View Full Version : Confessions on the Dance floor..

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-17-2005, 02:45 AM

Just bought Madonna's new CD "Confessions on the Dance floor". I have to say Madonna is back baby!

The tracks are all danceable and masterfully mixed. Theres not one song I didnt like. My fave Key tracks are: Hung up, Sorry, Forbidden Love, Jump, Hour high, Isacc, Push and Like it or not.

I highly recommend it!

I love it!! She is the one DIVA who knows how to tap into almost anything she ever laid eyes on.

I was wondering if anyone got them too and what they think about it?



Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-17-2005, 02:51 AM

Heres a few of reviews at Amazon.com:

436 of 491 people found the following review helpful:

MADONNA brings us her best album since Ray of Light !, November 15, 2005
Reviewer: Porfie Medina "Porfie" (Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA) - See all my reviews

MADONNA is back with her new album Confessions on a Dance Floor and it is an amazing album and one of her best!

HUNG UP - This is the first single off of the new album and is a huge hit in the clubs. The song has a sample from ABBA's song Gimme Gimme Gimme (which I have never heard) and has MADONNA singing about someone she is hung up on. The song has a very great groove and it's definitely the most commercial song on the album. With the chorus line "Every little thing that you say or do I'm HUNG UP, I'm hung up on you." and lines like "Ring , ring, ring goes the telephone, the lights are on but there's no one home" the song gets stuck in your mind and you find yourself singing these catchy lines. No Madonna song has as catchy lines since "INTO THE GROOVE" which had Madonna sing "At night I lock the doors and no one else can see". Very strong single that will keep the dance club crowd on there feet.

GET TOGETHER - This is a great up- beat song (borrows a bass line from Stardust - Music Sounds Better With You) with a very laid back trance like feel to it. The song has Madonna singing to a person she really likes asking "Do you believe in love at first sight?" Even if it's an illusion she states she don't care. "Can we get Together? I really, I really want to be with you. Come on check it out with me, I hope you, I hope you feel the same way too." Put some head-phones on and close your eyes and the Great retro dance beat along with the trance feel take you to another world.

SORRY - This is rumored to be one of the new singles from the album. Madonna sings "I don't want to hear, I don't want to know please don't say your SORRY." to someone she is probably never going to forgive. The songs chorus samples the bass line from The Jacksons' 1981 hit Can You Feel. Sure to be another huge club and commercial hit.

FUTURE LOVERS - This is one of my favorite songs on the album. This song also has a retro vibe to it with another trance like feel. This song has a lot of stuff going on musically and it samples I feel Love by Donna Summer. The song has some spoken vocals for the first minute and a half, then it breaks out in to this awesome dance song. She sings "Give me evidence of it's brilliance" talking about love. This song is going to be HUGE in the clubs.

I LOVE NEW YORK - Great dance song that has MADONNA telling us how much she loves NEW YORK and hinting towards George Bush and his home state. Singing, "If you don't like my attitude then you can just f off. Just go to Texas, isn't that where they golf." Very awesome dance song with a very punk rock feel to it. This is also rumored to be a single off of the new album.

LET IT WILL BE - this is a song that has a raw feel to it with a funky house groove and a retro 80's feel to it. This song samples the string opening (played on a synth) from her own song PAPA DON'T PREACH. This song has MADONNA singing lines like "Now I can tell you about success, about fame, about the rise and the fall, of all the stars in the sky, Don't it make you smile? Let it will Be. Just let it be. Won't you let it be?"

FORBIDDEN LOVE - This is one of the slowest dance songs on the album and one of the most beautiful. The song has computer generated, and vocoder style vocals and has another 80's feel to it. The song is the closest thing to a ballad on the album. MADONNA sings "Once upon a time there was a boy and there was a girl. Hearts that intertwined they lived in a different kind of world. Forbidden Love are we supposed to be together? Forbidden Love we seal are destiny forever."

JUMP - This is one of my other favorite tracks on this album. This song has a great beat and classic MADONNA vocals. This is one song that will make the club crowd JUMP and remind anyone of classic MADONNA. Madonna sings " We learned our lesson from the start my sisters and me. The only thing you can depend on is your family. Life's gonna drop you down like the limbs of a tree. It sways, and it swings and it bends until it makes you see. Are you ready to jump? Get ready to jump. Don't ever look back oh baby. Yes I'm ready to jump. Just take my hand, get reay to... are you ready?" This would be a great single and in some countries is expected to be released as a single.

