View Full Version : How do I delete my Hung Angles account

03-01-2011, 12:04 PM
Someone here chose to broadcast my email address and now I feel like i need to delete my hung angles account and email inn order to prevent someone from hacking.

Dont worry I will be back with a new one...To those who have became my friends..I will let you know my new user name

So how do I delete my HA account

03-01-2011, 12:06 PM
who did it?

03-01-2011, 12:08 PM
I sent you a PM ferno. Unlike this person Im not going to put them on blast because my character is not like thers

03-01-2011, 12:08 PM
Weren't you worried the other day about being sued for downloading pics from this site? You have waaaay to much paranoia to be here so do yourself a favor and delete your account and don't come back. You're a sock puppet anyway, so who cares? :geek:


03-01-2011, 12:09 PM
Weren't you worried the other day about being sued for downloading pics from this site? You have waaaay to much paranoid so do yourself a favor and delete your account and don't come back. You're a sock puppet anyway, so who cares? :geek:


Ya ok

03-01-2011, 12:10 PM
who did it?

You could probably use a bit of fabric softener too while I'm at it.


03-01-2011, 12:10 PM
obviously i missed something

03-01-2011, 12:11 PM
You could probably use a bit of fabric softener too while I'm at it.


excuse me?

03-01-2011, 12:16 PM
obviously i missed something

He wants to have his fake HA account deleted because 'someone' (I) posted his fake email address in the chat. Nobody even said it was his and he flipped out anyway. He totally took the bait. And immediately after he left the chat, you arrived, even though you said you were going to bed and right after he and Jix left at the exact same time. Of course all of this was after Kelly and Bridget disappeared from the chat room and Mimi came in with 100 guys who overran the room and got me banned on Tinychat cam for 3 days.

That just about sums it up and I'm pretty sure he's Jix. I'm not sure who you are yet, but considering the timing of everything, it's a very real possibility that you're both Jix in retaliation for my supposed banning of Felicia and my desire to keep lurkers out of MY OWN chat room. I'm not even in the HA room anymore! WTF guys?! :lol:

Oh, and you guys are going to say I'm crazy. I know. Conspiracy theory, right? Ask Dreamon. He helped me root the son of a bitch out by talking shit about Jix's home. Once that happened, suddenly Jix was full blast and BWE was completely silent.

I'm not stupid Jix.


03-01-2011, 12:19 PM
He wants to have his fake HA account deleted because someone posted his fake email address in the chat. Nobody even said it was his and he flipped out anyway. And immediately after he left the chat, you arrived, even though you said you were going to bed. Of course all of this was after Kelly and Bridget disappeared from the chat room and Mimi came in with 100 guys who overran the room and got me banned on Tinychat cam for 3 days.

That just about sums it up and I'm pretty sure he's Jix. I'm not sure who you are yet, but considering the timing of everything, it's a very real possibility that you're both Jix in retaliation for my supposed banning of Felicia and my desire to keep lurkers out of MY OWN chat room. I'm not even in the HA room anymore! WTF guys?! :lol:


Well, I can assure you i'm not "anyone" I don't even know who "Jix" is, and my coming in at that time was just a coincidence, I could ask you wtf too, you seem pretty cool, so i'm surprised you would swipe at me based on a coincidence.

I have no beef with anyone on this site, if you wan't to not talk to me anymore because you think i'm some random other person, then fine, but that would be a shame because as i said you seem pretty cool

03-01-2011, 12:21 PM
Well, I can assure you i'm not "anyone" I don't even know who "Jix" is, and my coming in at that time was just a coincidence, I could ask you wtf too, you seem pretty cool, so i'm surprised you would swipe at me based on a coincidence.

I have no beef with anyone on this site, if you wan't to not talk to me anymore because you think i'm some random other person, then fine, but that would be a shame.

I'll keep an open mind with you but BWE is DEFINITELY a troll and Jix DEFINITELY got Mimi to overrun the room.


03-01-2011, 12:26 PM
He wants to have his fake HA account deleted because someone posted his fake email address in the chat. Nobody even said it was his and he flipped out anyway. And immediately after he left the chat, you arrived, even though you said you were going to bed and right after he and Jix left at the exact same time. Of course all of this was after Kelly and Bridget disappeared from the chat room and Mimi came in with 100 guys who overran the room and got me banned on Tinychat cam for 3 days.

That just about sums it up and I'm pretty sure he's Jix. I'm not sure who you are yet, but considering the timing of everything, it's a very real possibility that you're both Jix in retaliation for my supposed banning of Felicia and my desire to keep lurkers out of MY OWN chat room. I'm not even in the HA room anymore! WTF guys?! :lol:

Oh, and you guys are going to say I'm crazy. I know. Conspiracy theory, right? Ask Dreamon. He helped me root the son of a bitch out by talking shit about Jix's home. Once that happened, suddenly Jix was full blast and BWE was completely silent.

I'm not stupid Jix.


You were sending my email to someone. Then you lied about it to my face. Everyone on this site is right your a rat and liar. But I could care less. Im not a sockpuppet. When have i ever had an underlying plan?? I just like shemales thats why im on here.

You think everyone who has a problem with you is a sock puppet. That is your way of coping with people not liking you. In your dream world its only 1 or 2 people who dont like you when in real life its the whole dam website.

I gave you the fuckin bennifit of the doubt, i was one of the few on here that did. Now you talkin shit to ferno when he got not thing to do with it. W/e I aint gonna waist anther mesg on your unemployed ass

03-01-2011, 12:27 PM
I'll keep an open mind with you but BWE is DEFINITELY a troll and Jix DEFINITELY got Mimi to overrun the room.


are you sure this wasn't a misunderstanding?

Boardwalk seems like a cool guy, i wasn't there but could this "jix" have been someone else in the chatroom, boardwalk is way too active since he joined this site to be a troll imo

03-01-2011, 12:28 PM
You were sending my email to someone. Then you lied about it to my face. Everyone on this site is right your a rat and liar. But I could care less. Im not a sockpuppet. When have i ever had an underlying plan?? I just like shemales thats why im on here.

You think everyone who has a problem with you is a sock puppet. That is your way of coping with people not liking you. In your dream world its only 1 or 2 people who dont like you when in real life its the whole dam website.

