View Full Version : Guy With Obama-as-Hitler Sign Attacked

04-12-2011, 01:37 AM
(Newser) – A man and his anti-Obama sign were attacked Monday morning in a San Francisco neighborhood, CBS San Francisco (http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2011/04/05/man-with-obama-sign-attacked-in-san-francisco/) reports. The 29-year-old man had set up a table with political literature, and witnesses say he had an "Impeach Obama" sign showing President Obama sporting a Hitler mustache. A man and woman approached him around 11:30am, reportedly shook the table and tore the sign, then kicked the man in the hand and fled.
An amusingly obtuse SFPD captain says he doesn't know whether the victim supports or opposes Obama. A witness claims the victim supports left-wing activist Lyndon LaRouche, who opposes Obama, and last week SF Weekly (http://blogs.sfweekly.com/thesnitch/2011/03/lyndon_larouche_obama_hitler_mustache.php) had pictures of LaRouche supporters with a mustachioed Obama sign. The attackers are described as an Asian man with long black hair and a white woman with curly brown hair who made "no mention of a political affiliation," the captain says; they had dogs with them and fled the scene.


I had to give onmyknees a freebie. :)

04-12-2011, 02:27 AM
This can't be true, the people of San Francisco are peace loving all inclusive progressives.

Dino Velvet
04-12-2011, 06:13 AM
I attacked a guy that had a Hitler-as-Obama sign the other day myself.

04-12-2011, 06:23 AM
Freedom of speech, just make sure you say what I want to hear.

Ineeda SM
04-12-2011, 07:24 AM
Lyndon LaRouche is NOT a left wing activist. He is a fucking communist. Left wingers and liberals nationwide hate that mother fucker. GEEE a communist that hates Obama. How can that be possible if Obama IS a communist, as the GOP claims?

There is nothing wrong with freedom of speech until it becomes slander. I always thought slander was illegal in America. But I must be in error.

Freedom of speech, just make sure you say what I want to hear.

A very strict FoxGOP channel policy.

04-12-2011, 07:57 AM
Bernie Sanders is a what and sits with adn votes with what party overwhelmingly? Well, well, well...

And you're certainly wrong about slander, or a number of people posting in Politics & Religion would stay in court, yourself likely included. Does Lyndon LaRouche claim to be a communist? If not, some would say you slandered him in your last post.

Ineeda SM
04-12-2011, 08:29 AM
Bernie Sanders is a what and sits with adn votes with what party overwhelmingly? Well, well, well...

And you're certainly wrong about slander, or a number of people posting in Politics & Religion would stay in court, yourself likely included. Does Lyndon LaRouche claim to be a communist? If not, some would say you slandered him in your last post.

slan·der   /ˈslændər/ Source Random House Legal Dictionary

1. defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.
2. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.
3. Law . defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.
–verb (used with object)
4. to utter slander against; defame.
–verb (used without object)
5. to utter or circulate slander.

What people say in a forum like this one, are just argued opinions and falls under freedom of speech. We can call each other assholes, and it is not slander. But if I said you were a drug dealer and I have proof, you could take me to court and force me to give evidence or be charged with slander.

But a public accusation about a public person is considered a statement about the character of that person. If you make a false claim in public that defames the character of a person so that their public image is ruined or altered against them, it is slander. Making a person such as Obama to appear he is hitleresque in his belief and policies, defames their character enough to sway the public that they just might be another Hitler. This can hurt their position of authority.

The republicans and teabaggers did this constantly during the last presidential elections. They lied about Obama every day. Called him a Nazi, communist, socialist........Doing so made stupid people believe he was those things. That is defamation of character, or better known as SLANDER. But nobody seems to give a shit or do anything about it.

YES LaRouche is a communist. He has never admitted directly to being a Commie, but in interviews, he openly praised the teachings of Lenin and Marx, as a blueprint for his policies. His policies directly reflect a communist socialism form of government. He says that government should take control of all transportation and media to re-educate the people about being a nation of good followers. He says that search warrents should be outlawed to make it easier for the law to enter homes and find criminals. He says he would change the law to read, a person is guilty until determined innocent.....etc.. You have to be an idiot to not accept that as being a commie.

04-12-2011, 08:40 AM
The LaRouchies are teabaggers. Constantly complaining as loud as possible, with no earthly clue what it really is that they want. Check them out. The rhetoric is word for word the same.

04-13-2011, 04:33 AM
Isn't there a law in the US to cover this kind of thing? I once saw a lad aged about 25 or maybe a little older, in a supermarket in my town with a t-shirt, on the back of which was the legend, in white 'Jesus is a Cunt'-I don't know, if challenged he would have claimed it referred to a Mexican taxi driver called Jesus, it is actually the use of the word 'cunt' which is illegal under Section 5 of the Public Order Act -that part which argues the use of anti-social behaviour (which would include rude words on public display) could lead to a fight, disorder and so on.