HOW HIGH - This song has a great beat to it and is another song that has computer generated, and vocoder style vocals. This is a song that has lyrics (similar to "Drowned World/Substitute For Love) about Madonna analyzing and evaluating her fame and success. She sings "How HIGH are the stakes? How much fortune can you make? Should I carry on? Will it matter when I'm gone?" Another great song!

ISAAC - This is another beautiful song on the album. Despite the early controversy this song has spawned, this is s song that has a very beautiful Jewish chant with strings and guitars that envelope you and take you on an emotional journey. This has some of the most beautiful lyrics MADONNA has ever wrote. She sings "Wrestle with your darkness. Angels call your name. Can you hear what they are saying? Will You ever be the same?" People may not like this song because of the spiritual vibe, the Jewish chant, and because it is different, since some people don't like things that are different. I love this song!

PUSH ME - This is a great inspirational song that she probably wrote for her husband Guy. Very Uplifting beat that samples a slowed down section from her own hit "LIKE A PRAYER." Madonna sings "You PUSH ME to go the extra mile. You push me when it's difficult to smile. You push me a better version of myself. You push me only you and no one else. You push me see the other pont of view. You push me when there's nothing else to do. You push me when I think I know it all. You push me when I stumble and I fall." This is a great song that reminds us all how much our lovers/partners love us and push us to be better.

LIKE IT OR NOT - This is another great song influenced by her own cover of her hit FEVER. This is for all those people who for what ever reason don't like MADONNA and always put her down. She once again analyzes herself and says, like it or not this is who I am. She sings: "You can call me a sinner, you can call me a saint. This is who I am, You can like it or not, You can love me or leave me, But I'm never going to stop." Awesome song and some great advice from a strong women who just keeps going on her journey no matter what people think of her. Cleverly this last song closes this beautiful future-disco album with an acoustic guitar.

I have to say it's very sad to see some of these reviewers post reviews about how much they hate Madonna or like other artists better. The reviews they write have nothing to do with Madonna's new album and yet they give her 1 star all because they don't like her. After reading the reviews I can tell most of them have not even heard the album because the reviews they wrote are so far from what the songs are about. I guess MADONNA is still a huge threat to them and they have to post such hateful things about someone they don't like all because she is MADONNA. In a MADONNA like fashion I will not get bitter toward them, I will forgive them and ask that God Blesses each and every one of them.

And should any of you good people out there be the target like MADONNA and find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness, ignorance, smallness or insecurities; Remember, things could be worse. You could be one of them!

MADONNA once again leads while the rest will follow. This is the best MADONNA album since RAY of Light!

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Disco gets a new lease on life, November 15, 2005
Reviewer: Amanda Richards (Georgetown, Guyana) - See all my reviews

Leave it to the Material Girl to resurrect the glory days of disco. As a huge fan of `70s music, this collection of a dozen dance songs brings back many happy memories, and though disco may not be here to stay, this updated tribute will have you doing the hustle and bus stop for quite a while.

Disco has been popping up here and there, one of the more recent attempts being "Murder on the Dancefloor" by Sophie Ellis-Bextor, but Madonna gives it a new and freshly minted sound.

First single "Hung Up" is one of the most likeable songs in recent history, with its authentic Abba sample and driving beat. The other outstanding track is the "Popcorn"-based "Jump".

Other good tracks are "Get Together", the beginning bars sounding vaguely like Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time"; "Sorry" and "How High", which are dance floor magnets, and "Like It or Not" with its slightly slower tempo.

"I Love New York" is not a great track lyrically, despite the obvious sentiment, but I guess you could call it a "confession".

"I don't like cities
But I like New York
Other places make me feel like a dork

Los Angels is for people who sleep
Paris and London, baby you can't keep"

A clever mix of disco-fied R&B, Pop, Euro and trance beats, "Confessions" is one of her better albums (though certainly not the best) and a must buy for any Madonna fan or party animal of the `70s and `80s.

Amanda Richards, November 15, 2005

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A great dance cd that dosent stop , December 16, 2005
Reviewer: Jake - See all my reviews

Wow a great cd from Madonna. I have her 2 greatest hits and her music cd which was good but this one bets it. After he last cd American Life did poorly Madonna competly changes her music style and dose a great job. The music is full of 70's dance tracks that will keep you moving. A rare cd in which all songs have the same sound this cd has it. There are a few not so good songs like Isaac and How high. But there are great songs like Hung up, and almost all the other songs.

