View Full Version : Awesome! Totally Awesome! Shoot an Elephant, get free food

04-01-2011, 07:33 AM
This is AWESOME! The CEO of Godaddy.com shoots an Elephant and then a whole village of black people (All men are created equal lol) goes and carves up the elephant for food.

THEN ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE! Bedlam Pandemonium as Gorilla Monsoon would say.

Negroes an negresses alike fight for the delicious elephant vittles and hilarity ensues.

And all to the tune of Hells Bells by AC/DC.

Perhaps one of the greatest videos of all time and makes me want to eat an elephant burger right after I eat a whale burger.

YouTube - GoDaddy's CEO Bob Parsons kills an elephant •ÂOriginal Video • (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdRhzwWW0uQ)

04-01-2011, 09:32 AM
Nuke the gay baby whales for jesus.

Brandi Boots
04-01-2011, 02:17 PM
Cut off all the toes of every 3 toed Sloth and Paint every Great White Owl with recovered cleanup oil from the Gulf!

04-01-2011, 03:17 PM
I hope the next time these fucking pricks find a "farmer in need" that they all get trampled to death. I would love, love, love to see that video. Even better if the villagers then butcher and eat Bob Parsons.

04-01-2011, 06:44 PM
Funny video, too bad they didn't have a night vision lens so you could see them sneaking up on the elephants!

04-01-2011, 09:13 PM
I didn't know there were still white farmers in Zimbabwe,, I would have thought they all would have been put in a stew pot by now.

Anyways, the shooting might seem cruel, but if there is meat to be had, then one can't gripe if people are hungry,, they should eat the animal if it's already dead. Also,, a similar thing happens here in the US. Sometimes when a deer is hit by a car and is dead,, there are times when someone will take the deer for food,, and they sometimes even gut the dear right there in the road cause it's best to gut it as soon as you can. In some places, people are hungry and they can't be blamed for wanting to eat.

04-03-2011, 01:15 AM
Not to make light of it...but tell me you didn't laugh your ass off at the villager with the "Go Daddy" ball cap ? I mean what'd this guy do....bring props with him?

...he's not going to make it on PETA's Christams card list...They'll make a huge deal out of it to be sure.
I supose I see the merit in controlling the size of the local elephant herd, and feeding the locals...I guess I just don't see the wisdom of putting it on You Tube and enflaming passions on both sides.

04-03-2011, 02:19 AM
Not much for marksmanship wouldn't be better to shoot mice as they are smaller and faster

04-03-2011, 06:26 PM
I didn't know there were still white farmers in Zimbabwe,, I would have thought they all would have been put in a stew pot by now.

Anyways, the shooting might seem cruel, but if there is meat to be had, then one can't gripe if people are hungry,, they should eat the animal if it's already dead. Also,, a similar thing happens here in the US. Sometimes when a deer is hit by a car and is dead,, there are times when someone will take the deer for food,, and they sometimes even gut the dear right there in the road cause it's best to gut it as soon as you can. In some places, people are hungry and they can't be blamed for wanting to eat.Very good point, Yvonne. I didn't watch the video because I don't have any need to watch some knothead kill an animal. Making fun of the natives of that country fighting over food seems cruel to me, so Friday's award for the biggest bitch on HA goes to Pomona, CA who should go pester PETA with this crap!

04-03-2011, 06:45 PM
Very good point, Yvonne. I didn't watch the video because I don't have any need to watch some knothead kill an animal. Making fun of the natives of that country fighting over food seems cruel to me, so Friday's award for the biggest bitch on HA goes to Pomona, CA who should go pester PETA with this crap!

I pester PETA all the time but I can understand why the video bothers you (of course with you looking like the whale that you are.) Are you sure you're not phobun? You definitely are sharing the plump gene. You know that fat cells produce estrogen right?

Don't tell me you 2 kids got fat eating celery. We all know the truth. Elephant ham, elephant rib roast, elephant bacon.