I gave you the fuckin bennifit of the doubt, i was one of the few on here that did. Now you talkin shit to ferno when he got not thing to do with it. W/e I aint gonna waist anther mesg on your unemployed ass

That's an awfully pointed observation from someone who supposedly just got here and doesn't know me, along with a bunch of other brand new members with no references or ties to the community but big mouths right from jump. Face it. You're busted. GTFO.


03-01-2011, 12:28 PM
You were sending my email to someone. Then you lied about it to my face. Everyone on this site is right your a rat and liar. But I could care less. Im not a sockpuppet. When have i ever had an underlying plan?? I just like shemales thats why im on here.

You think everyone who has a problem with you is a sock puppet. That is your way of coping with people not liking you. In your dream world its only 1 or 2 people who dont like you when in real life its the whole dam website.

I gave you the fuckin bennifit of the doubt, i was one of the few on here that did. Now you talkin shit to ferno when he got not thing to do with it. W/e I aint gonna waist anther mesg on your unemployed ass

mate cool down, i'm sure theres been some wires crossed here.

03-01-2011, 12:29 PM
are you sure this wasn't a misunderstanding?

Boardwalk seems like a cool guy, i wasn't there but could this "jix" have been someone else in the chatroom, boardwalk is way too active since he joined this site to be a troll imo

You've spent hours in the chat room over the last few days. You know damn well that Jix is GSXR.


03-01-2011, 12:35 PM
W/e I aint gonna waist anther mesg on your unemployed ass

Funny. That too is the exact same shit Jix was talking. You and Infern0 have been questionable since day one (first you hated me, then you followed me around everywhere) and with that Mia Mastrianni stirring up shit too at the same time, this appears to be a coordinated thing, like good cop/bad cop. I think it's brilliant. I couldn't have done it better myself... because unlike some people, I never would.

Not to mention that you and Infern0 seem awfully defensive of each other for two guys who supposedly don't know one another. 'Posts too much to be a troll?' Are you serious? That's part of the con. Has he said anything of value since he's been here? And his use of 'tranny' and 'shemale' is excessive, because that too is troll behavior.


03-01-2011, 12:39 PM
Funny. That too is the exact same shit Jix was talking. You and Infern0 have been questionable since day one (first you hated me, then you followed me around everywhere) and with that Mia Mastrianni stirring up shit too at the same time, this appears to be a coordinated thing, like good cop/bad cop. I think it's brilliant. I couldn't have done it better myself... because unlike some people, I never would.


Er, i don't think i've said one bad word about you since i got here bella (im 90% sure) other than the verbal sparring which i thought you knew was a joke, and "following you around"


03-01-2011, 12:41 PM
Er, i don't think i've said one bad word about you since i got here bella (im 90% sure) other than the verbal sparring which i thought you knew was a joke, and "following you around"


There's a fine line between coincidence and coordination. Your immediate appearance in this thread speaks volumes as well.

You really think all of these coincidences can be chalked up to happenstance? :geek:


03-01-2011, 12:44 PM
There's a fine line between coincidence and coordination. Your immediate appearance in this thread speaks volumes as well.

You really think all of these coincidences can be chalked up to happenstance? :geek:


er, yes i do, because it is seriously bella, if you want to be like this, as i said, it's a shame but whatever.

I don't need to sit here and be chewed out by you because I showed up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

the whole "following you around" comment really pissed me off, i enjoy talking to you, and i thought that went both ways, i didn't realise you saw me as some annoying follower, and if that was the case, you should have told me to get lost, and if thats how you felt i would of gladly obliged.

I'm here to meet decent people, that's all.

03-01-2011, 12:46 PM
You were sending my email to someone. Then you lied about it to my face.

Oh, and another thing. It's not lying if it's an interrogation tactic. And it was. And it was damn good one too. This is the third attack on my integrity this week. Seanchai about Felicia (who witnesses say was not banned on purpose), an email from Mia, and this incident. Nobody finds that more than coincidental? Please. All of these powerful people have been trying to catch me being dishonest and now here's another conveniently timed and convoluted he said/she said from noobs? :lol:

And not even just forum noobs. From guys who supposedly just discovered transsexuals!


03-01-2011, 12:48 PM
Oh, and another thing. It's not lying if it's an interrogation tactic. And it was. And it was damn good one too. This is the third attack on my integrity this week. Seanchai about Felicia (who witnesses say was not banned), an email from Mia, and this incident. Nobody finds that more than coincidental? Please.


Bella, i defended you on felicia AND from Mia, and i'm not questioning your integrity here either

03-01-2011, 12:49 PM
Er, i don't think i've said one bad word about you since i got here bella (im 90% sure) other than the verbal sparring which i thought you knew was a joke, and "following you around"


Lol Ya me and you are the same person! Because there is something we want from a C-list Shemale lol

I call shemales shemales because shemales do porn. I would never dream of calling a Transsexual a shemale because she is not in the industry.

Forget it man, this "transsexual" is a lost cause. If you ask her anything your automatically a sock puppet. You have no substance because you are a sock puppet. Why???? Because you have been deemed a sock puppet because you are not bellas puppet. lol

Some people are just hopeless man, serious psychological issues she is in denial about

03-01-2011, 12:51 PM
Lol Ya me and you are the same person! Because there is something we want from a C-list Shemale lol

I call shemales shemales because shemales do porn. I would never dream of calling a Transsexual a shemale because she is not in the industry.

Forget it man, this "transsexual" is a lost cause. If you ask her anything your automatically a sock puppet. You have no substance because you are a sock puppet. Why???? Because you have been deemed a sock puppet because you are not bellas puppet. lol

Some people are just hopeless man, serious psychological issues she is in denial about

that's not funny to joke about.

i'm trying to clear my name here

03-01-2011, 01:00 PM
Lol Ya me and you are the same person! Because there is something we want from a C-list Shemale lol

I call shemales shemales because shemales do porn. I would never dream of calling a Transsexual a shemale because she is not in the industry.

Forget it man, this "transsexual" is a lost cause. If you ask her anything your automatically a sock puppet. You have no substance because you are a sock puppet. Why???? Because you have been deemed a sock puppet because you are not bellas puppet. lol

Some people are just hopeless man, serious psychological issues she is in denial about

Again, for someone who doesn't know me and didn't know of me until two weeks ago and with whom I've been nothing but cordial, you're quick to start spouting the same bullshit I only hear from people affiliated with Grooby. And all this over an email addy you admit wasn't used for anything but signing on here, which is of course a red flag in and of itself.