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Lamb, December 16, 2005
A Kid's Review

This dude who claims to both respect Madonna and Mariah is a LAMB. Dont be fooled. And NO Mariah is not the best selling female of all time. Mariah and her propaganda crew inflates her numbers to no end! Celine Dion has sold more then Mariah for crying out loud! Madonna is in the Guiness Book of world records for being the best selling female. If Mariah was you would think they would have changed it. Madonna could have the best selling album to if she released 50 versions of the same album.

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Billboard Agrees, December 16, 2005
A Kid's Review

Billboard just released the top ten albums of the year according to their writers and critics and it has made everyones top ten list. That added to almost all positive reviews from critics of other publications and Amazon rubber stamping this album as one of the best of 05, its a no brainer. Its just a shame it was released to late to qualify for this years Grammys cause it would have sweeped the show!

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F-Kabbalah, give us back Madonna!, December 16, 2005
Reviewer: Marc Perdue (Antioch, CA USA) - See all my reviews

Since I was a lil' boy in 1984 sitting in front of my wooden framed television set watching Madonna gyrate atop a Gondola I have had a sick, almost fan-boy attraction to her. Like most I have been let down by the seriousness of the icon over the last half-decade or so. That being said, she has certainly redeemed herself with Confessions. From beginning to end this album is simply amazing and her best work since Ray of Light. It makes you shake what the 'Good Lord' gave ya' with reckless abandon. I went out to a dance club a few weekends ago and found my ass shakin' like it did years ago. Madonna has restored my faith not only in her, but in the sheer joy that an album such as this engenders: high energy, message-less, baseless fun. If you're going to listen to pop, let it be Madonna. Frivolity.

12-17-2005, 03:45 AM
Hey, the material girl's also looking pretty good for her age, too! Never been a fan of her music, but I respect anybody who can market themselves so successfully for so long.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-17-2005, 03:51 AM

I agree Ecstatic. The Bitch is 47 and still looking Fabulous as ever! Her body alone hasnt changed much after having two kids. Still well toned but not muscular back when she did the "Girlie Show World tour."

Last seen her at the MSG "Reinvention World tour" (200. a pop tickets) 4th row on the left handside of the stage and she looked awesome!;)



12-17-2005, 04:28 AM
Haven't you heard? 50 is the new 30--which makes me 34 as of this past Tuesday! :)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-17-2005, 04:36 AM
Hehe Maybe I missed the Memo. LOL. Well then Belated Happy Birthday Ecstatic!!:)



P.S. Some lyrics for her new CD are attached for any gurl who likes her. :wink: Enjoy!

[Thanks to Zethesis (platinum_rain_2003@hotmail.com) for these lyrics]

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-17-2005, 05:47 AM
"Like It Or Not"

You can call me a sinner
You can call me a saint
Celebrate me for who I am
Dislike me for what I ain't

Put me up on a pedestal
Or drag me down in the dirt
Sticks and stones will break my bones
But your words will never heard

I'll be the garden
You be the snake
All of my fruit is yours to take
Better the devil that you know
Your love for me will grow

This is who I am
You can
Like it or not
You can
Love me or leave me
Cus I'm never gonna stop
No no

Cleopatra had her way
Matahari too
Whether they were good or bad
Is strictly up to you

Life is a paradox and it doesn't make much sense
Can't have the Femme without the Fatale
Please don't take offense

Don't let the fruit rot under the vine
Fill up your cup and let's drink the wine
Better the devil that you know
Your love for me will grow

[Chorus X2]

no no you know [repeat]

I'll be garden
You'll be the snake
All of my fruit are yours to take
Better the devil that you know
Your love for me will grow


no no you know [repeat]

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-17-2005, 05:50 AM

There's only so much you can learn in one place
The more that I wait, the more time that I waste

I havn't got much time to waste
It's time to make my way
I'm not afraid of what I'll face
But I'm afraid to stay
I'm going down my road and I can make it alone
All work and no fighting
I'll find a place on my own

Are you ready to jump
Get ready to jump
Don't ever look back oh baby
Yes, I'm ready to jump
Just take my hand
get ready to jump

We learned out lesson from the start
My sisters and me
The only thing you can depend on
Is your family
Life's gonna drop you down like a limb from a tree
It sways and it swings and it bends until it makes you see


Are you ready?

