:13 PM
So i'm having problems with a leaky pipe in my house, I call a plummbing company and they say they can send some one out within the hour. As I wait for him to come im sitting here viewing past posts ( on HA), the door bell rings sometime later and I jump up to answer the door. Its the plummber. We talk routinely and he says he has to check all the sinks and toliets. " I have 1 bathroom downstairs and 2 upstairs, so just help yourself' I tell him, then I wait in the living room until he's done.
Not even 30 seconds later he calls me upstairs " mame' could u come here pls", im thinking wow that was fast, so i walk up the steps thinking he's found the problem and is about to give me the rundown. I look in both bathrooms and he's not there, then I peep in my den and see him bent over my computer. Im like omg, and what site did I leave on the screen www.hungangels.com. Which obviously caught his eye.
" What is a hung angel" he asks me as I walk in the room. A million things are racing thru my head, should I lie, should i tell the truth? Make up something. I open my mouth and out comes " oh it some site a friend just sent me". Then I look around and see all kinda escort and shemale magazines around the room. Heart drops. Now mind you, this guys isnt exactly the kinda plummber that can strip at bachelorette parties at night. Hes about 28-35 white, stocky build, not fat but looks like one more Thanksgiving is gonna put him over the edge.
Anyway im kinda gaging at this guy just sitting here looking at my computer when he's suppose to be doing a job. I clear my throat and he turns around, apoligizes and goes back to the bathrooms. Im wondering what is going through this guys mind? What did he see on that site? any of my pics, does he know my " tee" now?
He comes back in the room and says " Do u know anything about those girls that be in dem magazines" OMG. " i have a few friends that are" i say and i procceed nervously to another room. He goes on telling me a story about a girl he hooked up with one time and how it went. Why is this guy telling me this? does he know who i am or something?
Saved by the bell. The phone rings, its his ofifice with my estimate. ( an unreasonable amount i might add)
Anyway im off the phone and this guys is still going on and on about escorts. He asks me to write down the hungangels site address for him because it " looked interesting" as he put it.
So now im wondering, is this guy gonna go on HA and see my pics? Has he already seen them? Is he trying to hit on me? So im walking him down the stairs, ready for him to leave. He's stil talking tho, really about nothing. Finally, I let him out and walk back upstairs, relieved. As soon as I reach the top step the door bell rings, "oh lord". I walk back down, open the door and its him. " I just couldnt leave with out doing this" he says, right b4 he plants a big wet kiss on my lips.
OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! I just stand there in shock, as he walks to his truck, I dont move. Finally wheni come out of my trance i realize what just happen. The fuking plummber just kissed me!!! Did he know i was a TS, did he know who i was, was he really the plummber or sum guy who has seen me online posing as a plummber, just to come and meet me, ( that sort of stuff happens on tv ya know) . Oh well, that was like 45 mins ago, and im over it now. Just wonder whats gonna happen tomorrow when he comes to do the plummbing job??????
Stay posted!

12-20-2005, 08:17 PM
Cue the porn music...

Nah, just casually mention to him if/when he comes back that you have web-cams hidden around the house and that everything is being taped.

Perverted Monk
12-20-2005, 08:17 PM
You gotta be shitting me!

12-20-2005, 08:22 PM
Jade....Want my advice?:).......Get a friend with you there tommorrow, one with a gun and knows how to use it preferably and who will be in your pocket if he needs to testify but keep everything on the down low, real down low....

Keep your mouth shut about everything and let him do as much work as possible in your house...have him fix everything...

Then call his company and ask to speak to the highest up person you can reach and tell him/her a CLEAR picture of how this guy has acted towards you and your home and tell them you have a witness there who overheard everything as well....

My bet is you will get all the service for free and that fucking wierd bastard will be looking for another job.

Id immediatly file a PFA against him after I made that phone call as well....

Dude is a FUCKING NUT....