And moreover, if I was guilty, do you think I'd out myself? You're a real piece of work Jix. And that's really I have to say on this subject for the moment.


03-01-2011, 01:02 PM
im so glad i decided to log in this morning

Mia Mastrianni
03-01-2011, 01:09 PM
Infern0 I've been here since 2007 and have watched Bella shrink into a serious bundle of paranoia. She isn't well and won't get help. Don't be defensive with her, she does this to everyone. You can not be her friend she just won't allow it. It's not her fault, she is very very sick. Unless you are her other personality....ever heard of schizophrenia Bella/Infern0....paranoid?

03-01-2011, 01:10 PM
Infern0 I've been here since 2007 and have watched Bella shrink into a serious bundle of paranoia. She isn't well and won't get help. Don't be defensive with her, she does this to everyone. You can not be her friend she just won't allow it. It's not her fault, she is very very sick. Unless you are her other personality....ever heard of schizophrenia Bella/Infern0....paranoid?

OMFG! Look who's talking! LMFAO! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


03-01-2011, 01:11 PM
Infern0 I've been here since 2007 and have watched Bella shrink into a serious bundle of paranoia. She isn't well and won't get help. Don't be defensive with her, she does this to everyone. You can not be her friend she just won't allow it. It's not her fault, she is very very sick. Unless you are her other personality....ever heard of schizophrenia Bella/Infern0....paranoid?

thanks, now i'm going to get accused of being you


Mia Mastrianni
03-01-2011, 01:13 PM
LOL that's funny

03-01-2011, 01:51 PM
Apparently BWE is still posting despite requesting that his account be deleted.


YouTube - Things That Make You Go Hmmmm.... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF2ayWcJfxo)


03-01-2011, 01:54 PM
Apparently BWE is still posting despite requesting that his account be deleted.


YouTube - Things That Make You Go Hmmmm.... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF2ayWcJfxo)


Apparently you care. Or do you miss my ass?
Tell me how to delete this account will you..i still dont know.

D-class shemale that is to ugly to get a job for even porn

03-01-2011, 01:57 PM
Apparently you care. Or do you miss my ass?
Tell me how to delete this account will you..i still dont know.

D-class shemale that is to ugly to get a job for even porn

But this is supposed to be about your email address and not my career, right? You know, the one you don't use for anything but messages from this board? That email address? :lol:

Seriously. Your little game is over. You lost. Leave. :fu:


03-01-2011, 01:59 PM
But this is supposed to be about your email address and not my career, right? You know, the one you don't use for anything but messages from this board? That email address? :lol:

Seriously. Your little game is over. You lost. Leave. :fu:


I use for two things. This site and Yahoo answers.
Before you figger out how to hack it im going to delete it. But i will be back lol

So stop waisting my time Crossdresser

03-01-2011, 02:04 PM
I use for two things. This site and Yahoo answers.
Before you figger out how to hack it im going to delete it. But i will be back lol

So stop waisting my time Crossdresser

Oh now it's two things? Nope. Another lie. I googled the addy and I didn't find a damn thing.

*yawn* I think I've made my point by now. Goodnite. :)


03-01-2011, 02:06 PM
Hi everybod...

. . . too damn early , i'm going back to bed. :lol:

03-01-2011, 02:07 PM
Funny. That too is the exact same shit Jix was talking. You and Infern0 have been questionable since day one (first you hated me, then you followed me around everywhere) and with that Mia Mastrianni stirring up shit too at the same time, this appears to be a coordinated thing, like good cop/bad cop. I think it's brilliant. I couldn't have done it better myself... because unlike some people, I never would.

Not to mention that you and Infern0 seem awfully defensive of each other for two guys who supposedly don't know one another. 'Posts too much to be a troll?' Are you serious? That's part of the con. Has he said anything of value since he's been here? And his use of 'tranny' and 'shemale' is excessive, because that too is troll behavior.

~BB~why the hell is this site allowing multiple usernames?guys please do your job and clean up the site,anybody with multiple usernames on the same ip addy should be permanently banned its easy you know it and i know it.

03-01-2011, 02:08 PM
Oh now it's two things? Nope. Another lie. I googled the addy and I didn't find a damn thing.

*yawn* I think I've made my point by now. Goodnite. :)


YAWN[/B Anther lie because I just googled it and found a lot of shit.


03-01-2011, 02:08 PM
No, I'm...

What the fuck's going on around this place lately?

03-01-2011, 02:08 PM
why the hell is this site allowing multiple usernames?guys please do your job and clean up the site,anybody with multiple usernames on the same ip addy should be permanently banned its easy you know it and i know it.

I agree!!!

03-01-2011, 02:09 PM
I use for two things. This site and Yahoo answers.
Before you figger out how to hack it im going to delete it. But i will be back lol

So stop waisting my time Crossdresserlisten fagboy fuck off and get the fuck outta here you useless piece of shit.

03-01-2011, 02:10 PM
listen fagboy fuck off and get the fuck outta here you useless piece of shit.

haha WOW you dont even know what your talking about.

I will let this slide because your ignorant to the facts. just putting in your 2cents

03-01-2011, 02:12 PM
haha WOW you dont even know what your talking about.

I will let this slide because your ignorant to the facts. just putting in your 2cents

take a step back mate, seriously.

03-01-2011, 02:15 PM
haha WOW you dont even know what your talking about.

I will let this slide because your ignorant to the facts. just putting in your 2centswait till i get your ip addy asshole you think you can fuck with my sister think again ill fuck you up bigtime,you think i dont have friends in low places think again i have more power then you could ever imagine keep pushing bud.

03-01-2011, 02:16 PM
listen fagboy fuck off and get the fuck outta here you useless piece of shit.

So what Transexuals band together no matter what even if she is a liar and wrong.

03-01-2011, 02:17 PM

Times 1000

03-01-2011, 02:18 PM
wait till i get your ip addy asshole you think you can fuck with my sister think again ill fuck you up bigtime,you think i dont have friends in low places think again i have more power then you could ever imagine keep pushing bud.

lol do what you want sweety :)

But thanks for emailing that I just coppied and printed it. If something does happens Police will know exactly where too look.