There's only so much you can learn in one place
The more that you wait
The more time that you waste

All work and no fighting
I'll find a place on my own

It sways and it swings and it bends until you make it your own

I can make it alone [repeat]
(my sisters and me)

[Chorus X2]

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-17-2005, 05:51 AM
"Forbidden Love"

Just one kiss on my lips
Was all it took to seal the future
Just one look from your eyes
Was like a certain kind of torture

Once upon a time
There was a boy
There was a girl

Just one touch from your hands
Was all it took to make me falter

Forbidden love
Are we supposed to be together
Forbidden love
Forbidden love
Forbidden love
We seal the destiny forever
Forbidden love
Forbidden love

Just one smile on your face
Was all it took to change my fortune
Just one word from your mouth
Was all I needed to be certain

Once upon a time
There was a boy
There was a girl
Hearts that intertwine
They lived in a different kind of world


Just one kiss
Just one touch
Just one look

[Chorus X2]

Just one kiss
Just one touch
Just one look
Just one love

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-17-2005, 05:52 AM

Imminilalo Imminilalo

Staring up into the heavens
In this hell that binds your hands
Will you sacrifice your comfort
Find you way in a foreign land

Wrestle with your darkness
Angels call your name
Can you hear what they are saying
Will you ever be the same

Mmmm mmm mmm
Imminilalo Imminilalo
Mmmm mmm mmm
Imminilalo Imminilalo

Remember, remember
Never forget
All of your life has all been a test
You will find the gate that's open
Ever though your spirit's broken

Open up my heart
Cause my lips to speak
Bring the heavens and the stars
Down to earth for me

[Chorus X2]

Wrestle with your darkness
Angels call your name
Can you hear what they are saying
Will you ever be the same

[Chorus X2]

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-17-2005, 05:56 AM

You push me
To go the extra mile
You push me
When it's difficult to smile
You push me
A better version of myself
You push me
Only you and no one else

You push me
To see the other point of view
You push me
When there's nothing else to do
You push me
When I think I know it all
You push me
When I stumble and I fall

Keep on pushing like nobody

Every race I win
Every mood I'm in
Everthing I do
I owe it all to you
Every move I make
Every step I take
Everything I do
It's all because you push me

You push me
When I don't appreciate
You push me
Not to lie and not to hate
You push me
When I want it all to end
You push me
When I really need a friend

You push me
All I wanna do is cry
You push me
When it's hard for me to try
You push me
When I do it for myself
You push me
Only you and no one else

Keep on pushing like nobody


You push me

Keep on pushing like nobody


To go the extra mile
When it's difficult to smile
A better version of myself
Only you and only you and only you
To see the other point of view
When there's nothing else to do
When I think I know it all
Only you and only you and only you

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-17-2005, 06:05 AM

Je suis désolé
Lo siento
Ik ben droevig
Sono spiacente

I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before

I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say you're sorry
I've heard it all before
And I can take care of myself
I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say 'forgive me'
I've seen it all before
And I can't take it anymore

You're not half the man you think you are
Save your words because you've gone too far
I've listened to your lies and all your stories (Listen to your stories)
You're not half the man you'd like to be

I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say you're sorry
I've heard it all before
And I can take care of myself
I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say 'forgive me'
I've seen it all before
And I can't take it anymore

Don't explain yourself cause talk is cheap
There's more important things than hearing you speak
Mistake me cause I made it so convenient
Don't explain yourself, you'll never see

Mujhe maph kardo
Forgive me...

(Sorry, sorry, sorry)
I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before

I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say you're sorry
I've heard it all before
And I can take care of myself
I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say 'forgive me'
I've seen it all before
And I can't take it anymore

I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say you're sorry
(Don't explain yourself cause talk is cheap)
I've heard it all before, And I can take care of myself
(There's more important things than hearing you speak)
I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say 'forgive me'

I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-17-2005, 06:09 AM
"I Love New York"

I don't like cities
But I like new york
Other places make me feel like a dork
Los Angeles is for people who sleep
Paris and London
Baby you can keep

Other cities always make me mad
Other places always make me sad
No other city ever made me glad except New York
I love New York [X3]

If you don't like my attitude
Then you can F off
Just go to Texas
Isn't that where they golf