I don't know if hitler moustaches work, but there are laws in most countries about these things.

04-13-2011, 11:39 AM
What people say in a forum like this one, are just argued opinions and falls under freedom of speech. We can call each other assholes, and it is not slander. But if I said you were a drug dealer and I have proof, you could take me to court and force me to give evidence or be charged with slander.

But a public accusation about a public person is considered a statement about the character of that person. If you make a false claim in public that defames the character of a person so that their public image is ruined or altered against them, it is slander. Making a person such as Obama to appear he is hitleresque in his belief and policies, defames their character enough to sway the public that they just might be another Hitler. This can hurt their position of authority.

The republicans and teabaggers did this constantly during the last presidential elections. They lied about Obama every day. Called him a Nazi, communist, socialist........Doing so made stupid people believe he was those things. That is defamation of character, or better known as SLANDER. But nobody seems to give a shit or do anything about it..

Maybe nobody gives a shit because you, and those like you, are such hypocrites. Here you are calling a man a Communist who has not himself identified as such, while simultaneously crying about Obama being called a socialist. Besides which, much of what you claim LaRouche supports is fascist in origin, yet you're so desperate to SLANDER him that anyone who disagrees with you has "to be an idiot to not accept that as being a commie", your inability to identify the difference between communism and fascism be damned.

04-13-2011, 12:18 PM
Always reminded of an early Woody Allen movie. He and friends are discussing a planned Klan march through a jewish neighbourhood and his liberal friends favour a protest. Woody argues for using baseball bats.

04-13-2011, 12:24 PM
Interesting contrasts between UK and USA on freedom of speech. In the US Pastor Jones right to burn a Koran was protected under the constitution. In the UK this week a member of the far right British National Party who burned a Koran in a bucket in his backyard was arrested under public order laws but has since been released and won't be charged. if he had done it in oublic, he might have been prosecuted under incitement to racial or religious hatred laws.

04-13-2011, 03:12 PM
slan·der   /ˈslændər/ Source Random House Legal Dictionary

1. defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.
2. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.
3. Law . defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.
–verb (used with object)
4. to utter slander against; defame.
–verb (used without object)
5. to utter or circulate slander.

What people say in a forum like this one, are just argued opinions and falls under freedom of speech. We can call each other assholes, and it is not slander. But if I said you were a drug dealer and I have proof, you could take me to court and force me to give evidence or be charged with slander.

But a public accusation about a public person is considered a statement about the character of that person. If you make a false claim in public that defames the character of a person so that their public image is ruined or altered against them, it is slander. Making a person such as Obama to appear he is hitleresque in his belief and policies, defames their character enough to sway the public that they just might be another Hitler. This can hurt their position of authority.

The republicans and teabaggers did this constantly during the last presidential elections. They lied about Obama every day. Called him a Nazi, communist, socialist........Doing so made stupid people believe he was those things. That is defamation of character, or better known as SLANDER. But nobody seems to give a shit or do anything about it.

YES LaRouche is a communist. He has never admitted directly to being a Commie, but in interviews, he openly praised the teachings of Lenin and Marx, as a blueprint for his policies. His policies directly reflect a communist socialism form of government. He says that government should take control of all transportation and media to re-educate the people about being a nation of good followers. He says that search warrents should be outlawed to make it easier for the law to enter homes and find criminals. He says he would change the law to read, a person is guilty until determined innocent.....etc.. You have to be an idiot to not accept that as being a commie.

Public officials and figures have far less protection under slander/libel laws than does a private figure. It's basically political hyperbole and it's protected speech.

Ineeda SM
04-14-2011, 08:55 AM
Maybe nobody gives a shit because you, and those like you, are such hypocrites. Here you are calling a man a Communist who has not himself identified as such, while simultaneously crying about Obama being called a socialist. Besides which, much of what you claim LaRouche supports is fascist in origin, yet you're so desperate to SLANDER him that anyone who disagrees with you has "to be an idiot to not accept that as being a commie", your inability to identify the difference between communism and fascism be damned.

You just never give up proving your stupidity. I have accused you appropriately of many stupid things. Now I can add, (Not reading what is posted) to the list. You really are a child or an adult with mental issues. There can't be any other reason for your actions.

You post shit that you twist, make up, and go the opposite of what was really said. And yet you think you are saying smart things, and that nobody notices how ignorant you are. You do this and don't realize it. You should read some of the PM's going around about your stupidity. People are laughing at you behind your back, and you are adding to their laughter with each new post you make. You would be surprised at who one of them came from. Is making a fool of yourself something you really want people to see?