Thank you again

03-01-2011, 02:20 PM
So what Transexuals band together no matter what even if the bitch is a liar and wrong.

Oh well Rats always run in packsoh im no rat bud ive been the top dog for along time and im certainly not afraid of anybody,youve been warned.

03-01-2011, 02:21 PM
lol do what you want sweety :)

But thanks for emailing that I just coppied and printed it. If something does happens Police will know exactly where too look.

Thank you againnp slick ive been down this road a million times and i always get what i want.

03-01-2011, 02:24 PM
np slick ive been down this road a million times and i always get what i want.

Thanks for the Waring honey. But you really need to watch what you say from here on out. Im not who you think I am.

03-01-2011, 02:26 PM
np slick ive been down this road a million times and i always get what i want.

I am not some feamle Bella claims i am. I am not jix i am not ferno. I am bwe.

You dont care about who is right or wrong, you just got her back because u dont know me.

But whatever im done arguing over the internnet I feel like a reatard lol

Goodnight to you Lisa

03-01-2011, 02:30 PM
np slick ive been down this road a million times and i always get what i want.

We have independent credibility and all he has is a cozy relationship with Grooby and a noob stamp. Don't stoop to his level hon. I rested my case. I have faith that the proverbial jury will come to the proper verdict.

you just got her back because u dont know me.

Judging by your few posts, nobody knows you. Except maybe Seanchai and Libby, two Groobies.


03-01-2011, 02:31 PM
We have independent credibility and all he has is a cozy relationship with Grooby and a noob stamp. Don't stoop to his level hon. I rested my case. I have faith that the proverbial jury will come to the proper verdict.


i'm calling for a mistrial on my involvment

03-01-2011, 03:12 PM
sorry this thread is just comedy gold lol

i have such a great idea for a wicked youtube show, i am going to make puppets of all the members and do a little show bit like mongrels (which was funny as hell) ... some funny shit on this site indeed :)

03-01-2011, 03:14 PM
sorry this thread is just comedy gold lol

i have such a great idea for a wicked youtube show, i am going to make puppets of all the members and do a little show bit like mongrels (which was funny as hell) ... some funny shit on this site indeed :)

I agree lol:dancing:

03-01-2011, 03:14 PM
sorry this thread is just comedy gold lol

i have such a great idea for a wicked youtube show, i am going to make puppets of all the members and do a little show bit like mongrels (which was funny as hell) ... some funny shit on this site indeed :)

fook off, this is serious shit :)

03-01-2011, 03:15 PM
yeah all the time i got a hole in my arse ..... :)

03-01-2011, 03:17 PM
yeah all the time i got a hole in my arse ..... :)

we serious as a heart attack!

03-01-2011, 03:18 PM
yawn :boring

03-01-2011, 03:19 PM
yeah all the time i got a hole in my arse ..... :)

See i like you liberty because your always in a good mood. I wish more ladies were more like you :Bowdown:

03-01-2011, 03:20 PM
just abit of advice to both parties, you clearly dont like each other ..so why not just do the most simple thing imagineble and not speak/reply to each other :) booooom problem solved....

03-01-2011, 03:21 PM
just abit of advice to both parties, you clearly dont like each other ..so why not just do the most simple thing imagineble and not speak/reply to each other :) booooom problem solved....

i actually do like bella tho thats the thing lol.

03-01-2011, 03:23 PM
sorry this thread is just comedy gold lol

i have such a great idea for a wicked youtube show, i am going to make puppets of all the members and do a little show bit like mongrels (which was funny as hell) ... some funny shit on this site indeed :)ya thats alittle childish dontcha think?

03-01-2011, 03:29 PM
i tell you why i am always in a good mood ... simply as i dont view this forum for anything than it actually it is ...

its just a laugh/games/banter that is all .. bit of promo. bit of light interaction ...

if i wanted to get into deep meaninfgul conversations i have my real life friends/family for that :) people take this industry, this website far far far to seriously ...

i remain neutral on sites like this ,, you really never see me get involved in arguments, take sides etc simply as its not worth my time and is of no significance to me ..

sure there are people i cant stand on this site ...and that i think are complete tools (girls and boys) but there is no point in airing it or kicking off as it has no bearing on how i live my life so therefore it wouldnt be worth the time..

people just need to chillout, be happy, enjoy the pics, links etc the end of the day this is a porn forum ...its not politics are us :)

03-01-2011, 03:31 PM
no more childish than these silly arguments, threats from people etc :) so yeah on that basis its childish but its called humor :)

03-01-2011, 03:31 PM
just abit of advice to both parties, you clearly dont like each other ..so why not just do the most simple thing imagineble and not speak/reply to each other :) booooom problem solved....

Well the thing is about 2 hours ago bella and i were nice to eachother. and last night i went on and on about how sexy lisa is.

Next thing I know Bella is accusing me of being a troll because i asked her why she published my email address and Lisa is threating to kill me lol

Now the whole site thinks i am troll, or a sock puppet. When really...i just like Transexuals. I love telling them how beautiful they look and showing them my appreciation to them and how they look.

I asked bella a simple question, why did she publish my email addy. That is all i wanted to know..and this whole thing just blew up. If you read the first post i tried to remain calm. I even went onto a different thread commenting on Seans pic post...she fallowed me there and began talking shit to me again.

How much bullying should i take with out standing up for myself.

Anyways your right I will ignore her from now on.as soon as i can figer out how to deleate this profile i will be back...I will also let everyone know I am BOARDWALKEMPIRE so I am not accused of being a sock puppet because I am not.

This is my one and only HA account.

03-01-2011, 03:32 PM
i tell you why i am always in a good mood ... simply as i dont view this forum for anything than it actually it is ...

its just a laugh/games/banter that is all .. bit of promo. bit of light interaction ...

if i wanted to get into deep meaninfgul conversations i have my real life friends/family for that :) people take this industry, this website far far far to seriously ...

i remain neutral on sites like this ,, you really never see me get involved in arguments, take sides etc simply as its not worth my time and is of no significance to me ..

sure there are people i cant stand on this site ...and that i think are complete tools (girls and boys) but there is no point in airing it or kicking off as it has no bearing on how i live my life so therefore it wouldnt be worth the time..

people just need to chillout, be happy, enjoy the pics, links etc the end of the day this is a porn forum ...its not politics are us :)

Those my friend are words of wisdom that I will live by on this site from now on.