New York is not for little pussies who scream
If you can't stand the heat
Then get off my street [repeat]


I love New York [repeat]
Get off my street [repeat]

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-17-2005, 06:14 AM
"Let It Will Be"

Now I can tell you about success, about fame
About the rise and the fall of all the stars in the sky
Don't it make you smile
Let it will be
Just let it be
Won't you let it be

Now I can tell you about the place I belong
You know it won't last long
And all those lights they will turn down

Let it will be
Oh let it be
Just let it be
Won't you let it be

Now I can see things for what they really are
I guess I'm not that far
I'm at the point of no return
Just watch me burn

Let it will be
Just let it be
Oh let it be

Let it will be (just let it be)
Just let it be (Let it will be)
Oh let it be (Got to let it be)
Oh let it be (Won't you let it be)

Now I can tell you
The place that I belong
It won't last long
The lights they will turn down

Oh let it be [repeat]

Won't you let it be
You got to let it be
Anyone can see
Let it will be

Just watch me burn
Oh let it be
Just let it be
Won't you let it be

Won't you let it be (Just let it be)
Oh let it be (Let it will be)
Just let it be (got to let it be)
Won't you let it be (won't you let it be)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-21-2005, 03:37 PM
I Love this CD!!http://users.pandora.be/eforum/emoticons4u/fam/fam10.gif

Allanah does these songs ever get played in your parties? Just was wondering..




12-21-2005, 09:09 PM
Madonna samples the best tunes around.... i especially like the tune hung up.... aljhough i do prefer the orginial by Abba..... Madonna was very lucky to get the sample cleared Abba normally doesnt give permission for their music to be used by other artists....

Madonnas album.... best pop album of the year.... and for her age Madonna is Hot......


Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-22-2005, 12:55 AM
Madonna samples the best tunes around.... i especially like the tune hung up.... aljhough i do prefer the orginial by Abba..... Madonna was very lucky to get the sample cleared Abba normally doesnt give permission for their music to be used by other artists....

Madonnas album.... best pop album of the year.... and for her age Madonna is Hot......


I agree. Her Album ROCKS!! When an artist can come up with one..which most of the song you liked and wont skip..then that makes for a very good album. :wink: Try also listening to other tracks such as "Jump", "Push", "Sorry", "Issac", "Like it or not" etc..


On the side note: Gwen Stefani's "Love, Angel, Music, Baby" album is another good one! Bought the EP i.e. Single of Cool" with 3 dance remixes namely: 1. Cool (Album Version), 2. Cool (Phototek Remix) and 3. Hollaback Girl (Reggae dance version)..Simple Awesome!!




12-22-2005, 02:42 AM
yea my friend who works at best buy said that once the cd came out it was selling like crazy (and still is). i'm glad that she was able to come back and reinvent herself once again. i've never really been big into madonna (although like a prayer was the shit) but that new song hung up is pretty tight. idk if i'll buy the cd though but i may have to check out some of the songs

12-22-2005, 03:04 AM
I also love Madonnas newest album. I have been a fan of her's for quite some time. I also have to agree the Queen Of Pop is back full force.

12-22-2005, 04:37 AM
I have a Dancefloor Confession of my own. I'm the one who invented the "cabbage patch."

Dina Delicious
12-22-2005, 07:00 AM
Well Madonna has don it again and we can never take away her icon status
some of the remixes i have had the advance privelege of hearing are simply beyond imagination
i will be doin two of these songs @ area10019 at opaline on a friday nite some time mid january i will let you know as the finalities are settled it will be a blast hosted by some of the hottest nite club personalities
and yes it is played at allanahs parties ,
and thats when allanah and i rock out
love you all
merry xmas to all
Dina Marie

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-22-2005, 07:25 AM





So http://users.pandora.be/eforum/emoticons4u/fingers/fing37.gif!!!

Happy Holiday Grinch!



P.S. To the Mods, Thanks for deleting that Muthafucka!


12-22-2005, 07:30 AM
Trolls. Who needs em?

12-22-2005, 07:31 AM
I guess I'm dating myself here, but my favorite Madonna tune was Dress Me Up.

Gonna dress you up with my love
... all over your body ...


12-22-2005, 07:39 AM
I guess I'm dating myself here, but my favorite Madonna tune was Dress Me Up.

Gonna dress you up with my love
... all over your body ...


