View Full Version : Bristol Palin is most famous for being the pregnant teen daughter of a VP hopeful who

04-14-2011, 09:04 PM
Perhaps the most confounding of these politico and faux-politico speech fees is that of Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol. Bristol Palin is most famous for being the pregnant teen daughter of a VP hopeful who preached abstinence, and though her mother is no longer involved in politics, Bristol Palin is attempting to spin her situation into a career. The younger Palin is reportedly asking for $15,000-$30,000 to speak at conferences (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/#) and fundraisers, abstinence and "pro-life" programs. At 19, with very specific experience, it goes without saying that a name can cost a lot more than the substance of the speech. (Bad behavior is all too common in the workplace, but it can't match the drama of these celebrities' stunts.

Bristol Palin’s Nonprofit Paid Her Seven Times What It Spent On Actual Teen Pregnancy Prevention (http://thinkprogress.org/2011/04/05/bristol-palin-profiteer-teen-pregnancy/)


In 2009, Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol joined (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/05/05/bristol-palin-candies-fou_n_196838.html) a teen pregnancy prevention nonprofit called the Candie’s Foundation. Today, the Associated Press reported (http://www.ktiv.com/Global/story.asp?S=14387535) that the Candie’s Foundation released its 2009 tax information, revealing that Bristol was paid a salary of $262,500.
But a closer examination of the tax form (http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2010/134/165/2010-134165184-06b511df-9.pdf) by ThinkProgress shows that the group disbursed only $35,000 in grants to actual teen pregnancy health and counseling clinics: $25,000 to the Mt. Sinai Adolescent Health Center and $10,000 to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. View a screenshot of Bristol’s exorbitant salary below:


04-14-2011, 09:06 PM

Dino Velvet
04-14-2011, 10:12 PM
Some folks around here have real psychological issues with all things Palin. I'm not a fan of Sarah's either but I don't lose any sleep over her and certainly wouldn't take out my hostilities on her kids.

Now carry on with your Palin bashing if it makes you feel good. There's blood in the water and I wouldn't want to interrupt the frenzy.

04-15-2011, 12:06 AM
Welcome to two weeks ago.. say did you hear Japan had a big earthquake?


04-15-2011, 01:31 AM
Welcome to two weeks ago.. say did you hear Japan had a big earthquake?


Thank You Faldur....Funny that no one seems to have issues with chics like Snooky and Paris Hilton cashing in on thier 15 minutes of fame.....and for the record I don't either, but they'd like to deny Bristol simply because of her last name. It's so utterly tedious and transparent. I guarantee you if she had aborted the baby, moved into her own apartment and filed for welfare, issued a statement she disagreed with her mother politically these same fuckers would be singing her praises and you'd see little Bristol on every show from Oprah to Joy Behaer to Katie Curic. Move on folks.

04-15-2011, 02:00 AM
Its that deja vu thing all over again...

Ineeda SM
04-15-2011, 06:12 AM
Thank You Faldur....Funny that no one seems to have issues with chics like Snooky and Paris Hilton cashing in on thier 15 minutes of fame.....and for the record I don't either, but they'd like to deny Bristol simply because of her last name. It's so utterly tedious and transparent. I guarantee you if she had aborted the baby, moved into her own apartment and filed for welfare, issued a statement she disagreed with her mother politically these same fuckers would be singing her praises and you'd see little Bristol on every show from Oprah to Joy Behaer to Katie Curic. Move on folks.

You have it backwards. We are not jumping Bristol because of her last name. Bristol is becoming famous and rich ONLY because of her name. Thousands of girls have had unplanned children outside marriage. But Bristol gets the cash and fame because of her name. Why didn't they pick one of the unknown single moms on welfare to be a spokesperson and make a few dollars so she could get OFF of welfare and give her child a better life? No of course not. It was better to pick Bristol who's family is already richer than god, and popular.

I guess you don't watch late night TV or comedy shows. Paris and Snooky are always being made fun of. More so of Snooky these days because she is the more current pet rock.

04-15-2011, 07:58 PM
Old news but Bristol is pretty sexy though.

