View Full Version : tell me?

12-12-2005, 09:38 PM
ok i know this is fucked up but i don't think unusual.

tell me why i feel bummed out that this girl that i've been with a few times (yes an escort) and known (lapdance) for years is now advertising on eros after having never advertised anywhere before.

its really dumb but i feel let down.


be nice to me lol. nah go for it and rip me one.

12-12-2005, 09:55 PM
Because it's harder for you to have your little fantasies about her now. You knew she was an escort, but you could always think "but she only sees guys who she wants to; and she needs money to live off of, so of course she's got to get paid". Now, she's available to any guy with a cellphone.

And you're bummed out because she gave REALLY great service. So good that it was easy to think that you were getting something special. Now it's harder to think you are special. It could get worse: if you start to see reviews from guys who are getting even more than you got.

I was dating an escort once who was very popular even though she was famous for not doing certain things. While we were dating, she was doing "those things" with me.... in public...... so it "got around". Her fans went bullshit nutz. I mean REALLY fucking apoplectic. And one of my friends had warned me it would happen, and I said "You're fucking kidding me, right? I mean, we're fucking dating". But I was wrong. And you have no idea what kinds of shit some of these guys pulled.

But enough about you and your problems. Let's talk about me for a bit.... ;).

12-12-2005, 09:58 PM
PS I'm not knocking you. I've been involved in this shit from all angles for 30 years and I still like to kid myself that I'm getting special treatment whenever I feel I click with some girl.

Nightclubbing ; third track ; from the original GG tgirl.

12-12-2005, 10:00 PM
oops ... double post

12-12-2005, 10:11 PM
haha. awesome. you know i knew the answer was just wondering where other people were at with this.

i guess what surprises me most is that at times even after 15 yrs i'm still in denial that this is a fantasy for me. i've had the same situation with GG strippers.

i know you're not knocking me. i'm here for the brutal honesty.

now how bout those underground GG strip clubs. send me the info DP you seem to be tapped in.

12-12-2005, 10:28 PM
There's one this Thursday by the #1 promoter in NYC. Maybe we can get JWBL to come also.

12-13-2005, 01:26 AM
2 or 3 girls have told me they've waited to have their breasts done before going on eros.

I've always wondered if eros was worth the investment. seems like it attracts a lot of losers who aren't really interested in meeting up with the girl.