Thank you gorgeous :)

03-01-2011, 04:35 PM
OK, Everybody....play nice!!!:shrug

03-01-2011, 04:38 PM
OK, Everybody....play nice!!!:shrugi got my timmies now its all good lol

03-01-2011, 05:12 PM
Wow Lisa is trying to get somebody to kill you? That's taking the "internets" way too far. I would contact law enforcement ASAP. I still think you're a cock hound though.

03-01-2011, 05:30 PM
Thanks for the Waring honey. But you really need to watch what you say from here on out. Im not who you think I am.

You probably want to cool your shit. You do have an uncanny resemblance to a clown that used to run around this forum causing hate and discontent. That person (to be politically correct) is no longer with us or, maybe you're back, performing as a completely new asshole. In any case, your interaction is neither wanted, solicited or, appreciated. You've arrived and, within 300 posts manged to show your complete disrespect for the community here. The resident membership really doesn't need the kind of love you share. I'm not gonna threaten you. I prefer you just leave.

03-01-2011, 05:49 PM
Wow Lisa is trying to get somebody to kill you? That's taking the "internets" way too far. I would contact law enforcement ASAP. I still think you're a cock hound though.hey look whos back the littleguy with his 2 inch dick,how rich.

03-01-2011, 08:00 PM
hey look whos back the littleguy with his 2 inch dick,how rich.

Please don't put a hit out on me.

Mia Mastrianni
03-01-2011, 08:02 PM
Lisa's a joke. Ignore the nasty sock puppet. Oh Bella your sock puppet got loose again.....:Bowdown:

03-01-2011, 08:21 PM
no more childish than these silly arguments, threats from people etc :) so yeah on that basis its childish but its called humor :)

Hey people ... Why so serious?

03-01-2011, 08:30 PM
Lisa's a joke. Ignore the nasty sock puppet. Oh Bella your sock puppet got loose again.....:Bowdown:mia sends me an email lol about 30 mins ago saying watch out little white slut the italians know where i live,ps.fuck off cunt ROFLMFAO,i gotta admit it beats the muslims being after me lol

03-01-2011, 09:18 PM
mia sends me an email lol about 30 mins ago saying watch out little white slut the italians know where i live,ps.fuck off cunt ROFLMFAO,i gotta admit it beats the muslims being after me lol

You mean "Ahmed The Terrorist"??? LOL :whistle:
http://ts4.mm.bing.net/images/thumbnail.aspx?q=553298171863&id=94518ddd1fe11704c8b742e0fa61f402&url=http%3a%2f%2fpatricia.mobile9.com%2fdownload%2 frspreview%2f492%2fmummy_ez49reut.jpg

03-01-2011, 09:25 PM
You mean "Ahmed The Terrorist"??? LOL :whistle:
http://ts4.mm.bing.net/images/thumbnail.aspx?q=553298171863&id=94518ddd1fe11704c8b742e0fa61f402&url=http%3a%2f%2fpatricia.mobile9.com%2fdownload%2 frspreview%2f492%2fmummy_ez49reut.jpgyep lol this clown is nuts lol ,but i keep looking out my window for tony sopranos escalade lol

03-01-2011, 09:29 PM
There is an endless # of ways that an attention whore can troll his/her way to many responses. I think this a new one, as far as I can tell.

03-01-2011, 09:34 PM
I have a confession. everyone on this forum is me except Bella. thanks for playing

03-01-2011, 10:13 PM
I gotta admit this thread made me laugh hard in my office.

Couple of questions.

Bella, do you really think Jix being who he is could go that long without telling someone he is BWE??? C'mon baby girl, Jix while fun, is not a sockpuppeting master mind. I believe BWE said he is going to be at the summit in April so we will find out then if he is real.

Libby, are you still in the states or home in Jolly Ol'? You nailed the response.

Point of fact -- Mimi overruns any room she goes in with her genuflecting, kowtowing minions.

Lost in the chaos was we had a pretty good chat going with Trish, Hippie and a couple of other thoughtful posters who never really got a chance to get in on the convo.

Jix threw me under the bus no fewer than three times last night. Towlie.

03-01-2011, 10:31 PM
ed i am in england at moment, though i will be landing stateside this month at somepoint again for a week :) probably 3rd week or last week :)

03-01-2011, 10:39 PM
I gotta admit this thread made me laugh hard in my office.

Couple of questions.

Bella, do you really think Jix being who he is could go that long without telling someone he is BWE??? C'mon baby girl, Jix while fun, is not a sockpuppeting master mind. I believe BWE said he is going to be at the summit in April so we will find out then if he is real.

Libby, are you still in the states or home in Jolly Ol'? You nailed the response.

Point of fact -- Mimi overruns any room she goes in with her genuflecting, kowtowing minions.

Lost in the chaos was we had a pretty good chat going with Trish, Hippie and a couple of other thoughtful posters who never really got a chance to get in on the convo.

Jix threw me under the bus no fewer than three times last night. Towlie.

Yes I think Jix can keep a secret if necessary, especially considering that I've had no qualms about pointing out how much of a douchebag he's become lately. He really thinks he's hot shit now and if it wasn't for me and few others inviting him into our scene here in L.A., he'd be nobody.

And this board has been filling up with known sock-puppets over the last few weeks. I know who Mia is and she 'coincidentally' started coming for me like a rabid dog the moment I mentioned her name on a thread in which I was talking to BWE (there are only two girls I know who are that crudely aggressive, it's been said she is/was an SMC girl, and she is not Nicole, so do the math). BWE doesn't have to be a mastermind. He just needs to be part of a sock-puppeting ring run by someone else, namely Mia.

I think you give the practice of forum manipulation too much credit. It's not exactly rocket science.


03-02-2011, 12:16 AM

When BWE was unmasked he turned out to be old man Whithers , Jix was a red herring.

edit - Couldn't find an unmasking gif. :(

03-02-2011, 01:08 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if BWE and gsxr are the same people, it definitely seemed like that in the chat last night.