12-20-2005, 08:24 PM
That was quite a bit of suspense there. I was hoping when reading the story that at some point and time when he was asking all the questions about TS you were going to drop your panties and tell him to suck.. I guess that was just wishful thinking on my part.

12-20-2005, 08:47 PM
...hmmmm... two ways to look at this:

Call the company and ask for someone else to come do the work. You can just tell them you weren't comfortable with him but you don't have to give every detail. But before you go getting people fired, remember that he already knows who you are and where you live. And will know that this is what got him fired. If they send someone else, this time screenlock and put away a few items, or at least close the bedroom doors! If they don't send anyone else make sure you have a friend and a weapon handy.

Did you check if anything was missing? the guy could be a fan already, and went into your room looking for souveniers. (read as used ndies and the like)

...on the perverted side of my brain...
you do escort, that is, provide a service for money.
he is a plumber, providing a service for money.
if you do incall escorting would this be much diferent?
how about a service for service barter system?
just a thought.

12-20-2005, 10:04 PM
if the guys knows about this site now hes probably read this post and knows exaclty whats happened.... if he still turns up hes definalty a fan...... but than again if he doesnt he might just be scared he might be busted....

interesting, very intersting....

keep us posted...... ;~)

12-20-2005, 10:14 PM
Sounds like this guy is one of those guys who will go sniffing women's underwear from their dirty laundry basket in the bathroom when he really should be fixing the toilet. Maybe he didn't find the basket in the bathroom so he went into the bedroom and thought he hit the jackpot when he sees a sex site on the computer and adult magazines around the room. It might even gone over his head on what type of stuff that really is. If he actually goes to this site and realizes what it all is he might show up tomorrow with a completely different attitude.

(I wounder if this story would be completely different if he was a cute guy)

12-20-2005, 10:36 PM
I think it's pretty clear he knows you are you, or at the very least "knows your 'tee' now".

But also..... have you ever really been kissed by guys who you totally didn't want it to happen? You couldn't even turn your head? If you usually just stand there and "get kissed", you better watch out next time you are in NYC...... ;).

PS Have you ever used this plumbing company before?

12-20-2005, 11:05 PM
Protect yourself first- Girls who Escort are in a high-risk business, and this guy looks like your stereotype Phreaky-Creepy-dude. I wouldn't go so far as the gun, yet-(given your geographic location on your site, it's probably not safe from a legal standpoint), but updating your physical security and having a couple friends over probably isn't a bad idea. Pick big, menacing types that glare at strangers a lot.

12-21-2005, 12:14 AM
can anyone here really blame him??

For crying out loud he's a guy! If I ever get the chance to plant a kiss on Jade you can bet your ass I'll go for it. Of course I'd ask you to snake my drain but that's another story! ;)

All I can say is Jade's f'in hot and that's one lucky basterd! 8)

12-21-2005, 01:24 AM
I knew this thread would get some interesting replies, thats why i posted it as soon as the guy left.

A long time ago i realized ( luckily not the hard way) that in this lifestyle that I choose to live, that there are going to be some things that you just have to deal with, some things that " just happen". I agree with the poster who said that this is just "some guy", rather he knew me or didnt know me, he felt an attraction and reacted to it. As some one else stated, I do escort, and if one of my clients came for an appointment and planted me a kiss when they got to the door, would i feel violated? Of course not.
Now im not saying that this guy wasnt out of line by doing what he did, he is a professional and is expected to act accordingly. but hey, if that same plummber got off of work, called my ad and set an appointment, what would I do?
When one chooses to be an escort or chooses the adult indusrty you have to realize that you are becoming a sex symbol, if its to one guy or one million guys, they look at you as an object of sex. This is the path you choose. Ater reading your replies I was reminded of that.
I didnt feel scared or afraid in anyway of this guy, he actually seemed quite nice ( or maybe im just ditzy..lol) I didnt feel threaten at all. It was just a shocker that he kissed me. If he comes tomorrow I think i'll just go about like normal until he tries something, and if he does, which i dont think he will, ill just explain to him that he is here on a professional level and that we should keep it as such. And if you are reading this post right now Mr. Plummber then tomorrow...keep it cute.
Like social said, if i were to become a consumer in one of you guys profession, would u make a pass at me? or would u keep it clean? We are all human and are not expected to act any other way.
And Biguy, if this guy was cute, maybe I would have grabbed him back into the house, threw him on the steps and rode him like the white horse King Authur rhode into the sunset. Would i be out of line? a pervert?

