View Full Version : Your Dreams

12-18-2005, 06:20 PM
Supposedly (and I say supposedly because I don't believe that dreams really have ANY meaning), picking up other people's trash means that you're about to be inconvienianced with having to repair someone else's reputation.

To see a celebrety in your dreams supposedly means that you have a friend that you hold in the same regards. Meaning, basically, whoever this friend is that you're about to stick up for, you idolize them as a celebrity.

To see your old home in a dream is supposed to mean that you either long for your family or friends, or that you feel the urge to have children and start a family.

A ticket is supposed to mean that you're at the beginning of a new endevor. You've made up your mind on something and are about to go through with it.

So, throw it all together and you're at the beginning of a new endevor in your life. You've already made a decision. During the endevor, a close or respected friend of yours will be challeneged somehow, and you'll have to stick up for them. Afterward, you'll find yourself alone and in need of old friends or family members. All that from telling Sean Lennon to pick up his damn trash. Wow.

12-18-2005, 06:57 PM
I often have dreams and wonder there meaning. Not so much the dream but why I dreamt them. How I was feeling?
I at times do not have as much time to reflect how I feel about the various things going on in my life. Or maybe I don't make the time, and just avoid them. But anyway, they say dreams bring out inner thoughts/ feelings that are on your mind, even if repressed.

Anyway, one memorable dream from several months ago. Is me on a small 20 foot boat. Me on he helm, doing 20 knots or so. Perfect wind and small calm waves. Just playing around, doing figure 8's, zigs. Anyway then I decied to anchor out. To do some diving. My girl friend on board to come with me. My best friend and wife stay on the boat.

My girlfriend and I swim out a bit. Then she tells me she dropped her hair tie. I go look for it. I say I can't find it, she says if you love me you will find it. I say okay I go under to look, she grabs my legs. I come up and say I could look better without you grabbing me. She say "but I want ot hold you". I try and breakfree to continue to look. But now she grabs my shoulder and I am under water. I'm thinking this bitch is trying to drown me.
From under water for some reasn I can see my best friend and wife facing the other waya and not noticing this. I struggle to come up.

Then I wake up.. My girlfriend has her arm over my neck and legs wrapped around my legs. I try to move a bit for space, she tightens her grip.
Then I nudge her and ask her to at least move her arm from my neck. This created an actual fight, that I don't love her. That is is sure that if she was a GG I wouldn't mind, blah, blah.. Here we go again. I try an compromise asking her to put her arm around my waist or chest but not neck. No that won't do.

Anyway, I should have took the hint from the dream that she was smoothering my and not healthy. But no I let it continue for several months. Before I had enough of checking in every hour I was away from her and I had to let go.

12-18-2005, 08:48 PM
I have had strange and exceedingly graphic dreams since I was a child. Here’s one I had in my late teens:

The first thing I remember was being covered in blood and running through what could best be described as a vast collection of ruins. All of the buildings were grey, pitted, and listing in some way. Their decay didn’t appear to be due to age , but rather reflected something innate to their form. Most of the buildings appeared to be of different architectural styles from various periods in human history. A few represented styles I had never seen, but would consider futuristic in design. Everything was kind of like an imperfect, grey, and broken copy of something that had once existed, currently existed, or would exist.

There were people there, too, but they were like the buildings – imperfect and broken. Their clothes were tattered grey rags, and their appearance was very rough. Most of them were armed with crude weapons that were rusted and imperfect. For whatever reason, I was armed with a thick rusty chain that had a blade at the end of it. All of the people I could see were running around, mostly in bands, tearing each other apart.

Many of the people seemed to be making their way to an open plaza that had a pool in the center of it. As far as I could tell, it was an old in-ground swimming pool that was falling apart like everything else. The pool was filled with bright red blood, and there were a handful of people rising out of it that were covered in blood like myself. The bloody pool and the people coming out of it were the only things in that place that had a color other than some shade of grey.

I remember thinking that, in order to escape that place, I had to make my way to the pool and immerse myself in it. People were butchering each other all around me, possibly attempting to do the same. For my part, I had to kill a number of people while fighting my way through the carnage to the pool, but I woke up before actually immersing myself in it.

You can see why I would remember this dream so many years later. That day, I had spent considerable time mulling over Plato’s theory of forms (Platonic forms), which I believe inspired the whole setting.