03-02-2011, 01:18 AM
haha Wow this site is hilarious. Thanks for the laughs! These Conspiracy Theories are rich belong up there with Bigfoot, area 51 and the JFK assassination lol

Oh well thats what people do when they have no life, they pull shit out of there ass (no pun intended) and make shit up.

But like I mentioned Earlie to Liberty I dont take anything serious..I was on here to have fun, not make this my primary form of life like a lot of people on this site have.

03-02-2011, 01:19 AM
yes i think jix can keep a secret if necessary, especially considering that i've had no qualms about pointing out how much of a douchebag he's become lately. He really thinks he's hot shit now and if it wasn't for me and few others inviting him into our scene here in l.a., he'd be nobody.

And this board has been filling up with known sock-puppets over the last few weeks. I know who mia is and she 'coincidentally' started coming for me like a rabid dog the moment i mentioned her name on a thread in which i was talking to bwe (there are only two girls i know who are that crudely aggressive, it's been said she is/was an smc girl, and she is not nicole, so do the math). Bwe doesn't have to be a mastermind. He just needs to be part of a sock-puppeting ring run by someone else, namely mia.

I think you give the practice of forum manipulation too much credit. It's not exactly rocket science.

~bb~so who is mia?

03-02-2011, 02:17 AM
Mia's not Nicole?

The plot thickens.

The game is afoot.

03-02-2011, 02:26 AM
Mia's not Nicole?

The plot thickens.

The game is afoot.

Cry Havok?

03-02-2011, 02:47 AM
Let slip the dogs of war!

03-02-2011, 02:59 AM
This is as good as the old Who is Shade threads!

When I was a kid watching wrestling I knew Dusty Rhodes was the Midnight Express!(?)
Not that this has to do with anything!

My nuts hurt!

MdR Dave
03-02-2011, 03:17 AM
Dusty Rhodes was the Midnight Express!(?)

Live from the Omni! Who was the Great Kabuki?
Sure as heck wasn't Tommy 'Wildfire' Rich!

03-02-2011, 03:25 AM
Live from the Omni! Who was the Great Kabuki?
Sure as heck wasn't Tommy 'Wildfire' Rich!
Not sure! But Rick Flair was the Black Scorpion... SSssssting!

03-02-2011, 04:00 AM
not sure! But rick flair was the black scorpion... Ssssssting!i quess your all gutless and afraid of mia how tragic.tell ya what somebody send me a private email as to who it is and lets see what kinda fun i can have with this nutjob.

03-02-2011, 04:56 AM
i quess your all gutless and afraid of mia how tragic.tell ya what somebody send me a private email as to who it is and lets see what kinda fun i can have with this nutjob.
Lisa!? What does this has to do with Rick Flair?

MdR Dave
03-02-2011, 05:19 AM
lisa!? What does this has to do with rick flair?


03-02-2011, 05:22 AM
Rick Flair is BWE!

03-02-2011, 05:24 AM
Ric Flair would fit in well on these forums imo


MdR Dave
03-02-2011, 05:26 AM
Apologies to Lisa, and not make light of anything, but I did laugh out loud.

Props to pointblack- it rarely happens.

03-02-2011, 05:27 AM
I think I lost my crack pipe?

YouTube - Black Scorpion Attacks Sting (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYVtOhVdckg&feature=related)

03-02-2011, 05:48 AM
I expect an apology when this is all done btw...That being said I have a job that I can get hurt at if I dont watch myself only time I have to kill is a 15 min break or my 30 min lunch do you really think I will waste it on trolling you?

Admin please handle this accordingly...
BWE and Jix are not one in the same.
Mia and Jix are not one in the same...
Bella is still batshit crazy as ever..YES hence I expect an apology at the end of this.

03-02-2011, 05:52 AM
FUCK! I hate being late to a party! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Look at all this good drama I missed! :(

03-02-2011, 05:55 AM
I expect an apology when this is all done btw...That being said I have a job that I can get hurt at if I dont watch myself only time I have to kill is a 15 min break or my 30 min lunch do you really think I will waste it on trolling you?

Admin please handle this accordingly...
BWE and Jix are not one in the same.
Mia and Jix are not one in the same...
Bella is still batshit crazy as ever..YES hence I expect an apology at the end of this.

If that's so, then why spend all night in the chat room also under your real name? Shouldn't you have been sleeping? You work 70+ hours a week.

... and nobody said you were Mia.


03-02-2011, 05:56 AM
There are some seriously paranoid mother F#@$ers here, who's here and what's what shouldn't matter aren't we all here for the same things our love of ts women and there love of the men who love them!

03-02-2011, 05:56 AM
Well, I can assure you i'm not "anyone" I don't even know who "Jix" is, and my coming in at that time was just a coincidence, I could ask you wtf too, you seem pretty cool, so i'm surprised you would swipe at me based on a coincidence.

I have no beef with anyone on this site, if you wan't to not talk to me anymore because you think i'm some random other person, then fine, but that would be a shame because as i said you seem pretty cool

Very interesting. There's an old saying that goes like this, " no one defends them self like the justly accused." If you're not a sock puppet after all, then you wouldn't really care, would you? How can you convince someone otherwise?
All the explaining makes me wonder. In any event, it really doesn't matter anyway, does it?

03-02-2011, 05:57 AM
BTW what chat room are we talking bout here, I'd like to check it out?

03-02-2011, 06:01 AM
If that's so, then why spend all night in the chat room also under your real name? Shouldn't you have been sleeping? You work 70+ hours a week.

... and nobody said you were Mia.

Ive said my fair share in this thread I leave it to admins to handle it from here, Like I said I expect an apology in the end. Deuces

03-02-2011, 06:03 AM
Very interesting. There's an old saying that goes like this, " no one defends them self like the justly accused." If you're not a sock puppet after all, then you wouldn't really care, would you? How can you convince someone otherwise?
All the explaining makes me wonder. In any event, it really doesn't matter anyway, does it?

It doesn't matter what you think.

what am i supposed to do, just take the accusations?

as far as i'm concerned it's done, not wasting anymore time on it.

03-02-2011, 06:06 AM
It doesn't matter what you think.

what am i supposed to do, just take the accusations?

as far as i'm concerned it's done, not wasting anymore time on it.

Much better.

03-02-2011, 06:14 AM
You can tell they aren't the same people from their posting styles. -,-

03-02-2011, 06:19 AM
ryz was the mastermind behind the whole thing

03-02-2011, 06:25 AM
This shit is gold!

