View Full Version : Another muppet scammed by a tranny whore.

04-11-2011, 05:03 PM

What a mug, Iam sure she is with you for your caretaking job and film star looks... How do these guys get taken in by this, of course she was after a visa. When will these guys learn to treat them just like sperm depositories as the whores see them as walking wallets and a passport to a better place.

04-11-2011, 05:22 PM
Well it's tough for you to hear but some of these do work out well, not everyone is a user or abuser.
However these guys turn up in articles in papers and on TV every few months and the scam features in soap opera storylines too.

The bottom line is there's lots of lonely men out there and they want partnership over time not a wham-bam-thank-you-man/t-girl one hour special @ £150 cheaper though that may prove to be.

Oh and yes The Daily Mail such a bastion of diversity in the modern age...oh wait no a cheap page fill and a sneer, great journalism duh...

04-11-2011, 05:26 PM
He's a muppet becuse he sold his story to the Daily Mail!!! Obviously just a sad case. I can't see any school parents being arsed because the JANITOR has a TS wife!!!

If homosexuality is illegal in Malaysia, I saw plenty of them when I was there. Is it a bit like smoking pot in the UK?

04-11-2011, 05:26 PM
She ran away to the bright lights of Blackpool...It must have been Christmas! :hide-1:

04-11-2011, 05:30 PM
me its the other way around dozens of guys promised me they will marry me and bring me to their country yet im spent so much effort, time and money but they all bullshit me lol

by the way i have many TS girl friends who are married now and living with their husband in Germany, Sweden and UK. The one in Germany they are more than 10 years now wow! The one in Sweden more than 5 years! The one in UK just arrive there but she plan to live FOREVER with his husband so sweetie!

04-11-2011, 05:38 PM
Whenever I see that classic line "he did not realise she was born a man" I wonder if its a cover for someone who doesn't want people to know that his actual preference is indeed for a ts -there can't be many people who have travelled in south-east Asia who are completely oblivious to the 'local culture' -or who don't have to wait long to find out. I also think -indeed, know- of ts who have moved here and are doing fine with their partners, and yes some do it for the visa although most do it to support their family back home; quite often its arguments over money that destroy these relationships, but I agree having it plastered over the Daily Mail (or any paper) is foolish.

04-11-2011, 05:39 PM
She ran away to the bright lights of Blackpool...It must have been Christmas! :hide-1:

The illuminations are on in Sept. They probably ran out of power by Xmas. God, can you imagine, Xmas in Blackpool? The humanity!!!

04-11-2011, 05:40 PM
Worth pointing out for those who are from outside the UK that the daily mail is a very conservative newspaper which caters for the narrow minded and middlebrow. It's greatest fame was the supports its owner Lord Harmsworth gave to Hitler and the Nazi Party in the run-up to world war two. So a story like this plays to its readers inherent prejudice against the gay and transgendered community.

04-11-2011, 05:46 PM
More than one school fired him because of his personal life. That's the real story because I dont think whether she was born a woman or not has anything to do with her dumping him after she got her visa. That sort of thing happens so often it's not even news.

With so many problems in the world, people are worrying that the man sweeping up their kids school is married to a woman - who has a penis. GET. A. LIFE.

04-11-2011, 05:53 PM
Oh look The Daily Mail is getting all righteous.....some things never change.

04-11-2011, 07:08 PM
I had a boss who went to the Philippines and brought back a bride.

She dumped him after two weeks and he saw her a few months later out with another guy.

04-11-2011, 07:11 PM
I had a boss who went to the Philippines and brought back a bride.

She dumped him after two weeks and he saw her a few months later out with another guy.

Happens a fair bit mate, as one poster said below there are a lot of lonely men out there, why the Daily Hate er i mean Mail decided to get all wound up over this particular incident i have absolutely no idea lol

04-11-2011, 07:14 PM
I wonder how people found out that he was married to a t-girl. She looks pretty feminine to me.

Besides, it's about time for some live and let live- whether you approve of someone's choices or not, that's irrelevant as long as he doesn't harm anyone.