So lets all hope that he's only a pervert to a certian extent and he doesn't tie me up and fondle my extra accesories tomorrow when he ccomes bak, or make me screen his name while he thrusts me from behind continuously for hours, with one hand stroking my cock and the other fixing my plummbing at the same time.....
:lol: :lol:

Maybe i can get him to sign a model release and film it all :?

12-21-2005, 03:41 AM
Cue the porn music...

Now that's funny!

12-21-2005, 03:46 AM
i were to become a consumer in one of you guys profession, would u make a pass at me? or would u keep it clean?

I would. And I have always kept it clean. Even if I did a favor for a friend - its professional before, during and after - until the job is completed. Then the friendship can come back into play.

Maybe i can get him to sign a model release and film it all :?

Two point on that come back

12-21-2005, 08:49 PM
So...has the plumber returned? The suspense is killin' me

12-21-2005, 08:52 PM
There are probably lots of guys willing to try and fix your "pipes".....even if they are a little "leaky".

I had to.

12-21-2005, 09:56 PM
I would have kissed you to your a beautful woman. I am just jealous he kissed you first, and you did not get mad. Lucky BASTARD Now that would be a great Christmas present. MERRY CHRISTMAS SEXXXY JADE

Andrew Johnson
12-22-2005, 04:06 AM
I'm curious to find out how you made out with the plumber today, Jade.
No pun intended. Perhaps a bad choice of words....

12-22-2005, 08:11 AM
I went outside around 7 this evening and there was an invoice on my door, I went around to the back of the house and saw that the pipes under the house had been repaired. Mind you,I had left my credit card with thier office intially, so i take it they will charge for the repair.
So why didnt the guy knoc on my door, come say hi, or even tell me he was there fixing? Who knows. Did he go home and realize what he had done, and was embarrased to look at me? Did he go home log on to HA found out what kinda girl i was and was disgusted? Or did he even come back at all, maybe it was another guy who finished the job. Boy oh boy oh boy.
My life........

12-22-2005, 11:41 AM
I went outside around 7 this evening and there was an invoice on my door, I went around to the back of the house and saw that the pipes under the house had been repaired. Mind you,I had left my credit card with thier office intially, so i take it they will charge for the repair.
So why didnt the guy knoc on my door, come say hi, or even tell me he was there fixing? Who knows. Did he go home and realize what he had done, and was embarrased to look at me? Did he go home log on to HA found out what kinda girl i was and was disgusted? Or did he even come back at all, maybe it was another guy who finished the job. Boy oh boy oh boy.
My life........

All's well that ends well.
Better he was too embarassed... than be your "ultimate fan" and decide to get even more physical.

Just out of curiosity is this the closet you've come to a stalker ?
I think it was you Jade, who had some idiot call you repeatedly ranting obscenities? (previous post)

12-22-2005, 05:14 PM
who knows but in any event It would have been nice ending if he fixed some other plumming and of course i'm not talking about what's in the aparment.

12-23-2005, 06:22 PM
Now that was an interesting story.

12-23-2005, 10:16 PM
Damnit, Jade....

If I could attach a photo, it'd be a picture of Mystikal frowning.

Everytime I come on here you have one of those stories that tease the hell out of me. Like the one about you "adjusting" yourself on the airplane.

Gahdaamn, you'd get it if I ever ran into you.

But be careful with these "plumbers." See what happened in New York with that Peter Braunstein dude? Not cute.