And Lisa, pleas don't kill me.:lol:

03-02-2011, 06:34 AM
He wants to have his fake HA account deleted because 'someone' (I) posted his fake email address in the chat. Nobody even said it was his and he flipped out anyway. He totally took the bait. And immediately after he left the chat, you arrived, even though you said you were going to bed and right after he and Jix left at the exact same time. Of course all of this was after Kelly and Bridget disappeared from the chat room and Mimi came in with 100 guys who overran the room and got me banned on Tinychat cam for 3 days.

That just about sums it up and I'm pretty sure he's Jix. I'm not sure who you are yet, but considering the timing of everything, it's a very real possibility that you're both Jix in retaliation for my supposed banning of Felicia and my desire to keep lurkers out of MY OWN chat room. I'm not even in the HA room anymore! WTF guys?! :lol:

Oh, and you guys are going to say I'm crazy. I know. Conspiracy theory, right? Ask Dreamon. He helped me root the son of a bitch out by talking shit about Jix's home. Once that happened, suddenly Jix was full blast and BWE was completely silent.

I'm not stupid Jix.


Funny. That too is the exact same shit Jix was talking. You and Infern0 have been questionable since day one (first you hated me, then you followed me around everywhere) and with that Mia Mastrianni stirring up shit too at the same time, this appears to be a coordinated thing, like good cop/bad cop. I think it's brilliant. I couldn't have done it better myself... because unlike some people, I never would.

Not to mention that you and Infern0 seem awfully defensive of each other for two guys who supposedly don't know one another. 'Posts too much to be a troll?' Are you serious? That's part of the con. Has he said anything of value since he's been here? And his use of 'tranny' and 'shemale' is excessive, because that too is troll behavior.

There's a fine line between coincidence and coordination. Your immediate appearance in this thread speaks volumes as well.

You really think all of these coincidences can be chalked up to happenstance? :geek:

Oh, and another thing. It's not lying if it's an interrogation tactic. And it was. And it was damn good one too. This is the third attack on my integrity this week. Seanchai about Felicia (who witnesses say was not banned on purpose), an email from Mia, and this incident. Nobody finds that more than coincidental? Please. All of these powerful people have been trying to catch me being dishonest and now here's another conveniently timed and convoluted he said/she said from noobs? :lol:

And not even just forum noobs. From guys who supposedly just discovered transsexuals!

Again, for someone who doesn't know me and didn't know of me until two weeks ago and with whom I've been nothing but cordial, you're quick to start spouting the same bullshit I only hear from people affiliated with Grooby. And all this over an email addy you admit wasn't used for anything but signing on here, which is of course a red flag in and of itself.

And moreover, if I was guilty, do you think I'd out myself? You're a real piece of work Jix. And that's really I have to say on this subject for the moment.

So, is Seanchai the cancer stick man?:dead:
YouTube - X Files Theme Tune (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDZBgHBHQT8)

03-02-2011, 06:37 AM
Loren is mia

03-02-2011, 07:06 AM
Loren is mia

Why do you have multiple names on here?How did you figure that out?

What about all my other names?

03-02-2011, 08:47 AM
But like I mentioned Earlie to Liberty I dont take anything serious..I was on here to have fun, not make this my primary form of life like a lot of people on this site have.

Two things. One, if you don't take anything serious, then why do you want to delete your account? You set this up with a dummy e-mail address so who cares if everyone and God knows it? Two, with almost 250 posts in less than three weeks just screams that you have no life outside of this site. Sorry Rock.

03-02-2011, 09:02 AM
Two things. One, if you don't take anything serious, then why do you want to delete your account? You set this up with a dummy e-mail address so who cares if everyone and God knows it? Two, with almost 250 posts in less than three weeks just screams that you have no life outside of this site. Sorry Rock.


03-02-2011, 09:41 AM
No, I'm...

What the fuck's going on around this place lately?

YouTube - I'm Spartacus (Ext. Length) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8h_v_our_Q)

03-02-2011, 10:10 AM
Two things. One, if you don't take anything serious, then why do you want to delete your account? You set this up with a dummy e-mail address so who cares if everyone and God knows it? Two, with almost 250 posts in less than three weeks just screams that you have no life outside of this site. Sorry Rock.

i have 18,000 posts in one year on boxingscene.com

and im on there maybe an hour every other day

03-02-2011, 11:45 AM
If that's so, then why spend all night in the chat room also under your real name? Shouldn't you have been sleeping? You work 70+ hours a week.

... and nobody said you were Mia.


You can tell they aren't the same people from their posting styles. -,-

It is hard to believe this thread has gone on for 12 pages.

Ryz is correct: it is obvious that Boardwalkempire and BLKGSXR are not the same poster from their different word choices, sentence structures, interests. I can't imagine BLKGSXR even conceiving a thread heading of "Why do so many Shemales do porn"

Bella, I think you owe BLKGSXR an apology.

03-02-2011, 12:06 PM
It is hard to believe this thread has gone on for 12 pages.

Ryz is correct: it is obvious that Boardwalkempire and BLKGSXR are not the same poster from their different word choices, sentence structures, interests. I can't imagine BLKGSXR even conceiving a thread heading of "Why do so many Shemales do porn"

Bella, I think you owe BLKGSXR an apology.
Are you BLKGSXR? The words you used I have seen him use them as well! Your are a sock puppet!

I knew it! You are the master mind behind this! You are the Shock Master!

YouTube - The Shock Master - THE FULL VERSION (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFFJnLW_2pU)

03-02-2011, 12:08 PM
Are you BLKGSXR? The words you used I have seen him use them as well! Your are a sock puppet!

I knew it! You are the master mind behind this! You are the Shock Master!

YouTube - The Shock Master - THE FULL VERSION (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFFJnLW_2pU)

oh fuck, not the shockmaster, that does it, feast your eyes on THIS.........

YouTube - wrestlings worst moment ever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGUJYLDgR8k)

03-02-2011, 12:16 PM
Robo Cop lol!

Never try to one up me kid!

YouTube - Red Rooster titantron (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUM3IMyEpJs)

03-02-2011, 12:17 PM
Robo Cop lol!

Never try to one up me kid!

