View Full Version : Countries have the right to do what they want

04-21-2011, 08:51 PM
But this ain't cool.


04-21-2011, 10:39 PM
But this ain't cool.


I enjoyed my trip to Malaysia but they have some fucked up policies for sure. That's actually quite tame compared to:

- couples caught kissing are sent to jail (while I was there 100 couples were arrested and jailed for public kissing on Valentines Day)

- Indian immigrants are regularly attacked and in some cases murdered just because they tend to make more money than the native Malays

- Adultery is subject to corporal punishment

- The religious police is everywhere and far more feared than the regular police or the tourist police that patrol the larger cities

- Their immigration entry form had a skull and crossbones symbol with the words 'death to drug traffickers' and that extends to any drug even the ganja! A couple I met while there are currently facing the death penalty for exactly that.

One of the most fascinating things about Malaysia was finding out that the original native people are black. They are related to the Negrito culture that was prevalent in that part of the world over 5 thousand years ago. There is a small population left that lives on a reserve within the country's national park. One of the images I will carry with me for life was passing a family in a log canoe paddling down river, afros blowing in the wind!

I would highly recommend visiting though - nothing to fear if you're respectful and stay away from drugs. And they have some beautiful TS women........