04-16-2011, 04:47 AM
You have it backwards. We are not jumping Bristol because of her last name. Bristol is becoming famous and rich ONLY because of her name. Thousands of girls have had unplanned children outside marriage. But Bristol gets the cash and fame because of her name. Why didn't they pick one of the unknown single moms on welfare to be a spokesperson and make a few dollars so she could get OFF of welfare and give her child a better life? No of course not. It was better to pick Bristol who's family is already richer than god, and popular.

I guess you don't watch late night TV or comedy shows. Paris and Snooky are always being made fun of. More so of Snooky these days because she is the more current pet rock.

Sigh....I feel like I have to explain everything to you...

the reason the Public Relations firms who paid Bristol Palin all that money choose her rather than Jane Doe from Hells Kitchen is because they were trying to have the most impact, and reach the most people...cause a buzz in the media and bring additional attention on the ad, and on the cause. It's the same reason sneaker manufacturers choose Koby rather than a high school basketball player. It's star power.

In addition to bringing attention to the ad, she has credibility on the issue. Everyone knows her story. Fame and credibility ....a PR firms dream. Trust me when I tell you they wouldn't have paid her that money of they didn't think she could deliver their message.

Once again...you use what you have in this world. How do you think all those rich kids get in all those Ivy league schools? You think it's because they worked hard in high school??? Hardly. Daddy is an Alum. Life ain't fair...get over it or move somewhere like Cuba where everyone is "equal" !

Ineeda SM
04-16-2011, 06:06 AM
Sigh....I feel like I have to explain everything to you...

the reason the Public Relations firms who paid Bristol Palin all that money choose her rather than Jane Doe from Hells Kitchen is because they were trying to have the most impact, and reach the most people...cause a buzz in the media and bring additional attention on the ad, and on the cause. It's the same reason sneaker manufacturers choose Koby rather than a high school basketball player. It's star power.

In addition to bringing attention to the ad, she has credibility on the issue. Everyone knows her story. Fame and credibility ....a PR firms dream. Trust me when I tell you they wouldn't have paid her that money of they didn't think she could deliver their message.

Once again...you use what you have in this world. How do you think all those rich kids get in all those Ivy league schools? You think it's because they worked hard in high school??? Hardly. Daddy is an Alum. Life ain't fair...get over it or move somewhere like Cuba where everyone is "equal" !

You of all people needing to explain something to anybody??? That's just damned funny. You made a joke.

Now I am going to surprise you, READY? I agree with everything you just said. WOW imagine that. Except for one part. Bristol is not selling a billion $$$ worth of shoes to rich kids and athletes, and Jane Doe won't be attending Harvard. Now for the typical part.

Your comment which I replied to asked why we jump on Bristol, and you said it was because her name was Palin. My reply was not about why she was chosen, but why you are wrong in saying we jump on her because she is a Palin. We don't care what her last name is. I said she was chosen because of her name, and you just got smart assed and replied with the exact same point, just worded differently to sound like I was wrong and you were right. Even though we both made the same point. And you say you need to explain things to me. LMAO That really is very funny. I am glad to see you still have your sense of humor. I guess it makes up for your lack of intelligence.

But since you took my words out of context and brought it up anyway, choosing Bristol is not a big win for anyone. She just isn't that popular with teenagers who her messages will be aimed at. Ask any teenager who Bristol Palin is, and they will say the Governor of Alabama??? She is not an expert on the subject either. Her child will get the best of everything because of the family wealth.

Fame and credibility? You barely have the "FAME" part right, but no one sees her as credible. The daughter of a former governor and failed crazy VP candidate having a kid out of wedlock, does NOT make her credible. Give us a break. She is not a PR's dream by any means.

Jane Doe from hell's kitchen on the other hand has first hand experience on how hard it is being poor and why it is wrong to bring an unwanted child into the world without 2 parents who work and can take on the full responsibility of parenthood. Jane Doe knows how being a single mom means she will have to drop out of school and work 3 jobs to raise the child. Jane Doe knows what it's like to not get the best health care for her child or herself because welfare selects your low grade doctor in a corner clinic for her. Bristol hasn't the first clue as to what any of that is like, and she never will. And for her child's sake, I am glad about that. But Jane Doe could use the money to better means than Bristol, and 1 out of 100 teens might know who Bristol is by sight or name.

I know you have the total hots for Sarah, and find it necessary to defend every move she and her family ever makes, but get real about the daughter. Bristol's last name... IS ...her only fame. And unless the first name is Sarah, she isn't that famous.