YouTube - Red Rooster titantron (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUM3IMyEpJs)

i can play that game son, you wanna see poultry!

YouTube - The Gobbledy Gooker Debuts (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JODV1xJNlrU)

03-02-2011, 12:17 PM
double post

03-02-2011, 12:19 PM
fuck, double post too

03-02-2011, 12:20 PM
i can play that game son, you wanna see poultry!

YouTube - The Gobbledy Gooker Debuts (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JODV1xJNlrU)
Ok you win!!!

All I got left is the Nacho Man and the Blue Guy!

03-02-2011, 12:23 PM
Ok you win!!!

All I got left is the Nacho Man and the Blue Guy!

tbh it's a bit of a cheap shot to pull out gooker, there's no beating gooker.

03-02-2011, 01:25 PM

03-02-2011, 01:27 PM
this shit is gold!

And lisa, pleas don't kill me.:lol:roflmfao,come on your ruining my fun with mia lol

03-02-2011, 02:48 PM
It is hard to believe this thread has gone on for 12 pages.

Ryz is correct: it is obvious that Boardwalkempire and BLKGSXR are not the same poster from their different word choices, sentence structures, interests. I can't imagine BLKGSXR even conceiving a thread heading of "Why do so many Shemales do porn"

Bella, I think you owe BLKGSXR an apology.

You weren't in the chat last nite. As I said before, when one would speak, the other one would be quiet. They came in together, they left together, and BWE is definitely a troll. Dreamon watched the entire thing. If it's proven to me that Jix isn't BWE than I most certainly will apologize, as I've done in the past, but a good sock puppet will intentionally act differently than they do under their own true account name. It's all part of the con, so I'm sorry; you could be right, but I'm not convinced.

I also think it's interesting how everybody's caught up in determining whether or not BWE is Jix when the identity of BWE is actually pretty much irrelevant. The more important issue for me has always been the fact that this board has become flooded with new users lately who claim they don't know each other but act like they do and support each others' statements, even when they're trolling. So even if I'm wrong about Jix, there's still the matter of the recent influx of trolls that I think we as a board should deal with. There's enough drama around here without the additional anonymous pot stirrers, don't you think?

Not to mention that fact that I'm pretty sure Jix invited Mimi and her entourage to take over the chat room anyway. Lately, he's not been a very good boy IMHO and he's been doing this because his head's gotten too big and some of us have been trying to put him back in his place.


03-02-2011, 07:01 PM

Lisa, Baby...Although I'd love to have my cock rammed balls-deep in your sweet ass, I as an American, will always have your back!!:rock2

03-02-2011, 09:10 PM
Lisa, Baby...Although I'd love to have my cock rammed balls-deep in your sweet ass, I as an American, will always have your back!!:rock2AWE YOU THE BEST THANKS BABY:cheers:

03-02-2011, 09:49 PM
Canada has the best sock puppet ... Ed the Sock.

"If you don't have anything nice to say , say it often."

03-02-2011, 09:51 PM
Canada has the best sock puppet ... Ed the Sock.

"If you don't have anything nice to say , say it often."

Take my picture down.

I await your apology.

03-02-2011, 10:46 PM
Canada has the best sock puppet ... Ed the Sock.

"If you don't have anything nice to say , say it often."DUDE? THATS SHITS SO NOT FUNNY:hide-1:

03-02-2011, 10:49 PM
Canada has the best sock puppet ... Ed the Sock.
"If you don't have anything nice to say , say it often."

Did not know that Ed painted. Nice work.

03-02-2011, 10:49 PM
But Liana K is hawt.

03-02-2011, 10:55 PM
but liana k is hawt.dude are you in vancouver?by the fraser river?

03-02-2011, 10:58 PM
nah a little place called Shuckton. lol

03-02-2011, 11:01 PM
nah a little place called shuckton. Lolsomebodys lying lol

03-02-2011, 11:04 PM
But it's funny. :)

or is it ..... EVIL

03-03-2011, 12:04 AM
dude are you in vancouver?by the fraser river?

Ouch, the Fraser... that's low lol. You KNOW that van's stolen.

@ Rockabilly: Love the K.I.T.H. reference :)

03-03-2011, 12:37 AM
I expect an apology when this is all done btw...That being said I have a job that I can get hurt at if I dont watch myself only time I have to kill is a 15 min break or my 30 min lunch do you really think I will waste it on trolling you?

Admin please handle this accordingly...
BWE and Jix are not one in the same.
Mia and Jix are not one in the same...
Bella is still batshit crazy as ever..YES hence I expect an apology at the end of this.

Ive said my fair share in this thread I leave it to admins to handle it from here, Like I said I expect an apology in the end. Deuces

If you really expect an apology then

YouTube - B-52's Private Idaho (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7t7cGwN7_0)

03-03-2011, 12:59 AM
If you really expect an apology then

YouTube - B-52's Private Idaho (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7t7cGwN7_0)

yeah. This cracked me up.

03-03-2011, 01:57 AM
Ouch, the Fraser... that's low lol. You KNOW that van's stolen.

@ Rockabilly: Love the K.I.T.H. reference :)

Which one , I made 2.

(Simon and Hecubus was obviour) lol

03-03-2011, 05:41 AM
Which one , I made 2.

(Simon and Hecubus was obviour) lol

Shuckton Ontario, the other was too obvious lol.

03-03-2011, 07:42 AM
Take my picture down.
I await your apology.
dont fucking mock me ed..I know you're joking but dude joke to me not the board...That being said...This thread has gone far enough and ENOUGH CONSPIRACY'S have been obviously thrown out there...let it die or leave the board no one needs the drama here...That said heres a heads up to those who think they are above the powers that be....
Read them well... http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/misc.php?do=cfrules

03-03-2011, 01:40 PM
dont fucking mock me ed..i know you're joking but dude joke to me not the board...that being said...this thread has gone far enough and enough conspiracy's have been obviously thrown out there...let it die or leave the board no one needs the drama here...that said heres a heads up to those who think they are above the powers that be....
Read them well... http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/misc.php?do=cfrulesdude CHILL

03-03-2011, 10:30 PM
dude CHILL
read back a few pages and take your own advice...

03-04-2011, 12:48 AM
read back a few pages and take your own advice...i did i went to timmies and got my fix lol