Loves it

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-22-2005, 07:41 AM
Well Madonna has don it again and we can never take away her icon status
some of the remixes i have had the advance privelege of hearing are simply beyond imagination
i will be doin two of these songs @ area10019 at opaline on a friday nite some time mid january i will let you know as the finalities are settled it will be a blast hosted by some of the hottest nite club personalities
and yes it is played at allanahs parties ,
and thats when allanah and i rock out
love you all
merry xmas to all
Dina Marie

Thats good to hear Dina Marie. Keep us posted on when youre going to perform these numbers at the Opaline.http://www.anikaos.com/0024-angelstar_kaos/angelstar-kaos029.gifhttp://www.anikaos.com/0024-angelstar_kaos/angelstar-kaos011.gif

Merry Christmas to you too sweety!http://users.pandora.be/eforum/emoticons4u/angels/teu20.gif



Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-22-2005, 09:10 PM
Trolls. Who needs em?

Thanks NYCe!! Mhttp://www.anikaos.com/0032-kao_licca_kao-ani/kao_licca_kao-ani_25.gifUhttp://www.anikaos.com/0032-kao_licca_kao-ani/kao_licca_kao-ani_25.gifAhttp://www.anikaos.com/0032-kao_licca_kao-ani/kao_licca_kao-ani_25.gifH!



12-23-2005, 04:55 AM
The album is pretty good overall but WHAT is up with the lyrics to I Love New York?????? I know its a dance song but they could have been written by a 5 year old. I hope she wasn't serious.

12-23-2005, 05:02 AM
I like hung up, really loved madonna alot before but I think britney has better dance tracks recently.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-23-2005, 06:51 AM
LOL. http://www.anikaos.com/0018-chikas_kaoani/chikas_pink45.gifI know..TgirlloverinPA, I think Lourdes wrote that for mommy. ;)

suchgreatheights, Britney was out of the circulation for awhile cos of being prego and giving birth. 8) (The engineers who remixes their tracks are responsible for that not solely the artist themselves).




12-25-2005, 10:03 AM

You push me
To go the extra mile
You push me
When it's difficult to smile
You push me
A better version of myself
You push me
Only you and no one else

You push me
To see the other point of view
You push me
When there's nothing else to do
You push me
When I think I know it all
You push me
When I stumble and I fall

Keep on pushing like nobody

Every race I win
Every mood I'm in
Everthing I do
I owe it all to you
Every move I make
Every step I take
Everything I do
It's all because you push me

You push me
When I don't appreciate
You push me
Not to lie and not to hate
You push me
When I want it all to end
You push me
When I really need a friend

You push me
All I wanna do is cry
You push me
When it's hard for me to try
You push me
When I do it for myself
You push me
Only you and no one else

Keep on pushing like nobody


You push me

Keep on pushing like nobody


To go the extra mile
When it's difficult to smile
A better version of myself
Only you and only you and only you
To see the other point of view
When there's nothing else to do
When I think I know it all
Only you and only you and only you

my personal fav ... and i love forbidden love and track 3 my mind went blank its 205am ... merry xmas punks

12-25-2005, 10:05 AM
I have a Dancefloor Confession of my own. I'm the one who invented the "cabbage patch."

lmfao... on another note.. i love how u can put the disc in and let it play thru w/o any interuption ... its like one long song ... fn love it... did anyone get "B in the mix" britneys new cd? its not horrible but the new song "and then we kiss" is her best ever

12-25-2005, 10:06 AM
I guess I'm dating myself here, but my favorite Madonna tune was Dress Me Up.

Gonna dress you up with my love
... all over your body ...


i LOVED it when it was on the GAP commercial :P

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-25-2005, 10:38 AM
I have a Dancefloor Confession of my own. I'm the one who invented the "cabbage patch."

lmfao... on another note.. i love how u can put the disc in and let it play thru w/o any interuption ... its like one long song ... fn love it... did anyone get "B in the mix" britneys new cd? its not horrible but the new song "and then we kiss" is her best ever

I actually heard it (Britney's song). I like that too. Im waiting for the single to come out. Or is it out yet Tsntx?

Oh btw, I already heard a buzz that "Confessions of a Dance floor" isnt only popular at clubs but also at health fitness centers..Its so upbeat that it puts folks in a great mood while excercising. :wink:

Hey Merry Christmahannukwanza sis!