04-15-2011, 04:30 AM
The LaRouchies are teabaggers. Constantly complaining as loud as possible, with no earthly clue what it really is that they want. Check them out. The rhetoric is word for word the same.

Hey...yet another well thought out, well researched essay from hippi. Deep dude...real deep. Thanks for that ! You wouldn't know a tea bagger if his balls were smothering your wrinkled up old face ! What you know is what they tell you on MSNBC.

04-15-2011, 04:33 AM
You should read some of the PM's going around about your stupidity. People are laughing at you behind your back, and you are adding to their laughter with each new post you make. You would be surprised at who one of them came from. Is making a fool of yourself something you really want people to see?

Just so we're clear, and I said something similar around the time I originally joined this site to another fool such as yourself... I give less than a damn what you or anyone else on this board thinks of me. That you (and supposedly other dumb asses) are so brave as to be sending PMs about me speaks volumes about you, not me. And here you are, a retired old man on a small, fixed income, supposedly sharing laughs at my expense with other cowardly bastards, thinking I'm the one who is cast in a bad light for it? Eating that cat food is clearly killing the few brain cells you have left.

As to how I would be "surprised" if I knew the identity of a certain person who is laughing at me... If my mother was on this board sharing PMs with you about how stupid she found something I said to be, it wouldn't change my feelings on the matter. I learned early that this site is full of cowardly bitches like yourself, who by making secret alliances on a tranny sex forum think they're achieving some kind of power that anyone with a real life gives a rat's ass about. I have chosen to ignore your inane comments and will continue to do so, but on the off chance you truly do have secret friends on this board, I just wanted to let them know that I don't give a fuck what they think anymore than I do what you think. And... we're done.

Ineeda SM
04-15-2011, 04:54 AM
Just so we're clear, and I said something similar around the time I originally joined this site to another fool such as yourself... I give less than a damn what you or anyone else on this board thinks of me. That you (and supposedly other dumb asses) are so brave as to be sending PMs about me speaks volumes about you, not me. And here you are, a retired old man on a small, fixed income, supposedly sharing laughs at my expense with other cowardly bastards, thinking I'm the one who is cast in a bad light for it? Eating that cat food is clearly killing the few brain cells you have left.
I didn't send any PM's. They were sent to me. Don't get your pantyhose all knotted up. It happens a lot in forums.
Cat food? I had a ham steak and a baked potato tonight. Tomorrow night is Lasagna. Mmmm. I can't wait. Hey how about that, You just made a fool of yourself yet again. So far you haven't let us down with that.

As to how I would be "surprised" if I knew the identity of a certain person who is laughing at me... If my mother was on this board sharing PMs with you about how stupid she found something I said to be, it wouldn't change my feelings on the matter. I learned early that this site is full of cowardly bitches like yourself, who by making secret alliances on a tranny sex forum think they're achieving some kind of power that anyone with a real life gives a rat's ass about. I have chosen to ignore your inane comments and will continue to do so, but on the off chance you truly do have secret friends on this board, I just wanted to let them know that I don't give a fuck what they think anymore than I do what you think. And... we're done.

Secret alliances????? That crack you smoke is making you paranoid. Of course you will ignore the ones who are correct and you will continue to believe the lies and bull shit. I expected as much from a republican. No surprise there. Your own childlike attitude brought on your own problems. I gave you the truth and you chose to argue it because your ego can't be wrong, ever. If that is how you want people to see you, sounds good to me. Most of us know better, and that is all that's important. Good luck with that ego.

Ineeda SM
04-15-2011, 05:00 AM
Hey...yet another well thought out, well researched essay from hippi. Deep dude...real deep. Thanks for that ! You wouldn't know a tea bagger if his balls were smothering your wrinkled up old face ! What you know is what they tell you on MSNBC.

This has been yet another brainwashed troll message brought to you by, FoxGOP channel, Glenn, Bill, Rush, Rupert, Sean................

04-15-2011, 05:09 AM
The LaRouchies are teabaggers. Constantly complaining as loud as possible, with no earthly clue what it really is that they want. Check them out. The rhetoric is word for word the same.

I'm inclined to agree with your interpretation of LaRouche's supporters, aside from their having no clue what they want. LaRouche has been quite clear in expressing his opinions, and by virtue of being LaRouche supporters, what these people want is also clear. Of course, as with all things political, it only makes sense if we want to believe it, and clearly you don't. That's America, and it's another reason we're incapable of addressing our various issues. The first hint of something we don't like, and we stop listening entirely, ensuring a continuation of inaction as the stakes continue to rise higher.