12-19-2005, 12:50 AM
Arianna, this isn't my dream, but I hope you don't mind me posting it...

it has such an optimistic ending.

One night, George W. Bush was awakened in the White House by the ghost of George Washington.

George W. asked the ghost, "Mr. Washington, sir, what is the best thing I can do to help the American people?"

"Set an honest and honorable example, George W., just as I did."

The following evening, the ghost of Thomas Jefferson appeared before Bush in the dark bedroom.

"Mr. Jefferson, sir," George W. asked, "what is the best thing I can do to help the American people?"

"Preserve the land for future generations and stay out of foreign affairs."

Bush wasn't sleeping well the next night, and saw yet another figure moving in the shadows. It was the ghost of Abraham Lincoln. "Mr. Lincoln, sir, what is the best thing I can do to help the American people?" George W. asked.

"Go see a play."

12-19-2005, 12:55 AM
Quinn ~ That certainly is one hell of a dream. How often does it reoccur? And how much, if any, variation is there to it?

I have had the dream involving the pool of blood only once. When I awoke, I was literally covered in sweat, and my heart was pounding as if I had been sprinting. Frankly, the whole thing left me stunned and unable to sleep for about two hours.

The theme contained in the dream – fighting to stay alive – is a response to childhood events and has reasserted itself in a number of similarly intense dreams over the years. Fortunately, as I have aged, the frequency with which these dreams have plagued me has diminished considerably. Now, such dreams are exceedingly rare.

On a lighter note, like yourself and MDS, I, too, have had Romero-like dreams involving zombies. This probably has more to do with the fact that I am a huge fan of zombie films than anything else.


12-19-2005, 02:43 AM
Ok - Here goes nothing

I've had a few real interesting and recurring dreams in my life. This is one of the more disturbing ones for many obvious (and not so obvious) reasons.

My companions and I have planned a pretty sophisticated heist. The plan starts of pretty well. We are able to break into the location. The money is there and ready for the taking. But somehow right when we are all trying to get out and make our seperate ways, everything goes wrong. Either people come on the scene or we end up running into them. Either way, someone's killed (ALWAYS a woman). We are able to get away before the authorities arrive. However, they are able to piece together much of the events and one of our group is caught and arrested. Another one too is soon captured. Soon, it is only me that is left.

However, none of my group have turned 'government informant'. Years, go by. Time passes. I turn my life around. I become successful and then I'm contacted by someone who says the authorities know it was me that was the mastermind and involved. I'm freaked. I decide to run and its a 'Richard Kimble' movie after that. I never get caught... but the fear, the running and the regret of having done what I did - haunts me something terrible. I wake up with those feelings - fear and regret.

Perhaps I should reach out to a good therapist. But then again - I have much more disturbing dreams than this... lol.

12-19-2005, 02:46 AM
wow... your dreams sound better than an average movie..... LOL!!!

12-19-2005, 03:51 AM
And here I was waiting to wake up from this one....

I love to dream. I very often dream in full color (even though researchers say that most dreams are black and white), and often my dreams unfold like a novel over the course of many hours (despite the fact that researchers claim that most dreams transpire in a few minutes' time in real time and only seem longer). Sometimes I get into lucid dreaming, where I consciously exert control over the dreaming, but most often I'm completely absorbed as if the dreamlife is more real than this one is (like Chuang Tzu and the tale of the dreamer: is he a man dreaming he's a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming he's a man?).

Sometimes my dreams are weirdly prophetic: once many years ago I dreamed I was a member of the Fantastic Four (the Torch, iirc), and the team got entangled in a magical battle involving the witch Agatha Harkness (a friend of the FF) and several evil magical creatures. Incidentally, I was not reading comics much at the time. The next day I walked into a store, and started browsing the comics rack out of curiousty. The cover of the new FF caught my eye: there was Agatha Harkness and the creatures of the night, and the story was extremely close to my dream. I know, silly and utterly inconsequential, but still strange nonetheless.

12-19-2005, 04:19 AM
Sometimes I get into lucid dreaming, where I consciously exert control over the dreaming

I actually experienced this a few times when I was little. Once, it was in reference to a dream about flying, and another time it was about a motorcycle. For some reason, I have never been able to do it as an adult though. Also, LMAO about the Fantastic Four dream. Very cool.
